Vietnam vs Brazil | 2v2 World Cup Quarterfinals

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yeah game number one this is the second to last quarter final winner here will face china uh which will also just be incredible and miguel in the red i spoke to him last week after they won their sets miguel said two things and he also said don't spoil the important stuff so i won't but he said he said he was really happy that they three owed in the previous set that way they didn't have to show any of their strategies and he said that they're pretty confident going in against vietnam so he's playing his backyards teamed up with dogal who's playing mayans and then up against ocal you have accm it was ethiopians and in the green we have backed who is the franks so archer archer at the top with his horse horse at the bottom and i already see that both players at the top kind of have a lot of open gold spots and most of them pretty much to the front well i i will go for wild predictions predict that most of the aggression will be on the archer side yeah now we've seen a lot of drush fast castling from accm but ethiopians in particular nilly so i think you'd want to have more of a safe map of course you'd always want that but especially if you want to go for that strategy um you know it's not out of the question with accm but i think it might be too risky to go for that with this type of a map yesterday's games between uh canada and spain game one i think it was spain who had so many forward resources and canada were able to castle drop that later on and an amazing game won so yeah pay attention to that long term something we have to mention is thinking long term about all other maps as well which still have chaos pit in the pool and they did go for maggias here which is really surprising to me also remember that they instantly banned pig number four which was incas for chaos pit to come up later yeah i think vietnam they picked a map that brazil were probably planning on picking for their own home map actually that's what's funny to me because i think previously brazil was playing a lot of chaos pit and they were one of the teams practicing it in practice games at least in the in the two sets i was able to see so uh i think brazil has a pretty good idea of what they want to go for but you're definitely right that magyar's or any strong skeltif is typically used there well will be interesting for sure and i think there was so much practice going on i know that brazil practiced a lot over the last weeks and maybe they changed their home maps once or twice even obviously learning so much right it feels like the maps already had kind of an established meta but so much changed especially on scandinavia team islands and chaos pit yeah in scandinavia we still haven't seen a lot and you're correct in saying that i think that met has changed for team islands i used to think that landing was always the way to go and landing always worked but some teams found a way to counter that a little uh look at the walling here from accm dog attacking that villager an accm here protecting with his scalp this is interesting to see how early dogel's scouting with that eagle as the walls are also going up pretty early for accm which tells me he might still be considering uh some type of a drush but then again that's less wood for him to build the barracks and he loses the villager to the elephant a start you want in a best of five like this my goodness i wasn't paying attention like what happened there like did he was he too late to react and send the villager back home very weird hmm i'm i'm really confused by that and well togawa is going for the drush at the same time and not really sure if he plays this one drastic is going for big waltz now yeah keep in mind that that's losing a villager against mayans who start with one more fill so the fact that mayans get loom early at the start it's very helpful if you need to wall in more exposed areas too so uh that that villager cannot be sniped by the scout accm scout's also pretty weak nearly so i think better start for brazil as we see both miguel and backed on the way to feudal age at pretty much the same time probably going to use the back goal there is mr dougal goes for the big big wall it's quite surprising trash fast castle and acm he poor what the rock is oh man out here probably has to go for archers but oh he sees that the wall is up already bill gal's badly housed like he he's been housed for 40 seconds yeah i i mean that went from too gal having a massive lead to tossing away a bit of that but he does have the drush here and the clear difference is that the wood line right i see him yep he sees it but uh you know the clear difference right now is that we have the oh i don't even know if it's standard meta now nilly but we have archers and scouts the plan for vietnam and right now it looks like just fast castle for dogal and scouts for miguel yeah absolutely looks like it and oh we didn't mention it earlier right the gold spot's not that pretty for icm he's not even on gold yet is he trying to make a skirm defense happen here or is he too scared of those militia um more focused on this scout at the moment because if miguel wants to he's magyars he could get a ville pick here there are two villagers though at the same time so it was wise for back to send two of them no micro from miguel does he need the micro oh wow what a save holy moly and did maximum damage to the scout of miguel that was superb play yeah seriously now there's no worries there about that thing you can get his walls up and though accm with the shaky start but very good start for back that's good to see for vietnam also at the same time accm and bax were trying to get into dogal's base who partially placed all these palisade walls nearly that could have been a disaster for him so well played that he was able to get those walls down yeah good quick walling there for sure was very much on the yeah knowledge about the timings his rush is still a bit annoying and acm he will struggle a lot look at that sitting at 300 foot but not a single farm put down yet oh god the cartilage timing difference will be like four or five minutes well dougal did this twice in the three games that they played against uh brazil b and it was just rushed fast castle and it seems like i mean his map's not really great for it he says i don't care i'm gonna do it i'm gonna stick to what i'm good at and i don't think his up time will be quite as good but i recall two games where he was in castle age before 17 minutes two ranges with crossbows i mean how do you stop that so vietnam really need to get those archers forward i think but the awkward thing is accm uh has to worry about the draw still so the archers almost need to stay home hmm well maybe sending one back might be an option but even sending one forward won't really break the wall so will be tricky to get all the aggression rolling anyways but just look at the food like how is he getting enough income six on barry's four farmers is that enough it's not enough no i mean oh for dougal excuse me okay um yeah of course there's no farms at accm space um you know it's it's not going to be as good as he would want that's for sure also i don't like the position of the range i think ideally you'd have that at the front of your base we'll see if there's the other side by the way oh miguel's just been staying at home with his scouts and kind of assumed that because of that he'd be okay and get to get the walls down but backed with a good start today and also brought that spearman forward which made all the difference trying to jump on that villager nope not going to happen for now so far the only kill still from the board towards acm yeah i know even though there's been so much action here come the archers and spearmen from accm and back might just i wonder if he decides to just leave this hill and head over towards those walls to pressure dogal you know it's interesting how dogawa's built his range in that location i don't know if he was expecting pressure and actually never mind accm swinging back over towards miguel this might be a better play for vietnam oh yeah this will be tricky even if he gets the walls up they're so easily broken miguel's only gold is there oh yo i think he is forced into a defensive tower yeah be a wise move this is the risk guys this is why we've said for quite some time that going archers and scouts is the safe play because if you go drastic fast castle and your teammate gets doubled so i think there's actually some some potential for house walling here but there is a tower for miguel and he will probably do his best to act like he's gonna fight but never truly engaged and dokal has to decide on sending support or sending the army forward which i think would be ideal for brazil they want the military to damage vietnam uh but the question is can he do more damage than miguel would take at the same time tower still not up 80 only oh this is tricky this is really tricky with archers and spearman there this is not the start that brazil would want the tower will it go up it does go up but the losses are huge uh this might end up being a decent clear up for miguel though because the tower is helping out very interesting start nelly uh still dogel hasn't moved out miguel's probably telling him well i've taken losses but you're okay to do your thing oh man and that was incredible hold by miguel i think a lesser civilization and lesser player would not have made the successful hold there cheaper scouts with more attack just so good in the scenario miguel very patient play yeah some losses but he did survive that said his eco does not look good um he's just now adding some additional farms he's still adding scouts i don't know how useful that is so um i remember like a month or two ago i asked miguel about his what he felt about his chances in this tournament and he said i don't think i'm playing my best age of empires ever but dogal's a beast and so as long as i'm like good enough we can do really well so his his perspective has probably changed but dogal certainly here because i think miguel's castle time will be worse than backed he's going to have to play well the back is on the way to cass lage miguel only with 450 food let's see if togawa can deliver on the hopes here of miguel for five crossbows already finding two archer kills or you see acm preemptively already opening behind his wood line if he has to pull those villages away but the gao is actually aiming for back tea yeah interesting decision there miguel has all these scouts so he's probably saying let's break through i think it's unlikely though that if the crossbows and the scouts break through they can do much i suppose miguel could run through with the scouts but the crossbow certainly cannot um but finding another angle i think they need to go to the left-hand side and then the tc won't be in the way yeah you know what's interesting about this map you can see the elevation on the mini map for those watching uh oh whoa what is this that doesn't have a blacksmith yet oh my god he doesn't have a blacksmith yet and the scouts are gonna run through this is a really good moment here for brazil [Music] to go for double stable and market it's going to be tricky builds another blacksmith in the back another house there i think he should be fine you see yeah distracting a bit yeah i think accm arriving here gave brazil a more realistic target because there's no guarantee of doing damage and uh they'll be happy if they're able to kill some archers but props to accm who has clicked up and again uh we talked about miguel's potential slow up time he's gonna be way faster than accm who really was the one who started off with problems today for vietnam acm might lose all his archers let's take a look crossbows are diving in deep but get some kills acm getting value out of those archers although he should be outraged yeah getting some value uh did have to pull off of a woodline but didn't take losses there there's a big problem for vietnam though it's the fact that dougal is freely booming uh he'll have ballistics here in a second he's on two tc so it's not the craziest boom you've ever seen but 42 villagers for him he does have the lead and also he has 20 military and surprisingly acm only at 10. yeah that's a bit weird to me maybe adding a third archer range feels like the right time now accm has just had some massive struggles this game and straight archers didn't accomplish as much as they maybe would have wanted to of course they did delay miguel so we'll see if miguel falls behind back because of all that then maybe bax can carry yo gals just he'll show up with a group do a little bit of damage run away you know he's not looking to over invest right now he's definitely investing in the eco and it's a nice approach okay so the big question oh miguel even triple stable what's happening here three stables so he'll be one town center for quite some time i say that as he adds a second dc um but yeah i don't think he can afford to produce out of three stables nilly um he's only producing out of two so that's a surprise to me as well weird and he had villager losses before that maybe he felt the need to go three stables because of the losses and oh this is not what accm wants no ballistics yet for him but upgrades on the way okay bald some more towards his gold is a bit of scared of miguel's knights coming over plus two plus two and bloodlines sounds pretty lethal to me bacteria is trying to protect some yeah dogal just waiting on his hill as dokao is going to be on four archer ranges soon this is ridiculous play from dogali has the most villagers in the game 54 and he also has the most military very impressive i like how he's going for the ranges before the third town center because the risk would be that you lose military control after booming so he he prioritized boom then said let's get our military count up and then let's go for that 13c and he's just now adding that on the very exposed forward gold oh but bacteria is jumping here on to the army after gao knights of miguel not helping out oh yeah there's not much from miguel but it's all about dough and his micro back does have seven nights this is an interesting fight it does feel like dogel's gonna have enough for this to be a reasonable fight for brazil and the extra attack from miguel helping out there and some of those engagements as well eight village elite now for our brazilians not the biggest one ever but it just feels the army numbers plus 10 there for them really helping them out having them at control yeah it's like backed neat you would want back to masses nights but he's also needed right now at accm's base because accm is going to get brutalized by this so and understand why back was there but he has no choice but to to sit back and wait and and add more staples i mean his eco is looking good for himself but that brazil is about to dive in to kill accm oh oh that's problematic one tower 1k hp not the craziest thing ever crossbows not in the numbers bacteria is helping out now there's going to be a clutch hold yeah um let's see here those knights will get the hill it looks good for the start but there's also only six or seven nights there nilly the tower should be focusing on the crossbows good move from accm to do that and actually that is a good hold you're right just barely you're able to hold on yeah but that also meant acm without any gold income yeah over the last let's say one and a half minutes yeah i mean it's it's definitely the case of one team having control and and reaping the rewards of it right because dogal's gold on the front definitely not ideal and that would look problematic if brazil didn't have control but because brazil have control these goals for accm are looking really problematic right now especially when that main goal gets pressured so the pressure's on for vietnam it's not looking good for them because there are two players behind and dougal is playing so good i think fact is going to need to step it up a bit fact is trying to he is adding some more stables is adding three and four knights in production will be tricky though now he is facing the double and acm takes some time to come over to eight yeah this is tough right i say back needs to step it up a bit but he's doing what he can you know you can only do so much you can only afford so many nights that stable is going to get denied uh nice natural switch over here to pressure back because brazil will know the situation and look at dogal still crossbows on that hill still crossbows looping around to that wood line all the while pressuring with his main force between the stables this is very impressive play from him um taking out the stables is such a good move for them as well so they know okay miguel technically has three stables that they can produce out of yeah and back t he won't get on those numbers i i hope i'm not coming off too strong here with my praise for jokal but he has looked like one of the best players in the tournament man i mean this is their first truther test i suppose brazil b was also supposed to be a true test but it wasn't um but my goodness is so good any you you know he's gonna do it or sorry you know he's gonna do it he's a rough map and he's still making it work it's beautiful yeah took out probably the player that is handled higher by top players than by viewers yes true most of the time all top players are saying to gao in my top 10 didn't really have the tournament results some round of age included there but also like chinese realized he's one of the best players in the world let's see how we can get out of this one might be cursed to the commentator here nearly it's not easy for dougal to get out of here and there's a lot of knights for back back has way more than miguel does so let's see if i get the numbers right there it does seem like fact has more and it's only natural because he's so close to home in the end though nilly i don't think that's the worst engagement ever for dogel uh he got bummering right before that fight he's killed maybe just as many nights as miguel has been able to lose or uh did lose so i thought it'd be worse for brazil there well i thought so as well he was so surrounded at one point that they maybe have an updated upgrade advantage yeah back t not having a single attack upgrade might have hurt them there yeah yeah plus two attack from miguel no extra attack for back uh this goes down and and here comes dogal the drop of castle right between those golds and it's not just the castle position it's still that dugout has 33 military meanwhile backed is it nine accms at 28 but a lot of his military's on the other side um just back to your point real quick um do you remember the tournament that killer b hosted way back in the day good old killer bee killer b is a rabia cup yes okay so prior to that he he i don't know why i remember this little bit but uh he asked viper who he is most worried about in that tournament if viper could face someone and viper had said dogal and then fast forward like two or three years after that and it was remember it was viper endogao in hidden cup and while viper was able to get the win there dogal definitely gave viper the biggest challenge so the guy's looking good 100 fails on the way to imp and also 2016. china thought he the gao might be one of the best team game players in the world did take them to join sy and yeah develop strategies with them yeah that's true it's a really unique situation right because he not really able to communicate with them but they said we don't care you're that good uh that's a lot of nights for back and oh my god this could be a good moment for him oh that's a great surround holy moly how did that one happen and he got deep in there yeah i mean it does seem like dogal is going to be able to back away but that was the best possible engagement that vietnam could have asked for still might not be enough though with dougal still having more military than accm and denying those goals production of the gow just out of just out of control and we only have 600 gold left for acm on his main gold and then he will be dry that's 12 more or 15 more archers what is he doing after that feels like dogel's just going to kill everything when he gets to the imperial age he's 60 of the way i'm not sure if he researched obsidian arrows but it wouldn't be too out of the question here even just arbolest and bracer combined with miguel's knights over at backspace would mean that back to lose every single stable all of his town centers just everything would die crazy stuff oh man it is easy to look good right if you play drushfast castle don't do the singer villager can just dictate when to fight but the cows numbers that he is putting on the fields yeah that's incredible it's crazy you know he's he's got the better eco he's had the better numbers all game and this is maybe why miguel said like the gal's so good i just have to play decent and take nothing away from miguel who you struggled earlier remember and his bill counts looking good he's at 84 villagers so many knights and support say goodbye to your stables obsidian arrows is in by the way nilly though all of these buildings will melt oh god okay i don't need to think about the clickbait side of my next thumbnail so gao is now moving in trying to go for the cc yeah we'll see if we even gets there like for that big finale that big finish because the gg will be called yeah there we go uh kind of expected it uh because it was just too strong of a position for brazil i feel bad for accm because the forward golds but he lost a villager to an elephant and he was completely outplayed and as i said previously if they had control then the golds and the stones for dogal could have been a concern but they weren't because of brazil's control it was very bold wasn't it for tokyo to try this on this map nearly and he made it look easy hmm don't know how obviously main bonus you can build those walls cheaper so that is coming in lovely and also he knew miguel he will just continue producing scouts all few days few day long yep therefore it is easier for to go gow to cut some corners all right well that's game one that's arabia and we have some really fascinating home maps on the cards today notably from vietnam which i was not expecting when i woke up this morning there's the kd for you guys and there's the resources collected i feel like back had a really good game uh miguel had a really good game but accm was just on the back foot early on and that can happen sometimes in 2v2s but where do you go from here in your vietnam you have what is it chaos pit and