Cody tells about Jake Paul

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left feeling like weird about it and then I knew I was gonna go do Jeff's show on YouTube his Jeff's barbershop show yeah he's like a barber and he cuts people's hair and interviews them and he kind of tries to make it like Eric Andre sort of like like you sit down and he like he like insults you a lot and he like it's it's a lot of like surprises right that's what it's supposed to be right I come watch you know a few episodes it's a great show I think it's a great like like gimmick like cutting peoples hair cuz it's like not only are you there for the interview but you want to see like how their hair turns out at the end of it right it's like hot ones or whatever yeah it's just like a nice like layer on top of the interviews alright so stoked to do it and I was like I wonder what the [ __ ] is gonna happen he was like I don't really have anything written like I was just like improv and I was like that's fine with me and so sat down cut my hair everything's fine you know shows like going normal like he's just like kind of insulting me Jason Nash's there Todd's there there you know kind of roasted me at the same time like they're adding their own questions Bob autumn and I'm answering them and everything's fine and then he jokes that Leigh Leigh is gonna show up and I'm like ha that's that's funny and he's like yeah no I mean I I tried to she said that she was down but her representation wouldn't let her come to the show she said she wanted to and I was like oh that would have been that would've been really [ __ ] funny he's like yeah I was gonna have her curse at you in Spanish and all this [ __ ] and I was like damn that would have been a good that would've been a great bit yeah and then he goes he goes um it's like wrapping up the shows near the end and so he goes who's by the way who's your who's your least favorite youtuber and I was like least favorite he's like yeah I was like I don't know and I made some stupid joke I was like I'm I'm my least favorite youtuber and yeah okay who's your second least favorite youtuber and I was like I don't know I didn't I couldn't think of an answer so I just like you know knee-jerk thing I was like Jake Paul he's like oh okay huh interesting that you would say that and I'm like you know I'm like yeah he's like yeah and then he's like yo Reggie like open the door and his guy starts to open the door and my having no [ __ ] like you lately pawns if you couldn't get lately pawns how yeah right like there's a chance in [ __ ] hell Jake Paul's gonna walk through that door right now and he opens the door and it's him and I'm sitting there like I'm looking at me as like don't worry if he tries anything like I'm like I'm I told him I'm gonna like not it's not cool for him to Ben I'm like you know you didn't you just you don't know if he's not gonna try anything what the [ __ ] the kid you not the kid walks up to me like he's gonna fight like he walks like this like beelines it towards me and I'm like yo uh I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on and he stops and he he starts calling hey man um you know I really don't think it's cool what you do I think you're a cyber bully and I think that you I think that you bully kids man and I'm like what kids and he's like just like I don't know like I've talked to like some girls that you have laid into and it's like they're like it's just not cool man I'm not I'm not with that like I'm about like spreading positivity no I swear this is how I remember everything okay this hour I remember he's like yeah I just I'm about spreading positivity and they're like you're really not about that and I just like I I don't [ __ ] with that or whatever and I was like so my head I'm like I don't know if this is a joke right yeah is this a bit yeah did Jeff and him talk about this beforehand I was so [ __ ] confused yeah because I was like he must have came here knowing what Jeff's show was about yeah knowing that it's about the shock value the the element of surprise right and they did that and now he's like you know kind of like chewing into me and I'm like this has to be a bit so I go I can't tell if he's joking or not you think I'm not joking bro and his camera dudes like hammered hated me you could just tell he's standing there [ __ ] shaking his head and I'm like I I'm like okay I mean like you can you could think that but like I don't bully kids like I'm not like I just it's just like [ __ ] for me to write jokes I just need some to write jokes about like I'm a comedian I like write writing jokes and he's um he's like he's still mad at me and I'm like I can't figure out this is a [ __ ] bit or not I keep looking at Jeff and he's like Jeff's like very clearly like like this is not a bit and so I and I still can't tell if he's doing that for the cameras all three cameras are on plus Jake's camera right and so I'm still like I'm still trying to play into this thing where I'm like oh maybe he expects us to [ __ ] make up on camera like maybe that's that's what the bit is right something like oh man dude I'm sorry like I'm going like I'm just talking I'm sorry like he's like aw it's it's cool it's cool he apologized it's cool and he dad stood me up and then he's like shut to shut the cameras off shut the cameras off and I'm like oh so they shut the cameras off and I'm like [ __ ] so you just like use this oh yeah basically played Jeff for for a cut for his own vlog where he can walk in and confront me yeah and then like make make me sort of like I mean like I didn't have to apologize obviously I