Everything Nothing!?

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well ladies and gentlemen it started off with Forrest nothing it then moved to stone nothing it then moved to gold nothing it moved to a lot of different nothing maps this is all of them combined this is everything nothing and the funny thing is Hara decided to play it I literally told him so hair is a pro player if you don't already know I said Hara you don't want to play this one and he was like no no I'll play people want me to play oh my god we didn't even do fast speed we didn't even do fast speed Wow yeah Harris's why did I agree to this I think you from no one but yourself to blame all right so let's introduce the players in the blue we have Hera as you can see he's already using his pro APM to save that villager oops he lost a villager to both a bear and a tiger and a lion and a wolf at the same time I got to be careful you could end up being defeated he's playing as the Mongols in the red we have Godric he's playing as the Chinese in the green we have Slee he's playing as the Franks now a funny story about sleaze I this was an accident and I feel bad about it I forgot I had drawn him for a previous community game which was relatively normal and so I said oh don't worry I'll give you the next game well now now he's in this so sorry about that anyways he's playing as the Franks again atomic sausage is playing as the Koreans my favorite in the purple we have a Tomic sausage playing as the Mongols wait no now a team what am I talking about I look down here and get really confused it's not atomic sausages now gene I just said that in the orange we have official playing as the Aztecs and in the teal we have Chinese for onion duck this is going to take forever I don't think this game will ever end how does a game like this end oh no you just shot the zebra you're supposed to eat that I'm just cracking up with the fact that here is it this guy's you just know this is what happened Hera was doing you probably got home from school or whatever right and he didn't really have that much time to play he definitely like had one of those days where he said I'm not gonna place today I'll wait for the weekend and so he stopped by the stream everyone's like yeah here he's so cool woohoo we love Hera and then so Hera said alright people want me to play I don't know what the map is let's join up and then it's this he's he's gonna try and save face too because he wants to be professional and he's not gonna say what he's thinking but oh boy if I were him I would quit I would quit I'm sorry chat but I would just quit gundrick says how was i stupid enough not to pick Mongols do you want for Chinese right it's not too bad I mean Mongols obviously for the hunts magyars would be overpowered to one-shot the animals I'm surprised the game hasn't crashed yet anyone else I'm really surprised the game hasn't crashed yet we did ban magyars for those wandering on YouTube or for those who maybe didn't hear about it here on Twitch I would really like to see if I can fix this little see this thing normally shows my the amount of viewers I have but instead it's just a white box so that seems to be bugged today so whatever it's fine so you also have a queen and I don't mean for this to come out the wrong way but the queen is useless alright if you lose the king you're defeated sniping Kings there's some value in that but if you lose the Queen you it's useless it's just a nice little touch from the map creator snippy I know it's nippy that's sexist not the streamer not the caster okay so you know what would be really strong though is Huns hair was winning kind of he has uh twelve villagers right now good thing he has that scouting bonus he's probably hoping that you know it's not like this till the monument I could see Aztecs being extremely strong on this though because of all the relics here's what I want to do while we have the time let's just count all the different food and well just everything on the map right so starting on the Left we have Marlin snapper dolphin box turtle Dorado snapper tuna if he forgot salmon he's fired perch why don't I see salmon I don't there's no salmon of all the fish to forget you forget salmon there's no salmon man this has to he's trolling me okay somebody else spectate this and look for salmon there's got to be salmon in here man I don't know what's more annoying the fact there's no salmon on everything nothing or there's or my neighbor's dogs outside I hate those dogs I'm sorry they're really loud and obnoxious anyways no salmon back to what we were talking about I like the angle this corner presents to us we have zebras we have rhinos we have did I see an elephant I don't see an elephant water buffaloes turkeys goats deer fruit bushes Forge bushes Komodo dragons relics obviously you have like every different type of tree I know Pro players really hate the acacia trees so what if we just made all wood lions a mix of all types of trees just to annoy them like this like oh you don't want to case your trees for hidden Cup three okay cool we're gonna do one palm forestry one one bamboo tree all combined all right no sheep yeah I mean I'm obviously I think snippy didn't add salmon as a troll but I I'm just joking there's not going to be everything here it's already so ridiculous who is this mega random oh man imagine if this is in mega random so we're gonna have some time guys and what's weird is it seems like players collects rows of animals of Gaia units I don't know how that works but you can see that on the mini-map pretty clearly they all have their own little area I guess well we have time while they work their way through all these freakin resources I mean Hera you might as well go to feudal age here it would make sense to just go a feudal age and get wheel barrow and get the lumber camp Tech and while we have that time while we work our way towards the inevitable fight and clash for the monuments I gladly answer questions and talk to you guys is hidden Cup three going to be Ondi er classic it'll be on Age of Empires two definitive edition that's true yeah maybe he added salmon in the script and it just got covered up by my other fish that does happen why is there a king and a queen to add a realistic effect to the map also snippy was the first to do that I think did I miss any conversation here let's see O'Hara is already chatting this was a mistake a b2 was a mistake Harris's why did I agree to this he says even magyar struggle on this map Hera allies some people he says how do they expect us to get to the middle as my question hey I don't have answers I just asked the questions gundrick says Auditors i guess how was I stupid enough not to pick Mongols okay we saw that official says so Hera what is your favorite color Harris's green fischels is good and Harris's sleep took it so I'm going to kill him and officials is let's get him what and sleet says what did I take and Harrises my dignity okay I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure was not sleep that did that but yeah fast wheelbarrow makes sense you collect resources a bit faster fast double bid X and we should have done fast speed all right well what's my favorite color for underwear uh why did I read that question I I don't really have a preference honestly sorry El Nino I I already saw it man thanks for the recommendation hoarsely against Leith wasn't even supposed to play in this game that's alright it'll take care an hour to get there we're already 20 minutes into the game what makes you think t90 wears underwear I why do you think I don't use facecam I am casting in the nude right now yep that's right you heard it 49ers are Chiefs um so this is the first Super Bowl in a long time that I don't I'm not rooting