S&W M2.0 Compact Vs Gen 5 Glock 19...Your New Best Polymer Pistol Is???

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[Music] [Music] could it be that we now have a new king of the compact small full-sized pistol lineup we're about to find out welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you guys for joining us for our big time review with the new M 2.0 compact and the Glock 19 Gen 5 these two pistols are huge competitors in the market and now we have an apples-to-apples comparison in their small full size lineups so hopefully you guys will enjoy this we're going to talk about everything pros and cons or of course gonna do some shooting and I'm gonna give you my overall opinion and tell you which pistol I like the best so you guys stick around destroy that like button become a subscriber to the channel and thank you guys for everything that you do for us let's go and get started show you what they come with out of the box we'll start with the MFP here the box is pretty much unchanged but what they have included are some pretty cool things you got your paperwork lock all that good stuff oil wrapped paper I love this it's a nice little touch you have your gun you have 215 round magazines all right there's your other mag you have four sets of back straps you have small medium large this is the small one on there and I'll show you how to change those out in a minute you also have what actually two of these grip extensions so if you have the full size magazines and you want to put your grip extension on there you can do that it does come with two I got to find the other one but let's go ahead and pull this gun out get the box out of the way and let's show you what comes with the Glock 19 Gen 5 all right you have your paperwork you have a brush and a cleaning rod you have an assist loader you have 315 round magazines alright so that's a step up obviously from the MFP you have your back straps here some wood beavertails some without and let's go ahead and get this one out of the way alright so they both come with quite a bit but what about the main features on the gun let's talk about the specs here really quick overall weight on the M&P is 24 ounces barrel length is 4 inches overall length is 7.3 inches and then the height is a little over 5 inches on the Glock the wait twenty three point nine nine ounces so what's impressive is on the old M&P compact which was smaller than this it was twenty four point seven ounces this one is twenty four ounces literally these are pretty much the same weight which is very impressive barrel lengths just a hair over four inches in barrel length overall length is seven point two inches so this one is just a little bit longer the width one point three inches on the Glock I'll show you these compare to each other they are pretty much spot-on let's bud them up slide to slide you can see that a little bit of length there in the mfp but one of the big dimensions now is your height on the guns so as you can see they are identical in height it does not get any closer than that I think Smith & Wesson was listening to us when they when we said that we wanted a Glock 19 size guns so very impressive as far as the length width height and all that and that's something that Glock has been the king of in my opinion when it comes to size to weight capacity ratio they've been pretty much unmatched until now let's go and talk about the features here really quick starting up front here you do have a little beveling on the side right there here's your Picatinny rail you do have a rounded off trigger guard here slight undercut in the frame alright so you can get your hand pretty high up on this gun magazine release is extended there alright and it also has that new grip texturing that you have on the frame this grip texturing you're either gonna love it or hate it if your hands are sensitive to really rough texture rings you might hate it I personally love it because it just locks into your hand when you're firing when your hands are sweating you're gonna really appreciate that grip down here you have your takedown tool alright that just rotates you pull it right out from here you can slide your back straps off and change them out or whatever you want to do and you can also use that tool to take down the gun and I'll show you that here in a minute get the tool back in slide it in rotate it around put your magazine back into place ambidextrous slide stop all right so that is a nice for left-handed shooters and you can also reverse your magazine release down towards the bottom so a little change that they did that I don't think we talked about is you have this little divot right here so if anything gets stuck in the mag well you can get your finger down there and just yank that magazine right out takedown lever front slide serrations there mainly an aesthetic type of purpose you can get a little bit of a grip on there and when you compare that to the Glock that doesn't have any it definitely helps out a little bit you just really got to get your thumbs down there and to do your press checks so you know the functionality of them is decent I think they would have been better served going all the way up or at least higher than what they do right here cut out and the slide right there looks really good rear slide serrations still the fish-scale style and then coming around to the sights you have a three dot metal sight system and the sights pick up really well 18 degree grip angle this is something I've talked about before and whenever you hold the gun out it is pretty much right on target and that grip angle helps with that a lot coming over to the new gen 5 Glock they've done a lot of changes one of the biggest ones that you're going to notice is no more finger grooves so this is something a lot of people were not fond of including myself you know I was kind of about it either way but this definitely feels better in the hand you had the same RTF four type of grip texturing on there not really not overly aggressive but it does a decent job of keeping it in your hand the magazine well is not flared out alright so you'll notice how much of a flare there is right there so that makes getting your magazines in and out much easier they also curved the magazine baseplate up to kind of match the frame this cutout right here I assume it is for the same purpose like what this is on the MP just a lot if he gets something stuck in the magazine well sand dirt anything like that I guess it's designed so you can just shank that magazine right out standard