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congratulations on completing the yandere simulator demo now that you have completed the demo you have unlocked the extras menu ooh enter the extras menu and type the word debug to unlock debug commands and easter eggs cool thanks bro hey i'm jay from the cub scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator last episode we got one of the eliminations for osana we're gonna see what other ways we can eliminate osana right now because cool that you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cause here we go good evening sir thank you very much for setting aside the time to take this call i know that you're a busy man okay i guess once you beat the demo this thing plays in any complications i just wanted to confirm that i've been following your instructions feels like when i just wake up and i can't find my glasses i'm glad to hear it are you satisfied with how events are unfolding ah that's good to hear sir i must confess i'm still worried about the students acceptable casualties acceptable casual please what necessary sacrifices what do you learn that in school of progress i see sir i wish i could view it from your perspective but the thought of bloodshed in my school still makes me quite uncomfortable who's comfortable with that like who does that make comfortable let me see who they are i'll continue doing precisely as you've asked yes sir no sir yes sir i'll keep you informed of any noteworthy developments thank you very much for your time mr psycho so that's the cut scene that plays at the end of the demo i didn't even know that i just started week two and it says that my rival is on my oh here we go thank you for playing the yandere simulator demo i didn't even get to see this part the final game will feature 10 rivals to eliminate across 10 school weeks hey was a girl oh hey hey hold up hold up hold up hold up gotta make sure the nurse got the goods disappointment disappointing but yeah 10 rivals to eliminate in 10 weeks higher quality models and animations so many weapons to choose from that's what daddy likes to see and who's that mr psycho right a story with lore and plot twists oh okay what a twist what a tourist and more depending on how successful the crowdfunding campaign is okay so in this episode we are gonna eliminate osana by expelling her so we gotta do all these things monday through friday the first thing that we are gonna do is expel her by reporting panty shots i know exactly how we're gonna do that all we gotta do is jack her phone first step guys is to fill the bucket with water and then put it over her head once she comes to the door so let's get to it well you know what since i reset the game guys i can't use the debug commands it says that i could once i beat the demo but for some reason i can't i'm gonna burn osana i know that sounds messed up because it actually is but i'm gonna burn osana and we are gonna beat the game and see what happens when she's not in the game from the get-go all right so in order to make that happen we just gotta join these real quick give me some of that r r q f mother i'm not sure what you're trying to do whatever it is it's not funny i wasn't even laughing it definitely ain't funny i'm trying to jack this give me that r r q r again are you kidding me yeah pickpocket success i don't fail those guys i pick pocket when i pick pocket i mean it so let's fill this up let's get that gasoline right here and let's eliminate osana so i could beat this demo again and get the debug commands so let's put this here and like i told you guys in the last episode if you watched the last episode in order to get some easy points just set bugs around the school the bug that's the closest to everybody is right here hold up hold on hold on and then we are gonna ask for a drop gonna get a little bit of the matches where the match is at wait get rid of rybroo the schemeless provides schemes for eliminating her obtain gasoline from the gardening club shed there are two ways to do this and i already know how to do that put gasoline into the bucket put the bucket above the door nearby osana obtain a candle duh we gotta get a freaking candle i forgot that the matches aren't a thing anymore that's my fault guys i know how we're gonna get osana through the door so let's just talk about making friends meet me class 3-1 this part doesn't even matter we just need her to go to her locker so we can set everything up actually wait she's gonna run right to her locker so i need to be quick hold on let me do this send to locker and then hurry up go go go go go oh my gosh she's gonna be so quick but it said it said it said it god damn it okay fine we'll just wait for her to come back no problem no big deal we're just gonna be patient jay just calm down calm your titties lame lame watch this she said lame right i'm gonna show her lame i'm gonna show her lame i'm gonna show her lame i'ma show you lame what the hell there you go got her wait what something isn't right that's strange wait wait what smell gasoline something isn't right that's strange it's your own ass get through here ow bro how rybroo smells gasoline what is she a trained dog okay let's try this again let's get rid of rybaroo and she's going to go to the martial arts club right now the martial arts i am going to send you to your locker and it's so weird that can sniff out gasoline like what the hell did she train with siberian huskies or something in the russian military how could she smell that out like how could she really sniff that out like she'd have a hard time sniffing my [ __ ] because that thing got a smell on it too let me get my candle ready let's stop talking about buttholes the only butthole we're trying to light on fire is osana's