Disney Needs To Shut Down This Club Penguin Server...

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I miss the old Club Penguin

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 64 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CrashLeona ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 142 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Meterano ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Idk about the video because I didnโ€™t click it. But that title is definitely making me rage. Good work OP.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 46 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/serenityak77 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 36 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/absultedpr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If you don't want to watch the video. Disney isn't the one doing this, it's people wanting to revive the game so they use Disney old assets and call it a club penguin private server. The people running this specific server are also hacking people. A YouTuber called Tamago2474 got his Snapchat hacked for just talking about the drama going on between these CPPSs. I wouldn't recommend playing any "rewritten"/private server games if there many for other games still around.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 51 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is it suppose to say (โ€œSomeOrdinaryGamersโ€ expose Club Penguin Onlineโ€™s pedo ring)?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BlueBananaBoi29 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That title is shit, did you type it with your nose?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ApexMeme ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He made another video saying Disney responded but I didn't watch it yet

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Imokwi ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
if it's one thing that leaves me unfazed over the Internet it's stories of predators hanging around near children's games you know I've seen it years ago with the Minecraft community when a lot of exposing was going on but the thing is I wasn't surprised and I wasn't shocked the thing is this stuff unfortunately goes pretty hand-in-hand now the today's video is all about Club Penguin and the a lot of you might say well muda Club Penguin's gone and you're right it does not operate in an official capacity despite some of the new sites that almost make it seem like it still does today's video is all about the biggest private server that is running right now for Club Penguin with over 6 million registered users maybe even a lot more than that one where you know most of these user bases are going to be filled with children so what happens when you take a server that has a giant child population and alleged allegations allegations so disgusting that you have over hundreds if not thousands of screenshots by numerous ex staff members victims that come out that have gone unnoticed for years up until now well ladies and gentlemen sit back relax because we're gonna look at a Club Penguin server that Disney does not own one that's run by randoms all over the Internet one that has allegations piles upon piles upon piles hi sit back let's dive right into the story of one of the biggest and also one of the Club Penguin servers with the shadiest reputation right now on the Internet hello guys and gals me muta har you ever understand how things can get depraved when it involves Club Penguin well today ladies and gentlemen we have a rabbit hole that might be one that's uh one of the darkest I've covered now starting off this video I had to rerecord numerous times okay number one it's gonna be a virus investigations video then cab Louis made a video and it went from a virus investigation to a diddler investigation video and then I had to record again when there were even more allegations tossin into this now I've got a bunch of receipts I've got a bunch of categories to go down but that being said let's get in to this club penguin rabbit hole now let me give you a history of private server so to start private servers aren't official servers that are created by fans through reverse engineering or through utilizing leaked assets they're separate from the original IP holder usually private servers get rid of things like monthly sup fees or they offer unlimited in-game micro transactions and some actually offer fan made content separate from the original IP holder now I used to play private servers back in the day pretty heavily when I couldn't afford sub fees for World of Warcraft okay stop trolling me all right I was a kid now I can afford it and trust me official is definitely better than the private sometimes for the most part okay I mean the communities there and the moderations there things that are going to be high focuses of what we're talking about today don't be surprised when companies like Blizzard shut down big private servers it's not because they're scared so much of the money that they're not making it's because they're scared of situations like this arising now Club Penguin is an online MMORPG that was catering to children primarily where they could socialize play games and it was launched on October 24 2005 then discontinued after March 30 at 2017 and halfway in that it was acquired by Disney Disney Canada now I have a history with Club Penguin myself more memes than history I guess we could call it mean Story I played the original briefly you know sort of joke around then I played the 2017 reboot on video which got discontinued a year later and from what I know Disney doesn't even operate Club