Why Glocks Suck!!!

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what's up guys this is the Honest outlaw here and today we're gonna be doing a video on why Glocks suck first I want to give a little disclaimer please watch the entire video before you comment because what we're doing in this video isn't necessarily my personal opinions the point of these videos is to kind of poke at the fanboys a little bit first of all and to give you real knowledge about the firearms when you go on the forums you get on the internet you see some other YouTube channels you might get some misinformation especially about Glocks since Glocks are so popular there's a lot of weird and crazy information out there and what I want to do in this video is I want to kind of separate that I want to talk about some of the most common things that I have heard complained about the Glock and talked about those things and see whether or not those things are true or false and then I want to also add in some of the things that I don't like about the Glock personally now that doesn't mean the Glock is bad even though the video is titled you know why Glocks suck it's about what sucks about Glocks because whether you're a Glock guy or an M&P guy or a 1911 guy every firearm every modern firearm to date can be improved you know the Glock is lighter than the 1911 the 1911 is more accurate and smoother you know what I mean CZs hold more amyl the 1911 it goes on and on and on so we're gonna talk about the pros and cons and we're gonna be honest you know that's the point of this channel in the first place is to be honest about guns so here we go you get a lot of comments just about it just being a general blocky pistol you know they call it the block for a reason it personally doesn't bother me but for a lot of people especially the 1911 guys or you revolver guys you know you Colt single-action guys I can see this as not being near as good looking the second thing I hear a lot about is the durability it explodes it breaks it's polymer if you drop it out of your car it won't work anymore well a lot of things will work you drop them out of your car if you look at exploded guns on Google if you do a google search about guns that explode you will come up with a lot of Glocks and the reason for that is because Glocks are probably the most popular pistol at least nowadays so that's one reason but you guys have to remember that all guns have catastrophic malfunctions even even revolvers so as far as being dropped can they break yeah they can I've heard stories of especially people messing up the mag wells when they're holstered like if you hit the ground to do rollover prone shooting with an AR something like that you slam on it and you hit a rock or something yeah you can crack or debt especially dent or divot these polymer frames that's totally possible it is it really gonna happen in real life honestly no unless you're out there you know shooting bad guys for a living I don't think you're gonna have to worry about it the trigger this one is a personal preference as well the trigger is not great there's gonna be a general theme about upgrading the pistol throughout this but the trigger is not great but the upside of it is that it can be easily fixed and it can be fixed at a whatever price level you choose you can get a 5 pound trigger connector for like $13 and honestly that makes it almost as good as some other pistols it's not going to be as good as let's say the P P Q or even mechanic vp9 things like that are gonna have better triggers regardless of what you do I have these EV trigger in this pistol currently and it is my opinion the best trigger that you can buy for a Glock and I still prefer the P P Q trigger so the trigger yeah it sucks but can you make it work absolutely it's still a striker-fired pistol it still has the same pull regardless of what you do it's not going to have any crazy long double action pull or anything like that it's definitely workable but compared to some of its other peers it is not as good I another huge complaint you're gonna find is the sights the sights well they suck as you can see here this is what the sight picture looks like sorry about that was out of frame just got that white you with that white dot in the front this sight picture for me works I got used to it well I you know bench locks for a long time and back when I first grabbed my my buddies pistol when he was training to be a police officer and you know I shot this sight picture it works for me it's not perfect but it works one of the downsides of it at least from my experience is it would make sense if the dot would be right in the middle of you instead of cutting it in half so a lot of people end up shooting higher or lower but it's kind of an issue but again easily fixed you can go with stuff like these America lows here these American lil Ida or these are the Spartans I have America low idot's here you can go with fiber optic sights as well so again fixed but should Glock put better sights on their pistols coming out of the factory I really really think so yeah I really do sometimes it you know it's has to do with a value equation but let's be honest lots of other pistols that come with the same polymer frame at the same price point come with better sights MNP jumps out of me for example so yeah I think they should do I think they should do a different sight picture in the future another complaint that I agree with is the accessory rail why does it have an accessory rail instead of a Picatinny rail I have no idea and you can say most Picatinny things do fit the accessory rail and I would agree with you but not all believe me that is why surefire has to be shipped with different mounts and all kinds of other stuff you can definitely find cons to the accessory rail so I would like to see a Picatinny rail but it doesn't break my heart since they're the most popular polymer pistol and they're kind of the gold standard of polymer pistol kind of what all guns are you know kind of looking up