Low Elo Legends #1 Never Give UP!

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ladies and gents this is probably the fourth or fifth attempt at the first episode of LOI lo legends but I've had a lot of requests from people over the over the months asking for LOI low castes and I know that in the past there was a starcraft content creator on YouTube named Wolfie wasn't I didn't watch but people told me there was something called bronze League heroes which I believe a guy named winter in the Starcraft community continued but anyways I didn't want to steal that name and I decided to go with LOI glow legends and we'll also call it amazing learn because amazing learn is what kind of piqued my interest in casting some low-level games in the blue we have a s Vulcan he's playing as the commence shame and in the red that we have Lord Luke 13 he is playing as the Turks and according to my my detectives they are both below 1000 eloah about Age of Empires two demon now it's worth pointing out because I'm beginning to see some questionable things we have to have a fine mix of laughing and teaching we laugh and we teach and if there's sarcasm I will follow that up with some instructional knowledge okay so if your name is Lord Luke and you're just looking to chill out later tonight and watch a YouTube video and you end up stumbling upon my channel and you see this cast not making fun of you we're learning from your mistakes okay first off I swear this is gonna be a common theme I don't think that Lord Luke knows builders because he is doing the straggler tree thing which all the lower rated players seems to weight lumber camp ah nice he was just saving this wood for later that's what it is okay saving that wood for later I like the lumber camp what about blue okay blue also building a lumber camp nice nice nice nice the map is gold rush by the way and there's seven tiles of gold for each player on Gold Rush four tiles here three tiles there and then there's four and three the rest of the gold is in the center so I'm really curious to see what these guys do to get to the gold huh they're going to lure in elephants and he's even blocking the elephant this guy's not a new okay he didn't block the elephant actually this could be trouble I hope he knows how to garrison his Vil otherwise that villager is riperoni oh god oh god oh god garrison garrison garrison it's fine it's fine elephants are vicious creatures and they do not like it when you shoot arrows at their their tusks whoa whoa whoa what is that whoa whoa whoa what is where is that no food underneath the TC at Red's base well red decided it would be a good idea to scout everywhere but his base to look for his goats okay realizes he doesn't have food for underneath his TC and says hey who cares I'm just gonna leave this place and maybe my goats spawned in the north yeah maybe maybe my goat spawned at the very north of the map cuz that's where I would go if I'm a goat he's the Lord we can't really judge him okay we oh whoa elephant all right and even so his goats are back here you should you should look you should always go in a circle around your base so this is that a gaping hole in his scouting at least he's creating bills at all times I don't get the whole straggler tree thing I really don't he also doesn't know where his rhino is oh wait wait oh going to gold now Oh God alright alright so here's another thing going to gold when you're 17 pop and you barely have the food to go to feudal age is not a good time okay so there's a reason all of these problems are solved with builders all of these problems okay and if you're having problems in fuel age likely you had problems in Dark Age right Lou brought in is Rhino by the month and his build seems to be more this seems to make a little bit more sense everything's a little alright that's a weird second lumber camp but we're not going to judge him he just really wants to chop those three trees it wouldn't make sense to build a lumber camp in this little gap that would be perfect for chopping wood red is is he back to his oh he's back to his base now okay I think he's probably just realized he got excited he got excited and he really wanted to find his enemy and then couldn't find him now he sees this rhino now rhinos and elephants attack faster than boars do so I think you would need lumba for bringing this down the hill I was actually scared to play ranked to not get placed below 1ke low but now I know I'm safe now thank you to Nadia the other thing is people look a lot more knew when I'm casting them I feel like you don't realize how many flaws are in your game until someone's watching it okay now he's scouting the edge of the map did blue find him why are they scouting here understand okay so blue saw this three tile gold that should be an indicator that red is nearby they're taking the same path and where's he going now is he going to the southern corner no way what is it they have with the corners of the map he sees Hills he sees all these areas where there won't be an enemy TC and he says yeah let's keep going okay all right blue has had a better build order but guys his TC is idols so remember this meme this will guide you home if you're attacking someone and you're killing villagers but you've had an idol TC you're going to be behind in bills in this case blue his three villagers behind he hasn't killed anything but this meme describes a situation almost perfectly however blue is on the way to futile and honestly it hat wasn't ideal getting here but he's building a barracks his eco seems reasonably balanced red has decided to mill the zebra I don't think that's a bad move and he's farming a lot I see I don't think this is awful from here either they seemed to realize I have a lot of wood I need to farm I should build the mill on the zebra this is good I like that a lot of players would not do this oh the moon oh I'm sorry I thought I saw I thought I removed it hey listen this wouldn't be low evil legends without some low e low casting so and now I guess that this is a fast