M&P Shield 9 EZ...Best Beginner CCW Ever?

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you for joining us today I'm going to be bringing you all a brand new pistol review a brand new pistol that has just hit the market as of today the mp9 shield easy and if you've been following us on if you're a patron or any of our other social media I know that I took a trip up this Smith & Wesson they invited us up to take a look at this brand new pistol get to shoot it spend a little bit of time with it and now we have one to bring you a full review on day one which is pretty cool and I'm gonna tell you everything I know about it pros and cons how it shoots all the features all of that good stuff a little bit of size comparison with the original shield which is really the oldest gun we have in our collection and pistol wise and I just want to tell you my overall thoughts on this gun so hang tight stay with us here and after the video if you were a shot team member make sure that you look for your special outro coming right after this speaking of shot team thank you to our newest member of the shot team gray sheepdog five five six we appreciate you joining the team and if you would like to join the team maybe check out some of our awesome perks that we have over there you got to see this video first before anybody all kinds of cool things come over and check us out over on patreon where your support is a much needed it's a big part in the process of what we do here so thank you for joining us if you already have joined thank you and if you want to join cool thank you alright so let's go ahead and get started with this new MVP out of the box cardboard box pretty par for the course there you're gonna get to eight round magazines let's go ahead and pull the gun out here of course gonna get your safety manual and some other literature and there we don't need to go through all that get the box out of the way pull the gun out which is the star of the show alright so let me share the specs here really quick and then I will compare it to the original shield so the overall length of this gun is 6.8 inches barrel length is three point six inches overall height 5.0 inches and the unloaded weight is 23 ounces and then it's got a frame width of 1.0 inches all right so you may be looking at that thinking it's actually a pretty good gun now what I would like you to do in this in the big scheme of things we're gonna talk a little bit more about this at the end but remember who this gun is made for this gun is made for newer shooters beginning shooters shooters maybe with weaker dexterity in their hands this is not your next P 365 it's not your next Hellcat this is not who this gun is designed for all right so I just want to I want to preface it with that because that's the kind of guns we're expecting to see but this is not who this one is made for okay maybe hopefully down the line Smith & Wesson will do one of those types of guns because I think they would make an awesome you know higher capacity smaller concealed carry gun but this is really made for new shooters and maybe even some experienced shooters alike maybe you're getting maybe they're getting a little bit older and they don't have that dexterity and things that I just talked about so I just want to keep it in the scope of of who this gun is actually made for I do want to show you here really quick what this looks like next to a regular shield so again I've had this one in my collection now for a good long while several years probably well probably the entire time we've been on YouTube because this was like one of the second or third guns we ever bought so here we go check this out if we just look at the slide lengths not counting this little bit of beavertail just looking at them slide to slide there you can see the shield ez is quite a bit longer it's a little bit thicker in the in the slide width and in the grip width there and then if we put them on their backs the original shield has seven rounds the new shield has eight rounds alright so there's your size comparison to give you an idea of what these guns look like next to each other so its features alright there's a lot of features on this gun that I think are actually pretty cool yeah front and rear slide serrations this of course is a part of the EM 2.0 family so you're going to get that one thing that they've done on this gun typically though is they've lengthen them a little bit so you have a little bit more real estate if you want to do your press checks which is a nice little feature there this one does have the the frame rigidness all right so that's gonna reduce any kind of flex or torque when you're firing that stainless steel insert that's in the actual frame of the gun you do have a rail right here 1913 style rail alright so if this is like a one-and-only type of gun you actually can use it for like a home protection or anything like that being able to hook up a light or a laser which is really good rounded off trigger guard just like the original shield one nice little touch they did do let me get this out of here you notice that on the original shield right under the trigger guard how kind of flattens out there you have a little bit of real estate that you can get your finger up under there with the easy they actually really did a nice job almost like what Glock does in their trigger guard how they kind