Stopping Kokona From Going to Town | Yandere Simulator

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if you were your loved ones Noah bunk you might want to turn away because this is not gonna be pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] that's right they're creeping they're crawling it's another episode of bug hunter the yandere simulator show where we hunt the bugs so you don't have to they're just crud everywhere they're just crawling everywhere and oh we got some nice juicy ones today let me explain it is no longer possible to be shelled by de liquid who is currently reacting to being poisoned with any type of poison high-priced poison if I might add okay if you remember like an episode or two ago these are the old prices here are the new and improved prices never mind he increases so much medic lethal haddock sedative this can result in a bug that would cause it to liquid to vomit before he was eating his buds ruin everything in my life alright for this we're gonna use a little bit of hacks because it's actually really easy to get the poison from the deep in so that's what we're gonna do I just don't remember what but we press we press one of these buttons I've seen these are the poisons come out I know I sound crazy but I swear I it's not even listed on here but I always do it on accident okay so that it works don't worry about how we look we're fine I'm like so insanely priced poison also the fake ID now has he we can use it we can use the fake ID and don't you worry we will but that's not part of the bugs we're doing bugs right now so I guess it doesn't matter what we give him so it's miss after I spent a fortune on that poison I got it all right I don't know what's wrong with you guys I'm sorry so now all we do is go to lunch I believe they'll start eating we got to distract them one way or another that way we can poison their bento boxes and obviously pose the bug kid oh yeah so they should shove us while they are reacting to being poisoned so even even with their dying they will still they will still push you because that's who they are they're delinquents the challenging part is going to be getting them to get out of the way if maybe we could just stand behind this wall over here this is the plan at least we're gonna laugh it up right here and they should come around the corner hopefully not knowing that it was me I just look like a clown right now he's got a poison one of them there we go laughs they should have heard that we're gonna go around like nothing happened go behind the bushes oh it works with one of them they're not gonna tell on me right I don't think they will oh he's coming back what a weirdo hey don't worry about it don't worry about it okay so I think it did work now all we got to do is wait with our bread I mean this is the perfect disguise okay he's gonna go over here now he's gonna react oh good okay please work please work mm-hmm tastes a little weird I put expensive poison in here all right so you should push us Oh oh he's not doing anything okay so he still pushes this have you just decided that you're now poison now oh let's try it again but see if another one will do it oh no the student council will they they will will they give you trouble the students will give you trouble for poisoning people hey get out of here no no no no no no no okay all right oh I don't have it up poisoned take it I spent all my money so he's just standing there is that even doing anything I think we may have done it just a little bit too early because he didn't get a chance to throw up we just got to get more poison so if we get just like a sedative or something like that will he just fall asleep right there even after watching me do that to your your fellow delinquents you still don't get it I do I do I know all right here we go now we're gonna wait for him to actually react so he can push us oh he got a headache oh no come on push me you know you wants you push me do it once we get into a flight well that was they actually like cheer me on back off to close it awaits I'm trying to eat interesting you can't actually get like never get mad at you it during lunch tag off they really just want to eat all right let's see what happens if we go out at lunch time you're supposed to be throwing up dude all right wait we got it we're gonna try to get RAM Punk all right dang it why does it scare me so bad oh I'm not doing anything no worth doing but the student council got me in trouble but they are they gonna go tell the teacher since what did they run away like that is it cuz class I started okay was that a bike I don't know guys where does she normally come break up the fight oh I could smell the bikes I wouldn't have to delink will just go like and throw up at his classroom look at him he's holding his stomach Oh cuz I beat him up that's why he's had a bad day he's been poison and we beat him up Oh see you still get pushed can you fight inside in class take me you can't god girl they just break up the fight I've never actually tried that teachers I don't even know what to teach anymore now she doesn't care that I'm in here did we break the teacher we did I think we're still a little too early we gotta try it one more time I think what we need to do is wait for him to completely react to it and run away because if we do it's too early who close oh here we go oh why do you have a girls voice officer I swear I've seen her he drummed her him or her I don't know Anna girls voice in thin air I swear was the weirdest thing I've ever saw well I lost my appetite next book all right I'm glad we retry that that was hilarious thanks a bug that would cost female students become unable to pass wine into the girls shower room if there was a trash can blocking their path this would cause them to walk in circles outside with the towel okay all we have to do is put a trash can in the way and that the students just break down they don't know what