castle attempt for red God dude why are you what is this zigzag ADIZ a gig and why are we scouting corners of maps I don't understand the scouting it really make any sense it was he challenged to draw a picture on the mini-map not sure what that resembles it's really important to scout your opponent because otherwise you're blind to the fact that blue is gonna be making Scouts and red has no flippin clue because he's not at his opponents base right now whoa that is a forward barracks we are gonna be aggressive boys don't build the barracks at home which is close to all of your economy in case you need spearmen build build that barracks forward on the hill okay I think Vaz Mehdi is right he says this is what happens when you're eco takes too much of your APM to control your Scout very often indeed indeed you're right you're definitely right okay Luke is in the feudal age he's Turks by the way oh wow he you instantly queues up wheelbarrow I disagree with that I think it'd be better to just build your blacksmith and your archery range and go up to the next age Oh blue is building a second town center with cumin x' all right and he's only created one extra scout let's look at his scouting oh wait did he did he lose his scout oh he did lose his Scout didn't he two Reds TC so he's exact right to Red's base all right well the comenzar nerfed now and I take the blame I've uploaded enough videos with cumin being strong that people probably want to try them out this guy probably watches my YouTube channel that's my fault and I'm sorry oh oh oh I was drinking I was drinking some magic all Reds found blue oh the immediate reaction wait did he react or did he just set waypoints all over the map and he just doesn't notice he set a waypoint I could see it blue what are you doing all right so check this out for a second gotta know this if you're playing as it really helps cavalries 5% faster starting in each age so he's in fuel age he could have attacked that or at least followed it but maybe he decided to come back home because he wants to feel nice and safe it is a problem because they can't control everything at once so they figured they'd just lose track of the scouts I think that's a lot of it red is on the way to castle age though and he's making spearmen so what you'll see at low levels is huge over reactions to stuff so you see two Scouts and you make ten spearmen that's that's low a low reaction now there's Lions out here I would love to see red try and send Vil's here well blue also has the armor on the Scouts let's see if blue knows how to use the scouts though this is the problem with building your production buildings so far away from your base ok Reds making the Spears and not doing anything with them oh god oh god actually is attack oh boy oh boy Lord Luke Luke I am your father get out of here run run run run bring the Spears oh no he's panicked he's panicked but it's fine it's honestly fine villagers are not important villagers are not important to your economy at all ok so now he's in castle 8 so think about this now he's in castles Blue has been well idling both of his Town Center's but he has the potential to create Vil's a devotee sees instead he's creating 5 out of 1 & 0 out of the other all right is he gonna castle drop the center does he know the map and does he want to castle drop the center his blue creating fills out of this TC yet no he's not still 5 out of this you see and zero to this CC now he's making archers Archer Rangers ok okay now I don't want red to lose any Vil's to the wolves or the the lions because he's so far behind but that is part of this map Zach Lowe thank you for the twitch prime sub by the way okay six hundred and fifty stone for the castle red let's go let's go he's also not creating bills out of his TC you can see this as a problem okay oh now blue is buddy's house alright so he's building a bunch of houses here we go this was a high level game this game would be way well over there'd be no chance for it but it's low e low Legend time and Lord Luke is going to the middle boys he wants to castle there now I will like the hill instead okay he should see the Lions are there and no to avoid them Rogers here he goes we got Simba Mufasa over here attacking this dude defend him defend him defendant defendant quickly alright I mean it's not the worst castle ever it's not and blue steel is not his way to castle aged blue might have double the amount of villagers but villagers aren't important they are important but villagers aren't important I like the logic from red to take control the center the problem is he is no military to protect his eco so if red or blue or to send anything even Scouts it'd be game over okay by a show of ones in the chat how many people think blue might freak out when he sees the castles up in the center and just instead of going to Red's base where he knows red is exposed he'll just turtle up and hide I have a feeling he's gonna be like huh oh no surprise Pikachu face he's also going to run right past that too he won't even see out it no no no no if he goes to Reds base he'll Scout it I don't know when he's gonna do it though he's getting frickin armor for the scouts he doesn't have like seriously dude if you don't get that armor upgrade you have the food to go Castle age and then you're good okay Red's creating out of this TC he's building another town center here now I think red making Janissaries is a good idea I think Janissaries is very hard to deal with also makes use the forward castle I would really like to see red scowl even if you're like who cares if you lose the light cap you could just send the scowl into blues base and let it die if you want to just to see what blue has all right blue do you want the castle or do you want the lions just passing just passing just passing just passing - is he not oh he sees it oh and he did he Patrol oh god oh god he patrolled into a castle boys oh no oh no and now he's running into the Lions oh god oh the cow archers let's go I like how he got armor and not attacked because attacks not