Which Glock Is Right For You?

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hey what's up guys chat here with green lights shooting and welcome to this new video so today we were talking about which Glock is right for you a lot of people have narrowed down what handgun they want to the fact that they want a Glock but then there are so many different Glocks I don't know what you want to choose so that's where we're here that's why we're here today before we get into that I do want to mention I am at TNT guns and range in Murray Utah this range is absolutely off the charts fantastic facility staff selection everything here I can't speak highly enough about thanks to them to making this video possible give them some love their website is that in the video description below next thing I want to mention is that I'm rocking that give rise tactical t-shirt if you like this look you like the style very slim fit very long booth concealed carry make sure to grab yourself one over NGLs gear.com now let's get into the Glocks so as I mentioned you you narrowed it down you know you want a Glock you're just not sure which Glock you want now obviously you know you first of all you want to figure out which caliber you're looking at so generally speaking we'll stick with that 9 40 or 45 there's also 380 if you know you want to be sort of in that concealed carry really small option for the sake of this video we're gonna go with 9 I'm going to show you all the different options in 9 and then you can carry those across pretty much to 40 and 45 depending on just which size of gun you want you can find pretty much all these sizes in each caliber but 9 is a fantastic option if you're looking at something that's easy to shoot at the range that you know will help pack enough punch for concealed carry you can have a good peace of mind about it it'll also carry a lot of rounds so you can hopefully get a lot on target as well as you know you know home defense whatever it is you want 9 is a great kind of medium 40s gonna give you a little bit more you know the rounds are a little bit hotter a little bit bigger bullet stuff like that and then a 45 you've got a real big round it's moving a little bit slower a little bit less capacity but it is a real big round ok so anyways we're gonna stick with 9 millimeters here in front of me in terms of size I've got from smallest to biggest an we're gonna work our way up through those so let's start with this guy this is the Glock 43 this is the smallest of the bunch of 9-millimeter so this one the biggest thing is it's a single stack you're gonna notice that the width is a lot smaller than the rest of them and that is because the magazine is a not-so staggered that it's going that it's making that that magazine wider which is making the gun wider so this Glock is meant for concealed carry you know the the slim nature of it makes it easy to conceal against your waist whatever it is the barrel length is coming in at three point four inches so it's the smallest barrel out of the bunch and it's weighing only 16 ounces so that is really light it's got all the same standard functions you know you've got your big magazine release here this magazine is holding six rounds so if you've got one in the chamber you can have a total of seven rounds on you you know same trigger same drop safety everything safety wise is internally we're not going to talk about what makes clocks clocks because you're already here biggest thing to remember about the 43 is that single stack it's small it's light it's meant for concealed carry so concealed carry is really your only thing you're worried about 43 is a fantastic option for that next up we're gonna step up to the Glock 26 now this one again is meant for that concealed carry option the big difference though is that we have a double stack so the rounds are staggered here allowing you to carry a little more this one carries 10 rounds so you're getting four extra rounds in the magazine here as well as if you want one in the chamber you're looking at 11 rounds which is awesome for a concealed carry gun it is gonna be a little bit thicker a little bit heavier but still very very concealable this barrel is still at 3.4 inches but we're at 22 ounces now so we're definitely going up in weight a little bit but yeah so I'd still say this one's primarily concealed carry it's not the most fun to shoot at the range you know it's got that short little you know you kind of missing your pinkie there on the grip so it goes underneath there there are some grip extension if you want to get your pinkie on there otherwise just tuck that bad boy under wrap your hands and it's not too bad to shoot but it's not super fun to shoot at the range so this is definitely definitely a concealed carry centric gun next up in the lineup we have the Glock 19 this is your compact size so this is right in the middle it's a fantastic sort of compromise between all the sides it's got a long enough barrel barrel length here is four inches so it gives you a little bit more stability at the range stuff like that but the biggest difference is that you can now get your entire hand on there your pinkie has a spot to go so it's still an easy gun to shoot at the range you can shoot this all day and it's not kill your hands it's not gonna be awkward to hold but it's still small enough to concealed-carry you're also getting five more rounds so this magazine is gonna hold 15 rounds so obviously great for concealed carry obviously great at the range so you're not reloading all the time wait why is your at 24 ounces here so you're only adding two ounces from that Glock 26 and you're getting that pinky on there so this is personally my choice for concealed if I'm going with this with a 26 I do like the 43 for complete you know easy summer carry or something like that but if I can wear a jacket I can wear a hoodie or something to conceal a little bit easier I'm going with the 19 over the 26 it's easier to shoot the range and it's it's not too much harder to conceal next up we have the full-size so this is the Glock 17 we're getting a full four and a half inch barrel here this thing is designed a little bit more for range shooting you can see the grip is a little bit longer here you can easily get your whole hand on here depending on your back straps you know if you have big hands if you have small hands it'll come it'll accommodate it'll accommodate any size hand very very well it's easy to shoot it's smooth to shoot the longer barrel the bigger grip just makes it so that you can be a little more accurate time after time consistent with it yeah it's definitely meant for range I personally wouldn't conceal carry it out of the magazine here you're getting 17 rounds so you're only getting two more rounds out of that 19 and that extra length on the barrel and on the grip makes it that much harder to conceal so I personally wouldn't get this one for concealed carry you know if you're a bigger frame you want a little bit bigger gun it's not impossible it's just not what I'd recommend for concealed carry this is definitely a range gun I want to practice with want to feel good with one two that's easy to shoot right and last but not least in the lineup we have the big boy this is the Glock 34 so this is sort of the match style gun out of the group this one has a 5.3 inch barrel and it's weighing in at 26 ounces I don't think I mentioned by the way this one is 25 ounces so you're really only adding an ounce from the 19 this one comes in at 26 ounces so you're just adding one more ounce on there but you can see it's got finger grooves here this thing easily once again full size grip fits any size hand very well the 5.3 inch barrel makes this thing a breeze to shoot very very low recoil high accuracy consistent shooting gun you've also got a little bit of a ported slide here to make it a little bit lighter yeah it's a it's a good gun this one is definitely definitely made for that range time if you're a competition shooter it's obviously great for that but it's not really concealed carry gun it's something that would work fine for I guess home defense and stuff like that but this thing has definitely made for range time if you demand that you know high consistency accurate shots low recoil this is definitely the way to go I enjoy shooting the 34 probably the most out of any of this lineup just because it's so fun and accurate and just awesome to shoot but it's a nightmare to concealed carry it's 5.3 inches on the barrel it's just not meant as a concealed carry gun if you're looking for a range gun that's just a blast to shoot that's competitive to shoot and you demand a really good shooting gun the 34 is fantastic for that once again 17 full size option 19 is kind of your mid-sized kind of does it all option 26 if you're looking for a concealed carry kind of only option I was a little more capacity and then the 43 here if you want that single stack that easy super easy to carry slim style but you're only carrying six rounds once again that's the lineup for the 9 millimeters if you want those in 40 or 45 most of these sizes are available just hit up Glocks website and you can learn more about what size that carries over to but that should give you kind of a basic idea of what Glock should fit what you're looking for anyways that's all I got for e I hope this video was helpful was insightful and yeah if you have any questions leave them down in the comments below if you enjoyed it get that thumbs up button I will see you next time on green light shooting thanks so much for watching
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Views: 950,896
Rating: 4.8891196 out of 5
Keywords: glock, handgun, glock 19, glock 17, glock 34, glock 43, glock 26, review, beginner, advice, tips and tricks, how to, handguns, pistol, firearm, first, best, top, competition, shooting, shooting sport, shooting range, concealed carry
Id: n-O5mnscPQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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