The Worst Youtuber Is Back

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Interesting how this video ignores all of Max’s points.

Poo eater guy on podcast? Ignored. Community post? Ignored. Obvious joke? Used as actual evidence Discord fans being toxic? It’s Max’s fault ow He even went on a minute long tangent saying how he can’t share cp on video despite the guy in the video saying “obviously don’t do that” it’s as if he didn’t watch it 🙀

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/mister--krabs 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

lmao this is literally just the same exact video as his first one, except he admits he got trolled by the master.

more slanderous false claims, without any proof. as if all the "evidence" has been completely wiped from the internet!

are his children fans really so naive to believe this shit again?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

All lies

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/HOFMenace 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

He made a cum condom joke 30 seconds into the video. How does anyone take this dude seriously?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MetalHead104 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Max is a pedophile, i don't have a proof, but trust me bro" - Cr1tikal

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jordanisgreat5 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

hahah ha max could literally film cp and I would still watch him and so would many others. That is why most retards hate max fans xD lmfao

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Valuable_Shoe_7836 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Idgf about how max is as a person, I like most of his videos! Just like some people can't stop liking the Cosby show or listening to Michael Jackson! I bet Charlie has some fucking skeletons of his own and Idgf either! What's sad is these kids that go out of their way to come and shit on some guy that they claim they don't like based on some other guys opinions! I mean think for yourself, don't be a fucking sheep! These are the type of people who killed Speedy Gonzales Have you guys seen the video max uploaded today? Pretty funny!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/m3ndes93 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hello rabbi

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PacManGaming1 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