for a specific team on one hand I would really like the Chiefs to win because I like Andy Reed and the Chiefs never won a Super Bowl before and as a Vikings fan I tend to root for those teams but on the other hand the 49ers are a really good team and I like I don't think I don't hate anyone on either team so we'll see it'll be an interesting matchup because you have a clash of good defense with a clash of really good offense so I just hope it's a good game t90 wino captured for this game would have been interesting see how many resources there are on the map because capture does not optimize for my PC and I was supposed to have a conversation with them two days ago and I was busy and forgot about it so pretty much my my fault basically what happened was capture age became available for everyone you guys can check it out at capture age comm if you'd like to get involved with it but uh when that happened all my preferences everything I had on the version that was specifically for me disappeared that version doesn't work anymore I had to redownload it and I wasn't able to really iron out the kinks that's all you're a Vikings fan - I am a Vikings fan horrible gameplay why do you hate the players why all the sadistic maps people voted for this people voted for this honestly vari on I felt like the previous map was really good I felt like the previous map was really good I mean it wasn't good for you but it was interesting also there's been an extreme lack of custom maps over the last month or two so oh no era so I I really wanted to mix in some new maps it was awesome Honi sent me a new map this is one from snippy way back look at the animals here they come oh man this one's super sadistic I I agree but guys this is it then right no more nothing Maps this is where it all ends it starts with force nothing it ends with with everything nothing right zoo type worst zoo tycoon ever I never played that one never played that one look at the amount of deaths the players have I played some mean roller coaster tycoon - don't mess with me alright I had the ultimate business plan ten year old me was not messing around sappin says t90 are you ever gonna do just a straight plane free for all on Arabia have done in the past but those types of games tend to become steamrolls because you just have the two or three strongest players own everyone so yeah it's good to have a mix I mean this is if you're looking at this thinking wow this is all t90 does for community games it's you're taking a little bit too far we do a wide variety both extreme and not so extreme so how many guests did I drown in rollercoaster tycoon 2 and duck says want to tell us your roller coaster tycoon strategy ok I really want to tell you but I wanted someone to ask so wouldn't come off as bragging so yeah let me tell you okay so this is what young me used to do and I'm not bragging again ducks used to tell me all right so are ducks ducks ducks asked me to tell this story so if you don't know rollercoaster tycoon you create a rollercoaster park or an amusement park it's what's called and so you can charge for people to come into your park you can charge for rides you can make it free you could do whatever you wanted you could sell balloons you could sell drinks you have restrooms you have janitors you have security guards all types of stuff so ultimately the more money you earn the better rides you can get the better ride you get the more you can charge for entry to the park and it's just all about making money and getting bigger and better parks and ratings and awards and and other nonsense so is really hard to earn a lot of money at times or at least like to build up towards that point it would take a lot of time and so I figured out like a bug that allowed me to earn a lot of money there was it downside to it and I'll talk about it but this is what I would do so obviously had a good park to work with made the park free so people could come in and enjoy their time there then I had the most popular ride free and there was a one-way road that went into the entrance okay and then where they were exit there were free drinks so they immediately exit the best ride everyone's always in line for because it's free and then I have like 20 drink stands and it's free okay then at this point like throw in a one-way path after exiting the ride there's restrooms so bathrooms where they would have to go to the bathroom now the game was intelligent enough where if someone bought a drink they would pretty soon have to go take a piss right but the game was not intelligent enough for these people to avoid it so you'd have like a group of people running around in a circle who didn't have the $20 I was trying to charge them they would get angry and then the other people they would have to cough up 20 bucks to use the bathroom I made Bank I made so much money it was great now the problem is that it did hurt your rating as an amusement park if people got upset and so I'd have to like find a balance of how often I did that because then more people wouldn't come into the park but who cares hey sure I don't get more guests for another year but the guests I did have gave me 20 bucks to take a piss so and the best part the best part was like usually people would like the villa not the villagers sorry the guests that's what they're called they wouldn't get angry normally they would just be like well that's rather steep but I'll pay it anyways that they would have these little love speech bubbles so you could tell what they were thinking so sometimes people liked the ride so much they would loop back around after paying 20 bucks to go to the bathroom ride the same ride get another free drink and pay another $20 to go to the bathroom I was perfect it was perfect I loved it and with rollercoaster tycoon all I would do is I like set up this this trap and then I would just like go do something as my park was running for a few hours and come back and whoa boy I was rich anyways ducks know how much I wanted to tell you guys that I've told that story on stream a lot of times and ducks just knew that I really wanted to talk about it so thank you ducks for asking wait why are there only seven players in this game Luca holic said his computer was having issues so that he wanted us to go ahead without him really I think he wised up and realized what this map was gonna be and he decided to do something else with his life so props to him for doing that I never played the zoo kite the zoo tycoons but yeah I played a lot of rollercoaster tycoon - I used I played a lot during the summers when I was off school and I remember my parents had like a two hour rule for the computer because they wanted me to go outside and I don't know like breathe air or something weird doesn't make any sense to me so my parents were pretty strict about that and so I could only play for two hours on the computer at my house so then I would go outside walk about a hundred yards to my friend's house where his parents did not have that rule and then we just play there for 12 hours so I found a way to avoid the things my parents wanted me to do anyways now I think it was the second roller coaster tycoon no I think it was roller Christ roll why can't I speak to date roller coaster tycoon 2 deluxe is there a deluxe version I forget I don't have the patience for that game anymore I've been playing aged for too long so I'm just like must kill villagers I'm like so used to playing a game where time is of the essence oh you're 10 seconds late - futile you're dead you know and then you get into rollercoaster tycoon and you just wait around for hours to scam people their money huh now that friend isn't playing video games anymore and got a serious job and you were still on video games yep exactly