to you right now I'm not saying that that there aren't guns out now that surpass it but for a long time Glock was it as far the polymer pistols go you've got a lot of what most people like to call fanboys and these people are people that just buy Glock they have never even bothered to try their guns they just think Glock is the best and in my opinion you know I don't want to give anything too far away but I do like Glocks but they are you know as you would say the Honda Civic the gun world they are reliable very reliable they are lightweight and they just work are they the best shooter we'll get into that in a little bit another popular complaint is slide bite you know I have pretty big hands and I've never actually I don't think I've maybe I've gotten slide bite once I got it a couple times in the g42 for sure that's a very small pistol and I'm six-three I'm a pretty big guy so yeah it's happened a little bit but does it bother me no if it really bothers you again gallant I guess he maybe block supplies him now with the Jim fours but they do have a beaver tail grip adapter for you and even if it's not supplied with the jim force don't quote me on that i think they're only like 10 or 15 bucks limp-wristed another valid complaint it really is can you limp wrists other pistols yep you can I've seen it happen I've seen it happen a lot in Glocks believe it or not it mostly happens to new shooters because when you limp risk for the majority of the time it happens when you're not putting in a forward pressure on the pistol the slide comes to the rear doesn't come all the way back that's at least from my experience and it happened a couple times to my wife happened a couple of times in the on the g42 it happened a couple times in the g19 I've seen other other people that have shot out of my house do it as well all of them were an experience I don't think I've ever seen an experienced shooter do it but from what I've seen on the internet stuff like that you can do it if you're shooting in awkward positions and if you're shooting upside down another complaint the the 40's were out too quick the Glock Glock 23 Glock 22 they just wear out too fast Glock 27 I had a Glock 22 and I had a Glock 23 at one point or another I don't have them anymore I'm not a big 40 guy but do forties wear out quicker yeah but 40 wears out quicker in every single other gun - it's a higher pressure ground as memory serves the FBI originally had it made because it was a neck down 10 millimeter they wanted a lower recoiling 10 millimeter for some smaller frame shooters yeah it's a super high-velocity round it'll wear out your gun faster but will it wear it out before most people shoot their gun out no no professional shooters something like that police officer a competitive shooter military guy yeah you could wear him out though they're snappy yeah they are yeah that's an actual complaint too they are a little snappy you can buy compensator models of the Glock but the original model yeah they're a little more snappy especially than pistols like the M&P but they're less recoiling in my opinion than pistols like the ppq yeah they're super light physics or what they are you know a light pistol is gonna have more recoil they rust yep they do especially with the new coating that Glock is put on their pistols I've seen a lot of people complain about rusting on the slide especially of the g43 now do I have any no I actually don't I've actually carried this pistol on a fairly regular basis as well I've carried it at least at least over 60 days this year I carry lots of other pistols as well as I'm a gear reviewer I don't get the I don't get the luxury of just carrying or just shooting one pistol because I got to shoot them all to give you guys my opinions the plastic guide rod breaks I have never seen that in my life and other than the Glocks you see on the table I own several more plus man I probably owned at least 10 more in my life besides the ones I have now and I've never had a guide rod break I've never had a guy dread breaking any gun ever steel or otherwise they are too expensive a couple of years ago I would have disagreed with you but there's been so many models that have come out with similar price points like the ppq the M&P the Kanak is around the same build quality and it is several hundred dollars less than this I have the Kanak Elite currently and it's in testing the the mechanic v2 was a great pistol as well the sig 320 is another amazing pistol I that I have honestly believe it as superior build quality to this no I'm definitely no sig fanboy but it has it definitely has better build quality I would say it's more modular it's got a better trigger it's got better accessories from the factory same with the ppq the ppq is extremely impressive as well vp9 a little more expensive basically a vp9 is a little bit longer barreled version of the ppq that's more expensive but getting back to the part about the Glocks is that yeah therefore what you get the shitty trigger the shitty sights the polymer magazines they are steel line Dino but still the it's just some of the build quality problems that you'll see even with my Glock 19 here I was putting this alien arms mag well on today and I found out that even the bottom of the mag well is machined wrong you know all this melted plastic just sitting there the pistol the trigger guard is not as economists it should be lots of people I've seen complain and they usually end up Dremel in it like I have yeah I just think for 500 bucks you should get a little bit more for your pistol another one I forgot to mention that is probably in the top three it would be grip angle yeah this is true ish if you find a guy that just shoots Glocks he'll tell you the grip angle is perfect if you find a guy that just shoots 1911's or em and pees they'll tell you that it sucks you know I don't really know what to say about it I've heard some people say the reason why the grip angle is what it is is because it's actually more ergonomic for the shooter I