Blue Coffee... Still a Legend!?

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oh this is perfect amazing alright welcome folks to another diplomacy regicide free-for-all game and another potential episode with blue coffee I've said this many videos many streams before blue coffee is a legend he has literally never lost a community game ever in three years I think there's about six videos on him one of which he lost was in an event that's where we found him and then he's never lost a game since then he has killed MBL in games before he has killed people who were significantly better than him in games before and here he is he is playing as Spanish which he likes to go with because he likes the Diplo he likes the trade so let me add the overlay so you guys can see the statistics for now and I'll introduce the other players this is easily the biggest test for blue coffees ever faced in a community game because in the pink right next to him is Hera Hera is a pro player so Hera is in the top ten in the world right now and he's playing as the Magyars in the gray we have revenge a we he is playing as the Teutons in the green we have grim he is playing as the Malians in the teal we have hack lists he is playing as the mayans in the yellow we have assur he's playing as the Byzantines in the red we have gundrick playing as the spanish and then we have Obadiah who is in the orange playing as the Magyars so did you notice that right when the game started blue coffee was asking for alliances and blue coffee was talking in the game room before the match even started and he was saying there are many Canadians here I will have many friends and what else did he say he's trying to currently instruct how to a lie because Hera doesn't know how to a lie people what else did he say I'm going back to the game room now he said uh-uh where is this here oh you know I missed some of the chat because the game room was open so long I'm sorry but basically he already talking to people so Harris's first time boys and blue coffee says I can teach a pro I'm happy so we'll have to keep an eye on those guys what are the players start with they start with their King which if they lose they're dead in this game this is all about diplomacy and sniping Kings they have a decent amount of wood arounds you have gold here you have gold here and plenty of stone you have an elephant if you want to collect that you have ostrich and then there's water in the center which not all players will have access to this is an interesting map guys it would I would definitely call a balanced map because some of these maps don't have wood but I think everyone has trees to chop and then if you're ever running low on gold I guess you could trade yeah there's a few towers around you of course start with a castle oh no boo coffee off to a great start he forgotten about his villager here he he lost a woman to the elephant I think he clicked the elephant and forgot about that now the elephant attack faster than boars he only has two villagers underneath the tea seed no loom oh this is gonna be tough let's see two more hits this Ville is dead garrison alright he's a bit rusty he's fine he was typing he was typing he said we can add a wee piece he was too busy typing it's fine it's fine okay now has everyone allied him everyone has allied him yes so Hara before the game said I know blue coffee is famous here but I don't know why and I asked my twitch chat to not tell Hera why he's famous because I want to see if Hera will trust the guy because that's that's why blue coffee successful he knows how to make people trust him and then turn on them when they least expect it now I don't think that hare will know how blue coffee plays but a few people in the twitch chat and I know your names Britannic is a few people out there there's and there's there's a few other names they told Herod that blue coffee not be trusted I was keeping an eye on that and Hera is saying he is Canadian I trust and he also said take my sheep is he sending him sheep who's he sending sheep to I'm not sure know Obadiah says Hera why are you hostile they're chatting a lot here a chatting a lot here okay I mean Grimm is a strong player obadiah's a strong player these are guys who have one community games many times before so when I said that this was the most difficult challenge for blue coffee I didn't mean just Hera the other players that are in this game are also quite strong even gundrick as well Hera already saw the signal from blue coffee blue coffee signal at this corner and said listen that's where we're gonna trade now I'm gonna tell the story again about how I found blue coffee because I think it's important to bring up so I had an event called regicide Rumble and that was a a regicide a series of regicide games so yeah there's a low game so it was about fifteen sixteen hundred players there was a mid tier game which was sixteen to eighteen hundred players and then there was a pro game which was to k plus and the eighth highest signups or the eight signups that fit the rating requirement would get in a blue coffee when he signed up he was at eighteen plus on buble which implies these incredible player with rated games and I looked at his profile was kind of confusing he he had I think maybe fifty went let me look his profile now actually well III don't know if his ratings reset or whatever but yeah okay so he has 15 wins and he has 19 losses and yet he has an 1800 team game rating and that doesn't really add up well the reason that is is because if you play free-for-all game's raided and you win one you get a ridiculous amount of points like 50 or 60 points and you lose you only lose a few points so you can actually rate free-for-all games and all he would play is free-for-alls he would duel and Nomad free-for-all and so I looked at his profile prior to that event right and he had eight hour-long games like disk this was no joke eight hour long games so he would spend an entire day playing these free frog games so you think that you know diplo games you think that you know community games but no one really knows it like blue coffee so he he will gladly make this game go eight hours today I hope not because I have the cast it but he would gladly do that to get the victory so so anyway he's in Castle age we do have a few others who are not yet in Castle age what's up heat fire ash Kendrick is halfway there revenge is is 20% of the way there in obadiah's about to hit and surprise surprise Hera hey castle each fastest he's creating villas out of three Town Center's and he's the one of the best players in the world so this guy is going to be hard to stop Knight nice try nice dry heat fire rash heat fire ash is one of my friends in real life and so he tried to to go with a very weak copypasta and auto mod caught him get rekt man can we get some some t90 wrecks in the chat for heat fire rash I'd appreciate it by the way we need to catch up soon next week next week okay I'll text you sushi cube thank you oh we have the doc out here from Grimm so he's fishing now is there even a lot of fish out here it's like no fish he says of course there's no fish that's right there's deep fish here and here and here and here it's still worth it yes thank you chat thank you for backing me up you you know what I'd like to see at some point in this game someone running away with their King and sipping their King here that would be impossible wall up the whole shoreline and hide your king in the center bro strategies what's blue coffee doing down here he has a base he's farming with the TC down here that's weird all right oh wow hackus wants to collect the ostriches for food whoa he has 1300 food dude hackus you know at wasting any time here are you got a plan for the future save that food for later t90 is there sudden-death regicide game-mode there is yes it's possible yeah you'd have to make a custom map for it but it is possible this ransom everything deluxe map that we're playing can add a bunch of different wind conditions the one that was on YouTube recently was a sudden death king of the hill game for example that was supposed to be just king of the hill but it added in sudden death sometimes it's even deathmatch sometimes you'll start with deathmatch resources in dark age so you have 10,000 every resource so you never really know what to expect if it would have been a deathmatch start hare would have definitely won by now I probably would destroyed everyone but fortunately for the rest of the players here that's not the case now