The Castles on the Hill

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let's go t-90 plug all right uh ladies and gents welcome to arabia oh how i love it we have 1v1 between mbl forest nothing show match and valets uh mbl's playing as the berbers and velez is playing as the japanese kind of a tough sif matchup for berbers i would say but there are stages where they can excel and i will talk about that too um now correct me if i'm wrong but i believe this show match is hosted by m sugar who has been content i spread some sugar around this community too so thanks for doing that i'm suga if you're out there listening um these guys are playing for 750 bucks with a 60 40 split and we get to watch the games and get some good content out of it but mbl has gone berbers and then velez is japanese um way back in the day guys because i didn't really have anything else to talk about uh way back in the day i would spend like five minutes in dark age talking about the maps and comparing them i don't do that so much anymore and i think it's just because it's super repetitive but i do just want to point out that this the back gold position is just so good for velez woodline's also pretty good though some of them are forward you look at mbl's base i think in many ways this is worse unless you get some walls down the berries are forward the gold's forward now you can lame in this show match as far as i'm aware which i think is why velez brought in his rhino right away there's no other reason for him to do that except for expecting him to be able to see one um and he he will find all of his resources soon what is this wood line pretty sure this is just a scripting error like this is supposed to be two separate wood lines but that is a basically a large wall for velez so imagine some walls here and then building your barracks and whatnot on the front could be really strong oh yeah all right mbl has a sieve that excels in castle h now when you think of berbers you think cheap knights those cheap knights can be countered by japanese monks japanese pikemen and if japanese get to a lot of halves in this matchup unless nbl has a ton of camel archers which is kind of hard to get to i think it'll be tough for berbers berbers really struggle against any civilization that has strong albs with rams i know japanese don't get seized for him but just something to think about but japanese are also very slow civ so if nbl could use this mobility here i could see this working out here comes mbl he has wasted no time here pushing in zebra so he should have a pretty fast up time i actually think he's going to go for a premium he has arrived well done t90 now i really like to go for this build order with berbers nowadays because normally you incorporate sending villagers out to zebra three or four villes out there and your villagers are really quick so if they get caught out they can run home and then on the way there it doesn't take too long either there's the barracks for mbl let's go to velez see if he's scouting this moving out across the map and he sees mbl scout and nbl nba will be happy to know that this scout has not seen anything of importance yet dad geo says has there ever been a tournament that used pokemon fight rules okay no offense but as someone who's not into pokemon i'm tempted to just not read the rest of this paragraph it says aka each player picks four sieves maybe hidden picks and can use them until they're defeated uh maybe make each game winner keep their winning sieve for the next game so the loser could pick a new civ to counter it i don't think i've ever seen a tournament or show match did mbo just lose a villager to a pokemon pokemon distracted me this is why we don't talk about pokemon man uh to be fair i was not expecting nbl to ever lose a villager with berbers to an elephant so that wasn't a great start um but anyways yeah i i think that those settings would get a little a little bland personally uh so i guess to answer your question no i have not seen anything like that uh yet so maybe it will inspire somebody to do that oh boy this could be really bad for mbl okay so here's the deal he has not scouted where velez is or what fellez is doing he lost the villager already and velez has found mbl's woodline and velez could block villagers and get a kill here so mbl is just kind of hoping oh you're kidding me he sees the straggler he sees the house he knows the tc is there he's kind of hoping he'll find damage as they both are essentially going for the same build but velez here he is and mbl has to run immediately now this could easily be a block situation with the scalp but it's berber villagers so i mentioned this earlier you can kind of save yourself with this sieve and so he does while he's trying to get blocks in and okay now it hurt mbl more to have lost villager as early as he did because that villager could have been bringing in a lot of resources but he did get a kill and he's bringing villagers back out to the wood line now i guess he could fight this off but the whole idea of a drush is normally just to get by time and delay too so uh certainly it's accomplishing that here as mbl must be focused over here he is you see velez with a clean build on the way to feudal age behind this i think nbl's in trouble because velez is villagers on gold already oh oh but valet hmm can emil get another kill he's gonna be desperate to get a kill here he's trying to block fellais is clicking like crazy block block block block rip yeah because velez is able to get to gold he's actually going to keep these units alive and they'll be men at arms soon and mbl doesn't have the eco to up the feudal age so when you're in mbl's position you just pray that the opponent is not up yet but a cleaner build to get feudal age for velez as he could even add a fourth militia here but he is off berries now what he'll do is add a range and start it off with an archer i like how velez has come over here to get four on gold now so we can get man at arms and get the archers out the second fellais hits feudal he needs to attack before nbl quickballs this or at least like keep this open