of cut that out so you can really get your hand high up on this gun and that's one thing you're gonna notice is that the comfort on this gun is is gonna be a lot better than the original shield all right you can see I can almost get my entire hand on the shield on the easy it's not even a question whether I can get my entire hand ok so nice little undercut there they have really toned down the grip texturing on this gun and I want to show you the EM 2.0 grip so you get an idea of what I'm talking about here if you look at the original and 2.0 grip texturing that they did you can kind of tell the progression that they've gone through so this is the original grip texturing really not much to speak of there and then they went super aggressive on the M 2.0 lineup which is great if you're at the range but if you're trying to carry this gun it's going to either tear up your skin or your undershirt so what they did is they really tone this down while still giving you a good grip at the range so it's a really impressive balance that they did here you can see just how less aggressive that really is I hope that that translates in in video here because it is a much less aggressive grip texturing but it feels really good so perfect job there Smith & Wesson you guys nailed it on this grip texture and I think going forward this would be the way to go for sure another little small change that they did is they actually take down lever they actually flatten that more to the frame of the gun now which is a nice little feature there you can still access it pretty well actually but it's just more flush and and and I actually prefer that slide stop right there good luck using this thing as a release because it is very stiff magazine release is reversible by the way all right and then of course you get the two eight round mags these Macker actually come with the easy load button right here if you want to call it that very similar to what comes on the 22s which i think is interesting but again the whole idea of this pistol is easy it's supposed to be easy to use also a grip safety and I know this is going to be a point of contention for some people some hardcore people maybe but it's really a passive thing it does not get in the way it's an extra measure of safety which obviously this gun is more promoted towards newer shooters wings in the back here so they do have those nice slide serrations the fish-scale style serrations but now they've milled out a an actual set of charging gears if you will into the back of the slide and by the way this slide if you can just get into a gun shop that has one of these and just pull the slide it is incredibly light and one benefit that this gun has is it looks like it's striker-fired but it actually has an internal hammer alright so just from them doing that they're able to shave off quite a bit of weight on that slide when you pull the slide on this thing it is so easy it's in the name right so there you go drift adjustable sight in the rear this is a proprietary sight and then they have your standard front sight that's dovetailed in there loaded chamber indicator now alright instead of the normal view port they did an indicator right there so when you have a round in the chamber that's going to pop up like that coming around and the other side of the gun again your magazine release is reversible Smith & Wesson logo all of that good stuff slide stop is now on this side of the gun right there alright now one thing you may notice is the trigger is not the hinge design which they normally do on their MP lineup we'll talk about the trigger after the shooting part of the review so that's all the specs and features they really have a lot going on with this pistol a lot of features that make it very easy to use we'll break it down here really quick show you what that looks like rotate the lever down you don't want to have the grip safety depressed while you're taking the slide off or putting the side back on so just the little little heads up there so you can just kind of grip it lightly like that release the slide let the slide come off again here's where your hammer is kind of pull that for you there so you can see what that looks like you want to have that down when you go to put that gun back together and then the back of the firing pin of course is in there and all that good stuff okay there's the a set screw for your sight right there so if you want to adjust your sight you can just loosen that up adjust it where you need it and tighten it back up a single captive recoil spring stainless steel guide ROG all that good stuff stainless steel slide and Barrel and they do have their new armor knight finish now this one does have the rounded edges and flat edges alright so you just want to make sure when you put it in there when you put this back together you want to make sure the rounded edges are down and the flat edges are on the side right here alright just like that there's your Barrel log of course and all that good stuff internals slide rails right there hammer right there and then putting it back together again you don't want your grip safety up because that's gonna move this piece of keeping the slide from moving backwards so just keep it depressed or don't keep it depressed get out of the way of that put it back together safety check boom there you go it does not have a magazine disconnect which