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Obvious yet obligatory statement about how he could use this time to program the main aspect of the game.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Chez_Rakowski 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Obligatory Bijuu Mike is a clickbait shit channel that called yansim content kids content until coppa happened

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Urmomgeyyyyyyyyy 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not even Bijuu Mike seems impressed, I don't think he likes the update and I thought that would be impossible

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what is that my scrubs welcome back to another episode of young mary-kate and Ashley simulator it looks like we got ourselves some more bugs [Music] [Music] yes that's right welcome back to another episode of bug hunters the show where we find the bugs in yandere simulator and we squish them it's the best show on Netflix but before we get start with that we do have some new features in the game that you might be interested into it in in yeah last episode we did the ABC killer challenge or the alphabet killer shower just what it's really called exaggerative officially realizes the challenge and is actually implemented an entire mode dedicated to its dedicating the mode abcdefg let's just go into it I obviously can't talk you do the ABCs what the heck am i doing on the table are you scared I think this was the new additions the girls are already bullying people like I hear of them what are you bullying there's no one here that's really weird for them to start off the day doing that but yeah so now before you actually start like a normal day but now you start in obviously in class and everything is just like normal so that's been new but that's not it so there's actually been some new items that have helped us or that will help us complete this challenge which by the way I still think it's impossible so now we have steep bombs we freakin just part it up in school they call the smoke bombs but I think they're different unless they are just actually pink so now actually I tells us how many bombs we have although I think we can only have one I haven't read everything about it scrolling past this amazing little meme we have here I love it the player now has access to sneak bumps dropping a steep bomb Bowl cause nearby students to run away it eventually returns to their routine this feature has the possibility of becoming an official feature so yeah yeah it's like testing out things and things like that and amnesia bombs says like the men in black thing dropping an amnesia bomb we'll call script by students completely forget that what they just witnessed a murder Oh God oh so you can do five at a time yeah it's like dude it's so much more help I honestly I still think even with all of these new things and we even have a Rubik's Cube and we can hide weapons in here so yeah oh dude I was trying to put this on easy mode I just don't know if it's really still possible even with all these things to help us it's so insanely hard she's not smart enough to do a Rubik's Cube but I guess that's something they kind of like keeps them occupied how to use these Gibbs X oh it's cheap oh my god oh yeah no chance ah are you so much oh my god we're immune to it we're always with this awful smell all the time I never take a shower that's a great thing you must quit all kinds of speed walking competitions can we just think them out of school is that possible where do they run that's extremely helpful I can see why that is actually something that would be very nice to have amnesia bombs especially quickly we got a right to the maze everyone knows that's that's the place that smells good it's impossible but what if we do this you'll never get out alive you will smell my farts till you die so we can effectively barricade how didn't you how did you get over here I think Midori's got amnesia already we didn't have to use a bomb she just always has amnesia and I'm very sad to say but we can no longer use the Easter eggs and AP cdefg bode we can't use the turtle we can't use the boy goddess we can't do nothing it's too bad obviously any run that involves cheats or Easter eggs is completely invalid well there are actually rules to this I can't just really nearly use all the deep bugs in Easter eggs like some crackhead all right I can't do that we actually have to stick to some specific guidelines and rules that if we break them if I break them I have to set my hair on fire oh I literally don't remember say that but at public entry to put it public that must have been from the first time I did the the the challenge so that's right we can't use those or else I will I will have to stick to my words crap why did I say that you good are you lost do you have a reason to be here oh I'm just taking up your class but I does if we use the sneak bomb next to simp I oh no keep it fast for a time oh my god this is awful the Android debut gave us keys to the kingdom and now you take them away what am I supposed to do you understand how like how much debug commands has been part of be playing yandere simulator it's been I'm just really not used to playing without them feels like I'm holding in a sneeze it's awful picture this senpai finally notices us it's it's been forever years even we didn't even have to eliminate any rifles he notices us Ayano i love you i love you so much and then and then BAM amnesia bomb he forgets it all it's just my latest perfume that I bought at the mall do you like