The Glock Pistol: Why So Popular?

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the Glock pistol for 25 years one of the best-selling handguns in America and whether you love it or hate it we're gonna take a look at some of the reasons why this is such a popular pistol [Music] now this is the model 17 and it's what started the whole block revolution designed in 1982 but entered US markets in 1986 in fact they just celebrated 25 years of Glock in the United States it serves in 65% of all law enforcement agencies across the country that's over 2,000 agencies that the Glock serves in in a hundred and fifty thousand pistols that fact alone gives a lot of credibility for the reliability the durability and this gun as far as its workmanship in 1999 over 2 million Glocks were imported into the United States to be honest with you no one really knows how many Glocks have been sold because Glock is a private company and they haven't released those numbers it's a pre vague the model 19 is Glocks best selling model and that's the compact version of this pistol in itself we're gonna safety check the pistol to make sure that it is unloaded but why is this such a popular pistol with so many different people smooth like butter you know to be honest the first time I bought a Glock it was back in it had to be 1987 and it was a model 17 it was one of the first gens and when I first saw it I thought man that is a block e square off looking pistol I mean I was used to the Baretta's I was used to the Smith & Wesson the browning hi-power other pistols like that so this was a completely different design from anything I'd ever seen but once I picked it up and started kind of looking over it and felt the weight saw how simple it was no external safeties coming off the side the slide release this is an extended slide release and look how close it rides to the frame and what that does it makes it really easy to draw and holster it makes it really easy to manipulate once you pull the slide back you just pull the trigger take your magazine out with your magazine release just a very simple gun and I think that was a huge appeal to many people they didn't have to think they could draw it and if they needed to use it they could of course the other thing which was a huge boost for Glock and because the weight was so light because of this polymer frame and many people said plastic gun originally many people were like all people are going to slip through airports with this gun and there were all kind of crazy rumors going around of course that's obviously not the case and the other thing was is well this polymer won't last it's not durable enough then again that was dispelled especially after many law enforcement agencies started buying these handguns and then a lot of the tests that were done the endurance test a hundred thousand two hundred thousand rounds through a Glock pistol without any malfunctions and finally after a hundred thousand rounds the magazine malfunctioned only because it wouldn't hold the slide back after the last round but it still fed through the gun and you know it was a good system a complete system and then the price the price on these has been very reasonable for the quality you're getting but they've risen over the past couple of years but for years Glocks were running in the 450 range and so now you're looking at about 525 and you know and up according to where you're getting it and according to how the markets going now one major thing too was the magazine capacity it was holding 17 rounds which your typical pistol at that time was about 14 to 15 rounds so you had a 17 round magazine super lightweight and a pistol that was fairly reasonable and very simple so that also led to a lot of the popularity and to in one of the reasons why I really like Glock is because these magazines run about twenty-five dollars and you know that's one of the things I like to have a number of magazines with my pistol and a lot of times with some of the more premium brands such as H&K and Sig those magazines can be very expensive and sometimes difficult to locate and then when you bring in the thirty three round magazine Glock factory magazine which is made for their model eighteen full automatic this really is a cool option to be able to put in the same gun now with that said you have your model 26 which is your subcompact 9-millimeter same magazine fits in here as does in the 17 and then you have your 19 which is a compact version and yet it feels like a full-sized handgun and you have the same caliber with different models that all manipulate the same and to be honest with you shoot pretty close to the same and you can interchange these magazines another cool thing about the Glock magazines is there are a number of rifles carbines that are made to use Glock magazines and you've already got your 33 rounder and again it's very reasonable and also with your 17 rounder and you can use these same type magazines in a pistol caliber carbine of course you have different calibers like this model 36 which is a 45 acp it holds six rounds and it's an excellent concealed carry piece but then you also have your model 30 which is larger and then you have your model 21 which is a full size 45 acp and talking a big bore here's my 10 millimeter Glock 20 and this gives me a lot of other options with the 10 millimeter cartridge and and so on there are seven different calibers that Glock offers and there are 38 different models there's a lot of different options with all the same design a lot of the same feel all the controls are the same once they started going with the tenifer finish which is a super hard finish on