Penguin in an official capacity I think the best thing was a DS game that was kind of lady McTigue I'm just gonna be real with you but ever since then this game was removed and the only surviving form of it is with private servers that utilizes the game's original SWF files which for those of you don't know is what Flash Player uses to run these wet programs and web games in a bunch of servers have popped up using these assets but the biggest one we're talking about today is Club Penguin online now Club Penguin online has around 6 million players that they claim have registered on their server now if we're gonna go with 10 to 15% of that amount being active players which i think is an okay amount a healthy amount to sort of guess a conservative amount with how aggressively advertised the game is I wouldn't be surprised if they're making at least over $50,000 a month maybe a hundred thousand dollars a month I work with online ads I understand the amount of money that we can be making and what they're and if you took 10 to 15 percent of 6 million players active per day then I think it's not shy to admit that you'd be making tens of thousands of dollars a month now this video started off this whole situation started off with an ex moderator ex staff member called domme whose youtube channel joey hughes actually basically whistle blew the entire operation talked about a lot of these allegations and a key member and operator within this faction called riley or anthony now before we continue ok these videos have some serious allegations by Dom but before I go in myself I wanted to try and see this website as of now what you're about to see is content recorded on matin Monday May 11th 2020 so I went in to Club Penguin online and I did a quick little investigation myself now first thing to note on their website if you wanted to check is if you type in Club Penguin online on Google you're actually going to come across Club Penguin online they're their server first Club Penguin online dot PW it's a recreation of the original Club Penguin because this is a children's game they haven't actually notified anybody over here that this is a game for mature individuals this is still billed as a children's game it was always a children's game and they haven't notified that it's for an intended audience of 18 or above now going to their website you can see that most kids may fall for this being the orig penguin now they actually have aggressive monetization on the top with banner ads and around their website but to the right one thing to note before we continue is the flags they have a US UK Spain and a flag from Portugal that being said this could easily identify contra a language to pick but they've actually straight-up put the countries right their flags of the countries they could have mentioned languages but since they true through the country flag over there remember that means they know portions of their audience are from these countries specifically detailed that's important later clicking the play now section you have to enable flash obviously to run their games and we're gonna do that and over here I'm loading into the game right now and I'm gonna create an account in front of you and here you got crate free account all these rules and now nowhere in this entire ordeal are you gonna notice that there is a parental requirement at all so I'm giving them my password which I mean if you want to use the account go for it I don't care it is what it is I gave them a burner email and as far as penguin names go it was a penguin name you have to use a gmail account specifically because they require it maybe to counteract spam or whatever but that's just a case that they have now here they sent you an email again aggressive monetization they sent you an email again no mention of any children or not no mention of parental permission at all anywhere they even have a copyright down over here educational license and then they say we don't hold copyright they actually mentioned disc or Twitter again important to know for later we're gonna get real Phoenix righty up in this so just expect it now here I sign into the account and as you can see they've got plenty of servers some of them very dead but we're gonna connect to the big one Alaska and we're gonna sign in to their server again they're using Disney's logo to advertise it that means they're still violating intellectual property we sign in and we see a bunch of players and here I can confirm they have children running this so you've got a bunch of kids signed on and I'm gonna say they're kids because of the stuff that they're chatting because it's definitely how something an adult would do are you not suss of me yet I mentioned where's my homie Riley in the chat and that got banned cuz you can't mention Riley on the server at all otherwise you risk the good old banhammer how old were you when I adopted you what but what's going on in this server no I don't go to school how long has it been ice cream oh man dude poor me I'm sorry I abandoned you they even have a discord that I could sign into which was not happening by the way now even typing their competitor which is Club Penguin rewritten is cost to get a slap on the wrist over let me tell you you type that in right there and bam you used an inappropriate word at this point I'm trying to figure out what doesn't get banned over here and simply asking for where I can hire some South American cartel members to to to do the dirty is not banned so let me get this straight Cavazos band Riley is band Club Penguin rewritten his band but ain't no cartels getting banned let me tell you narcos Mexico season six will already come into a Netflix account near you let me tell