scandinavia i don't know which one you'd prefer to go to after losing game one i probably go more into a stable one i think i'd rather see scandinavia than chaos pitch okay now you have quite a bit of experience with scandinavian this tournament um you guys practiced a bit on this and i think used it in multiple sets so uh what's the thought process with scandinavia is there are there a lot of options for strategies or do you feel like there's there's a few sieves that people should look towards the thing is it plays so differently every single time you have different civilizations a bit like arena right you can't dictate like oh this is the special meta that we will see every single time on arena if you have humans everything plays differently if you have tutans everything plays differently yep and on scandinavia it's kind of the same you can go for heavy water play like italians japanese are good options you can play the super boom approach some people went for celts it just feels like mongols often a good option and the other thing is it's highly dependent on civilizations but it's also dependent on map spawn sometimes you have the water at the back of the team sometimes you have the water on the sides so it's quite difficult to know what you can do every time and you have to i think practice all those situations so when you do encounter them you know what to do yeah and that's a lot of practicing to do right because seriously kind of and then there's even this diagonal spawn where it's kind of impossible to spot all snakes and well then it becomes really really scrappy like everyone kind of fighting on water then the guy that skips water has the best boom but then again the others have more map control it becomes really wild okay something we often see are that berbers are picked against mongols damn it you stole that ah that was what i was gonna say next all right well just to expand expand on that um the vietnamese players love berbers like they they picked berbers before it was cool and in situations where i didn't like it like i think i was casting with you in hidden cup three and i called accm because he picked berbers on uh it was like cross just for the faster villagers and so berbers i think fit here if you want the faster villagers to dock the enemy side um but also if it if you're expecting mongols so could be fascinating though because you also experienced playing against berbers and if you get to a certain point in post-stimp burpers can struggle against heavy siege civilizations yeah absolutely it feels like they have a good timing in castle age against mongols early imp but against society you kind of need a team partner that maybe can put some heavy cavalry in front of you okay well we can see the civilizations we have a few minutes yet until we're in the game um and it will be huns and mongols very classic civilizations for brazil and then we have malians and berbers for vietnam and i think i prefer the civilizations for vietnam nearly uh what do you think hmm i think i want to see a sling onto mongols maybe maybe a hunt player simply going for harbor deals mainly could be an option i don't really want to see miguel going for too many paladins here if we look at malians heavy camels berbers heavy camels that are cheaper i think i like the idea of miguel playing heavy on water but you're right uh you don't want to go cave archers with huns you don't want to go nights in this match up so prioritize water and boom and then maybe send all of your resources to dokao because if you get to elite manga die while the enemy is still in castle age gg um or even if the game goes late and you end up getting to elite manganite and siege on a jerk you have the potential to 1v2 um but yeah three minutes yet till we hop in i'm really excited ahead looking ahead for team islands brazilia will most likely play vikings what's their second civ then are they trying to play malay not typically the civilization that i can think of when it comes to landing maybe brazil will just play malay vikings full water um lay vikings there's been a few teams toying around with that idea nilly where you just expect the landing you wall it out you you win water and then you add military at home but yeah i think malay viking is really the only the only combination that makes sense but you could also say lithuanians well no hold on a second let's break this down chaos but they want a scout sieve so they want either lithuanians or slavs there i prefer slavs personally booster yeah and like ghost lake you're gonna probably want what are you either coaching wait what no no i i think slabs are horrible for chaos pitch yeah well i mean it was horrible yesterday yeah and like like slavs are great once you get to 20 plus farmers which in chaos pit is rarely the case that's a good point that's definitely a good point yeah um but to simplify my thoughts here which did not come out so simply i think lithuanian slavs they have to be used on um one will be used on ghost lake one will be used on chaos pit so i don't think they could be used on team islands and it has to be malay vikings when that comes if that comes i think slavs might actually not be picked at all i think it will be aztec lithuanians on chaos exactly indians britain's for ghost lake and lithuanians together with like yeah and vikings malay it's interesting how early they picked how early they picked slavs right um with that in mind but sometimes you you have to break it down after the fact so we'll see and we haven't talked a lot about what vietnam could go for uh they do have some strong sieves tootin's being there makes me think they might consider that on chaos pit it's good scout civilization um if aztecs are out there it's fantastic because the aztec monk bonus is neutralized plus there's not a lot aztecs can do against toot and paladin in late game um yeah what's funny is uh i think brazil probably were looking to go for something like tutans because i i've seen them play chaos pit previously in this tournament with tootin so i don't know twons is it's nice to have them in that spot because you don't want them on any other spot except maybe arena which we won't see here so pretty easy to draft with that in mind okay then let's jump into the action and we can take a good look at how the rivers are flowing oh man this is what we're talking about with scandinavia so for the brazilians they're kind of to the north east ish miguel and the red playing huns in the yellow we have dougal playing as the mongols but there's water on either side of each team and here's back in the green he's malians and then here's accm and the blue these berbers so you don't really need to use your villagers to sneak here it's very possible we could have 1v1s with water on each side and then it becomes really tricky playing against mongols they can play brutal times if they realize that the river is there which they instantly do you can see dogaw instantly scouting in that direction he can play something wild like pop 22 and then the defense won't be easy for back team now it's interesting if this does turn into a water war there's a lot of walling that should and needs to happen in the middle as the scouts engage and oh this could be important really uh nothing too crazy there as soquel bales but yeah um well is i'd say it's easy to wall because of all the wood lines on scandinavia there's also a lot to wall [Music] and the big question is like how do you wall do you do the well i'm only boarding myself are we doing team balls here i'm personally a big fan of teamworld i know that jordan absolutely hates them we had so many discussions about these and yeah but we went through the series against russia and viper in the end said that that team might have costed us the game against russia because our grudge was just so so delayed so it is tricky to find the middle ground between being safe and still contesting water yeah and i think it's not just do you make a team wall it's when do you all right if you invest into the wall early to feel more safe then you might not have as many resources to invest on water and maybe that's what viper was alluding to a bit i'm really curious to see what what viper and mbl will bring against russia later today in the final quarter final they um obviously are heavily favored to win that set but i'm unsure on how much they practiced yet like i think if they beat russia then there's gonna be a heavy week of practice for them but i know rush has been playing a lot of games like i i mean i'm still getting messages from dark every other day they're looking for teams to play with so i'm like sorry they stopped messaging us really oh that's funny actually they stopped messaging you they're like okay we already we already handled those guys yeah 10-0 oh yeah was it really 7-0 in the practice games you played with them yeah and then 3-0 in the wow that's rough well if it makes you feel any better i we haven't played them yet so they've been asking but we we didn't get to play them so they didn't know how bad we were going to be uh yeah i'm on the later sides of the dock here for dog i would say and maybe pull the third ball early it feels like mongols the third board is kind of left over very often if you just played two boars and click up to futilization yeah um i'm not liking the wood efficiency for dogal right now look at these villagers bumping he's got four villagers on one side of the lumber camp and one on the other and that's costing him but he is going for the third bore he'll bring that in and uh i think the expectation here nilly is that we will see water fighting on both sides the question now is do you go for land a bit like some minute arms could be good sneaking a villager getting some archers in i don't see any dots on the minimap yet where they don't belong yeah um that's a lot of investment i suppose man at arms in theory is less investment than something like scouts because you don't need the barracks and then the stable plus you can do damage a bit faster but you're still if you build a barracks that's one less dock that you could have and a lot of teams are going to consider okay somebody dropped not a restart yeah somebody dropped and they have to restore uh so we have we have plenty of time for speculation i guess nearly yeah well well actually if they dropped they also dropped five minutes ago right so technically it's not like we will have to sit through the full five minutes back delay again but yeah it just seems like four players crushing here most likely and a bit earlier with the walls are the brazilians let's see uh okay so we have four minutes to wait yeah they're going for a larger spec delay than some of the other players have gone for i think default we have set is two um that's fair it doesn't doesn't bother me if they have a little bit more of a delay but they'll be back in a second so you have mongols bursmalians on the right side and then the left side we have huns against berbers which sieve do you favor on either side mongols over berbers and i think no mongols over malians and berbers against hansfield's relatively even especially because both players kind of talked a bit towards each other especially acm i think with berbers you could actually make an argument trying to dock away as much as possible and go for the mass galleys with the extra speed on them interesting okay yeah i'm really i feel like a delicate balance you need to have is is when you switch off of water if you do so um if you gain a lead on water that's often an invitation to maybe add that barracks at that staple make scouts make nights or whatever but you do that too early and you don't fully control water then that can be an issue and i think some teams have struggled to find that balance i think brazil will want to have miguel in a good position to boom uh because i don't see huns really shining against malians or berbers so if he gets an economy lead then that could be good for brazil but overall i think vietnam will be very happy with their sieves well let's see how it will play out how they will well maybe we get into a wacky game where they over invest into water and maybe miguel can squeeze something in maybe it's just a short crush and then mango dive from the gao not really expecting that i think playing the hyper long game might be a bit better for them okay the big question is how will this game develop if either team wins one lake yeah i'm nearly i'm gonna answer a few questions here that i'm getting in my chat about the draft um so the way it's set up here is teams will start off picking the home maps and all that information is on the screen and then the at the beginning of the draft there's a global ban from each team so goths are globally banned that's that's bottom left for vietnam and then bottom right is italians for brazil after that they go back and forth picking civilizations then after that concludes there's a snipe which on my screen is across here on nilly screen i think it's an x and um so those are sieves that are taken away from the draft and then the sieves that have been played i have the other indicators there so uh it's it's imagine like you're new to the game and you show up and there's all these little symbols and whatnot it's pretty confusing but it's very important it's it's all about strategy and planning and we saw uh spain yesterday i guess we didn't really talk about this much nearly really get a big lead just with strategy and thinking through the games yeah like game number two was simply a strategic win i'm not really sure that was like we can't really [Music] congratulate spain for that it's more default for canada but game number three was a masterpiece after the tournament i i might look back at game two from canada yesterday as the most confusing out of all of them like i guess there was some in the group stage which didn't make sense but like for a team of that caliber to to play that the way they did was still really really confusing i think yeah it was really high up there i think there was also a game like china b burmese no stone then bought 700 stone for a castle i mean it at least you knew the plan though like i'm not saying it's a good plan at least you knew the plan i i didn't know what the plan was yesterday uh but anyways after the disconnect guys they have restored and will be in here and it's they're just gonna pick up right where they left off unfortunately uh you know with technology being what it is and as being a 20 year old game there can be some issues sometimes and we're back in business now nearly so we're expecting feudal age what do you think about the fact that dogal is already floating a villager to wall well it obviously reduces your wood income right he is on the way to futile age might even be playing one lumber camp here which is okay at the start but typically you woodland would get really inefficient so he's trying to cut some corners yeah cutting some corners to get the docks out quickly now right behind him two feudal will be backed nice thing about bach's position is back has three fishing ships working right now so a little more food income and malians are one of the best civilizations for this spot all of their buildings are discounted on wood so that extends to their houses that extends to their mining camps lumber camps and docks so mongols their only real bonus is that since they bring in so much food from the hunt they can get feudal faster but in the mid game you prefer malians on water probably probably yeah you don't get that many houses out obviously something we don't really discuss is that you don't really save 25 foot but also the time that the villagers actually building the house you can chop some trees in the meantime so you're actually saving a bit more but still a bonus that doesn't really heavily scale in the long run let's take a look the growl reached futile he's opening with fire girlies all right so fire galleys for dogal um he's opening with fire galley actually he didn't have the resources for the second one right away and also just got housed and this can happen when you're not used to these types of maps because you're producing of two docks and your town center so badly housed for dogal that slows him down in some ways and now you have the others arriving to feudal and it happens a bit because that villager that built the second dock normally builds the house but he is actually building the stone game gate so yeah a bit of a slip up in the build order there because of that yeah scout's still engaging that can be really important if you want to break through any of these walls and good move from back and okay both very similar hp here but backed has the lead there as dog will scramble to a hill on the other side we have a scout from accm but that scout is weak and if i'm not mistaken i think he killed miguel scout indeed he did so lots going on here with the scouts uh higher hp scouts for accm and facts okay now taking the engagement with the hill but back t should get the kill there okay so two scouts left for vietnamese but both low hp oh good start to this fight for dokao backed patrolled but was one fire galley didn't hear worked from the next and that was happening and that's unfortunate and that sets him back further than he would want oh man all right look at that massive amount here lost 90 hp compared to only 27 hp lost pretty good start for the gal but now it should be 532. yeah 5v2 you you can have a demo or two coming out at some point i think we really are going to see backed overwhelm took out with numbers let's see what togal can do with production he's actually has two demos and a fire coming out so he's going earlier for the demos i think you normally go uh fires out of two docks and then demo out of one not the other way around huh okay well i don't really i i don't have a good rule of thumb for that but i know that the guy was not taking a good fight for v3 first demos out could get some connections yeah i could dogal does micro uh demo still good connect and now here comes that demo and micro could have been better for back but fire ships are clunky sometimes really we have to worry about the other side too so this is really going to be tough for us because the players might engage at the exact same moment yeah we need picture and picture for this one for sure something that we rarely mention is that actually berber get a reasonable bonus there 10 faster moving fire galleys means they have a better time moving away from demos and their demos connect more often yeah let's see nice job there from accm that's a wasted demo for brazil um backed almost lost that scout there i'm looking at the walls it looks like brazil have fully walled and even adding stone walls now nearly well if they want to play the very long game makes lots of sense to me reminds me of a certain german team doing that against argentina worked well um demo looking for a target and acm gets a beautiful one oh okay i was looking at the wrong side yeah it is tricky it is tricky there's so much going on and so much like moment yeah oh damn there's a lot of weak ships in there for miguel he's also outnumbered he does not have all of his docks skewed up and a demo is very late here this is awful for miguel oh yeah oh yeah lots and lots of demo maybe to finish this one off oh it gets the ships and the fishing ships will have to sail away if accm can keep the fires coming out this is perfect for him and his team as meanwhile on the other side it's pretty 50 50. 