Yan Chan kidnaps Senpai Official Ending

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all right last due date this would be the moment of truth right here what is that my yawn dari gamers welcome back I am here and I am ready to beat this freaking challenge to the ground that's right it's like eight o'clock at night I ask coffee alright not just any coffee I got the power of bendy on my side I'm gonna need the help from the demons I got slight sugar in here okay last episode in case you missed it there was a new ending apparently added to yandere simulator but it required you to do the genocide challenge which means eliminate everybody in the game in order to get it while sent by stays in school it's a lot harder than you think it is it's kind of like the EPC challenge but I don't know if it's harder or not it's just hard but today we're here to give it our all yeah if you missed last episode go check it out I'm starting a fresh new game hey I have not seen this ending I really hope it's worth it the problem you probably is it but we're gonna find out together that's how confident I am that we're gonna beat this okay maybe we'll like unlock the new room or something I don't know I wonder if that's in the game yet alright first order of business of course of course dot we got to go to the Art Club and enjoying that I just think that that's probably the best like Club to be in for the whole ketchup on your shirt I'm sorry I beets really super right now I mean I'm always stupid what am I not stupid but like when I have coffee especially later at night like I didn't get a little loopy and uh I guess you could say I have coward that's the kanji for power you say are you how you say it is Chikara cheek Abba I have the cheek ara right now Chikara right now I am going to do my best not to use any deeper commands I just use the one as I said that that's how how much I use them but I don't want to lose lose this and I know I'm gonna get very angry where's the frickin art club man come on come on come on there he is get changed I'm joining yeah yeah yeah okay all right now we've never covered ourselves in paint let's go to the roof and let's get the first knife I'm gonna eliminate everyone on the roof and then I'm just gonna go down what I really really need to do okay another thing that makes this challenge very hard as you actually have to do this all in one day you cannot do this in two days it's all what if you don't do it you're screwed last episode I used the demon powers to do the challenge but clearly they didn't let me pass the game that way so we're not gonna use the demon powers that we can't and when I could use any Easter eggs as well this is just good old-fashioned yawn Jerry first faked them a lot forgot to censor cooling okay all right first one down I'm gonna save it cuz without there's a safe system just again if you didn't watch last episode there is now a save system which does make this challenge actually a lot easier but make no mistake it's still very challenging all right laugh it up hope no one's listening see it's important to laugh that way we get our sanity up it makes it very hard to kill people when your sanity is down the more you know I'm just gonna do my best it doesn't matter because we have the flowers there but I'm just gonna do my best to get people out of the way I feel like that's probably the best course of action yeah good enough whatever alright I really really want to start with the student council they suck so bad I hate them actually plan plan time plan time I have a plan okay we're gonna close this I came up with a theory last episode if we can get a student council to find a dead body they become actually sooo pretty easy to kill that's what I want to do all right come on sucker we did with you let's go or knows that shaggy I don't know I can't remember his actual name but oh no another one saw it heard me stupid Freddie what I do know what I do I said who do you heard me all right cool hey no this works this works no okay yeah let's get a two-for-one that's great ah ha ha I hate this I'm not good off with this MIDI game at all oh my god oh my god I'm gonna tell this already dude no no dude this is so hard that is insanely hard I [Music] fell there that's ok it look it specifies specifically the Z debug command so I'm gonna I'm gonna use one I'm gonna use the strafe debug command because that's really gonna help us out so much all right all right all right we got this I am worried I worried at all are you worried don't be shouldn't be alright we're gonna do this before the end of the day anyway so no one should come up on the roof except for maybe a student council I think one of them comes up here I don't remember just as long as they don't bust their phone out that's all I really care about also we should really go for like the low-hanging fruit we should go to the drama club because they stay outside oh and I was gonna say the oppo Club but speak of the devil here they are get it cuz the I'm gonna go to the drama club to take them out I hope to god no one goes to the roof I don't think anyone's ever gonna go to the roof so Oh a is in the martial arts Club which is also gonna be pretty hard to take seriously the drama club we came in here to you oh no they haven't went outside yet ok call we're good we're so good I think then we can give the sports club alright - so we can get a lot of people out here see we just gotta think constructively that's all we have to do our thing running inside there what why are they you know if they supposed to Jade I didn't do that that's a bug a big old bug alright we're about to do a conga line of death right now this is gonna be pretty easy I think nobody comes out here as far as I know whoever's in last place literally dies all right this is what happens II don't run fast enough all right keep in mind there might be again - every girl behind you when you go to school and there we go see it actually does kind of help us to be with our stamina down though because we do instant kills essentially that's only if we do it from the back all right we're good and we can't even go to lunch either because if we go to lunch without disposing of the bodies then they're gonna know and they're gonna call the cops it's always calling the cops of these people first thing they do oh here comes that cult bug all right cool actually I can I can get them all right here it shouldn't be a problem all right right here right here come on why'd you turn around okay we're good we're good we still got this one of them walked in didn't even know what was