The LAST Time i play Before Osana (I SWEAR THIS IS IT) Yandere Simulator

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i've been sitting here watching this thing every day i don't need it well i don't know how much longer it's going to take but obviously osana is not out yet but i did find something really cool that i want to show you guys when all students have changed their shoes press zero to start hope you enjoy oh what is this looks like every simulator is on the ps5 for a second all right in case you guys don't know what this is as it says down below this is the xi'an simulator i think that's how you say it either way this is actually a yandere simulator mod and as you can see they've made some changes i don't think this is part of the game normally so it looks like they made some graphical changes and obviously uh you know yandere chan doesn't normally look like blue eyes white dragon but hey before we get into it guys this mod was created by reuben w okay and i will link them down below check them out because you know we don't get very many mods of yandere simulator anymore and this one actually looked really cool so that was i'm embarrassed now wow wow the nerf the nerf anyway guys check out my double though it's been a while since we played a mod and while we're waiting on asana i thought this was perfect trust me i think it's i think you guys are gonna like this it looked pretty cool all right zero starting up oh wait did i not wait until everyone changed their shoes oh my god why is oh oh wow okay well i'm like transformers over here okay you know what let's reload it i i don't think i did it right i am obviously bad at listening to directions normally when i record i drink coffee but today i'm drinking tea cause that's the tea sis you know i don't know i don't know if i could get into it i'm trying it's for the health benefits oh so they're literally supposed to stand here ah wow wow wow all right transform so all the students get a transform too oh so that's when they start moving ah all right you know we're just gonna wait gonna let it happen should i twirl it around like a magical girl opening thing oh be careful right you show there whoa friday 4 p.m that's cool see i love it when people in mods put cutscenes in the game ah there goes another week passing by oh is that senpai i just was some i just wish something different would happen oh you've taken my spot oh sorry is your name on it i had no idea he just comes and slaps her and pushes her off don't worry it's completely fine this is a really nice place to watch the sunset so i don't have to i don't blame you for coming here oh he's so dreamy oh who's there who's back there oh i forgot i don't believe we've spoken before my name is taro tara yamada it's good to meet you tara i love what you've done with your hair dude it's glad to meet you too my name is shion teki sorry to meet you so randomly gosh something about this guy makes me feel so happy don't worry it's my fault for barging in on like this in the public random question would you like to watch the sky together it's more fun with company you know sure the sense it's really pretty today oh man this is oh that's so that's romantic right here oh we are with transition time bro i've never seen him do a transition like this in oh my that's cool or either that they're trying to sense or something what's happening sometimes damn that girl's still back there i wonder if she'll be a pivotal character in the story uh this was so much fun we should do this sometime again yeah i love staring we should i had fun too oh geez it's already been an hour i wish i could stay but i've got to go now i have this english homework and i don't want to fail this class you're tara yamada you'll never finish it now with that hair all right yeah i completely understand see you around it's like a team movie what uh uh see you see you soon bye oh he's so dreamy what are you doing here oh i was wondering where you were as if you're already forgotten we were supposed to meet up today you were sitting there so long like i totally noticed you then i came up here and saw you with the lover boy over there and i thought i'd watch like a freak man for goodness sake you could have texted me a a kai kami uh sure but what was more interesting to text you the both you realizing i was here i don't make no sense i was here waiting it out to find out what you're up to now come on let's get out of this dump i want to go home have you stared though it's pretty nice fine let's go oh she like shook her head i was i thought she was saying no that's my best friend akai kami for you oh okay we're establishing the characters now more transition action going on i like it so far all right oh hey akaikami akai kami i got used to saying that oh there you are i've been looking for you for ages could you come with me for a second we need to talk whenever anyone says you need to talk be very suspicious so what's up you know it's itsukushi utsukushi kanoshi kanojo uh yeah the crazy popular rocket girl rocket girl talk about elon musk yeah her she posts on her kai book today saying she wanted people to meet her outside i'm not sure what she's up to but some rumors have been popping up saying that she has a crush on that boy you've been telling me about whatever she's planning on uh event or not she's going to make her move then are there what should we do she's playing an event ah i see what are we waiting for we need to find out what's going on now so is this gonna be oh she doesn't look very happy about that couldn't have said it better myself let's go all right let's kill her new objective see what's kushi kanojo is up to by meeting her outside the school entrance oh we'll see all right i like what they've done with the place this is kind of cool how they like made every would stand around in like these spots and stuff hello all thank you