Handgun Basics for Absolute Beginners

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hey guys what's up this become too from GNA today so what I'm gonna do in this video today is I want to do a handguns for absolute beginners okay if you're watching this video and you're considering buying a handgun I strongly strongly advise you to not just take the advice of videos that you watch like this these these type of videos will help him will help you to know how firearms work but if you have no experience and nobody to help you you need to find somebody that can help you and find somebody in person because sometimes there are things that you might do that that they don't cover in videos and where a person can't be watching you one-on-one and there will be people in your area they'll be you can talk to especially if you buy a gun at a gun shop they will know people who have handgun classes who can teach you the basics of handling handguns and how to use them and a lot of times those handgun classes and just general farms classes will be very cheap even I've seen them sometimes where they're just free now I want to talk about the absolute just basic basics of these handguns and I've got several of them laid out here and I'm not gonna leave them all out because I don't want to overwhelm you but I just wanna kind of show you a variety of these and then I'm gonna just basically focus on one of these to just give you an idea now there are handguns in all shapes and sizes they come from shooting little tiny bullets to shooting very large bullets this one shoots a little tiny one and the size of the gun doesn't dictate how big the bullet that it actually shoots and one other thing I want to say is as I'm talking about this I'm doing it from experience because I was raised around firearms and my wife was not and she's still kind of scared of firearms but as I've kind of tried to educate her even though she really doesn't doesn't want it but as I've tried to show her I've thought about things that that she's had as a hang-up that she didn't understand and try to go from it from that spective of what what did she have misunderstandings about but this one shoots a little tiny bullet but that doesn't the size of the gun doesn't really matter and then this one shoot right here shoots a big fat bullet now this big rifle which my wife looks at and she she's just terrified of this shape of a gun and it took her to her a long time to realize that this gun it's just a replica but the bullet that this thing shoots is a 22 caliber bullet it's a very small little bullet and the the bullet that this shoots is very small compared to the bullet that this thing shoots okay now let's talk about caliber for just a second these two shoot the same caliber that one shoots it its own caliber these three shoot the same caliber and this one shoots its own caliber so what is the word caliber mean when you hear the word caliber now a lot of times when we use the word caliber just in everyday language we're talking about the quality level when you say that's a high caliber you mean that it's its high quality and it's kind of has a vague meaning just in general language but whenever you're talking about caliber as it relates to firearms and handguns it means something very specific the caliber refers to how big the bullet is that shot out of that firearm now here is a non millimeter round and the whole thing together is called a cartridge this part at the end you can see there's two halves to this the part at the end the part that actually leaves the firing when you shoot it is called the bullet or the projectile this part right here this the back really two-thirds of this is called the case this part the back side of this that I'm touching right here stays in the firearm after you fire it this part leaves this part stays in the firearm now like I said this is a non millimeter cartridge and you can see right there it says 9mm and this is a very standard cartridge for handguns it's probably I would say probably the most common cartridge for handguns you'll see cartridges that are milimeter you'll see cartridges that are dot four five you'll see cartridges that are dot two 2lr you'll see cartridges that are dot three eight zero you'll see cartridges that are ten millimeter those numbers there they're pulling from the two systems of measurement that we have kind of in the Western world you have the standard system which is like inches feet and yards but then they also use the metric system which is millimeters centimeters and meters and all of these are all the different calibers are mixed up between those two which makes it kind of confusing like this one the non millimeter is in the metric system now whenever you see a dot two 2lr dot dot two two is under the standard system it's dot two two of an inch like when you see 380 that's dot three eight zero that's in the standard system it's dot three eight zero of an inch or when you see 357 dot three five seven that is dot three five seven of an inch okay when you see ten millimeter that means that it is ten millimeters it that's pretty self-explanatory which is one centimeter and what that non millimeter means is if you were to take the bullet the projectile this part on the front side and if you were to measure it at its widest from its profile it would be non millimeters or very close to it sometimes it it varies from that but that's what it means is it's non millimeters at its widest point from its profile now this is a non millimeter round nose or solid this is a non millimeter hollow point and it's easy to see why that's called the hollow point they take it and this the end of the of the bullet of the projectile this silver part that leaves the firearm is hollowed and the reason it does that is it makes it easier basically to splash whenever it hits its target target it makes it open up as it hits it it's coming in like this and hits and then opens up now here are three very common calibers for handguns this one is 22lr this one is the 9-millimeter that I was just showing you and this one is a 45 ACP and again what that means on the 22lr if I were to measure this at its widest point it's about 0.2 2 of an inch this nine-millimeter if I were to measure the projectile at its widest point it would be about 9 millimeters on this 45 acp if I were to measure the bullet this part at the end that leaves the firearm if I measured at its widest point it would be 0.45 of an inch okay and then the other the other main component to a cartridge is the backside right here and on this one you can see in the middle that inner circle that is called the primer so what happens is on the gun there's a there's a piece of metal that hits that and in that primary it has its own little charge that whenever that hits inside that primer it starts a tiny little fire then between the bullet and the back side over here and the primer between there there is there is gunpowder between there there is smokeless gunpowder between the bullet and that primer so that primer starts a tiny little fire and in that tiny little fire catches all of this gunpowder between here on fire and then of course whenever it does that there's nowhere for that gas to go but to blow this piece out and then that's what propels it down through the barrel is those as that explosion happens as the gas is expanding it just expands out in the direction that it can go okay now let's just focus on one handgun here and let's talk about the parts of this now again handguns come in all shapes sizes they have different ways to to actually shoot the way that it actually hits the backside of the cartridge and I'm going to check to make sure that we're safe and the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to open the slot up and we'll talk more about this in a little bit I'm going to look right there in the chamber and I can see right there in the chamber that there is no round in there and I can put my finger there feel that there's nothing in there now what I'm going