happening now you will tell someone I don't trust you okay all right I'll just wait for her to go in no it's active we're acting - all right we're obviously gonna wait for them I'm gonna drag this body out of the way when people were in groups they could tackle you so we gotta be careful Oh someone saw it so saw it where where where where what's the heck what the heck who are you what's the posture sisters all right sisters die sisters ha now I kind of hope the student council comes out here and sees them because that would actually make it pretty easy to eliminate them as long as they don't see you of course now we're doing the conga line of death over here which is what I'm really hoping for the conga lines of deaths are really the best way to go stop so it's awesome it's aw what a shame you do not tell a teacher I'm gonna stop you well I'm gonna tell okay well we're gonna have to eliminate the teacher - all right I don't think this is it's not felled yet I should have known they were gonna come okay I just gotta wait for them to come outside that's the only course of action that I have now okay No you wait no not this time not this time okay all right I did it this why wouldn't I save me why why did it take me song oh man okay this is so dumb I was that wasn't supposed to happen I feel like there's something we can learn here I mean I can I can just wait I know that the student council is gonna come around there be prepared I can't believe I didn't save any of those such a dingus sorry I'm just part of myself sometimes that's what you sound like stupid all right saving it now her sisters gonna get mad what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you two weak weak weak sauce student councils gonna come over and see this and while we're waiting for the student council we could take out the Garden Club member cambar bro name starts with you all right cool this will work that's all right this is so gonna be really easy to don't worry I'll use you as fertilizer it's very fitting for her right now we wait for the student council member oh and speaking of the devil here she comes she's like oh I had to tell the teacher what could bei tattletale you're dead okay all right I know what I did wrong I didn't I was supposed to wait for her to run that's when you can do it crap I thought I could do it then but I saved it go go go go oh there's a teacher right there hmm okay that's very close but it works didn't it all right cool I'm saving you that was a very good checkpoint I think I'm telling you this is gonna be official no cheating well you know is less cheating is like a possibly do the delay quits would probably it would probably be better to get the delinquents when they're going back because fighting them all would take away to them just walking now why aren't they running why are you not running okay okay this might be see this I should have laughed I'm such an impatient person I just I should have waited okay they're gonna turn around alright I think we're good I think we're good we don't think they can see through that door can they I don't think so all right that would good good positive vibes in this challenge only save time saving it nothing a little checkpoint there what does the martial arts club doing they're kind of taking a little bile they should be coming around here pretty soon right oh yeah what screw it I saved it right let's just do it Oh perfect this is got a perfect oh no they're gonna come around aren't they out of rimbor laughs laughs laughs laughs they're just like hey there's a few members here right is that flowers flowers dude if only you knew what I was about to do to your friend all right cool we're done we're done with this save time Danny I'm feeling so good about this you know when you break it down like this it's not that hard okay now I think next we want to do is the martial arts club within the delinquents we'll just get all of outside done oh there's the martial arts now I think they're coming outside which is absolutely perfect yes that's what I want to see lots of walking all right let's see your martial arts beat my conga line of death style all right this is the only window I have to attack them though okay I just turned into a freakin gorilla when I do this huh all right come on next come on Bhutan boy put on boy your ex your ex come on you next just don't see man all right cool we got them out of the way save time oh of course they would apprehend me I don't even think of that that's fine I just saved it what who see who seen where this is all of course of course that which would have to come and ruin everything where let me get you I'm gonna get you no no no no no no no no no okay she ran right to the teacher okay well I get still Leben ate them but dang is gonna be harder okay no come on why don't they fight you why did it is automatically pepper spray you they're not goggles in this game or something that's a problem why why does that happen it just causes like some students just keep on moving no matter what and it causes if the Gators continues it just messes everything up even though it was supposed to be exactly how it was when you saved it I don't even know I really don't even know who they saw can't even tell you because I didn't kill anyone inside there she just saw them okay maybe I can just catch our on her way down there we go there we go there we go she was running everything oh is that her is that her right there oh another one goes to the roof oh wait no yeah of course one goes to the roof what if there's no teachers to tell then what do they do there's no way we can actually do that though okay I don't know why it worked that time but it did alright the other one should be coming down right like any second now yep there she comes she's gonna see the body and when she does I'll kill her too treading on thin ice here I don't want to save it just yet cuz I don't know if this is a good thing to do gotta wait gotta wait and let's go alright cool alright that works that worked cool cool cool cool cool okay well someone's coming wrap alright we could probably take advantage of this it doesn't help that we're right next to the teachers there's another one coming I know okay we have we have a little bit of time I know she's right here don't you take that picture you won't be no bullys called where don't you do it you forced my hands oh my god that she's freaking here I hate to suitor council so much Oh she'd be kiss me no come okay they just force you to stop what makes me so bad is that somehow the student council has freaking Byakugan from Naruto and