How to use a Handgun / Semi-auto Pistol

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hey guys it's Jess a'f and I wanted to make my own video on how to use a semi-automatic handgun or pistol so I think we have to start on how it basically works this is a cartridge has gunpowder inside this is a primer and what the gun basically does is it hits the primer hard enough to explode the Gunpowder and this piece right here the bullet goes shooting out so there are two places where a cartridge will be can see they're going to be in the magazine or it's gonna be in the chamber so let me show you how the chamber looks closed so this is the chamber when it's closed and there is the round in the end the chamber when it's open right now there's a round in the chamber at this point pulling the trigger makes a striker hit the primer it makes it explode and shoots the bullet out okay right now I want to show you how to make a gun safe to handle so let's say you're at a gun store or maybe your friend is showing you his gun this is how you're gonna make sure for yourself that it's actually safe to handle had a gun story it's most likely not gonna have ammunition inside but if your friend gives it to you you don't know how he's gonna hand it to you before we even start there are a few rules that always need to be followed first is when you when you're handed a gun or when you go to pick up a gun you always keep your index finger stiff which means you're not picking it up like this which is like the natural way to pick it up you want to consciously think about keeping your index finger straight and you're always gonna pick it up like this so there's no way you could accidentally pull the trigger next is you always treat a gun like it's loaded which means you're not gonna be pointing it at anything that you're not willing to shoot that means always pointing this in the safest possible direction so this is actually loaded right now the first step is going to be pressing this button which is called the magazine release button and what that does is it takes the magazine out however remember how I said there are two spots where a cartridge can be so one is in the magazine and the other is in the chamber right now there's still a bola in the chamber and sorry how you're gonna take that out is you're gonna it's called racking the slide because this is this moving pieces of slide how you do that is okay how I like to do it is I put this on the base my palm I grab the other side with all four of all four fingers pull the slide back all the way until you can't pull anymore and then stop pulling and the guns spraying Bowl move the slide back forward and you'll see that the cartridge that's in the chamber is gonna go flying out ready but you want to make double sure that it's actually safe to handle so how you're going to do that is you're going to use this it's called a slide lock do you see that groove well I'm gonna pull the slide back and then I'm gonna shove this up into that groove so getting so the slide gets stuck backward so how I do that is you pull this back you push this up with your thumb and then you can let go of the slide at this point you can stake it any cartridge that's in there it should would fall out feel inside and see that it's empty and now at this point it's safe to handle it so earlier I told you to always eject the magazine first now I want to go over again why you do that is because if you rack the slide first and you'll see the round get shot out there you heard it fall and then you eject the magazine anytime the slide goes backward and forward it picks up a new cartridge so even though you just subjected one when you check out this there's actually still a cartridge inside here so I'm gonna take it out now you'll hear a foam table now you might see where the automatic and semi-automatic pistol comes from there's one in the chamber right now and if I shot it the explosions gonna shoot the bullet out but it's also going to make the slide go backward and that's gonna automatically eject the used cartridge and it's going to insert a new cartridge from the magazine so out wins the old one and the new ones in here now and it's semi-auto because I have to pull the trigger every time I want to shoot it in a fully automatic gun all you have to do is hold down the trigger and it'll just keep shooting over and over again okay right now what you just saw happen is that the magazine is empty now and on most pistols once the magazine is emptied out the slide automatically gets locked backward okay now we're gonna go over how to load a handgun to load the magazine hold the magazine and your weak hand with your strong hand you press it down on the follower with the back of the case and back and down and back and they'll just go right in with the second one you push down with your left thumb push down and back with all the rounds like that eventually the spring will get make it harder so hopefully your gun comes with a helper like this one you just press down with your thumb and drop it in and then set it back makes it really easy first you put the magazine inside the handle and you slam it up and you'll hear it lock or you can also put the magazine in with the slide forward it doesn't really matter there will be a difference though it'll be harder to slam in with the slide forward it takes more effort to slam it in with the slide forward at this point all that neat all that you need to do is rack the slide and that's gonna pull a cartridge from the magazine and put it into the chamber pull the slide back as far as you can and then let go this gun is now loaded and pulling the trigger would fire so let's say you put in the magazine you put in the magazine with the slide lock backward so if you put in the magazine with the slide lock backward what you do is you just pull this back and it's gonna let this slide lock drop and then that's gonna let this once you release a slide it's gonna just slide forward automatically so again now this gun is ready to fire one nice feature of this gun is that see how this piece is raised like you can feel it that means that there's a round in the chamber so if I ejected the middle pieces not raised anymore it's nice and flat now you're at the range and you're ready to shoot your loaded gun you need to know how to hold it and use the sights so how to hold it is you Jam the web of your hand up here like as far in this spaces it'll go this thumb goes here this manner goes here you wrap this tight and how tight you hold it a good rule i've heard is about how tight you hold a hammer when you're hammering something so you're gonna hold the tight enough so that doesn't go find out of your hands but you're not you don't have a super tight grip on it next you put this meaty part of your palm right in this space another way to think about it is that this knuckle of your thumb goes into this kind of like space right here so it's gonna go like that and then both your thumbs are facing forward so let me kind of show you all the way around let's say I want to shoot the bullet of that cartridge then I'm gonna line up the sights and then it's gonna look like that and that bullet is right above my sights now I slowly pull the trigger very slowly and I should it should surprise you when the gun goes off because you're just slowly pulling it like this you're slowly pulling it harder and harder and harder you're harder until it actually goes off okay now we're gonna go over another crystal that's slightly different from that ones this one has a safety that one doesn't have a safety on it it's a moving piece and right now it's in safety mode pulling the trigger won't shoot anything you can't even [ __ ] it so that's another way that this is different it has a hammer to take it off safety you just flick that up and now you'll see a red dot and now this one can be fired so let's say I put in the a magazine I racked it so now there's a cartridge in the chamber this one is called a double-action single-action pistol it's both of them two different kinds of actions because when you pull this trigger you can see the hammer is going backward and then I'm pulling the trigger harder and harder and then out at the breakpoint that's when it'll fire so it's double action for the fresh shot because it does two things it makes the hammer go backward and then it makes it go forward but remember after the fresh shot this slide is gonna get forced backward so let's say I do my first shot the explosion happens and it [ __ ] the hammer for you after the first shot so every shot after that is now a light very light trigger Pole and it's called single action because all the trigger does now is it just releases the hammer forward in case you want to know this is a Springfield Armory xd9 and this is a beretta storm px4 in 40-caliber all right thanks for watching like comment and subscribe and I'll talk to you guys later for the rest of this video I'm just gonna go over the full anatomy in case you want to know so this is called an accessory row both of them have one and it's for putting on stuff like flashlights like the flashlights use earlier it slides on this gun has the loaded chamber indicator that I showed you earlier it has this striker status indicator so the striker is forward right now and doing that now you know it's cocked and the strike this piece of metal sticking out this is a grip safety in it has a trigger safety but there really is basically no safety because if you grab it and pull the trigger still gonna shoot this is a disassembly lever so it's for taking the gun apart to clean it so you just rack it back move this up and then let this leg forward pull the trigger the slide comes off this one also has a disassembly lever but it's right it's not really a lever it's like these two buttons that you pull down both sides at the same time yeah other than that they're pretty much the same
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Views: 1,339,143
Rating: 4.8589468 out of 5
Id: cBb_eDYzTSA
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Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2013
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