I talked to him last night actually we didn't talk about rollercoaster tycoon but I spoke to him last night he's one of my well used my one of my best friends okay so honestly is anyone else kind of impressed with how well some of these players have done I mean Hera he really wants to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight so he is at 57 villagers he's doing all right some of the others are struggling a bit more but they're getting somewhere they're getting somewhere so I actually have a funny story so I have a mod here named smarty who many of you know many of you might not all otherwise known as the opponent of Harry Davis and the legend of Harry Davis video on YouTube smarty and it was see let's see it was myself smarty and was it Dave or was it T West I forget somebody else who apparently isn't important to me because I don't remember who it was we were all talking about rollercoaster tycoon and we found something that's called like open RC - so you could play on servers with other people online and we went on to some guys server and of course like they were super serious about it and had all these rules and all I wanted to do was make the largest possible log flume that you could make so like let's say you have max 30 elevation like let's say I want to make a log flume right I start from ground level and I start building it up building it up building up and then I hit max height so if I want to get it higher than max height I have to then pay to raise the land another tile to raise the log flume another tile so on this server I think everything was free so I was just raising all the land and I just wanted to see people die in the log flume and then we got kicked it was so disappointing if we put a lot of time and effort into the log flume and the guy was like no you're not taking this serious enough and kicked us and honestly I don't think I've ever played I've ever seen the game in same light since so ruins my love for the game you can make your own server t90 I know probably oh wow fast imp from gundrick let's go Hera is slinging us here is not slinging right he's not singing okay it's gonna say Harrah's getting some relics again Aztecs would be nuts on this but any sips gonna be strong with the amount of relics there's got to be well over 100 relics gene ID if you came into my city skyline game I'd hate you to ducks the savior plays City skylines and he streams it occasionally and he has a house called Tristan's house and it looks like like all the other houses around my house look really nice and they they like well kept and I feel like I would be proud to live there my house looks like I don't know how to describe my house without being offensive to someone who might possibly live in certain areas of the world play it I hate it I hate it it's so offensive but I will say that I'm ok with it because one time I asked ducks to what was it like what did we do I think we like flooded his town with sewage I don't know that's it was something awful to all those people so then the rest of the people had shitty houses Oh a meteor that's true yeah that is one thing I'll admit to doing with rollercoaster tycoon I would sometimes drop people in lakes and things of that nature so do you guys have any questions regarding the actual game right now I mean again fairly impressed with how good people have played this it's really about getting more villagers yes you're gonna lose some but you have to mine your way through resources I think it's a mistake to be going for gold instead of wood likes letha's mining gold it's gonna take much longer to get through that than it is the trees I guess if you get to the Imperial age and can cut space for a siege workshop you could go for auditors I very much feel like Harrah's trying to cut to the outer edge and dock out here that's what it looks like I don't know if you can doc actually Harris is read I need food you have hair is trying to Diplo here dude your Mongols on a map with unlimited hun you don't need food Kendricks is very little and that's actually true he only has 24 villas Hera has 88 you extortioner this guy extorted money money out of me real money out of me and regicide rumble three take hundred says let me put my market up and Hera says it it's fine no no it's cool alright see you know what that could be next-level diplomate they're showing some mercy early on so gundrick will be on his side I don't know if he really has a conscience or if that's so brutal I don't know if he has a conscience I don't know if he really has a conscience or if he's trying to think if he's gonna remind gundrick of that later okay hmm yeah MBL extorted me as well that was so funny no one researching on etre yet I think on asure is the way to go just honored your way to the center then still going to be awkward but you can chop the trees and free up a whole lot of space wonder victory wonder victory should not be possible on king of the hill should not be possible siege on Jers the way to go ice facer and in Gerland thank you guys very for the twitch primes zapper one says thanks for the comment you are awesome and keeping you thanks bro hmm there is good in conscription I feel like hair would have docked if he could he could have tested over here already oh wow gundrick setting him food all right I feel like it's worth it to just delete a town center build this each workshop and go on adjourn now please tell me they didn't do a max population of 100 please tell me they didn't do that did Hera just forget to make houses oh that would be the worst yeah I'm also thinking that you need to take the shor fish first that would kind of make sense it looks very much like they're stuck at 100 pop make another house Sara make another house oh man he has bills queued up and everything hmm alright anyways good questions earlier roller coaster tycoon rant was fun there's nothing more we can really do except chat and hang out and I really liked that about nothing Maps as much as the players might struggle hereness has over the top as this is I really do like that when I'm streaming now if I was casting this for YouTube video it'd be boring because I'd just be talking to myself now granted I do that on fat sob games which are similar lengths but it's a bit different there can't you check in the settings I'm just I'm just exaggerating dude there's no way there's no way I'm just just being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic show purple doc does purple have a doc he doesn't have a doc nope no doc no one has docked they are blocked from the docked t90 is the hidden cup 3 main event from Thursday to Sunday yes it is I think the 19th through the 22nd of March I already have people saying they're calling off work for it but yeah 19 through the 22nd and by people - people told me that what are you most looking forward to in hidden Cup 3 I mean there's gonna be a lot there's a lot I can't really bring up right now because nothing's confirmed but there should be some awesome things for the community everything we had for hidden cap - are going to be is going to be there like the giveaway competitions the guessing competitions the the fact that the players will have those awesome hidden names and identities so we would be guessing and having a whole lot of fun there but more than anything I feel like the lineup and hidden Cup 3 main event is going to be extremely competitive I think it'll be more competitive than certainly hidden Cup 1 & 2 because there's 8 qualifiers right so you like there are going to be a lot of players with big reputations not make it in two hidden Cup because they don't qualify and so I players really have to earn their spots now which i think is really important my favorite book I don't read much man I can't