just didn't know what else to do so [ __ ] awkward I was yeah we're in this tiny apartment yeah and it's for people who are dead silent and then me and him and I'm like what the and and dude Jeff felt so [ __ ] bad he was like I had no idea that's how that was gonna go I thought it was he was stoked to come like he came all the way from Calabasas and and to do this and so afterwards we're sitting there having like again we're just like talk he's like I just don't know why you do what you do and I'm like explain I'm explaining to him I'm like I this is why like I I I need someone to write jokes about it's not like I start a video and go I'm gonna hurt this person's feelings say Gibby you do that and I'm gonna keep I just need something to write jokes about and and this is this is the only thing like it's it's like a it's an easy thing to write jokes about especially like like hi especially when it's somebody that everyone agrees is kind of goofy you know I'm saying yeah and I'm like and so I'm explaining this and a heat heat he almost like just didn't really have [ __ ] to say afterwards course not I felt like course not it was weird it was like he knew what he was gonna say before and then we started having a real conversation about it and he was just like oh we've time I'll a light and I was like like Leigh Leigh's a perfect example like I can tell that her videos are they don't put effort into them they're just a cash grab you can tell they're lazy the writing mode stuff that's I'm irrelevant to them yeah it's relevant to thing it's just it's very transparent to me what they're trying to do and I don't [ __ ] with that and so I write jokes about it yeah and he was like yeah but like but like her video and like I could just he just didn't have anything else to say after that he was yeah but like you know I just feel like kids look up to you and they and they see that and they think it's okay to make fun of people I said look man off kid fans I don't and he's like yeah but I know dude I've met girls in for fifteen sixteen seventeen that say you're their favorite youtuber and I was like yeah I'm not saying I don't have high school fans I'm saying YouTube tells me he's 18 to 24 and podcast he's even older than that excuse more mail and he was like oh yeah I mean like I don't know he was eyeing me down the whole [ __ ] time and then and then so like we like that was basically it and then we like we like said goodbye took a took a couple pictures when I sent you where I'm just like yeah it's happening yeah and he left yeah and then we we oh yeah and in the video he says um Jeff was like so what the next party at your house he's not invited to he's like no [ __ ] way he's never coming over oh and then he told me his brother wants to like his brother hates me too Logan hates me cuz this [ __ ] he's like he's like he's like you guys he's like you're lucky this is in like an environment where like nobody's drinking it's [ __ ] like that he's like if I would have seen you at a party where we were drinking it would have been like some confrontational [ __ ] I don't know man I'm not I don't I'm not a you know I'm not like a confrontational dude I hate [ __ ] like that I would have just been laughing I was laughing because I couldn't figure out like what the [ __ ] was going on I was like I don't know I still don't know how much of that was like sincere how much that was like oh you're in we go downstairs to like go for a hike and his door his doorman was like hey he was down here like we're Herzing what he was gonna say oh yeah and shadowboxing shadowboxing that's what he said I don't know I don't know no Jesus Christ dude how [ __ ] dense is this kid that he doesn't under he doesn't actually understand what jokes are doesn't understand what commentary is just completely devoid of [ __ ] brain cells I don't know it's like you know you know the whole thing was just weird I don't really know what the thing about it I don't like I don't know I don't know it's weird like I can't I'm kind of glad that it happened yeah I like that I'm that I'm able to like talk about it now you know I'm saying yeah okay just I think it would be I don't know I think it's pretty obvious which how Jake Paul would react to people that make fun of him in a closed setting like everything you've told me is not at all far from what I'd expect that's like when Logan saw h3 at a party and Ethan walks up to him and goes eh what's up man like you know like you have of roasted you but you know it like it is what it is yeah you're you and I'm me and Logan draws his [ __ ] arm back and like and like closes his fist up to Ethan's face or some and he's like this um the effect of like if no one is here that's what I would have done to you or something like that and it's like okay like the him like I guess what I'm saying is for him to open the door and beeline to you I would expect no less cuz him and his brother seem like they can't take criticism yeah I mean oh said some [ __ ] where he was like yeah but like you know why are all these people you're making fun of like why do they have such big fan bases why are their videos getting two million views why we're talking about Leila's videos why do our videos get two million views why is there so many people like liking them and [ __ ] like that I'm like yeah but there's just as many if not more people liking my videos where I'm making fun of him like that has to mean something too I think that probably means more than [ __ ] hurt video getting on the trending page because she had some weird relationship with YouTube you know I'm saying right right