The last Build before Osana & Firing the Student Council - Yandere Simulator

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whoa hey after playing the game for so long do you see this is different it's it's uh something to celebrate okay hey what is up scrub speech Mike here welcome to the last build of young Jerry simulator before our sauna unless there's a bug fixing bowl we've been waiting for a sauna for so long I'm not saying it's here now but it will be after this bill there's a lot of cool changes of this boat that of course I want to check out so here I am keep in mind this is a yandere simulator and not non-dairy simulator that we usually play just just clarifying oh my god we got that new psycho phone look at that damn with a psycho phone 10 oh yeah no we have to start a new game though all right I almost forgot the Oh sauna like conversation in the beginning of the game apparently has been reworked I don't know how and what way but I gotta check it out there it is there it is I don't know why I wouldn't activate I think it was part of the cutscene that kept skipping the cutscenes oh yeah hey do I know you I saw you stalking an upperclassmen today okay so I don't know how this really works be some misunderstanding there's no need to play dumb with me I'm trying to help you want some information about the girl he was with I'm listening her name is Oh sana Nagi me she has a crush on him she's really nice to him next Friday underneath the cherry tree behind the school there's a myth that if you confess your love to someone underneath that tree the person you confess to can't refuse why are you telling me this I would be happy if something bad happened to a sonnet Shawn I think you might be the right person to give her what she deserves who are you sorry I probably said this a long time ago - I don't know an urban legend about a girl who hacks people and sells their dirty secrets to the highest bidder that's just the tip of the iceberg I sell a lot more than just blackmail she's like it's me it's me are you trying to tell me that you're in vote John do you really expect me to believe that the info chain I've installed an app on your phone take a look it's chick talk that'll do all the spine you need how did you do that that's not something you need to be concerned yeah Dairy Chan is 2020 Wi-Fi if you do a few small favors for me I can offer a wide variety of services that should help you eliminate osanic on everything you need to know is in that app and what if I don't want anything to do with you if you're not interested in my services I won't take it personally feel free to ignore me but don't ignore us an Achon you have one week until she confesses to your precious senpai make her suffer yikes I mean I mean that a bow chat just doesn't seem like a great person I don't know so I don't know how that was reworked because I I don't I don't remember it being different sure it is I just it's been so long since I've seen it that I don't remember the old one I'd have to look at it but anyway yeah passing the spiffy new calendar menu so a few things so few things about the school have been updated and I don't know why my students are still twinkle students look at them I don't know why it does that III don't I did something to the settings you can't see them but I did something oh I fixed it all right I don't know what I did in my settings one of the first things I want to check out is there's new props in the school first of all the roof of the school has totally been done like I can tell I know when the headmaster put some of that money and there to redo the roof not bad not bad ooh there we go I've never been more excited for props in a hallway in my life but look we got lockers and everything I wonder if these are the same lockers that are gonna be for the ABC challenge or they're just like kind of they're just the firfer looks and stuff like that but either way look at that I mean it looks way more like a classroom now I gotta say I mean that's pretty cool how do you know how much time you spend on your phone there's handcuffs there you may just be arrested future job future me how did she was the perfect career kind of job you think yeah Jerry Jeff because obviously she dies haven't you know you need money what kind of job would she have well I guess she'd be a maid that's already been done I love these pamphlets I'm looking for the game's lore all right what else we got oh my god I thought bust out the Japanese again all right you guys asked for it anata WA watashi wa oh god I can't read that something move koto God thank you my son but it does say this it says you I something you and I can't just nothing anata why mother I don't know what that kanji is but the hey it's the font day Emma Skye so it's saying why are you something right doing that thing why are you a tree why are you tree don't worry I'll get any better I'm getting better also instead of some things being on the wall they are now on the floor a a healthy you begins with a healthy core yes do those abdominals are you lost do you have a reason to be here I've lost my credit card we have the same text but now it's washing hands and then stay fit and healthy you got a picture it looks like yeah and every can running I love it I don't know I can't leave I can just imagine it's something about senpai that's all I know but yeah I just want to stare at everything for a while boo saggy saggy means bunny apparently I didn't know that never thought I needed to learn the word bunny how long have you been on your phone you might end up at handcuffs Missy that's what the pant can air I'm gonna give you a pamphlet here do you know how much time you spend on your phone you may just go to prison I'm sure there's a correlation there between those two things does that say coconut virus protect yourself and others from getting sick the coconut virus it is the worst virus of them all first always cover your nose then throw it away be sure to wash your hands and then judge people okay yeah so yeah I don't know if I ever show this one but yeah this room has obviously been updated as well but yeah I mean I'm liking the look I love those little posters and those little tiny things I just sort of look at all of those things so you're probably asking what else has been well first of all there's been like I think like don't quote me on this but I think there's been like five headmaster