The Legend of Snippy on Texas

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looking good and perfect what's up everyone welcome to an age of empires 2de community game on Texas it has been a long time since we've done Texas there's some legendary games on YouTube if you'd like to check it out we're regicide diplomacy has been played to the limit on this map I'm gonna introduce the players but there's a few things you should know we are in April of 2020 unfortunately still there is no chat when you're a spectator so I will not be able to see a single word that any of the players say and Diplomacy games or expert games until that is fixed and I am saying this kindly so it will be fixed at some point that would be great I would very much like it if that bug could be fixed sometime in the next you know year snippy though snippy is he was one of the original legends snippy is a beast of a player when it comes to sniping Kings anyways as snippy has gone for persians and most community games over the years players have different styles a snippy he rarely wins but he just goes Yolo for King Snipes so we might see that here for him he's in the yellow playing as the Persians in the pink or purple we have Lego stuff who has gone for the Mongols he's already snatched up some pigs with the hunt bonus that's beautiful to the left we have Chris Starr one two three he's also playing as the Mongols in the orange we have overconfidence who's playing as the Teutons and I have a few things to say about that and we'll have to get back to it and the green we have to be new who's gone for the coup mins interesting pick for community games humans can be a very strong post Imperial civilization in the red we have okay what kind of name is that I'm sorry I don't know what that says and I'm not trying to be disrespectful whatever that says but that is a lot of characters that's covering up half my screen he's playing as the Aztecs and the gray we have walled fee walled fee is playing as the Vikings there's a lot of water on this map that could be cool and then we have raging scalp who is gone for the Spanish in eat eel and that is everybody in this game they all started against each other they all started as enemies and you can see up here that snippy has allied one person two people actually so far he's allied red and he is allied gray okay so I'm gonna tell you something interesting about overconfidence in July of 2019 overconfidence played in a community game he picked tunes and he garrisoned Teutonic Knights inside siege towers and started sniping town centers now that I believe was not a regicide game no it was a regicide game yeah it was a regicide game and he was trying to snipe people I should I should rephrase that it's actually been so long I don't remember exactly what happened but before the game started he sent me a link to that YouTube video and in that YouTube video at 40 minutes and 15 seconds somewhere around there I apparently said that I would gift 50 subs to my twitch stream if he sniped a king so before the game started this guy's such a troll he had that saved and he linked the video to me at that point and said get ready to gift some subs t90 creep so that tells me that he wants to snipe Kings with Teutonic Knights inside siege towers and I have to follow through on what I said almost a year ago so with that I think there's going to be a lot of people rooting for overconfidence whether you're subs or not I think that's pretty ridiculous all the non subs you like yeah let's go snipe everyone now I just want to be clear I'm not doing it for every King site be snipe seven people that's a lot now think about Texas is the map positions can be very unfortunate for some players so I say snippy's probably in the worst possible position because of the lack of wood long-term and then running into the castle from purple if he moves this way so I think snip either needs to snipe someone early or he needs to make some friends there's a lot of water on the outer edge so fishing is always very important for your economy and you'll see that from all players I hope but it's actually not what we're seeing only some players are fishing remember your town center can only create villagers at a certain rate but if you also create a dock and produce fishing ships you'll have more eco units working in your opponent's or your allies I guess in this case Tyrell --is thank you for the five you were host hola amigo wow this will take some time guys this will take some time but I think does anyone else realize what we have here I think this is a community game with a fine mix of skill levels not to pick on Bloo here but Bloo has not collected a boar as Mongols and that's very important to do as Mongols but he is more interested in fishing and collecting sheep and building farms okay well Castle time for snippy looking pretty good he will be the fastest one they're not sure what he'll go for when he's there but maybe he'll boom I mean think about snippy is he rarely which is boom though he tends to go all in for King Snipes maybe he wants to change his ways Thank You heater for the five hundred bits thank you my my birthday yesterday was pretty good I can't complain I pretty much laid around all day did nothing ate food and drink alcohol that was pretty good watch some Burn Notice I don't know if anyone out there is watch watches Burn Notice but Lorena and I have been watching all through Burn Notice seasons and it is such a good show I forgot how good it was because I watched when I was younger and so we're we've made it all the way to season five I think at this point yeah I'm a pretty big fan of it it's been good been a long time since I've watched that okay so snippy's making of barracks and is he gonna make an archer range then does he want to go for crossbows with the tarts let's see if he makes batard right away yeah he wants to snipe people dude look he got it pop caps so he can't make the tarts how many people get housed because they're trying to make the snippy he's the only one so now I need to scramble up houses so we can get the tardes oh man no