Lily's Garden Ads are back and its worse than ever

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[Music] at the Christmas party so I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a pretty awful year there's just so many things that I could list off but there's one thing that has made it very very special at least in my heart and that ladies and gentlemen is Lily's garden I gotta say I really didn't give a crap about gardening until I seen that beautiful beautiful face Lily quite frankly she's stolen my heart don't tell my wife okay I've never seen my wife garden once so when I see Lily do some gardening actually actually I never seen her garden either in case you don't know Lily's garden is a app that came out with very very curse ads about I don't know three or four months ago it just really took the internet by storm everyone was so invested I mean I still AM invested in the story that's why I'm making this video but everyone's so invested in the story of Lily's garden see all the ads which actually has its own YouTube channel if we did a video reacting to it okay but none of these ads really have to do anything with the actual game so I actually care about the ads more than I do care about the game because it's just a very gripping story you know it's like on one hand I have all these anime stuff in here but really it's all about Lily's garden and what's happening in her garden you guys have been tweeting me Lily's garden ads for like a long time I thought it was about time that we checked up on it because it has been a while what has lily been up to has she actually done any gardening lately is her mom actually alive is there any more washing machines thanks to the youtuber tygo Soros they made a timeline version tube with all ads in order just updated what about a month ago so yeah I they're probably gonna come out with another one but yeah it's been a while let's see what Lily's been up to this is the hole Lily's anime I all in order right now so let's take a look at it year one ah see they always make you feel so sorry for her I remember when I first seen this I was actually crying real tears she can't get a break she's just trying to guard it she can't guarding everything's broken her boyfriend apparel I'd never noticed that before who was named Luke never even showed up [Music] ah who actually lays on the couch with shoes on that should be a actual crime I'm reacting to these because I need a refresher right I need a refresher of everything that's gone on I just feel so bad for her Patrick hi and then is it that look though he goes straight to massaging her her feet and also how do they know what this is if this is actually an order I feel like pretty soon they're gonna come out a little ease garden-like book you know how they do like but it with like video games like they come out with the whole lore and everything like that oh I've never seen that one it was a nightmare so I guess Lilly I don't know if this is still the garden house it kind of looks like the same couch oh yeah she has the ice cream so yeah Wow okay there's some there's some continuity there that's really interesting I see it and then she's hanging out with her mom I really don't know what her mom does who is this what his hook so serious that's a weird it looks like a professor or like a teacher he's like you know what I forgot about that oh my god okay she's doing yoga now I really don't remember this I guess it has been three months as long as a long time in YouTube be a months oh oh yes we can't forget what started it all the washing machine the only reliable man in her life the washing machine never leaves it might break but it never leaves it always stays in the same spot unlike all of the other men Wow useless men now this is one that I haven't actually seen all of the wait but you guys have been showing this for so long I guess she told all of her friends about it she's like guess what I came I have something that'll blow your socks off and then you could put your socks inside of them it's the washing machines so Lily and all of her friends have gathered as a party I guess and they all just got their coins and they're just gonna go to town god that's not okay this is I've never actually seen that one all the way is this like what young women do huh I haven't been to a laundromat in a long time but I would imagine if I go and I seen this like I'm someone sitting on the washing machine like hey I know what you're doing them in their wine I better freaking the owners gotta come in there with a broom and start just like swatting them out of the way have I seen this one yeah so I may have just not see them in order say the thing is like the channel Lily's garden adds they come out with all of these ads but they do it in a different order for some odd reason I don't know why they don't do in Clutton Inc chronological order it's like they want us to piece together the puzzle what is it actually trying to tell us so this is where she meets Luke right that is Luke right that's Blaine if I remember right who she's very uh not happy with okay yes I received this one [Music] she's very unhappy with him but it's really confusing because she had the dream about the dog or by him licking her face so she wanted to be with him at some point and then they all go to the movies except this is another guy so it kind of looks like Blaine's brother or something like that but he's so confusing oh oh oh that was like I like a little poppin right there almost like an anime flashback Oh interesting okay but now it's Christmas I don't know if I've seen this one I heard somebody's get very cursed but I wanted to see the story in order the mistletoe