8 to 20 military at the moment oh god massive leads here for vietnam yeah this is their home map a map that they practiced very good connect there from backed as well as those fires should be taken out and now dokal is even falling off of water yeah this is not what brazil would have wanted another demo into the fishing ships and acm with the full control here the question now how long are you continuing to produce fire gellys and when are getting fish yeah i i just checked that i went to accm's point of view to see if he would cue up a few fishing ships um it feels like after this batch that he could justify doing that there's plenty of fish around and that would give him a good castle time for backed i think you are you're in a fine position patrolling here maybe even can consider as well but it's definitely something that's more greedy as he hasn't completely won his side yeah and as my mother always said there's plenty of fish in the river so can go for some nice boom on the road for sure yeah plenty of fish in the river um not so sure about the fact though you know like it's a german thing it's the german version [Laughter] you don't have cesium it's gonna say that it's a nice shot from dogal is actually fantastic to get some value out of the repairs but it does still seem like so many of them weak one demo could end his day and the castle age time looking good for miguel looking good for dogal so this is interesting is the fact that they were low weaker on water simply down to the fact that they farmed more and invested more into land eco i mean i guess there's no farms for dogal but he did take all that hunt maybe it is the bigger wall investment right yep it just makes it so much tougher yeah nilly also i think it might be it's not ideal to lose your fishing ships but if you're in castle age fast enough maybe you could get your upgrades and then you could overwhelm a little bit with a few demos but it seems like desperation for dokao is he's simply sending the fires through though that's that's for fishing snipe attempts that's not to completely win water yeah but they take some time low hp there one demo is coming over trying to aim for the greatest connects ever but so far well there's only three fishing ships yeah there's three fishing ships and there's not a whole lot of fish out there unless backed wants to redox so i don't think this is all that good for dogal really curious what his plan is going into castle age demo finds one kill that is kind of it but i'm still trying but he does have villagers on stone he's adding a second town center and he might even go three they do have stone walls at least brazil it also seems like the same story for miguel who is going to add tc's and no i lied he's adding stables what huh that's weird feels weird to me two stables when he has seven on food right now see how many nights you can make nilly and if vietnam will expect that well he's adding more thumbs we'll be up to 11 farms pretty soon 19 on woodfield's way too much six on gold way too little and well we need some seeds otherwise those knights won't achieve anything so maybe but but does it not make sense if the mongol player is going to carry you maybe it makes sense for miguel to go something like siege night and try and distract both vietnamese players as dogal booms it's it's not the worst line of thinking but currently he's making knights against walls so i don't see what he's going to accomplish with that and a double checked everywhere and it doesn't look like there are any holes at least he's not going for any upgrades on these nights maybe it's just to make sure that they won't die to any pushes here but a7 big team no interest in such you know what remember miguel and dougal both lost their scouts and if you look at miguel he just spotted those walls so he didn't know that they were there i think it'd be a wise move to assume the enemy walls in this position but maybe it was just a risk and they were thinking if they didn't team wall i could get in with knights uh but the team walls are up and back is actually adding camels and i think he might be considering going for forward siege but shouldn't you just add a scout to find out yeah probably i think that'd be the wise move [Music] well look at the eco difference uh dogal might have 49 that's all villagers but accm in fact still doing a good job actually this is for a redox i think so bax can continue to fish i think he really should be adding more uh i would even say the same about accm he could have added maybe six more fishing ships and re-docked as well but overall pretty solid both adding tc's village account in total relatively even we have to say advanced is like seven workers in total so no no biggest happened yet actually yeah look at that gold for dogal he's got that four tile gold in the front beneath the hill he'll need to secure there's two golds forward for back but they have the control right now kind of an awkward one for backed because i guess you could have walled in front of that but it was too far forward for it to be reasonable for him uh so again nilly we are asking the question where does this go from here uh doesn't feel like it's going to be too good for huns with marimba camels and camel archers potentially coming out for vietnam i'm yeah i i would feel a bit clueless right now if i was brazil i think it has to be harmonious out of miguel in front of mass mango dye and siege on interest sounds like a good combination to me honestly yeah maybe helps if you're making military yeah that makes sense help cdram and then you have dogal on mangudai and if it goes really late mongols get seize on a germans oh i guess malians also get sea janitor always forget about that the berbers do struggle against heavy siege though and also against habitus so let's see about that back tea i love that he's sending a village out trust tries to get some outposts he will have a lot of vision and uh t90 could you explain that okay just deleted he had a weird gait in no man's land there for one second oh yeah okay gotcha now i'm looking at his point of view now i like the outpost as well i also like the rewall from dougal to protect that gold that's such a small thing but those two gates there do protect that gold a little bit more than otherwise would have been able to uh he's not making military so bax could have even just walled in that gold with villager is that gate going to the wood line even the diagonal one which i can find the diagonal gate to protect that gold actually i think there's a tile gap there i think so as well yeah i think there is a tile gap there you're right on that 62 bills for miguel he's he's worse off when it comes to eco he's been trying to defend and he's done a good job using knights and monks to defend from the camels he actually has four monks right now i have five on the way so he could make a bit a little bit of a push but it's not like he could actually threaten vietnam as we see a castle for accm to probably make camel archers this is just after we see the castle for dogel who's already making mangudai something we have to mention though in the long run the trait will be worse for dogaw and miguel since they don't have the water control on the side it will be significantly shorter yeah and that's because you well actually that wood line that one little line of wood is actually a problem as well but you cannot build your markets up against the shoreline if the enemy can make navy there but yeah the wood lines in general make trade so awful in this map i'm looking at both sides and the trade is going to be running all around yeah luckily we get some extra gold so you don't suffer too too much aggressive siege workshop now here by back t that's a bit surprising to me aggressive siege workshop for back i'm sorry where is this seat oh there it is right hand side on the till that's where everyone has above 70 80 villagers so yeah it sounds really late okay this sounds nuts and this is a very dave thing to say um but like people stick up the ice no but what if he's placing it there because it blocks off the potential for a castle like that's a perfect castle spot and after that siege workshop goes up which is cheaper with malians a castle can't really be placed there then then hmm you could go for blacksmith which is cheaper you could just go for random stone walls as well that's longer true but i i well i don't think he's gonna use it right now i don't hate it since he's floating what an oh big fight in the middle the big fight really comes down to conversions and this could be conversions on either side uh oh miguel doesn't have faith on a few of those monks but both end up backing away yeah feels like miguel knows that won't be the prettiest fight for him that he's trying to chase but really wants to fight with the monks as well cameras is now on the field for acm solid upgrades holy imp batman he's about to be imp he's at 90 that's crazy that's absolutely ridiculous and he sees that castle is going up for miguel so he's gonna drop a castle on that hill and think about trebs soon there's a lot of pressure on miguel right now there's not much he can really make i see him getting cav upgrades nearly but maybe hal would be the better play i still don't think it'd be easy but certainly cavalier is not going to work all that well against camels and camel archers questions now back tea do you want to overboom here and just sling your team partner acm to go for cameras and camera archers what do you think the advantage that you might gain with it over the next two minutes isn't that important enough so that you just play him yourself um i think that he should go in if he was going to sling i think he should have slung like five minutes ago okay that's my take on that because i i think you already have accm in a good position so if the position doesn't get that much better when he's already gonna have three castles under his own power with input parades i think the concern though is dokao just he just ran out of the gates and he uh picked off some villagers so back does really need to worry about this awkward choke pointy area went up against mangudai important that we get for rimba here for bacteria otherwise those are basically generic camels he still has very reasonable numbers there overpopulation feels relatively reasonable 35 lead i would say at the moment for vietnam but obviously that's a lot of fire galleys on the outside as well what's really weird though is it back to us an imp right now i think vietnam in a fantastic position actually i take it back they still are in a fantastic position but feels very much like there's potential for jokaw to kill back as he's already an imp getting elite manga die and that might lead hccm to need to send help um it's almost like vietnam should switch sides actually have the cam archers on the right and have the camels on the left right now well they have all the map control for that right they have the center control they have the mobility so technically absolutely an option yeah they're not that far away from each other if they're fighting on the front of the bases but miguel's getting cavalier with plate barting um he can't take his stones on the front he does have quite a few units that will receive those upgrades but far from ideal for him right now ah i know i will get a lot of hate for what i will be saying but i actually would have liked the sling on to hunt going full sea trementar buddy okay listen i get that that might be really good against and i'm this isn't hate by the way this is criticism um i i understand that that might be good against camel archers and camels in theory but i don't think i think it's so easy to switch into something against that and you have to have mongols going for elite mangadyan rams and post him come on you get a lot of map control maybe you can kill two three castles yeah of a rubber player as well and then later once the mongol player switches into normal play his mangler dies become relatively stronger i mean you you're definitely right maybe if it was different civ because hun helps they don't feel quite as strong but uh you know i'll say this guys people asking what's better mangudai or camel archers well camel archers are seen as a counter to mangudai but mangudai are probably better in most other situations because of their firing speed their bonus against siege which we'll see here though they really need to find an answer answer excuse me to the camel archers brazil and they're not able to find that right now and now heavy camel will be in for practice he's already all over miguel this is rough oh big big problems there camera archer certainly better when we won against mangudai if both of them are fighting at the melee units though then we probably think that manguda might have the slight edge yeah but honestly miguel will struggle to put the meat in front of them he's getting paladin so i mean they'll have to wait for that paladin can definitely make a difference but this is so much pressure from vietnam game one accm was off to a poor star and now look at him in game two he's played great as his back on their side and this fight's looking so good for vietnam oh yeah and killing all the cavaliers before they become paladins is so nice as well mong is really helping out on the back line and no now no more meat sales i don't think that the mango guys can actually take this fight no it shouldn't be anyways uh you think with any other unit you could kill it but mangady's have to back away and you just can't you can't afford to retreat here you fight or you die anyways if you're vietnam or sorry if you're brazil paladin's in now is that going to be enough for miguel and dougal to push this back farimba only now being queued up and they are actually switching into knights what switching away from camels cavalier i don't love that um but a mix of camel and cav might be an okay decision camels of course with less pierce armor so maybe that's the logic this manga they are killing them pretty quickly but it might offer a bit more of a meat shield i guess right if you what's happening here 300 pop against 330 with lots of water that will be less efficient where is the the army of bacteria well he was sending units in and they kept going through that one gate and getting picked off what is happening indeed nearly 70 uh ish military for team vietnam but they're losing grounds rams now moving forward okay against camels and camel archers maybe traps might have been an option penalty numbers no way it's tied me either though nearly this is the difference we're seeing mongols get cdram with drill and that was an awful engagement for accm oh my word that castle is going to go down kicking in drill is kicking in any second as well they are preparing the trade behind this we'll find the extra gold spots at the very top so gao playing out of his mind again what is happening like we obviously saw how strong camel archers can be when manga die are out in the field but now we're seeing how good mongols can be imposed in forget about your camel archers if you have siege as well i mean i guess this is the answer to the question nilly uh who needs help cdram when you have mangudai paladin seed for him right oh man maybe and i still wouldn't wouldn't hate seeing like 10 15 harmonies being mixed in if miguel if i get to that ego yeah yeah 118 villagers would love to see him at maybe 10 more there i think there's a spotter where to gowdy to switch away from rams into some traps yeah it's like they've given miguel a bit of time to breathe but are they really ever going to break in the middle maybe just switch focus as well maybe just ram the other side um it's it's very cramped here scandinavia and both teams are adding trades so this could be a very long game but currently vietnam with so much more map control honestly this could also be a pretty short one if just one bat could patrol off miguel and there's no more meat shield yeah so only all the camera archers can get the kill back t he has a powerful army and they have a punch now yeah it was almost like it looked like a potential throw there for vietnam right back didn't have the army numbers now he does he's got 60 camels problem is a lot of those camels do die when they're getting close um to the manga dive but still you've got enough there to prevent that castle from ever going down i also mistake i think under usage of the pawn there by back team look at that some war galleys could have helped out annoying those markets for sure yeah well i see accm is doing that he just got the war galley upgrade so i think he'll have some galleys along the shoreline soon also you could delete a lot of your fires at this point for population space for vietnam you don't need to have 20 military on water big fights right in the center mango guys are trying to micro back camera just going for the kills yeah uh camel archer's missing a lot there's three or four volleys that they missed but still a lot of the paladins were taken care of by the camels but i think vietnam will have to back away to the hill yet again nearly oh paladin is a good you electricity hallelujah like compare the pierce armor seven pierce armor for a paladin compare the the attack you've got more attack for the paladin more hp for the paladin yes foreign camels are beastly but you still have almost half the pierce armor and 40 less hp and there are trebs for dogal now come out the numbers are falling don't tell me the gao and miguel are pulling this one off scores incredibly close all of a sudden the q is there for back but half of the q is like half and if camels aren't doing it i don't think light caps gonna do it and brazil might end up taking this castle out and if that castle goes out the next could go down this is ridiculous from nogal ridiculous from miguel how are they pulling this off oh god and yeah castle going down even with masonry there no real repair and rams they will take care of another castle i mean accm didn't have camel archers cued and backed maybe unable to afford full heavy camel and it wasn't working anyways we might have just seen the game shift into brazil's favor while we did see the game shifting to brazil's favor but we might have just seen the game one right there because the berber player cannot afford to lose all these castles there's another one down krebs will take out the next oh building a fourth one now i have so many questions about this this feels so weird well they had so many advantages right back team never active trying to rate the the right hand side just put on five stables there light covers so much better in the economy of the gao compared to trying to throw them at the center into the manga yeah they still could transport some units around or like you said villagers and raid that eco but when you were relying on camel archers and now the player who's making the camel archers doesn't have the castle numbers the big problem i see so much trade in queue for accm and there's a lot of trade working for both teams right now but they need to get their numbers high enough and they're working on that still some extra gold spots to be taken next cast is going to fall and all of a sudden well acm again down to two castles only that's not enough now he's getting some stone sling though doesn't manga die paladin just feel better it might be how the players are taking the fights too but it feels like it's still stronger than camel archer camel well it is a classic for like 15 years now maybe even longer because the composition is so so strong obviously we didn't have come out we didn't have for rimba in the old days but it seems like even those are not the counter acne and bacteria trying to fight with the hill but it just feels like the numbers are on brazil's side now i'm gonna talk about a few things that i think vietnam could do to change their position and a great decision from brazil to back up here and take the hill for this fight they'll take that fight every every day of the week but i think they they've got to focus on using their water control a bit more nearly now if you we talk about shifting focus a lot if you transport something there even just five camel archers into the trade that's focus that brazil needs to take away from the middle and brazil is currently they're having a field day in that middle area so transitioning into another area of the map would be key for vietnam to maybe take these hills again oh man now miguel even mixing in some stuff and yeah absolutely true they they had the good boom right they should have had the advantage clearly i'm not sure malians and berbers i think berbers get canon guardians i don't know about malians though but that could just shorten the trade line open so many more ratings yeah i agree with you under usage of the break lakes rivers and their trade should be better right they should be getting let's see we're getting uh 58 gold the trip against 44 gold a trip so even if they have a slightly worse tech i felt like they had the position to take advantage of um their map control and maybe they tried to force the issue too frequently in that middle area but here goes some light calf they are walled out for the most part but oh let's see miguel well done we'll add that gate he'll add the stone walls and to prevent the light cat from getting through meanwhile not the greatest engagement for him though was a bit distracted with the quick walls there took a long fight against the camels but again mango dice of the gao behind this also providing some damage and oh where all those camel are just coming from i think they were in the middle area now there's 35 here and maybe now dugout needs to back away but look at the kd for nogal 300 kills 131 deaths you can't tell me that that manga and i are worse than camel archers uh in a 2v2 scenario with that yeah and that's what we said right when we won clearly the counter in team games the damage outputs are so much better in the second row at firing speed uh for those who are relatively new to the game believe it or not mangadai used to fire faster and a lot of people complained when that happened like now mango dies suck uh and they they definitely do not suck based on that change age stamp says i missed those days yeah it was like small landing left-hand side and transporters getting killed only two paladins in there though acm very aware left-hand side oh but he was only over there because he wanted to hop into his own transport ship nearly so there he goes and miguel would have needed to dock in order to transport so he has a few docks going up bit of water control i think vietnam have definitely stabilized a bit here well well like everyone close to pop limit right so this game could still continue quite a bit we'll still love to see more water usage acm maybe too much pop block there and oh but look at dog now building castle at the side protecting their traits i like that yeah i like the castle but i also like to push up hill right now um they might be able to take out another castle two traps behind the rams insane mangudai micro miguel here to help i think they're happy to toss away numbers here if they can take out another castle from the berbers we'll be close though two rams oh but now four traps okay i think they will get that one and they're the camels do nothing man that has 140 kills 360 deaths this isn't because he's making the wrong units necessarily it's just because it's all he can do and it's not enough and that also answers the question that we get so so often in chat right if it's night and crossbow in castle people always go like why aren't they adding camels yeah yep so nearly interesting point when miguel lost his transport um he must have spotted that transport coming over from accm because he added stables and some walls in the trade area and prepped paladins so the camel archers are in the trade now but miguel says no no no this is our trade not yours and he'll take care of that great awareness great awareness for sure atm update on this castle count down to three again and heavily housed yeah um i also noticed how good miguel has been with some presence on the left side has the docs won't worry about that now is now adding cdram uh okay so which team is is winning right now if there's a team winning and how do they finish off the game nearly this is a lot of trebuchets going down for jokel no okay let's take a look trade count will be better i think technically position is relatively even but it just feels like the gown miguel played so much better yeah and it feels like the mango die are really caring so i would say if you switch the players it's basically 50 50. here i have to give the edge to brazil yeah i noticed accm just a bunch of small things i'm not sure the reasoning for it but he's had a lot to do but he's only at 180 pop space so he might hear the pop cap noise and not realize he's not fully popped um also i saw these speedy rams from decal that just sped through the base of vietnam to try and take out a castle which was really funny oh man um but that's distracting right those are things you have to worry about and it could be paladins and mangadai coming in next if you're not careful adding siege workshops now doesn't really have the greatest resources to go into so i think so could actually help could make it so much tougher for to go to dictate fights yeah if you have five to six sea janitors on each hill protected then it does make it tough even paladins can die to siege on azure i'm wondering if we'll ever see that from dogal i'd say his seat challengers are better because of the speed um camel archers for accm behind the market that's something miguel will need to deal with and uh if the game goes on long enough there's a lot of wood right now but where players are chopping wood will also be something to talk about yeah