for showing up i have a very important news today we are hosting our own show right here at academy oh yeah i can't even see what's going on yeah yeah yeah that's right one of our famous talent shows all you need to do is buy a ticket from one of us info on the date and time will be provided by the team by them i meant oh i almost forgot of course we will be performing but if any people like to perform as another act please line up and ask us in just a moment cool i have a routine and i really want to get ahead all right no one's giving me a chance it's my time to shine now okay that's all we wanted to say so if you wanted to perform weight uh behind the line cool this is my time to show my tick-tock moves is this like all it's just like nothing but cutscene because that's kind of cool like just like telling a story with the game my best friend has a very elegant stance either that or she needs to go to the bathroom i'm not sure a concert here how do they manage that i'm not sure but taro seems uh interested so i am dude she wants to murder someone don't worry i want to come up with the plan later for now so let's just make sure we can attend the show all right that's right we're gonna sabotage ah class already dang anyway good idea i'll meet you after classes okay transition oh i'm done with class uh meet a kai kami on the roof ah okay can i just activate easter eggs i probably could just ruin the whole story but then one punch moments showed up uh hey sorry if i'm late to class my class or my class was dismissed later than usual oh yeah don't worry about it anyway i'm starving let's eat already okay uh-oh i hope that's the phone who'd it hello yes i got us both tickets oh that's what she was doing okay sweet really that's awesome it's gonna be strangling that girl really easily when we're close by but we don't have a plan what are we going to do anyway oh you don't worry about that i have the perfect idea she just pours hot coffee on one of their faces but we're going to need to work together this is like a we're like double team action going on uh what exactly are you suggesting a kakame remember when you told me a few years ago that you would do anything for the one you love oh god i do remember saying that we promised we wouldn't let a situation like this pass us as you know by now i keep my promises and now the situation has a horizon and risen and i will do everything in my power to make this work no matter what the cost is oh oh now before we attend the show you need this your ticket okay but you were kind of freaking me out there for a second or we can't just ignore that see you there so am i not the crazy one but my best friend is but she's my bestie i don't think i trust her anymore i haven't seen that side of her in years two days later oh my god i'm hiding by a bush that's always a good sign can you believe how easy this was we made over 400 dollars tonight i know a talent show we hear this is one of the best ideas yet and we only have to perform once they're like edda and eddie would like a scheme for jawbreakers don't mention it hopefully after the show that tara boy wants to join our band he'll be a great business asset definitely shane we have to keep this up this romance act though we had the bad girls over here i know but as soon as we lock him into a contract get the money flowing in we'll be free again dang that's some shady business i guess you could say we do have the tea anyway we should go to the show it's supposed to start soon this was all that's all it was all about no scam artist gets my man they just want some jawbreakers that's all i actually believe with that kai kami i'm sure that she's there already okay cool so now i won't feel bad if we do something bad to these girls right me okay so meet her in the sports hall all right so i heard that this uh music might be a copyright so i'm gonna mute the music oh it looks like it's starting but what's the sports hall i i i know there's the gym is this it you don't look like my best friend oh there she is press y to talk okay hey glad you could make it the show starts soon so just listen to me you first need to just describe the mic technician who is backstage she's no longer watching the mic set up they tapper with suite's mic when she's gone it's the only way you can get her to leave the stage she will go looking for the other technician and we will become and we'll become bored i couldn't even finish it hello everyone glad you can all make it in my year in my day thank you my dears let's make some noise i don't even know the plan but i'll cheer as you already know today's first performance is sung by us we are just as excited as you all are so kill the lights and let's begin oh that's not the only thing we'll be killing i'm sure good luck don't let them win you can do this okay i literally can't mute the music so we're gonna do some editing magic here speak to the people backstage okay wow this is the music they're playing dude this is like kind of amazing now you can have a man you you earned it with those skills you earned it let me just listen to this this is amazing i don't know if it's a hit but it kind of sounds like something i need to do oh i need to talk to this gal over here okay hey can i quickly bother you for something oh hey sorry i got lost a dot there what do you need could you please ask the other technician if they have a spare light bulb the library light went out you know library lights right of course the technician will be here uh a while so hate here for a bit thank you i'm definitely not gonna murder anybody tonight she's like what nothing now i just need to mess with sweeney's mic she ain't gonna sting her trash music anymore oh that's me okay any second now her mic should cut out i'm sabotaging it ah and they got a lot of makeup up here i never noticed that before oh god what are we doing oh there appears to be