Did The MAP Community "Make" This Doll...?

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oh boy we got a weird one today a little weird champ boyos now have you ever have you ever do you know what a troll doll is troll dolls or dolls that look like you know they got they got a little they got a little ice cream soft serve hair they look utterly disgusting and thank god i have no family young enough to take to a troll movie uh session now ladies and gentlemen what if i told you that the internet has discovered the dark side of troll dolls now we made a video where we talked about the map community and uh let's just say this doll is linked to the map community ladies and gentlemen oh god my fan is loud god we saved that one but let's get down to the juicy treats god it feels disgusting even saying that now this is by a good old sam parker senate who said is and hasbro normalizing grooming and facilitating the chill to be okay all right we're getting into some serious topics now somebody that covered the trafficking hub stuff very recently um this is kind of like this this is just like recently there's been a whole wave of this like discussion and actually it was like world trafficking day that happened not too long ago so again it's a very serious topic for sure and it's something that's obviously captured the minds and attentions of individuals around them now there's a two-minute clip of a doll that i'm about that we're about to look through okay now this doll has a weird sensor location so sit back relax and let's let's see let's see what this uh hubble how hullabaloo is all about um as you all know stuff that's been going on in the world about um the sex trafficking in kids and things that are thrown in our kids faces to kind of groom them and make them kind of a little bit more oblivious to things that are that are really happening um so so the whole point is what you're about to see is is just basically one stage in promoting this abhorrent behavior which obviously is pedophilia and and whatnot and trying to normalize it to like children who don't know any better like get them conditioned and [ __ ] which you know i can sort of i can sort of get behind like you know it's it's weird it's weird it was my daughter's birthday a couple days ago and she turned two and she was given this gift it's like a little poppy doll it's adorable and here's the box so she had a poppy birthday and so they they gave her this it's just from the new movie the trolls world tour well i'm showing her to my husband and i heard some other sounds that i had never heard before and if you look down here i figured a video was the best way so i just touched her tummy and she's gonna sing for a minute okay so that that what she's singing right there that's like the normal sounds like if you like hit the tummy you know like little squeeze me elmo's that's the normal sound here's where the really wild [ __ ] comes into but down here is a button right here on her privates that's not halal and if you push those she makes these sounds oh like a gasping sound and i know some of you may not like think this is a big deal but especially since i've had kids like this is wrong yeah no i agree that's all [ __ ] weird holy [ __ ] okay so um yeah so they had a little button where the where the doll butthole or the starfish is supposed to be let's be [ __ ] real about it and uh every time you touch the starfish there's sounds that go okay all right calm down there mickey jesus christ but uh yeah there's been a it's it's listen i'm just gonna say it like it is it's it's weird okay it's really weird that they did that okay now to understand all right let let's let's just go through there's a lot to cover so even going down further uh one of the claims that was made was uh there's this uh they looked at the various flags like trans flag and then they looked at the [ __ ] minor attracted person flag which may i remind the audience is the flag of degeneracy it's it's it's not part of the lgbtq in fact it shouldn't be part of the [ __ ] human diaspora if you ask me but they looked at the colors of it and i guess when you look at the colors of of the doll right the poppy doll you can i guess kind of see it like you know you got this like uh like this pink teal and white and then you got the pink teal and like maybe maybe white somewhere and then you look at the colors like yellow teal and like not teal god i'm color blind yellow uh pink uh like ruby and white and blue and you can sort of see the dress matches it like i guess you know it it's one of those things where these are obvious like colors and like the colors are obviously over there too and like i guess if you wanted to see it it could happen sure i'm not gonna outright say that because i still think that's a bit of a [ __ ] stretch i'm just gonna say it real quick but if you go to like walmart right walmart actually uh remove this if you go to the actual link walmart does not have the troll doll at all if you go to the archive okay if you find that if you find the cache of the actual page they actually at one point were selling the doll dreamworks troll world tour giggle and sing poppy toddler doll yeah it's a doll for toddlers okay jesus christ it has ten different phrases and sounds fifty percent of which are disgusting abhorrent noises made from touching its coochie and then if you go down oh god dude that see it's so disgusting to even say jesus christ uh giggle and sing toddler poppy no one is more adorable ten different sounds rainbow hair and dress includes batteries inspired by the movie trolls world doll and yeah it's for ages four and up so we're really starting young on that god damn it it's [ __ ] disgusting but yeah that's uh it is what it is that's a doll and yeah