right now so we're gonna set the trap she's gonna be walking up there we go where is she where is she where is she hold on oh no no no no no please god please don't please don't hold on let's keep talking to him let's compliment him just want to tell you that you look lovely today oh my god i hate you what i played and he burned he freaking michael jackson moonwalk all the way into that you know what we're gonna watch this lobster head burn we're gonna watch him burn because he pissed me off that took a long time to set up yeah [ __ ] hey listen to me that took a long time to set up your freaking butthole so let me put the candle right there and then that guy's not coming watch is he coming is he coming no pause on that is he coming okay is she coming she better be coming she better be coming here please please please please please yes okay set the trap and let's freaking do this come on give me something give me something give me some baby girl yes run through the candle please shot we got her and it says that they found a corpse like they already know that she's dead they're not even gonna plan on dousing her in water they're like no that's a corpse like that's a corpse finally the police arrive at school the police discover the corpse of osana the police are unable to locate any weapons the police question all students in the school including ayano and she's looking so goddamn evil and then they walk away senpai is devastated got a freaking yada so let's see if we complete the game because osana's not even here anymore um excuse me i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amaya odiaka we go to the same school i'm sorry if it's strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong my childhood friend osana she was murdered i can't believe someone could do this i miss her so much i don't understand how i could possibly go back to my normal life after something like this has happened oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment cupcakes or your best friend getting murdered you know what fine i'm choosing cupcakes thank you go ahead take one hmm it's good of course nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad actually i'm heading to my parents bakery right now would you like to come with me it'll take your mind off of things for a while oh no it's okay i wouldn't want to be a bother it wouldn't be a bother at all if i just leave you here i'll worry about you well i guess it'd be better than moping around okay sure i'll come with you then let's get going okay so that was the different dialogue this time because last time we befriended osana and then he was just like oh santa doesn't want to be with me i have no idea why this time he said osana was murdered so we beat the demo twice hopefully i have the debug commands unlocked this time once i reseted the week the debug commands just disappeared but we completed it again so let's go take care of some other things with osana wait hey where you going where you going what the yo oh my she psyched me she psyched me and then she psyched me again how is she gonna do that to me how is she gonna do it to the old pal jay that pisses me right off okay but she's almost coming so let's set this bad girl up and let's just crouch down right here and come on girl come on come on come on come on come on yeah baby let's freaking go okay so let's meet her over at the locker room area i will take this phone thank you very much and let's switch it and then let's take a nasty picture and then report her to the counselor okay so she just grabbed her phone instead of going to class let me try something real quick let me just go to the counselor's office and let's see if i can do it if this works then that means that you can't do any of those sauna related activities while you have the debug commands on so let's see can i record it now okay so let's report the pattern it's a very serious accusation i hope you're not lying to me hopefully it's just a misunderstanding i'll investigate the matter thank you what is this would you care to explain why something like this is on your phone what i've never taken any pictures like that how did this get on my phone all right so let's see what we have to do for tuesday's scheme which is report step one steal sakubasu's ring while she is eating lunch step two place the stolen ring in elsana's bagging classroom 2-1 step 3 report osana to the guidance counselor and then attend class before 3 30 p.m you guys already know what this is okay i'm fast forwarding time and i can't stop it so she better not be done eating lunch i swear to god come on there you go all right so let's just face the wall steal the ring there you go bro that was too freaking easy like we were so subtle and so hitman-esque when we did that like i surprised myself i didn't even know that she stole that and i'm the one controlling her let's just slip that right in the bag over here can i help you yes you can let's just report that theft is that true i'd hate to think we have a thief here at school don't worry i'll get to the bottom of this may i take a look inside your bag this doesn't belong to you does it what are you doing with someone else's property no i'm not the one who did this i would never steal from anyone okay so this one's basically the same thing as the ring but just switch out the rings for the cigarettes so if i report her let's just see what the counselor says that's a clear violation of school rules not to mention completely illegal if what you're saying is true she will face serious consequences i'll confront her about this i need to take a look in your bag cigarettes you have absolutely no excuse to be carrying something like this don't around i don't know why something like this was in my bag [Music] so thursday's scheme for expelling osana is a little bit different this one is report vandalism we need to obtain a screwdriver and then we need to sabotage the yellow vending machine in the cafeteria purchase a salty snack from the red vending machine in the cafeteria pick up the salty snack give the salty snack to osana when she is in the school plaza take a photo of osana damaging the yellow vending machine report osana to the guidance counselor before 3 30 pm okay so i don't know if i've done that one before but let's try to get this one started because this one seems a little confusing this is the yellow vending machine in the cafeteria wow purchase a salty snack from the red vending machine in the area okay so then we got to get this and then we just got to give her the bag of chipos and i can't believe that's the cafeteria that is the whackest cafeteria ever i need to have a word with dr psycho please or whatever his name is mr psycho senor psycho like i don't care what his name is he needs to be on the phone asap i need to speed down that [ __ ] because that is not a proper cafeteria let me give you this the vending machine gave me an extra bag would you like it free food sure i'll take some chipoos i'm parched time for a drink you know what since rybaroo is stalking osana up the ass wouldn't she get rybaru to be kicking the machine because raibro can fight so now i gotta take a photo of osana damaging the yellow vending machine i'm just gonna stand right here because this would be the best place for me to do that what seriously okay how am i gonna do this junk give me my drink okay i'm gonna do the right thing oh look at that osana vandalizing school property sent that oh wait do it one more time and then save it there you go snitching snitching is our business can we stand in front of it whatever i'm not that thirsty anyway okay so now that we know how to make that happen let's report her for vandalism thank you for bringing this to my attention i'll have to have a word with her later today it is wait i can explain it's not what you think okay sorry about that guys i accidentally skipped through the dialogue a little bit but basically i'm pretty sure that the guidance counselor was bitching at osana and osana didn't want to take any responsibility for it but we got the last one that we need to do which is report cheating yes you're doing so we need to wait until 8 15 a.m and then obtain a radio from the audio room use the radio to lure the gym teacher out of the faculty room okay so basically we just got to steal the test answers from inside of this office right over here i'm gonna show you guys exactly where it is it is right over there so we just got to steal that at 8 15. so let's freaking do this you guys want to see me one take jay this i mean of course you do but watch this watch this watch how easy this is once she steps out the room is go time it's freaking go time let's go steal that come on now come on now rummage through that get what you're looking for find the test answers oh my god oh my god are you kidding me bro i'm gonna one take jay this hurry up okay got it got it got it wait oh my god oh she's still stretching what the heck she was stretching that ass bring the answer sheet to info chun's room on the third floor bet here you go let me just slide those hands free don't get used to it all right whatever give me that [ __ ] give me that thing avoiding the gym teacher return the original answer sheet to the faculty room okay i'm about to one take jay this again you guys are about to witness greatness this is history before all four of your eyes i'm kidding some of you guys might have eight eyes but you know what i have i got the ultimate ability to sneaky and sneaky oh oh oh oh wait do this do this okay return answer sheet wait that's it i gotta rummage through it again get off i can't get off it i can't get off it wait she's looking right at me with those baby blues dammit that down did you think you could get away with this i wish you could stop rummaging through it when she looks at you to say about this bro she looking like she was begging like aching to speak to somebody's manager god damn all right i gotta get away with this i gotta turn on the yanchan charm watch her here watch this watch this uh we are gonna you know what i would turn on the charm by flirting but let's just apologize because that's the best way to do it honesty is the best possibility what i've done wrong and i sincerely regret my actions i'll make sure to never act in such a manner ever again wow it's refreshing to speak to a student with a respectful attitude for a change i'm grateful for your cooperation i'm choosing to trust you please don't give me any reasons to regret it you're free to leave man mr psycho really loves hiring airheads huh gullible airheads but let's see nobody's here oh [ __ ] she was here okay wait you know what i'm gonna do we'll do this again turn this on ah you mother okay well uh we just gotta wait for her to come back this way all right we're gonna try this one more time let's go come on girl why is she not moving guys she's not moving she's just standing there with her hands on her hips what is this nonsense you know what i'm doing it again i don't care anymore look at me go look at me work look at me freaking work at lunch time put the answer sheet into osana's desk in classroom 2-1 okay so right now it's morning time osana is already there so that's why i can't do it okay so let's go to class real quick and then bada bing bada boom how many times did i say bada bing bada boom this episode hurry up osana go thank you okay let's put this right here and then report osana to the guidance counselor so this is gonna be the last time that we snitch because right