This TikTok Trend is Disgusting...

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ladies and gentlemen now that i'm messing around with the youtube subtitle system because now that being said ladies and gentlemen today's video is all about learning what are we gonna learn well we're gonna learn about we're gonna learn about tragedies all right bam now you may be wondering what are you gonna use to learn is it gonna be youtube is it gonna be is it gonna be like you know [ __ ] skillshare or anything well no it's not something like that no we're going to be using tick-tock oh tick-tock that place where you get 60-second dance scenes yeah oh yeah oh yes but how do you learn from tick-tock well we're gonna we're gonna look at some beautiful povs and we're going to get some crazy good trendage actually you know what let's actually see what what educational topic is actually trending on oh oh my god oh okay all right you see that tingling feeling of the back of your neck yeah it's called a [ __ ] conscience yes ladies and gentlemen one of the top trends is povs of the holocaust and as you can see she she basically to add context she went to heaven they asked her well how'd you die well i was gay i was in the gas [Music] god damn we have escalated from zero to 60 faster than any [ __ ] lambo you can buy on the market let me tell you now this is a series of long threads here's another one this is quite possibly so [ __ ] tone-deaf get ready for this now this is uh as you can see in the description pov the girl who died in the in the in the holocaust tells you how it happened and then get ready for these goddamn hashtags this is 124 000 likes by the way pov viral make up special effects heaven okay well the only hashtag she left out was the [ __ ] holocaust and [ __ ] right now i just want to say for the record alright this is an incredibly tone-deaf [ __ ] thing to do in fact if you haven't caught on these people are basically making pov makeup videos of uh what it was like to be part of one of the greatest human tragedies of of not our time but the time that came before and this is supposed to be an educational piece i mean to let you know that they were actually you know been in that scenario obviously but uh they sure left to role play and and give the perspective and sure you could say that it's educational and whatnot but before we get to it let's actually lighten the mood with some with some comedy what kind of comedy well i guess you know by the nature of this video now this one has hashtag repost i it can do better all jokes emoji and i want you to look at these hashtags okay if it's got a hashtag viral comedy board at home holocaust ladies and gentlemen if you truly believed there was any humanity left holy [ __ ] we we have combined a string of hashtags in such a way that it makes even the worst even the edgiest people feel a little a little bad but let's uh let's listen to this amazing set of jokes okay [ __ ] how do you make a nazi getting me ready to go to the shower in 1943 a [ __ ] bout of hilarity burns okay and don't go far i'm gonna let this sit for a little bit and i'll be right back don't let me know if it burns okay and don't go far enough still if you know it's gonna [ __ ] burn you're good you're good stupid dude it's [ __ ] nice in here right yes truly it's it's nice to be in the showers in 1943 it's true this is this is actually the nicest most luxurious gas chamber they can find i mean holy [ __ ] just looking at it gives me such homey vibes y'all been here you been here after you laid dead from cyclone b poisoning holy [ __ ] dude is he the only one who works here because it's starting to [ __ ] burn dude where did he go to what's his name again his name his name [ __ ] all right audience we're to play a game today the game is where the [ __ ] was the comedy well let me i'll just give you the answer there was no comedic [ __ ] right there now look i can understand a lot of edgy jokes but my god that was so [ __ ] tone deaf i have no idea now i bet you next month is going to be like 9 11 awareness week on [ __ ] tick tock uh because uh let me just be real with you if you think this was bad imagine and i'm gonna call it like it is i bet you there's gonna be [ __ ] videos up later to like dudes dressed up in business casual just like how does this board meeting get any worse as a [ __ ] boeing 747 flies right into them it's probably going to be like done on microsoft flight simulator to add the extra realism you know to get that budget uh higher and more uh more more spendier than you can expect um you know i'm just going to say it like it is not only is this [ __ ] tone deaf it's incredibly goddamn insensitive insensitive to the point that it's been hitting the news media and you've also got people who run holocaust museums saying wow this is really [ __ ] up and you know what i'm totally in agreement it's completely not kosher i'm not going to join the cancel culture bandwagon and just destroy these [ __ ] people's lives because a lot of them are actually young adults and some of them can actually be children or teenagers rather doing this kind of [ __ ] and listen is it stupid absolutely imagine filming yourself applying the [ __ ] makeup to make yourself look bruised and then editing it together putting on this edgy you know dark music and i get that you're trying to educate people by making a [ __ ] pov but we'll get to that in a bit not only do you do all this all these millions of steps making this video then you upload the video i mean i'm not going to cancel it because that's really stupid and i don't agree with that but i'm going to call out the [ __ ] stupidity and insensitivity on that front right there it's a very dumb thing for you to do but again a lot of these people are young and i guess in the moment that they were making this they thought that they were doing some [ __ ] right and you know what fine sure if their ultimate goal was to educate people about this maybe pick a better platform to educate on you know maybe make a youtube video maybe like [ __ ] do a seminar on twitch why would you decide to educate people through a goddamn app design to make people [ __ ] dance i mean i just i don't i don't get the logic i just don't under [ __ ] stand it and then at the same time you got all these people putting