WE ELIMINATED OSANA & SENPAI MEETS AMAI - Yandere Simulator Official Demo

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let's go let's freaking go i really i really need to do something about that wait what thing is that is that a sauna oh does that represent one of the endings that we've completed that's kind of cool i like that little addition she's like i won't tell i won't tell you what i've done even though it's quite obvious what i've done i've done a bad thing i mean i didn't really do that to her i just i just i befriended her in fact if you missed last episode where we befriended slash betrayed we did that route to osana uh you might want to check it out this is right here in that episode we snuck into osana's freaking um stalker's house and got a cat it was insane you had to have been there all right your days are over osana okay what shall we do today see there's a lot of things i know that okay one thing that i really really want to do is get the uh my ending apparently there's an ending with the mai i know you're what you're saying but amay is the second rival right yes i think she is well surprisingly enough there's actually an ending with a mai and i really really want to see it you know since i've been learning japanese these names make so much more sense like osana najimi means childhood best friend and amai is it means sweet so it all really uh works out i i see i see what yandere dev was going for there but what scheme shall we do there's so many schemes that we can do uh from my understanding we just have to get her eliminated one way or another so almost any of them will work ah i'll have this one the drowned eurosana in the pool i'll take it to go please this is something that i always wanted to do it's been my dream guys i that's not creepy all right but we need six pantalones points so we gotta go get some all right i hope you're in the mood for swimming today she doesn't even notice me she wonders why i treat her the way that i do god i did it again i started using debug commands they don't exist they don't exist michael oh i just realized you mr turtle's completely deactivated he's gonna be so lonely now uh razboski must be very very sad right now [Music] don't worry razbowski my scrub chan is blocked off too it's everyone everyone's got it bad all right it's not just you selfish person you oh wait a minute so remember in like uh two episodes ago or something like that we saw kocho statue so why there's just a bigger version outside okay i mean i know he's the headmaster and stuff but i didn't think he was that full of himself i would like a big statue erected in my uh honor okay chill out dude i'm just gonna put a bug here i need the points don't worry about it don't worry about it okay so now we just need to go to thursday yeah the only thing i did wish that we could do is like quickly teleport to like another day you can do this oh yeah enjoy it while you can you're gonna be swimming with the fishes is there fishes inside the pool i should put some fishes inside the pool i don't want to look like an idiot if anything i should be getting my physical education actually i probably need that huh i don't know we'll do it anyway i don't know if it'll actually matter yeah i have to physically go to class until thursday so hard my life is hard i have another question as well do you guys remember the discord thing what was up with that or the yawn cord i still think this is all these are all really uh funny oh i wonder if we can use the cyber stalking one too can we do all that stuff stalker stoker let's do some stoker my favorite social media app i forgot what to do what you do with all these but i do remember going into yon cord and well we'll just go in there real quick can't we yeah we joined a random server and we meet this like person and they were telling they were talking about like another rival or i can't remember what they were talking about now but yeah celine2005 yeah they're like a weeb too so i wonder if it's the same weeb oh another thing i wanted to say too i was gonna say maybe it's the same weeb from uh osana stalker but another thing that was really interesting that i didn't really think about until you guys pointed out in the comments you know i love you guys you guys are always pointing out these awesome things but apparently uh it makes a lot of sense notice how pretty girl miyuki okay have you ever noticed that she looks almost exactly like osana well the most interesting i mean they didn't really talk about it too much i mean it was kind of obvious the guy was like oh my queen i love you my queen and then the girl looks like her but yeah i don't know why just didn't dawn on me that yes of course she looks just like osana i thought like back before you know we got this built that maybe osana was going to be related to her in some way but i didn't think it was going to be in that way where this major sip guy was going to go crazy in black miller that that that was pretty cool i really hope that in the future we get more like uh like mixing it up as far as like gameplay when it comes to that because that was really cool i bet this guy's friends with them too i i i'm telling you right now they are besties he's playing his clash of clans i'm not saying you're a nerd if you play clash of clans or anything but like because i know that my friends used to play it he's he's they're in a clan in classic clash of clans do people even still play that game but i could just picture him being like ew you didn't attack people get all crazy with those games yeah i would really like like a skip to next day uh feature i don't know if i missed it i know that yandere simulator like the whole game is going to be you know the endings of course are going to be based upon how we play the game and obviously if we don't do anything nothing should happen like that's understandable but