important just cut your losses and take him to Reds base that's the best thing you can do take him to Red's base oh my god the Lions will attack Reds calves archers now this is why you got the fence upgrades that's why you get defensive grades for CAV archers cuz of the Lions I get it now all right when Reds defense he might have got that defense upgrade because it applies to his Jinnah service wow that was a rollercoaster of emotions blue is on the way to Castle by the way his economy's way better but can he can he win without gold in the center oh my goodness how much how sad do you think blue is gonna be if he loses this game and then goes to youtube tonight oh my goodness this is where the guilt of a caster starts to set in but again we're not laughing at you we're laughing at a game you participated in and yeah that's just that's just that's different right that's different both of them have things they can group on blue his echo is definitely better so I have faith in the guy and now he's building his own castle okay with this economy just go in honestly just a pun you could just save your resources and go in I'm not saying that's what I would do but at this level why not and just try bit down then please baby Jesus never let c90 cast one of my games that's actually a perk of subscribing to me on Twitch uur whitelisted from getting cast hey is fokin showed up to my twitch at once and said that he just wanted free entertainment and that he would never subscribe to me and then here we are so that's that's how you avoid getting cast out blacklist I'm sorry whitelist blacklist purple list whatever same difference looks like some people are going on getting taken off my blacklist Chad kidding okay I like I like this strategy so red realizes that his opponent oh boy hold on oh god okay red oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy but you know what that's not bad he didn't just lose his whole army but but oh he wants to stop the castle hold on I can't even make a joke about a like have attacking a house because of what's happening here Red's CAV archers are going to die or yeah ventually they'll die and blues castle has been denied I was gonna say I like red strategy to try and house blue if you PopCap him then he can't create more military that's that's 300 IQ right there don't attack villagers with light calves but instead attack the house and eventually he won't be able to create and more so Janissaries have eight range they're actually really good but steppe lancers and crossbows and Kip checks and everything that is being made right now by blue is all product of his economy and with the economy you can beat better units at whoa but guys Lord Luke is coming back in economy he's only at 51 bills and blue as at 61 I'm not convinced steppe lancers and all this can work underneath Castle fire but red decides to not use the cover fire of his castle and instead fight and die on the hill his Lord Luke gonna come back in this game is he coming back Red's not producing out of all of his town centers I don't understand why he's making CAV archers and also Janissaries nikumans are really strong Civ we know that all the micro the micro let's go hey Lexie all right I think this is decided by him who has the most farmers 24 farmers 4 blue 19 farmers Fred I think this is decided by him if Fred can make his second castle here and go in first he can make bomb or cannons and shrubs to push blue out of middle blue is producing an awful lot of units within Castle age instead of probably saving gold and going to the Imperial age he is losing houses though that's very important again I mean if this continues on for a long time blue will not have pop space maybe the strategy is to use the like kev to attack the houses then get CAV archers to raid the wood lines then blue doesn't have the resources to produce any more houses and then boom GG oh wow he's getting Sipahi which we'll get oh boy oh boy okay so PAH he gives Turk calves archers extra HP guys in this situation getting that upgrade which is pretty expensive is not going to help read situation he's not even able to push a real area with his army so investing that much into the tech doesn't make sense now it'd make a whole lot more sense to just go Imperial and it's kind of the same for blue oh no but blue wants to ram rush it again I think it would make more sense to save golds and not make the Rams and then make trebs and then you you easily push this but instead he's making rams Luka sana thank you very much for the twitch prime I hope my audience right oh it's the strategy it's the attack house raid wood line strategy boom okay there we go boom and this will distract blue from the middle - nice play look Lord Luke there's another lion nice okay now what I would do is I would run you already got some damage in you know blue is probably gonna come to you so rough oh oh blues not gonna come to you with that lose got a ram rush to Center okay I mean there's no maca nose behind here to kill the Rams Lou is gonna it's red gonna panic he's attacking the house this looks like a a panic red could easily still win this game but not if he panics like that I think he would need to just give it up Oh God make some seeds behind give it up and just castle on top like oh my god that's his empty seat no no Lord Luke why of all the places to click up to the Imperial age why did you pick this one his castle will crumble his town center is surely next now he's housed meanwhile he lost all of his calves archers no Lord okay one will he let's assume he gets to imp one one who dude hey there's another castle he's kinda it hasn't build it on the hill I still think he could comfortably build it on the hill oh god this TC could go down ooh boy this has been wild man but guys can we please salute these two because eventually they're gonna see this and I'm pretty sure like Luke is gonna be there's gonna be a little bit of embarrassment all right I mean he probably knows that you shouldn't fight against castle fire and scrum fire with CAV archers but