you so that was my initial investigation and the things that I told you to note for which was no parental requirements the the countries that were mentioned because those are going to be important in the last phase of this video but let's continue on now their website also indicated a giant like level of unprofessionalism when they made a public statement about these allegations about them and most of them were basically ah they're all just jealous of our success guys you have pretty pretty mature of all of you to say that but uh they also made a server call truth where they completely badmouth Dominic and we'll get to all of that in a second - so the unprofessionalism and all of this stuff added up makes my initial investigation kind of pretty bad I'll have to give them I'll have to give them a 2 out of 10 on the scale ok - being that they actually had a functional website so I mean they gotta have some points right allegations all right so I'm not gonna talk about names and specific but the names that are mentioned are Reilly and Anthony interchangeably from in a chronological perspective these were names that were switched around now Reilly Anthony is a pseudonym obviously for somebody who is alleged to do criminal activities now I know this person's real name and I know they're right I know their name and a lot of people know his name but you know who else knows his name Disney now we're gonna look at some legal paperwork buckaroos okay you might be wondering Muto what's wrong with you legal paperwork right now what's going on what what's going on with you well if you go to this website called ADR form com this is a company that deals in arbitration which is basically coming to a speedy effective resolution in in in terms of not going down the path of litigation which wastes a lot of time a lot of money and honestly it's just not an approach most people want to take now in this decision that we're gonna look at right this is really key and important the complainant is Disney Canada right and the respondent is the Club Penguin online leader I'm not going to name names here but they've identified them Disney knows who it is we all know the domain name at issue is Club Penguin online.com who's registered with namecheap incorporated procedural history complainant submitted a complaint to a forum on July 19th and they gave them payment now on the following day Namecheap was contacted by email and they confirmed Club Penguin Online did belong to the actual person Disney was going against now on July 9th 2018 all right they the respondent club penguin Online responded to Disney on the due date of their complaint right the last possible day that they could respond now the relief that Disney wanted was they requested a domain name be transferred from respondent to the actual complainant so going from Club Penguin Online staff to Disney now they had three contentions Disney said that they were the ones who operated an online portal for kids widely known as Club Penguin and they relaunched as Club Penguin Island complainant has rights in the Club Penguin trademark based on the registration in United States Patent and Trademark number two respondent lacks rights and legitimate interests in the Club Penguin online.com domain name because respondent is not commonly known by the disputed domain name and is not authorized by complainant to use the marque in any way respondent fails to use to dispute a domain name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods and services or for a legitimate non-commercial or fair use number three fondant registered and uses the domain name in bad faith attempting to disrupt complainants businesses by using the disputed domain name to offer pirated copies of the complainants products so Disney has said that this game that they're selling this private server is against their wishes they're already committing privacy copier IP fraud and Disney has agreed to that now the respondent had responded here with a full quote in that case I would just like to say that Club Penguin online is an educational experience and the only reason why the game is so successful is because many people wish to play the classic original Club Penguin hence our domain name we would like to keep our domain as we do not want to lose our users and we can put a link to the official Club Penguin Island website on our site if Disney agrees in short we just want to keep hold of our domain until the expiration date January 2019 thank you okay sure thing now complainants additional submission all right so basically this this whole argument they even acknowledge that their website was only successful because they were using Disney's ID is NEAs actual domain address that they had like you know run under the situation so they knew what they were doing was wrong Disney knew what they were doing was wrong eventually this was given back to Disney so they are now owned the Club Penguin online.com trademark that's why they had to change their domain address because Disney won now the reason I mentioned a lot of that is Disney has to have known that this server has existed if they were willing to file an arbitration and a legal proceeding against this individual this is public knowledge like you can go to arbitration forums and like you can go to arbitration groups and like look up this decision like this is not something that is illegally acquired or anything this is publicly available and honestly that being said Disney has dated when they had identified and filed against them now I found a link all right now this did the history of allegations against Riley and Anthony have been happening for years right but if you look into google right and you