The Karen Outrage Simulator

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when you see that i have this smock on what do you call it a samaka vest you know it's about to go down or do you now in case you're not one of my subscribers and haven't seen the videos where i do wear this vest i actually used to work at walmart and i would deal with uh many cairns i had many battles fierce battles even where my life was on the line to customers that treated me very poorly or i don't know why i don't know why they did it and if you are a subscriber you may remember that we play the karen simulator and we also play night of the consumers where you know where i can relive those horror stories well today we're going to do something a little bit different god stuck on something that's it we're joining the dark side if you will i swore to walmart himself i would never do this but today we are going to become a karen i'm throwing off my vest and i'm putting on my hair i really hope that goncia edited that in because i don't actually don't have a wig if i did i wish i did i put it on if i had one today we're playing the karen outrage simulator you are karen argue your way through ridiculous scenarios and get everything you rightfully deserve in this short comedic game about entitlement well i don't know about you guys but i'm feeling very entitled all right well this is a lovely menu very very pink all right well let's start her up i might not like who i've become what's difficult oh if there's difficulties normal mode will provide a very mild challenge camera mode is for when you feel entitled to a win [Music] well if we're going to become a karen we have to put it on karen mo i'm entitled to win this game it is my right it's the law i don't have to do what you say calm down oh my god the freaking face oh i can already tell i'm really gonna enjoy this i would just like to point out too if your name is karen i you know i only say karen as in the it just it's just representative of the person you might be a great person all right let's go on down to con mart yes my favorite place to go he's like a shark sniffing blood it was a normal tuesday morning like any other the birds were chirping and the sun was shining cameron was cleaning out her purse and found something it was a coupon good for 50 off of a bag of big and crisp chips there was only one problem it was expired oh god guys it would be so annoying when people would come and they would try to use expired coupons and they get mad at you because they're expired it's like i don't make the rules i don't even know why they make coupons it's stupid oh here we go oh god it's like a it's like a visual novel here this is better than danganronpa hello welcome to con mart how can i help you today um calm down um hi i have this coupon i like to redeem pretty please no they wouldn't say please it says i could get a bag of chips for half price this is basically me when i worked at walmart sure let me have a look at that oh oh no oh this isn't gonna go good i've decided because i'm karen uh is there a problem i have the i am about to call your manager i am about to uh well it expired yesterday i'm sorry but i just can't accept this oh these meters represent the cashier's resolve but we have to break him okay they have a finite amount of confidence in difference in patience use your arguments to whittle down their resolve and get your way oh god this is so good oh i've never played such an intuitive intuitive game in my life intimidate them to wear down their confidence guilt them to wear down their indifference annoy them to wear down their patience successfully navigating the conversation is key to victory i know so many people that treat like customer service this way to where they think if they just if they just throw it like make a scene eventually they'll get what they want oh we have a freakout meter keep out on your freakout meter though if your freakout meter fills up you'll lose your cool and go crazy isn't that kind of the point there's always people with cameras around ready to capture the scene oh i could see one right over there you wouldn't want to become a bad meme would you well that's what you would think but yeah they still they still do it like they act like tech like technology doesn't exist like they're not on facebook all you know all day yet they still make a scene knowing that people will record it i i don't really understand it what do you mean you can't accept the coupon okay so if we could act like a true character we need to say did you read it you did read it right see taking this approach really shows our ignorance and our inability to really like assess the situation correctly but we really just want to get our way uh you did read it right are you sure that you got the date uh yes i just double checked it ma'am uh it expired at midnight yesterday my apologies uh oh don't give me that my dog is do you think i'm in danger do you think i'm a danger dede you can't see her but she's there i promise i'm not talking to nothing it turns i'm just absolutely insane hi diddy hi girl come on oh you can see her nose a little bit right she must have sensed the bad energy and she came in here to clamp things down i'm just acting i'm not really like this i dd i promise i'm a good owner i promise i won't take your vaccinations away i know you don't like the vet but i'm still gonna take you to the vet because i'm a good person i do things like that i'm not gonna force my lifestyle on you all right okay dude okay all right i love you so much thank you so much for being sweet but i