luckily scandinavia woodlines are massive so unlikely that that will be the limiting factor at least in the upcoming hour well we just broke the one-hour mark yeah just broke the one hour mark i see fortified wall for dougal a very choke pointy map and lots of trade i do like how the players are chopping through some of those wood lines that are in the middle of the trade that will help the trade be more efficient i'm waiting for brazil to do what they were doing before and mix in some trebs they can get the trebs out and uh continue with big fights with four trebs behind they can take those castles push the positions they need to felt like you mentioned like three four minutes ago that acm is still stuck at pop 180 and he still is yep it still is i think there's got to be some stress here then right yeah you're you're very tunnel visioned i guess on the fights in the production okay now we added us okay now he's adding houses all right that's understandable then it's almost like brazil are waiting to choose the side to push and vietnam is waiting on either side of the hill unsure on which decision they'll make and here come rams and mangudai just against camel archers they'll bust through those gates and yeah look at accm he's pulling the camel archers back now he's not able to fight with his teammate well he did send some in the center camels might close that one down yeah not really okay the camels are here but now the camels are gonna get trapped in for back oh that's that's going to be a lot of camel losses and also a castle will go down for accm in the middle oh oh that is problems again traps simply so good and well brazil getting that crucial center who is so good for them they can just toy with vietnamese it it it feels like malians are just garbage here too another thing i think back needs to have production in more than one area you think back to how land played for spain yesterday in that crazy game one he had stables on either side and there's only four stables for back here and only one's producing so i don't know if that's a shortage of resources but swinging back and forth over these woodlines has really hurt vietnam over the last five minutes and i fear it's only going to get worse for them maybe over producing but it just no he is not has reasonable numbers and yeah still floating 5k foot while we see siege on it now finally coming in for the gal oh man and forward siege workshops he only has five on food the rest is on wood and gold so i think he did receive some of that food from miguel that's smart thinking of course he won't need the food long term he only spent wood and gold for the siege managers too and we could see some massive shots here that's an interesting choke point sea jonathan's very close nilly and uh if pcs were ever gonna break this would be the moment so let's hope that doesn't happen biggest fight of the world cup possibly oh and tactical policy oh my game is freezing i think i think that the pcs are freezing so they actually passed it you can see the lag there um well what's what's funny is um there's not a lot they can really do i suppose that's not funny but if someone's pc is gonna lag and post imp we're in post dimp it's not gonna change unless a lot of units go down yeah and it's also like th the pc has to process all the units on that tight area right yeah that's that's a lot of it yeah listen i'm no dev right i'm not gonna pretend that it's easy to make a game that doesn't lag at this stage and uh i'm not gonna pretend to understand all the reasons why it happens and why it doesn't other times but i'll tell you this much that is a choke point that vietnam need to defend and they can be nowhere near s-o-s-o-c chemistry drill they're even opening that choke further interesting choice yeah i actually don't like that move um but maybe they just want to finish off the game right here uh are you ready for some big shots ladies and gents the camels have already proved to be very poor and i think they'll continue to be poor in this situation my goodness that's a lot from brazil oh this could be the money shot coming in not a lot of camels trying to focus this one down there's just so much protection for the siege behind this yeah there's trebs too i mean so again bringing in some trebs not just the rams not just the sea janitors the camels all melt that's as good a fight as you could ever take in that situation that bombard cannon gets taken out and the camel archers rip and the rest will die g g the castles are down the population's down for accm backed could never really contribute anything in post imperial and those were the biggest siege manager shots we've seen so far in the world cup crazy post tim scenes here nearly but we've been talking about it for 15 minutes you can't kill the gal with mongols and post him it's just too good oh god and now he got to the ideal army composition that that's this full mongol power look at the amount of so that he mastered up i know it's ridiculous and it's also it's not just the units but it's how you control the units as well he's made it look very easy constantly firing when he needs to and miguel here every step of the way with some paladins the trade is right here so brazil but i think we'll take their time in this situation could always not do so and run right into the trade but they're slowly creeping in and if i'm vietnam i resign before i lose more camouflages you know like why why are you still playing at this point you're just gonna embarrass yourself further he's even right clicking the castle with all the so he's killing a castle with siege on earth well the traps are there too but say goodbye to that castle uh here come the leicava and camels there's onager for back on the far side of that woodline trying to contribute mongols crazy and post him one of the best scandinavian sieves we are seeing that right here almost 700 kills for dogal and he's not even at 300 deaths oh god such great control and well he's just happy he goes in deep and acm backseat i thought they had the counter to mongods they thought they had the camel archers but it is a team game penalty numbers were enough here for miguel impeccable game so nearly malians able to best mongols on water berbers able to best huns on water and then castle age it was camels and camel archers against knights for miguel it was almost like the time window that vietnam needed to take advantage of they never they never jumped through that window they just sat back like in post imperial it was going to be better for them but it became far far worse i don't like how few fishing ships were added and how late they were added as well if you think about somewhat like tattoo he has 35 fish traps there in baptism yep yep i think that but also they just weren't able to force the issue there were forward resources miguel's base wasn't fully walled and i think they were content and maybe too content with with placing castles and adding trade instead of trying to do a bit of that but also pushing into the brazilians economy it also do you remember when he tucked in the cavalier i feel like back fell at that point that the camels were dying too quickly maybe you continue with cavalier instead of camel then but very hard to say that was a great comeback from brazil though it didn't look likely that they were going to win that game once miguel's walls were down ah i think that didn't make it messy enough as well they had the full control in the center full control on the outside it felt like 75 25 map control at one point you have to have stables everywhere make it painful because mango die they don't work in 5v5 fights they work in 40 40 fights good point yeah we talked about that too ain't the best teams they get into a winning position they take advantage of it nearly and and vietnam will regret not doing that there uh that kd though you will rarely see something like this 708 kills 277 units lost and um you look at the amount of resources collected it was actually pretty close across the board but durgao did have the most gold uh but miguel was right behind him backed in accm did have less came down to them not pushing an early imp around 36 40 minutes surprising how close the food count is for to go and miguel there 35k to 40k one player builds full food gold army yeah the other one isn't using food for his units at all i don't know maybe he had a crazy farming eco and then he switched off of that that is surprising a backed with 56 000 food i actually feel bad for back i know that vietnam could have done more but his army felt absolutely useless past a certain stage and if this game wasn't chaotic enough for you up next is chaos bit so chaos pit is the map that vietnam have to go to i'll say this i doubt it's going to go post imp all right so whatever sieves we see i don't think we have to speculate over post m strength because very rarely does the game get there but in a close series against the team of brazil's caliber you do you never want to be down two games it's going to be such a task for vietnam to ever come back now not only you have to win your whole map but also two home maps of your opponent yeah and they still have vikings picked for that they have indians britain's for ghost lake an ugly apple battle ahead of them i think also to make matters a little bit worse uh as i said before today chaos pit is also picked pretty frequently by brazil in the past so it's not like they're going to be unprepared for this um i think you're laughing because you see the sieves nearly i won't see them for a second but tell me what you're thinking it was more like to make matters even worse like i already pictured a horrible scenario oh and then you keep on beating on them yeah i mean again brazil picked chaos but pretty frequently for their home maps so yeah we made matters worse ah okay robot jumped into the game maybe telling them something like okay how do we handle those pc issues obviously we had a lot of discussion after the massive lags on one valley game i don't even remember which one that was [Laughter] actually i'll let you continue your point but i'd like to salute everyone who actually donated to wisepe after that um i chipped in as well but i think in total wisceppi ended up receiving like 400 after that so uh people like people saw that game and and waspi was so chill about it and was steppi was like i have a wood pc and wassepi messaged me he's like i can't thank everyone else but i want to thank you for for helping us out so maybe he won't have as many issues in the future sweet stuff sweet stuff did you discuss that internally with the admins and organizers how you handle those situations in the future you mean post stamp issues well not if like someone is heavily responsible for the lag yeah well i mean it's a tough one right um yeah if like let's say in that game it was chilly against netherlands uh netherlands felt like well they ended up winning thankfully but let's say the netherlands lose and they felt like they would have won if it wasn't for that lag depending on the team there might be some drama there uh thankfully those teams are not the dramatic type and that there wasn't a lot of controversy but now we didn't really we didn't really discuss it past that point because it was the one time that it happened and hopefully that won't happen again hopefully yeah we had a lot of funny memes in that game like also angelina jolie had to pause because his girlfriend was in a rough time rough part of town and he wanted she wanted to talk to him while she was getting out of the rough part of town so that happened and the potato pc happened in that game tristan change of speed i think either they forgot or they intentionally didn't do spec delay i'm already one minute into game number three oh god okay well then yeah i saw the game i figured there'd be a delay they probably forgot to add a delay then and welcome to chaos pit i see your scoreboard's not prepped on my end because we weren't expecting to be in the game but uh really thoughts on the civilizations well lithuanians as we mentioned earlier pretty damn good 150 extra food therefore basically two scouts instantly out aztec one of these three civilizations that can actually manage arm russia you have the extra gold can afford three minute arms there's no gold in the center yeah so lithuanians probably wanting to go for the scouts and then dogel maybe that man at arms rush or just a drush no gold in the middle you want to chop to the outer ring um again apologies i think overlay guy was not expecting the game to start but score oh no we're good we're good of course 2-0 here uh what what do you think about vietnam though you've got twons a sieve that has tc dropped in the past already thinking something about togawa and all this laming that he is doing he just sent a villager forward and said thank you i'm going to take your deer and i'm going to wall in your berries oh god and now you build a mill kind of in no man's land and do you chase them through the villager already lots of people going for loom in a three-minute game yeah uh what's funny is goths were banned and i think you would have seen this from goths as well so brazil they're not wasting any time trying to get a lead here quick question do you restart the cfu as him i guess technically you could right we brought up restart yesterday and you know it's it's my it's on me to make these rules right but it's restart per series so technically you can call restart before four minutes oh no and no restart yeah i mean i we do this again right i think with restarts we're gonna have to be a bit more specific on on when you can use them because so much can happen strategically at the start of chaos but it wouldn't make sense for it to happen here but no restart and what do you think about accm not even addressing the villager at this point he hasn't sent anything beyond that one scout earlier it is weird i think he sort of sent another one for sure now some problems luckily team player is good on their side back team will deal with that eagle you could make an argument for a japanese suffering the least against it yeah of course adding an extra mil only costs them 50 watts well there are also two areas to get berries so dogals had this villager walking around all game but that is some idle time for him um that combined with the fact he can't push in his own deer because he just lost the eagle could be pretty bad so i suppose there's positives to this for vietnam uh dugout also housed so dogawa's actually had a really rough start here nearly okay but it bothers me that accm isn't addressing the ville it's not fun to do it it's never pretty but you're allowing him to wall in hundreds of food when you could just send your own villagers yeah he did he did go to second barry so doesn't make any sense to me like are you trust then because his food income will be horrible he kind of has to play a tower russian maybe he will tower rush i don't know but why not why not both you know why not have your food and then also tower rush very confused by this and i think that this might have something to do with lack of confidence it does take a lot of will to to will yourself back after losing two games in a best of five even miguel sending a bill over here he'll take care of that and say thank you i'm gonna leave now kill three deer and honestly it sounds weird and it's really that we have rarely seen we discussed it just a month ago tristan this is the spot for a tute and farm sling distance is short yeah acm has no food income so what you do guys is you send a villager over to your teammate build farms around the cc and he can take those farms but you only paid the tuition price yeah i actually um tested that in a competitive scenario recently and there will be a video on that it's uh even on open maps it says very strong nilly but maybe back not thinking about that accm oh accm is he's just going to take the berries from back it might be the plan okay all right uh feudal age on the way four back and accm they're much faster than dogal will be but miguel is already arriving in feudal age what's the strategy of acm going to be here is it just going some spearmint beerman i think yeah still no barracks okay now he's dropping it yeah spearman um is similar to what we saw from canada yesterday i suppose uh using japanese trash and then chop to the outer ring and take it from there and then for back i think he wants to go scouts but he's much later than he would have wanted to be a 21 pop is it's okay for arabia but when you're so close i think you want the fast up times miguel already has two scouts and the third one on the way oh militia kissing the tc off back t one minute is already down oh no oh that's horrible you're picking aztec because you can go for a minute arms and he already lost close to two yeah or or man at arms or five militia and he's gonna have three now with one being very weak here comes accm this might be towers like you said towers and spearman and if the gao is only in dark age they might shift all their focus over to miguel let's see how this goes good work for vietnam here this is good micro miguel out of position is he going for the villagers on the stone yes he is he's attacking first in position to take out the stone miners and one of those miners were weak too that could be three bills down i don't think there's a lot accm can do against good scout micro to save these and miguel playing this perfectly oh lovely two down and the tc wasn't shooting the scouts but actually the palisade vault [Laughter] oh god now at the same time it will be really awkward for miguel to address this at the front of his base because there's two spearmen is he pulling bills oh he's going to fight with bills what on earth is this miguel he hasn't enough damage output the militia are more efficient if there are other units around the scout that's a seizure the scout got trapped i've never seen anything like that before and yeah if you have the villagers there you can maybe neutralize the spearmen it's extremely awkward or one might say chaotic and i guess brazil will be happy that there's no towers up to miguel's base and that the villagers are running on a home for accm i can't get over that 19 villagers for acm at the moment three still under threat and stokao he will have a really solid transition once he gets to carthage didn't do the best job of focusing getting to the outside though okay so i know that sometimes nikov quotes can be a little bit more on the extreme side because he's you know like some players are very extreme in their opinions and some players are more relaxed but quote from nikov after usa played argentina on this map is aztecs feel useless after dark age and i'm looking at it and i kind of disagree i don't think it's going to be smooth for dogal at all okay he can't take gold right and now you have backed making scouts you have accm making spearmen i mean if they can get the towers up i feel like this is actually a good position for vietnam to be in but it's how much damage can they do against oak gal before he gets to gold at the same time nearly i say all that and we have two people fighting against one and still miguel's been able to hold really really well yeah spearman obviously with lithuanians faster so he can micro them easier can chase down some villagers and look at that only nine kills and seven losses and we well didn't really have any hard hitting units out on the field yet yeah i was hoping for a bit more from back to from being honest with you uh thought that he could contribute with more scouts like right now what's stopping him from using those two scouts and going through those palisades now it's too late but he didn't have to be here this entire time defending with only spearman will add a counter tower and it used to be five villagers forward now it's three and i don't think the villagers can even stick around here yeah defensive tower doesn't even need to be finished by miguel continues to take this fight and it just felt like the early scout of miguel where it is so much better time than bactees yeah and also now like there's still so much time uh bact has had three or four minutes to try and break through with the scouts but he was not able to do so as brazil have a full team while on chaos pit who would have thought and now blacksmith being dropped market being dropped as well still not on the outside still not getting gold okay now finally he is through and i think this could just be selling 200 stone and then adding three barracks full eagle clay yeah if you can find the gold right you need a bit of luck you don't have any guarantee that there will be gold out here a lot of teams also palisade wall or even stone walls so the enemy can't run through with scouts that's something backed is now thinking about remember this is a home map for vietnam i think accm has had a really rough day today and in particular uh game one and now this game because i haven't loved the strategy here as he finally gets a tower up that seems somewhat decent on dogal huh again pick number four was incas here and instantly sniped because yeah inca is so good the tower rush so good with them acm tried to make something happen similar here but but it's just simply not that strong dough twenty percent on the way to castle age is he still not on gold what he still hasn't found gold he didn't build an outpost he's actually mining stone to sell it right now [Music] i would that would be a sight uh but no okay he's found that gold he just has outside this might just hey four scouts here i'm still loving back's position i know he could have done more damage but he's going to have the eco to go up to castle soon and i think tootin knights or tunes in general are just perfect counter to aztecs oh miguel is in big trouble here well scout's still reasonable hp for sure i think spearman needs to come over for spearman they will deal with that okay so what was it two villagers down i thought bact could maybe do more there but he'll move around and he's on the way to castle age what about miguel miguel's not anywhere close to clicking up and obviously that's the same for accm fascinating both of them pulling mass amount of villagers right and towers villagers being active mass spearmen so it is tricky to click up and yeah the big story will be to gao versus back tea boating cartilage still not mining gold is he actually gonna drop a castle hey there's a town center also sneak villager from dogal i don't know where this feels going but it's on the way at the same time you have accm doing a similar thing but i think accm wants to wall that area ah that's just a wall villager as well