Harris says this is quiet what's happening guys well everyone's booming everyone's booming that's what's happening and gundrick says calm before storm it's almost like he's watched a few videos of mine before didn't we have an re D map recently that was that maybe do die I just casted so many games I forget what's what sometimes a Grimm are we sure this isn't fat slob did fat slob get on Grimsby C look at these walls while he's in it for the long haul stonewalling his whole corner playing it very very safe I actually speaking of fat slob I actually had a message from fat slob this morning it's the first contact I've had with the legend in many many months he messaged me and he said hey t90 really liked all the videos thanks for making them and then he said is there a reason that Obama is on all the thumbnails of my videos and yeah the reason I was honest with him the reason was just that I wanted a laughing meme for the first episode and just happened to be Obama laughing and the video was so successful when I'm a deficit of Obama again just to remain consistent so he has not responded back he might actually is he online right now playing let me see oh he's online right now he's waiting for a game that Slav is literally always online he's waiting for a game right now he wants to play some more black force well anyway so I responded to him and you told him that hopefully he doesn't want me to switch it to some other political figure I mean had I really thought about it Trump would have been better yeah I don't want to get too political but a guy that built walls Trump would be more fitting but anyway back to this game back to this game Hera has 77 villagers he has one relic and always building a castle on revenge AOE now he's allied with revenge but this can't make revenge feel very good so he has a mad girl huh sir he is a scout Hara has to remember that if he makes enemies quickly he will have an even bigger target on his back he is the pro player here harris's wouldn't you agree you are safer this way it's actually kind of funny revenge says no no I'm not safer I'm not safer with your castle here I mean technically he is right now because hair is allied with him but revenge knows what's up revenge knows that Hera could easily turn on him anytime soon lots of walls this is gonna be a long one guys this is definitely gonna be a long one how many relics are on the map I see Obadiah has one in Hara has one do you see any more there's one and there's one that's it and Wow blue Coffee says you're gold he signals us to Obadiah and Obadiah says why thank you so blue coffee is already trying to get in the good side of people he said oh or you can give to me okay so maybe he's not being as kind opa diocese take if you want we can share oh that's so cute so cute they're sharing the golds alright a blue coffee is walling up the side at least a little bit I think he wants to trade with someone here revenge has a market in in that corner Oh blue coffee what are these farms man don't build these farms don't do it it's like a whole farm gap in between the farm alright well we saw a fat slob with the farm maybe the the secret to being a legend is to place bad farms fat slob and blue coffee knows it or does it sorry gray says Hera I will sling your resources if you prepare not to kill me as if that's something you can prepare for prepare not to do something revenge says oof because Harris's we can make an arrangement he says well what do you have against reps and paladin's I'm really curious this is the calm before the storm but I think Hera is since he's making trebuchet 'z he wants to kill somebody quickly revenge responds and says Teutonic Knights all right grim says this is t90 fine he's not doing anything markets from gundrick he wants to trade as well Hera says hope you can swing me big then I mean I I think Hera is making a mistake I think that it's common for pros because we solve this with MBL before it's common for pros to be overconfident and think that they'll be just fine playing against these plebs I I didn't say it Hera thought it okay I didn't call you plebs Hera thought it I'm just saying what hare is thinking so so Hera is already trying to extort resources out of these people and now harris is green do you have something against paladins and trebs and and grimm says i don't think yours and now I think Harrah's gonna say great well then send me resources otherwise I'm gonna kill you with them he said you can sling me and I move on or else you're dead yeah so Hera is just going around to everyone asking them if they have anything against paladins and trebs they say no and he says alright cool swing me resources then and I won't kill you with them [Laughter] so Harris's so you choose to fight okay and he changed his scrim to enemy and Grimm's like wait what no don't do this to me and Hera is changed into enemy and he's planning on fighting now that Hera receive resources from revenge I don't think so there you go Hera pro players attack the mining camp first just so you know that's the pro strategy not the wall the mining camp so I think what Hera is hoping for is to get grimm to sling him i don't think he actually wants to fight him right now yes grandma just set him some food Oh grim that's pretty cheap if you ask me you have a lot more there let's see if Grimm can can lie harris's I need gold not food Grimm says he doesn't have anything okay since 600 gold to Hera and grimm says it's all he has now grimm is going to die if this lie doesn't work because he has way more and he says thanks for the resources buddy does that mean he's going to continue to kill him I think he I think that he should call his bluff and say you need to send me more you have to have more at the moment it looks like he's gonna kill him anyway well Megan ELLs thank you or mango Nell's thank you again for gifting 10 subs to the stream a bear care thank you for six months welcome back the game is now paused you know what Grimm's the host of the game he might have he might have messed it he might be messaging me right now he says t90 why did you let Hera in this game he's going to kill me WTF Grimm you can't message me man come on I'm kidding he didn't say that I there was a pause for another reason someone has to die wouldn't you agree that's what Harris says Grimm you have more gold dude you might just need to send it the paladins are here he's losing villes he has no response to this wait did I hear camels Grimm says well you might not be smart to kill the one you propose to deal with and why does blue coffee have a town centre being placed here what why is blue coffee planning to build the TC over here the blue coffee also said he's going to wall trade so he's planning late-game notice how there's no conversation about blue coffee right now beyond that TC so Grimm refuses to send any more resources and I think Hera is just going to take care of him meanwhile we have all my goodness Grimm seems a bit salty we have petard from yellow and skirmishers and camels pack list is here and allied with him the Kings right there I don't think Hackett's realizes what's going on here but yellow doesn't have the skirmishers and and Hecla says as or why dude hop in the TC save yourself this hop save herself dude it's like why why why would you do this to me oh wait did the monk just heal the camel or did it heal the king it didn't heal the King enough kill it he's dead so he's dead hackus is out hackus has been betrayed grim was betrayed and and Grimm's King is in this corner and at grim is making for Rimba camels which will be decent against the paladins but I don't think he has eco to make much more after he loses them the blue coffee signals and says I help you and he's saying this to Hera this the best player in the game he's offering to help him now guys the one thing about Hera I've already mentioned it he doesn't know blue coffees potential but I think Obadiah does Obadiah he's he watch is a lot more of my videos and streams and Obadiah is making Magra cab archers now it's not uncommon to see but it is something that could be used to snipe blue coffee so we'll keep an eye on that Hera has 2,000 gold 200 population he's not prepping any trade as far as I can see so you know what he does have some villagers inside the TCS and castles as well so he knows he might be sniped at some point wait wait what what is this Hera guys Hera is walling in blue coffees castle and blue coffee doesn't have his King in there Hera is walling it in he thinks the king is there that's not