to do about it trash can what what's that they all just shriek in fear so this one should be fairly easy to do because all we got to do is place a trap for like coconut Chan you know I bought a big bottle but we should be good okay the trash can should be by the soda machines right next to the chip around here yeah I do is right here somewhere yes the trash can the ultimate you and Aires choice of weapons that makes sense we'll just pretend like it did now I don't know if it means this one or this one so I'll just stick with this one at first and then we'll see if that works and if not we'll try the other entrance way also doesn't really matter who we do it with right so we're just gonna use like I don't know well this is good old coot Gary how about that all right thanks fine we just had a trump right in front of her face okay so now she should not be able to get into the locker room whatsoever moment of truth guys oh okay I get it stuff all over ya dang it it's so hard I've got it I've got it to do it before but it's not easy there we go that's kind of what we wanted but that didn't work Oh like that it's not like that maybe maybe it'll work she didn't say anything this time alright and we will also body block the shower so she shouldn't be able to do anything the bugs they work in mysterious ways I tell you it isn't even affect her anymore she cannot get double wet it's impossible to do she's waterproof now is that a bug within itself or is it a feature of the game I really don't know any of you have information please let me know you shall not pass oh I barely got you just the time okay okay I hope I'm doing this right she's really trying to get through oh no she's getting through no no no ladies and gentlemen for the first time it bug her to history I could not get this bug to work I owe I humbly humbly hope you accept my apology please I'm so sorry it's the book that got away next book this it is no longer possible to sit a sunbathing student to distract someone or to send someone to distract sunbathe students this would cause the sunbathing students to go sunbathe inside of a locker they're like oh man I could just really since I did this locker so alright let's try it alright so the bullies should go sunbathe as they normally do and apparently we can just talk to them and ask him to go to distract somebody and instead of doing that don't just go sunbathe inside the locker where it's nice and sunny in there bunch of weirdos I tell you now I want to test it like can't we do it when they actually lay down okay you go distract what happens they just go distract like another one of the bullies she's just gonna go distract the other one well they both go sunbathe in the locker I'm just curious oh I think they are alright okay oh gosh get still there I really couldn't get that bug to work wait a minute don't tell me how is that possible with bugs anything's possible give them so surprises the privacy while they sunbathe in the locker oh he could distract what happens if she goes distracts the one that's in the locker can we just create like some time paradox she didn't do this so if you laugh then they just stop sunbathing in the locker and they go sunbathe probably where they belong why isn't this game wacky I mean come on next button okay so now that the bugs have been squished it is time for the new contents Wow so remember that word enjo kosai more like in Joe no sigh thanks to that dude we all know and love I guess what if you actually suggested that he tried to eliminate coconut that way she would no longer participate in the enjo kosai but now you Android dev with the new build has made it to where if you actually illuminate her or if she fulfills her you know dad's duties basically where she or her dad is not going to be doesn't need money anymore they shall stop shall do the end oh no side get it from now on coconut will no longer be seen doing enjo kosai if she is dead or if her father has been freed from her death and also apparently you could have activated the flame demon which I do not know but I gotta try this out so if they're not gonna go to the town then who's gonna be on the [ __ ] is it gonna be empty these are the things we need to know will the headmaster be alone I know it's not like we're sure that it's the headmaster but I would like to believe it is okay this should be insanely easy because we had debug commands all we have to do is press G she's gonna be here we're going to push her by my banner pretty flowers no in Joko say for you coconut Jen you should have figured out another way to pay with your dad well that's so messed up I'm sorry alright so now we're all we got to do is pay a visit to mr. turtle this is the new Warnock using debug commands it will interfere with the game's ability to track what events have occurred in general you should learn how to play the game properly instead of becoming over reliance on this turtle this turtle has been with you for so long okay well res Boesky think you do know the turtle has feelings right look at it so sad alright so with that being said all we got to do is go home and we should be good to go alright so now if we go to the town nobody's gonna be there no in Joko site for her what do I have the right bill how is this possible you're supposed to be it said I read it I read it in everything not equal a wait it's still Monday you think that's it maybe we need to go another day she could she fell off the building earlier today but that's okay that was on the same day she's gonna go home if they jump up now I don't know what she's gonna do let's try it going home going to Tuesday okay let's try this now since now it's officially Tuesday what how are you still there we'll get to the bottom of this okay all right so the question is now if coconuts there is she still alive maybe that's a glitch within itself gonna chan where are you where is she does it just not work alright well let's