like for something that i have to own like i can only do it on thursday it sucks to have to go through the entire game when i just want to go to thursday so i don't see what it what the problem would be if i just wanted to teleport to tuesday or thursday since i'm not losing anything hey we finally made it oh yeah this senpai does this change i'm with her do you ever have oh no he just talked about his nightmares we did this in the first episode we did at the demo just in case you guys missed it that one was a little long so i'm just letting you know but i like those things too i i think it's great i think the game should mix in some visual novel kind of stuff because when when i played the original demo that's what it was and i thought it was cool i liked it hey senpai a guy like you doesn't have any plans tonight right uh i don't know why you had to phrase it like that but she's so mean good then you're gonna go see a movie with me huh is it called the deep blue sea like a date idiot it's not a date does it have the word sync it are you going to watch the titanic you're only coming with me what other movies involve drowning is there any movies involved drowning plans do you listen to drowning pool come on it doesn't get any better than that one uh what was that she's gonna die today all right finally we could start this scheme there we go unless you're doing business okay well we got we got up we got a few things here okay oh it's okay so step one complete gimme tacos task on wednesday this will change the bullies routine on thursday okay we'll do it oh yeah that's right because they're the ones that sleep at the pool ah what's this task again i forgot something nerdy i'm not a nerd look at look around me this is only madly stuff if you want to watch a nerd get the heck out of here not me on the weekends i cut wood and i play sports really embarrassing to talk about this sort of thing but i'm never gonna solve this problem on my own so uh i'm just gonna come right out and say it what you know those five tan girls who are always on oh yeah this one okay i wanna ask one of them out on a date but they all seem to hate me they avoid me and ignore me whenever i try to talk to them if i did something wrong i have no clue what it was so i was wondering uh talk to those girls and uh ask them what they think of me i just want to know if i can salvage them you you do not want to know trust me you don't all right but i must i have to really you'd help me with this that's that's thank you all right let's get this loser a girlfriend i want to ask you something oh do you mean that guy who like doesn't know how to stand up straight seriously he's always hunched over like a caveman he's gonna end up with a major back problem i don't have enough money but i think some of the machines around here are just plain broken sometimes i put coins in and nothing comes out sometimes i put a button in i'm going to kick the next machine that steals my money i didn't know about this i'd offer to buy you something but i didn't think of bringing any money to school not like me i got ten dollars i'm like rich in school okay i'll be fine you know i remember back then like when i when i was in high school when you had twenty dollars like you were rich that's what it felt like it honestly felt like i was so like rich you always know that kid that bro that brought hot cheetos to school they were rich that was the currency it was hot cheetos yeah i've seen them before the boy with like super messy hair right it's ridiculous he looks like he's never used a comb in his life some people like it that way oh my god i know who you're talking about the boy with giant glasses that cover half his face why can't he just get contacts like the rest of us they're expensive and hard to put in are you talking about the guy with all the stubble on his face he really needs to shave it off i shaved today know what razors are for i shave today oh but of course they're not talking about me who's that is that one of the boys who wears a bandana i don't know which one you're talking about but they look so goofy with those stupid things on their heads the game's obviously not talking about me all right so step number five pick up the weight carry it to the pool and active and active the button okay activate the button prompt behind osana but wait is she doing it right now i'm missing it or does she do it like at lunch i would assume that she goes at lunch yeah she's right here i think it's supposed to tell us when but it didn't well i guess it doesn't hurt to be prepared the weight is in the gym right yeah i think so it's a good thing i leveled up my physical education getting all these gains these yandere gains wait how much is 50 kilograms anyway i'm american i don't know i don't i don't do kilograms here that's 110 pounds my god is she really that strong i don't know about you guys i'm just saying if we're gonna go realistically uh i don't know how many of you are trying to curl a hundred pound dumb uh dumbbell well yeah dumbbells or a hundred pound freaking bar but it don't work like this i'm gary i guarantee you right now she ain't doing this yandere chat is not natty asana needs to expose us for that now i want someone to draw a buffy on dairy chen please seriously she picks that thing up like like a feather wow it really broke my immersion there okay i'm getting some really bad frame rate at the pole that's a bug i hope you guys can see it because i there's literally nothing i could do i'm using a workaround right now just to play the game sound is clearly not showing up we need to go to lunch i hope you have gills osana just saying oh look at they're blocky rybaroo she's so scared she's panicking she's like wait a minute ryber was gonna be with her right i thought that was gonna be included inside the scheme that's not right she's gonna clearly be right next to