hashtag viral pov hashtag holocaust it's like what the [ __ ] like are you trying to clout chase a [ __ ] like we're at a point where clout chasing in a tragedy a [ __ ] tragedy a human tragedy not even like a national internet a human tragedy for [ __ ] likes and and and subs on tick tock i mean ladies and gentlemen and this isn't exclusive to tick tock because happens [ __ ] everywhere i like this one i like this one this is countering hateful speech behavior in groups we do not tolerate hate on tick tock and remove hateful content including race-based harassment good good good job good for you in addition we remove race-based harassment in the denial of violent tragedies such as the holocaust and slavery we may also take off-platform behavior into consideration as we establish our policies such as an account belonging to a leader of a known hate group i'm glad that [ __ ] mahmoud ahmadinejad can't make a goddamn [ __ ] tick tock account but ladies and gentlemen can i just say for the record if you work in a service center like this if you work for an internet service how hard is it for you to put filters into your goddamn like algorithm and say wow when hashtag holocaust is trending uh maybe we should have somebody manually check if these are videos that are designed to educate people or are they [ __ ] intertwined with hashtag comedy to make a funny twist on a [ __ ] tragedy i mean the fact that they didn't do that and they let this [ __ ] go on until they were actually called out for it i mean it's not exclusive to tick tock trust me youtube even has that problem too some stupid [ __ ] gets uploaded youtube doesn't care and then like two months down the road when mainstream media picks up on it then they're like oh wow we we messed up we're gonna remove it and do right next time it's a story as old as time itself but you know going back to this whole situation when it comes to this that this nonsense is i think social media is a [ __ ] curse i think social media is terrible you know when it comes down to like not only youtube or tick tock or or whatever even twitter facebook and all these media platforms where you got likes and replies and and all this nonsense tossed in you got a lot of young people who finally have connected to these services way younger than when i was connecting to [ __ ] like myspace at the time but you've got a lot of these young kids connecting and their entire quest is to get as many likes and followers as they can and for a lot of them sure they get onto that trend and fine but some get so [ __ ] consumed by it then in order to get likes and followers they end up actually trending and click baiting and using tragedies to assume it and you know the problem here lies in the fact that i'm not i'm not saying that this is cancer worthy because quite honestly i don't believe in the whole cancer culture but calling it out is important you know these children will only learn when they get taught that what they just did was wrong listen if you're somebody that partook in this and for the grand majority of the people that i showed in the beginning of this video they actually did learn from it that is after they were called out on their stupidity they were like wow you probably shouldn't have done that to begin with and to their defense all right i'm just gonna say it like it is when i watch those videos yeah it was outraged initially but i gotta say like if you're providing a pov i bet you for the people that were providing the people you know the perspectives i i bet that they had really good intentions they were like wow i'm really trying to pass on uh what it must have been like to be in that situation the problem is you didn't really [ __ ] know what it was like in that situation either people weren't [ __ ] slapping on makeup and going to heaven and talking with people asking them oh how'd you die auschwitz i mean it's as insensitive almost as people who go to auschwitz actually and start taking selfies there with their [ __ ] prada bags and [ __ ] i mean there are certain places there are certain situations you just shouldn't really go to all right and i'm not saying that i'm gatekeeping comedy or gatekeeping certain events the reality is having simple [ __ ] human uh empathy having simple like human simple humanity to say wow maybe there are some things that i really shouldn't do okay like it is what it is or i'm not saying that there is meant to be this gatekeeping i'm just putting it out like it is you know at some point there's that fine line and there's that nuance that you sort of should take into account and say maybe what i'm uploading isn't the [ __ ] smartest thing to be doing now ladies and gentlemen that really is down to the bottom of the barrel what comes out of from this tick tock [ __ ] holocaust hell hole ladies and gentlemen let me know what you thought about it in the comments section below i i'm gonna say for the record the pov [ __ ] after watching this for a couple times after sort of spending a day breathing it in letting it all soak in that's probably nowhere near as close as bad as the hashtag holocaust hashtag comedy that [ __ ] was truly the most insensitive stuff that i've ever seen but ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar i'm not even going to ask you if you want to like dislike or whatever in this dislike this video if you dislike it i'm not even going to ask you to like it because the sensitive nature of all this that being said though just to add you in for some for some funsies just to give you a little update my metal gear solid video is coming together just fine i'm actually i was initially going to release it on thursday but it's going to have to go for a saturday release because i redid the ending for it i it went from an mgs4 video to like a little mgs5 video so i'm redoing a bit of that uh cutting together the audio so hopefully you should have it by this weekend uh runtime is about four hours so you might want to get a couple beers if you're truly wanting to binge it all the way through but that being said this is me mudahar and i am [Music] out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 883,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aA_tiJ-rUDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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