interesting okay i'm a bit confused what the girl is playing here i think he's gonna full boom yeah i think he's gonna stonewall the sides and full boom and you even have miguel stonewalling now he wants to get a big eco lead but also only the outside right you're really vulnerable in the center there's so much area to cover the moment your opponent gets the seats workshop up you cannot defend everywhere yeah miguel kind of having a rough time economically because his farmers have to be pulled the accm he didn't have great farm eco but that was part of the plan it was not part of the plan for miguel i think back should boom as well but bax could go two stable nights nilly and he's got the stables in the mid um nice position for him to either push miguel and kill him or even push togal while dogal booms on the outer ring back he found more villagers on the outside oh god miguel so many losses there 35 villagers i'm i say nice there because i i want this series to go further than just three games right another villager goes down for miguel he still hasn't been able to wall it up and actually there's a sneaky villager for back which might be able to stay hidden back here oh don't build the house don't build the house back to you no no don't build a house we'll see if that matters nearly but normally you'd want to send it to the corner and hope he survives hey play from back though look at the scout micro pact 16 kills seven deaths could kill more and this is all before the knights contribute okay why are the knights coming though in the center of the map oh those that house only 80 hp and you can see sm is realizing that they will get in i mean i don't understand i suppose you don't want to go for monks against tootin's but gal is just free booming he doesn't have any monks any eagles any pikeman to defend from this this is the exact position that accm and back would have wanted to find themselves in yeah free booming and only having one more villager than back t though it's a good point but backed uh is harassing miguel quite a bit and miguel saw so much on the woodline oh my goodness miguel 28 bills while he's completely getting killed around his tc as well more towers coming up there this won't be a pretty game for miguel no this honestly if bact is able to have a boom behind this the lead that vietnam will have in a few minutes will be really hard for for uh brazil to come back from because if you had another sieve up against tunes i think differently i still am not sure what aztecs really do against tootin's long term probably pikemen eagle the moment we get to one teutonic knight i won't be doing anything unless he's going for jagger warriors in the long run but vietnam only needs to care about long-term composition against a sneaky villager update that villager died to a spearman so he was trying to place a staple there that could have been better but credit to back who's done well is actually only on one tc right now nearly so he could have been faster to the town centers but at the same time he's been microing three or four different armies has good upgrades and his team's overall very safe and he also sold his stone so that was late um acm that is some form of a misplay here it has some random five villagers at the left-hand side of the map random villagers on the left side of the map in the center i think bax told him his stone was over here and he's looking for it and then he said oh wait where's your stone again oh okay yeah he wants to mine that stone and he will see it now well he is on the outside and has lumber comes next to a stone yeah i don't know those villagers they don't they don't like to change jobs nearly all right they're okay okay they they're boomers same job for 40 years then retire all right okay okay i mean miguel's probably hearing from dogal that dogal's boom is going quite nice and while i've said multiple times to already i think aztecs can do nothing that is a significant feel lead but miguel could just straight up die so dogal needs to contribute with some pikemen soon uh otherwise this just gets worse for miguel obviously back tea and acm not really world right a massive pikeman push could be really strong but we need to have seats with that which i don't see at the moment well it's chaotic game mikel's not having a great time uh but sometimes if you're playing in miguel's role it's almost one of the most important roles because the more of a presence you're able to have and the more you're able to keep alive the more time your teammate will have so i can't say that miguel's done a great job at staying alive but then again he's been up against knights while he's in feudal age so he's done as good as he could possibly do well that's that's true rewarding with stone there it wasn't easy right and he it felt like he didn't under react right he did send four spearmen against four scouts reasonable on other days but back t extra melee armor head bloodlines had the attack upgrades and oh boy micro the spearman now ram's knocking at the door yeah yeah this is a problem like miguel is he's going to receive help in the middle from dougal's pikeman but the pikeman cannot save this outer ring area so as he's repairing and making stone walls rams are going to come in with more knights and actually miguel has not reacted to this yet he's being attacked in too many different areas i don't think he's noticed oh oh oh oh this could be problematic and those nights in without any quick ball against the woodline he is only focusing on his maintenance at the moment yeah too many areas to to uh defend from right now miguel at 31 villagers i'm fairly certain he was at 31 villagers 10 minutes ago oh man not impossible and he might drop quite heavily do you think that acms should actually go for samurai i would love that move but i also love booming and getting tower upgrades because the way the towers are positioned the towers will really help against the pikeman the gal wants to freely patrol this pikemen and towards miguel's tc he can't do that with these towers the late game you go samurai but for now i think towers and booming is fine okay okay well the the best tower upgrade comes out of the castle so maybe you can yeah both at the same time pikemen are trying to hold but yeah those towers they just make it so much tougher for the gau to help over at miguel's side as well and now you have bax going for three town centers he's on two will be on three much lighter than dogal and dokao might even click up the imp soon which would be wild but still it does seem like it's gonna be rather difficult for brazil to do anything against back over the next couple minutes i really enjoyed the three ramps at the top of the map yeah i feel like he patrolled there expecting there to be a town center but there's nothing over there uh i guess the spearman will get taken care of where does miguel run to survive man hey this is wild at the moment he doesn't have enough to even run right he's just pulling through swearman tries to keep his villager numbers up and well at the moment it's full well annoying and praying that the opponents over invest to buy some time for the cow but gao is getting pressured so heavily as well you're wondering why dogal did not go up to imperial when the resources were close it's because he's investing in the castle if you click up the imp it's a thousand food 800 gold you don't have and i really need something now but the towers from accm coming in clutch and now they're guard towers with watkin already yeah this is exactly what vietnam would have wanted game one not ideal game two certainly not ideal in post him but uh backed maybe a boost to his confidence here big boom and here he comes with knights this is the first time he'll be raiding dougal ziko uh never mind dogel noticed it back did not um but it's it's a sign that maybe back will shift focus a little yeah and interesting not a single villager died there could have been so many more so gao with s6 we kind of are praying for elite igor warriors right but he's sitting on 200 foods still goes for more pikemen transition will come in late yeah what i don't like about bax is the lack of autoform i i know it sounds crazy but he's got 16 farms he's had wood but i feel like auto farm or just more farm focus in general would be good for him he needs more on food dog he's got a lot of pikemen out here now and he's starting to ram down these towers there's a real risk that it back doesn't have the eco to back this up and he he has to stop making nights soon and that could be trouble obviously no murder holds here but towers are overlapping so shouldn't be the biggest problem ever night health not there do you think maybe long swords might be an option for back teeth well he doesn't have the eco fort but look at the rams the i thought the rams were coming back i didn't realize that they're still patrolling over there um wait hyper aggressive castle by bacteria that we completely missed next to the starting to see after cow oh oh well then he makes two teutonic knights and he's completely fine what if it wasn't for gao placing news castle himself yeah and now buying himself up to him what all right he just canceled everything now go up to imp to trip that down meanwhile you have accm dropping a castle how good are castle age samurai and teutonic knights against pikeman monks [Music] depends on how many monks and how well microsoft should be way better but let's see if they it's also funny how they crossed right back tee builds the castle in the gauss phase and acm builds the cars in miguel's face yeah a lot of these towers have gone down 89 villagers for back he's at 23 on food now which feels better and we have a teutonic night let's go nice that's beautiful technically though skipping this might have been the better option trying to get to him faster yeah but but what gives you more confidence killing enemy villagers or making teutonic knights winning the game or making sonic nights but if you win the game with teutonic knights then you feel you have the potential to come back also see your points randomly choices neely's like okay i'll fall in line [Laughter] the three rams here somehow got through the gate have taken out the gate and now back is going to raid dogal a little bit who really is going to be focused in the middle area um he should be able to trip that castle down why is backed farming in the middle why must you do that you have all that safe area in the back of your base why farm next to a castle that could get trapped down very weird well he doesn't know that the girl is up to him and for now it is well protected behind the castle also he had the villagers around that yeah he had the girls there yeah another good quick wall by miguel it's a good quick ball but he just lost some of his friends here to the conversions and now the tower will go up miguel is it 29 villagers he's forever 30 pop oh and over chop another knight in oh and he doesn't have a monk oh god miguel poor miguel quite some armor he has quite some armor look at how those villagers are fighting against one single night oh geez do you ever hear the tale of oh actually if he micros that night over to the tower it'd be very good back but i don't know if it's really he can just win the 1v8 fight like there's another night here is miguel about to get defeated does he have population anywhere else ah there's one red or the house there no i think that's all it some spearmen we could actually see miguel get defeated here these are all 17 of his villagers and okay that's worth it he uh he lays down his life for his friends yeah can't defeat it since he still has the market and the barracks but technic technically it's close yeah um feels like the knights could break through soon but the tc should probably go up um but we really need to focus on what dogal can do what a comeback this would be for brazil if dogal could somehow carry this he is gonna go for elite eagle nearly and if he could sneak some eagles through these walls like siege tower or something he could raid so much eco from vietnam back there teutonic knights look at this absolutely wrecking the pikeman easy all right nealy thoughts uh how do brazil win this can they win this okay i think i can't hear you i heard silence i wasn't sure if you're talking if you can hear me i cannot hear you hear you okay i can hear you now okay that weird bug but what did you say over the last 10 seconds um jagger warriors could be nice against the titanic knights and i don't really see a chance for brazil because bacteria is on the way to imp as well and his cavaliers will be good enough miguel ghost market barracks lost villagers running away these are five he could get defeated oh good for him is that knights have such a poor line of sight though i think the three at the top might make it home it'd be really funny if dogal locks the gate you know he's like we know we're going to lose he just locks the gate and doesn't allow mcgill to let destroy teammate die oh man if only there was a tournament like that or something um so eagles are now coming over to the other side and which other side i don't even know what you mean by other side hold on a second hold on okay against back to you where nearly which area in the middle in the okay yeah other side back he's starting eco and nice little gates there from dogal and here comes some samurai from accm uh five villagers for miguel all he's going to do is mine that gold and this is extremely hectic but if if the gal is going to be able to do anything he's going to have to find a counter to teutonic knights and cavaliers which is um a boyar oh we are you mean like a latest something like those units like yeah i'm trying to fight you could be good oh i'm just trying to find good units that actually could be an option i don't think aztec has any options aztecs can't yeah especially if putins go paladin with that melee armor yes you get plus eight attack on the pikeman but pikeman still gets shredded so newton's feel very strong on this spot and well done accm he's continued to build towers he's got towers around here what a game from backed um he really he showed what he's capable of in this game and possibly what he can do if this series does continue what is miguel's apm at the moment i don't know what he could really do he actually realistically he has to decide on what to do next with 200 wood so do you want to build a market because if you build a market you then have to buy wood for a lumber camp so it's almost better to like make a lumber camp then wait for the mark it would i'd say his apm is probably equal to what doubt would have in post him but uh apart from that not too sure great or equal um you know what i think doubt probably has faster apm posting but no listen it's been a long time we haven't had doubt in this tournament i needed to make a doubt joke and it felt good to make one finally obviously that's false so yeah he is not even allowed to send the resources over to the gower so miguel is just sitting it out while dogaw's keyboard is certainly burning here but well he is sitting at pop 130 against 120 and 150 not looking pretty i don't know what the gal sees that makes him think he can win this game uh he does have a lot in the queue and i i'm never gonna yeah he's game two that's true yeah he's like okay vietnam can throw so sling for me girl miguel received resources and will now maybe go castle age yeah there you go cavaliers around cavaliers around though from the top oh my god they might still see it please see it please see it oh he's max is doing 20 different things right now will he be able to react can he react oh unlikely he's still microwaving the top there if so then it was just a random click next to the gold can we see some quick waltz here we could be defeated no miguel miguel's gonna be defeated he's defeated and the game is over now they resign i i think this is so funny because brazil have been dead for like five minutes but ducal only decides to gigi once his teammate gets defeated oh my word the scenes well maybe the gau didn't believe me girl he's like yeah i have a market but i don't have the time to look over do your best like like ideally from brazil's point of view brazil will still win this set and if they do then they can laugh about it uh but oh my word that's hilarious that's something that i would only ever expect to see with a team like viper mbl you know what i mean like or any any secret or sorry gl team uh like viper's saying no it's fine man it's fine and then letting someone die oh my word okay so nearly so that was a funny way to end it but how good was backed in this game so good and it just felt like in the mid game that he couldn't really do enough but acm just bought so much time with the faster attacking spearmen with all those towers was extremely annoying and dugao simply didn't have a unit choice that he could go for in castle age yeah and i think another thing that we haven't said a lot with vietnam is i think they out strategized here um yes they weren't able to have the inca pick if you look at the draft however they did have uh obviously we just saw it i was looking for it on drafting two and seem to counter aztecs and if you're able to get to a good boom position with tunes which you can frequently do on this map you could probably outboom lithuanians in the mid game as well so i like students a lot and that's right lithuanians already suffered so much against acm yeah yeah so the big problem was simply degau i think he initially won did he really want to play five militia into fc fast castle yeah it was weird i mean you you do have to question making anything as aztecs like making one monastery monk even in defense is a big question against tootins and castle but i can understand why he wanted to gain a boom lead but the militia didn't contribute anything and again to quote nikov aztecs feel useless in this matchup past dark age um and he wasn't able to use the dark age bonuses i'm already looking at the timeline tristan [Laughter] we should just title this the struggle of miguel oh man you know what's funny neely i really felt like vietnam had kind of given up in dark age when they didn't call the restart they were lames and accm just allowed his berries to be walled in but they made it work anyway so good for them and now we get to see what brazil has in store for us on their home maps um ghost lake and team islands now if you're brazil and let's say you're confident you're going to win this next game which map do you pick and and of course which map do you not show the world hmm i think indians britain's for ghostlake is pretty standard so that is like the meta play yeah questions do you want to play meta or do you feel that confident that your team island strategy is good enough so i think higher chances on team islands but also hiding strategies if you delay team islands to game number five yeah i don't know if these maps really have hidden strategies anymore um i think it's more so how you might decide to play it's probably best to go with britain's indians because that is so strong if you're brazil i agree there and then if you're vietnam uh we've seen a lot of khmer on this map so maybe you go something like khmer vietnamese or khmer chinese and then persians portuguese on team islands if it gets there we did see khmer actually being picked as a landing sith as well right that is norway in the last round which felt really weird i think persians portuguese feel more natural i think simply you go chinese because you picked it that early so they value it higher i think vietnamese is not much worse than chinese in this scenario yeah i think while vietnamese do have the potential for rats on archers and post-imp we very rarely see late games on ghost lake i think a lot of these games end in lake castle age early imperial so i would probably choose chinese but you know what i actually see the map is going to be team islands so then we're back to talking about the maps or not the map sorry the sieves we think we'll see and i think persian's portuguese it makes the most sense for vietnam and then vikings malay i suppose for brazil exactly that feels very reasonable persians not chopped here on water but still more hp on the stocks so it makes so much easier to keep them alive being annoying putting a threat in the head of your opponent faster working dogs extra wood extra food at the start you will guarantee to have a solid dark age also landing potential well those nights could be sweet all right um before this next game launches which will be soon so i want to say thanks to everyone who's watching uh on my channel on nilly's channel i know uh there's plenty of people watching on other channels across youtube and twitch um thank you guys for for being hyped for the 2v2 world cup this is just the quarterfinal uh or quarterfinals i guess and we have the semis and the third place match in the final next weekend but it means a lot man the players have put in a lot of time of course microsoft decided to chip in a lot of prize pool and they do that because you guys are all about these tournaments so you make the work worth it for the players and also for myself and and the team so thank you guys uh it's been fun i know that neily and i have been fully focused on the games but we do appreciate you being out there yeah i think they are really understanding that you can't answer a lot of questions obviously in your solo cast you're more interactive can answer some more of the questions this one is more interactive between the two of us but support has been crazy even in the sets that well we cast together and we have the civilizations all right so any surprises here yes indeed well okay you called it there acm agrees with mbl and is trying to make a khmer landing happening okay so this is interesting on many levels um the civilization should be showing up for people now if they haven't heard but it will be malay and vikings for brazil a country who's very well known for being dominant on water um and then for vietnam we have portuguese and khmer now the meta we've seen is to have one person try and win water and another person land it seems pretty clear that vietnam will try that because khmer don't have any real water bonuses and since you can hop inside of houses with khmer it's really unique and fun to land with khmer now i don't think vikings malay is set up nicely for a landing nearly because you typically go scouts into nights malay they have weak nights and so do vikings so i really don't know what brazil's planning on here i think they might just play full water and try to intercept the landing one play that could just be miguel's