how in the fuck did this get over 150 upvotes?? max gang for life<3

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Miserable-Ninja-4387 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right i'm just gonna speed run youtube drama today and just rip this [ __ ] off like a band-aid and get it over with quickly this will be the last time i talk about maximilian musk for those that don't know i made a video about this degenerate parasite a month ago going over all the heinous and evil [ __ ] that he's done on the platform as well as touching on the way he'd recruit people from his youtube channel to go to his secret discords to do genuinely deplorable awful horrible things across the internet and i only touched the tip of the iceberg barely scratched the service i was up there at the [ __ ] tip of the condom where the comments held that little come pool receptacle on the condom that's what i touched on with maximilian moss i didn't even go into like the whole shaft and everything else i gave a very rudimentary breakdown of some of the awful things maximilian muss has done max is a human pinworm just an [ __ ] shit-eating parasite in response to the video i posted he started losing a lot of subscribers and his fragile insecurities couldn't handle his number going down so he deleted his channel and then put it back up today hoping that enough people had forgotten the controversy so they'd stop unsubscribing to him in mass max has clearly tied a lot of his self-worth to the numbers on the screen and couldn't bear to see the numbers going down any longer especially since it's entirely his own fault and it should take full responsibility for the actions that caused all of this in the first place but he doesn't have that level of self-awareness so when max was seeing the numbers go down he threw in the title for a month took a break and today just like a gopher he decided to pop his curious little head out of his hole and he saw his shadow and decided it's time for two more hours of youtube drama he posted this video saying that i slandered him and everything i was saying is a lie with no proof except for of course the things that are completely proven and even things that he openly admits to and proudly talks about such as the time he told his community to harass the girlfriend of a youtuber he didn't like once her father passed away after her father passed away he told his community to go spam homophobic and racist [ __ ] and insult her father and insult her and just harass her relentlessly during that moment he proudly talks about it saying he'd do it again and of course max's micro penis gets semi-chubb thinking back on those glory days where he would put a small twitch streamer's link in his discord ping everyone in his discord which was thousands and had them go spam homophobic and racist [ __ ] on the person's channel just to ruin their day and especially women he would have them insult their appearance relentlessly and tell them to kill themselves he talks about this he's open about it he doesn't try and hide that but since i brought up some things that he does try and hide well now all of a sudden we've got a problem and now i'm accused of slander and lying so i want to get ahead of this and just do a full goatsi and just go fully in here and give you all of the information about max that has also been shared with the proper authorities in max's response he harps on three major things the first being a screenshot i posted for a few seconds that he claims is a fake screenshot now i'm not gonna be here and get into the weeds of it in split hairs it's entirely possible that is a fake screenshot screenshots are very easily faked and i don't work for a [ __ ] fbi's crime lab i can't verify the authenticity i can't go in there in the [ __ ] blockchain and piece together the puzzle pieces and see if it's real i can't say with certainty whether or not it's real so if it is fake then i should have done more to verify its authenticity and i do apologize for that but what i can say with certainty is there was very clearly a problem with how women were treated when is in his community uh after posting the video i received no less than 50 to 100 emails from victims of max and max's community in the discord these were women that came forward all sharing very similar stories and talking about the horrible things that they would encounter in that discord when they would try and speak uh they were oftentimes goaded into sexually explicit conversations and try often baited for nudes they try and get like nudes out of them or some [ __ ] like that they shared a lot of information and a lot of disturbing screenshots of conversations in the discord none of which i'll be sharing here to protect their privacy but again those have all gone to the proper channels so there's very clearly a problem with the way that max and his community would treat women that were inside of the discord now if this screenshot is fake again i do apologize and i should have done more to make sure that i was sharing only the facts the most accurate information and this one is now questionable so i shouldn't have put it in there moving on to the next part that max likes to defend this is a hill that he's trying very hard to die on there was a part in my video where i talked about the time he made a mentally ill man eat his own [ __ ] on stream uh he claims that he never threatened him into doing it he only encouraged it so basically to break down the situation again there was a man streaming and i i hadn't watched the entire stream start to finish because it was extremely hard to sit through but i muscled through this time to get a better idea of where max would be coming from and trying to defend this seemingly indefensible action of pure degeneracy but i watched it and max is right he never at any point said he was going to kill him if he didn't eat his own [ __ ] instead all he did was use his mental illness against against him and manipulate him into eating his own [ __ ] you know encouraging him like yeah if you eat that [ __ ] it's gonna be great you're really gonna stick it to this guy and he manipulated him into eating his own [ __ ] and used his mental illness to get it there uh so the guy who actually ate his own [ __ ] reached out to me and gave his side of it just kind of breaking it down very simply and concise and he basically