A Minor MAP Ally Is Missing After MAP Meetup

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over the past week or so i have been trying to take a short break off of twitter instagram and youtube because i have been having some really weird health problems i've been having issues personally that have resulted in my hands feet and just generally my limbs going numb for long periods of the day and me being rendered pretty much useless like my job on and offline is to draw and create using my hands and now out of nowhere i simply can't do that like i can't do the things that i need to do to make money my basic plan was to wait a couple days until things in my body and just generally started to look better and the answer to get better and upload work that i had been doing for a while in the meantime but because of what's going on right now on twitter and how i feel like it's time sensitive i felt like it was important to kind of shut up and make this video as soon as possible today we are going to be talking about maps on twitter specifically an account that claims to be a miner who supports maps and quote map rights which is not a thing that should exist ever at any point in time ever this account tweeted about being new to map twitter and then went further to claim that they had in fact met plenty of maps via twitter who were super cute nice friendly people and that this person claiming to be a child were on their way to meet one of them in real life which is incredibly disturbing but becomes even more disturbing when this alleged 13 year old girl hasn't tweeted anything since like they tweeted i'm going to meet a map in real life and then it was ghost town personally while i don't know the veracity of any of these claims i don't know if this is someone trolling the internet with a really dark and disturbing prank i do think it still needs to be talked about and it needs to be discussed and we once again need to talk about the idea of people associating positively with people who are trying to reclaim and rebrand their attraction to children as being a part of the lgbt community also please be mindful that this is a sensitive subject and that is something that could be insanely triggering and disturbing for some so if this topic is at all too much for you i encourage you to pause this video right now and go watch something much much lighter might i recommend literally any garrett watts video or the nickelodeon hotel defunct land episode one of my all-time favorite it'll help it's relaxing i don't know it's just involving my interest and it's something that is not as intense with that out of the way let's talk about these maps for those of you who think i am actively mad about topography and the art of map making or maybe thought i was mad about animations made by vulnerable people unfortunately i have to be the first to inform you that the term map is being used by a group of people online as a way to rebrand themselves away from being criminals you see if you identify as a map or map you are saying you are a minor attracted person or are claiming that you an adult are only attracted to children who cannot consent to any sort of relationship with you another term that you are off to see on someone who identifies as a map on their twitter page or in their bio of any social media is aoa or age of attraction with some people going as far as to boast that they are attracted to children between the ages of one to five and the like also note when i say post um i'm not kidding i'm not trying to exaggerate what i mean i mean those are the things that these people these maps think are important enough to put on their twitter instagram tumblr or whatever [ __ ] social media in their bios these are the things that they think are worthy of sharing right off the bat with everyone who comes to their page and they aren't shy about telling people hey i want to commit a literal crime hey i want to assault people between these ages like these are the things that they think are defining facts about themselves think of some for you right now things that you think are intrinsic to you and only you most people would think of their star sign maybe their pronouns or if you're like me and you don't take bios very seriously you might include a joke or two because you aren't making a bio on social media that you are serious about or that's related to a business there are words there are things that you would put just as a laugh as a goof or things that you could put seriously but these are the words that these people will use to recognize you across social media and these people these adults these maps choose to say yes i am attracted to children proudly and here are the children's ages that i'm attracted to it's disgusting it's gross and anyone with the gall to admit that and go into such detail should be looked into because i do not and will not ever ever trust any one of these people however for some reason there has been a deliberate push both by these maps and very naive people to try and normalize their sexual feelings towards children there has been a deliberate effort to try and make them being attracted to literal children something that can never and will never be consensual or okay there's a push to lump that in with people who are in the lgbtqia plus community and it is disturbing and it's also equally disturbing is that some of these pro-map allies are literally children who don't know any better or at least i believe they don't know any better so let's talk about the account that has been allegedly talking to and is possibly in danger from their communications with maps on twitter i'm going to personally censor the name strictly because this person posted a lot and i mean a lot of inappropriate material on their shoulder that i do not recommend anyone going up and searching for themselves but their first initial tweet that is their own and not a retweet is in support of maps says this maps are really sweet and really