google it real quick and you modify their search terms one of the dates that the spider reports is July 12 2018 when they were talking about Club Penguin on their various claims and dimensions of Riley this was July 12 2018 now again and if they submitted this paperwork on the 19th given the fact that they had more legal backing they they had the ability to get all of the information they wanted how did they not come across this information what lawyer is not getting paid six figures and not coming across this stuff you think that if they got the domain address back and they found information like this it's within their interest as IP holders to say look we don't want clubpenguin to be attached to anything like this right now we can nip this in the bud right now and we have complete legal authority to do it this was a site that's operating in the United States and these people are operating in the United Kingdom this isn't a case of someone in Russia or China abusing IP and they had no recourse no no no they have complete recourse to attack this but they did and I'm not gonna blame Disney or anything for it but it's like listen if you had this issue right now maybe it was in your interest to just completely isolate it and I believe fair use wasn't being applied these people are illegally abusing Disney's IP maybe they're getting away with it under some legality and Disney can't touch it but this is definitely something Disney should take to court Disney should definitely target the individuals over here because this is definitely hurting their brand for sure again Google spiders is putting that as July 12 2018 listen I'm just gonna say it like it is Google spiders is digging it out that is what it is all right unless Google spiders are wrong in this case or I'm wrong then that date should have fallen under at least Disney knowing about it and even then months down the road weeks down the road they're not gonna like stop looking into a case once it once something goes their way they're still gonna have to have some idea of this going forward but anyways let's go forward a little bit allegations like this extend to entire websites that showcase virtual penguin another server that was owned and operated at some point by Riley or Anthony now these allegations again their years in the making now Riley or Anthony has allegedly solicited nudes from underage users by apparently providing perks on the server like mod status or the prestige of joining the inner circle of Club Penguin servers they end up getting allegedly blackmailed but you might wonder how well let me describe it see when kids sign up for websites they really don't know any better the emails that they'll use or emails that they're used on 50 other services and a handful of those services in one point will end up getting their data breached which means hackers can download that and see hey this is an email this is the password associated with the email so what would happen is they would find this email breached they would connect it try password or a slight variation on multiple websites get into accounts slowly dig out things like addresses phone numbers whatever you want to call it allegedly and then build a profile on key personnel so if you tried leaving the server or you tried getting away they would have some way to keep you back in under threats of possible swatting or daxing it or potentially things even more dangerous than that now again these are just allegations and this is a method that I'm describing that doesn't mean I'm accusing that method of anything again trying to keep this video as legal as I can now if you don't believe me Dom's videos cover this allegation pretty in-depth and you'll see people from other Club Penguin servers making these same allegations and you can listen to him right now so he had information on me and he threatened me that if I spoke out against him if I told anyone was going on that he would SWAT me and he would make my life hell so for four years I was under Ellie's control I was just slave I did the dirty work for him I Docs people for him I hacked people for him and you know for that long period of time I defended him if Riley told me to do something I would do it no and questions are butts and that's kind of how of how it went but how about I show you how Riley allegedly gets other people to Doc's or in Swat for him so here is a group of discord messages so here you can see one of the moderators typing in exclamation sign gasps which is a command that allegedly can dig into the CP online servers and download basically their usernames banned histories account age IPS and email so some of this stuff is personally identifiable now I'm going to start censoring some things but here they've got addresses so here's Dominic in his entire address and then another moderator is being pinged in this discord conversation down here they've got a name address and parent names and this is where a story is fed so you are blah blah those are your parents mark has a gun and is threatening you and your mother yes sir I just had to hang up the cops that they transferred me to new them what do i do then what the [ __ ] what was said he kept saying is this a prank your father wouldn't do this then I hung up he is feeding them a story so that when they call a police officers allegedly this deleted user who is alleged to be Reilly or Anthony is giving a story where once you call a cops anonymously to give them a story it's this story that seals the deal when a SWAT team gets sent cops nowadays are getting smarter so when you give them a BS story they're gonna see through it and then they're gonna work against you when you're on call that number police okay I