a problem with my mic there's like electricity going on sorry about this i'll be right back and then we will move on to our next act boo get off the stage the uh pathfinding in the gym is a bit iffy so if a character appears stuck don't worry they'll teleport to their identical location shortly oh okay oh i said are you on something whoa how did you do that oh i can move i didn't know i could move it looks like we got robot chad already like checking it out she knows she knows what's about to happen she's just gonna watch uh where the heck did she go now i have to delay the show so this is where the mic technician would be i guess this isn't so bad i need a break i'll wait here for her to come back i like how she's down there just like waiting in front of the crowd with the hurry up hurry up boo play the trash music again i don't mean that music was actually trash i'm just like playing around guys oh plus why to push oops my hand slips no i can't i should find it myself i do think that'll be necessary i don't think that'll be necessary oh my god what the heck man someone called the police that one person in the crowd wow this is actually pretty entertaining what are you doing up there i came up here to hear all the commotion oh she's here i saw suing fall off the railings i think she hit her sister dang what you're joking right i sure off too how do you know how how do i know you didn't do this i can't trust you this is too much of a coincidence well you wouldn't be wrong because i did do it i press a to reason b to attack it or run multiple choices b i'm pressing b oh just what do you think oh no she's a robot of course i ah of course i wouldn't be able to beat her she's too powerful apprehended oh dude this is pretty cool i like that it's giving us like multiple choices man my plan was perfect i would have got away with it too if it wasn't for that robot oh crap i really do gotta restart ah all right i guess i have to reason no i'm not the one who did this i saw her fall it looked bad but i promise it wasn't me umo you know i would never do something like this please calm down i'm just as scared as you are i don't know how this happened i am so in shock okay i believe you i'm sorry i'm terrified let's just get help already she took the bait whoa we got an ambulance in here i can't believe something like this happened at our school i know the school is being shut down for investigation that's so scary i like how we we play a good act here no way what yeah it's been close for a few weeks or so vacation i mean oh i'm so sad shine oh my god i'm so glad you're okay taro sorry i was just so worried that something had happened to you but i'm glad to see you okay i don't know what accident i've given him who's your boyfriend shian oh him he's ah you've got her all misunderstood i didn't mean that i was just worried thank you taro i'm glad to see you're okay too oh hi wow they got cars up in here i've never seen that in a mod gotta oh did say die okay i died for a second oh here's some dokey donkey music going on hello i'm floating in in space ah this is my conscious talking to me having fun oh it's kind of creepy i am just so you know i'm watching who it would be a shame if you didn't give me a good show two weeks later so as i was saying back at last huh yeah reminds me of quarantine back in 2020 thank god it's over oh my god this takes place in the future holy crap okay oh lord yeah don't remind me i almost forgot about that i don't think anyone's forgetting about that like right anyway let's go inside hey guys good to see you after so long oh is he talking to another girl hey tara it's good to see you too hey back off a guy call me who's that so it's true the legend what is she about to say this is akuma yumi the newest member of the occult club i knew it uh and you can probably guess she has a crush on taro uh oh that's not good from what i've heard they became pretty close over time off and have already been on dates well she hasn't met me yet she dude there's no psycho she certainly hasn't i like the attitude i hope she likes flips because she'll be flipping off of things well you've already been away from so long the desire builds i've clearly got some stalking to do i'll see you later i guy caught me it's just like a normal thing to them ah so soon well if you need me i'll be in your classroom little freaking witches over here talking talking it up oh oh we're getting the scoops guys hey aquaman would you like to go out again tonight that she's she's up to town it's not it's she's just a town of course it's going to be fun going out with you hey are we supposed to be doing something right now uh yeah i suppose cut me a break i'm trying to talk to taro here then let's get going already it'd be a shame if you slipped i'll catch you later i guess hey wait up oh now we're in the bathroom i think they went in here what is it what is this guy doing oh sorry i can't you can't pass akuma asked me personally not to allow anyone in the heck who has a bodyguard in school well that's ridiculous you can't just shut off a bathroom can and will oh i don't like his smug face it's got to add another to the list i guess i have to resort to something else meet a kai kami studio in class 3-1 bro how long is this mod all right i'm here hey kai kami can we talk please we have something to do sorry belruma can we continue this later hey is this about the rifle yes it is yeah she has some she's got something going on she won't anyone near her i'm not sure what to do no i have an idea okay so i need you to meet someone at the front of the school they will be able to help you much more than i can right now what is it a sock full of rocks is that what they're gonna give me they know who you are so hopefully they will ask you if anything if all goes well she'll this is kind of bad for me i'll explain it to you later i promise if i swear if