and I think his logic is it plays a certain way right like he he's entirely about the numbers he's always been you know yeah and and in his mind he doesn't make a distinction so what is two million views what if those two million views are [ __ ] 8 to 12 mm-hmm and he doesn't consider that 8 to 12 like he keeps going and falling back on oh but they're kids there are kids that like it yeah and and maybe they happen to stumble upon a video where someone says wait a second this is [ __ ] wack and makes you think critically that's what the [ __ ] that's how I got into comedy and wanted to do stand-up I was [ __ ] 8 9 10 11 years old I was watching dudes 30 35 making observations about the world it changed the way I looked at the world and it made me think more critically about myself yeah it enabled me to have like a sense of self-awareness and and not take [ __ ] seriously it made me feel better about like you know if kids were cooler than me or kids were this and that like I could look in the mirror and joke about it I could joke about them and that was my [ __ ] weapon against that [ __ ] and when people like Jake when I was younger who may have intimidated me that's what in like people saying oh this [ __ ] is lame or pointing pointing out that maybe the [ __ ] that I thought was cool maybe isn't so cool or it isn't what I make it out to be in my head that's what enabled me to like be funny and disarm those people who at any time like I was always the smallest do growing up I talk about this in our show I was [ __ ] 5 1 till I was 16 I got [ __ ] clown Don repeatedly mm-hmm but the thing that like didn't make me go home and feel badly about myself is like I might be 5-1 but [ __ ] your hairline is dead mm-hmm and I couldn't and I learned how to make people laugh at themselves and and and so for him to be like yeah they can't fight oh [ __ ] them kids man kids don't know [ __ ] it it yeah but that's not that's not to say bully kids like an older person right but you're not bullying anybody that's what irks me about this whole scenarios he wants to come out here and act all high and mighty oh you're bullying kids yeah I mean like it I did have like it when someone confronts you like that about like what you do or whatever it does it does make you take a second be like am I am i doing something wrong am i mean right yeah so I told him I said listen like when when I when I create a 12 to 15 minute heat like a like a video right I'm writing it out it's a it's a it's a piece it's supposed to have an [ __ ] narrative and all this [ __ ] right and then I film it and I edit it there's so many steps to that like process things like make it's like anything else you make it song you make a thing you can't tell right away whether it's good or not whether it hit the narrative that you wanted to hit whether it you know I'm saying so much gets lost along the way so much gets maybe it's maybe it is a little bit mean and you just can't [ __ ] tell when you first make it yeah right by the way the nature of YouTube you put it out there see what people say whatever and some like maybe maybe some of the videos that I've put out have been like a little bit mean but that's never ever I don't sit I'm not a [ __ ] we think I'm a villain you guys sit down and I'm a [ __ ] to students day up no I sit down with the intention of making people laugh that's what I want to do I want to make people laugh yeah you know I'm saying I don't sit down being like I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna [ __ ] tear into this guy I'm gonna make him feel like [ __ ] yeah I mean yeah well I guess more like I want to make a million people laugh at this guy with me about the ridiculous [ __ ] this dude is doing yeah but that that's I guess the point I'm trying to make is when I say [ __ ] them kids like what I'm saying is kids who watch Lele pons and are entertained by that it would probably do them some good to have a second opinion to be like you understand it this is a little bit goofy that there is nothing there's no harm there and and if [ __ ] lay lays representation or Jake or hurt by people being like what because in my opinion Jake projects himself a little bit into that that was a weird roundabout way of like he the fact that he didn't even address that we did a [ __ ] 15 minute video making fun of him like he didn't bring it's weird to me he didn't bring that up at all mmm-hmm you know I'm saying yeah I think the whole thing was kind of just about that what like I almost feel like he played it off like he was like like there are other people that have talked to that are affected by this but I feel like think about that video right yeah but that's what I'm saying like he wants to come up in there and like this this then the third act like he's [ __ ] he's gonna come in and swing on you any-any and he's and he makes it about oh you're bullying kids yeah first up it there is no [ __ ] harm in calling a Lele pons video [ __ ] corny Hannah stocking videos [ __ ] corny all that [ __ ] is bad it's weak and and and it doesn't matter if [ __ ] if like I I just can't I can't make the connection from commentary to bullying I don't know how you get there yeah and I guess I'm that's what I'm struggling with here is I don't see how he can honestly call that bullying I mean like to just like to I guess like play devil's advocate it's like I I do like in that second Lele pons video I do say that she's awful I'm like she sucks she's mean hurt she's dumb she's like I'm like I'm you know which is like kind of bullying I'd say so maybe there is like a lighter way I can you know maybe I