no no I'm so disappointed in myself I said that I wouldn't let it blame ten the gardens and now I gave in she just loves the bad boys row she's like worse than the Joker look at this mood shift with the Hank so you know this is you know what this is the leave desperate stop being so desperately you own land [Music] okay so but she's obviously like it seems like the whole entire time she's with freaking oh my god is that a vacuum cleaner all ring and a Blaine got her a vacuum cleaner why I don't like where this is going no wonder why she likes machines oh my god all right so that was your one this is your two haven't they really been going on for that long but she's still with him she's trying her best to hold on to it I like this she does stay committed but he does some really impressive stuff like that had been not oppressive stuff like that oh boy is he gonna pay that bill Oh II think it is right Oh scooter that he used to leave for he left skipped out on the bill and just left her there I did what I wouldn't know was white lily so attracted to these abusive relationships I think they really need to go on the dr. Phil show or something plain thinking of you but you don't need him oh my god see this is why I think I've been to this before but it's just like when you see someone cheat on you you're not just gonna do that like you're gonna be like freaking out not just like oh no and then she still stays with it I don't get it [Music] and that's what she gains the self respect that she deserves always has that pregnancy test at the ready Blaine stuff so now he's out of the picture we won't see him again right I'm pretty sure that's wrong the girls over here so yeah how about those that wash surgeon now then they start dancing oh yeah that's right don't they get arrested hey man they just love those blond guys she can't stay away from them what's these police men do they actually just gel cells just at the ready like they just tow him around at all times this must be a big problem he's just like well at least they weren't at the washing machines this time oh yeah okay so Halloween I know I'm really acting to some of these but I thought you have to get the whole picture Oh God [Music] oh it just keeps on going I love how they really did that the continuation is just so amazing yeah this is the part where she pretty chipper tends to kill her right yeah yeah yeah but it's just the kapeniak oh my god why do they got a pole in there I mean Blaine deserves oh oh they're perfect together oh my gosh she's actually a lot scarier when she does that cheers were awful people so while they're having fun Lily's just living it up by herself it's Christmas time there was a point where like she has her mother's ashes right I got to remember how that happened I think she got hit by a bus how does that happen oh how awkward Blaine and Lily used to go out but now they you know he's Blaine is with her mother but she's just absolutely awful really she really does deserve to get like hit by a bus now now she's forced to invite them at the Christmas dinner wait wait wait what's what's actually happening right now do I miss something why is she so excited why is she kissing at the Christmas party okay now this is way worse than okay that's so bad why wow I'm sure she's just painting his toes like really her mom is so bad she deserves anything is this really supposed to get me to play the game I know the game's not like this just like what are they going for here they're just like how can we top it how could we talk the curse this too hard life oh god they just don't have to have no boundaries why is she kissing a [ __ ] oh god she just looks back at all the bad things that happened to her feel so bad for her alright so now is your three oh so this is like not in actual yours but the games were like quarter okay if it does make sense Luke Oh mr. cleans blinds you watch out you see it eight is in agent oh oh they're doing oh my god I could see why she liked blame now oh oh I got the pictures where's the money okay here's the money so now I was supposed to feel sorry for him now oh god I said this is all new to me I've not seen these Luke and his girlfriend break up Lily goes on a date with Luke it is natural that they would you know they do kind of belong together he seems like a pretty stand-up guy oh that's so cute at one point well then with his mom come in here ruin this entire thing oh just not didn't take very long did it this is what I'm talking about just no boundaries with Lily's mom kick her out kick rocks Lily's mom she's trying to be happy she deserves it okay I think we're okay though V look at the prestige of bread man is like freakin that Ohio would only get up in the background - Lily is like has such like disdain for her mother that she literally put that up in her kitchen thank you mom for being the worst yeah you still invite her over what is her outfit even like what is this on her she's painting her legs yeah okay this is definitely no word I can see it now Lily's mom you and your thickness of always stealing the boys you were too thick oh no my mother who I hate hey this is all an act I already know the leaf Rican probably like carved that ice up she probably is set it all up oh wow I would have never guessed that this was the next in line here yes another very very cursed wine she's like been there done that it's all about Luke uh-huh I wanna bang my head against the wall whoa boundaries nobody has boundaries in this game at my garden we have the best eggplants all right so yeah this is an updated wood I guess how is it gonna go now they're reading the same magazine no okay so I think I actually have seen this one Oh