the case blue coffees King is in this TC in this corner you don't mess with blue coffee man Hera is asking revenge for golds and grandmas saying don't do it grandma says don't do it revenge says this is an abusive relationship that's all I'm saying yeah I think you have to send their resources or you're dead well we haven't talked about red in a while I think he's also trade booming so gundrick will come into play later at yellow and blue or sorry yellow and red we're talking about killing teal so they'll have an alliance this is like you know what this is Oh blue coffee shows it blue coffee signals he says Hera sorry I love you still he unguaranteed conquistadors just to let her know that yeah that's not my king buddy nice try he also says he still loves him you know Hera and blue coffees Alliance is like the alliance between Jim and Dwight and the office where one person really wants the Alliance but the other person is just he's just doing it for lulz actually I guess it's not necessarily the case because both of them do not want to keep that alliance a long-term I love you still Harris's blue coffee and Harris's yes we are Canada yeah at what point does Hera apologize since he's a Canadian that's what I want to know I haven't seen a single apology from him you sure you're not American if we let Hera Bank up everyone's resources we are never going to win that's what Obadiah says and so grim is is barely alive and he's trying to get everyone involved to kill her as well red agrees so three people agree blue coffee probably agrees he's just not saying anything right now revenge agrees he's not in the position to do much as he says and red says yellow you to that snipe isn't going anywhere so he's saying listen don't even try and do anything with this army yellow just help us out okay yes while heresies this relic and he's instantly sending villagers to the monastery for it smart move and Hera says last words mr. grim and grim says no and Hera he what's the world no he says you should have given me gold now here's the funny thing the kings in this castle right no it's not that's a villager graeme is actually escaping he has escaped now where is this king Oh his king is escaping too but he's getting out of here so grim can find revenge Hera has tried to kill Kings twice and he's missed it twice now that's hilarious welcome to community games Hera wait oh my god gundrick just got sniped by Orange are you kidding me so gundrick is out of the game wow that's a big deal cuz gundrick is Spanish gun jerk had resources he had time and Obadiah killed him sneaky stuff and there's Grimm's king hopefully no one turns on him he's trying to go to orange he says can we truly trust you we'll find out soon enough we need all the help we can get to kill Hera yeah good point what was I gonna do I wanted to switch the hairs point of view and check his resources yeah he has he has a lot of resources [Laughter] hair is trying to build stables down here and blue coffee says no Hera I am safe don't need you for protection Harrises this isn't for you see you know that these stables are not to protect blue coffee but blue coffee has to act like he doesn't think hair is gonna snipe him so he says listen I'm safe I don't need you Hera says listen these aren't for you okay blue coffee hasn't responded yet I notice there's a lot of flags on these buildings blue coffee is he's he's trying to trade and keep himself protected and hide where his Kings location is he's getting tons of upgrades at the moment and now blue coffee says we need to plan on Hera to the others yes this is Hera is the bully of this game and Hera signals yellow as yellows I mean this is pretty bold let's be honest yellow is running across with guitars and camels Hera says where are you going honey and now Hera is going to fight the camels and he's going to kill the camels a nice try Ella I appreciate the effort yellow I really do but yeah it's just not gonna happen Hera's paladin's have full upgrades he has more numbers the camels don't have full upgrades there's a bit of lag here while spectating this sorry about that guys but is a 20 year old game and the camels are just gonna die so grim will try and rebou my guess and not sure what happened there Grimm will try and reboot but he's a ways away from getting back into the game Hera is on the warpath a camels can can win but Byzantine camels the bonus about them is that they're cheap but they do they were lacking upgrades there they didn't have played barding they didn't have any the attack upgrades so the camels and also the camels are outnumbered Hera just says Gold revenge and revenge sends it Harris isn't taking a big fight soon guys I would love to see revenge snipe Hera that would be so sweet and all he's planning it guys look at this he's sending petard into his TCS he's planning a snipe he's sick of this wait wait this is a lie blue coffees lying blue coffee is saying - orange he goes hey orange hera asked me to attack you he says I will pretend and I will not attack you so this is this is what blue coffee does he's just straight-up lying - orange huh here come the paladins I mean the timing on this wasn't great Oh No the King Obadiah what are you doing Obadiah he's gonna be over dead alright well good thing he didn't Obadiah he survived and goodness I don't know what's causing the lag cuz something's going on here with this but man Harris has paladin's everywhere and revenge is sending resources to Graham to get Grimm back into the game I mean the players aren't complaining about it the players are not complaining about it so they seem fine but it's kind of annoying from a spectators perspective Sahara's making paladins from down near blue coffee just kind of allowed that to happen I mean no one can fight Hera that's the thing no one is confident not to fight Hera he's so so strong he is everyone's Gold's [Music] let me see if I can I'm gonna pause this see I don't know if it's me this just happens sometimes when specking games so when we catch up to real time it might continue again obadiah's king is inside this castle it's going to unguaranteed oh oh he almost lost it he almost lost it he just jumped into the next castle I'm gonna wait this out if it continues to do this I'll just slow the game down okay cuz I don't I don't want the whole video to be like this what do you think about if I just slowed it down and control myself and leave it around like 60 it will change every once in a while but maybe we just do that hmmm I'll work with it it's kind of hard to control yellow sending camels he is getting his upgrades now and he's coming to help so obadiah's king is in here he's trying to survive now he still has good population he's at 180 population he has halberdiers he has cow archers I I don't know if Hera can send it another wave of paladins after this he's still trying while he has the resources for it Kenny kill obadiah's King Obadiah needs to get inside the TC and he does I think Hara needs more resources from revenge shell the crazy thing is he's producing paladin's instantly after he loses them and oh look at this grim grim who is inside Harrah's base the payback and grimaces you picked on the wrong side well where did these stables come from how did Grimm get these stables up here what is this my goodness one two three four five six seven stables producing four Rimba camels and Hera actually asked for health care and Grimm is letting him know you picked on the wrong people man and now blue coffee you know he hasn't done much yet he says I help and I'm not sure who he's speaking to right now but guys he does have some some Spanish trade I believe right now he has zero trade carts yeah I don't know I mean he probably should fight Hera now it's better for blue coffee to finish off Hera once to get Hera out of the game then it gets much easier for everybody now I saw revenge was was sending some resources to grim as Grimpen receiving sling consistently from revenge let me look at this quickly I'd like to see how many resources revenge is sin hey you can see that Grimm did receive some resources revenge must have sent it that's funny but I want to kill Hera and hair is at 140 pop by far his lowest since he's been in the imperial age and he doesn't have gold did not tech into any trash option so he doesn't have paladins I'll have to slow the game down again here he doesn't have paladins he doesn't have skirmishers he doesn't have trade either oh my god oh my god [Music] revenge is coming in for revenge he has Teutonic Knights