really say I have a favorite book if I could pick a Calvin and Hobbes book I'd be down oh there we go okay hera is onna geing now you're doubting doubt already no I think that will qualify keep in mind that the animals do not attack the siege so you've no worries there and now I think doubt will qualify but I can think of about 12 names right now that normally are participating in events and you know four of those names are not gonna make it in and then there's other names as well Harris says this map makes force nothing look great do you think prize money makes much of a difference is 30k really going to make players try harder than 20k I think it makes a difference but you know when you're looking at high amounts like that it's you're right in saying that players are probably gonna put in the same amount of effort if you're comparing a $5,000 tournament to $50,000 tournament there's probably a big difference there because keep in mind that you're splitting it amongst a lot of different players but now for me I mean I'm proud to be in a position where I can like put Age of Empires on the map and get a lot of money for players who have deserved to make that money for the amount of effort they put in right over the years so o worthy sacrifice lady worthy sacrifice official says what could t90 be talking about Harris's he's a caster he will find something don't worry yep this is true there knows so Hera is he's still pretty far away of course Hera had to start in the farthest corner from the center teen ID if Wong doesn't qualify will another player have technical difficulties wait what this doesn't make any sense t90 if Huang doesn't qualify will another player have technical difficulties and he will have to take this place mmm I think what you mean is if Wang isn't in the top 32 to qualify but someone can end up playing what will we do well we're not gonna do it specifically for Huang right so if we get 32 players and one of them can't play then we just grab the 33rd in the signups I know Huang was like top 20 and de-rating and he's lost a lot of rating recently so he still has some time the cutoff is until February 14th oh man highs in half if we made it so they were hunts or Turks that would have been even more of a nightmare because they don't get auditor thank God we didn't do that and thank God they didn't pick any of those civilizations but yeah Hera has made some extreme progress analogy just to put things in perspective now Jean is in second place and then look at the difference here but between what they're doing the hair is making very quick work with these animals and making his way through the center am I going to rig hauling it I mean I want I want him to make it in AI so I contacted backs who is pretty much the only Vietnamese player or person in the community yet that speaks to him on a regular basis and I asked back to tell Wong to sign up and Wong did sign up so I would love for long to be able to compete in the qualifier because I'm just gonna I want to see how he performs long does not he does not play in tournaments I can't think of a single tournament work long played and I asked backed about that I said why doesn't long play tournaments and back said Huang no care he just like play Huang no care he just like played so I'm I'm curious to see how long would perform in at best-of-five or best of seven okay so Hara could just kill everyone if he wants to he just said sorry after killing gundrick scalp and gundrick says I thought it was dead for a sec yeah I mean there's no way you can really there's no way you can respond you just have to beg interesting how Hera went directly to him though and didn't kill him why does a CCM pause so much a CCM doesn't cause you're thinking of backs I don't know he likes to smoke I think he gets stressed during a game and he pauses and he wants to like quickly smoke a cigarette and then because it calms him down Harris said you're dead in a sec and gundrick says oh and then the Harris is just kidding just kidding well twelve thousand gold it's pretty much just the relics to remember they all have a king oh my god if someone dots please sell me someone has a demo see I'm still not sure you can even dock but how hilarious would that be King sitting there boom dead Hara wouldn't think that was funny but yeah I don't like backs doesn't broadcast why he pauses pretty sure it's because he wants to take smoke break hmm why the fish if you can't dock because it's everything nothing it's not it's not everything something that technically everything nothing is it doesn't make any sense but it's a double negative I guess or double positive depending on how you look at it Hara is not really making any progress with DC challengers right now he says I need wood yeah he needs to he needs to chop through to the center someone's got to start the countdown but that's my worry here is how long is this game gonna be if someone doesn't start that countdown hmm okay I believe Hara could possibly dock here like if you could dock you a Dockyard gundrick says let me get coinage no it's okay I'll get my own okay guys how many people think initially I thought that hair was pulling some sick Diplo on gundrick but Hara could kill guns are easy at this point gundrick is just like yes master yes master I'll do this for you master what if gundrick Snipes Hara I remind you I think the last time that Hara played in a community game it was with blue coffee and at some point in that game Harrah's King was inside blue coffees castle and Hera was begging for his life so there's no blue coffee here but some of these Diplo players these community game players just have ways of making things happen it's so funny to say that and like look back on that now how Hera obviously much better player than everyone in that game ended up with his King inside blue coffees castle being held for ransom and hey it was like no no don't kill me hmm now that I think why are you using this version of everything nothing do you not remember the version that had an open path I do remember that version but this was the only version I had and I assumed it was the same version so this is the extreme version I realized that one a long time ago while Hara just lost a villager to a boar what a new still no docks steel no docks all right so where's the king for gundrick it's inside of his town center I would put the Queen in one town center and the king and the other just in case someone did go first Knight hair is like oh just hoping I'm sure and gundrick immediately sends him yup see he says I got the wool and gundrick immediately sends him wood now I'm not gonna interrupt them they have a lot to focus on right now we'll figure this out in time so back to hidden Cup I really feel like there's gonna be some crazy upsets in the qualifier which is in February and I also feel like there's going to be some crazy results in the main event the lineups just gonna be so competitive pick if I look back to hidden Cup to only having two qualifiers with 14 players getting in based on raiding it was very convenient right and it was easy to set up but I think it was less than ideal because there were some players who could perform quite well that just couldn't couldn't get in because they didn't have like a few rating on someone so to do this the qualifier the way we're doing it I think is really really good long term for the scene holy houses over here and I think it's gonna make the event more competitive all rounds also I'm really excited because we have some awesome maps I think the map pool will be way better how many people by a show of one's can appreciate a lot of the maps that you've seen in recent tournaments but kind of get sick of seeing the same maps in every event I'm I'm definitely