tapes added to the game or there's been a few quite a few added to the game so that means a lot of story so we better get to it get the step in and not only that but the main the main course of this dinner or breakfast because it is now morning apparently we can actually expel the student council if I read that right so that's exciting oh and I got a save there's been a new music at it but why this one is so special let me show you oh there it is there it is ah yes this really truly makes you feel like the the anime schoolgirl experience oh god stop you're drowning with the music so yeah this one has actually been added now and the reason why specials to me is because one of my boys I camera at 305 who's been like a supporter for a long time but not only that they were a patreon supporter when I whenever I had a patreon and all the things like that and they're just been really supportive so I wanted to give them a shout out he always finds every opportunity to self-promote on my channel but no hate or anything like that so so quick flow to shouts the camera after apply for the new beyond a simulated music it was totally like random I didn't even know but that's really cool I think the new theme sounds pretty cool I like it alright now we need to find the headmaster tapes do I even have them all I've already started a new game so I think I have to refined all of the new headmaster tapes oh my God look how many tapes that booze got in there you know you should recycle those things alright let's go to lunch that's probably where they're all at I don't think I have to look around anymore wait a minute I ho think that's supposed to happen has there been like a major earthquake or something cuz like half the bill that's coming off the bugs have done it again they're ruining everything it's all in the bottom though you can't see from here so okay alright so I'm gonna guess it all of it yeah there's a lot of headmaster tapes here so that's probably all of them got so many of them he's just recording at I don't like it throw it away okay I'm gonna assume it starts at five one two three four five six what doesn't make a lot of sense does it what one two three four five six I'm gonna be six what it starts at five minions at ten okay I don't know why this is tripping me out ten nine eight seven six five one two three four five six whoa am i doing with us like this I swear I only drink his coffee come on coffee but like it's like weird like one two three four five what the heck how does this thing's does have a kitty sits I'm just 5 plus 5 equals 10 so I was a six how six one two three four five I'm sorry I'm having a crisis right now but anyway I was risking sort of five I guess I'm what a goddamn disgrace innocent innocent innocent my ass she's the culprit she did it that girl that monster I've never seen someone so god he fooled them all every single one of them was dancing in the palm of her hand by the end what up what up force people are dead young people who had promising futures whose life I was responsible for Hey she did it she did it she's the only one who could have that blood is on her hands and now now she walks free that conniving little and I'm expected to let her back in the school stand on a stage and hand her a diploma Oh psycho told me to let it go but I can't I can't let this go she murdered people and got away with it I can't believe god damn this is just this was supposed to bring closure this was supposed to close the chapter this was god damn no wonder where the headmaster just wait 180 direction the other way with his life no wonder why he goes huh whatever he sees us and all it really does make sense like he's he's holding on to this this awful guilt and wait because he has no choice you he loves his job too much all right so yeah I don't know if we've seen that one I mean we could have missed it been missing a lot of these I see everything here's the million realize how pathetic this was until I hit the record button there are distressing things I want to talk about but the only people around me are my colleagues at work I can't show weakness in front of my subordinates so if I want to talk someone listen then I have to use this a tape recorder the problem is enrollment is dropping the past few years weren't too bad but now for the first time since the school opened enrollment is actually lower than the previous year this was this was the only good thing I had going for me and now I'm watching it die I can pinpoint the exact moment when the decline began that trial that damn trial as soon as as the media started calling this place the murder school our fate was see that'll do it that'll do for sure the only suspect was found innocent so the public believes that the culprit is still at large nobody wants to attend a school where a serial killer might be running loose but that that was six years ago six years we haven't had any incidents since then it's safe here what am I supposed to do hang a sign on the front door of the school that says we've gone six years without a murderer you can all come back now we had momentum we had an upwards trajectory we were rising soaring we were on the road to being as internationally renowned as Harvard or Yale but that trial it it killed the momentum and once you lose momentum it's almost impossible to get it back sometimes I wish sometimes I wish that journalist had never said anything if he kept his mouth shut just just let her get away with everything I never would have been a media circus just some mysterious disappearances that we've been forgotten in a few months but no he had to drag us all into a big scandal if only some some random person would just be found guilty for all those murders then maybe maybe this notion of a serial killer running loose around academia would finally go away oh god damn it what am I saying I don't really mean any of that it's just it's this this whole situation it's just it it has me I'm wrong no it's not the journalists fault it's not the courts fault oh yeah it's not even my fault this is her vault yeah and every mama's fault all for senpai man this gives a very good picture of how the headmaster fills and IQ I couldn't blame him yeah I mean he wanted to be the headmaster so badly and this is how it away like that that makes a lot of sense yeah yeah I remember that one so maybe that's not it this is more 15 years that's how much time is past 18 years 19 