somehow if alma yellow i had palisades right now i would i mean he's really good at dealing with pressure but now he sees feudal age comes in he knows the militia are strong i think you've got to get palisades down house house yeah good job from nbl before this gets out of hand and he has to wall his entire wood line something he's doing good job now that's idle time he still has his militia alive and he has taken out the mill at least right nba at least has his berries let's look at valezia scouting he doesn't know the berries are there he might just attack the house and bring an archer forward but let's see he sees the villagers now mbl intentionally brought villagers over to this side of the berries though so he's closer to run to the tc and he's just gonna make a run for it here man berber villager's speed is insane even got some good hits in there with his bills the tc got some hits as you see velez coming forward to tower that woodline mbl adding a stable for scouts which is not something you typically see see how that works out now you wouldn't normally see velez come forward in this position to tower that's mbl just with just sensing that he's exposed actually you know what it is he's sensing an archer to come to the wood line and he's not going to have any skirms right so he kind of needs a tower anyways but yeah when you go for two lumber camps in the same wood patch it's just and you don't make archers it's just an invitation to be towered and now this is re you think this is good for mbl but it's actually kind of bad because what happens is is if fellez sees this tower he can pick any spot for his mbl actually sees that there's not much he can do about it and so far velez is probably thinking what is he making here like i don't understand now he'll see the scouts and now he'll know okay so mbl loses a villager he will mop this up over here he's got his militia and scout's still working around the archers were there from velez trying to track that the tower will go up for velez behind the wood line that is a perfect tower but nba will have scouts coming forward now yeah now you see the spearmen with some archers something that really can't be stopped by a few scouts but it's messy stuff here by the way chad are you there type of one in chat if you're alive and well i just want to make sure um i think people are really focused right now which is fair okay you're alive okay cool i just want to make sure it's cool go back to lurking that's fine scouts come in kind of awkward mbl's taking a lot of hits uh he's abandoned this woodline to go over to this woodland and he is on stone for some defensive towers he did not get a single villager kill with that attack and there's one villager very weak in there zambia gonna find her maybe no i don't think so and bl'd really need some skirmishers out i think he's just going to play tower defense like the mbl of old on the bright side at least there's only 35 food left on the berries he's dropping a tower early on near that gold now with five scouts you might consider fighting this no reason to be dead what's up darth valor though lord ex you take out the spearman you've got probably three scouts remaining for four archers oh would be good for mbl if maybe his tower gets some hits in here see tower will go up oh yeah he takes the fight that's really good fight for nbl he'll kill this and bl's got a fighting chance now the spearman's gone down the archers will go down there of course will be more but now he has four scouts to harass velez with make it five actually let's just building forward houses with those villas for those wondering velez back on berries now thankfully with japanese the mills are very cheap and valez just knows that he needs to have at least one or two spearmen with his archers at all times as he's moving out but will he be able to wall up before mbl gets there infamous jeff welcome back also what's really nice about being in mbl's position is you kind of in an ideal world you probably get camel archers out in the mid game anyways so the fact you're on stone means you might be able to eventually get there let's see if nbl can get an evil snipes i think he really is going to want one and then he'll run away and good blocking good kill and he's out of here a kill is nice but what you really want is to keep these scouts running around his base for the next couple of minutes to annoy him blez is just gonna sit on the farms which is so good mbl doesn't have anything to kill those things here you see an archer mbl will see it too he takes a hit feels unlikely the scouts will get a kill there's one here joint nope nope and velez with more spearmen more archers mbl might need more towers uh we'll probably see a market at some point for mbl so he could buy his way up yo kyphos thank you for the 10 gifted get some dodged in chat okay he has skirms now all right so he has a few skirms he's going to get fletching mbl will feel like he's in an okay position post game to start off the show match a little dicey but that was essentially a base trade there right where you had the militia on either side um mbl i think was worse off for a time but has this knack for staying in games where it gets awkward whereas many other people would fall behind if the game gets messy mbl gets stronger when the game gets messy still trying to keep his scouts alive here as he should do and he's not even getting fletching i feel like he realizes that he just needs to scare this off you see a stable for velez so velez will probably add a scalp to take out any skirms but without fletching on two skirms that's nothing grey toast if you get to 2k1 on 1v1 you that's my promise to you thank you for four months scout's still looking around there was a weak villager earlier mbl's looking for them oh i found one point got him my voice cracked like i'm a teenager in puberty are hitting puberty but uh got him okay yu-gi-oh player pro says hey t90 my gifted sub will disappear today but i think it will renew it nice is that because i talked smack on pokemon is that a thing do people who like yu-gi-oh hate pokemon or is it more like if you like