like I I can appreciate like Arabia I love Arabia only tournaments are great but like even if you look at cross and you look at islands and you look at you look at step and you look at all these like regicide fortress you know what's gonna happen every single time and so for hidden cup we're gonna have five maps which are never played so half the map pool are gonna be either brands new maps or maps that are never played so I think that I don't know like that was really important to me so I like also like we won't have as much as many clues on what players might play a certain way on the maps yeah cross we do have a cross version for hidden cup that version will vary I mean it has already been changed from previous cross versions but if we get this other map we're working on finished we might even remove cross it's a good map but just seems so much of it lately hey heroes getting there oh wow he's really close yes let's go okay he's very very close to the center so the countdown will start at five hundred and fifty years and that will really mean the other players have to get a move on teen I do you do the player names for the main event already chose no they're not already chosen you can give input on that on aue zone if you want I think typing exclamation hc3 in the chat right now will take you to that to where you can give input we're gonna go for popular hero names that were not used so there's still a lots of popular hero names that have not been used and we're gonna go for some of those we're not going to repeat any from hidden cup to maybe if we get to hidden cup five hidden cup six then when you might need to like I thought it would be a cool idea to go for historical leaders like Napoleon again you know but now I think I want to stick to the theme of doing Age of Empires heroes it can be really cool I mean a lot of that Age of Empires heroes are just like there were real people at one point too so comments on Hera's Lithuanian dress I he didn't rush here so I assume you're talking about a game he played I mean I've spoken to all but virtually all players about Lithuanians and that drush it it's very high-risk high-reward maybe it's not really that strong but it can look really impressive if you hit someone relief I feel like at a high level you should always know what's coming initially we were gonna have regicide arabia for hidden cap 3 and in that you start with the barracks and I thought that Lithuanians would be the clear Opie pick but I talked to the high level players and we talked it through and now we're not because of de not allowing that we ended up not being able to do it anyways but we felt like Lithuanian we're gonna be just fine Oh gotcha yeah the thing is I heard spirit uploaded the video I don't I don't watch spirits videos too frequently but people tell me when he uploads it I don't know like how they painted that strategy in that video but the skill level you need to be at for that to be effective is pretty high because otherwise like you're not gonna have an early lumber camp you're not gonna have quite a few different things that make your economy efficient so like I've I've seen instances where mid-level players do it and they end up worse off even if they kill a bill or two via anyways hard for me to give thoughts right because we I'm sure they talk through the pros and cons yeah I mean there's so many Age of Empires 2 heroes that are remaining that I really like to see but you know further down the line we could always talk ideas don't want to get too ahead of myself so countdown time era starts the countdown now he's been chatting to he says yo green what's up sleet says hi please don't hurt me Harris says I won't just give me everything you have okay sir sleet he actually doesn't have space to build a market but Hera is being a bully honestly I have zero military besides these on udders yeah uh-huh yep it's just these flags are bugs on top of your castles Hera he has four castles filled with manga died and they're not quite fully upgraded probably just because he doesn't have the buildings yet but hair is going to be very hard to kill by the way I don't think you can dock on this I would have assumed that hair would have tried that already I'll keep triple checking though yeah I don't think you can dock which is a bit of a shame actually gundrick says so those flags and your castles just mean you're happy to see me and here is this is just my king and queen okay uh-huh gundrick knows gundrick can't be fooled it's a lot of sea geometers and 17,000 gold you don't even need to mind gold sure you can do it it free up some space but but the relics that's all you'll need wood will actually be the most important resource whoo orange is on the way aztec monks how much gold does he have as aztecs Oh 16,000 I imagine he has a lot less relics because he's not quite as high a p.m. as Hera actually I can check that here hopefully the game doesn't crash on us relics 26 for gundrick 25 for orange and 20 for Hera okay and I have PTSD from that do you guys remember the longest av2 game ever and I click to return to game and then it crashed oh oh it's on the frickin overlay here sorry I'm so used to de not showing that I have to go there all the time so what casting de for a few months will do that will do to you Aztecs are really good here though cuz with the monks you can convert that siege from distance and then also you could make the strong Eagles against manga die but again how good is your monk like you're gonna be compared to hair as manga die and see down as your micro yeah skip just posted the clip of what in the game crashed man I had to run the game for three hours before my stream started the next day on fast-forward hey Hara can I borrow really quick we cool still Harrises yes of course and arm says I did it mom you can be pal now you can't even spell the word proud your mom's not gonna be proud of you do you know how much he paid for privates for private school bille all that money down the drain so I guess he didn't want Hera to be angry that he was taking the monument it's kind of weird that AoE doesn't have a rewind function in de yeah I mean also recorded games break every time they update and don't want to get started on all that stuff but yeah I'm with you there I mean that would have the rewind function actually wouldn't have helped me there because I was seven hours into a game and then the game drops and so I had to get back to that point after starting the game from zero so I don't think Microsoft should make changes to the game with with seven teen hour or no 13 hour long games in mind but yeah that was a headache for me men it is kind of satisfying to see the animals go down I hope you guys don't think I'm a sicko because of that but it is pretty satisfying especially when there's a bunch of them stacked look right here oh it'd be great the monks will just heal the villagers that's the strategy right there the villagers automatically respond or react to the animals so just have some monks there send all your bills forward and clear out the animals that way okay so Hera is Hera is gonna he's gonna be doing something here he's been hanging around gundrick space gender can't do much he doesn't even have a siege workshop he just has resources but I don't I don't think that hair is here just to hang out I think he's clearing out space and he's really thinking about an attack he's getting as many relics as he can possibly gather 26 and occasionally he's sniping reds units maybe he has his units on a tack stance but I think this is intentional it seems like he's controlling all this gundrick had a right he had a siege workshop to make an homage er gundrick says exploding villagers would have made this better no joke he says exploiting