these slides that really gave a lot of durability and kept these guns looking great longer of course another appeal is how easy it is to break down pull the trigger pull it back just about an eighth of an inch drop these little tabs you pull it right off now of course there are other pistols that are this easy to break down now but when these came out this was revolutionary and it still has a lot of appeal there also a number of conversion kits where you can just change the barrel and the magazine and have a totally different caliber if the frames coincide which the 9 millimeter and the 40 and also the 357 sig all have the same frames and that's just an easy option without having to go through all the paperwork with the different frames now one thing to understand though about all the different pistols that are out there is there are different people that are out there and each of these pistols sell by the thousands you know you've got your beretta 92 I mean what a great selling pistol used by the US military I love this pistol of accuracy I love how refined it is how smooth it feels the browning hi-power such a classic pistol excellent and you know many people just choose a pistol because the way it feels the way it shoots in their hand I mean you've got the 1911 which is massively popular and this is a Springfield champion and it's just a great shooting gun I grew up learning how to shoot on 45 1911's of course you have your cz and your cz pistols are just excellent they're extremely economically classic they're beautiful and so while I'm speaking of Glock I also totally enjoy all these different firearms and I understand why people go to this other than the Glock and there are a lot of reasons listen people's personalities are so different and people have different hand sizes they have different uses they just have different mindsets and so all of these guns fall into that place but that still doesn't change the fact that Glock is so popular and of course the Smith & Wesson M&P which really is an answer to the Glock this is an awesome pistol I love it I love the way it shoots I love the way it feels the Springfield XDM is also an excellent pistol and then again it's a very nice selling popular pistol then we have the cz po9 which is the answer to the Glock over the cz 75 the po9 goes more toward a system that is close related to the Glock you have car yeah beretta you have Smith & Wesson I mean there's just so many different companies out there and I know I'm missing a bunch because there's so many out there and they sell well but the Glock surpasses each and every one of these in sales and because there's such a sea of different type firearms and because Glock has been so widely known I think that also has a lot to do with the popularity of the Glock pistol you know a lot of people ask me say you know why do you do such positive reviews on guns well for one thing I of guns I love different type guns and if I want to compare these two I have certain preferences but to me the same reason somebody went out and bought a Smith & Wesson M&P because that was the gun of their choice that's their opinion that's their prejudice on what they like is the way it feels in their hand their hands are different they waste different they're different sizes some are taller some are shorter some just these appeal to others and so while millions of these are sold and millions of these are sold it's up to the person who's buying the pistol and a lot of times it's just straight-up marketing and I think Glock does a fantastic job at marking their pistols I mean really Glock perfection all the different things that I've shown about the Glock pistol and what's made it so popular has now been copied and mimicked by a lot of different companies and that's okay because it gives us a lot of other choices to enjoy the things that made the Glock so popular and so it's really up to the individual shooter what you feel and I'll tell you like I tell everybody when choosing a handgun go to a gun shop a well-stocked gun shop and put different pistols in your hand check the natural point of aim and see what gun best suits you don't go out and buy a Glock because it's the most popular go out and buy something that suits your personality again there are different people different hand sizes different body shapes different preferences and prejudices that lead to finding the right handgun for you so they're better pistols in the Glock out on the market sure there are are there pistols that are more refined that are more accurate of course there are but for a medium priced handgun that just works and he's really high quality it's just hard to beat the Glock you know the Glocks been called many things it's a block it's ugly you know beauties in the eyes of the beholder but I'll tell you the more I own and shoot Glock the more beautiful it is to be strong be of good courage god bless america I live the Republic [Music] right [Music] the Glock pistol the Glock pick the Glock pistol we got to develop the Glock pistol the Glock pistol one of the best-selling handed and so you can use these type magazines in a car being pistol whether you love it or you hate it we're gonna take a look
Channel: sootch00
Views: 5,118,347
Rating: 4.8195391 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Striker fired, Semi Auto, Self defense, Law enforcement, Police, Military, Austria, S&W M&P Pistol, handgun, Survival, Service pistol, gun, XDM, Kahr, Beretta, Ruger, Colt, Home defense, Shooting, range, Sootch00, Sootch
Id: DZDrgoRprVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2013
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