will as soon as I get home I have to go do it when you're on ASAP tell me what happens apparently they've been getting prank calls all night because it's Halloween should I try another day yes we'll try tomorrow as I'll be available then good job so far you there I'm about to head to sleep got some calls for you to do tomorrow yeah yeah ain't Gucci let me tell you he will SWAT it but he had no idea it was Reilly to be fair in this in the sense in this instance but yeah you can see how coincidental incidentally things do line up in the menthe process for whatever reason in the following screenshot Reilly is alleged to ask for risque photos hi so this is a mod application I'd love to be a moderator for CP oh I don't love the community and staff thank you could you send pictures what do you mean pictures huh knew it I'm 16 send it for mod yeah here's another one from Twitter where it's like is this cupcake gee tell her to send me nudes for mod and she's 14 so we'll virtual penguin close bro they're talking they're talking about the illegals and he's worried about Club Penguin closing bro get your priorities straight what's wrong with you now beyond just that information there are individuals who once were staff for Riley or Club Penguin online that ended up basically detailing these allegations in so one day I was just like chilling with my friends right and I got summoned to a room it was just me and Anthony and brewing together and I was like what's going on like the freaking administrator of the entire game summoned me to a room and he was like are you interested in becoming a moderator I'm like sure and he Everett and I was like no that's not he said that like I have to send nudes like yeah I was like no that's not how you're supposed to become a moderator and I was 16 at the time right he got her to send well he groomed her a law and she sent its unfortunately and then she became a moderator instantly and the work did get out to the group chat and you know I don't like how the other people dealt with especially this one moderator that I was kind of close but back then she just she just didn't like her for doing that and I'm just like why why can't you not like him for doing it's it's not her fault she's 13 Nina it's his this is a full-ask grown-ass man from the UK okay sorry for this sort of guerilla style screen recording but ladies and gentlemen this is just another situation that got added as I was editing this video now this is a whole server called veil is over party allegedly this was created by Riley or Anthony or someone who was on the Club Penguin Online staff where they fired one of their moderators and they left this long message which I will really just be reading a chunk of at this point just to sort of set the mood because that's not really all to focus on we don't have to cover everything but here is okay I'll be explaining what happened with Vale in the future of CP o as many of you know me and Vale had a relationship going on which began in and around March she started the relationship after she found out some info about about me hearing my voice on VC knowing how I look and then she made it obvious she had feelings for me in the staff chant former staff members or veteran members can testify in this I knew what was up but truthfully speaking I never envisioned myself in an online romance oh I stayed my distance with her and just flirted back with her but never wanted to make it official after a week avail would barge into my DMS telling me or feeling so yeah yeah on and on you get the story about this online relationship that was started over at Club Penguin online if you notice over here what's kind of intriguing are the channels so they have truth about veiled and they've got a general channel and then a voice channel that's still accessible so here's like another deleted user I don't know who it is because discord doesn't actually have an identifier of which specific deleted user but they're linking to the Club Penguin online discord that I believe belongs to the official Club Penguin online discord okay yeah I just have to check through the website but yes it does seem to be their private server discord that got linked over here so it is it does belong to them I just checked which one it was by going to their official website and clicking on the discord link what's kind of really intriguing about it is this screenshot that I've been sent again like all the stuff that you've seen in this video it's another allegation but this is from the veil is over party and we've only seen these channels but we've also noticed that there are hidden channels apparently which is a feature on discord where you've got a staff channel a joint channel and then you've got the sexy channel and this is where apparently veil who is an underage girl or was underage at the time had her actual like photographs leaked in this channel now since the servers hidden I cannot see it as far as my knowledge goes so with all of that said it could exist and that would be something that discord themselves would have to investigate and notice and I would say if discord has investigated it and the server's not shut down that would mean that maybe there isn't any offending material but then again there's no way for me to verify if this Court has actually assessed this specific server or not but it's something that I hope discord gets the wind of if they haven't already so they can check stop internet this hurts now I think this is enough to cover these allegations at least I'll say I haven't personally fired up the discord myself seeing these chats and refresh them on my devices to get validity but again if things like child pornography are being traded