yu-gi-oh you like pokemon too is there a rivalry there is it like aoe three people hating aoe2 and maybe two people hating aoe3 i love both okay just curious hmm i mean mbl delaney is fletching will give him a really solid castle time he will not have the stone to click up though he will not have a lot of military that really scales well into the next stage so the lack of numbers is going to hurt and if valencia makes a few nights as a buffer his crossbowman will still probably find opportunities though i say that an mbl seems to have enough towers everywhere i like both okay i was just curious that's all did nbl need to make five towers uh yeah because he didn't have fletching he under made army so he could get castle age i think he did now this is a great spot for mbl velez thinks he's gonna be sneaky here and velez is like oh i'm gonna get so many kills i'm so excited and then really mbl is like surprise buddy i've got you trapped and honestly the best direction for velez to run is probably back the way he came and that means he's going to lose a lot of archers here he comes he's now stuck behind here the tower was up too so good luck escaping it mbl will love to see that that changes the rest of this game maybe velez could have waited man he's losing everything before his upgrades that hurts to see a little and alec nbl's forte is booming under pressure he's going to add a tc and there will not be near as much pressure coming in towards him whereas if velez had the crossbows with a few knights yeah i don't think mbl could ever realistically expand here at least you know comfortably and mbl now is adding a monastery so mbl's thinking well knights are going to come in i think he solved the stable too yeah he knows the stables there so if he's expecting that you know this of course is awkward for him but whatever the towers are fighting he didn't even click elite scrim uh nbl's just going for eco essentially is adding some knights which is cheap with berbers and now the knights will have more success because there's not many crossbowmen out i prefer mbl's position amazing how how he can like you know how it when i'm casting lower elo games i say put yourself in a position to succeed and usually that means take map control before you boom um the truth is it depends on the player and in the case of mbl he's just very good at inviting that pressure but also it's there's a fine balance to it right he um he's still making nights he's expanding his farms before he goes for a third tc it's nothing crazy nothing crazy greedy knows he'll need some form of military and lc's the enemy has crossbows but i think velez also spotted that if you see that many knights and you only have this many crossbows i think you've got to be a little worried thank you obalon old man joe mama uh with nine months says congratulations the baby has arrived well done t90 hey thank you interesting that nbl's making a tower yeah congrats on our twitch baby gonna be all microwaving the villes away knights do not have upgrades yet he's just trying to delay what is that crap okay he lost the villager i was gonna say life is not fair if he doesn't lose at least one villager there but he did such a good job not losing some of those because it's now 55 villagers versus 49 the population 70 for both and velez is going for a third tc probably not ideal that all of his town centers are in the same spot of the screen especially these two on the front but then again not ideal to have a forward gold he's going to protect that now imagine if fellez would have had that initial mass of crossbows right he could be playing this game completely differently i i have someone asking about guard tower now is mbl's town center over here what there is a neutral gold there too i mean that's funny so i suppose guard tower could be worth it if a siege push were to come in but i don't think guard tower's worth it just for a few nights and crossbows um you know you don't need it you're still not going to see crossbows go under this many towers but if mag and else come out then yeah at a university and get guard tower i think mbl is going to add yeah now you see bloodlines and chain barding i think mbl is going to add a few stables and go with a lot of aggression here because the longer you wait more crossbows are going to mass and the more time you give valets to switch into pikes as well and japanese pikemen are insanely tough one relic already for mbl as he realizes he's vulnerable here and nowhere else so he's just wisely waiting on that hill pit guard towers look nicer yeah they do it's true i'm keeping an eye on these towers over here by the way mbl is winning this tower war by 5 hp it'll happen that would be so funny if nbl's tower is remaining on 5 hp hmm yeah watchtowers have a lot less hp so they're not near as capable as dealing with manganese and there's here it is so i think maybe we see guard tower that's a lot of military and pikeman's in japanese pikeman attack faster honestly the play here for mbl might be guard tower defense and then raid with knights and do not engage against this force but he does not know that the siege will be coming out not seeing a university for him unless i'm missing it velez will see a monk there velez will back away and here comes the magnel velez house slightly but no he was adding houses actually as i say that i like how velez only has four on stone i like how nbl only has three on stone we don't need to rush to a castle in either position but eventually you want to build up towards one it looks like mbl's monk went down now he's also hiding the pikeman he's not hiding the monks anymore but velez is hiding the pikeman which is really good decision emile has the economy lead but he is so much under pressure right now see the monks you can see the crossbows and see the magnel now let's see velez goes in with the knights he gets one veal kill mbl probably just didn't didn't uh he was focused over here right so he didn't know do we see a university here as to ungarrison the tc now he's going for a siege workshop now that works too just make your own siege and here he comes