inside his siege towers he has petard now Harris King is inside this castle and sadly for revenge he's going to lose most of this units before they even get in yeah he's gonna lose them all what an attempt though Harris says most unwise sir but I'm not so sure about that like fancy talk there Hara but you're at a hundred pop dude you do not have gold revenge does have gold and revenge is gonna kill you grim says blue delete your markets deny his gold whose golds I don't think hair is trading at all right hair doesn't have any trade yeah and Hera will lose his buildings down here I think Harris he's kind of out of it if this continues it this way huh again I apologize if the speed changes every once in a while because it's liking a normal speed I will have to slow it down after about three minutes of slowing it down it it catches up and speeds back up so I'll have to fix it there's blue coffee hasn't yes an enemy did anyone yet he's been allied to everyone he can't keep getting away with this look he even has this relic in the corner I guess because Harrah's here no one has seen blue coffee as a threat and rightly so Harris's revenge I'm still 200 pop we can be friends again revenge is no more bullying and Harris's okay well now you are strong well I'm curious to see if hair can find any friends whatsoever [Music] that's just so many huh SARS it's incredible how many house ours he's like a machine and he sets revenge to Ally he really wants revenge to ally him and revenge says no revenge says no okay so I I'm said earlier I wanted to do a poll I forgot about a thank you for the reminder mr we are going to run a poll on the stream one hour into the game to see who you guys think is going to win this match blue coffee how much resources do you have says Obadiah over dyes a bit suspicious I guess so way to go revenge and way to go yellow where's Harrah's King now it's in the TC yellow is trying to get to the castle where it used to be it's so silly that it's making petard because you just need siege but whatever I mean Graham has been receiving slang he's spamming camels from here Hera has learned a valuable lesson that you need friends in this world and now Hera is asking blue coffee for help and blue coffees making paladins here blue coffee says yes well coffee says he will help will he actually help yes he says send help or send resources blue coffee just keeps saying yes and Grimm says don't do it don't do it blue coffee I I don't think blue coffees going to do where's he going with these villagers is he building another TC in a corner he's currently trading with the dead guy red yeah he's got a TC here notice how he's everywhere on the map he's spreading himself out so he never fully loses his eco Hera's king is inside the TC guys here comes the siege from revenge and you guys can now vote on who you think is gonna win from the six players that are left one for revenge two for grim free food coffee for for Hera five for Obadiah and six for Azure and wow there's a lot of threes that's a lot of people thinking blue coffee will pull this off again and look blue coffee says okay so Grimm says care guys Luis is building siege not happening and blue coffee says Hera forced me to send all my gold to him which is complete and utter [ __ ] that is a is a lie that is BS but that's what he does that's what he does so I've casted Lou coffee enough times right I cast him enough times to know that he's gonna lie through his teeth like so many times and every time he wins and then he plays again I say there's no way that you can get away with this because people should know so we'll see if he can find a way here like I said in the past that um that you know blue coffee should not get away with it but he keeps beating people so see if he can get upset here blue coffee is really good at playing the victim he says WTF I'm cutting wood and Grimm just says Kay and I don't think yellow trust him either I'll see people don't trust them at all and these paladin's from blue coffee are going to the other corner which he's trying to signal and say and yellow is like having none of it there are some real trust issues right now Hera has no friends he has no trade he's just making HUS arse he cannot kill revenge so there's no way heroines this game at this rate and I die like a loser well somebody has to die first I guess I love blue underscore coffee but it's almost impossible to win this time in fact if he does I'm deleting this account 15 days from the one-year badge gundrick just said he's deleting his account his twitch account if blue coffee wins this game clip that I mean I don't want you to delete your account but oh wow O'Hara's killing revenge's trade here hold on hold on hold on we're missing some conversation Harris said kill revenge to prove that well this is a lot of chat here this is this is Game of Thrones let's let's scroll up Obadiah said Hera let's be friends now and Harris says kill revenge to prove you want to be friends with me Obadiah says no no Badia says that he will forgive Hera for turning on him Harris's doesn't do him much good which is true Hera says he's gonna die which is true and blue coffee said I am outs which is not true now what did we just miss I heard resources blue-blue coffee guys blue coffee sent 1500 wood to Hera 1500 wood he has 15,000 and he says orange we too are a team you can't be friends with everyone blue coffee well orange forgiveness isn't doing any good here says Hera yeah this is true I mean Hera really needs some help but he's kind of burned all of his bridges everyone wants to be friends with orange because he's top scorer you notice how that shifted everyone's talking to orange now oh my god Obadiah has 15,000 gold no wonder oh boy that's a lot that is a lot Hey and grim says do it blue coffee joining him all ends well so grim has been very observant to realize that blue coffee's been sneaky in the corners and to realize that blue coffee is not attacking purple now I don't think blue coffee has turned on Hera yet it seems like his units are just defending grace they're following [Music] Harris's blue coffee I'm all you now betray me whenever you want blue coffee does not want to betray him I guess did he just delete his helps hold on a second didn't guys blue coffee just deleted his army he didn't fight he took his army to make it think like it died to the castle more mind games he's been allied to everyone still like you have to say the guy is if you're playing with him you have to hate him because that is just so annoying you still hasn't fought but it's just part of his strategy man blue has had resources for three players let's not fight amongst ourselves a green says keep in mind once Herod dies blue has had resource for three players let's not fight amongst ourselves Grimm knows boo coffees tricks and honestly blue coffee doesn't have a lot of gold he says where WTF yellow get out of my base this as my King is there to defend me please I think yellow just once hair is king and blue coffee says Hera do you love me harris's don't do it he goes yes I do love you I love everything about you blue coffee she's transferring him around Castle to Castle that's so funny hey he says I will hold him hostage okay well that's the last person's counsel you want to be in Hera Grimm says so Hera any last words no hard feelings and blue coffee says so Hera say how you love yellow and Hera's laughing his ass off right now I mean I think blue coffee should just kill him they're having a conversation he goes guys Hera say how you love yellow say it so oh oh that's a villager so Hera has not said he loves yellow and blue coffee's trying to get him to say that oh oh and yellows had enough of this yellow says no blue coffee no just stop playing games here and whoa okay yellow set him back to a lie though yellow I'm set him back to a lie I think y'all was trying to send a message that he wants that King it would be better for blue coffee to just let it happen I think oh my god oh my god grim is down here grim is down here and blue coffees chasing him now grim has been a thorn in blue coffee side all game everything Grimm's been saying has been true and blue coffee knows it and he's had enough of it so blue coffee turns on Grimm Grimm is on the move and blue coffee tried to get him in will yellow defend Grimm what will happen here okay blue coffee he's got to talk now he's got to say something yellow like listen oh my god this would be perfect has they listened yellow I'll give you hair is king if you give me Grimm's