they just see 360 degrees or 359 I know for all you that watching arts are you're gonna crash me on that assignment I'm going straight up to the roof I'm gonna try to meet her as far out there as I possibly can she's gonna come down right here got her oh my god it's a chain reaction what are you gonna do what are you gonna do huh okay you know what that's fine he's stuck I don't care Oh surprise his high didn't even fit that was a surprise to me too oh so what when where did they go down oh it's student council so to cancel oh crap who are you alright you know this might work it's my work it was this this is the teacher no it's gotta be obviously they don't the only wants to do that oh well she didn't know she didn't know all right I I really don't know what's happening but I think it's a good thing she didn't see me like John Cena all right if I just run out she won't see me oh my god okay so what okay okay yes come over here oh they call the cops I really hope that doesn't matter coming coming Mary okay all right this is better this is better now the shooter counts is gonna come out oh no they're in this teachers lounge right now and they saw they already saw it's okay I got to get her over here hopefully they don't know it's me oh my gosh she brought all the teachers out this is all because of a bug by the way I had such a nice flow within it all screwed up okay I actually managed to take up wow I actually managed to take out the student councils I think I got them all I really hope that's gonna work the only problem is two students seen the blood and they ran away I just hope they didn't run home oh no those other girls running towards these people anymore just uh she's got a mind of her own I think that's a frickin students left let's go yeah being fought by goose I'm sorry I gotta catch him come here big boy big boy all right cool that works that actually worked out and I stopped the picture man oh good yeah Jerry player no COO Jerry I like you but you're gonna die okay I think this is actually working and it's the same I've got like most of the students I think now see if we can do it I don't know if we can but we'll try like oh you should even though I'm doing this do it two words I'm ready to take them all on all right oh I can't believe this is actually working you know the first three couldn't do it so you'll do it right I mean you know who did it I'm right here you ain't calling the cops while fighting me dude you're great at multitasking yes all right now he's gonna get the nurse oh wow okay this could be perfect the hardest part about waking up is Folgers of your cup but that's not what I'm saying right now the hardest part for me it's not gonna be that the hardest part now is gonna be the room with senpai in it because if sampai ceases its it's a game over all right well that didn't work but I just saved it so I could give two breaths I have an idea I have what if we can get the radio to distract people delinquents the delinquents where's the delinquent at how did they see where are they they're extremely late to class I forgot they do that oh god I gotta catch that one I'm here Oh a might not make it I might not make it I might not make it come on oh my god I can't believe I dude like you don't go oh my god dude you know ever that's so close that's so close right I'll fight you let's fight let's fight dude square up square up can I be everyone else do you think you can do it yes okay well I thought that delinquent you're in school that answers that so wait yes all right we got this class down just a clue more I don't know what we're giving for senpai but if we're gonna do something they all run inside of Sam Pie's class don't they they know they know that's my target of course they went it's just like them too I forgot you can destroy phones yeah super-good by surprise if I no no no no no oh oh gotta leave yeah boy oh no come here no he ain't what are you gonna do with that I got what if I'm to leave and that's what happened we probably could finish it all with snap mode actually it would be really easy to do it but I don't know if that's gonna work why can't I pick up my knife oh no oh no this isn't good is it I can't even kill them oh I swear on my life if this big oh my god if that becomes the gamebreaking glitch oh my god it is it's it's glitched I'm gonna the load another save you know what screw it I'm gonna try I'm gonna try see you snap works why not what if it works it would save me so much time why is the same main menu I don't care as long as it works that's really all I care about if this works I'm gonna be so happy these glazed figures who is sad music the background really not fitting for the situation it wasn't in the rules that snap didn't work given the Smackdown to Oliver right now I mean I don't see why this wouldn't work alright last two days this would be the moment of truth right here hmm it works something's wrong yes why is it so quiet oh my god why did I just do that happened everyone they're all gone senpai what I got rid of them so the two of us could be alone together I I don't understand what are you talking about I want you all for myself senpai I don't want anyone to come between us so I killed them all no no you're joking this has to be some kind of prank I'm serious senpai how do you say there wasn't boys in fact let me show you just how serious I am you're really starting to hey what are you doing yeah we finally get senpai yeah away from me No Oh Richie there's a kisi point oh you have no idea how relieved I am I am so relieved you're hard and I did it I did it officially in everything I did it all I mean there were slight cheating but I'm a human okay like I'm not I'm just so just so happy I don't know what else to say freaking did it alright is there anything after the credits no that was it yes senpai was all ours we did it we got the first city you guys like that smash like thank you so freaking much guys for watching you just supported me in general and yeah maybe we'll tackle the ABC challenges I feel like I feel like I could do anything a life now thank you guys so much and I'll see you scrubs to the next week I'm gonna go to bed alright bye guys 3 hours by the way just sayin [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,047,947
Rating: 4.9563432 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator end, yandere simulator genocide route, yandere simulator genocide, yandere simulator bad end, yandere simulator bad ending
Id: jCebmTE9lCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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