he's doing it anyway he'll be embarrassed he didn't know that people would watch but this has been a really close game what I think that Lord Luke should do is he should go for hussar your opponent has elite skirm he's countering you right now you get free hussars terse free like Kevin Castle free House iron tips it makes tables use all that food and instead of upgrading CAV archers and go huh start however I recognize that lower rated players are not very good with tech switches now what blue should do is he should go to imp as well and he's actually queued up in right after that Ville and I believe red just Micra that one and only house R which has been attacking the houses his whole game which is hilarious imagine if you were to just send that to the wood line when blue gets to him I think that skirmishers fine I would probably go Stern skirm and step Lancer ok he's building a castle here now why is this a bad idea chat why is this a bad idea you still see red has a town center there you don't know what's going on for all you know red could have a castle on the hill and he could be making trebuchet 'he's so it's probably not wise to build your castle there take your time short before I make you mine baby you have to be sure you want to be my lover ya fool huh sir bread has to be using his his uh he's not using his advantages right now he hid him if he had full huh star rating you could even make barrack stables down here and raid he's not using his advantage Oh was there an echo I can fix that sorry okay well the castle goes up the red red red river back up back up back up back up Luke Luke what do you know oh god Luke why alright well now he has a trip Blue has just done a really good job at producing stuff red is just picked one or two units seems like red had set in his mind Janissary and calves Archer he's never gonna deviate from that blue is doing a better job of making a mix of everything and I'm pretty sure he will lose units in the process here but I'll just take the trip out with the skipjacks and with his squirms and I think that's probably it and because blue will RAM just this castle down Luke is not really doing anything right now he lost his magic hussar and it's just it's a bit of a shame that Luke didn't think to use all that food and gopher Huss are you got upgrades on his on his units but oh wait wait oh come back time he really likes the pressure this area come back time Shh Lions are disrupting castle drops everywhere blue is expecting a castle in the center he's already seen at before but what he's not expecting is a castle on the wood line all right that's a great time to finish that TC that castles going down whether he likes it or not oh man he could make so many hustlers with that food wait wait wait for it Shh Oh in your face lumberjack in your face does blue not have loom what blue hasn't had loom this entire game blue is the head loom this entire game and I didn't even realize all right well tip for you blue is just research loom you know what it is that's why red probably lost all of his cab archers he was too tempted to attack the unlimited villagers it's full east of gold he's saving resources yeah hey me didn't have the middle what if he gets loomed now because he has control of the gold all right I I don't think this is I don't think it's possible for red to come back but blue is distracted and he's sending all of his Kip checks back and the castle goes up garrison red tide reveals blue what are you doing what are you doing don't throw this treadmill crane for Lord dreadmill crane treadmill crane means you can build faster he wants to make sure this next castle goes up extra fast okay he's making a siege workshop now the treads from glue come right back all right treadmill crane castles already going down what's he making here some ramps what's that gonna do for you up up here's the raid here's the raid oh wait is he making huh stars now oh now he's making huh stars okay so zero huh stars for 50 minutes but then you go from zero huh stars 250 huh stars alright hey blue doesn't have loom this could do some real damage he's ramming down the houses I love it I love how he's ramming down the houses sneak into the back red sneak into the back they're both sharing gold right now and the big population difference is really that blue has squirms which are countered by a hussar oh did blue get loom no okay time to get Loom castle dropping my base huh stars time to get Loom guys red could win this game now don't attack the Kip checks just attack the bills oh boy and now you need hustlers in the center but Blue has so many resources he could use you could go cavalier or he could go do Cummins get paladin I don't know they could go camel he could go step Lancer oh all the fields to fill stills hide the fields Luke hide the Vil's what am i watching what am i watching the huh stars will destroy the scurbs blue has 50 idol villagers sneaky stable from Lord Luke let's go sneaky stable another sneaky stable blue use your resources dude make steppe lancers make camels make anything but scrubs and rams right now anything but scrubs and rams oh my god oh oh oh the stable was denied at 94% all right there's a hustler coming out of this one though there's all this hustler rating there oh no blue oh no Luke is about to take the population lead what a swing it all started with the sneaky castle this is low ehlo legends episode one for sure there's no way that this cannot be an episode of low evil legends red still has a sneaky villager there oh wait Oh the villagers taking the hits the villagers taking the hits for the HUS are whoa oh well she survived she survives one ran with her Randy now he's more focused on the center now dude look what the hustlers have done they're everywhere okay the villager dies but who cares I can't believe it all blue is producing now is pikemen he is five thousand gold three thousand food he just couldn't he just didn't have the presence of mind to make anything else he just froze up the raids the raids have just kept him on the back foot