yes he's doing yeah he says I let you kill Hera if you let me go clean that's perfect that's perfect that's perfect oh I can't look away and grim grim man Hera are begging for their lives grimaces let me live and you can kill me anytime I won't leave the castle and yellows got to be thinking hmm I don't know what do I do yellows not speaking maybe I need to go to his point of view he's not saying a word trade hair for yellow Hera I will protect you just kidding and yellow says not you kill him wait so yellow is not taking the bait here I don't think he wants to give grim up but he's just running away leaving Hera yellow says no he officially says no blue Coffey says yes right back oh it's getting real now Grimm's like listen yellow I've done good things here Grimm says what do you want from my king please get blue out of here Grimm doesn't really have much to offer so it comes down to who yellow decides to trust what's Hera even up to he doesn't even have a TC he has some villagers so I mean Grimm and Hera are pretty much out of the game at this point the only thing they can do is talk in people's ear blue he says he's gonna protect her so we'll blue coffee and Hera have this ultra Alliance now because yellow blue coffee just sent Rhys hold on blue cough you just sent wood to Hera and wood to yellow and he said yellow I pay for that and I kill Hera wait a second so blue coffee send resources to a guy he still wants to kill and then he sent resources to yellow he's still once greens King yellow is just not speaking man I don't know what yellow is up to at the moment Oh Oh what is this Hera has petard he has petard his king is inside the castle still was he trying to free up his own king yellows attacking him coffee kick his king out of the castle that's what Obadiah says they've won Hera dead yes blue coffee says yes but what blue coffee wants is something for it he's his orange come to kill Hera yes we are a team okay here comes orange and I imagine the the king is I mean if it's ejected blue coffee doesn't get what he wants he wants to kill Grimm and there it goes Sahara is dead hair is dead now Grimm is still alive now will blue coffee try and spin this and say listen yellow hair is now dead I killed him I won Grimm GG Hera so another pro player is played and dies in these community games let me live I will assist in killing blue in my old base I mean this is where all the focus shifts to blue coffee all of it and Obadiah is the strongest player currently 18,000 gold but all the focus will shift a blue coffee because of his reputation because hair was in there it helped Luke off you get to where he is right now blue coffee says he gave hair all of his resources which is complete BS Grimm says agreed Grimm is pretty much dead he says it's BS and Obadiah says I'm going for his coffee and let's see a blue coffee can actually flight now because Obadiah should kill him and blue coffees has led us 1v1 guys I don't think that's gonna go well for you blue coffee he says blue coffees also Canadian language is incoming he says I [ __ ] his Canadian alright well let's see I mean he he's getting supremacy his king is down here right they both have lots of castles here helps and magihour house army that's gonna destroy what blue coffees making a less blue coffee can somehow snipe orange blue coffees also being attacked by yellow blue coffee is asking yellow to leave him alone and I think this is the first time where the reputation of blue coffee has really caught up to him I trust blue coffee as much as I trust Harris's revenge and no one trusts him no one trusts the guy and grimaces Thank You yellow I'm in your debt so blue coffee we'll have to talk his way out of this one otherwise I think he's probably gone if anyone has spare res its welcome I still have one tea see that's what Grimm says yeah see blue coffee guys he the game is paused now he's in an awful position with with what resources he has he did not trade boom he did not send resources but he didn't have a lot of gold income now everyone's lying everyone's been lying in this game now Obadiah is saying that he who used all his resources versus Hera he is fifteen thousand gold so that's a lie it's amazing just how much how much lying goes on when the game is being played with blue coffee it's like Grimm has lied this game I think blue coffee certainly has Hera has there are a few honest people out there but not many alright I'll remove the overlay now as it is bugged out now 90% of the audience here on Twitch thought that blue coffee would win and I just don't see how he could possibly bring this one back I mean yellow just flat-out will not speak to him blue coffee is correct in saying that yellow is strong wait I just heard blue coffee make a ship making Navy where's this King still here okay [Music] everyone's just talking about how they want to kill blue coffee and tilt starts with an excellent point he says you always say this and then the end he still wins I just don't see how blue coffee is trying to make them not trust each other he says listen they're forming a team wait was blue coffee pausing to talk strategies is that why the game is lagging I'm not sure what it is he has to catch up to stream chat kappa well grim I mean is done an excellent job rebooting he has been trading in this corner with weight that is thing he's trading with revenge actually I mean revenge is a guy we haven't talked about in a while what's his resources looking like I mean he is 9,000 gold so he's you can't get through here but he's fine maybe he'll work his way down the yellow interesting blue Coffee has stopped chatting and his King is on the move it's on the move now I saw him building up this Navy we'll keep an eye on that King see where he goes I think Grimm might be looking for him here Hera your allied with him right okay Harrah's allied with him and blue coffees hiding in that castle so grandmas kind of calling all the shots here he sees that that blue coffees on water he's saying that blue coffee will go there with his King which is true and I really wonder how this game would have gone if Graham would have died because Graham is saying all the right things the Grimm has been spot-on everything that he's said about blue coffee has been correct and I think okay they've researched treason and now yellow signaling this so they must be following this they see the castles their blue coffee calls the gg if they know he's in there he's dead he can't he can't fight it just flat-out can't do anything he's three beyond at this point I mean he could try and make a run for it but without an ally blue coffee he can't but grandma's been calling all the shots and the guy who's been near dead I mean the fact that he's still alive is incredible Grimm is still alive because Hera didn't finish him off and because he took a stand against Hera and now everyone believes everything that Grimm will say because Grimm has been attacked so often in this game that people will now believe every word he says I mean this is the ideal position for a player now what's great up to down here this this is gonna shake things up this is his revenge gonna form an alliance with blue coffee [Music] yellow Oh yellow realizes yellow sending his camels back I think because he realizes grey is there yes anyone want my resources says boo coffee he's acting as if he's gonna die I don't think that's true not yet anyway he's a large Navy he didn't do this for nothing oh is king made it down here his King made it down here the king is now hot water so blue coffee lives on boo coffee lives on I think yellow is coming back maybe I'm wrong on that I mean if yellow doesn't notice this it's kind of embarrassing he's making cataphracts for Kappa fracks he's getting hoardings he has to know okay and our event which is turning on him the yellows King is is Walden and it is in that castle MIT is a Byzantine castle so 8,000 HP but you know what guys oh yeah just open up the gate yes that's a great idea the king is going to come out of this castle the trebs will not be taken down and the king will be trapped in there the trebs could actually kill it oh no he'll go this way okay he's trying to hope whoa whoa the Kings gonna Oh run no she blocked it oh my god oh he just barely survives and he gets into the TC but the trebs are still there the trebs are gonna fire on the TC great fire blue coffee save on the pond okay now the king is running to a dying tower this is why you need ranged units this is why I need ranged units because it's so very difficult