it's not to all what are the docs here red red no oh he's like well I watched lo ela legends and t90 says I should dock and make fishing ships so I'm gonna dock and make fishing ships only this is the worst possible dock spot he did it twice to he double dock to this area there's so much open water I guess he just he hasn't scouted the other shoreline well this is why we say it depends guys this is why we say it depends now what he could do is you could use the original dock make a fishing ship and then Scout with it and then build the next stuck over here but maybe he knows there's a Jaguar out there that's a beautiful animal right there well what most tryhard players are going to do with boom so as I look over here at overconfidence he's fishing it up he's probably gonna boom she's making a barracks now I have no clue what half these players are doing it looks like raging Scout is going to boom he's adding an extra Town Center looks like Kyle Acosta is booming he's adding he's gonna you know three T C's here in a second so yeah Iko Iko Iko I wonder if Toby Nia has been on to t C's with humans oh yeah he is - Town Center's with humans he has 47 bills which is the most in the game thanks joy he says love et 90 thank you welcome back man so many longtime ru subs today Thank You Hornet what's up man 33 months Tiger king map I agree I agree there needs to be a tiger king map that could create some controversy need to have okay one area you need to have Oklahoma which is Jo exotics area and his region and then you need to have Carol's region but in order in order for Carol to break out her base she has to throw her husband to the Tigers oh the drama let's go that's my next big YouTube video right there lots of Tigers to feed husbands - yeah it's like you get you get gold oh I got this spoilers by the way if you haven't seen this you get gold if you throw mail villagers - the Tigers in Carroll Baskins base Oh what what an idea oh we have to do that somebody write that down so I don't forget okay and no walls it for the most part people are allied right let's see snippy he's actually enemy to a lot of people here guys Lagasse has one of the best booms in the game please snippy guys this is sniffy in a nutshell he doesn't boom he doesn't boom he doesn't care because how many people had been boomed and forgotten well not boom didn't forgotten how many people boom and have been forgotten a lot of people so many people go for the normal boom the normal economy oh yeah but snippy he's a legend because he does he lives like differently okay Toby Nia might see this though to be Neos also enemy snippy and he might see the ranges and communicate that to purple though I don't think it would really be in his best interest to do that this scalp you know it might have easily been autoscout it probably was autoscout all the players are so close together the imaginative snippy gets like hasta la costa has 59 bills it's pretty much the most in the game Andes Mongols I think it's the most skilled player and snippy has just sent a scout in to see if there's anything inside the castle there are some magnet I in there with the king but a purples booming and not paying attention this could be amazing oh he wants to build another castle here well that would hurt snippy's attempt ok snippy is set waypoints to run by the castle fire he also might spot that castle and he might realize he needs to make a move now there he goes know about your King snippy oh man get your king in your castle oh well purple realize well he realized there's enough petard to take the castle down the CAV archers aren't here ok he sees the pits hearts he didn't know about the calves archers the king is making a move for it and no snippy he's not gonna have enough Oh No the petard x' won't kill the town center it might be a doubt castle for purple and the T sees weak but that's that's what that's what happens for snippy he either kills the king and his legend or potato potato but you know what's funny is purple does not have upgrades on the manga die snippy has upgrades on the calves archers and if he just makes a few more petard x' he could actually destroy Purple's TC it's not unrealistic that Stimpy could still take out that town center now if he kills the King I'm not sure but purple doesn't have anything he is no military because he has a doubt castle oh man well it would take five petard to get the town center five and this is week so four might even give forward ejected at the very least an toby neo has now changed to Agosta to enemy i guess i should be looking elsewhere there's not a lot happening okay so i think purple with the highest score is the weakest player right now snippy has five pits hearts let's go snippy let's go there's raging scouts autoscout just sit underneath the town center I can't believe what I'm seeing I mean I can its snippy after all there goes the town center and the Kings there he got it what are the legends water legend purple can't believe it you wait weeks to get into a community game and then you're up against snippy and snippy is such a legend that was sick look at this economy even I built more farms in this and again even I've built better farms and not just petard sand calves archers snippy does not care no disregard that's a deep owns man I I am I am I am that was sick that was sick well anyways we have a purple getting cleared out now a teal doesn't waste any time I like how teal then sent any help I like how orange didn't send any help they just all ganged up on purple and he was at his weakest that's what friends that's what friends are like right there guys just here to take advantage of you feels bad man I'm kidding but um that's good for teal and that's good for blue and that's good for everyone because there's not a lot of space in Texas ironically enough see blues been making manga dye he's also making petard huh what's so he wants to he wants to be the snippy as well interesting Eagles and skirmishers are up against Kip checks on this side where there looks to be this is an interesting fight Kip checks were buffed recently and I'm not really