just was in a bad [ __ ] mood that day and I sat down and wrote a video where I was like a little bit more mean I don't know man I think we okay I guess I keep drawing from that scrunch but a Tamil at the end of almost every video after Maddie smokes we [ __ ] we make a point to be like don't go [ __ ] with this person yeah we always said don't go [ __ ] this person you know like that you know at the end of the day like these are these are harmless jokes and and I feel like we make a point here everywhere to be like if someone if comedies are somebody's expense it's like you're saying we're not here to to ruin their life and make them want to [ __ ] kill themselves and all this and that but that doesn't mean like we can't be critical in a joking way of somebody even saying [ __ ] lay upon sucks take that on the chin dude take that on the chin mm-hmm your own [ __ ] entertainment yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah even like reviews and [ __ ] variety or that harsh yeah what the [ __ ] article that do wrote about post yeah I mean there's that [ __ ] was mean as [ __ ] it was like a six page [ __ ] diss piece on them how about this Jake you don't [ __ ] with bullying how about you take down every video where you've tied your girlfriend to a [ __ ] wall and left her out there for hours with duct tape how would you go watch that [ __ ] video where I clowned you for looking like a sociopath and you look at all those moments you're teaching that [ __ ] to kids you don't got a problem with that yeah you don't you ain't bringing none of that [ __ ] up through this [ __ ] the [ __ ] that just that hurts me man you eat you wanna think I think he wanted to use the whole thing it's like basically like like I'll say kotico conquered yeah I walked in there defeated him bullsh I'm out and that's it and that's like that I was like that that's not really the way that you should like I just don't think you've done a lot of thinking about this I think that maybe you saw us clown you on in a video for a little bit and you were like [ __ ] this kid yeah and then you just saw me as someone who's who you can real about I need to walk up to and confront on a video and then walk away from it it's like yeah cuz buddy can't what I'm saying didn't punch me so of course I'm not gonna punch you this [ __ ] four cameras rolling he's never ever gonna swing on anybody yeah he's [ __ ] camera guy man that dude that dude I was funny wasn't really funny Jake Jake was like Jake was probably being more civil than his camera than his camera dude honestly his camera dude was sitting there just like he kept being like yeah he clearly he's so clearly [ __ ] hated me I don't know why I never met the kid man he's like wearing these [ __ ] cuz you're not allowed to make fun of Jay Paul dude I get I guess not I mean like he's just one of his yes-man I guess yeah it was like wearing that like neon orange guest shirt with a neon orange hat he look like a high beast traffic cone sick yeah what kind of foot I'm sorry man I don't mean to get all animated about the [ __ ] it's just like that like that [ __ ] his sucker [ __ ] to the fullest bro goddamnit that she's so corny turn the cameras off oh it's good oh oh it's good it's getting a real in here turn the cameras off well he was like he was like turn the cameras off turn the cameras off and then he's like show him that it's off and I was like damn is that really what this come did you have to do that like you it's not just like you trust that people turn the cameras you know say yeah yeah yeah like he had to get his camera to just show me that it was off and I was like man that's like when you're at that point that means that you're being it on yeah you'd most of the time to weird [ __ ] just a bit and then I'm like but like now it gets honest and now you're gonna turn the camera so this is a real moment like we should actually gonna have a discussion like man your [ __ ] thing yeah I'm just dude I'm just like oh man sorry my brain is just going a million miles an hour on him getting on you for setting an example after he does a [ __ ] 20 minute video with Tana babysitting kids and they're talking about [ __ ] each other and all that [ __ ] all through the entire it's just like that his his content is riddled with [ __ ] if you want to get down to cherry-picking and being like you did this you did that you did this you did that so it's just [ __ ] arrogant in my mind to come in there one press somebody while they're sitting in a [ __ ] sitting in a chair yeah it's just so lame someone is sitting down you're gonna run up on them and like yeah your eye level with my chest what's up [ __ ] that's one and then two just I don't man it's just that's lame that's [ __ ] corny you will see we'll see how that footage turns out maybe his vlog today or tomorrow or some [ __ ] I bet you I I you know don't blame me I'm just saying don't blame me if I look like a total [ __ ] yeah don't blame me cuz you understand I've explained the situation you know that I was I thought the whole thing was a [ __ ] joke I really did I was like and I was kind of trying to plate up for the camera at the same time because I'm like I want to make Jeff's video good I want to make this moment good yeah but I couldn't it was so so confusing [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,266,910
Rating: 4.9722261 out of 5
Keywords: tmg, cody, ko, noel, miller, comedy, comedians, funny, jokes, lol, long, form, conversation, radio, podcast
Id: 8XL88ChRJUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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