years watching it all spiral downward never managed the light of that nosedive 15 years without closure without justice he's no got that same my life had been like if I'd never taken this job probably have a wife by now children there's no room for anything like that not with academia taking up so much of my time yeah you know we got a woman even if I did have a family I wouldn't be a part of their lives I'm you're too busy with academi I'd make a terrible husband a terrible father I sacrificed the best years of my life for this school and what did I get in return wrinkles and hair loss from all distress a big fat gut I don't even recognize the man in the mirror anymore they see acknowledge that sure I've made money but what uses money when I never have time to spend it I don't even know what I'd use it for I never have enough spare time to develop a hobby oh I suppose I do have one hobby yes it's revolution I asked myself what good is being the headmaster of a school what opportunities do I have that nobody else has only one thing came to mind something taboo but once the ideas in my head it was impossible to just stop thinking about it Oh Oh God we're still gonna power eventually hiring me just couldn't find a reason to resist the temptation it's not like I have anything left to lose it's not like my life could get any worse than it already is so I gave it a try must be their cold bumpers know what I don't even feel guilty about it filming someone does absolutely no harm to them no harm are you spying on people no I post the videos on behind or anything like that has zero impact on their lives so what's wrong with putting a few cameras around where are you putting them at this point I don't even care if I get caught actually the risk of getting caught makes it a little more thrilling and even if I did get in trouble we should it would shake things up a bit they're sick headmaster my life would finally change in some way and for that reason alone I would be happy so win-win I just wish I'd thought of this sooner reporting people you know he's putting cameras and toilets like right can we just we all know it all right well the headmaster is obviously flying off the deep end for understandable reasons not it's not okay but he's definitely you know I can see why that would happen never I sit in front of mr. psycho and give him an update about academi I expect him to be furious with me the school's reputation enrollment have both been declining for almost three decades despite my efforts to turn them around mr. psycho has every right to chew my head off but he doesn't look you lovebirds matter of fact he seems quite indifferent towards academia as a whole our weekly meetings feel like a formality and nothing more something we do merely because it became routine I get the impression that he couldn't possibly care any less about academic and keeps it operational purely because closing the school would reflect poorly on psycho core or perhaps because the school had become something of a monument to his missing daughter perhaps he's more sentimental than he looks if academi zijn Ruhlman numbers continue to drop at that current rate less than 100 students will be attending the school next year a hundred students risk would be very long it's clear that nothing I've tried over the past 30 years is going to save the school's reputation so with practically nothing left to lose I propose something radical to mr. psycho a complete rebranding okay all right talk my research has shown me that academics declining popularity is directly connected to the school's reputation for notoriously difficult entrance exams and needlessly strict rules the last thing I'd want is to allow the school to fill up with imbeciles and degenerates but it has become obvious that the school's reputation will never recover and the sweeping reforms are made I presented mr. psycho with a list of everything that would make the school a more welcoming environment allowing students to style their hair wear makeup and accessories customize their uniforms bring smartphones to school enter a romantic relationships access the rooftop and so forth I even proposed making the entrance exams a little less difficult and lowering the tuition fees I truly didn't know how mr. psycho would react on one hand he seemed apathetic about academi on the other hand I was proposing a complete reversal of everything that academi stood for after I concluded my presentation he sat in silence for a while I wasn't sure if he was giving my proposal deep consideration or simply pondering whether or not he cared at all eventually he shrugged his shoulders and simply said give it a try who's obviously Blair not just whether or not the rebranding is going to be a success but for the first time in years I feel excited like I actually have something to look forward and maybe stop the cameras now you know the last few decades had become unbearable and these big drastic changes are exactly what I needed to break up the monotony I'm eager to see what kind of crowd these reforms will bring in here's to a new chapter in the story of academi well it did bring in some delinquents but you know I think it's where I kind of want him to win you know I wanted to succeed all right all right in the past 30 years I've had over a thousand meetings with mr. psycho when I walked into his office we've seen this him I could immediately tell that something was very wrong everything about him posture expression demeanor was completely different he was slouching low in his chair staring blankly at a wall didn't even bother to greet me as I walked in more importantly his son who had been present for every one of our meetings over the past three decades was not there I asked will your son be joining us today to which he simply replied there is no reason for that anymore no one as I took my seat I asked him if anything was wrong he didn't reply the heavy atmosphere of the room made me feel uncomfortable with the idea of attempting to advance the conversation so I chose to remain silent until he was ready to talk as it turned out I would be waiting for quite some time the silence lasted for about 15 incredibly tense and uncomfortable minutes when mr. psycho finally did speak he suddenly started rambling about Okinawa he spoke good his experience as a soldier during World War two how he volunteered to fight at the age of 17 that will bomb made