sure how I feel about them I feel like eagles and skirmishers and castle age can be a good combo against it and we have another failed castle another doubt castle which I have to imagine is eventually gonna go up oh my goodness Toby you know ninety-four percent I think I think the rest of his eco is strong enough where he'll eventually get that up hmm snippy's gonna boom now I say boom he's building a second town center and he's not using it for creating any villagers out of it yet Green gets his castle up and now red wants to build his own castle or was thinking about it there what's the Eco difference which we needs - wow that's really close to both in 75 well the skirmishers are doing work against Kip checks and Kip Tex just seemed to fire too slow and cast like they were always a unit that were pretty bad in castellated anyways even when they were they first came out in November it's mainly an imperial unit okay George says snippy should wall that castle why so the dead guy can't build it he's dead that castle will never go wait a second wait a second I thought snippy was done I thought he was just gonna be a Boomer who's he going for next oh you have to get careening he can only fit five in each transport ship Shh don't say anything don't say anything I would definitely cue the music right now if I didn't think this was going to YouTube it's silly how on YouTube we played thirty seconds of music and instead of giving them 30 seconds worth of monetization you have to give them all two hours worth of monetization I remember Legend of Loony loser he needs another transport ship this this is really bothering me you can't leave a man behind oh wait he's fine okay so let's double check he's allied to quite a few people now so he could go for any of his allies because he knows exactly where the king is do you think he goes for Grey tu-tu-tu-tu-tu I'll just sing how's that I see red making a move with his skirmishers this way is he going to clear out Till's you're not happy about that why is he sending skirm his way tells me he wants to turn on somebody what about blue blues still patrolling he's not really hiding the fact he's going for this is he from his allies Imperial age we'll be in for grey and green at around the same time red has not clicked up to the Imperial age yet oh and overcome fence is turned on red and overconfidence is an imp and we talked about him before he said that he wants to go for her implied he wants to go for Teutonic Knights and siege towers tu-tu-tu-tu-tu okay um who will snippy go for feel like I'd prefer the pink Panther's you have to be careful here the water splashing off the edge of the earth that's not cool it's not cool cuz you only have so much water all the fish will die out then what is he killing for Tobi yo Tobi know is is currently oh wow he's denying Reds castle yeah that's a lot of Kip checks wait a second wait a second here he comes this is Gray's point of view what's grey up to right now always producing he's producing units he might not be focused the guy right let's make some long swords let's go back to you it's build a few farms let's go to our blacksmith yep good upgrades I like it upgrades are important all right my new villagers out of the town centers that's good wait a second what is this what is this what is this yellow stuff in my base all the Kings right there snippy surrounded it snippy gets another one being top scorer is dangerous snippy just got the second player to be a top scorer llegaste was top scorer he paid the price Walled fee hits top scorer hits the imperial age was about to make champions and dead what a beast man and then snippy he doesn't say anything you know he doesn't he doesn't really like brag he doesn't laugh just look okay all right unbelievable man I mentioned it at the start as well you have to know he's going to do it he may or may not have Skyped me in a community game once I don't want to talk about it I wonder if blue is gonna it'd be funny if someone's snippy snippy Z no that's great Zeno says snippy is the Age of Empires 2 equivalent of the blue shell oh my god that's hilarious I never thought about it that way just so funny how little resources snippy has available I mean he does have stone and gold don't get me wrong but he doesn't have a lot of farms he doesn't have a lot on wood it's a really bad spot to be in I guess right I ended up deleting that castle but I think Reds gonna be the next person to go down and not necessarily - snippy snippy 'he's going home to pack up some more petard Zin - those transport ships but bread does not seem well-liked by tobe no tavini o is going to make steppe lancers and also he's going to make Kip checks red also does not seem well-liked by orange I think blue is going to toss all this stuff no transport ship big thing I have to say about blue is he's not getting blacksmith upgrades right now he has elite manga died but he doesn't even have fletching her armor no stable upgrades no blacksmith upgrades shows me he knows how to boom but maybe the other things he's lacking right now okay so snippy these ships are full for the most part so he's gonna send this home because this isn't pool so he's gonna fill this up Oh yep okay more pitar it's perfect [Music] all right we have to add we don't have this IP motes and if you was complaining that I removed the snipe emo we need to add that back do we have even a king emote now forget we obviously have rekt I think the is back we'll have to add some of those back just for snippy he deserves it yeah we have the petard perfect Tattler thanks for the three men Thank You Rob NAB hello adoring pigeon he says a high t90 free joke for your birthday Thanks not sure what you mean by that unless you're saying you think your joke the snippy getting attacked by those skirts oh yeah he's enemy to overconfidence his name okay so this skirmishers are chasing those bills I might be intentional just to get rid of the skirts all right so I think Elite step Lancer kipchak should shred the composition from red both players are lacking a lot of upgrades so these step Lancers were probably not