maybe back dog six fishing ship and stable at home just tried to defend with scouts against khmer yep i was going to say the same thing nearly and i wasn't sure how teams who would just go water would play it until i saw i think it was actually brazil b forget who they're playing against oh it was taiwan and it was reit there who went back dock with additional fishing ships and just made a bunch of scouts at home and then just mopped up that landing so i suppose the downside of going for the landing all the time is that it's expected and teams can develop some type of strat to counter it yeah the also the landing maybe we will have a mix-up and khmer actually goes for archers as a landing yeah not really a typical thing though it is nice to be very active on the map the question though is if you double back dock which might be an option here for miguel and dougal how do you ever get control of that center it also gives some time for the opponents like next level mind games might be khmer and portuguese actually play defensive dogs fast castle themselves hmm yeah lots of options now in late game who do you think is better on water portuguese like i i love caraval i think victoria are incredible you get all the upgrades for portuguese vikings can make something happen and i think there will you will see different micro against those carols wasn't yeah argentina against spain you already saw how good longboards can be but i still think caribel is the dominating unit on water that combined with making vitorias to get resources is helpful but what about khmer portuguese are strong but what about khmer i i think they're a bit lacking on the waterfront correct uh who again uh the commerce civilization like let's say it goes late and then backed has his caravels what does accm do on water i i think they have shipwright and fast fires oh that's enough then yeah i mean you would probably want them on fast fires and then portuguese and caravel fascinating um some people speculating in chat on why no italians italians were globally banned so it's really interesting if you go back to the draft as we're 60 seconds away from the game vietnam and brazil had some interesting plans because oh they don't have ship right okay yeah galleon and fuss fires but if you look at it brazil picked team islands as a home map and then with their global band globally banned italians which is one of the best water sieves and then it was chaos pit home map for vietnam and they globally banned goths which is one of the best chaos pit tips so uh we're in the game nearly did this game start before the speculate finished uh i'm a bit surprised as well does that mean we have a restart huh something potentially it tells me because we shouldn't be able to fast forward there's one restart per best of five and because of what nilly and i saw on our screens i think that one of these teams may have decided to call their restart i noticed miguel's island is really awkward um so close to the shoreline the gold's rangeable we'll see i guess we'll just speed up nearly and find out but i expect there to be someone resigning right around now yeah 358 indeed brazil calling their restarts all right was it the gold on the island of miguel because if he faces one galley that's really ugly twin yeah yeah it's it's why restarts have existed for a long time just in the off chance that there's some uh extra rng favoring one team and brazil wants to take no chances that's fine all right so we have even more time to speculate nilly but let's speculate more on the mindset of the players uh brazil were looking good after going up 2-0 in fact they had an amazing comeback in game two and then miguel spent most of the previous game trying to prevent himself from being defeated and dogal wasn't able to do too much so do you think that affects their mindset at all are you still in the game i just left the game okay um i think the mind mindset won't be affected by that at all something we have to mention though where did they send the villagers where they're trying to dock and i see accm the khmer player front dock back t side dock with portages dogao and miguel both were the front dock this is really interesting for vikings okay so dogal and miguel both front docking it's interesting for vikings because the lack of fire galleys right mm-hmm so short distance could be troublesome against polygliese in that case gotcha well guys uh we do have my apologies for the delays but this happens with live games we have a few minutes to wait before we launch back in i think their mindset will be fine yeah i think that's fair i think uh if they lose this game and they don't play to the best of their ability then their mindset might be off but you still just have to try and forget the previous games and find a win um but i'm i really feel like after watching the previous game seeing the civilizations here especially with such a yolo strat coming with a landing that it's possible that vietnam can tie up this best of five certainly certainly team island is i think a map with a lot of variants a lot of stuff can go weird there's a lot of like rock paper scissors when it comes to like how are you landing how you're trying to go for landings right at some point the meta was building scouts at home yeah and if you do that and both players go for water then it might get tricky if you land and they instantly see that then it also gets tricky so it it won't be as clear and you don't really know what you get into it once you load up into the map what's unique about team islands and going for whatever strategy you decide on versus other maps is that you can't scout what they're going for on team islands if it's arabia or ghost lake you can see okay they're walling okay they have this many on gold this many on wood on team islands you just cross your fingers try and guess and then wait till feudal age because that's the only time you'll really see anything oh boy am i excited to see also malay they can land they can just play fire galley it is probably the civilization that's most difficult to play because yeah you have an advantage but even top players haven't really figured out how do i play them if i go up the normal population you're basically arriving few late with no are resources better in team games or 1v1s random question but just curious in your thoughts team games team games question mark well the thing is in team games you can give a civilization a role right and you can say malay go play archers britain's go play archers and when we wants britain's we know they don't have the great transition yeah and if you think about a civilization like maggios clearly shining in team games because you know scouts into knights they are good at that in only once what do you suddenly do against pikeman so the meta changes a bit i would say malaya are kind of seatier in both maybe more on the beauty side in team games yeah i think here like you have more more sieves to choose from in 1v1s because lesser eliminated whereas here you're drafting and so you're not going to be able to pick as many sieves so yeah maybe malay slightly better but i'm i'm curious to see if this goes late i'd really like to see some vitorias and i really want to see caravels and longboats and harbors i mean three out of the four civilizations that we'll see in this game have very unique things about them on water anyways yeah yeah moaning actually only missing koreans right that's true koreans with turtle ships would be pretty pog um spanish cannon galleons is the other one that comes to mind but i don't think we'll see spanish because finland b is no longer playing in this tournament [Music] that game still hurts it's it does so much i mean it was kind of a funny way to end it all and it seemed low confidence for finland but i felt bad for ruben stock there no speculate down to 25 seconds so we can finally see well match point two out of three for brazil if vietnam tie it up we go on to game five and that will be on ghost lake um the civilizations seem pretty set in stone for both teams there we talked about that already nelly and i have had a lot of time to talk today so let's go these are live uh says canadian four nine nine one of these recorded games we wouldn't have waited seven minutes and i should give the live feeling yeah we're just these are recorded games but we're just giving you the feel of live games uh okay miguel for brazil is here in the red playing as the malay uh in the yellow we have dogal dogal is playing as the vikings quick look at the maps nilly and it doesn't seem like there's anything too wild here so hopefully we won't see any restarts uh vietnam do have one as accm is khmer and then we have backed playing as the portuguese the question will be where are they building their dogs yeah one like hyper mind game thing might be that miguel and togao actually knew that they were going to take the restart and did build the docks at weird spots intentionally to throw up that's that's funny yeah because when you restart everyone resigns um yes you send your villagers to the other side yeah i think nearly that's um those are the types of things that come to mind when we have too much time to think and discuss things i don't think that's something that players would actually go for i don't know maybe maybe i'm giving players too little credit but i'm with you on that my mind came every single time i lose two villagers to a ball call a restart opponent will underestimate me and then in the re-game i still lose that's always that's always been my strategy you know lower the expectations when you show up to the stream lower your expectations don't don't expect anything to be perfect don't expect it to be entertaining expect it's going to be an awful time and then even if it's a half decent time it feels like it's the best stream you've ever watched that's been my game plan since the very start ah so that's why that's why after all that's why force nothing is the video that brings people in because it's it's truthfully kind of average and then they see arabia and they're like what arabia what i think people just get really upset with that force nothing joke but my apology something is happening the first half hour oh okay i thought you meant in this game for a second yeah okay so doc position for dogal will now be on the back nearly so very different from what he did in the previous game where they restarted it hashtag mind games hashtag mind games indeed um massive woodline for miguel uh sometimes you have a bunch of tiny wood lines it looks like two or three combined here that is actually pretty good for him i think because if he does get landed it's hard for anyone to tower behind that woodline and he won't have to wall as many locations yeah not including the best gold though main goal there at the front could wall to a cc very easily and yeah he has to be happy with that one for sure back doc for miguel as well so your initial thought was that brazil would invite the pressure expecting the landing miguel would go for additional fishing ships and then you'd see dogal go into galleys i suppose fast castle is also in order but pretty clear to me that accm will be landing in this game we'll just have to wait and really find out what else will happen so acm questions how many fishing ships are you going for you have the short distance the question also to gow miguel where do they put their own scouts typically players have been patrolling them basically at the front of your own shore uh it'd be very much like the vietnamese players to palisade the komodo dragons too i know bact has done that for years so if he scouts the komodos you can place palisades over that just in case uh enemy villagers show up the komodos will attack and then if they're no longer over your palisade it's not a bug it's a feature you'll know that something's up but yeah the scout's patrolling on the front for brazil especially will be important uh to answer your question because i was playing the landing role for my team i think three fishing ships and then transport's the way to go uh investing into more fishing ships doesn't really feel possible in dark age anyways okay okay while you're saving the barracks that's a good thing for camaro right oh he's going transport now okay so he's gone two fishing ships and transport and getting loom this will be incredibly fast uptime what the six on what six on wood even skips the house that will be a quick landing hello yeah seriously i mean that might be the way to do it if if two feudal age scouts could stop you get to their base before they're in feudal age miguel is about to click up though and the up times are not too shabby for all the players actually as all players but miguel have clicked up miguel does advance faster to the next age with malay any signs that we'll see any transporting from brazil well miguel is not on gold so he won't play water so i assume he will just go for the normal scout defense kind of what we expected before okay so scout defense yep not on gold lots on wood he's going five fishing ships maybe six maybe seven but i think he needs to prioritize the barracks next and then here's that transport and both scouts from vietnam are coming over honestly if you play this strategy if you're miguel you can add two more villagers yeah probably his barracks will be so late stable will be delayed he's now futile age with only 20 on his barracks this is this is could be so good for vietnam if they just spot that villager this would be so good they can kill that villager from dougal and then build the stable right there and there's no way it can be stopped oh problems indeed still only waits for feudal age yeah look at dogal he's placed the palisades over the komodos but the villager has not gone close to the komodos and there's the signal there's the signal from dougal he's saying they are here are walden two villagers nice block oh that was so good what a play from fact in accm and the villagers being walled in now more scouts can come out right also good reaction from brazil and keep in mind that while villagers have gone down miguel has added quite a few fishing ships so ziko should be better than accm the idea though is that bact is able to take out those fishing ships with water control and then accm can have that main focus be on land beautiful stuff there to go warning himself fully the thing is with this strategy it's always nice if you force the opponent to go for all the quick walls and have fire girlies at his base yeah at the same time something they couldn't do this time hmm you know this is interesting accm is looping around with his transport i don't know if that thing is going to work anymore and look at the play from miguel who has brought in scouts and spearman and even building a tower he really wants to render this area useless for vietnam well he has to build the tower to deal with the two villagers there right otherwise he will never find the kill had to wall around it always a threat in the back of his head yeah man won't get the kill though interesting how we have the transport there and the brazilians are tracking that we have to keep everyone updated on back i think it's probably good for brazil it backed wasn't able to pressure dokal right away because okay but there go accm scouts and for now the villagers are just going to chill out on those houses and we'll have some pressure now from back tea next to miguel first fire is getting attacked while fishing ships fishing ships getting attacked they will likely go down a fight that didn't look too good for accm here but he's still able to produce scouts his villagers could also escape at any time i don't think that tower accomplishes all that much for miguel only if you wall before the houses yeah that's weird that's very weird situation and this is what the landing can do to you it looked like it would be good for accm but half of his scouts didn't engage right away and the villagers there and very boldly attacking the stable but i think he's trying to click the palisades oh man miguel really focused on that and we'll be having to pay attention to water now miguel has kept his fishing ships alive but dougal needs to save him here well how can he though two galleys only low hp and we already have galleys at it with flashing those fishing ships could die quite quickly update on the villagers over here they're still hiding in that house for accm he could sneak around i think making an archery range would feel very good here and so many spearmen and there he goes um there are there's a komodo dragon and the fishing ship's still alive for miguel but he's unable to use them nearly what a crazy game i lost two now so had reasonable numbers there in production for sure hmm just feels like bacteria can play the game of its dreams oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god accm doesn't have a house to hide in does not have a house to hide in it'd be very worth it for miguel to focus down that villager uh the villagers will die that's huge oh yeah that is so lovely now the stable that's what the tower was for right yeah you kind of forced the villagers to move out to unsecure area yeah and now we have a pause this feels very much like a tactical boss like accm loses his bills vietnam realized oh shoot that's bad for us let's talk about what we do next so why don't we take this time to talk about what they should do next nelly uh bax needs to have an amazing game and up the castle which he's about to do that's an insane up time so he needs to win water and i think if he wins water or even gets a lead on water accm who's farming at home could always just transport again how do you get the lead dokao will have some galleys now pressuring the fishing ships there back to you with a bit of a late reaction i think the fourth dock and some fishing ships could have been nice yeah what do you think about the fact that backed has been going with a lot of galleys here he didn't go with too many fire ships he actually has galleys in the back now that dougal needs to deal with will be tricky for him six against seven galleys country patrolling now it could be seven more hp obviously on the side of bhakti and backed as run in here he's got a good volley off gets another good volley off micro needed this is closer to the docks for dogal so he should in theory end up winning this fight i love galiwars this is so much fun uh we did see those for what is it like 16 years or something in this game and then they're completely vanished for seven years after that yep that's that's what the forums will do for you the water balance is more interesting nowadays but i think there was a time where people were complaining it was very old after a while which i think is fair but this up time though is going to be nuts for both vietnamese players actually mm-hmm how's the guy was struggling that much well only 18 minutes in the into the game only had four fishing ships so not the most unreasonable situation for him for a dog still very far in the back and the big question will be back team will he stay on wargettis or is there a terrible transition whoops transport accm is coming back so he's just going to transport right over and then he'll make more buildings and he could go right into nights but yeah caravals would be a wonderful move at some point and he still has a scout there as well so he knows what's up yeah it's true the scout's there for accm lots of forward docks for miguel it's interesting i want to transition into fire ships there yeah full water control feels like you'll be closer to help out the gal who is back docked um does brazil see this brittle does not see this and miguel hasn't walled at all because he thinks that he's dealt with the threat oh fire ships okay oh fishing ships getting away like t playing good game seriously yeah the comeback is officially on here guys the fishing ships for miguel they've been traveling more than fishing backed is in a good position and accm will have i mean technically three stables but two stables forward that he can produce out of and i don't see miguel being able to survive that hmm well miguel simply having no idea there might be a mistake i think isn't the spot to go for town watch i mean yeah definitely you definitely want to go for town watch but i can also understand how secure you might feel after killing those villagers this isn't the first time we've seen a team lose their forward and then get right back over here i think germany did that in their games against argentina but he's actually going for double monasteries so maybe he expects this oh yeah maybe his spider senses honestly spearman is now taking good look at it he knows i think i think he was scanning there you can scan to try and build something in an area you've scouted and if you can't build there you expect something to be there that's a crazy moment to be scanning like that though seriously because if he didn't have the monasteries here it's already gonna be tough for him it would be way way worse like look maybe if wall failed there no oh man and you know what nealy look at this grouping from miguel and dougal on water great teamwork demos okay is there oh very okayers very okay quite far though okay nearly big thing that i've been thinking about as i've been watching these island games and the landings i think that the person who's landing should be prioritizing the player who's water dominant like dougal all he wants to do right now is make allies and focus on water since miguel has prepped some monk defense i think accm needs a hard switch to hit dogel also what you need to do is like timing like acm should constantly say okay now i'm attacking the gauss waltz he is quick walling now and that's the moment where back t should maybe force a micro war yeah that's true if you really want to get technical about it that would be the way to do it players even though they are amazing are only human yeah that's actually something we luckily had an option against argentina where jordan said nearly he's overchopping in 10 seconds for the water fight and i went for a questionable water fight yeah took some micro fights against catwage he didn't take his wood line jordan got in with the knights ah nice yeah there was a crazy game too yeah it's it's something that we would never as we're watching here realize is going on with the comms but no sense great job from miguel gets two conversions and uh while accm does get one in return it does feel like that if with water being the focus things are going pretty darn good for brazil i mean it's all down to dogel's numbers right now he's got 30 and miguel is going to try and stabilize uh but