if all this stuff is happening discord has a vested interest to look into this now in their public address they said discord did look into it but I didn't see any evidence of that I'll be real I think this court needs to reach eka ghin because if because here's the thing I don't want to believe that a hundreds thousands of screenshots were faked that's a really intense trolling operation I want to see if discord went in and I and I want disk were to publicly look into this because this is a serious matter given this Court's history now all these allegations take place over years and tons of these victims are coming out and I'm not one to just say victims are wrong or any of this when the stories correlate this hard it from a personal perspective it's hard for me to look away and just start believing an individual or a group when they also act completely unprofessionally in all of it now they on their public address of course as unprofessional as it is they made a discord where they were blasting d'amour giving us true nature in a server called truth now the server the truthfulness is in question because another youtuber involved in this whole mess came out and basically had to back check that youtuber is known as tamago he's got a string of numbers and I just had mac and cheese so I completely forgot them by the way I don't know how that correlated but his his his channel is I quote makes videos about games and other stuff I find interesting top tier he spoke about his snapchat getting hacked at one point and I'll let him do the talking here so I was surprised that he would know about it so I respond telling him that he's been hacked and I can't log in and he replies back saying yeah CP PS or whatever Anthony I think and secondly be really careful about the websites who signed up to I'm not sure but I have an inkling that the way these guys were able to get my password was by looking at the registered user details for one of the Club Penguin private servers I signed up to in the past remember that these private servers are run by ordinary people usually quite young people who don't have the resources to invest in the level of security that a company like Disney would with the original Club Penguin and Club Penguin Island exactly what I've been saying no no no give a second give a second I know it's outlandish like here you can see it's tomorrow's big Twitter Twitter thread where he talks about this he makes a video a couple days ago where he talks about the important PSA for Club Penguin players right and if we go down just a little bit he actually says this is a statement pertaining to the hacking of my snapchat which was posted before this video went up but since I have only just now seen it I'll respond to each point made in here so this is apparently screenshots from the truth server where they outright apparently lied about tamago in this or that whole situation so again they lied about something how can you believe anything else in this scenario when they're not willing to give the truth on the truth the discord here is one of their mods who says now one of the most annoying DMS we constantly get as wydad Reilly hacked imago snapchat I would like to begin with this Reilly didn't hack a snapchat if you watch that YouTube video you could clearly see it with someone else who openly admitted that they were the ones who got access to his snapchat why did you do it personally Reilly doesn't know he met the hacker from a different community and he randomly told us in our group chat that he got into tamago snapchat he linked them to mangas discord server and Reilly and others followed the only reason why Reilly was there was to lay epic trolling oh my god you're so funny dude over here they said funny enough on the same day we went on voice chat on tamago server and to Michael even spoke to the hacker about the situation and laughed at it bolded by the way so you know it's extra truthful but just how truthful is it well let's just get it from the man himself they state Reilly didn't hack my account even if it wasn't specifically him who carried out the actual action he still encouraged Persa participated and then reviled revealed in the hacking that was done for him this is shown in my CP hacker video it stated that Reilly doesn't know why the hacker did it but when a moderator from my server asked him why he did it they responded by saying that it was because I spoke about Anthony Reilly in a video even Riley himself responded by posting a link to my video they state Riley was only in my discourse server to troll but I don't consider sending crude images and messages to my real life friends for my snapchat account and claiming that you will expose me as trolling I call that harassment and right you are Phoenix right right you honor they state that on the same day we had a chat together on my server and I laughed about it we did not have a chat that day I didn't even talk about the situation to anybody until I posted in my video about the hacking on the 8th of October over a month after the incident well so much for the truth right Club Penguin online got fact-check by the person you were you were saying was ok with the epic trolling boy ladies and gentlemen hello me Muhtar and i had to pause in a pen dissection and i have to remove the next ten seconds of this video because it covers an allegation that's not exactly ok for me to share right now because it pertains to an ongoing police investigation apparently in the United Kingdom and because I don't want this video to impede any of that investigation again all these are just allegations I have to cut out some allegations because the police are actively investigating into them but rest