used at the correct time even the Kip checks are not elite yet but they are upgraded a little bit okay that scared me wait wait wait we will wait wait wait wait wait he can't keep getting away with this he can't on garrison tuba tardes he can't he is too many dude killed' snippy snippy he got another one this isn't this isn't even fair this isn't even fair three people dead three Snipes by snippy and he is one farmer one farmer unbelievable blue shelled again and I can't see the chat but I really wonder if people are asking questions at this point you know like who keeps dying are people dropping maybe snippy's powers are stronger on age of empires to de because people are so prone to dropping that they just assume that it's a drop instead of a snipe and now snippy's tops wait why is snippy top score it doesn't make sense what's wrong with snippy oh I know what it is diplomacy screwing with the scores the first score is your score and the second score is a team score and this is a de bug I think it's not supposed to work like that with diplomacy but I guess his team whatever team he's all on is currently top scorer it has always been that way are you serious I've never seen that in diplo games but I've been I've been known to be blind every now and then all right all right all right snippy has what is this see somebody signaling that overconfident signal that snippy has made a side base with those four villagers he sent this way to make petard and more ranges you know if I didn't already know who snippy was I'd be calling him a LOI lo legend at the same time okay so just castles everywhere CAV archers and the tardes though I think that snippy has to be careful about going after a tooten player this is why he picked Teutons free murder holes boys props to read who's held on against Greene he's now sniped the trebuchet 'he's that overconfidence had oh my god blue is gonna snippy snippy or he's going to try to what he's gonna try it tell me he has fletching he only has pledging Oh No does he have a university oh he doesn't have ballistics either he could miss his shots but we know snippy pays detention to sniping other people's Kings but does he pay attention to his own king of people try and snipe him that's not something you normally see normally they just wipe up his base because he doesn't have economy hmm here he comes here he comes now I know I play Diplo before before this whole YouTube twitch thing and I know that blues heart is beating out of his chest right now you just get so tense because you don't know what's over here are you kidding me they both have transport ships oh okay snippy is pulling his back does he noticed this I think he does oh he's bringing his calves archers back blue is like what a petard what blue has see drams he has petard he has calves archers or manga died but they are lacking upgrades he could still take that castle down and snipe the king though snippy needs to leave with his king but there's too many things to focus on right now is blue gonna snippy snippy this would be unbelievable okay this king is on the move now and it's into the next castle there's still seed Rams here there's still seat Rams blue still he still has a chance okay snippy Garrison's snippy's CAV archers are going a long way around blue you've got to bring in your Rams my friends it's looking less and less likely I just don't think blue will have the manga dye numbers we see snippy this is not pretty it's not at all but he's going to hold guys he's going to hold now I wonder who's snippy we'll go for next hmm will he go for orange or will he go for blue who just tried to sniffy or snipe him props the blue though can we salute him wait way to go man trying to snippy snippy I love it oh oh wait what happened here what happened here overconfidence has a siege tower with Teutonic Knights in it and the king is on the move no god that was almost a masterpiece dude he built houses around the castle he he just left the one tile cap there oh well I looks like I don't have to get 50 subs yeah jobina doesn't know to Pina I think Toby knows toying with him I think Toby neo is like hey nananana booboo you can't catch me that's hilarious okay so there's a lot going on right here there's a lot going on snippy has so much golden wood he's sending his King down this way he is going to pack up and try and go for the King tonight blue might even try the same greens King is now safe in that castle he's Kipchak Sandhya's huh czars we haven't talked about red much and there's a lot of players but they're so weak on eco right now there's not a single player here I'd say has a great economy except for maybe blue and blue arguably has the best and he's getting ballistics and blacksmith upgrades now just not the time we still have the siege tower with Teutonic Knights in there from overconfidence I was beginning to think he was never gonna do it well now he doesn't really have any strong allies I guess I think overconfidence and blue are probably working together wait his seconds wait a second blue salt transports earlier and now did he just position [Music] oh okay snippy just sacrificed one that was actually the best play from snippy but now I don't think he can snipe he barely has enough now I don't think he can snipe now blue saw the transport ships he saw the transport ships and he had those demos but to position in there like that was interesting alright well I think you know there should be no way for snippy to snipe blue if blue has elite manga died there's no way so maybe snippy will go for somebody else snippy can you just build some farms or something eight on food right now is who's not good game is slow down what is it I see behind there that's a tower from overconfidence and is there a flag on top of it don't tell me his king is in there now as king is in his castle that's weird all right I hear treason I don't know who's researching it it can't be overconfidence cuz I hear the noise I think that's probably snippy I think snippy wants to know where the Kings are located he is now in the Imperial Age so he can get Imperial aide technologies he's