her why did it skip it says get rid of rybaroo i thought something was weird no i have to do this again why can't i just go through one freaking day without some technical difficulties i don't know why it skipped it totally skipped everything okay you know what on second thought it may be my fault i may have pressed the wrong button to make it like go forward whoopsie i don't think i could still do this can i two hours later i forgot that we had to get rid of rybaroo i don't know what happened i did i've been going through this all wrong this is gonna be harder than i think than i thought in exactly we can't see the i can't see the task until we go to thursday but once i go to thursday it's already too late so maybe instead of eliminating her we can distract him in business with him while the martial arts club is training but they don't train during class time ah i can't do that we have to kill rybaroo all right so we have to kidnap a student oh god really it's like the more i pry into it it's like we gotta do so much all right so we have to join the gaming club i i don't know how we're gonna do this but i need to kidnap someone they need to kill rybaroo and then i gotta throw sign in the pool all right so now that i'm here i can use this to raise some stats because i'm gonna need to do that but to kidnap someone i'm gonna need my biology and i'm gonna need my physical education so how many times a day can i do that okay i'm guessing you just won it's weird playing the game like it's supposed to be played hey what happened my points this isn't boosted you know a second thought guys i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do the pool one i i i i right now being as late as it is i don't think i have the capacity to to map that out but i just need to i just want to eliminate a sonnet right now i really wanted to see that ending i was like just reading on i was like oh you have to do this oh and do that and like i'm like connecting the dots on my head i'm like i can't i can't do that right now i have another plan i think i can i can push her off the roof i think i can do that yeah i feel good about that so the only time we can actually distract ryerson without going through all this crazy stuff is in the morning when the martial arts club is training all right we need to talk to budo boy i don't know if we can do it right here though he has to be inside of his club yes yes he does he has to be nearby the club i'm taking control of this conversation now is she broken oh no come on come on man wait a minute does that mean i can eliminate her oh wait this might work we got some big brain thinking here what what no my plan but no don't do it you were supposed to stay there that's okay it's fine it's fine yes i'm gonna leave a note speak to me about oh no so never mind nothing works like i mean not the game it's me there's so many obstacles in the way crap this gets harder than i thought it was all right so i should be able to talk to budo boy oh does he have a task my students tell me that they appreciate my lessons but i feel like i still have a long way to go before i can consider myself a good teacher i'm nowhere near skilled as my former mentor she quit martial arts but she still attends the school i want to ask her to come back to the club for just one last lesson so i can study her teaching techniques but there's just one problem i sometimes wonder if i may have contributed to the reason why she quit martial arts probably i'm not sure whether or not it would be awkward for me to approach her and ask her to visit the club again i'll do it really you'd be willing to speak to her on my behalf oh yeah i'd appreciate that a lot i have no ulterior motives at all i just like helping people hey rybaroo would you be willing to visit the martial arts club and go share some words of advice with the members i would be more than happy to visit the martial arts club it'll be so nice to see pluto again i would there right away really just trusted me like that it was that easy this is how easy it is now i can just get her to follow us well she might not do that but we'll see follow me i'm sorry no i just don't know you well no it is oh my god even this dude is in the way oh my god i don't think this is gonna work it's not it's not gonna work what the heck so you have to raise your reputation reputation just to get her to follow you you killed them stay back get away from me i just want elevator sauna reset the whole thing son of being stuck would have been the best thing all right surely we could push this freaking orange girl off the roof what you're doing how hard can it be get rid of ryu oh great yeah great no you know what no no no i think we can actually do this so what we have to do is go to yeah yeah see services provide a dark secret that's what we need to do yeah this is gonna work osan is being blackmailed by soccer we know this so now that we know this this is how we'll get her to the roof the problem is we didn't know that before but now we know that now don't we we know that yeah we know that all right so we need to go to the martial arts club that way we can do that whole budo crap boy come here so this she'll be distracted all morning oh she'll never know right hi hi yeah go go away go away you third wheel go find yourself a freaking boyfriend a girlfriend or freaking anything go get a body pillow so now all we have to do is leave it out in osana's locker i don't know if we have to do this but i'm gonna do it anyway okay yeah so now we can do stalkers in blackmail but now that we know that information me me at the school rooftop at 7 00 a.m wait that's like now huh i hope those uh pigtails are also wings because if they're not then you might have a bad time whoops whoops let's see oh i didn't expect someone to be there what happens when ryburu finds out i guess we'll find out won't we or rybaroo won't