really got a link well this is just terrible customer service you're not doing your job right oh is it i like his face a smug face i'm sorry to disappoint i empathize with your situation but my my hands are tired here yeah i know in most jobs like you're trained to like to relate to the customer you know it's not really genuine it's just like most of the time you just kind of lie about it no i don't think they are you can overwrite the date i know they give your codes or whatever just do it uh no they really don't give me that kind of power i don't have that kind of uh authority sorry i'm just into employee and training it doesn't matter how new you are uh you won't be keeping this job that's the guy i just i can feel it i've i'm really channeling the anarch karen i'm going to get you fired over this all right we'll just take the chips i don't want any trouble whoa get it son we got them chips i imagine that's how those kinds of people like they they have their what they wanted and they just go and go [Applause] [Music] victory screech i'll pay the 140 myself the boss gives me trouble just please let's finish this transaction and move on i can't tell you how many times i have felt that exact same way where i'm just like i'd rather just pay money out of my own pocket to be out of this situation so as you can see we clearly wore down his confidence my freakout meter was getting pretty high though ice you i might have just saved your life buddy good choice i knew you'd see sids eventually here's the money you can keep the receipts i'll just take my chips and leave oh but oh no she's just gonna take them and leave oh no oh no they only have sour cream cream flavored oh so she she took it oh my god narrowly oh wow wow these these images are amazing look he's just like watching her leave he just oh poor guy i feel so bad for him wow i didn't think we'd actually get a whole story in here a whole visual novel up in here what a good game this game should have been called call of karen that would have been the best name for it really after her victory at the con mark karen was in the mood for celebration she set out for her favorite coffee shop the local star cups oh god that's another place and just a star starbucks is just the greatest place for a freak out okay because if they can get one little thing wrong that's all it takes and you know that they're like given the most crazy orders too like a mile mile long freaking order just for one drink on the way she placed her order using her handy mobile app all she wanted was a simple drink a grande macchiato with almond milk six pumps now i knew this i knew this was coming i just called it six cloves of syrup java chips six pumps of espresso fresh non-dairy whipped cream and double vegan fair trade chocolate sauce at exactly 95 degrees fahrenheit what could go wrong i i think i'd be scared honestly if he was helping me hey welcome to star cups what can i get you today um i'm here for my mobile order pickup sure thing name karen yep it's right on the pickup lane to your right okay thanks how much more agony will she cause oh she seems to be enjoying it oh no did they forget one chocolate chip something wrong my ham yes i asked for a grande macchiato with almond milk sips six pumps of syrup java chips six pumps of espresso fresh non-dairy whipped cream and double vegan fair trade chocolate chip sauce at exactly 95 degrees fahrenheit this is a good reader right this is a grande macchiato with cashew milk sips this is a tongue twister this is a grande macchiato with cashew milk six pumps i can't say it this is a grenade macchiato with cashew milk six pumps of syrup java chips six pumps of expression espresso fresh down dairy whipped cream and double vegan fair trade chocolate sauce at exactly 95 degrees fahrenheit they put cashew milk that was it wasn't it can't you guys get a simple order right oh i'm sorry ma'am let me make your drink right away okay you know there's no problem you know they did technically get it wrong and now they're fixing it there shouldn't be any problem right sorry for the mix-up ma'am please enjoy your fresh drink no that's not enough oh my god of course it's not enough why would it be i want a full refund as well a refund yes a refund i could have been allergic that's exactly i say i am in the mind you know i could actually be a very dangerous carrot if i wanted to yes i know i'm a guy call me a cat i don't know what you'd call me i'd be i'd be whatever it is if i wanted to but i would never do that because i have empathy and i actually have a human soul i could have been allergic to cashew milk did you ever think that you might have killed me oh well i suppose you have a point though oliver drinks come with a blanket allergy warning on them i understand your frustrations your drink was exceptionally complex though it doesn't matter what i ordered oh oh god here we go yeah we should test his memory i bet you still can't remember it let me see you asked for a granny macchiato oh my god here we go again i feel like i have to be the freaking eminem rap god to sing to freaking say this macchiato with almond milk sip six i can't do it i can't say six pumps of syrup chocolate chips six pumps of espresso fresh non-dairy whipped cream and a double vegan fair trade chocolate sausage exactly 95 degrees fahrenheit at least i think that was what was that that was it you got the drink you asked for there's no need for a refund you know what oh oh you know you would think that our freakout meter was off the charts right now because this is our only choice but i'd like to speak