making more archery ranges he's building more castles this is so unique but snippy might be really worried about blue because it blue were to snipe him or even go for it just see dry mango dye forget about the transports there's no way but blue wants to do with class he wants to do with style he wants to to show snippy what he's made of I guess snippy wants to have his King in one of these four castles he feels like that's the best way to stay alive and snippy has not made a move with ease yet has anyone else surprised that red and green are still in it I expected one person to win here are they allied now no their enemies regice is holding on with trash just skirmishers and pikes and some jaguar warriors funny enough elite Teutonic Knights destroy the army that Reds making right now I think if they're fully upgraded Lee Teutonic Knights every one of Reds units does one damage a hit sorry about that weird stutter by the way it must be someone's computer it does happen sometimes and I feel that as a spectator oh I was gonna say teal was trading but I forgot teals dead sorry raging Scout he's probably in the chat look don't remind me 290 I was doing everything right don't remind me okay some good rating here from green I like it just kind of a slow game right now think the pace of the game and the fact that no one's going for a straight-up brawl is really helps the sniping all right well the Kip checks will destroy the Pyke's the hussars will destroy these skirmishers this fight should be a clear win for Greene just patrol in and there's there's no way that me loses this fight as long as he's attacking yeah that's a great composition to have I think Red's economy's looking pretty bad he does have tons of fishing ships but fishing ships in the Imperial age a lot less effective okay blue is making a move Lu's making a move he researched reason so he knows there's a castle there he figures one castle I can snipe that one castle I can do it and if I come from the right side there's no way snippy can go it can not leave it's just one castle and he's right okay I see I hear signaling but I'm not able to pick up on it on the mini-map okay just one castle here just one castle he has trebs he is manga dye he has batard oh boy oh boy said the funny thing is sniffy was prepping to go snipe blue and so snippy has his army here next to the shoreline and now blue is like oh boy I thought it was just one castle and now it is definitely not one castle there's four more castles is better than one sniff he's even going to use his batard against the trebs I think good job from blue though he tried to run around he tried to keep manga die alive to to kill the king if he was able to snipe the castle man CAV archers do no damage against trebs it's crazy but look blue can see that sniff he's prepping something this happened the last time and then blue made demos so now blue should prep defense he even has a transport ship here and snippy has no Navy yes he looked blues making demos again see he expects the transports this is so funny to me I think blaze killed yellows transports at the top now there's a transport up there still but kind of spread around and now here comes snippy with the not so sneaky snipe attempt to the counter-attack and oh there are all of his tribes are in there oh my god he almost lost all of his trips ok blues king is inside of this castle so snippy you can actually do this because blue doesn't have any military anymore blue needs to make manga die quickly blue does not strike me as a high APM player I mean neither does snippy so see a blue giuse is freaking out at this point he knows snippy's reputation I think ok he's gonna save his king this is a good move he's gonna put that King inside of a transport ship and then try and try and save himself I hope he could have sent a demo forward yep I think one demo would not have destroyed the trip though it would have needed at least two or three and on the other side red has 48 pikes it's a lot of pikes what about overconfidence not seeing too much from him okay so someone just researched reason oh it's it's nippy dick oh my goodness sniffy researched reason he knows blue is in the transport ship he sees the transport ship with his own transport ship how does he get it though okay you see look he's starting to make galleys now pathetic little galleys so he can find that thing sniffy is he doesn't normally upgrade anything on water okay so wait till those galleys arrive if I'm snippy I just take out all blues castles blue just froze up he doesn't know what to do he has the resources but he's just freaking out it's almost like he's giving up at this point yeah I don't think he knows what to do anymore and you can't relocate economy all that well yes you could go to other you go to Gray's base you can go to teals base we're all dead clear out buildings but not gonna be easy blue is trading he's barely trading I think again it's with orange or while he's actually trading with green and green doesn't have ballistics so the trade that's ridiculous are you kidding me the trades actually passing because he doesn't have ballistics but overconfidence will take that castle out wait where is blue where's blues King guys oh there it is okay we was making a run for it raging Scout this entire game has been good to watch thank you for playing man you're playing so well and then you got surprised but you could say that for every player who's died in this game okay I'm really surprised that red is still alive he does seem to be falling further and further behind every time I look back here though he's got to go for a snipe of some kind maybe oranges trade all the way over here in a red or something I see trade cogs okay this is where that King is a yellow are you serious sniffy you're not even going to upgrade this to war galley it's just a regular galley has not even upgraded his Navy he just has two galleys he just researched treason again and he sees that blue is closed now orange is defending barge is defending we have toon cab archers so snippy probably realizes well I can't actually clear out blue on