to do it I'll do not do this but I just want to show you what what's happening here the slide is locked back right now you can see there is no bullet in the chamber I'm going to physically take around and put it in the chamber and that way you can see what what they mean by checking to see if the chamber is clear right there you can see there is around in the chamber I'm going to dump that out you can see it's empty rounding the chamber not around in the chamber so this firearm is clear there's nothing in the chamber there's no magazine I can look down through the magazine well and see that there's not a magazine in this firearm at all okay now like I said there's all kinds of components and pieces to a firearm and there's all kinds of ways to hit that little primer that I showed you on the back of the cartridge on this one it uses an external hammer so if I were to pull the trigger on this it would drop that hammer okay just going to drop far at once just to show you pulling the trigger and of course again there's nothing in the chamber but you can see that the hammer just drops and that's what hits a firing pin that goes little tiny piece of metal hits the back side of that that cartridge to fire that bullet that projectile out of the barrel this is the thing that holds the cartridges that goes into this firearm this thing that holds these cartridges is called a magazine okay there's a lot of people who call them clips but there's an easy way to know the difference between a magazine and a clip and there's you could say a lot about that but the easiest way to know the difference between a magazine and a clip is a magazine has a spring in it or it has some way to physically move cartridges up most magazines have a spring this one has a spring that's down here that's pushing these cartridges up to where they're ready to be fed up into the chamber of the handgun this is a magazine a clip Stickley just holds the rim of the cartridges and if if you're brand new to this you very likely won't encounter a clip until you know a whole lot more about firearms most everything you're going to encounter if you're brand new to it is a magazine this is a magazine so this holds the rounds in here so that I can easily take this and put this hold you can see right there this holds 19 rounds and on most magazines it has this where it has kind of holes drilled in it or it has slots in it where you can see how many rounds and you can see that there are cartridges in there all the way down to 19 so I have this thing completely filled up with cartridges now at this point again I'm just going to safety check this there is no round in the chamber and whenever I put this magazine into the gun it clicked in there is still not around in the chamber and the reason I'm emphasizing that is my wife took her forever to realize that there's still not around in the chamber okay so if I were to pull the trigger and I'm not going to do that because that would be stupid even though I know that there's not around in the chamber there's not one in there okay and I'll demonstrate that to you okay I'll put that up in there I'm going to take this magazine back out and I'm going to open the slide up again and you'll see there's still not around in the chamber now let's talk about about about some of the different components of a pistol and most pistols are going to work like this most pistols have a slide so this top part is the slide see I can take this I'll hold the bottom half of this farm and pull this and you can see how the slide this whole top half moves back of course the barrel stays in place but that this top part is the slide so this is what I call racking the slide sometimes and so sometimes for people to check to make sure that it's not that it there's nothing in the farm after they're all done they'll do this about three or four times just to make sure there's nothing in there even after they visibly check it look in there and see there's not around and still go just to make sure that there's nothing in there after I put this magazine in there is a magazine with cartridges in it but there is not around in the chamber right now what I would have to do now is and again if if you're a beginner please don't do this okay I'm down in my basement I'm down here by myself I'm pointing the gun towards a door that goes out into another into another room so what I'm going to do is I'm going to push the slide back and I'm just going to lock the slide okay and you can see in there there's a round and it is ready at this point now after I drop this slide it's going to feed that bullet right up into the chamber okay I'm going to take this mag out and it kicked the round out of the chamber there okay and most handguns have a slide lock there'll be a bar right here there'll be something to push up but as you push this back and push up on that slide lock it'll catch this where it holds the slide in the rearward position so once I put the magazine in there's nothing in the chamber right now after I rack the slide bring it back and let it go forward it's going to pick up the round that's at the top of this magazine and it's going to put that round in the chamber and then it will be ready at that point for me to start firing this handgun okay here's another very very important thing that you have to know if you're a beginner do not put your finger on the trigger until you are absolutely ready to destroy something if you're not ready to destroy something do not put your finger on the trigger and I see this all the time and people putting stuff on Facebook and videos don't put it on there because you get used to as a little kid when you have a toy firearm you just run around with your finger on that trigger all the time and nobody ever tells you anything because it doesn't really matter here you're dealing with something that can that can destroy things and can destroy a person's life so I want to make it clear do not put your finger on that trigger until you are ready to shoot and so whenever you see somebody who knows what they're doing they keep their fingers straight like this until they are at the range or their wherever they're at and they are absolutely ready to pull the trigger not that your twenty or thirty seconds away from ready to being pull the trigger it's where you are ready to pull it at that exact moment keep your finger straight and a lot of times on firearms like for instance this one right here it even has a little dimple right here to remind you put your finger right there and keep your finger off of that trigger until you are ready to pull it that basically covers what I wanted to in this video I wanted to show you talk about the calibers and the sizes of the bullets and also want to show you how these firearms just work in general and there are all kinds of other subjects we could go into we could talk about all the different type of safeties there might be we might we could talk about all the different ways that they actually fire we could talk about different ways that these all these handguns break down we could talk about all the different types of ammo within nine-millimeter you can have all kinds of types of non millimeter there are way too many subjects to cover when you're dealing with this this is a deadly tool now it is just a tool you're the one in charge of it your brain is the one that operates this but it is a deadly tool so know how to use it learn how to be careful with it and how to be safe with it and then after you know how to be careful and safe with it then then you can have fun with it and and practice and become proficient at using this tool I hope that the few little things I've gone over in this video today will be of benefit to you thanks for watching today
Channel: Guns & Accessories
Views: 700,459
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Id: jietpKOrTJA
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Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2016
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