start a new game maybe because we used the turtle maybe we should have heated yawn daredevils awarding a little better let's not use the turtle this time maybe that's what causes it to happen we don't know it's very unpredictable these bugs okay this time I'm gonna offer help I actually want to complete it just to make sure that this works maybe this is the way to do it wait a minute can we still actually do this without a video cam how do we get a video camera or can't we buy it yet because I don't think the stores are actually functioning right now or at least one of them is but I don't think that what we need hopefully this works just fine and we really won't have to worry too much wait why can't we get the sedative anymore we can't get it can we can we get the one from info Chan I don't know if that works though because she doesn't have any keys Musume Musume moosa me hello follow me oh it's right it's in the gym now it's been so long since we've done this and to make matters worse we got that cold Club coming in and out got some privacy please oh we don't have the biology increased crap I didn't even think of that oh the students teleport now I didn't know that all right we gotta increase our biology real quick that's why we couldn't get it ah ah hey I mean come on you can't blame you for forgetting sometimes it does happen okay doesn't matter we still can't get it all right you go nine nights Shh let the bugs do their work the eagle is in the back okay dump it all right enjoy no sigh operation in jono site coming up alright so we would that get midnight to get her alright that nothing nothing no that's changed so we should be good okay so normally when the stores all happened like the psycho store is like function L so normally wouldn't functionality comes to the stores like the psycho store I'm sure we'd have to buy a video camera but for now we're just gonna go on down to the base getting no only available a night okay okay back to the basement now that I think about it she would be the one that goes here's a sanitary chance house been renovated no I think it's not the same I would like to see porygon dairy chance house without that sounded creepy I think I'll pause the game oh if you can actually pause the game okay we're not gonna live in here although that would be enough either one should do right let's just not lemonade her you said that you at some very weird direction for them to go into random Chipmunks alright it is a now officially Wednesday night I'm good just to be safe we're gonna go to the town we're going to go through the entire school day make sure coconuts still there and then try to go to town because I want to make sure we do this just right confirms coke and ice no there is Musa mate Musa may should be all dark right perfect exactly what we wanted please don't be there come on come on are you kidding me at this point she's just doing because she wants to she loves the headmaster piece of crap it looks like I'm not the only one what either even Lucy 58 says if they still have the problems so I don't think I did it right hey yeah man hey I see you I see you confirmed coconut Jan this is her boyfriend Riku sorry I'm so sorry for you Headmaster's in the house now breaking news everybody there's a new bug update scrolling past this very very kawaii looking okay I love it I love that she has cooked ice cream that looks like death anyway in a previous bug fix the update I stated the coconut was going to stop appearing in the street if she was dead or her father's debt problems have been fixed however that feature wasn't actually working as some now that feature should be functioning as intended we hear a bug hunter will be the judge of that except it's a little too late because there's already a fence up there so we gotta start a new game today dad bye bye will she come back for the dead this time let's find out operation in Jonas I was a success although if I might say so myself I think a really great touch but to have the guy over here just crying or big sad by himself would add a really great touch to it isn't it wonderful nothing well the last thing that we can do is obviously use the store I guess I finally get to use of that cold hard earned cash buy $10 buy something oh man I'm so excited I still remember the first day I got a paycheck from a job I bought it Xbox I put an Xbox on layaway it was freaking sick so we can actually buy the fake ID now oh here we go oh my god what should I buy oh great selection wait you can't buy anything what we're the only thing you buy you sleeping medicine and I'm broke seriously I'm sorry ma'am but it seems you don't have enough money so just that I have anything I'm gonna use my fake ID to bite that grant that dude use a serrated M game oh we can only buy manga whoopsy so this is what we need the fake ID poor I hope she's going to leave now thanks for your patronage oh thank you I'm gonna buy it all why cuz I'm a freaking weeb I'm buying it all there you're out of business now I think it's time for scope of the day a swoop of the day goes to [Music] place Andy I demand coconut stops the enjo kosai twain willis stop I'm sure it was a mistake that that wasn't fixed or changed but uh Here I am alright guys hope you enjoyed that if you enjoyed bug hunter please smash like and also check out other videos that do worse stuff please I'm asking nicely all right love you scrubs out there and I'll see you the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 484,544
Rating: 4.94874 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, yandere simulator, yandere simulator new build, yandere simulator bijuu mike, yandere simulator town gameplay, bug hunter, bug hunter bijuu mike, kokona, kokona haruka, yandere, dev, yandere dev, yandere sim, kokona town yandere simulator, simulator
Id: Mgmbdib76IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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