cute heart icon sorry but they are valid personally if this were to come across my timeline at any point on twitter i would see this as obvious obvious anger bait most people especially on twitter who are in the pro map community don't usually put their statements out like this and so blatantly invite dissenting opinions into their world like they try to at least hide it a little bit better so i would probably have muted and ignored this account thinking it's a troll however this tweet did receive a good amount of attention for what they had said with three retweets and multiple people commenting that maps are disgusting and that they shouldn't be supported and some people saying girl you are 13 that's a big fat no for me however when going through replies there was one that massively massively stood out to me because it had been deleted and the account had responded positively to this tweet in response to saying that maps are sweet and cool and valid this account apparently reached out and said something that made her say oh stop i'm blushing heh and then responded again to which he said heehee cutie and then for some reason everything was deleted as if this conversation never took place that to me is equal parts ominous and disturbing and it doesn't sit well with my soul now that this person has been offline for three days on the same day she posted this maps are so very nice i just joined map twitter and everyone's been so kind sweet and absolutely adorable i just want to kiss every map i see hee-hee again that seems like obvious bait to me it doesn't feel like a person would really say this at any point much less a person who is tweeting for the first time and would like rapidly put all of these tweets out in the span of hours because i'm not sure if i mentioned that or not but these are the first tweets from her account and the account was made this month it was made in august of 2020 and these accounts were the first things she was saying so again the legitimacy of the situation is not lost on me because there are some reasons why we should believe or we should question the veracity of the statement i also don't want to see something like this happen like i genuinely don't want to see someone being victimized in real time on twitter i don't want to watch that go down as if it's entertainment or fodder but that's an entirely different matter she then goes on to retweet someone saying the difference between antis and maps is choice maps can't choose who they are attracted to antis can choose to be horrible people who harass and send death threats and to that i say personally if me wanting to destroy the multiple men and women who have assaulted my friend when they were less than five years old and make them suffer the way my friends have suffered is wrong then i don't want to be right if you can't control who you're attracted to and you choose to assault unwilling participants who are children that isn't a big whoopsie that's not a oops i'm sorry my bad it happened one time leave me alone i can't help it this isn't something people need to get over because you can't help it this isn't oppression it's not marrying it as oppression is stupid that is disgusting you are disgusting and the absolute goal to look at someone in their eyes and say that hating maps is wrong is absolutely bonkers to me and it's something that nobody nobody would say to someone's face because if they would it just wouldn't end well and they know that and twitter gives them this platform just to say this dumb ass [ __ ] now again the account we're talking about was made and started tweeting on the 12th of august but according to them by the 16th of august they had already decided to meet someone from the map side of twitter she tweeted this i will be meeting someone from map twitter soon and it makes me very excited they're a map as well i can't wait to sit on their lap and play video games with them she then goes on to tweet i'll be meeting them tomorrow so i'm really excited and then the next day they posted their last tweet at time of recording which is to say i'm going to see my friend now have a good day everyone and again since time of recording three whole days later they haven't returned leading to most people believing that something incredibly disturbing has happened here personally i don't know what to think because on one hand i so want to believe that this isn't real i don't want to believe this is happening i genuinely don't want to think that there is a child in danger or being exploited online the same way so many other children are exploited i don't want to say that i bore witness to someone being coerced into meeting a known predator willingly in real time but i also can't discount the fact that these things can and have happened and they have happened on every social media site honestly i'm really disturbed and i keep trying to look up this case and see if there are any missing children or any stories that match with this case that have come up in the past three days but so far i haven't found anything honestly i don't want to discount the fact that this situation could be all lies i don't want to say it's all true however i think the discussion needs to be had about what's going on here because frankly it's freaking me out i want to know though what you guys think in the comments down below do you think this is real do you think this is fake why or why not what do you think about maps because frankly i'm shocked that it's even a question but with that being said i hope you guys have a good and safe day please be careful with who you talk to on the internet and with that i'm out of here later [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 313,768
Rating: 4.961937 out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, creepshow, art, twitter, twitter community, twitter news, social media
Id: yXda3MxeVDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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