Glock Picatinny rail you can see you have you one slot right there squared off trigger guard you can see how much different the trigger guards are compared to each other and also you can tell that you have a much higher undercut in the Glock frame so you can get your hand even higher on this gun that means a lot to some people as far as bore axes and all that to me it doesn't mean much but it's something I wanted to mention you do have beveling on the slide now on the new gen 5s so that's going to make holstering in and out a lot easier sights you have your standard Glock sights you now have options for basically an America type of option or the Glock night sights but standard they're gonna come with these drop in the bucket type of sights left-handed shooters you now have your slide stop on the on the other side of the pistol and you can reverse your magazine release as well so that's good for left-handed shooters magazine release on the JEM five o'clock it's the same oversized magazine release that we found on the jenn force and one thing about it you really have to push this into the frame and you can see it still hangs up a little bit every once in a while that is a problem on this gun and also on the mfp i've noticed that it will do it as well and that's something i've never had a problem with on the emma piece but every once in a while it'll hang up about right there and you just gotta yank that magazine out of the mag well but the magazine releases are very different the MMP is much more responsive than on the glock if that means anything to you slide stop on both guns you are able to work it if you want to use it as a slide release one of the other changes that glock did is they now added a new finish to the gun actually to the slide and to the barrel hopefully this holds up you can see it is a fingerprint magnet very different from the M&P you know you don't really get a lot of fingerprints with this armorknight finish stainless steel slide and Barrel but on the Glock this is kind of plagued at least on my Gen 4 is it's really the slide does not hold up too well so hopefully this will hold up better against scratches and all of that but as far as fingerprints and kind of discoloration it's still doing the same exact thing they'll they also added a marksman barrel so this is supposed to improve the accuracy over the old polygonal rifling barrels that they used to use in the past now we talked about the grip angle on the mfp the grip angle on the Glock is very different whenever I go to line up my sights there's a little bit more adjustment at least for me personally that I have to do to get my sights on target but it's not too bad at all this one seems to be just a little bit higher whenever I go to actually present the gun to the target break down here really quick and then we will take you guys to the range with us all you have to do on the Glock make sure it's clear pull the trigger cheap back on the slide and pull it off and by the way we will talk about the triggers after the shooting part of the review on the MMP you got a couple different ways if you want to use your tool you can I don't rotate this lever down alright pull the trigger comes right off that little tool will allow you to pull this little yellow lever down and the slide will just come right off if you don't want to pull the trigger for whatever reason here's your rail right here really beefy rails up front and then your points a contact your rail back here in the rear on the Glock you can see your rail up here and then back here alright so internally they look very similar as you can tell on the Glock you have a dual captive recoil spring polymer guide rod and then your barrel comes out and then on the MMP you have a stainless steel guide rod alright single captive spring there and then your barrel as far as the slides you got your striker block right here which is different on the Gen 5s and then back here you have it on the mfp let's put these bad together one thing that's impressive to me is that Smith & Wesson was able to get their wait so close to Glock and yet use all these stainless steel components I think that was uh that was a job well done for sure let's go and put this back in and even with the magazines the magazines you have metal magazines compared to polymer to me that was pretty impressive with the weight side of things alright put it back in there we go put the clock back together here really quick both of these guns if you don't have any experience with firearms whatsoever you can easily clean these guns and take care of them go to bed together boom there you go so we talked about all the features specs weight everything like that let's show you guys how they shoot and then whenever we get back we'll talk about those triggers we'll talk about pros and cons and I'll tell you my overall opinion which one I like the best and why we'll see you guys in a minute all right so hopefully you guys enjoy that both guns shoot amazing they handle the recoil really well as far as which one is flatter shooting and all that kind of stuff both of them are about the same they both do a really good job of handling the recoil neither one of them had an issue whatsoever one thing I didn't talk about is the magazine options you have a 15 17 and 33 round option on the Glock so all of your old magazines are going to work on the Glock and then on the mfp as well you can obviously use the 17 round options in the MMP and I'm sure there's some aftermarket options out there as well that will extend that magazine capacity let's go ahead and show you the triggers and the weight here really quick on the Glock you have that safety tab right there in the middle all right you got to make sure you pull that I've noticed that sometimes I will not get my finger all the way on there and if you don't it's not gonna you're not going to get a bang that's for sure so you hit the wall a little bit of creep and it breaks reset right there and you're ready to go again on the MP huge improvement this used to be when any time I've ever done a Glock versus MMP video the Glock wins hands down not so much anymore MMP you still have that hinge design so if you pull from the top nothing you got to pull directly from the middle hit the wall a little bit of creep there and it breaks reset right there and you're ready to go again let me show you the weights here really quick right wait on the Glock five pounds eight ounces let's try it again five pounds 8 ounces very consistent all right let's try it on the MMP I've