is a good thing and there you go there's all the features all right so let's hit the range I'm going to show you some of the original footage from when I took the trip up to Smith & Wesson and some of my footage here at at home so hopefully you'll enjoy this afterwards we'll talk about the trigger I'll show you the weight and then we'll do pros and cons and my overall opinion of the MMP shield 9 easy we will see you guys in a minute [Applause] all right so hopefully y'all enjoy that it's all in the name man this gun is an easy gun to shoot at the range it's easy to rack the slide it's easy to get shots on target I will say we were hitting to the left of center on the targets I need to adjust the sight over a little bit no big deal but I didn't have any tools with me at the range so that that's on me alright just to let you know but overall the gun did great no malfunctions no hiccups of course that's what you want in a concealed carry gun or any gun really but especially concealed carry the gun did great man the safety or the grip safety thing caused me any issues I didn't even think about it it's just one of those passive safeties that you know make some makes real really new shooters feel better about having safeties so they do offer this one with or without a thumb safety if you're curious so let me go ahead and pull this alright so definitely make sure you have the grip safety depressed pull the trigger 5 pounds 13 ounces let me try that one more time here five pounds 11 ounces the trigger is actually really good let me show you what it looks like again there's no hinge design here pull the trigger really once you take up this the the slack and the trigger right there it's ready to break alright it was kind of throwing me off because I'm looking for more of a there's your reset I'm looking for more of a wall but this is the wall you have trigger all the way out slack take-up pull reset right there so not as audible and clicky as the EM 2.0 but you can still feel it you can still hear it right trigger it took me a little bit of getting used to but I'll tell you it's actually really good for an internal hammer trigger I like it so that's the gun at the range I think it did a fantastic job very easy to shoot and that's gonna leave me who is this gun for why is this gun here obviously this is aimed at new shooters it's aimed at maybe older folks that don't have the dexterity in their hands to pull back a I mean because the the difference between pulling this slide all the way back and the amount of force it takes compared to this it's just it's really nothing alright so this is very this is a very attractive option to maybe even women or younger shooters or whatever to get into the pistol market and not be overwhelmed it's a little bit bigger alright so that's gonna that's gonna lead to more confidence when you're shooting at the range that's why this pistol exists alright and Smith & Wesson even told me that the 380 version of the EZ was a very hot seller for them and nine-millimeter being a more capable round is probably going to do the same you know there's a lot of new shooters that want a safety they want these different features they want a gun that they can control I mean let's be honest I like the P 365 and the hellcat and these other guns that are coming out but they are challenging to shoot and if you put a smaller gun like that and a new shooters hands it may destroy their confidence so that's what they're going for here this this is open to a wide range of people so it may not be for you it may not be for me but it's for a lot of people and to get people into the into the pistol market and give them an another option so I think it's definitely a good thing let's talk about the pros here really quick the grip texturing on this gun is fantastic they they finally got the balance between really aggressive and really non-existent to this this is the best grip texturing they've put on their guns Bar None the wings milled into the back of the slide I think are excellent I think they did a great job doing that watching the CNC machining and I can't really share a whole lot of photos from the factory tour of this but seeing a big bar steel turn into this it's just it's really cool and I was able to get another perspective on how they build these things so it's a it was definitely an experience I must say but the overall shield lineup is fantastic so a lot of these things I've already talked about the magazine release it's in a good position it's a little bit different now than what they've done a little less raised the magazines don't fall out as easily with the slide lock back but I mean this is the position that the guns gonna be in whenever you do a mag change so I like to show it like that but the mags get out of there fairly decent sights are decent for what you're getting metal sights three dot set up easy to pick up there and the trigger I really like the trigger for an internal hammer fire trigger I think it is actually pretty nice and then this little cutout under the trigger guard makes such a big difference makes the gonna a lot more comfortable in the hand lifetime warranty through Smith the prices on these things are right armorknight finish stainless steel components it it's actually a really solid gun all right it's not it really threw me off when they told me what they were coming out with