assured it's a pretty serious allegation and I swear if this isn't some foray into some [ __ ] tick-tock channel that I'm going into so last time I hope for a long time you're gonna have to see portrait muda now moving on further riley is alleged to be in police custody and the thing is if Riley gets away or Fri Lee gets away with any of this the people that I've talked to are actually fearful for their life like me making this video is also scary oh [ __ ] to them anyways that's why I'm treating this even more seriously than I normally would like I get I get it sometimes I'm haha I'm through the video these people are genuinely afraid for their life a lot of people here believe that Riley still has the power to do some really destructive [ __ ] to them because they have their information so heavily compromised now or the police in the United Kingdom doing anything allegedly they are I've heard he's been arrested he's posted bail and then I heard he's broken the bail and UK police hasn't said anything about it like there's not even a police report apparently they're working behind the scenes that's all I'm getting and I don't want to undermine more of what what's going on like I so I'm gonna stop right here I believe the police are doing something and I think something's gonna happen and I don't want to undermine it but the thing about it is is that Riley has money if we talked about this earlier right like they're obviously making money Riley's gonna have the cash to run away to like places like Russia or Japan where extradition may never be a possibility where he can get away with his crimes maybe all right though that isn't likely right now because of the global pandemic right so I mean obviously you can't get away but it's still a point to consider right like you're dealing with somebody that has the financial assets to do this now one thing to note over here is Copan gdpr and this is what I think you can really NAB them on Riley is still alleged to do these things but I think what isn't alleged are the actual failures to comply with common laws in the United States and the United Kingdom and the EU which I believe this site is violating the best way to treat this is to get this whole site removed get this whole site shut down and get it investigated because the moment you stop that cash flow the more scare some of these people are gonna get so let me give you a couple things now this website running a Whois search on it basically revealed that it was a u.s. hosted web server so it's running like Texas now in Coppa there is a clause where I'm gonna read it to you I operate a child directed app that allows kids to make paintings I don't collect the paintings they rest on the device but the app includes buttons for popular email and social media providers that kids can click on within the app the buttons open an email program or social network populated with the painting and allow the child to share it along with a message I don't collect or share any other personal information through the app do I have to seek verifiable parental consent remember how when we investigated they didn't have any parental consent even though that was a part of the original Club Penguin now here they sent you an email again aggressive monetization they sent you an email again no mention of any children or not no mention of parental permission at all anywhere yes the Coppa rule defines collection to include requesting prompting or encouraging the child to submit personal information online things like an email address ha woo or enabling a child to make personal information publicly available in identifiable form in addition under the Coppa rule disclosure means making a child personal information publicly available in identified will form through an email service or any other means Twitter and discord links were kind of interesting right you must get verifiable parental consent before enabling children to share personal information in this manner even through third parties on your app boys and girls I may not be a lawyer but that sounds like a Coppa violation to me if they gather and store emails without parental permission I mean you literally just read it maybe the FCC should get a big fat report but there's something even more scarier than the FCC in Coppa and that's GDP are now GDP ours general data protection regulation which is a strict data protection provision implemented by the EU and even after brexit the United Kingdom has a provision called the UK GDP are their own variances of the Data Protection Act for them so this is what GDP are does roughly basically it's big data protections for the actual user right again basically so that as your data is harvested by big tech firms you have the right to erasure right to privacy right to be forgotten and those are rights provided to you under GDP are even if you're a company that doesn't operate under EU you still have to respect your EU consumer base under GDP are companies like Google Facebook Apple they get invested quickly and they got taken care of it otherwise they risk massive GDP our issues Google themselves at one point I believe got fined 50 million euros in France for a GDP our infraction so it's pretty serious now with all of that said a GDP our in this case all right is is is something that needs to be taken care of again whether you're in the country or not now if we went back just to look at what their website was detailing remember when I showed you the flag for the country one of the flag they show is Spain Spain is a member right now of the EU countries and as far as my knowledge goes they're also subject to GDP are and their own data protection laws so what I'm not seeing on their website