his monks he'll lose all of his monks there that was really poor how's the gal that far ahead in villages he's 10 15 higher than everyone else doesn't have to create a craziest amount of fishing ships two tc's it actually has uh eight fishing ships i think backed has only been on two or three so that does help with viking land eco yeah well if if vietnam will win they're going to win through accm it backed is obviously needed but back is going to be outmaster on water if there's not some large distraction and uh abstraction will continue we've got knight v knight we've got scouts we've got some monks but accm will need more i think bacteria can now take a good fight against ogaw there very close in he goes in deep before he shoots oh wow yeah downside of having your numbers split i suppose and actually this caraval could get a juicy pass-through shot here because of the uh position it's in it is tricky right because most of the time you kind of patrol in and then it suits the shortest units you need to kind of micro them manually to shoot the back units to really get the full effect out of the carriage in this case yep monk's getting a conversion again i should say monk but i like how miguel did not hesitate to make scouts in his own nights and how he's ramming down that monastery but he's also losing bills right now he just lost monks and the knights are still out there for accm i'm going for the tower not sure if that's priority number one quick walk there saves the village at the monastery big fight on water uh this is classic stuff here dogal microing and you also have the microphone back but i think back needs to bail on this uh he actually has less there but dogal still runs away maybe it's because he's so close to the reinforcements that's also more hp on those guardians right so having two more might not be enough but yeah it feels better numbers for the cow more reinforcements arriving a very close game here nilly yogale has the eco lead fights seems slightly better for him over back we still haven't been able to see a lot of pressure hit dougal on land and that's because of miguel's defense awesome caraval's being mixed in again and the cow actually goes back doesn't continue to chase no i'm saying wow because of two things now i see dogal is about to click up to him you look it back he's nowhere near and then miguel has more knights than accm does right now and he only has one stable so he's gotten quite a few conversions here yeah surely you see quite some there and the stables are getting taken down this looks pretty damn solid for brazil and continuing to take good water fights yeah exactly it's only gotten worse on land it's only going to get worse on water now islands is definitely a map where you can stall it out but maybe here back needs to force some fights with caravels because if he doesn't do something soon it's going to be even more difficult for him to fight dogal just compare the islands and the colors there like yellow red some blue dots in there and the island of the vietnamese one green base one blue base and nothing in between yep right small mistake from miguel i think you can get away with this though after all the conversions big fight on water nilly check against 14 all still continuing to micro yeah again though it's funny how every time dogal goes into a fight it feels like he's he's ahead by three or four units he's got to be careful here though he really needs to pull back there's quite a few caravals and he's 70 percent of the way to the imperial age while bacteria is sitting at 500 food 800 gold now 22 farmers and mixes in war galleys caravals here can't really decide on what he wants to go for kind of weird to me accm's eco is pretty sick actually but he's not contributing that much especially not on water and he could lose access to so much gold if he doesn't have control on water and miguel again rams ramming down the buildings and actually this will be the end of this little push for accm in a second miguel will take care of that stable oh actually he got unlucky there with the conversions oh god with the crazy ego can't afford everything they're reaching in ph and then cues war galleys again just goes back a bit waits for his upgrades should be full control and then it's probably time for miguel to land yeah backed is like eccm he's like come on the game plan is we have to defeat miguel what are you doing that's the way we beat them back definitely feels the need to force a fight after seeing that dogel hit imp but that is way too much this is oh crazy getting forced back clicks multiple times therefore the vorgelis are re-positioning themselves lots of losses while retreating yeah dogal also doing the smart thing to start sending a few galleons around to the shoreline in the back docks look at this game from dokao he already has galleons prepped in the back in case back docks come up as he patrols the rest forward he has 10 units queued constantly queuing them up with the upgrades gods and togal incredible in game number one game number two he re-delivered game number three weird choice of the strategy but game number four he's back at it again in full control yeah seriously he has been one of the best players of this tournament there's no question and he's looking good here and miguel seems to really fit the team real nicely i mean when needed he can do everything dogal can do but he sends to be put in those more awkward roles while dogal can carry how good are caravals nilly because uh we haven't seen elite caravel yet and portuguese are they start to get more interesting come imperial age uh you need a lot of upgrades on them as well right we're still missing correct we don't have a castle and i personally think caribous are really good especially the more clumped up you are the better they become yeah vikings won't have fast fires you can so you can stay on those for quite some time i think it is the unit we need to see to see a comeback that combined with accm getting docs up and going for fires would be a good play i feel um and then you have miguel and miguel has just clicked up to him but he's malay so he'll be there soon and he's docking you think he should go for fires i think malay get fast fire dirt landing by the way acm in the face of gugao whoa yeah i think miguel should go for fast fires just to have some buffer before then bacteria to add some demos themselves i can't stay on scarabs but what if accm just streams hustlers constantly this is really dangerous he has 40 farmers he has four stables and you can't go monk defense against hussar spam and him oh nice quick walled spy to go yeah there's going to be ugly for sure ow i don't even know how this happened maybe you snuck villager i don't know either oh big water fight ahead of us big water fight and probably not a fight that back wants to take right now because he is outnumbered and again you know what he's not outnumbered i'm terrible to you winning this one 29 to 35 so he in fact he is outnumbered but caribou i think will win the fight there even if they're not illegal oh my word this will swing massively dogal has to somehow prep some defense otherwise rams and hussars could kill him and he doesn't seem to have enough to push back on water right now this is well you know what 72 military for dugout he needs to get it all together in one spot but still there's a chance for vietnam i think so as well the big problem here for bacteria is how little he was on stone right still no castle still no carrack and still not victorious yeah and i think miguel is going to go into albediere but he doesn't hasn't even clicked pikeman yet the light cav are doing work here and these buildings will remain this is messy for brazil but big fight what a fight oh boy the carol numbers aren't really there not everything is shooting i think this should be enough numbers for to go i mean it better be he's got 70 on water fact only has 29 now is it good value for portuguese because it feels like they're killing a lot and now that the fast fires show up they have to back away and it's looking good for dogal still can vietnam find a way to win this through accm who will deny this castle oh a lovely one now the villagers are being sent back to the tc but acm he is extremely annoying forward town center forward town center he will have more villagers here soon forward siege workshop i mean if that can just somehow castle a shoreline so he's not losing ground on shoreline and get to mass caravals it really feels doable oh my god miguel down to 85 population what is happening to brazil oh oh really problematic there and he just wanted to help some on the water that's not going to happen now some demos mixed in by bacteria lovely at that angle and well fights are so clumped up now that's where portuguese should really shine oh man miguel is actually sending wood to dougal at the same time uh and man i am i am so impressed with the resilience of vietnam they were down 2-0 not everyone but a lot of people in twitch chat were saying it was going to be a sweep and that does happen but it looks like they've given themselves a real opportunity here they do have the population lead if you compare the team population and if the series ends i think you will be really impressed by the resilience exactly yeah both teams are amazing uh accm and back they were third place in 2018. so i mean no surprise if they're able to take it that far but i mean it still really depends right because dogal he has so much on water but they need to find an answer to what the vietnamese have on land should i see him at something that is not hassa though maybe some skirms honest like nilly should you not be trying to prep trade at this point i think maybe going full hussar into trade boom is the way to go but maybe that's too early maybe you need fast fires with all that gold has backed oh that's an awful position for him that he needs to back away where he's already building those markets maybe skirms could be good but also you could just go ram hussar apparently apparently i'd love to see some upgrades on these though no contest on those rams for working already fifth one is trying to join the party oh this is messy for dogo for what dogel's not losing he will have idols yeah he has less than 80 villagers he has 50 idols and i think that castle will go down to regular capped rams oh god why is he not i can't really afford some berserk so he now finally is queuing up some miguel took too many losses and miguel's trying to get pikemen over here but that castle's going down there's one berserk but no upgrades on that one either the hustlers are happy to see the castle going down they can just raid all game long now oh my goodness and most of those farms are untouched and the gg is called we're going to game five holy moly we expect a lot from the series and it is delivering oh no so now now you might need to be a little bit frazzled if you're brazil right because i think i'd prefer to be the team that lost the first two and then responded with two wins going into game five and not the other way around yeah yeah probably on the way up is where you want to be and acm first landing failed second landing failed third landing probably winston instantly wins the game yeah and actually what's funny is there's consistency between the second and third landing in terms of mindset for miguel miguel after clearing up the first landing said i'm gonna go water and what did he do he added docks in the front and then he found the landing and had to deal with that and then after he dealt with that one he added the docks on the front said i'm gonna go fast fire and then surprise hussars but the difference is us are spam you can't kill monk defense for that you can't just make a few nights and it is strong enough to be able to downright kill both players and in this case it was the important switch as well where accm hit dog and nearly i still don't know how that villager got there like was she in a house i i didn't see a transport they didn't have water control on that side how did that happen i think it was a transition like the villager from the top landing number two just went through there monastery in the center and then just clicked to the bottom maybe i mean i just assumed everything was cleared if we had the time and game five wasn't starting i'd maybe go through someone said maybe a conversion oh maybe he converted one oh yeah because he dealt he lost both the villagers but he also had a monastery there for a bit it's very possible that he converted a villager yeah okay 20 kills for accm um most food in the game and that answers the question what is stronger going water and defending on land or going land and having one person go water it was still close but uh the landing paid off even failing so many times there was really like khmer farmers extremely caring there in the entire 46 on farms game i still i don't know what is best actually i don't know if there is a meta it comes down to preference but i've seen teams do so many different things on that map it will be ghost lake for game five um we're expecting indians britons for brazil and i'll get even more specific on that i'm expecting drush fast castle for dogal one of his best plays and then persians chinese vietnamese remaining for vietnam so nearly maybe persians chinese it has to be persian chinese yeah and honestly drastic is something we saw like one or two weeks ago on ghost lake yeah i think people even realized that you don't even need to rush anymore on this map ghostly is so easily available if you don't want to include your main gold that maybe even direct fc is a play yeah now it is vietnam so maybe they'll pick vietnamese um before vietnam were buffed uh with the eco upgrade discount the vietnamese players did pick vietnamese a lot which i thought was pretty cool so i don't know maybe with a lot of experience there they'll pick them but i still feel as though chinese are stronger because of their bonuses and it seems like the real way to compete with britons might be to have three range four-range archers a lot of archers in the mid game and i think chinese are better at that also it thinks well also it doesn't go post stamps frequently right so if it doesn't go post-imp it's not like elite rats and archers are something you're going to look towards on this map i think it could often go into late imp yeah okay those shifts well um what what what what wait wait these aren't sieves on the draft do you see burmese on the draft i i see burmese against persons being picked but it's not on your draft right it's not in my draft no robo robo okay this is what we see by the way and this is why neily and i are confused slavs and britons against persians burmese we might have to redo this unless the draft was mistaken or something so they're actually going slabs over indians interesting brazil maybe alphabetically is this a good burmese and then chinese maybe they misclicked it is there no vietnamese language file are they playing in english it's that that's true i don't know i think they're playing in english yeah yeah but still like you see the sign i mean they would restart it right they should restart it i know the brazilians immediately are going to be like you don't have burmese they might actually like burmese though i feel like i feel like persians burmese are worse or is worse than their other options now they have very interesting decisions to be made right as an admin here in the past often the decision was to [Music] keep players persons and for the means brazil can pick any of the civilizations that the police still has an option so it could be chinese and vietnamese against slavs and britain's so we're going to find out so what nilly's saying is it's kind of gives an unfair advantage to vietnam if they replay this because they can see the civilizations remaining for brazil that said it's game five and there's not many options okay they're replaying this because we had a large spec delay and the speculate just ended and they immediately yeah they resigned at the start yeah obviously this game can never happen the question is how admin will rule this and how the shift picking is going to work yeah i'm gonna um i will give ropo my input on that however i'm gonna allow robo to make the decisions there okay realistically it's gonna be persian chinese or persians vietnamese right so it's not gonna ruin the vietnamese meta and i would feel differently about this in game one than it was in game five you know because there's only three sieves remaining ah but even there the advantage is even bigger right so i think it shouldn't like rule-wise it shouldn't make a difference between game one and five it says if a player incorrectly chooses a civilization that has been banned or has previously been played the opposing team may choose the replacement civilization while still following the civilization rules okay yeah so so that is the case so persians will be played for vietnam and then brazil now gets to pick whether vietnam get vietnamese or chinese and they i assume we'll choose vietnamese because we feel like vietnamese is slightly worse than chinese ah yeah persians was correct yeah exactly i don't think it should be vietnamese impersonal it's not it's not like a big series ending mistake for vietnam but that's also really silly mistake to make yeah it would have been worse that's what i thought for a small second if it was chinese plus burmese yes and they're kind of vietnamese instead of persons yeah yeah then they then brazil gives them two sivs and then you have to play chinese well i guess chinese could play calf but so we actually don't know what brazil will decide here we might have a delay but expectation is it will be slavs and britons against persians and vietnamese this was not done by mistake at all intentional how can you say that when there's a how can you say that when they're now at a disadvantage yeah like it's one thing if they do that and there's there's no decision made against them after that but i i don't think it was on purpose it most likely was just a misclick mind games yeah okay okay someone's mind is working a little bit too strong i see but nilly who wins this i thought when it was 2-0 two hours ago that this was going to be a 3-0 victory for brazil and here we are well game number one looked real really convincing when it comes to meta play so true go like somewhat similar relatively similar we even could say so i will have to give the advantage to brazil okay and uh chat i'll ask uh one in chat if you think vietnam will win two in chat if you think brazil will win i'm curious i'm with you because of how good do gao is if you can play safe into archers and chat seems split 50 50ish after this will be norway vs russia by the way everybody mine are more like 85 to 15 of brazil yeah i might i honestly can't tell if it's 50 50 plus i'm awful in math i saw a funny message on discord earlier someone was you were talking about strategies and someone said oh i just did really good math can i be a caster now and someone responded and said no the rule of being a caster is that you have terrible math don't you know freaking spirit of the law man doing his edited math videos making us all look bad that much time i could do math as well [Laughter] okay they haven't launched yet and we'll keep you all updated back to this game bugged guys please review it please oh boy interesting well robo really has his work cut out for him here if back to saying he didn't pick burmese well he maybe didn't pick anything and it was just random that's what most likely happened act is in my chat right now because i didn't see oh he jm's me uh he should message robot not you um sure i mean let's see he says game bugged accm can't unready it was too fast please review it we want free pick oh this is going to be fun i mean to be honest i think that it'd be very much like backed in accm to just you know accept if they made the mistake and it was very weird to pick burmese there but i don't know if there's a way i'll have him speak to robo if it was it makes more sense than you trying to come up with the reasonable thought yeah and have ten thousand people give their input in the situation yeah that's not great yeah and five thousand with that five thousand with that so yeah um let me see here i should just send robo a message that says good luck have fun all right yeah let's do the democratic way we just do a twitch poll and see how we do an admin it'd be like it'd be like the uh the gladiator days where it's like everyone goes thumbs up or thumbs down do we kill them or do we let them live chat's gonna be ruthless robo deserves a raise oh he's he's got a raise actually the rules are not fully written out there because the rules say if you play incorrectly through the civilization that has been banned or previously been played but burmese was neither right that's not what was random that's not the rule that was sent to me okay um oh man can we just have a game five people i just want to cast some games see here i don't back to still messaging me and he actually had a really funny message it's like nearly when you were growing up did you ever ask your your like dad something and your dad said no and so you went to your mom to see if your mom would say yes every day then i i i went back to like or mom said no then i went to my dad and i went to like uh yeah mom said yes and he was like okay mom said yes then you can do it although both said no okay well thank you for entertaining as i'm as i'm currently speaking to backed yeah this was the moment where i should have laughed but okay sorry i wasn't paying attention but i'm not paying attention because i'm i know that whatever you're going to say next when i am paying attention is going to be just as entertaining um i mean so i'm in a rough spot all i'll say as back tonight are discussing it is i said please talk to robo and back says he too serious which is that which basically means that robo's a hard ass which he kind of has to be as an admin but um yeah bear with me i suppose i know okay what's going on well i think i understand what backed is saying happened this is an awkward spot act is saying that he accidentally clicked that accm accidentally clicked burmese and when they launched the game he clicked on ready and the game launched but why didn't back t click on really i the well would be hidden sieves i guess you could see your eyes but anyways so they tried to unready but the game launched anyways but i think in this case like unfortunately the game was started there's really not much i can do i i think he's being truthful on that but it's unfortunate but we have to play