it he forgot her doll ha dang gets he noticed us at everything can we give him the Rubik's Cube no we can't you can I really need someone to solve this please I need a boy with a big brain like yourself senpai so now what I'm wondering is there actually a real prize now because I feel personally if if I'm gonna sit here for hours on end trying to complete this challenge and probably to take multiple episodes to do I would I would like it a real a real challenge I don't want to know the end of the game okay maybe that's a little too much but like me knowing now that Osada is gonna be at the end of the game doing Wiggly arms I don't really want to beat it like yeah for cloud sure I just think we needed incentive so you guys know that I'd be keeping up a hatsune a Lucifer for a long time they've been actually trying to do thee the alphabet killer challenge and the game glitches on them I watched this video where they gots a freakin a certain character then the game just glitched and then this one right here they got 268 oh my god and I think they're doing it legit too I tried everything to stop the de liquid but everything got bug didn't even let me dip it in the water that's what I'm scared of because sometimes people can just see through wall it's not fair man it is essentially in a possible challenge to be honest that's why I'm not gonna really try it wait there's no Easter eggs but yeah we could use we can still unlock oh my god I got to try something so we can still use the bike that's Easter Egg isn't it I think yeah I forgot about that one oh I see that the knife is back over here that's been fixed we also have this robot that follows us around but the thing is it actually stops once it gets to a certain point once it sucks up a you know enough red kool-aid it'll actually stop so you can't just have it always cleaning up the the plate but it is it is something that does help us out again it is a great help for all of you that really do want to try this challenge I just don't really feel like ripping my hair out right now but I am curious to see if this Easter Egg will actually work oh yeah well you gonna lock them oh my god alright I sell my Rubik's Cube day this is the future I have a robot following me in a robot wall I solve a Rubik's Cube that is so cool alright don't run over anyone don't run over anyone there she is no no no get out get out get out get out get out here stick ball time sneak papa you're forgotten about everything that's not the amnesia bueno okay have any of you actually spelt the stinkbomb they mean it when they say his stinks it's awful when I was in eighth grade so in late one in a hallway and it was awful everyone had to evacuate immediately people were like freaking gagging it was awful the kids always do that I hated that school hood what I want to know is who creates these bio weapons baby we're gonna need something that powerful to complete the alphabet killer challenge I don't know if it's just me but my mouse is moving on its own I don't know why I don't know if it's in my computer or what I had burritos last night by to stop reading his book Oh God hey whoever smelt it dealt it right secret stopped them from going in simple you fool don't be a hero oh he won't I know he will simple loves my steak please notice me Oh could you imagine how embarrassing all right moving on to the first plug apparently it's it's it's apparently possible to get into the snap arts and it's apparently possible to get into the counselor's office using snap mode but you have to use the diamond that we don't have in this post we gotta jet back to the older build and you can actually just amble with nemesis as well this is again once again hot today it leads to if you guys love the Ender's tubular content and just like little things especially bugs I go to check them out I always shout them out so we're gonna try some of these I'm really curious I've been wanting to do it for a while but yeah oh god I guess I killed everyone no one's here it's like a ghost town with being set by but that's okay because for this we're just gonna need some pie and oh how I missed you ancient evil I think all we actually has to do is get simply in there and we can obviously do that with this little demon trick so I think we just teleport it in there and it'll just it'll just happen it just works okay just understand okay he's there and now we're just lap it up Oh apparently that's not enough laughing you sound enough usually it would be though let me add okay so you can't come out not as on oh yeah he'll this is all it'll take [Music] excuse me the door so disappointed in me I'm sorry door and so the way this works is because simply is in here right we have to go to senpai does teleporting us instantly in the counselor's office I can see even though when I'm in kool-aid most she's still too busy to pay attention to us I'm gonna snap your neck teachers this is forgiving me huh nerd why did you have to give so much all right we're just teleporting around you just gotta wait so what happens if we can't get to it will just keep teleporting now this is like now the debugger really does look like a Shinigami cut it is perfect if you think about it I know well we got in but I wanted to walk around counts are over there kids these days she's like like that's it you're expelled so I did it wrong we gotta go around now we wait ha ha ha it's your time to die now of course it doesn't work she's not actual student but it's cool I could say I did this do it do it do it get your vaccinations do it do it get your flu shot do it I know I