it was actually confirmed that the doll did that wasn't a fake video by the way nobody made that fake that was the real doll you want to know how that was the real doll because they actually usa today actually went out and asked the company and this is a direct quote all right from the actual senior svp of hasbro okay so get the actual hasbro svp right now the feature was designed to react when the doll was seated but we recognize the placement of the sensor may be perceived as inappropriate this was not intentional and we are happy to provide consumers with a replacement poppy doll of similar value through our consumer care team we are in the process of removing the item for purchase i really love the phrase this was not intentional oh yeah i wasn't intentional oh god dude i love it so hard when they lie outright like that so let me talk about intentional [ __ ] to you to understand hasbro is not the young company on the block they've been around for a while now you have to understand when you're designing dolls there's there's people that engineer the doll there's people that market the doll and then there's people that qa test it all so remember when you're engineering a doll you get the sound so you get the weird like money like oh oh but that's tickled noises you got to get those noises you got to you got to design the sensor you got to then [ __ ] code the electrical signal for the sensor to trigger those various weird noises then the engineer gets that done now you go to the marketer who looks at the doll obviously sees the coochie button and says no that'll that'll fly real well and then you've got the qa team okay because there's obviously a quality assurance team for this story they test the toys they obviously have a test market so now you got the qa people who all of them held this doll they they put it around you know they checked it la noire style they looked at the starfish button the coochie button and said nah that's a good idea they they rubbed that coochie with a little pokedakuchi and said no that was a good idea so you know when they say it's not intentional i'm gonna have to write the i'm not saying it's a i if it's not intentional everyone involved on the production of that [ __ ] toy should be fired not because of how weird the toy is but because they actually cannot do their jobs like they actually cannot design a [ __ ] kid's toy it's it the fact that if they still remain hired okay i'm gonna be laughing a little bit now it was so big that a petition was actually started and 347 855 people have signed it like it's almost getting to half a million territory where they write our society is conditioning our children to think pedos is okay this troll world tour doll named poppy has a button on her private area under her skirt when you push the button on the dolls private she gasps and giggles this is not okay for a child's toy the toy needs to be removed from our store and then they got like a hashtag save the children [ __ ] um which can i just say for the record this obviously isn't a toy that's appropriate for kids if i was a parent and my like three-year-old was like [ __ ] around with this toy and i like grabbed it one day and i found a coochie button i would never give the toy back to my kid like that's just a weird thing to have like it's just it's so weird that i i'm not like so much outraged by it i'm actually so much confused that it was ever even conceived in the first place you know what i mean like it's just it's one of the dumbest things that you can do now i don't know if this ties back necessarily to 4chan i've been sort of browsing as many threads as i can usually when movements like this kick up i check the threads on 4chan 8chan [ __ ] you know whatever chan's out there to see if i can actually find some people who spark the outrage you know people often spark it over there and then it translates to mainstream social media and i really couldn't find a single thing like i found people talking about it sure but no like spark and it's because of that because of all that all right that i feel like this is just really genuine outrage and for a lot of people who say that this is like some secret link to the child sex trafficking like like hub um you know sort of putting it on like wayfair territory to that i have to sort of stop you and calm down for a second i'm actually gonna give hasbro the biggest company when it comes to toys a bit of a benefit of the doubt and say whoever they got working on this toy are a group of actual smooth brain dumbasses who have no idea how to design a children's toy and if they do they design them full-on with controversy to link this whole thing back to a secret underground collective of like maps who are pushing this degenerate [ __ ] onto our society and children a little wild you know you also got the same group of people that want netflix cancelled which i mean good luck i guess good luck on that but yeah it's just some really wild [ __ ] um i gotta thank my boy nick diorio for actually uh finding this and sending it to me this is some really wild stuff and i really wanted to look into it and give this topic sort of look and it deserves i mean it's it's a weird situation you know with with how the internet reacts to certain things and this one i'm totally on the side of this is a stupid toy design is it is it is it is it leading in to the point of trafficking and and all that probably not i'm gonna step back i'm just gonna say whoever worked on this total dumbass but uh i'm just going to leave it at that porch poor toy design dumb toy design but it is what it is ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,154,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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