even know oh so she's in the martial arts club then huh we need to go look at her they won't know it's me right i can't believe it took me this long i should have just done that one that was so easy ah look at him go she has no idea oh i guess i completed his test didn't i wait i have to dispose of clothing why i just pushed her off i'll i'll find right they're just gonna assume it was her they they won't know it's me all right now i'm gonna go to class and it sure is not gonna let us go to the next period i can't go to class oh because their murder is being reported well it wasn't me they already know who's dead like there's no point wait a minute so now i have to wait i can't do anything i just have to wait i guess we'll pass time i forgot i can do that ah much faster the police survive at school the police inspect the corpse of a student who appears to have fallen to her death at the school the police aren't able to locate any corpses uh any other corpses on school grounds let's do a clash trial the police are on okay no more weapons yes i got away boy i'm happy about that oh yeah senpai is absolutely devastated by the death of his childhood friend oh the horror his mental stability has been greatly affected senpai will stay home for the school for one day to mourn osana's death just one day yes okay now there's a rail all right so now that there's no asana we can just wait till the end of the week therefore securing my victory royale i'm giddy with excitement i've been trying this for like two hours now like thinking of like because i wasted time in the beginning you know oh sonic oh oh how does this happen oh right bruce so sad well that takes care of that ayano no longer has to worry about competing with osana for senpai's love ayano considers confessing her love to senpai but she cannot build up the courage to speak to him ayanna follows senpai out of school and watches him from a distance until he has returned to his home then ayanna returns to her home and considers what she could do next wait isn't the game supposed to be over should i go to town what do i do let's go to town i just want to see if anything happens i know this simply comes over here all right you know this doesn't work okay all right i guess we're gonna go to sleep see what happens the i feel like the game should have given us saturday what yay it's saturday yandere simulator center development the following cutscene does not have animations finally i wanted to get to this there's a possibility of the final version okay we already brought this it's just saying that they're not going to be fully animated oh man he's looking clean senpai oh man i feel like this is my fault oh there goes a mai there's a little teaser there you know oh oh he just looks so sad um excuse me well she has a voice too i didn't expect that i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it would you like some dessert what um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amaya odiaka we go to the same school but i never go strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better okay what's wrong my childhood friend osana she well she did it but even they don't know that i keep asking myself if it's my fault there's something i could have done to stop it oh yeah like what do you say to that to follow that up i'm so sorry to hear about that i i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment oh she gonna give him a cupcake um oh thank you that's the key to any man's heart take one they're all orange imagine good of course nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad actually i'm heading to my parents bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while oh no it's okay that's of course that's what he would say it wouldn't be a bother at all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you well i guess it would be better than moping around okay sure i'll come with you this is like the beginning of those special animes that i've heard of not watched i don't do that i don't do that kind of stuff i'm just saying that i just if that you know cakes you know whatever and they lived happily ever after this is this is cool though it makes me excited to see what am a mine's gonna be like how are we gonna eliminate a mai do we just are we just gonna pick all the same things that we did with asana or is it gonna be special things for her too oh info chan does not like cake not at all [Music] there we go that was that was fully animated there we go get that cake senpai get that cake today scrub of the day goes to thomas the train [Music] okay so i'm watching um um no sorry you know sometimes i could be a little bunch of videos all right guys thank you so much for watching smash like i need to go i'd be recording all freaking day but you know what i i'm so thankful thank you guys for the support on yandere simulator not just that but all videos danganronpa everything it's just i i love what i do and i just want to say i really appreciate you guys so yeah don't forget this is osana yandere simulator week we're gonna do more episodes we're gonna get it all done and i'm gonna give my nice bg review alright name still pending but i'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 354,133
Rating: 4.9667358 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, osana yandere simulator, osana release gameplay, Yandere simulator demo, osana is complete, bijuu mike osana, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana is out, osana is here, osana najimi yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere sim, yandere, sim, osana gameplay, osana, osana befriend betray, osanas cat, cat yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, amai yandere simulator, senpai, senpai yandere simulator
Id: niexLP7P08g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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