to the manager we are finally pulling out the carrots ultimate uh trap card oh does he even have a manager ma'am oh is he gonna say what i think he's gonna say oh oh this was unexpected this is the karen's greatest threat the actual manager i knew that luke was a he was a powerful foe indeed i see what nutty it's impossible i assure you ma'am i am the manager at this location i i don't believe you your name tag doesn't say you're the manager well it doesn't have to trust me though i am the manager you should just leave ooh is she actually out out powered right now the freak out meter clearly is going up this is getting heated ah yes using the carrot's most famous line i will tell everyone online about this online being facebook although i could use a spicy you're harassing me but i think we'll go ahead and use the uh attack i'll tell everyone on facebook about this i'm very prolific in several facebook groups you know yo you know no the old manager got fired after an incident i got promoted after that so now i'm the manager dude this face is killing me ma'am this is embarrassing you're making a scene you did not just tell me the truth you didn't tell you just told me what i didn't want to hear what oh you're making a scene this whole dane coffee shop is making a scene oh oh the freakout meter is oh it's it's too much take this you filthy communists what did she do oh he threw the drink what the heck oh oh my god she's just just destroying everything well he deserved it he was too smug you think i'm the crazy one huh trying to really get into character here oh crap she saw me give me that phone someone just ran into the bathroom oh she she attacked she physically she used attack oh my god oh i'm ready now insane karen trash's star cups gets arrested this is a sub-credit dedicated to posting wild videos of abnormal people god this is so good i love that i love all the stuff that went into this oh i guess we got a game over guys ah so far this is the hardest stage yet how will i ever be able to pass this chat his face is so funny i couldn't think of a more perfect face for this so i'm guessing the wide choices are probably like the fair choices the vote spare choices we're gonna break his okay so what did we do last time we um we did put his comp we brought his confidence down i don't think we did good enough maybe uh we'll just say you see the fine print on my app uh take a look at the fine print on the app it says i'm entitled to a full refund entitled keyword yes but it's only applicable if we can't fix your order we've already done that i understand your frustrations your drink was exceptionally complex though all right we're gonna go full uh full uh patience here i know we said this already but we're just gonna say it again even though we know he can't repeat it i have so much respect for people that work at starbucks because i know there's a ton of people that go in there and bring these orders like that oh wait no did i fail again i think i did because i don't i don't think i'm supposed to get here we almost wore his patients down do i have like a key item that i can use maybe oh oh okay i said the same thing again i i was kind of just skipping through it but i think i just said the same thing fine i'll give you your ding refund i can't be bothered arguing any longer just take your drink and your money and get out of my shop you're the most ridiculous woman i've ever met you shouldn't have messed with me [Music] so long i'm still gonna post this on facebook she's all happy uh it's gone cold of course she just threw it away oh god i hate her this game does such a good job of just playing oh i like the little joke there what do you call a sad coffee a depresso bro i hate her so much i don't i don't i don't blame him at all all right so now we have a choice to either go to the food zone or the restaurant what should i do or no we have the spa as well you know i can sort of see how things are gonna go at the restaurant in the food zone oh the game studio i can only imagine but i don't know what a karen would do at a spot after a tired day of getting her way oh that's so tough kevin needed a break between the demands of yelling at teens in the park and arguing about parking spaces she needed to unwind kara needed a massage to work out all the tension she collected as she approached the maxi related spa nothing could sour her mood or could it or so she thought this game is like poetic i'd love it good afternoon ma'am oh my god is is it could it be welcome to the maxi related spa can i get your name for the appointment verification uh yeah i'm karen just one minute please hold oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i see you in our appointments calendar however there's a minor issue issue yes um we're going to have to push your appointment back a few minutes the group before you arrived a little later than expected my apologies this is unacceptable i want to be seen right now i'm really very sorry unfortunately there's nothing i can do there's only one person here your masseuse won't be available immediately they're not an octopus they can't really grow eight arms and just you know do it massage everyone if you like you're more than welcome to take a seat in our relaxing lobby while you wait i don't have time to take a seat oh there they there they are just one moment hi ladies are we all finished for today actually no oh my god oh oh my god this is gonna be like the craziest death battle i've ever seen watch it's my big date and i still don't feel relaxed tell your massage boy that we want another hour oh um there