to snipe a king with such slow units that yellow gets away wait is he no he's trapped delete your house oh boy okay anything or else anything else around here that could snipe him blue coffee has changed him to enemy notice that much remember blue coffee wanted to deal with yellow a yellow said no guys blue coffee still has some eco out here he's still making hustlers he's still kind of alive he's certainly not out of it because it is wants blue coffee where's the king gonna go for yellow he his economy is to the south he doesn't have anywhere to run for safety yeah blue coffee built a bombard tower that I call that or what at the start of the game he built a bomber tower on that one small island and there's a king in there [Music] and blue coffee says a lie I told you and yellow allies blue coffee now it cut my goodness now and and what blue coffee said is correct he says I told you he'd betray you yellow I said they'd turn against you all I wanted was to be your friend trust me I have a transport chip here for you you can join my king we can we can eat like kings in the tower well what's grim up to by the way grim is uh is still trying to trade he does not have a lot revenge is a favorite with the amount of gold he has yellow runs to me north that's what grim is saying currently oh my goodness what a game yellow is allied to everyone but gray I believe yeah everyone but gray oh my god that petard he's looping around back to his base it's probably the smarter move from yellow instead of running to blue coffee or instead of running to green let's let's check coffee's resources he is seven gold does he have any trade he doesn't have any trade I see he's been making hustlers down here these new farms from him I guess he's trying to farm and he wants to hold map control yellow survives for now so now revenge is getting paladin he's getting a faster unit and I just saw someone in the twitch chat say gundrick you're gonna be out of a twitch account I really don't want to lose gun Drake yeah he's on a great streak wait what so but I are gonna do here blue Coffee says yellow we need to be a team forever since now good question mark and yellow says yes yellow says yes yellow is trusting him I'm got it all of a facecam because I was just jumping up and down and making some weird hand motions because I got so excited so they need each other yellow doesn't have anyone to trade with it they kind of need each other and no one can kill blue coffee right now no one they would have to have someone go fully on water [Music] okay so grim needs to get at some actual army out he's been he's been I don't know what he's been doing he's been talking a lot but he's not creating Vil's no not doing much at all really so he needs to get some actual army grey is trading with him Obadiah he has strong population and he is starting to push down towards the water here as well as slowly clearing out blue coffees lands which blue coffee can't stop now blue coffee can get Vil's down here you could start trading with yellow that's what blue coffee needs you need some gold and Grimm says why are you killing our allies when blue is still alive a revenge says he has nothing who is he attacking he's attacking I guess they're talking about yellow I don't know they're talking about blue coffee having nothing revenge is just set out or grim rather is just set out on stopping blue coffee from winning I'm pretty sure he'll just resign if blue coffee gets defeated and there are the stables okay guys so this has been a crazy game I've been casting almost non-stop I am just gonna stop for a second and say thank you Antigone for the six-hour donation he said love this game best stream ever laughing hard for 10 minutes keep up the good work first nation ever for me stream is too good and I thank you for that man Thank You Burley for the two month three sub and a legless Alex thank you for gifting five subs we had fuzzy tongue G referred coming in with new subs as well thank you guys I'm so hyped I I feel like I've drank six cups of coffee I'm so in the zone at the moment now remember blue coffee has eight hour-long games in his account so we this could just be episode one I won't go after you but can you sling me some this is grim I spent everything killing purple which is which is true actually and revenge says I gave you 8,000 Reds which is also true some do you guys know those people who who talk too much they just kind of get annoying you ever encounter those people I wonder if Grimm is slowly falling into that category because Grimm has been talking an awful lot and he hasn't been doing much maybe gray is getting tired of them because gray just said well I gave you 8,000 resources what do you mean resources I'm glad no one said yes you I'm glad no one said that because that would have been a savage response but thankfully no one said that now I know I missed a few people with the subs and all I will get to it after this game trust me I can only have so much of a list on my other monitor so I can only see so much a blue said yellow trade and he's trying to build markets down here and this is what blue coffee needs he needs to trade Oh gray is docking here guys that tells me he wants to kill blue coffee I have Rams in the top left says Grimm revenge is here as well yes revenge wants to kill blue coffee and still Obadiah who we're not talking about a lot he is trying to push blue coffee as well so blue coffee still being pushed on all angles on lands and on water and he does not have many resources he does not have safe markets up yet okay there we go he really needs safe trade so he needs help from yellow all right REM REM Lowe's and Tom Tom thank you guys to blue and green first orange then gray now I think that I think that green would disagree with that I'm fairly certain that Green doesn't care about orange and gray he cares about blue nice to see Yello chatting though yellow I think this is his first community game ever by the way just putting that out there yeah exactly Grimm says why trust blue well I mean he really doesn't he shouldn't be able to win this if people continue to push him yeah blue coffee is allied with gray so you can see Gray's docks for sure you notice how there's constantly little blue specks in the mini-map he just won't go away now blue coffee saying too orange orange I am dead why are you killing me this is so great I mean it's must be super annoying for the players over Venice's how many demos do you need for a tower I think you need a lot of demos all that would be so legendary though guys how many heavy demos does it take to kill one bombard tower they're like 10 maybe I wonder if blue coffee saw that actually I wonder if grey accidentally said that said blue coffee could see it all that was a fatal mistake that was a mistake it seems like because blue coffee is immediately respond by turning him to enemy Oh what a fail man now revenge changes him to enemy and revenge is gonna clean up his houses and his buildings here blues blue coffees population is only going down I almost think that that they're being too they're focusing on blue coffee too much right now like the guy truly can't do anything it's purely because of his reputation he doesn't have an economy or a great economy he doesn't even have any trade he's rebuilding houses with this random TC down here I guess they just know how stubborn he can be I mean Obadiah is the guy who is 43,000 score Obadiah is the guy who has the best composition in the game and I believe Obadiah is as just researched recent to find out where all the kings are and he knows that blue Coffey's is in the tower now so that's interesting to me he now knows where the other Kings are he knows where gray and yellow has the game and where Green has a king where his greens King again I didn't see that one what's in his TC here imagine how dominant blue coffee could be if you wouldn't ever have made a legend video out of him well that's that's the thing skip so snippy he used to snipe people all the time like back in the day when we only had a couple hundred people watching each stream I say only and it's nippy would snipe people all the time but now people know what snippy's up to and they generally stop him now we have blue coffee and he's the one exception he's the only legend who can continue to do what he does and they are scared to trust the guy they're really scared to trust the guy and grimaces don't trust grey and I don't know exactly who he's speaking to Oh grey is attacking yellow well that's a that's a