land anymore blue is rebuilding a town center so now I've got to use my my water control if you can call that control to type that king but now blue could just send his came back onto the land right it'd be hilarious to me if overconfidence kills it with the Teutonic Knights I wouldn't put it past him yeah look snippy just researched reason again snippy is actually trying to snipe a king with two galleys and no I'm not saying galleys just because I'm abbreviating to to avoid saying too much here it's actual galleys oh there's one galley remaining blue don't let this happen don't let this be okay alright there was no need to make demos there you could have made a fire ship but okay now snippy still has cap he still it's tab archers so he might be waiting for blue to put his King back on land and then swoop in and this is what blue seas so okay here come to CAV archers oh my goodness no way Oh move it blue okay blue realized and blue is now moving away so snippy needs to send another galley he does not have another galley and snippy's CAV archers will go down now man well that was crazy meanwhile red I don't know where his king is but he's probably going to be the first person to die not by snippy's hands Oh his King is in the corner okay so he's just gonna chill out there Green is that finally won this fight Toby no and overcome Finn seem to be in pretty similar positions on land with strength 150 population not a lot of trade but there is some trade and there's still a ton of resources to be gained and tough space to be gained and gray and teal space no-one's done that yet all right what's Nikki gonna do what is his base I asked him to make farms and he delivered but I love snippy so much it's so messy dude it's so messy I feel like snippy will now go for overconfidence because overconfidence helping blue it's not something that snippy won and if you take overconfidence out then you should be able to take blue out but over connivance is not allied to you so you can't surprise them all right yeah I have people spamming the same question as their delay there is a bit of a delay yes between what I see and what is currently going on in game well I can't see in game chat thanks te I don't know what they're saying I'd like to think that red is maybe begging for his life right now I don't think Green will accept any proposal that red might have red is as good as dead at this point would be really funny to me if snippy is allied with him and he is and if you were to send something over there just so he could get the sniper himself where did this cab archers go where did that army go for snippy oh oh okay so we've seen it before I thought he was going to push towards overconfidence on land unfortunately you can't you know would be funny as if you could eject the CAV archers and as they're drowning they could shoot arrows at Reds transport ship and kill it'd be worth it just fire off a few volleys before your horses drown or or like you could put this is an idea for an expansion right you can have you can upgrade your transport ships so you could put people on top of it that's actually not a bad idea make it 250 food 250 gold it's a meme thing but then you can stack like 3 or 4 archers on top of the transport ship you could even even make it on for regular boats like galleons 2 again it would be a meme thing but I'm all about the memes what is snippy planning on doing with this what's blue up to blue is uh oh oh wait oh oh never mind I'm blind if blue is just attacking snippy's lumber camps I thought blue and orange were attacking each other they're just attacking snippy's buildings now I mean there's no way that he can kill red unless he sends a ship over here I think he has a different target I see green is making some trade at the top hold on a second I also see snippy's making a demo now hopefully he upgrades it red just put him on neutral I think red knows that he's gonna be sniped look at this look her snippy sending that demo I think you need more than one demo to take out a transport ship though we saw that earlier so a fire ship would be the better play snippy just like someone things explode and savino's resigns did he drop oh no I think he dropped I think Toby neo dropped thanks teehee ouch dropping yo man a save has been yeah I I don't think that that save file is gonna do much well now who will snippy go for that sucks yeah I mean his resources were looking good his position was good I think his game just dropped or disconnected or something feels bad man okay orange spotted that though oranges trading there and iron spotted that he probably just signaled and said snippy what are you up to now he probably said don't even try it I know what you're up to who blues out here as well look at all the defensive ships overconfidence Nuwas over here he's looking for it looking for Sweden he can't find it he can't find it no way what are the odds of that what are the odds of that orange is patrolled he's gonna patrol back down now cuz he's already checked to this area he's just lucky this is just pure luck there's no other way to say it meanwhile read if you're wondering has this King coming this way can snippy win this guy's that's what I want to know I feel like he can't win this because he doesn't have allies he doesn't trade he still could be taking gold from down here I don't think he can win but the fact that he sniped so many people is nice you know what knowing snippy he probably sniped Toby knows internet connection so we're just gonna credit Toby knows drop to snippy and we'll count that as a kill so four kills four snippy can't can't snipe the guy cuz he's too good so we snipe is internet connection hmm see the thing is at this point you can't surprise people at this point you rely on long-term economy and snippy is the opposite of that okay it's transports are still chillin over here let's go for a king update shall we how the King is right here for overconfidence inside of that strong tooten castle which will eject the king right outside the castle snippy is building the stable as the stables getting attacked by managers kind of