it turns out she's the one that ends up betraying us i'm gonna be so angry all right got it thank you thank you i wonder what's up with the guy call me i at least she's willing to help me okay oh my phone's ringing what the heck hey i'm here meet me outside to get in the lift okay oh well what do i gotta lose you know maybe my kneecaps the gates on the left oh oh they're behind the bushes aren't they nope never mind i thought they'd be here are they here oh they're over here never mind this is like dates oh wow we got a yakuza over here okay hey i was told that uh you could help me yes what service do you need i need you to get rid of someone for me she's an easy target okay i could do that however i'm gonna need you to ask someone to give you a meal uniform so i can get into the school easy i'll be back in a second great i'll ask rico rico soma i guess i think he's on the second floor hallway outside the science lab ah riku he always provides us with the best help oh there he is now rico boy hey rico can i borrow a spare uniform oh sure i only have this on me but you can have it he takes off his clothes oh he did that's exactly what he did thank you so much i'll bring it back asap what a sieve man i got it he was like that was very fast awesome you look just like a student is that much taller now you've done this for me let's get that target of yours yeah she's on the third floor of the bathroom yes i want you to take her shins give me bring her bring me her shins what the heck is this sheen it's my big brother who even is that don't worry about it you don't need to know oh punch oh [Music] did you step on him ah you win okay day oh no no no no i want to see what's happening oh he was like press e to listen in hey what did i pay you for i told you to bring me their shins oh the job is done i'll be on my way now do you want this uniform back no keep it consider this your payment oh she did say you keep it thanks sweet now i finally have clothes now i have to open okay now i have to sort this mess out they just laid down i love it i know i kind of broke the mod there but i'm sorry i really was curious on what was going on i should probably go find tara after class he'll be wondering where akuma is did she put them in the trash hey taro everything okay could be better i was supposed to meet aqua today but i haven't seen her i wonder if her friend made her cancel oh her friend you could say that oh i'm really sorry to hear that uh why would she do something like that wow i have no idea whatever hey do you want to hang out instead school is still open for a couple of hours sure i'd love that maybe we could stare some more great i know a place whoa that seems dangerous oh oh my god what a chad he's put his oh he did the thing it's such an amazing view i've never been up here yeah it reminds me of the beach a little about the sounds of the water and the light breeze it's so peaceful i just push them off i can see that it's so relaxing we won't yell that for being up here right i didn't think so i hope not anyway i don't want to ruin this moment should i ruin the moment me either i really want to like just jump off oh my god as the sun descended to the scenery tower and xi'an were together once again oh my god what a romantic ending this was only the beginning of their story bye and then she died oh we're like in the cafeteria now one week later whoa who's this girl hey i'm new here i'm trying to meet new people it's nice to meet you both i suggest you get to steppen i'm tara what's your name oh no i'm kami um um nice to meet you too oh good to meet you too wow there's so many cute boys at this school too hey chill um excuse me i'm his girlfriend and i don't appreciate oh that doesn't matter i have i say what i want he's still cute oh no no honey anyway i better be off now maybe we could talk later taro she's just coming in here like that wow you didn't say anything huh the heck is her problem later oh god here we go here so tell me more about yourself kami i moved here because i got kicked out of my old school because i was too violent oh okay so she might actually put up a fight but you don't seem like the violet type that's what i thought so my parents uh i got my parents to forge my application form so i could attend here she did everything against the rules isn't that illegal there's no way you could have done that it's illegal what does it matter it's not like anyone will know i'm here now and i'm not gonna go anywhere hey if there's any place she's going this to a grave i've been recording the whole time are we getting expelled ah the counselor would love to hear about this oh my god i'm sorry i can't hold it back i can't hold it back [Music] no i can't punch her there's gotta be something i can do she is now a part of me i've absorbed her nutrients [Music] i'm sorry i couldn't help it today's score of the day goes to [Music] zoe draws [Music] yeah this mod turned out to be a lot longer than i thought it would be so i didn't want to make it all one episode i'm not saying i'm going to finish it but guys go go play it for yourself if you want to it's free they did it i think it was really cool like what they did and just really interesting so that was great i thought it was great it was pretty cool but if you do want to see me like if you do want to see me finish it let me know because i didn't expect it to be that long but either way guys i hope you enjoyed it alright scrubscribe to become a script today and you could eat scrub of the day and i'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 263,318
Rating: 4.9336162 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, osana release, osana yandere simulator, bijuu mike, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere simulator update
Id: 4BxoIDkuO-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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