huge win for grey I mean not for grey what am I talking about yellow his camels and gunpowder and that's not gonna work for you revenge huge fight huge fight well where's revenge getting his gold from he has that trade right he is 30 to trade not the most efficient trade ever but he hasn't orange is still killing all the buildings that blue coffee has I mean blue coffee is as he lose this ground there he's gaining grounds here but still no trade still no real eco for him he's just alive and he's not well t90 Gino day old annoying voice of reason from TWD no I do not know that kralik's hey I honestly feel like Grimm has kind of let this chance slip by him he might actually go for a snipe here in a second but he has been talking for so long but he's just now getting to a reasonable population he just now took this relic from blue and blue had that there for a while are you kidding me that farm that farm Grimm farm in the corner of the map you got to be careful your villager might walk right off if he trips over his his his ho he could fall right off the edge of the earth man all right well he's fine hey yellows fine as well yellow is fine as well 150 pop gunpowder and camel has all the counters to what revenge is making first community game ever blue coffee is at 112 population he's trying to take this southern corner now I think orange sees that because he's allied with yellow yes he's allied with yellow so he can't see this and he's just hunting down blue coffee that that's his job is to hunt down blue coffee blue coffee is not favored at all to win this game and he's getting annoyed as I orange just stopped orange just noise playing the game not playing the game he just wants to kill me what is this and Obadiah says that is playing the game well the fact that blue coffee is still alive really is slowed the game down because people are so focused on getting him I'm I'm in blue coffees corner here I mean in this situation he's genuinely rebou mning like Grimm has trade revenge his trade Obadiah has 14,000 resources and yet whose and yellow does not have much straight blue coffee doesn't have any a trade and who are the targets blue coffee and yellow they they are targeting the weakest players right now the king for blue coffee is safe remember and maybe maybe grey can turn Grace's want to kill yellow green trying to snipe me and I'm fighting Oh Oh grim is trying to stop yet Gracie's this mile away that's not gonna happen grim that's not gonna happen elite you tonic Knights first what's pikemen yeah just not gonna work I think grim could die soon there needs to be an alliance change blue coffee is 100% right I know he has reputation and aren't just doing a great job at stopping blue coffee from rebooting but the reality is that orange is by far the strongest player in this game and blue coffee is genuinely trying to reboot they're killing him it's a strategy it's a it's a choice the king for revenge is in here revenge don't die to pikemen dude don't don't dye the pikemen that would be so embarrassing for you the king is is going to eject out of the castle there it is revenge uh are you kidding me dude revenge okay thank goodness he realized that he should never lose his king there I'm gonna have a heart attack my god all right well that means grim is dead then right I think that means he's dead oh my god wait whoa blue coffee his Kim was being attacked at the same time and Obadiah used trebs through the galleons to shoot him and I guess he hopped into the transport wow that's unique they just realized in Houghton's to the transport I never expected in a million years that Obadiah would try for that but my goodness stay in the transport now blue coffee and be careful because there might be more traps coming from the other side so I think that Grimm's is gonna die now he can't he is no counter to elite you tonic knights remember blue coffee he's still trying to get people to be on his side he's still complaining still whining a bit I agree with him here and now yellow is a lying green my goodness this is crazy so so well what's yellow doing here with his army this has been one of the lag year games you know what I'm gonna do actually it might be me with the one program I have refreshing in the backgrounds I'm gonna close a few things and let's see if this can smooth out a little bit seems like it fixed immediately right maybe it is me all right well so I might miss a few alerts but it's better for the video grim is without help now he is no option to kill the Teutonic Knights yellow is running towards gray like why why is no one attacking orange like can I get an explanation look at oranges score why is no one attacking Obadiah I don't understand it I really don't understand it they just keep going after the weak players now they're I mean grim kind of brought this on himself but I mean gray is now being attacked like great grey is against yellow and yellow is running right through and he's now attacking the TC which has the king in it and he's gonna lose everything I think I mean it really depends if Revenge notices when the king ejects it will run directly into this this castle oh my god if the if the handcannon sit here they sit right here revenge is dead yellow you're sitting on the wrong side oh oh he's just survives Wow all right so there's still trebuchet is there oh the Kings gonna eject to this flag guys I think Grey's about to die it's in there somewhere oh it's right there it's right next to yellows trebuchet DS of all things gray gray he's dead he had just said orange kill I don't think he realized what was going on wait Grimm's King is here blue Coffey's hunting him down Green made a run for it are you kidding me Grima is finally defeated by blue coffee blue coffee gets his target out of freaking nowhere he had these random stables I mean yellow was killing all these buildings and somehow blue coffee spotted that and killed it and now blue coffee says we need to kill orange yellow we need to team kill Orange do you agree we're down to three and it would be the correct option to team up against orange because aren't just by far the strongest player so if yellow wants any chance he has to team blue coffee we're down to three now and yellow is fighting against yellow sari against orange already his king is actually on the run this is this is a crazy game can blue coffee do it again [Music] yellow doesn't seem like the most promising ally ever he does not have a lot and orange is going to steamroll him at this rate the king is now on the move because orange researched reason again there's the cavil archers running towards the tea see a smart move from yellow though he Garrison's a villager to make orange think it's still there and the King is running away got to be very careful though because there are four units around [Music] he says come top me come to me yellow in sea oh god oh god I could see where this is going yellow I don't know if you want to do that man I don't know if you want to go to blue coffee I know you need to ally him I don't know if you want to put your King into that boat he's his transport we can win Oh Oh yellow might die actually yellow might die yellow doesn't know the cabbage was there he's gonna die he I think he sees the caverns run the other way yellow bow he's dead oh boo coffee you're screwed now buddy you're screwed now blue coffee has very little land control yellow was blue coffees only hope and now that he's dead it is a 1v1 and blue cop he says let's play the guy has 91 pop no trade he is 20 pops pace and he says I am good at this situation 11 8-hour long game what did I say before he he he thrives in the late game situations and Obadiah says this is why I was attacking you I mean fair enough right I mean blue coffee somehow made it to the final two now does blue coffee even have a TC oh yes villes here so he needs to find somewhere to get eco who's allied and enemy with him he has allies in yellow teal purple and red so he needs to find an area that he can settle down without being attacked by their castles and units he doesn't even have the stone to rebuild the TC by the way the price of stone is pretty expensive so this is going to be quite a rout rebou nan Britannica says once again proving orange right the entire time he's only he was the only one focusing on the problem I guess depends on how you look at it like it is potential future problem I suppose right Arne should win though I mean this this is obadiah's game to lose at this point because he has eco he's had over 10,000 gold for