honestly maybe I'm in the minority here but I can transition between Glocks and MPs and 1911 s and P P cues and I can do them all fairly seamlessly you give me a couple dry fire draw practices and I'm on point so do I think it's a big negative no I don't it's blocky compared to pistols again I keep bringing up the damn P P Q or even mechanic illipe the new Kanak elite they have the oh how about the cz po7 probably my all-time favorite pistol in this size they have their slides milled down to be more ergonomic especially when you're carrying things like appendix you know you don't want to have ridges and things like that the slide serrations up front you know they're just better looking more ergonomic pistols even the grips are more ergonomic on those pistols as well another con is when you talk to people like we spoke earlier people think they're better than what they are I gave that Honda Civic reference earlier and I will definitely stand by that Glocks are not the perfect pistol are they the best overall pistol maybe maybe you know if you're really talking about a service or duty pistol what are you looking for is it gonna be your primary gun because if it is maybe the Glock 17 is a good choice I've shot a lot of us PSA competitions where guys kicked my ass with the Glock so can you shoot it well you absolutely can another pro of the Glock is that it's super lightweight it's very reliable do they jam yep they do but a case jam colt pythons Jam yep sorry malfunction but every gun GM's at one point or another and if you're gonna sever jammed you need to come out to my house and shoot in the snow or the mud or the rain and put 10,000 rounds through it and see what happens nope no front cocking serrations I really like the front cocking serrations and it's obviously missing from all the Glocks but you can buy aftermarket slides like this Zev I think it's a tree leo you can also add an arm R to it now these are extremely pricey however and guns like breath the top of my head I think the Kanak the new Kanak elite comes with them but I like comes like that the cz brands do as well I like to be able to chamber check with that and I just like how it looks not enough texture and the grip is probably one of my biggest personal complaints for the Glock I think they should come with texturing like this RTF here this RTF this rough textured frame vicars tactical from Lipsey's or something like that is the perfect amount of texturing that you can have it doesn't bother me if I carry I actually carried this appendix a couple times I don't like carrying big guns but I did just to try out the grip and it's fine fine for me and it's perfect for rain snow and mud it's not as good as skateboard tape but it also doesn't fall off and you don't have to send it out somewhere to get it stippled they go through metal detectors yeah if you watch diehard or what's the other one lord of war i think i think lord of war says it as well you got to be careful man these clocks are made of polymers so they go through metal detectors you know they're gonna be on planes and stuff like that you know I'm just kidding right the the slides metal the barrels metal some of the internals are metal it doesn't go through metal detectors if you don't believe me you could try at your local courthouse but I wouldn't suggest it the controls are too small if you want big controls you can get a gun like in 1911 you can get a cz like my cz a key shadow it's got giant control so does the PIO so does the po9 and the PS seven in my last sux video the M&P video if you guys have checked that out there's a lot of controversy about me calling this a slide release BAM because it releases the slide it also does it on the M&P too and I complained about how hard it is on the M&P now on the Glock it's not as difficult but it still is very small and people are always like check your manual it's a slide stop it's a slide stop it's meant to lock the slide open and that's it I agree with that but I like the OP option to change it if I want to and where the M&P lacks that the Glock is a pretty easy fix you can get a bigger you can get a bigger slide release you can get a bigger magazine release this one's from his EV you can get different takedown letters now that goes into a negative that I've never seen anywhere that I experienced when I did my reliability test of the Glock 17 if you look at the M&P maybe I'll annotate some pictures you'll notice that they have takedown lever most modern guns have this big takedown lever that slides over and I never understood why that was if this'll if this will do right but I'm gonna be honest with you I've never gotten my gun as incredibly dirty as I got it when I did my reliability test and I found out that if stuff gets under these takedown levers it is almost impossible for you to reach up and pull down that's about it honestly I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head that doesn't mean that those are the only things that are wrong with the pistol well if you liked the video please like and subscribe if you like I said if you like the channel please subscribe for future videos please help out your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle check you later you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me [Music]
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Views: 1,536,416
Rating: 4.2696228 out of 5
Keywords: glock, glocks, why, suck, bad, fail, terribel, what, reasons, because, sucks, fails, review, glock sucks, glocks suck, glock bad, glocks bad, m&p, 40 cal, 45, g19, g17, g22, g26, g43, g42, shield, glock 19, glock 17, glock 43, glock 42, pistol, handgun, sidearm, gun, firearm, shooting, best, top, top 5, worst, pistols, worst gun, worst pistol, honest outlaw, glock 19 sucks, glock 17 sucks, 9mm sucks, 40 cal sucks, .40 sucks, .45 sucks, 45 cal sucks, canik, ppq, elite, 1911, xd, sig, p320, vs, walther, s&w
Id: c_XSlBT0J9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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