says a lot about his current position on lions remember his king Oh always getting attacked by cannon galleons that's actually a really good play from overconfidence that's bad his King was down here so snippy has had to move his king now there's no hotkey for me to find the king oh wait it's right there okay that's funny I'm trying to find a hotkey and then I ended up stumbling upon the king yes NIM P has to make some moves here Persian skirmishers move yeah it very much seems like orange and blue we're hoping to close in on snippy and snippy lose the transports no he didn't lose the transports yet look at this look at this huh oh they were patrolled they were patrolled snippy needs to commit he needs to commit they were patrolled orange finally found them he finally found them he commits he's out of the transports now hey he has the trebs here okay orange he's he's very much aware of snippy's reputation he's been looking for him he sees it now and snippy's probably saying just passing meanwhile we have trebuchet 'he's from overconfidence trebuchet Xena scalp isn't that an army composition the scallop could actually destroy all those skirmishers that scowl I would consider a counter to what snip he's currently making the snip he's just sending it he's just passing I guess yeah all those scams are gonna die snip he's in big trouble dude green is already dead you can't snipe a dead man did he not realize the green drops oh I'm gonna die if he ends up going after green anyways because he didn't realize the green drops that would be so funny all right well aren't is here to kill this force and snippy's skirmishers are getting trapped yeah they'll all die to the nights they will all die blue does not even need the manga dye there may be snippy really wanted it was kind of like a last attempts and he wanted the Snipe blues transport ship Green was allied with both of these players so greens Castle doesn't really matter much looks like overconfidence has a pretty clear lead right now yep sniff he's population way down it's down to 125 his king is inside the castle which has just got treads down the lack of economy or hurting snippy big time now I don't know where the king is going it's just just gonna chill over here still really hurts that there's so much gold over here players have been collecting rent is rebou mning he actually picked that spot if you can call whatever he's doing a reboot we'll call it that okay keep in mind the cannon galleons are going to peck away at snippy's eco and buildings we see seed Rams now from snippy basically in order to counter what snippy's making just make hussar and you're fine blue is making petard though he still wants his type snippy in that fashion props and he's gonna make some nice yeah night nights work too but just huh sorry I think makes more sense I just got really hungry all of a sudden that ever happened anyone else she's out of nowhere I'm hungry for a king snipe let's go overconfidence said that he would try inside King's with elite Teutonic Knights inside siege towers he has the siege tower it's a single siege tower with fleet Teutonic Knights I feel like he hasn't committed as much as he did the the other game where said it would gift the subs this is a loophole but it's actually nice to have them here they're really slow but they're tanky against scurbs snippy is slowly running out of steam I don't see snippy being able to do much without an ally maybe he can Ally red actually out of wood to chop guys there's not any wood for snippy to chop soon look any and overconfidence has 28,000 wood in the bank you know what I want I want blue to sense that snippy's dead anyways and snipe orange that's what I want because if he Snipes snippy he's kind of doing what orange is already going to accomplish anyways whereas you can get ahead of the game snipe orange and then snippy will be weakened so you can finish him off yourself and then who knows about red but props to red for continuing here it would be legendary if you could come back but uh he's only a 21 population right now hmmm the Blues trade route is pretty awful but it is trade and he's getting nine gold a trip that's something much better than snippy's nothing I think snippy he doesn't have castles anymore so he can't make trebs he he doesn't have it oh no he does have docks it still bothers me he doesn't even try why not upgrade this he knows blue was hiding around here that it won't work it's and blue now since his king to the shoreline I think I get the attempt with the demos that's amazing but why not upgrade your ships that's he's still making demolition rafts I just click war galley and then your ships are upgrade do you actually get heavy demo aspersions too I think all right there goes snippy trying to build a lumber camp to chop wood and sending those builders to die hmm what's blue doing okay here's blue now last blue saw actually I don't think blue knows where the king is I don't even know where snippy's king is oh it's in oh nice wait a second it's in there oh no wait where is it where is it it says it's in the castle that's confusing I guess Till's yeah I got confused because it doesn't look yellow there but obviously she was already dead okay so snippy who was hiding in that that's BM right there he literally hid in his former allies castle that he killed it's like all right don't you don't have a king anymore so I'm just gonna put my king in here sorry about that okay and now he's on the move on water snippy snippy stop it stop it snippy this is so pathetic why are you making demolition drafts when we are ninety four minutes into a game I think blue is now on land though right yes nippy doesn't know that blues King is uh in the town center did blue spot that he could have spotted it yeah don't use both of them just use one nice that's so funny blue is blue is really paying attention cuz he's allied with Orange rates who would have seen that okay wait a second how did this happen no way greens been dead how did the hustlers make it to Red's tc's oh I didn't think about that greens huh stars were just chillin out here and he's