with those knights now looking to valeza's point of view he doesn't really see a lot from mbl he has to be alert and he should go for conversion boom conversion conversion would really help but he might not get it he doesn't get it and he has the house while there's still a hole and if nbl runs in here this could get really awkward really quick for both players i like this from mbl he he switching the point of attack because he knew how awkward the front would be and he's splitting up his nights now and you look at the idle time from velez that's skyrocketing nbl also is going to dive in with everything now the best players is while this is happening they'll know velez is distracted and they're going to come out with their own magnets over here looking to repair he's waiting for the moment vlad is having to do damage control big time over here and is going to lose a lot of bills and just the idle time is also insane let's see les will know this and velez sees it and is microing away so velez is still going to keep his mask going here i think he should go redemption honestly i think if fellas has the monks going for redemption here i mean i know it's a lot of gold but it might make sense to convert mbl's magnels i think he wants to go imperial though and if he wants to go imperial he'll save the gold and if he tries to save the gold that could happen mbl's knights have no way to escape here so they should just buy time and force reactions and they're doing that and they'll find the woodline oh velez he's going to be villa less soon as so many villagers have gone down here mbl now has a 20 ville lead here you have manganese hitting because velez is distracted there is a really important castle going up there though and mbl's going to come in with knights now again he knows about the pikeman but he doesn't know that moore could come out here takes out some monks takes out the magnel this overall will be a pretty good fight for mbl but i don't think he will have enough remaining to stop the castle it is 30 military for velez valez's imping mbl is not and that's a castle on an all-important hill i would say that i mean mbl has some crazy expansion going now but mbl will struggle so much against trebs and halberdiers the thing about camel archers blazing scrubs i'm not calling you out here i'm just using your point as something to discuss camel archers are really kind of bad here in this situation because you need multiple castles you need to get all these upgrades on them like fletching i guess he has vodkin to switch into camel archers you really need a lot of time and you need castle safe so i think you for the time being you've got to trade with something else and maybe you try and open with the lead skirm sometimes what players will do is they'll go for hussar and a lead scrim to open and then they'll save their gold and with the space that the trash units give them they'll switch into gold techs um the lead skirt makes maybe the most sense if you're expecting pikeman crossbow to be upgraded and nbl just sold all the stone i think oh no never mind he didn't sell it he uh he's making a castle here 126 villagers versus 85. now if you look at how nbl's played this game he realizes that fighting this area is going to be in pain right by the way tower update mbl still has a 5 hp lead over there um but yeah so he's starting to expand he actually got in with knights mbl has the eco lead he also has mobility so he's using that really well and i think he will do that more with a light cav raid on the side he also has a lot of gold income and a lot of gold secured despite not having this gold on the front which is his and the stone because he found this gold over here also has a tc on this gold and he will take out these villagers and take out that tower now but velez is getting our blessed and he's massing japanese pikemen and he's making a trap now it's important that velez sees the castle there he does not but any direction he sends that treb he probably will see it so look at the eco idle time for velez i mean mbl's isn't the most impressive but he has 40 more villagers so that makes sense if valez found out the hard way there was a castle there and he's like all right that's my target then as he wants to expand over here now check this out from nbl great scouting from mbl this is the type of late game stuff i'm so impressed by it's so cool to see by the way i'm pretty sure i saw nbl click champion but i think he's gonna think better of it he clicked oh not champion sorry you probably clicked man at arms greetings fellow mammals thinking that he could go champion against albs but then he saw arbalest and realized that would be a mistake 145 bills for mbl if he holds his ezeko's gonna spike it's gonna be crazy and he's gonna start off with some raids on this side velez needs to defend at home probably with walls and continue that push in the front to have a chance here we'll secure this gold for himself the relic count two to one military count velez with the lead les with his outpost will now know now you have to make sure you're not over chopping mba will gladly just run units past your walls here it's really annoying to be in velez's position if nbl's playing it right mbl's getting chemistry now something that he could do is go for bombard cannons when chemistry completes and shoot these trebuchets down thing is though chemistry takes a long time to complete it's just now going to complete auburn cannons are expensive and velez has not let up with the trips he can has consistently produced he could have gone for conscription from that castle and that means your military units produce faster but that takes a lot of time the mbl's sinking all these resources into trying to save this hill trying to raid here velez has got a pikeman there he might need a few houses there valets could do this even though some like have are streaming through valez could do this but mbl as he could lose this castle bombard cannon on the way i think he loses that right i'd be very surprised if he saves that he's sending like have this way velez tracking that too 160 pop versus 200 pop but