need to do it next but so obviously you can do the same thing in 4 chance room but what I want to know because I haven't watched the video I know hot today at least so did this as well but I don't know if Ahn actually kicks us out or knives she's like could you stop snapping in here and get out of my room because she doesn't act like a normal student I think it'll it'll probably just kick us out of snap mode snapping is prohibited and info Chan's room I honestly can't believe it's never occurred to be to try this anyway he said there she don't kick you out what do you have that I don't so to see simp I in there oh but when Sam pies in there is so totally fine ok oh he's not actually noticing us though this one's a little more trickier than the other one come on Sanaa P come here maybe we need a weapon come on I'm physically armed over here senpai yes I did you what it's because I already had a weapon crap I was too close oh I didn't break the rules though because I'm not intended for Chen's room crap that was hard enough as it is alright no weapon the cookie clubs like tried to get in there I don't know where he's at I'm trying to find him I think in order for this to work we probably have to get the bat because we can't stab senpai with the bat so this should work simple I just looked at the cracks in the wall or something [Music] oh I've never seen this before so that's what happens with your soup she still loves it but also is a shame oh wow that's dude that's a new face there she looks like she's gonna perform the old cinema ninjutsu oh my god that face she's dead she's gone bonkers oh we actually did we're stuck that way oh my god I didn't even staff in the night did you go that far he's faking it all right this should work this should teleport us I think oh no info chatter you gonna have no snapping not in her room senpai you're safer today although I still don't know why she discriminates against me I just froze the game Wow info chan is that powerful apparently okay next bug fix the bug that would cause the decapitated students to come back to life during snap mode I also seen this on the Hudson a loser's channel but yeah well we're gonna try that one alright so to do this one it's pretty freakin easy you just gotta wait for peak haired boy to come to school and trip and then final destination happens here goes my slide and boy right now he's gonna fall cuz he's an idiot but uh oh my god really you didn't know hey no no you're you a back you go back oh I know the gate really does not shut right this is old build obviously but I didn't I thought that was like only a snap pose if that happened I think this didn't work cuz he's not okay I know why and there he goes oh actually didn't work at all imagine having the most elite school that's like super rich but their gate is just like so broken yes this word this works just fine it's closed oh are you kidding me all right I've getting it this time come on rude okay you did know so I sent me this glitch is gonna work he's gonna come right back to life and everything will be fine oh my god snap has that much power oh my god you know I think I will I think I'll listen to that advice this is terrifying no oh god that's hilarious can we take this further though what have used the circular saw and somebody Oh God next but hey no you ain't if he comes back to life now throw this game away that's too scary oh she still she's still doing that now well I could actually move around I'll just snap off screen that's fine okay I had a check although if we squish his head off first I think it'll work I think no matter what okay you know I'm so good okay I gotta see if this will happen so we got to go get the circular saw oh no no no no no no no you don't see nothing okay okay I'm just gonna fix it I gotta fix this I gotta fix this no you won't let me pick it up now how did that happen we always manage to mess things up all right so now that we're doing this the CB gets back up after snap mode cuz you had a bad day okay you don't get back like I had to try it okay breaking news everybody a groundbreaking change has been added to the game and I did you Mike have the scoops for you apparently before I was about to upload this video a new bill just came out and we have a new easter egg but is that the focus oh no it's the experimental grass I gotta say this grass looks like it'll tickle my butt cheeks really well it does no but really there's a new easter egg and i just wanted to check it out real quick okay that's why I got no face cam all right I'm not I'm not camera-ready you keep shy so for this one I think you guys could take a guess with what it is gonna be wits go to ebola mode though so let's do that but if we press what are we press so if we press be like a bunch of times it changes and look at that I mean I'm not gonna say what it is I think you guys could take a good guess of what this is I can't say I'm really surprised that this is at its the game what I want to know does it work exactly the same yes it does it works exactly the same okay that that's about it that was the breaking news today scrub of the day goes to Hannah banana thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 364,660
Rating: 4.9447598 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator bijuu mike, yandere simulator bijuu mike bug hunter, yandere simulator snap mode, yandere simulator, new easter egg, yandere simulator easter egg, bug hunter bijuu mike, bug hunter
Id: NGug2txLv3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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