his dormitory so I knew the guy was buried underneath rubble staring at the corpses of his dead friends he said he still sees them on the back of his eyelids every time he closes his eyes he told me that buried underneath that rubble over 70 years ago he swore an oath to punish the world for killing his friends he swore to revive Japanese nationalism and expand the Japanese Empire until it covered the entire globe that's why he started his company that's why he spent his life building the greatest conglomerate the world has ever known that's why he toiled for over half a century until he had become the richest man on earth he batteries okay it was all for the sake of building up enough power and influence to instigate a war a war that he would throw all of his money and resources into until he had achieved the complete annihilation of every country that fought against Japan in World War two but something happened that he didn't expect globalization spread Japanese culture across the face of the planet Japan's former enemies now enjoy friendly relations with Japan they eat Japanese food watch Japanese animations play Japanese video games the process was set up by his own inventions and innovations there's a psycho product at every home he can't find the motivation to go to war anymore knowing that he'd be blowing up his own loyal customers he dedicated his entire life to setting the stage for a blood-soaked military victory but in the process he inadvertently achieved a slow pacifistic cultural victory yes definitely do a good thing by now almost everyone who pulled a trigger or launched a bomb during World War 2 was dead or elderly so revenge had lost all meaning instead of feeling pride for accomplishing more than any other man in history he just felt like he had failed his dead friends after his long rambling speech came to an end he returned to staring blankly at the wall I'm not sure why he confided all that information in me I don't think it's because he considered me a friend it's more likely that he thought of me well the same way I think of this tape recorder just a stupid object where you can store your thoughts without consequence stupid object after some more silence he eventually spoke up again he said my health is failing I will likely die soon I will make no attempt to prolong my life I am retiring a CEO starting tomorrow my son will be taking over for me you will be meeting with him from now on he said nothing else it's a bombshell but I could tell that the meeting was over that was most likely the last time I'll ever speak with him or see him in person smoking why he told you then the next time I addressed someone is mr. psycho I'll be talking to his son the world's most famous man secretly a nationalist with plans for world domination harboring a half-century long grudge I would tell the media but it wouldn't matter one bit psycho Corp controls everything that the media says or does even if I told the world when he confided in me the media would never run the story and it would quickly be dismissed as a baseless rumor a crackpot conspiracy theory this was the money comes from oh yes in that sense they really did take over the world what if they also created tok tok tik tik tok tok what the quwata be called in this game Tic Tac interesting interesting I think we've seen this one right yeah if butch Hanley hacked his computer if I remember it correctly but either way whether I skipped similar or not I think I understand the headmaster a little bit better and it does make a lot of sense you know you just start to feel a little sorry for him for the things he's gone through because he's a good person except for the whole recording thing alright so now it's the most mysterious part of the build because there's no explanation on how to do it but apparently we can get them fired from the student council but how do we do that did we somehow frame them do we follow them around that is the part that I don't really quite understand I don't know how we're gonna get it maybe we can take pictures of them or something maybe we need to find some pepper spray and go pepper spray like like a puppy or the cat if you're pepper spray a cat you get fired if I was a headmaster I'd fire you to Timbuktu just farted if you pepper sprayed Cal you're getting a roundhouse kick to the face but that would be a great reason to get fired so like can we I'm just trying to think I'm trying to brainstorm here and gay like you know ideas oh my god I should have read more into it so you can only do it in mission mode oh all right so we don't have any info points that means we gotta go set some bugs around the school and we get some of those points and then we can do it I don't even know if this is gonna do anything buddy don't what's this we hear a lot as well check it out all right we're finally out of the points now I just have to take away her pepper spray and I can't wait because I'm so excited tired of getting pepper sprayed all the time fire there we go the student is is distracted right now you better wait for a better oh it's by me oh my god all right hey for the last time you are fired I've sent the faculty some fake evidence of wrongdoing this student has been removed from the student council she's gonna be a leg off she's exactly what I thought would happen pepper spray me now please don't that's enough no weapons to to do anything without my pepper spray I'm nothing look look maybe you can like pretend to pepper spray me and I'll go ahh my eyes if it'll make you feel better no and last but not least apparently there's actually new music and like little new stuff with the town as well if you go here Oh Oh what kind of music is that Oh oh I'm gonna get some Hawaii motion Shima pine yeah that's what I'm talking about but anyway my snow if that's gonna do it for this builds all right I'm gonna go edit this alright and don't forget the beach you might need some food cuz I'm hungry
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 382,648
Rating: 4.956604 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, osana, osana yandere simulator, new yandere simulator, new build yandere simulator, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere simulator bijuu mike, Firing the Student Council, student council yandere simulator
Id: xU3qXeKoxK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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