another new one okay is there already Christmas again Wow time goes faster they'll believe the universe aah I mean what no one could be as perfect as Luke uh-huh oh there's Prague on in it but there's no kid yeah and the interest of continuity I'm going to pretend as if the little girl is there a kid according to in-game lore she is Luke's kid from his previous relationship but since she was never shown before I'm taking this as a creative Liberty you do you they never did actually show him having a kid he just had a relationship huh he's got a kid looked really got around huh your whatever oh god she's still wearing the same thing Oh God they just made her more scary oh my god really oh oh she's like no I really do want all of this I'm gonna xbox Santa is the new character now oh god he's so creepy why does he put his beard of oh stop even grandma back there scared and fronts the freaking kid are you kidding me so that's the Lucas kid apparently I guess they do look alike but Santa was the way through herd-like made her do a backflip I mean she okay Lucas obviously cool with this Luke go freakin knock Santa elds oh god alright so she's oh my god everything's going wrong okay then it's getting wacky over here you're the future future we supposed to have a kid I really want to see it oh god everyone just goes to the store at the same time it's not a Gucci purse she just pulls a dog out of her purse that's I'll blame you guys II blaze pink ginger Brett you just keep gingerbread cookies well I got no money really she got a diamond ring on that finger I guess you're gonna have to pay for it what does she buy but just a bunch of plants okay okay we get some more Laurie here Rachel is the mistress's name over here okay no job too big or too small Rachel we'll make sure you and your family secretaries and personal assistants ah that's right oh this is where her mom gets killed she couldn't resist oh my god they just like started with tongue yeah look at this you just started knowing does that it was Oh Lilly's mom makes it they even got a what they forgot a Casper afro uh I mean you got it you gotta have it Lilly's mom is very lucky to have Lilly as a daughter because even though she did her absolutely wrong it just horrible she still you know is the bigger gardener and goes in you know as visits her even looking blame her there Oh is she gonna make it Oh her mom is so bad that even her heart and somehow is a plant I don't oh no she really died oh wow why don't they do these in order I know they don't cuz I've seen somebody's like so long ago but then there's new ones yeah so her mom officially died and it's in the lore her mom is actually dead I really didn't know because you can never tell but they're actually dead time to answer some of your questions so what do you think the lily like the director for Lily's garden adds is that how you know non-canon dad's will be shown after this so it's just like actual the enemy I'm telling you like it's really entertaining stuff here because just like anima you get the fillers and you don't really care about them as much but you'll just watch them anyway alright I want those are the questions I don't understand why or how this applies to the game it does it the developers have said that the ads have nothing to do with the story of the game at all that's fair enough it does say right here a different story I see the thing is I don't know why I feel like it would be actually way better to have this part of the actual game it sounds this seems way more interesting because people actually were super interested like I would want to play this game just to like see what happens and I wouldn't even care what the gameplay was about so as you can see basically it kind of stopped here but all of these are some that are actually the video oh my god Lily starting flashbacks as a baby oh I see how they're jumping on the trend of baby things now it's baby Lily baby Gardens Oh her mom was probably even worse when she was younger wait wait wait Dottie's dinner I thought it said thottie is dinner that is where she would eat where they have eggplants and hot dogs on the menu oh they're so cute okay what's going on here she gives her Apple where do you go to a restaurant they serve apples and you know they charge you five bucks for that Apple - that's like snot not a good price at all I'll be mad - baby Lily what was the point of that this is getting deeper as we're experiencing her childhood the drama Lily sticks to what she hates her mother this is real deep I mean I gotta say as much as I kind of don't like Lily I feel bad for her and her mom was actually really really bad to her as you could plainly see here who gives a kid at haploid you go to a restaurant okay but tiny Leslie is literally cuter than ice age baby anything Secutor than ice age baby oh wow okay ty goose or Tyco Soros said that actually is an update coming up Wow breaking news two days ago well I thank you for your work Tyco stores thank you so much for filling me again I do agree with your cannon with with your timeline I think you did it like a justice and yeah check out Tiger Soros if you want to keep up to date with the Lilly lore because everyone knows that that is just the what we're here for this during this quarantine has definitely made my life better god that ad was so bad today's scoop of the day goes to amazing gillaspie [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 906,162
Rating: 4.9604278 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, lillys garden, Cursed Ads, bad ads, lilly's garden ads
Id: Ss5t56qB3Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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