for so long Wow guys Blu could build two wonders right now let that sink in for a second in fact if you were to buy 700 stone he could build three wonders he could still come back with his resources but the problem is he's not making you should be making steppe lancers or camels or Cavaliers any mobile stable unit because you have a lot of food and gold and he's not doing it wow I can't believe this Blu has 83 pop now here's a question for you is his situation worse then Red's was when we thought red was dead no it's not his situation is better than red situation when we thought red was dead so blue could actually come back if red could come back blue could come back and now he's building barracks all right so Wow that is all right so I'm thinking maybe helps he's definitely techne into help he's going Halman skirm it bothers me that he's going Calvin squirm go gold units are always better than trash units guys imagine if you went Kipp check if you went Kipp check and cavalier with these resources Hossler would have no chance or camel just my point is there's definitely an opportunity for blue to come back both players have some of the center a red is making Jenna Surrey right now we didn't think red was dead you thought he was dead I always believed well you have a lot more faith in humanity than I do that's for sure okay the sneaky stables still here not producing though let's check the economy's what's it look like well they both have gold they're just sharing the gold blue casually building a TC while red has a tribe attacking his castle okay well I would like to see red go with caviar Jers again with these resources housed artisan CAV Archer would be really good here more huh stars rating more hustlers killing bills these traps have been sitting here for half the game that castle will I mean at this rate it's going to go down but I have a feeling it will stay up the scars are really good choice against emissaries so don't ask me why red decided to make Janissaries is this about to be a reverse throat wait is blue getting a gold unit upgrade he's going for elite Kip checks he's going for elite Kip checks finally he's using his gold is it too late though the hustlers arrived he could start losing his gold control in the center he's already at his three bills on wood Wow Wow the winged hussars have arrived just take that castle out red that'd be good for you and now low numbers of I don't think low numbers of Kip checks are gonna be all that successful you need to wait till you have a group of them it's just full panic mode and that castle will go down Gigi Lord Luke did it Lord Luke did it against all odds he did it how did that happen man oh my goodness he in twith his forward middle TC as his castle was going down he went for a sneaky castle drop on Blues wood Lane and then some sneaky stables and that's what did it that's what did it so guys what happened before red placed that castle blue had full control he had full resources all I needed to do was put his foot on the gas spend them and win however what happened was he took his good old time and then what happened he was probably in the in the middle of a transition to go in and push actually I take that back he was treading red and ramming red in the center but red attacked blue and made blue overreact a little bit so blue said hmm alright well I have to use all my focus now to deal with this castle so let's do that he does that then oh wait there are these two-bit villagers building stables oh I have to focus on that too so he put all of his focus here and then as he was doing that the winged hussars arrived on the other side and red just kept pushing and pushing and sending in wave after wave after wave what a game what a game we learned what not to do we learned what to do and most importantly we had a very good LOI lo legends match this will be a playlist for sure 276 kills Lord Luke he had less goals than a s Falken he had more food collected and it was the hustlers that changed it for him technology stats that's that's interesting good researchers from both of them I felt like the up time look at the up time difference Oh Luke wasn't cast late so much faster but it really was because blue was on to TCS Wow how many people my chat found that was kind of relatable anyone also does this make any sense someone explained this time light red had less eco and away less military but somehow it goes up I just don't that's a head-scratcher right there like any other time you see this blue wins right here and the gee-gees called but he just didn't push tilts it's Kermes is to be honest they're they're both much better than me I'm not saying they're bad players I'm just saying they're they're probably even calling this low e low might be a disservice to how good they are cuz they're pretty solid it takes time to get as good as they are there but still I felt like there was a lot of lessons to learn to be fair this is what a regular a week to match looks like I mean regular a we to match yes one that we see frequently no because we're normally focusing on the pro scene so I hope you guys enjoyed it that was fun the plan for this well right now what I've been doing is I've just been finding live games I feel like it's so much more natural if I find a live game then people don't know that I'm watching and then they don't get nervous and they they play as they normally would I do get a ton of emails from people with their own games and I can't say that I can really take that but we'll see where this goes in the future all I know is this will be on YouTube and it will be in a playlist
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 196,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Low, ELO, Legends, Bronze, League, Heroes, Heros, Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, AoE2 DE, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, Husky, Noobs, Noob Match, T90 vs Viper, Meta, Wow, LOl
Id: 21UaK8AAHQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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