echoes what everyone could hear in the whole video i was wrong to say he threatened him he only manipulated him which is you know that's a lot better so congratulations max you're taking steps in the right direction you only manipulated a mentally ill man in eating his own [ __ ] wow what a [ __ ] saint a real goddamn patriot man what a [ __ ] angel i guess the reason i got this story so confused is because max made a habit out of threatening to kill people he didn't like online or threatening to kill people who didn't do what he wanted them to do for example he tried to have members of his community go to a convention to kill blues dank he was hoping to have blues dank murdered because he thought it would be enjoyable when i posted my video talking about max he then started going to his discord to try and recruit people to kill me and he's also done the same for wheast where he's been trying to get people to kill waste so i guess unfortunately i must have just you know jumbled all of these awful things together max and assume that you also threatened to kill him but no you only manipulated a mentally ill man you didn't threaten to kill him you just threatened to kill other people on the internet that's that's my bad i didn't mean to misrepresent you and slander you like that so those are two things that he touches on and tries to defend but that's not the biggest one the biggest one is the claim that i made the [ __ ] bombshell of how he responds to the child porn that was shared in his discord i made the claim that child porn was often shared in max's discord which led to him taking them down multiple times now this isn't every time his discord was taken down i never made the claim it was every single time his discord was taken down i didn't mean to imply that if that's how it came across because he absolutely had his discords taken down for harassment as well he's probably had 10 or so taken down from just straight up harassment and degeneracy but another reason another contributing factor to him personally taking them down was the child porn and i do stand by that claim because he himself used to admit to it now the reason he fights this so hard is obvious but also because he scrubbed the internet of all of the old recordings of him talking about it there's no longer any of the old videos that would talk about his response to these things or how he handled it because they are gone now what does exist is some evidence that i still have compiled and i'll share some of that now in his response video he of course has another guy fight his battles for him and he calls all of this into question because i didn't [ __ ] show the child porn the guy makes it seem like the only way he'd believe the accusations is if i just [ __ ] played child porn in my video to prove that it was max's child porn like what like how [ __ ] dumb do you have to be to demand to see the child porn it's it's a crime that you can't [ __ ] do that what i can do is show you how he'd respond to the child porn that was shown in there and prove to you that it existed which i will do i'm not gonna [ __ ] show child porn you goddamn troglodyte idiots the like these [ __ ] dummies were saying well charlie didn't broadcast cp on youtube thus this can't possibly be a true story like you have to have negative [ __ ] brain like you have to have stupid brain to think that that's the only way to prove the existence of these things it's crazy so let's go ahead and really dive in first let me show you how it got to this point why was child porn shared on maximilian's discord why were pedophiles encouraged to join well because max was pretty open with these kind of things like here's a clip from one of his old fortnite videos are you a pedophile of course me too dude yeah yeah i met a pedophile friend yeah yeah there's probably like two other kids on our team i was gonna say let's molest them but then my video would get age restricted and yeah i'm recording a video i have 200 subs say hello to youtube bro [ __ ] little boys in there people are gonna watch this in the future i'm live streaming for the future man i don't guys when i say i have sex with the children is a joke wink wink of course where'd you guys land max used to and still currently does joke about being a pedophile and like i said in the initial video used to write off the sharing of child porn in his servers as a joke with his community and that it wasn't a big deal he again has scrubbed the audio that used to prove those things because he must at some point have realized that you can't just [ __ ] say that but uh there is still some screenshots which i'll share with you but let's just go ahead and ease on in there let's just start by dunking our tippy toes here into the cesspool of maximilian musk let's just go ahead and dip one toe into this [ __ ] septic tank this is of course the classic screenshot from a month ago this is like a beautiful painting from max here this is like a van gogh this shit's like in the anime when the villain really wants to be caught so they just keep throwing clues out there until they eventually get caught this is a month ago so he's clearly still making these pedophile remarks and joking about being a pedophile and [ __ ] like that so it's not like he's changed much since his 2018 video i just showed you a clip of he's still very clearly encouraging this kind of [ __ ] so he still does make these jokes he still makes it seem like pedophiles and all that [ __ ] is welcome in his community so it's no surprise to see that these kind of like-minded people would flock to it yes of course you can clearly tell he's making some kind of effort to make a joke but it clearly isn't a good joke if you're getting real pedophiles that are sharing child porn in your server now is it max so like i said he used to defend the sharing of child porn in his servers as a joke and i'll go ahead and show a few screenshots of that but first let me prove to you that it used to be shared mudahar who's a man i trust dearly in situations like this who has worked in cyber security for [ __ ] years it is his [ __ ] profession if anyone can verify the authenticity of something this heinous it would be mudahar and mudahar sent this message to confirm it's real and this has of course been forwarded to proper authorities as well and if that's still not enough if you don't want to take mudahar's