though pretty sure he meant exploding I mean exploding villes you would all die at the start because everyone loses villes to the animals so I don't I don't know about that I guess have you survived then it might be a bit just a bit better alright nice micro-firm orange nice whoa how did that villager survive he said he's a tank now Tiberius some instances you couldn't garrison I guess you missed the start but many players couldn't garrison Hera said miss click man he's miss clicked a lot on gundrick he is miss clicked a lot on convict Hera is dangerously close to being the only person with a positive KD in this game what's green up to alright he's cutting through purple purple might be considering three it's very possible that he will cut through two arms harris's I come help he's helping oh man I don't know if this is hell para gundrick says no no no no no Hara says I'm coming in and now gundrick says no it's fine and here is the sea take cover it's funny Harrah's is probably bored right now we have about 300 years before the middle becomes important so he's probably just bored it's fine and gundrick says Texas either that or thanks I'm not sure which oh that would be so satisfying well I know you want to do it Hara I know you need to oh man he actually got the animals just get de villes yeah ooh was coming I knew it was coming pieces couldn't resist yep yep I I wouldn't be able to resist either gundrick says misclick Harris's no no just to sin just as sin says the guy with 50 kills gundrick has six kills and 66 deaths right now somebody needs to change that number fast before the devil arrives oh maybe he is the devil ooh mmm he's a pretty pathetic devil he has mongol monks and and Audigier i mean he could get more upgrades but i don't think he wants to be a threat big sloppy duck says game crash incoming okay if this game crashes it's going to YouTube okay I'm not redoing this so if this game crashes hi YouTube I hope you enjoyed the point up until it crashed because I mean this has been a good time it's just been very repetitive it is really fun to watch the mangalsutra go go very very fun I'm thinking purple is gonna be making move here eventually oh okay hara takes control of the center again so you know what technology is really cool for mongols here what is my favorite technology for this game mode see if you guys can guess it Hera has 130 military by the way he's deleting villagers know Matt's exactly so with no Matt's and I think hair has already taken advantage of it I guess he has a lot of castles but a deleted houses still hold their pop space we're definitely gonna see some attack rounds here definitely oh oh no Hera he's making a lot of enemies right now but yeah anyways if you research nomads deleted houses do not take up pop space so the purple could research that and then delete all of us houses for space Harris's player 8 don't get ideas and player 8 says don't do it please eyes it at first that's funny Harris's I missed quick a lot though it's true he doesn't really have the best micro just don't tell him I said that it's overrated probably the weakest aspect of his game I could make her better it's a joke don't clip that it's a joke hmm Marius there's not 8 players but player 8 is official it's a it's just referencing the color so hair would be player 1 the sleep would be player three atomic sausage would be player four yes all right so 135 military and it's pretty much all manga die for era now you could take out someone's monasteries take out the monasteries and then they don't have gold income but here has 20,000 gold yo I swear I'm not tired you're tired it's gonna be a long night I'll be up late too it's reverse psychology guys it's reverse psychology right definitely do not clip that I think the Age of Empires 2 subreddit is overrated all the Civ ideas all the discussion about maps ah man don't clip that though don't send that thread it cuz they would like that normally that would end up on reddit see what I mean too many memes actually the memes have been really good on the age to subreddit recently that is not to imply that the meme sucked before but there's been some quality memes I have to give credit where credit is due Varia oh my god vari on says real talk though the a way to separate is full of idiots see normally like let's say okay that's your opinion but didn't you lose a community game earlier while being a couple inches away from someone's king with paladin I'm kidding I'm kidding spoilers but I'm kidding I like how Farian just owns owns who he is you know like me ice sugarcoat a lot and that's just how I am usually that's that's just my existence but vari on he's the exact opposite like he is very aggressive and he will be like that in community games that he will be like that in chat true to himself 281 years now so we are halfway there on the countdown but it took a long time for us to get to this answer so let's give player updates alright onion duck he's had a rough ride he has a lead to canoe and he's working his way through the animals with on udders and chuhwa new down to the south we have now gene again I feel as though I mean now gene and Arne should probably work together since this is a Diplo game but he's in a good position to betray orange if he wants to so I I just have a feeling something is gonna go down here and it might be happening now and Hera realizing this is yo player six I'm talking just to you we're both Mongols wanna Ally now see Hera realizes that you're strong now gene he doesn't want you and orange to be against him yes now gene says yes hmm no don't do it now gene it's a trap he says I can kill orange yeah I knew it okay so you know what orange is up to we saw him in the center Harrises we can both do it other player updates yellow is he is Koreans remember so he wants to make towers that could actually be really Opie but he's cut his way through in some areas and now green also cutting through is that everybody Oh a gundrick what's he up to Stables really dude just make manga dice each always Chinese I thought he was Mongols they have the same architecture what Anu oh okay so that makes a little bit more sense maybe camel Cavalier to canoe onion duck says God it takes forever to get to the monument he's even praying now praying to God about this Harris's why is it so quiet hi all official says hey Hara Harris's you want it orange and official says yes much love okay so Hera just said at 145 he is going to distract orange and then purple will go for the Snipe purple has not said anything to Orange about this oh but aren't is speaking up he says now gene we need to work together man that's what you need to say pieces back up no no I don't think he meant back up as in are you gonna be my backup I think he meant back up like back your units up I thought he wanted purple to be his backup that's not good if they're talking to each other like this that means that they're gonna something's gonna go down here teal what steel doing well he's on his way he's on his way our nurses WTF why did he say WTF Oh purple killed that for false Achillas Oh knowledge er I'll look at the argument starting this is hilarious so purple Snipes and Auditor Arnie says wow WTF purple says don't push up on me and orange says you push me yeah this is this is these guys are not staying allies there's no way hmm hey hair has controlled the center does that mean he oh man arms is gonna die so quickly there's no way he can micro these monks there's no way he can click them all individually he's gonna get flattened oh my goodness look at this from Hara now I can't say I'm really surprised gundrick is making a lot of bombard towers in Jukka new at the moment this King is oh no that's his queen remember the Queen is not important okay