he's been dead because he disconnected a while ago what probably happened was red got a villager too close to the huh stars and then The Hustler started attacking it so he brought his villager back to the town center because that's like your normal response to getting attacked but then he just brought the entire army to his new eco I don't know where his king is right now but he could get defeated by a dead man unbelievable unbelievable REE booms and the guy who's who's disconnected a long time ago oh that snippy's king this is gonna be the end of snippy guys overconfidence wait hello hello hello mm-hmm yeah I wonder if he sent them there they're on defensive stance or stand grounds the same ground wouldn't make sense but he just didn't he wasn't looking or maybe he's maybe he's showing off right now like surrendered to me snippy oh my goodness if snippy sends two more rafts out again I'm gonna lose my mind [Music] imagine if those were demos he hit the transport ships these poor units have to get back into the damaged transport ships isn't that leaky how does that make sense how are there not holes there how are they not slowly sinking Reds dead did you guys hear a noise for when red died people are calling me blinds now I what's gg wait a second two blue and orange all you did in you did in they were on Allied victory allied victory snippy resigned and they were on allied victory you know how many people become a legend on Allied victory guess what number of people have become a legend on Allied victory yeah you got it zero that's alright it was still a great game Oh fill stir that's true fill stir counts fill stir and then no one else oh man that was still great game I love that I feel like does anyone else feel like blue just kind of fail to realize how weak snippy was and could have wiped up orange I think with these sifts and the resources he has I think he could have gone C DRAM and manga died and he could have he could have cleared out arch I believe I mean over conference did have a ton of resources though so it I don't know I think overconfidence is the more skilled player so I'm trying to think if if one player got the raw end of that deal I think it was probably you play that long and you defend against snippy for so long that you probably just out of respect to Ally someone and and ride off into the sunset with them I don't know what the title that YouTube video is gonna be but a lot of that is gonna be about snippy that was unbelievable he sniped llegaste who was right next to him and he failed initially - he failed initially he tried kill the castle but then still was able to get it done then he sniped raging scalp and will actually know then he sniped gray and then he sniped till he just liked everyone and blue he was very close to getting I love how blue tried to get him multiple times he tried to snippy the snip sir which was really cool overconfidence I imagine how big of a play that would have been if you would have pulled this off there was just a hole there he almost trapped greens King that was amazing I think every single player played good unfortunately for some like purple was full boom he was top scorer he was looking good I mean he got sniped same for raging Scout his his potential we did not see same with wold fee so I do feel bad for the players that got sniped but that's diplo games with snippy right there all right 630 kills for tavini oh yeah I feel bad to be no drops see if Toby neo doesn't drop this is what I think happens I think snippy he eventually resigns cuz he was at 50 pop I don't think he would have been trusted anymore then I think Toby neo and red need to potentially have a conversation and Ally against blue and orange and that's potentially I don't know if they would have been able to do that because they were so against each other for so long but it would have either been that or to be Nia would have had to play 1v2 against blue and orange Red's best bet there was if green didn't drop that's what's that's so funny too because they were fighting each other but yeah if red one had any chance there he needed green to stay in the game and to convince him to it's a lie 73% of the maps is explored by snippy just because of transport ships snippy are you in the chat snippy can you please research war galley next time that's all I ask I don't ask a lot as a caster but if you're going for demo ships at least research war galleys to your demo ships get upgrades please please please please please please please please that make me feel so much better all right guys there look look at this look how long the cast liege it was for snippy compared to everyone else all the boomers had their normal progression through the ages snippy had the longest Castle age he sniped so many people what a game Texas is back Texas is a tremendous Diplo game or Diplo map I think because there's not a lot of ways to fortify the areas in between the players and they're so close together so it it's good for someone like snippy who sees those castles and sees an opportunity and goes for the site if you watch this on youtube and you like community games community games are every Friday now there are exceptions sometimes if there's other events I don't do on Fridays but for the most part every single Friday and the twitch link is below in the video description we'd love to have you here everyone here is already saluting you and welcoming you to the community but if not obviously the best things from community games go to youtube after the fact but for those of us here on the livestream we're going to move on and do more common games oh wait I can't say that community games
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 138,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, snippy, texas, community games, Snippy, The Legend, Blue Coffee, King Snipes, Villager Rush, Most Annoying Strategy, Commentary, T90, T90Official, Starcraft 2, New
Id: ySTk4-SaBMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 52sec (3832 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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