a long time and he could he could try and win water I mean he has the would he has the gold he has relics Obadiah should do this like there's no way that blue coffee should ever be able to reboot he's stealin farms from Hera there's no way he should reboot so orange knows he's there he could go for like a masterful snipe with the trebuchet 'he's also his calves archers are actually doing pretty well but I think the best approach is probably to dock yourself and just win water from them because blue coffee doesn't have resources blew coffee would have to flee if he lose his water which he could do but then CAV archers & Magor hussars will be chasing him down so and these Rams are taking out the docks I do Magyars get heavy demo chat you know do magyars get heavy demo I'm always scared to look at the tech tree they don't alright so you need how many regular demos I don't know whatever it is it's worth it just try it blue coffee building an outpost here now you see what he sees he sees revenge is trading here so he might consider building some markets to trade now what's funny is that Grimm's camels Grim's been dead for a while his camels are chasing revenge' straight and it would eventually attack the coffee as well [Music] blue coffee still only has 25 pop space he can't create any more population the king can be ranged my trebuchet in fact might be arranged by trebuchet soon and there we go Obadiah is getting some dock text which tells me he has docks up already and he's making docks here blue coffee if he wants to survive a you'll need to run but I just don't see how there's any chance for him remember his King is inside this tower he's making stables where does orange have his king his King is inside this castle I was confused for a second there hubs or wobbles sorry wobbles thank you so I mean unlikely that he can kill this but maybe blue coffee can surprise orange little coffee does not see the dock sir that wait he does see the docks are there he just can't stop it does anyone know where he's getting gold from maybe he found some gold now he's won mining camp he must have sold from the market he has five pop space he has one single house blue copy you gotta build some houses dude but here's the problem I don't think blue coffee can run cuz if our intends Navy in okay blue coffees confident he says X your king I will snipe it really you have three calves fifty warships I don't think it's going to be it orange has 40,000 would 65,000 food two relics Olivia's consistent gold income blue coffee needs to prepare to run oh oh my god I don't know if he'll be able to let's see if Obadiah can do this correctly let's see that's a lot of fast fires they will destroy the galleons blue coffee once the guy to talk and Obadiah just has died he just says die no he's like no no no die talk no die I want you to talk man I think blue coffee we'll have to load up the transport cane and Yowie now on the way I mean these cannon galleons will die the regular galleons will die if I'm over daya I just focused the transports you see a transport you need to kill it and I think he's doing that and there's two of them now three of them sorry oh and you just saw the king loaded up into one he just saw the king loaded up into one he's sending more fires blue coffees making a run for it does he have any military over here I don't think Obadiah does but still how can blue coffee keep this Kings King alive he can only run there is the king the water control will certainly be lost for blue coffee now and he wants the guy to talk eh he's at 29 out of 25 population now always in Till's TC revenge didn't see him run or not revenge I'm sorry Obadiah I don't know what blue coffee is going to gain from his opponent talking but maybe he's trying to buy time I mean I imagine that's the only thing he is going to get out of this is time I'm not sure why Obadiah hasn't researched reason to find out where the King has gone because he's actually al oh he just did he just researched it he just researched it blue coffee's gonna die for the first time in years blue coffees gonna die he's inside this TC he has no chance now and will aren't say something to him before this ends orange blue coffee he's planning his attack with his turd 30 population the legend is gonna die um blue coffee he says Jeezy tried to snipe he he did everything he could there in the end now over daya gets the victory what a game it was well what a game it was you know my favorite part of that was how well first off there was different episodes as usually are in blue coffee games it started off with Hara demanding tribute from people he's saying I will kill you unless you send me gold and revenge did send him gold grim sent him a little bit and they both got their revenge later on everyone did against Hara it's it's kind of expected when pro players buy they don't trade they don't do diplomacy like the other players do and they always pay the price now Obadiah was incredibly strong all game I look at the achievements now he had more kills than anyone he had 1200 kills hit 170 largest army and I believe whoops sorry I'd closed out of it here I believe he collected way more gold yeah he had 40,000 gold I have to say revengeful problem be kicking himself because because revenge collected more gold but his civilization wasn't very mobile as civilization wasn't able to keep up with the Kings 57,000 gold was mainly trade profit from him but I like how Ovid I have played it because he realized that it would come down the blue coffee in the end I was like at a period to this game I was frustrated with the fact that yellow and and blue coffee seemed to be the only ones being attacked when the other ones were the ones who are in stronger positions but it came down to the finish and oh but I finished it off what a game what a game I have to say I was surprised that blue coffee didn't trade as much because he chose Spanish he didn't trade very much he only had two and a half thousand trade profit I was pretty much expecting him to try and trade it with everybody to bank up gold and I think the players playing with blue coffee thought he had more gold as well because that's what Grimm was saying Grimm was saying listen that doesn't he said that's BS there's no way blue coffee sent resources to Hera which was true it was half BS blue coffee didn't send gold the harah but he also didn't have any himself yeah I mean it was a good assumption Grimm having Grimm in the game was hilarious because there was a period in time where blue coffee realized that the sooner Grimm was out of the game the better because Grimm was telling everyone what blue coffee was trying to do what a game what a game there's the timeline for you one color that is consistent on that timeline is orange and he deserved the victory well played so what do we what do we name that for YouTube because normally it is the the legend the blue Coffee continues and the legend the blue Coffee returns all that what do we name that for YouTube that's the question you know legends have to die we're waiting for it we waited for for a long time you can't win everyone I also don't want to spoil it yeah exactly I don't want to spoil it either The Legend of Obadiah that's what should be I mean no offense to Ovid I he played very well but I don't say he necessarily had a personality trait which would in game which makes me call him a legend dark-blue coffee roasted blue coffee a reason for blue coffee to be blue get it like sad okay there that's a lot of ideas I'll have to look at these idea later evaporated blue coffee all right all right all right I'll look at these ideas later of course if you watch this on youtube I don't know what the title is right now but I'm sure you saw it and hopefully you'd enjoyed it if you did and you'd like to stop by the twitch stream in the future the twitch link is below in the video description blue coffee blue balls of God know someone drank the coffee well I'll have to look you know I have a panel of 100 people that review my YouTube thumbnails and my youtube titles and once I hear back the input from them I will I'll pick something the panel used to be about twelve people we had to up a to 100 because of all the content
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 302,675
Rating: 4.8801394 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: hPw2KT7qzvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 19sec (5599 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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