nbl has 150 villagers that's uh a bit much guess he can afford to lose some and velez cannot afford to allow his trebuchets to go down he's going in after the bombard cannon he's repairing his trip and he takes out the bomber cannon buying precious time mbl has a lot of skirms here how did that trap go down i think embiel's trebs targeted that mbl still selling and then buying stone he needs this hill another palmer cannons on the way he's still trying to raid he is finding some success with these stables on the side here he'll find some success for sure at this point mbl has probably sunk a castle's worth of stone into saving this castle here can he can he keep it up bombard cannon on the way mbl has to buy more stone to repair this oh he's done it again still has four trebs to take out guys all right velez is using all of his trips to go after the bombard cannon that's actually good for mbl mbl could just wheel this guy around and whoop this is crazy man this is absolutely ridiculous i mean velez is behind most certainly because of the eco but if he can get his food eco rolling and switch into something that could take out skirms embio only has skirms on a few like have right now as he takes out a treb and boom he's still doing it oh man mbl has officially held what a hold back away now feliz and the thing is guys he backs away you lose your castle you lose your position you give nbl time to now make camel archers and while while champion would probably be great for japanese against skirms pamela archer and skirm or i don't know maybe hand cannons and skirm that is going to be a problem what a moment 162 villagers for nbl and here he comes you could just go like have skirm and just save all your gold too because you probably only want to start you spending your gold on camel archers when you can really get the mass up now velez still has some gold if you look at the rail account he does have one there's another one down here as 111 villagers are working pretty well this is an over boom and a half from mbl who loses the bombard cannon now we'll see two-handed swordsman and i see him adding more ranges and he's getting thumb ring but he's not producing camel archers yet now truthfully he doesn't like you won three or four castles when you switch into camel archers right so the fact that he repaired that castle for so long means that maybe camel archers isn't realistic for him as he is still trying to raid which is important and he's finding success and see with the eco kd he's killed almost 50 villagers in this game here he comes into uh as he's trying to defend this point he's raiding velez in the middle and he's he has villagers to lose certainly if the lead starts to push but velez still can't push up that hill mbl's trebs even raining down fiery rocks us ours will have full upgrades mbl has 64 farms so certainly no shortage of food to make skirms and hustle i think he's got he's still just gonna have enough to hold the middle which might be all he needs if he's raiding elsewhere what a game though i mean seriously i mean very impressive and and it still feels like there's a chance for velez though when you see that pop and you see mbl now pushing up the middle you start to think less and less of a chance i would probably need to have like 30 40 champs with a few trebs to back it up and bl is happy to just use skirms and hussars and he's just using his gold for uh for siege and for upgrades and yep the gg was probably called and fun little game here now oftentimes when i see games like this i really want to know what it would have been like if there wasn't a neutral gold in one area and in this game there was a three tile gold in the north which nbl was able to get keep in mind he'd been unable to take this gold and this stone safely throughout most of the game now granted he probably would have looked around maybe you know found it wherever it was but him finding that gold and using that gold really did help him and he bought himself precious time after velez hit the imperial and had the trebs out some people are asking for a tower update guys uh you must not have seen it but mbl at one point had sent some knights over there i i did show it briefly but yeah if you look at the difference in the imperial age times um velez wasn't age faster i think fellez knew he was behind in economy so he did the right thing to try and snowball a push there on the hill it just didn't work mbl had more of every resource even though it wasn't the prettiest kd ever and he didn't really have a massive gold units he still made it count um in terms of what valets could have possibly done differently in this game i didn't bookmark it but i think it was around would have been around this point if captured lets me go back um he looped in archers back here remember that he's looped in archers maybe it was 22 minutes yeah here they end up coming right and he he runs around if he would have had this mass i think this would have been a very different game in early castle age he ran through hoping to be sneaky with his castle age upgrades and he lost everything there before his castle age upgrades and that allowed mbl to expand whereas otherwise like nba would have had to get elite skirm he would have needed more knights mbl very fortunate to find that but also great play you know with the towers and the positioning and that's just mbl stuff gg all right that one's heading to youtube man that was fun i love i mean i hate to play it but it's always interesting when you have two people with important castles that are probably going to change that game if nba would have lost his castle i could see valez possibly having momentum there uh score 1-0 for mbl
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 37,538
Rating: 4.9646797 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, Haha, WTF, Crazy, pro, professional, money, showmatch, insane, risk, risky, $750, 750, imperial, castle, hill, bonus, hills, high, ground, highground, imp, theMbL, MbL, Villese, Vilese
Id: mSzczjtjmxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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