are other clients booked but i'll see what i can do aka i can't do anything about it i just buy time great so what can i go in now not necessarily you see it's that woman's wedding day and she asked for a second massage if it's okay with you oh you know it's not she wants to take my slots i gotta say you know i'm kind of on the side of karen here you know that's a little messed up after making me wait i'm sure she's not really handling all that great but at least for once i can sort of uh empathize with her she's got another thing coming oh gosh oh the walk i love how they somehow got the animations right and everything hey you me yeah you what's the big deal you're holding everyone up and now you want to take my appointment oh my god this old woman is totally losing it she has met her match spoiled bright versus karen who will win bottles of history i just have expecting to start rapping at this point drama oh throwing out the meters oh brian oh my god here we go what's your problem my problem oh you know what we're just gonna go straight for the b word my massage has been pushed back all because of you and now you're trying to take my slide oh i'm sorry not not today's my big day i don't time to care about your problems you wouldn't know what you're disgraceful i feel like being selfish would be too like realistic you know that's actually right she's disgraceful absolutely no class whatsoever unlike me i have class as you can plainly tell you need to understand something nobody cares if you're getting married not even your husband well nobody cares about your opinion uh you're just some dumb mouth who likes to be heard bird says demi lovato apparently because that's what it looks like i i get the game tells us what to pick but i want to say i can get louder so much louder so pay attention because you're not getting my time slot i pre-booked this months ago on the early bird special oh my gosh she's not even paying full price embarrassing uh there's everyone's just trying to relax hey you two need to relax and recognize what's going on look at the world look at our lives man we got freaking tom over here let's spout some knowledge not not even taking the cucumbers off his face we're also overworked nobody has time for mistakes we can't afford to make concessions for one another everything is calculated and controlled to the minute a billion things to do and only a thousand minutes to get them done the demands of our jobs families and communities social pressures demanding we be best at all times it compounds in a culture that lies it compounds in a culture that lies saying we can have it all don't blame each other for these shortcomings blame our system for selling entitlement and privilege blame our culture for replacing humanity with desire you both need to relax relax and realize that your enemy's not another person [Music] it's capitalism this to blame well you know i don't know about that but okay i would just say it's a person not understanding i would just say it's a lack of self-awareness but okay shut up you said something all profound seriously oh my god they're they are now a tag team someone phoned the president it's a category 10 the highest of defcons highest of them you don't know what you're talking about yeah we're nothing alike exactly i'm young gorgeous and i've got my whole life ahead of me meanwhile this crone is just old and crabby listen here you little turret oh which one do we want to hit her with uh your oh your marriage won't last your marriage won't last i can already tell knowing your time you spend longer a wedding prep than actual marriage you don't have what it takes to be a real wife you know what it's probably true to be honest so drop the delusions and get out of my way oh that's an awful lot of projecting is everything okay at home are you here because you can't get it really there'll be a husband oh no that hit her right in the life points hon you know nothing he'll know it's not his what does that mean like the kid the child i don't know you know this is a heated battle look how close we are i'll just say he'll know it's not his even though we don't know if they have kids [Music] oh and that baby bump doesn't hide it so well in that outfit oh she probably i didn't even see it i i guess i didn't even pay attention to details it was my fault maybe you should check if your wedding dress still fits oh yeah it does not you cannot tell that she's pregnant i guess it's sort of in her little sprite you can forget it you hag i don't have to listen to you i'm going back in and there's nothing you can do about it don't you turn your back on me you're not taking my appointment toss her in the water good luck stopping me when you're sucking wet oh oh uno reverse away my outfit my hair way that's what you get when you mess with karen that actually hurt a lot i like it she just stays there and cries while they oh god that's that's hilarious and so karen bruce no she does not ruin the day it's the spoiled brat who rude the day and she gets to enjoy and she's on top because kevin gets what she wants today's score of the day goes to [Music] a random weave [Music] [Music] yoga
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 374,678
Rating: 4.9649777 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, karen simulator, karen, karens, karen game, speak to the manager, speak to the manager game, the karen simulator, the karen simulator game, karen outrage simulator, karen freakouts
Id: cMslJLzq_UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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