all right there's there's a few of us there and when they make this big reveal I'm thinking to myself why but I get it I understand why they're doing this because it's gonna reach so many people so many new shooters and and maybe experienced shooters alike so I'm really excited about this so we talked about all the things that this gun is good at and again if we're keeping it in the scope of who this gun is made for there's some things that I'm I'm not going to point out because I understand you know I understand who this gun is made for so if I if I was just looking at this oh well it should be a new P 365 or a Hellcat well then I would say the size is a little too large the capacity is not there it's a little bit too heavy there's just you know those types of things are what I would be looking for if I was thinking it's a new Hellcat or P 365 competitor but it's not so when I think of cons with this gun considering who it's made for the only real things I can point out the trigger its kind of I think it may take a little bit of time to get used to but it's actually a pretty pretty dang good trigger the sights out of the box weren't weren't adjusted for me I had to do a little bit of a just son not a big deal I'm pretty much reaching at this point the mags they don't really shoot out of there I like a real springy action to the to the magazines when those things come right out to get a fresh mag in but that's just one of those things the slide stop does not really work as a release that well it's gonna take the hand to God to release that and I prefer a loaded viewport as opposed to the loaded chamber indicator mystech shot actually likes the loaded chamber indicator so there's some things there I didn't know if I don't know if I talked about these wings and really I think these would do better on a shield on a regular shield because the the slide spring stiffness on the regular shield is a lot more stout than this so I think these would do better on a gun like that but and still they don't stick out like the HK vp9 SK like the actual polymer wings but they give you just enough to grip onto I don't know that it's necessary for this gun but it actually is a nice little touch there that they put into that I think it would be something going forward that would actually be a benefit I really do like that a lot but that's pretty much it as far as cons considering who this guns made for you know it's a it's a bigger gun it's designed to be easy all the way around for anybody to use and carry and shoot it's got a lot of great things going for it but you got to remember who this gun is really marketed and don't get me wrong that's not to say that there aren't going to be some experienced shooters that pick this gun up I mean honestly me and mrs. heck shot we're pretty dang impressed by the way it's shot I mean it was it's a really good shooting gun at the range especially considering its internally it's a hammer fired gun and all these kind of things they did a really nice job so if you're looking for a do-it-all type of pistol then this may be a good option for you I mean it's big enough you you have you know decent capacity I wouldn't say it's the best home defense gun because of the the lower capacity but it's decent so if you're that newer shooter or somebody coming back into this or buying your first gun or whatever you know newer shooter I guess and you're coming into this looking for like I want kind of a do-it-all pistol which I hear a lot this may be a good option for you and one more thing and and this is gonna be this is gonna be very subjective but I could do without the grip safety ID I don't see it as necessary but it's passive enough it doesn't get in my way it never affected my shooting not once I just I could probably do without it if you're most newer shooters are going to lean towards the manual safety version anyways so if that's something that you know some people see is maybe you know being just an extra step of of caution there you know an extra step of safety and it makes you makes them feel better about it fine I mean it's very passive as long as you're holding the gun the right way and experienced shooter or an intermediate shooter this is never going to affect you so I don't I don't really see it being that much of an issue but I would rather do without it to be honest with you this thing is an awesome shooter I'm telling you man and for what it is and for who it's made for I think it's fantastic I'm not gonna lie to you so there you go there's my opinion of the mp9 shield easy it's it's different I wasn't sold on it originally I'll be honest with you but I just for who it's made for and what this gun offers I like it so there's my opinion if you are a power patron or up look for your special outro coming right after this thank you for all your support we'll see in the next one and as always holding down [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 172,476
Rating: 4.8789115 out of 5
Keywords: mp shield 9 ez, m&p shield 9 ez, shield 9 ez features, shield 9 ez slide, shield 9 ez grip, mp ez 9, m&p 9 shield ez, best ccw for beginners, best beginner ccw, best carry gun for women, best ccw for women, m&p shield, m&p shield ez 9mm, 9mm shield ez, 9mm shield, 9mm ez shield
Id: 9fSymoRCW8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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