after this osana is gonna get expelled from school can i help you report cheating that's a bold claim are you certain i'll investigate the matter if she is cheating i'll catch her in the act what's this inside of your desk an answer sheet you're cheating unacceptable what wait no i don't know how that got there come with me obviously we need to have a long talk about the kind of behavior that will not be tolerated at this school okay so osana is expelled it is friday there's no more days of the week that's that okay i've given you enough second chances you have repeatedly broken school rules and ignored every warning that i have given you you have left me with no choice but to permanently expel you no please don't do this i like how amai is walking like she's gonna go somewhere and then she stops because she notices a sad pathetic loser and decides to give him some cupcakes so cute um excuse me i couldn't help but notice that you seem quite sad about something would you like to talk about it huh um have we met before oh i'm sorry my name is amaya odiaka we go to the same school i'm sorry if it's strange that i approached you so suddenly when i see a sad face i can't help but try to make things better so what's wrong my childhood friend osana recently she was expelled from school she had a few faults but i never thought she'd be a delinquent i guess i was wrong about her this entire time oh i i'm so sorry to hear about that i i i can't imagine what that must be like hey it's not much but maybe this will take your mind off of it for a moment it's so funny that she offers him a cupcake she's basically like i'm sorry that your friend is such a little [ __ ] do you want a vanilla or a chocolate cupcake okay so check this out guys while i was recording the next episode for yandere simulator another update came out with this one you have the ability to speed up time i'm gonna check out exactly how that's done right now apparently all you gotta do is hold down the yandere vision and then you're gonna be looking at a photograph of senpai i know i don't know what that means either but we are about to check it out once this thing loads i'm just trying to talk over the loading screen just to give you guys something to hear you know just to give you an annoying nail scratching voice to hear which is my voice thank you it finally loaded all right so let's hold down yonder revision and then let's press down e which speeds up time hey what the get out of my freaking face okay let's hold it down again so i need a photo of senpai in order to speed up time okay lunchtime hold on let me take a picture of this bowl cut-haired [ __ ] so let's save that why and then now i can speed up time right now is this speeding up time it's not even really doing anything i mean the time's not even speeding up that hard like watch this guys this is regular time this is sped up time regular time sped up time regular time sped up time not really much of a difference but it's still something i guess well let me check out just a couple more things before i end today's episode we did the expulsion method for eliminating osana what did he poison that bento just because she's been pissing me off all episodes 50 for lethal poison what bro is you serious i thought it was 10 for the poison now it's 50. yo okay you know what you know what i'm gonna do then fine you wanna play that way we're gonna get a lockpick which is 10 and we're just going to jack the one from the medicine cabinet how about that wait what hey i got the lockpick open this [ __ ] up give me this poison give me this freaking poison or i'm gonna poison the poison i'm so confused i thought i had the lockpick in my inventory let me see do i have a lockpick yeah i do have a lockpick it's highlighted right there so how come i can't use it to open cabinets my mind is blown right now all right so i got enough points in order to get the lethal poison so let's drop that down right now i can't believe that was 50. that [ __ ] was 50 for real that thing was half of a hundred for real for real okay whatever it doesn't even matter let's poison that bento let's see it in cinematic actually okay here we go yeah yeah world star oh yeah tick-tock this is going viral on tick-tock boys this is going viral on that tiki top are you okay what's wrong hey do you need any help osana oh my god osana answer me wake up please wake up don't do this oh god this can't be happening no oh no all right and that is how you poison osama's bento please i'm bro he's looking like that and that meme the one that goes boys look at the hand yes look at that not sure what happened someone oh sonic got that hot dead breath oh son yeah at least senpai is touching me senpai touched me senpai touched me all right but yeah that is how you get rid of osana rybaroo just chilling all right guys that's gonna do it for this episode of yandere simulator we still have a few things that we need to do with osana in the game if you guys want to see that as soon as possible make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that jay from the cub scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 2,053,978
Rating: 4.9654093 out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, kubz scouts, yandere simulator, yandere, simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yan sim, yandere simulator myths, osana, osana yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana, reaction, kubz scouts osana, osana reaction, video games 2020, yandere simulator osana eliminations, funny moments, japan, japanese, anime, sneaking into house, osanas stalker, good ending, expel osana, expelling osana
Id: mk0MA_XI-n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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