word for it on the day i posted my video talking about this absolute [ __ ] disgusting homunculus max on that day his discord mobilized to weaponize heinous content involving minors they started sending that [ __ ] to people in my discord which uh really [ __ ] low [ __ ] and of course max stepped up to say hey wait wait a minute you can't be sharing that kind of child porn that's not good and max being the hero he is said this wow just look at how noble this guy is you know [ __ ] firefighters those aren't real heroes max is a real hero look at the way he puts his foot down here yeah really stepping up to stop this one max now i'm going to take you back to the past to look at a youtuber who sucks ass it's max so this is from 2018. this is a message max posted in the discord now i know many people are saying you can easily say charlie this could this could not be his account this could be somebody impersonating max there's there's no way to prove this is his account there's no way this is clearly someone just impersonating him only that you can prove it's his account for the first screenshot i was actually in the [ __ ] discord when he made the message and he was the [ __ ] host of the discord so i know that one was max this one i can tell you it's max because someone actually recorded the entire [ __ ] discord before it got nuked where this right here this account was the [ __ ] host of this goddamn discord as well thus max's discord so i'll show that video real quick now for the skeptics out there the people still believing in reptilians and flat earth this may not be enough to convince you of everything i and many others have said about max uh but unfortunately this is all i have to show you there's some other things that i can't share with you that have just gone right to authorities a lot of former friends of max have come forward and told me a lot of the awful things that they would do together with max feeling regretful which is good and i appreciate the bravery that it must have taken to admit to some of the [ __ ] that they put others through on the internet uh so hopefully they learn from this experience with the maximilian musk cult it's really very sad stuff and i'm sorry if this still wasn't enough to convince you of the claims but this is this is all i can really do the reason max defends this so vehemently is because he has done a great job of trying to scrub all of this information from the internet back in 2018 or 2019 i could recall a few videos that had him talking about it but i cannot find those anymore unfortunately but this is what i have that still remains at the end of max's response video today he had a real heartfelt message that absolutely tugged on the sensitive [ __ ] of anyone that would watch this could make a grown man cry just look what he says here most of the things i'm being attacked for happen in 2018 and 2019 in 2020 i decide and decided that i want to be a better person in general just less reckless and be a generally better influence on people and i believe i've become a lot better nope are you [ __ ] serious bro this [ __ ] was a month ago you were doing this [ __ ] a month ago and then you still kept doing it and even before a month ago you had swatted wiest that was like two months ago three months ago you just out of nowhere doxed whis again and then had your community swat him here's an audio clip of some of your friends in a discord recollecting on the war they fought against the guy who didn't even know they [ __ ] existed celebrating the swat that you led what the [ __ ] you talking about you never changed max you never tried to change you are just a born [ __ ] loser you were born to be pathetic it seems like you have no ability to not be a scumbag they called the docs uh what was the guy's name um 300k like his name yeah some 300k guy some [ __ ] commie [ __ ] youtuber i love this one [Laughter] anyway keep going uh and then who was it something fantana what was his name no but what what did they do to uh waste exactly oh yeah pretend to be a [ __ ] veteran who's like uh got his like wife in the closet or some [ __ ] like like suicidally violent and everything trying to get the swat swat to come to his house oh well genuinely have no idea what you're talking about with this pity party you're trying to throw about being a better person if you really tried you failed instantly like it wasn't even close there seems to have been no attempt to be a better person again all the [ __ ] that started this happened a month ago max that was the whole reason i even went back through your past is because you were doing this horrible [ __ ] having your community raid streamers spamming homophobic and racist [ __ ] a month ago and this swat was a couple months ago you have not improved you haven't come close you haven't tried you are still an absolute [ __ ] scumbag and i don't know why you're trying to even defend these awful [ __ ] things you've done they are indefensible i don't know how people would even try and defend you the guy whose video that you lifted in your own video i feel like he is not on your side he called you shitty multiple times the only thing he didn't like is that i didn't share child porn to prove your guiltiness i don't know what exactly he was going on with there but hopefully what i've shown here enough is enough to convince even him because i feel like there's no way that you can possibly defend these things that you have done and this is all your fault by the way max i'm not doing anything to you i am just bringing what you have done to people's attention people don't want to support someone like you max that has done these things people in your own community didn't feel safe and they reached out to me to tell me some of the [ __ ] that you've done your close friends were reaching out to me to [ __ ] on you max because of the things you've put them through made them do and the things that you told them and did together like there is a very big problem with you max and what you've done with the community you've built and i don't know how you even managed it for this long because this [ __ ] is heinous it's [ __ ] disgusting stuff so anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,723,117
Rating: 4.9495721 out of 5
Id: dzmATptvbFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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