Jaguar Warriors are next to useless because the manga died we'll take them out that said purple is lacking a lot of upgrades on his manga die Erik killed his own manga died we're at it just killed one there I mean it's gonna happen oh wow he killed a whole bunch here oh and he killed more and like his units bug into the animals and the trees just to you Hera orange nose says now gene and Harris says it's okay he's trapped and now at the same time arm says now gene just you want to get Hera and now gene who's completely lying here says I don't know I'm trying to make room and Harris is sick i milk him first you milk him is he a cow orange give me 10k gold now ah now or I'll destroy you well that's a deal he has 40,000 gold do you milk him up I would take the deal I watched Meet the Parents the other night and what's his name Gaylord Focker was talking about milking a cat at the dinner table I was so awkward okay so he just sent Hera 10k gold and Hera said I'm not gonna wait all day 10k yeah he already sent it god never said he didn't get it he is milking him he is milking him Oh get milked Harrises you probably miss clicked oh there's a whole bunch of miss clicks going on right now oh speaking of can you get enough conversions orange good luck clicking every single monk on every single magadh I in every single siege on the dirt maybe castles are gonna do okay but purple will come in on the other side I I feel a bit bad for orange but I have to say it's all been expected it's all been expected he just sent 10,000 gold to Hera and he's going to die oh man I don't think mom is proud anymore Billy I really don't think mom is proud she said you were going to amount to nothing at now I'm kidding all right let's not get too too real Hera says he didn't give me the gold don't help him and official says there's the king by the way official says I gave him 10k wait does the Queen why is he not dead does the king and the queen do nothing harris is red you're making a serious mistake what I thought the king and the Queen were important but apparently the king is also useless I mean normally you don't have to select regicide when kings and queens start on maps we selected king of the hill right gundrick says what am i doing aside from defending myself with bombard towers that's a fair point Harris's I don't know I see a lot of calves yeah Hera he's just trying to make sure that there's not a 5v1 scenario yeah orange is at 13 pop he's dead might as well prepare the F's in the chat for him official who of course he's the host of the game why does why do they always pick on the host of the game first he says so I just resigned and leave on right how do I not crash cool cool cool t90 don't hate if it crashes all right all you have to do is resign and stay in the game so he he's got that it's right will hate hair instead of you this is going to YouTube regardless I'll make up the finish if I have to onion doc is here and he's bringing the hoard of Komodo dragons and Tigers behind him and he's a lot from gundrick what's funny is yeah official here let me message him real quick yeah just to resign and then stay in game thanks bro he should really send his resources to someone else though sand res to someone before you resigned what was it gonna say oh yeah they're gonna be going for King Snipes thinking that's important but it's not so alright so Harris at big mistake and now it's going down between gundrick and onion duck takes control of the center so what's going to be really awkward is the pathfinding with the cavalier running off in between all the relics [Music] it's also going to be quite awkward for Hera to take out these bombard towers bombard towers are really strong gundrick doesn't have a lot of food and wood that is a concern for me but it will distract Tara and then onion duck who just got to the Centers like okay I got this gundrick says at the very least I shall die standing it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees gundrick okay patrol see these are the types of things we have to remember when we give pathfinding on de a hard time but it's really sometimes pathfinding is just Age of Empires no boy I think under can hold Hera for the appropriate amount of time I agree with you there and onion ducts just filtering in Shukra new purple is obviously he could move in green is poor greens been been chopping through he's Frank so he might go paladin Hera says duck was behind this the rat may this is good for everyone it's even good for purple right it gives him an opportunity to win and Harris all the way back here in this corner now he was obviously doing it for some entertainment but he was talking an awful lot and he didn't make many friends oh man Hera goat please attack round here please attack round Oh beautiful beautiful Bendrick just needs to hold now purple he might want the win for himself here he comes we haven't talked about yellow yes he's kind of on the way but he doesn't have atomic sausage is only a 55 pop so it's it's been a struggle for him but he could maybe contribute oh wow those trips whew so many treads going down all right Harry you got to get a move on you need siege he needs probably Rams Auditors trebs just everything and start pushing this backhand or just cut around but you know Kendrick is going to push in black belt Dave thank you for 26 months he says love the huge map variety t90 will well this is about as much variety as you will get in one map that's for sure in general though there's been a lot of good maps today thanks man Thank You prent oh nice to see you for thank you for 14 stop heard your message earlier I appreciate the kind words thank you for 20 months I'm also pumped for hc3 Abra fukken Cadabra welcome back staff orc unflattering subs but if I didn't just catching back up here because this has been a long game onion duck I don't know if he can hold this he doesn't have that many reinforcements he is the most awkward path 28 years remaining for onion duck and player 6 or now gene is coming in from the other side atomic sausage is coming in on the other side and I think for onion duck it's not over but he's not gonna win it here props to Hera for for going when he did by the way because he still had to deal with this pressure yep ember Ohio I was gonna get to that as well thanks for working for gifting for Ohio the sub this is missing cliffs can you imagine if this had cliffs as well oh man oh come on yellow oh come on attack ground Harris attack ground here yes atomic sausage with the plays there a life so he's he's being sneaky here and clearing out Harris military and you know what Hera doesn't have a lot of wood he just bought wood what's the price Wow it's a 510 gold to buy a hundred wood now Jean says Hera Korean donnager now Jean is definitely he's definitely whipped in this relationship you know like heroin Saul the pants now Jean is just he's just happy to have a home he's just happy to have a home and someone to sleep next to at night but he's not making any of the decisions in this relationship he let her know immediately yep official who's in the chat now Jean was working with Hera I mean now 18 should be greedy here and take the win for himself Harris is duck just know you disrespected all of candidates day wow that is so aggressive all of Canada all of Canada every single person Wow all right well guys atomic sausage with 50 population has the center right now I didn't realize yeah we have three Americans three Canadians ah now Jean working with his Canadian comrade I see that's it's so weird it's like normally the the Americans are fighting the Canadians Wars for them no I'm kidding kidding I don't want to start those jokes Hara needs to clear out gundrick quickly because gundrick is a huge distraction