we have to play on from here right i'm i'm the strict one right this one allows too much like why did you click in with me selected yeah i think i understand listen like there's so many issues with de and i'm not going to say de is perfect here and it might be de at fault but i it's a tough spot to be in right because then brazil says the rules say this i i'm the german easily following the rules there oh yeah i know really you're like even even one someone not following you why did you click out uh click in if you were amazed sure and also like in the last one second you can't really unclick but the first four second at least i thought you could unclick at least that never happened to me i i tried to unclick in the first like in the fifth second of the countdown yeah it just leaves too much room too much wiggle room right there is that human side of it and i understand that um but we have to we have to play on from here as i said having vietnamese if that is the case is not the worst and it's a tough one so so what to to clarify on the decision we've made as i think they are about to start hopefully um the decision is that brazil gets to pick uh the second civ for vietnam which is either vietnamese or chinese and they i know the viper thing it would be to give them chinese the nearly thing would to get be to give them vietnamese i don't think like it's not like vietnamese are bad in that spot right no pineapples aren't bad in that spot either so it's not i i hope that like that said we are very motivated like they really want to win this right so it means a lot there's a lot of tensions are high you also have to remember guys it's not like this is a 20 show match there's a lot of money on the line um and even more to be had too so i understand let me yeah i haven't heard anything more so i think they'll be starting soon now random civ wouldn't make any sense you draft civilizations you you play with the civilizations you draft random civ would be brutal that's silly um that doesn't make any sense yeah so i suppose they should be very thankful that they had two alteratives right because if they had like persians chinese and then i don't know like huns yeah yeah they'd have virgins for example and had to go for persians indians yeah that could be brutal then they just go halbs against that yeah i think like percentage wise their chances only decrease slightly if we think it would have been 50 50 before i think it's maximum of 55 45 now and these are absolutely playable okay so anyways i see they're in the game room uh and they should be launching there still will be a couple minutes late thank you guys smiley is in chat thank you for being understanding this is kind of an awkward spot but game five will start after this will be norway against russia another best of five another quarter final lots of lot money on the line for single best of one now what's the what's the prize pool jump from losing in the quarterfinals to losing in the semi-finals so you get 1100 right now okay and if you advance you're guaranteed 2200 if you lose the next two games but probably your expected value let's say if you weren't even team would be like it jumped from 1100 to like 4 000. especially in vietnam that's that's some big money right there right i think oh yeah accm's biggest prize pool haul ever was losing round one of hidden cup three which was sixteen hundred dollars right so um that they would go a long way for them so i i mean it goes a long way for everybody like type of one in chat if you'd love eleven hundred dollars right now um you just have to get really good really really fast for the next tournament but anyways the game will start shortly nearly uh we felt regardless of sieves that brazil would be favored going into this and there were some delays too we've been doing this for over three hours now and the players even had to draft their maps and sieves before the game started yeah it's long for them also remember it's late in vietnam as well they like to play during the day and we still didn't discuss slavs over indians so they want to play it more aggressively in catholics than we thought um yeah i haven't been all that con i don't know indians some games i'm convinced some games i'm not and i suppose that means they're more iffy than slavs might be so probably a lot of knights from mr mr miguel and then probably a lot of archers for dogel but they have to make something happen incarcerates right because if we think very long term paladin from persian player elite returns from vietnamese would be the winning composition yeah true true yeah i really need to see the maps first i need to see how they wall up if they can wall up you mentioned that drushfc might not even be on the cards so thank you for your patience everyone uh this is what happens with live games we have a lot of people here you're all awesome every single one of you thank you um but there are delays because it's live games uh having played in very long sets it is very exhausting which is why we didn't want to do a full weekend of multiple best of sevens followed by another full weekend of best of sevens it would have been a lot for the players a lot for us too but next weekend we have well two best of seven semifinals back to back and then the next day we have best of seven third place match and final so potentially we had a potential for tonight 20 games today and it would be 28 next weekend yeah 20 games today no 20 games this weekend oh that's what i meant to say thank you you don't have to whisper it they can still hear you sorry you can you can whisper apologies to me that that's fine apologies you just want to cast the whole next game like that no okay all right well can you stop then yes okay all right so um hold on a second here they might have removed the delay for us guys because i'm in the game already what about you nilly i am jumping into it as well game number five hype okay it would be just like it would be just like the last half hour of this series for there to be a restart now so hopefully that doesn't happen but it's all on the line here guys big prize pool jump big prestige drum the players have put so much time into training and if you think back to what happened at the start of the day brazil was up 2-0 and vietnam have clawed their way back miguel is in the red playing as the slavs he's teamed up with dogal who's so good with archer sivs and he's britain's up against him is accm who's the vietnamese with backed playing as the persians okay and well the big thing is to judge how good is the map can they play rush fast castle can they play direct fast castle looking at back tees map first i already see very vulnerable left hand side area defensive gold this is really easy i think this is even a spot where you don't even rush before yeah just maybe wall up and go fast castle i like this map because that invitation is always there nearly and there is reward for being passive but also those those main gold spots are always towards that ice area which you cannot build on to really secure anything in front of that gold so it invites you to play passive and you can gain reward but also there can there can be some disadvantages later on if you don't have map control yeah it it feels a bit like golden pit right because you're somewhat safe yeah but then in carsolate you need to expand to control the gold it's a good point also neutral golds can be very useful i'm looking at the sides uh if this does go late there's two neutral golds on each side you look in the back of miguel's base way back in that corner neutral gold uh that i think there's another one on dogal's side and then you have one behind accm space and one beside backspace so good map gens there uh more areas to expand to and how do you feel about persians in this spot well it's the best choice they could have right yeah you can go fast castle obviously advancing too if you had to castle age a bit faster will be lovely for you can maybe even had a villager on the way for that and then if we get to the big fight and you can close down the distance to the britain archers you could just track them yeah uh we have barracks for accm and barracks now for dogal i don't care who you are you've got to be feeling some nerves here for both teams vietnam you've climbed all the way back to get here brazil you you lost two games in a row to bring it to the decider oh man and smallest little mistakes can lose you games as we've seen so many times in this tournament too so they have to be so technical about every decision they make also this is a skill that is very rarely talked about but being able to play 100 after this quote-unquote drama after all this discussion after the delay is a major skill that is rarely seen in portfolios yeah yeah it's it's um it's not just pressure anymore you know there's other aspects to it is disappointment you might have in yourself and your team to fall behind um because if you lose a game you feel like you shouldn't lose you still feel like you could have done a better job that and those emotions are still there here's dogal and this is an example of what i'm talking about three militia against two so accm he didn't make the third militia now this might end up being okay if he ends up walling up but advantage for dougal with his drush scouts around as well i think he can take this one down quite surprising why did acm stop after two now he kills the third one yeah no don't even cue the third one at this point the third one's gonna be just as dead as these two this brings us right back to what we were saying nearly he feels the need to make the third one because that's what he wanted to do in the first place but i feel like he's tossing away resources doing that unfortunately is going to be walled off very nicely and i noticed that bact is going to take the approach that the max might like to take and go futile for a lot of eco upgrades with persians and then go up to castle yeah absolutely we have seen that from the max mbl played that one several times in kotd as well lovely play also keeps your opponents guessing a bit more yeah but i that accm is looking shaky right now this has nothing to do with being vietnamese over chinese it just was a poor decision i suppose since the walls will be up though dogal's trust won't do much except attack those walls and will not find any ville picks oh soon all four scouts on one screen tries to take the engagement now back t is helping out we got a lot of position yeah uh if he gets the scout i think vietnam will like this doink nice actually that's really good work from back he still has a full hp scout accm still has his scout as well and miguel found the sheep and that's about it and now pay attention to the amount of farms that backs will go for because they'll have double bed x and horse color on the way persian tc's work faster from this point onward and so that applies to the villagers that applies to wheelbarrow that applies to the eventual uptime and therefore the economy should be solid slav economy obviously something we can't laugh at because their food income will be crazy so same build for miguel um and he just has these slav farms i think pretty comparable to have slabs and persians it does feel like persians are better at adding a lot of bills whereas slabs are better than having or the at massing nights in the mid game yeah they're late cars let's push it's just so incredibly strong and that's where we think brazil needs to find the timing yep yeah and then britain's against vietnamese it's really not a single sieve that can compete with britons on ghost lake when they have the additional sheep they have the faster working ranges they have the cheaper tc's this is exactly where you want your best player to be at if you're brazil playing britain's they picked this really early on the draft many many hours ago and i think dogal's uptime is going to be faster too he has the extra sheep here um and he is on the way to feudal age faster yeah one pop ahead there tricky for acm still has 2d on the back i think should be a reasonable timing to go already floating quite some resources look sharp yeah looking very sharp i recall so many games as dekalb brings the sheep back home i recall so many games when toquel was able to carry games if he could wall up and go for fast castle archers and one of those games was game number one where accm got destroyed by josh c dogal so yeah but he was going on to archer and that one right this time at least he's mirroring the strategy true true now long-term vietnamese pretty sick imperial uh skirmisher an option also there's rats and archers i think brazil they definitely want to win this in castellage or get a lead in castle because slavs do not get pallid and persians do and then britons while they get arbalest they do struggle against mass rats and archers later on well let's see if that is actually an option for now no one on stone and well we're expecting lots of car seats aggression right so the transition into ruttens will be questionable yeah it's it's very very true nilly and there you have the click up for dougal as perfect as you like he will also make the second range over at accm space accm uh drops off some food will click up not too shabby is behind actually hold on drop off the food there you go not too shabby is behind but up okay 15 one archer range so far for acm the question is when is he trying to squeeze in those upgrades second archer range already in production here for the gao well acm is building them as well though no gal will tell miguel he's just now getting a second range up and he doesn't have an archer yet i have two archers and my second range will be faster i think dogal has a slight lead with this archer war bact is going to need to send some support and backed will click up to castle faster than miguel actually i take that back i think they'll be clicking up at identical times oh that's so close it's unbelievable man how close this game is right now but actually back he didn't have his he was stable yet yeah yeah and the market so needed to squeeze in another villager now forces that blacksmith up and he will catch up though yeah so it will be a very reasonable timing for that i'll catch up because the persian speed what do you think about him adding the market there because you look over at miguel's side he has not out of the market he's gonna save that wood instead we've seen that several times he didn't really need to use it to balance any of his resources typical unit simply this is a blacksmith i think he will have to edit otherwise it doesn't make a lot of sense yeah and at the highest level you shouldn't need carto this early what's going to happen now is bax will need to add in the blacksmith we'll need to get the upgrades and he's simply invested more wood into uh the buildings then miguel has so you have dougal with more archers than accm and faster to castle age 17 minutes and then you have miguel in a with a better position to probably make nights with upgrades 12 to seven archers monkey s and oh no that's only military okay so three militias still out there that's true yeah militia just attacking the palisades but extra range for britain stoke out already adding the second town center and has these crossbows here by the way small little feature that i really like of acm normally you send four villagers on berries but acm did send five already done with this berries completely because he knew those would get attacked first yeah he needs to wall behind though or maybe he's waiting and hoping that dougal will not utilize the extra range well by trying to break through here what i don't like is that accm doesn't have the proper amount on gold really he has one range producing archers but the other range is not producing yeah so please you want to go for eight now ascending the eighth one was rewarding at the right hand side not the biggest of issues but numbers simply not as good as dogs i think dogal he will try and run in here get as many pick-offs as possible but soon think about backing away if miguel doesn't have the support actually here comes miguel already with plus two on the knights oh yeah and bloodlines that is massive on the other side only defense upgrade and a one difference upgrade and bloodlines so one upgrade ahead is miguel and a crucial one it feels like uh vietnam very much in this game but right now they need to weather this early castle age storm it will be extremely awkward to deal with all this pressure good job from accm not ideal to have to abandon the farms now persian knights get plus to attack against archers if there's ever enough knights out there for persians they could they could group up on those archers and do more damage there but this is not the time no they're just going for the archer ranges trying to make the more range work is dogo can someone afford ballistics pretty soon i don't really see it he's killed a few villagers and crossbows here and a man i'm feeling pressure for the players but if you're vietnam you need back to have more big facts i think is he's prioritized eco a bit but his teammate who's already going to struggle against britain is falling behind and that's going to be an archery range down pretty soon accm is really going to need some support soon oh and now the university here for accm so problematic and that's why britain's are so crazy on this map your dress fc just so powerful extra sheep for britons oh boy what executed by the girl so far yeah and and the patients from brazil to say we we know that if we're taking out those ranges you can't compete with the britain player this really comes down to dogal being slightly faster than accm but accm's current struggles that comes back to back not being competitive against miguel really i think back to the market nilly he still doesn't have plus two maybe the second tc was too early maybe that'll end up being a positive for him but say goodbye to those ranges accm full control here and to gao behind this solid economy back t well i'm not looking to shabby either we have some farms dying behind this what is the next step here for vietnam how are they trying to defend us so i think it's all comes down to backed getting a numbers advantage and that's something that brazil should not allow to happen um accm is forced to mix in more ranges he should stay one tc forever truthfully and just get more numbers out but he's going to be so far behind compared to dogelsey it needs to happen soon why did he move out there that felt so risky oh he moves out and it's probably trying to group up with his teammate but it's all going wrong for vietnam this is logan mckay d three to twenty two back t one kill this whole game but it's the pressure you fall into because he knew he needed to do damage you can say oh he shouldn't have moved out there but he knows that he needs to group up with his teammate and do damage and so there's that constant pressure in the back of his mind i'm behind i need to push and so he moved out and brazil just calmly waiting there pounced on him i really think the reason he moved out there though nilly was because the natural move for brazil is to move over to back after taking those ranges and he knew he would need to save his teammate but it all stems from the early castle age then it's better for back tea to build the sports bed because he knew that he had to be heavily outnumbered when they came to crockpot but it's it's the mindset what's the mindset gonna be like in this situation how clean can you play when the pressure is on and for brazil i mean there's been no question how good they can play here in game five miguel even skipping the third tc going four stable nights they want to kill quickly oh miguel is going deep he should there's no there's no armor for back yet and there's no team kicking in i think you might want to back away now because there's too many town centers but they're happily taking out the knights of look at this confidence from brazil who cares about persian tc's oh my word oh yeah and those numbers are non-existent now for bacteria so many falling behind this one look at how many villagers are idle as well oh man and back to did have a slight bill lead no longer has that and this is after a long wait to get game five this might be the game unless accm has something to show for it doesn't feel like he will though and the human side of it always hits me around this time because i feel so bad for the team that would lose in game five especially in in the dramatic fashion that this all went down with them coming back to get here vietnam but uh really you did come back two games to die like this [Laughter] you came back two games to die like this brutal please hearts and smileys and respect and whatever for vietnam guys because again they played for four hours to get here it wasn't two hours to die like this it was four hours they've been training they had to work hard as did all the teams and to make it all the way back to just lose has to be frustrating plus you had the aspects prior to the game right um they've got to be disappointed in themselves they were third place back in 2018 even beating norway there but uh brazil will move on to the semi-finals and brazil will face china uh china a team who beat finland china a team who was in the finals in 2018 so it only gets more difficult for brazil but neily um what do you have to say about brazil here they were probably the favorite team going into this set they had a lot of they had to um eat with a lot of pressure and a lot of adversity here yeah the the scrappy team island game was really ugly for them and chaos pit it didn't really feel like they had a crazy plan or at least like the transition didn't really work but the standard games especially arabia and ghost lake looked really sharp and china should be scared of the meta games yeah exactly and i i think that makes the really exciting semi-final because it's not only a best-of-five the best of seven and licks and yo did not look good on arabia on golden pit on ghost lake so we might have brazil picking more of those maps and then we might see nomad team islands chaos pit picked by china when that semi-final comes around um it's very likely team acropolis could be a lovely one between those two teams
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 86,287
Rating: 4.8740158 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, ACCM, BacT, Vietnam, Vietnamese, Brazil, Brazilian, Brazilla, dogao, migeul, miguel
Id: LF0ovh1k9RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 53sec (11993 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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