been getting right under 6 pounds on that one 5 pounds 11 ounces one more time 5 pounds 14 ounces the weight it's a little bit different you have a round of 5 and a half pounds don't pay attention to the weight both of these triggers are very nice this one to me though is much more consistent through the pole it just has an amazing trigger it's it's so good such an improvement over the old limit piece I really encourage you guys to get into a gun shop and pull the trigger on these on the Glock they're not much different from what you've seen in the past so that's a good thing as well because if you've ever shot a Glock trigger this is going to be pretty much the same type of feel on that one all right so what about pros and cons on each one let's talk about the grip texture first I personally think the script texturing is lightyears above the Glock mystech shot much prefers this though because it's not as rough in our hands so that's a that's just us you know being different everybody's different I like this one she likes this one I think this is more of a benefit as you're shooting your hands are sweating and all of that a pros on the MP pretty much everything the trigger is better the grip texturing is better yeah more back strap options now magazine release more responsive the sights are definitely better than the Glock overall all the changes that we wanted especially considering the size to weight capacity ratio on the MFP this gun is damn near perfect I mean there are not too many things as far as cons on the M&P I just like everything about it now the pros on the Glock are the grip obviously not having finger moves is a huge thing there's so many videos so many people talking about how to remove the finger grooves on the old generations now you don't have that to worry about it lends itself a lot better to a lot more variety of shooters so a lot more people can pick this up and say yeah that feels pretty good in the hand so that is a big upgrade the trigger the overall way the Glock shoot is awesome they're just a rugged and do it all type of pistol and this gun is no different the fact that they've beveled this for holstering and all that is really good size the weight capacity ratio on the Gen 5 Glock is still very good although it is a little bit bigger a little bit heavier than the previous gen 4 it's still a very good size to weight and your capacity ratio having your magazines enter changeable of course is awesome and you also have better oae magazine options and more capacity with these so now what about the cons on on on both of these guns on the Glock you know besides the changes that we've talked about there's really not a lot different with it and it kind of makes me feel that Glock is still going off of their reputation from the past being reliable simple guns and that's fine but there's just not a lot different with the gun Smith & Wesson has taken the time they said all right our grips suck our trigger suck we need to improve this stuff we need to make a gun in the size you know that a lot of people want and Glock 19 is a perfect size do it all competition home defense concealed carry type of size let's do that they didn't just say hey our 12-round compact version is good enough and we'll just roll with that they made a lot of changes and a lot of complaints that we've got on our channel through em appease and a lot of other people they've made those changes and they've done a heck of a job doing it Glock to me just has not done enough and and to be honest with you even like the the new finish they've put on their guns you can still see it's a fingerprint magnet I mean it gets fingerprints everywhere I can already see it may not scratch up is easy but it's still not a very good finish when compared to the MFP that armorknight just just holds up a lot better in my opinion and also as long as Glock has been doing their pistols we still have the drop in the bucket type of sights I personally cannot stand them it's something that I will definitely upgrade on this gun if I decide to keep it it's just one of those things like why don't we have just standard three dot sights compared to the MMP metal sights of that and you have a three dot set up you know I feel like these sites on the MFP or light-years above the Glock and all they would really have to change is just go to a three dot setup and you pretty much be on par these are polymer sights as well so if you're doing reloads off your belt or anything like that you're gonna you might have a little concern about this breaking because it is polymer on the mfp they have that little shelf now so you can do your reloads off of your boot or your build or whatever what about the price well that's another big con on the Glock as well these are now about fifty dollars more than the previous gen four versions so you're gonna be right around five seventy-five I actually paid 600 bucks for this because I wanted to get it you know pretty early after its release date the MMPs you can find those all day long online for around four hundred fifty bucks so you have a hundred to $150 difference there depending on where you shop you get more bang for your buck out of the MMP a lot a lot of guns that are cheaper than the Glock you can say yeah you get a lot more bang for your buck but it's not as good on the M&P not only is it as good as the Glock it is better in my opinion I think that the hands-down winner on this review is the Smith & Wesson simply because it's cheaper and you don't have to really change anything on this gun left-handed shooters you can enjoy this gun as well there's just a lot of great things with this gun the Glock is not a bad gun but so me it is no longer the king of the polymer striker-fired pistols I think Smith & Wesson has has pretty much taken the rain especially now considering we have the perfect size MEP that is just my opinion of course I want to hear what you guys have to say down in the comments below let me know which one you think is better thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one and as always holding down
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 900,100
Rating: 4.8353052 out of 5
Keywords: m2.0 compact vs g19 gen 5, m2.0 compact vs gen 5 glock, m2.0 compact vs glock, gen 5 glock 19 vs m&p m2.0 compact, gen 5 vs m2.0, g19 vs m2.0 compact, m2.0 vs gen 5, m2.0 compact vs, gen 5 glock 19 vs, m&p m2.0 compact vs gen 5 glock 19
Id: 3LPh4BfdiQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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