look at seal base please all right there you go Oh oh no onion duck is gonna get Wow I mean if now jean is all of Canada then maybe hair wasn't wrong because now jean is going directly to onion duck to take him out of the picture so I think it's it's gonna come down between the Mongol players well and then there's sleep let's not forget about sleep he's been sleuthin sleep in sleuthin but a hitman he only has a thousand food when he's been untouched that's rough you know it must be the worst to have to rely on food wood gold that makes a little bit more sense you're gonna have relic income for gold you can buy wood but to have to make any unit that costs food it's got to be tough obviously you can you can forage and that's fine but have to say now Jean net stands no chance against area both in skill but also he doesn't even have full upgrades he's lacking party and tactics I think he's lacking thumb ring he's lacking bloodlines so he has 60 HP verse 100 HP units he doesn't have the armor I think we missed gundrick getting flattened over here he's not too happy about the pathing funny enough I think this was Harrah's monastery and those relics are perfect for Hera because it creates the choke points that he desires yellow has zero relics unfortunately he doesn't have too many around his base to collect and he taps out here right when I made a joke about him I feel so bad I didn't mean to make a joke and have him resign atomic sausage well played against Harris so now now off atomic sausages out an onion duck is getting pressured it truly is like all it's all about Hera gundrick I think just not convinced that sleep has a chance here I know that his patents will be strong I don't know if he'll be able to create that many more after he inevitably loses some of them can we get some frowny faces in the chat for atomic sausage that's what he did anyways I in my defense I said ahead of time you might not want to get in get involved with this game I said that to everyone but I just saw the Queen die I think I mean if if Hera didn't play in this game it would have been what it's developed a whole lot slower I think gundrick says that was fun I think undred is about to give it up sleep says have any extra food I make mostly gold food units I guess Kendrick could send him resources Harris says I'll trade you food for wood and he just sent some food to sleep which is interesting because he'll probably be killing sleep soon hmm onion duck somehow still got units to the middle he's sending whatever he has left to the middle even though the path findings awful but 30 years I was talking to the humans not the rats oh my god oh my god that's hilarious hmm Hera Hera has he's been one confident character here he has to win if you're this confident obviously you're pro player as well if you play like this and you back it up expect it right if you play like this and you forget that someone has the center with 25 years remaining then it's just embarrassing gundrick says t90 I want it on record what you want on the record keep in mind that killing the king will not defeat gundrick gundrick says I was a pain in the ass to a 2k player for five minutes yeah my salute goes out man a Harris says oh no I'm not a 2k player I'm a 2k five player put some respect but but on the very serious note gundrick could get the assist here come on onion duck let's go honey duck let's go get your units to the middle get your units to the middle forget about gundrick forget about gundrick get your units to the middle please sleep dissent Hera wood has Hera forgot and this is a king of the hill game he's having conversations and swapping resources purple sending like tab purple has most of his siege oh no oh no Oh Pat yeah right Oh let's go right Oh get the Zebras involved block it oh my god no he won onion duck did it the guy has 57 population what was the line what was the line hold on I need to find it I can't find it it's like onion duck you've disappointed all of candidates there something Hera and now Jean you have disappointed your country today oh my god Wow I mean purple sent everything to onion ducts base I need duck knew that he it was gonna be a struggle he knew there was no way he could fight them out right and so he sent what he could to the center and got the win now guys check this out these three two canoe not enough that they're not in the radius of the Wonder so it's actually just this you can in one unit because this unit was just killed this units on 26 HP so 26 HP at the cows and the turkeys do not count Oh sleepless even on the way oh man I imagine imagine being green though I feel like we kind of forgot about poor sleep let's think about this initially he was going to plan another game and then I accidentally overruled and forgot about him felt bad about that so I said okay you can play in the next game this ended up being the map and then he spent two hours and 11 minutes cutting through the map only only for onion duck to win with a 26 HP to canoe after he cut through like this was the moment he cut through he was like yes my people are finally free and then teal wins with a 26 HP chief Anu wow that was fun props of the players for talking so much that was great Hera's banter with the players the trash talk smack talk back and forth made that perfect and yeah that's everything nothing well by the way to the players who are now listening to me a case you didn't know the kings and the queens were really not important at all because who was it aren't lost his Queen and his king and he didn't die he had to end up resigning so I wasn't aware of that until it happens I assumed the King was very important there Hera had 624 kills 156 largest army who would the most gold now Jean did interesting how many relics so I guess he mind a whole lot of gold gundrick had most relics but yeah if it wasn't for gundrick wow that's a weird timeline if I've ever seen one if it wasn't for gundrick I don't think that there was any chance for onion duck and you could also say that if atomic sausage would have stayed in the game and contributed with anything it could have been a single villager it might have taken care of that too canoe right so everything just went right for onions out there funny game crazy map that is the end of nothing Maps forever I will never cast force nothing again I will never cast water buffalo nothing again actually I've never casted that one yet I would never cast llama nothing again nothing maps are officially done and retire sayonara okay I'm kidding I'm kidding but you know initially like back when the nothing phase started just kidding chat half the people were like yes the other half are like no um when solving from this pool but uh initially when force nothing got popular I thought we would go through every single possible nothing map and end on everything nothing but I've realized that we cannot possibly go through every single nothing map so we decided to do this today well played everyone thanks for watching obviously if you're watching this on youtube and you haven't already figured it out we stream community games on Fridays on Twitch so if you'd like to stop by the twitch link is below in the video description I'll plug obligatory time for all the viewers here to say hello to the future selves and their moms their dads and YouTube and whatever else and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 382,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Forest, Nothing, Everything, Silly, Ridiculous, Age of Empires 2, T90, T90Official, Gold, Stone, Boar, Spirit Of The Law, Commentary
Id: 88hVVXTtK3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 55sec (5155 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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