is right to erasure which is a major clause from GDP are anywhere that's not mentioned now case can be made that this site is gathering from its EU residents and it's not following data protection laws all right that that is that is a fact that's gonna happen now as of this video all of this stuff is recorded on May 11 2020 they have violated it this long so they can't just go back and say oh no was there already no you have recorded evidence that you haven't done this now here's a reddit post that I'm going to show you where they actually talked about these gdpr infractions when I get hot and spicy with muda well here's the actual reddit post that talks about this gdpr in-depth now ten months ago the user actually went and asked them to remove their data under gdpr guideline so they asked him hey great website but can you remove my account we do not believe account I hope you're not holding peoples verification email addresses if accounts can be deleted that can get iffy quickly true all of our operations and the data we collect follow the relevant role laws okay I would recommend changing your policies on data management and allowing people to have their data delete it from your systems after some searching I find that this is a common problem that people have with your service so then they mention EU and GD P R and what is their response we are following the relevant laws and legislation regarding data protection no you're not so we do not need to change our policy we do not delete accounts because it would allow rule breakers to simply create a new account and play again uh no you have a month roughly to comply with GD P our guidelines if you don't follow that prepare for that hot juicy fine which can be up to 20 million euros or 4% of your previous year's revenue or or worldwide gross so prepare for the prepare for the goat seeing if that's what your if that if that's your response you can't just say no we don't have to comply with GD P R well good luck now again I'm not a lawyer you know I know Phoenix right it's saying danganronpa but I think I'm firing some truth shots right now so I'm just gonna say from both angles they're definitely skirting the lines with Coppa and there's certain the lines with GD P R and given the fact that kids are involved it may actually even be criminal to an extent so in conclusion I gotta say look this video is a hard video to make but what I do know about this video is we're all responsible okay as a youtube community we need to raise awareness is on given that I'm on this platform the strongest thing I can do is raise the awareness Disney needs to act against this individual against these individuals kids yeah gotta be careful online kids have to be careful to like they're falling for basic security issues in the age of the Internet and parents look man I get that you give your kids a tablet and walk the hell away but just [ __ ] go to them go look at what they're doing just because they're playing a game with harmless penguins doesn't mean it's all harmless make sure that they're not on private servers make sure that they're properly moderated this could have been anything besides Club Penguin and because of the actions of Club Penguin online the entire Club Penguin private server community is under risk because once the Disney starts acting against one server you bet they're not gonna stop they're gonna blanket cover all of these if they have to and it's gonna be scorched earth let me tell you if they decide to do anything attention needs to be raised and that being said I think that's the conclusion of this video so look at all the facts presented make up your own claim see what you can do see what see what you believe is right and again covering this whole gdpr stuff if you operate in those EU countries and you feel that your data is being mishandled by Club Penguin online file a complaint with your actual Data Protection Authority Google that up right now wherever you live and get it done if you live in the US make sure to give the FTC a nice call or an email and tell them hey this could be happening check it out and all that being said I'm gonna end this video off by asking you if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it we dislike it big thank you to DOM and a lot of the people that came out and whistle blew to me you all are amazing thank you for helping me out and big thanks to tamago for you know coming out with this information and being a stellar lad go get this channel check and the biggest thanks that I can give right now is to Cabos you know I feel like as I said earlier it's kind of like a UK Canadian joint op I've been working with him behind the scenes he's been a great dude to work with despite being UK's resident commentary [ __ ] he's been an absolute nice person at least with me so I'd be completely I'd be a total dick if I didn't tell you to go and sub to his channel because he was the one that made a video about this it's doing very well and I highly recommend if you want to watch more coverage you check out his video with all that said ladies and gentlemen thank you all very much this is me mood aha and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it for legal reasons everything here is an allegation and it's really up to you I'm only reporting what's in the public image right now this is me mood har and I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 3,263,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, needs, to, shut down, this, club penguin, server, disney canada, gaming, video games, mmo, sog, some ordinary gamers
Id: 7bO-CWUoZNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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