THE GLOCK VIDEO | Why this Green Beret chooses Glock | Tactical Rifleman

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I just welcome to tactical riflemen you know the deal if you liked the video click the like button and the the bell and subscribe so you get notified whenever we put out a new video which is every Friday all right you guys if you've watched our other videos you know I swear by my Glock almost always carry a Glock with me I no longer shower with a pistol right but I usually have a Glock I mean now that wasn't always the case you know I went in the military kind of dating myself when I first went in the Regular Army was running the old 1911's 45s great gun great great great bullet then they switched to the Beretta so when I started out Special Forces when I went to sephardic our hostage rescue school that's what I had to run I had to run a Beretta we didn't like the beretta s-- we just didn't like them so advancing through the global war on terror we switched to 1911's we've got him from the varsity team had them all tricked out they ran great at home ever all of our Salters ran 1911 every one of my vehicles out of 1911 in it we ended up getting we end up getting Glocks Glock 19 to start off with and then tan versions of the 23 later on and 40 Cal and these guns was just so reliable I mean they never [ __ ] the bed didn't matter how dirty these things got the Glocks always ran fast forward now I'm a [ __ ] former action guy I now only train I retired a few years ago but now when it comes to teach there's no firearm that's easier to train new shooters on than a Glock most of the military units that come in whether it's the Air Force Army SEALs a lot of them have access to Glocks the Marines are run in their new single stack 1911 good luck with that but for the most part the military's using Glocks you have the whole debacle with big army adopting the new sig don't get me wrong the sig is possibly a good gun because they've copied a lot from Glock you know Clark showed up I remember growing up and it was in the 80s when they first came to the US I was all over the news that anti-gun people were bitching that the Glock pistol was plastic metal detectives weren't gonna be able to pick it up you were gonna be able to go through metal detectors with it it was an assassin's gun get educated and that's kind of why we're here today I just want you guys to see why I like Glocks I I'm not saying you're sick or you're Smith & Wesson or whatever pistol you've decided I'm not bashing you for carrying it just want you to understand why Quarles made the decision kind of why I've chosen mine now you'll see in my videos I'm usually running my my 43 I'm sorry my 34 or my 35 and longer slide I like to do a lot of long-range pistol shooting this this one actually has my old unit logo engraved on the right here on both sides of the grips this was a retirement present for me from my old unit it's kind of partial to me and that's why I usually carry it but this is the the 34 and 35 this is the has the same length grip as the standard combat pistol the the 17 but it has has a longer slide the 17 has the same grip but it has a slightly shorter barrel on it all right and then you've got the 19 which has a if you can see side-by-side it has a shorter barrel a shorter handle you can go one size so this the 19 is considered a 19 or 23 depending on the caliber it is considered the compact version you can take it down smaller again and have the 26 the 26 is the subcompact look at that one lined up and it is again significantly smaller footprint much easier to conceal now the cool part about these guns is there are three different sizes but where this magazine fits this magazine also will fit in the 1923 it will also fit into the 26 this it'll fit in all of them so long as you're running same caliber you're let's say you're carrying a twenty six subcompact as your backup pistol but your primary is AG 17 or a 34 all of your reload magazines will fit your smaller compact in case you have a catastrophic problem with your your primary rifle so guys I dig that I really do you get into some of the other pistols that that Glock built there's the big old 45 now the 45 actually has a larger frame because it's shooting 45 ACP just like the old 1911's were the advantage though is this is a double stack magazine where the 1911 is only single stack so back when my unit was running 1911 even if you're running a 12 or a 10 round magazine it stuck out the bottom of the gun I stuck out the bottom of the handle you don't have that problem with with the full-size Glock 45 now this is a big combat pistol it comes in the other smaller versions just like the nine-millimeter ones that I just showed you primary size compact and subcompact you still have that width of 45 but the grip on this thing it's it's full full-size grip it's kind of hard to get your hand all the way around it for a lot of people with smaller hands simply because it's got a bunch of 45 caliber bullets double stacked inside the magazine now the reason why the 45 caliber slug round is that large is because it was think about this now the it was made for the the 1911 pistol which came out in you can say it go ahead 1911 all right now gunpowder was not as strong as it was as it is an hour so back in 1911 World War one let's say to make this bullet have a lot of knockdown power it's they had to fill this whole casing with gunpowder fast forward today and our 1911's if you take a 45 acp round you shake it they're not filled to the gills with ammo they're they're not glock saw that and to make the 45 acp round in their pistol even better remember we said the grip is too big what they did was they came up with the 45 gap which is the 45 glock action pistol now once you get a good shot of these they took the exact same projectile moving at the exact same muzzle velocity but you see how much smaller their casing is it's not cut down a lot but it's cut down a little bit you're still getting the same muzzle velocity because they're now they're using much stronger gunpowder modern gunpowder but what that allows them to do is this 45 gap pistol all right has a much smaller grip on it then the old 45 pistol that was running the the 45 ACP much narrower grip and it allows you not only conceal it better not not so much what it does it makes it more comfortable to shoot for a lot of viewer a lot of shooters that have smaller hands so a great idea a great idea the problem though was about the time everybody was taking a second look at 45s they're also taking a look at all other cartridges and what a lot of military law enforcement units ended up doing was going the 10 millimeter and from 10 millimeter back to 40 caliber and now they've gone full circle and we're back to nine millimeter again all right so if you're a no reason why I'm bringing this up is if you're one of those diehards that wants the knock down power of the 45 caliber projectile but you want a more modern firearm you're wanting to get away from that single stack 1911 honestly I want you to take a look at the 45 gap now apocalyptic situation where you can't get hold of ammo fine stick with a 45 ACP but realistically modern world yeah I'll remember zombies are not real you got access to all your ammo 45 gap is a excellent choice now last couple years they've actually come up the big push is for concealed carry concealed carry concealed carry and what they've done is Glock came up with a single stack in this case this is a 43 the 43 runs block runs 19 millimeter then they have the 42 that runs the slightly smaller 380 it is basically same projectile a little less gunpowder the pistols just slightly smaller all right this is my church pistol this is my backup I run a single stack Glock 43 I run a Crimson Trace laser on it so I have the benefit of the light and the lasers are great for training I'm not a big laser fan but there are situations where a laser comes in handy so anyways they come up with their single stack I'm still a big Glock 19 Glock 23 guy for my primary weapon concealed carry but this is a great backup now you notice I've got another one on the table here this is the 19 X this was what Glock put in to compete for the new big army pistol now they were beat out by this sig some people will argue pros and cons to each the sig feels good in my hand guys it does I hope the Army has great great success with it but I'll be honest with you the new gen 5 pistols including the 19 X they've got great great features on them it's got a ambidextrous slide lock much better trigger system in it the grips are a lot nicer and the other cool choice that they get to when you get into the Gen 5 series is they have well first real quick on on the the 19 X what makes it the X it has the full-length handle of the 17 or 34 all right full length handle but it has the same slide length as a 19 or 23 all right so I must switch them here so you got same length but the grip is longer why does that matter well people the marketing guys will tell you well you can get it out of the holster a little bit faster improves your time for the draw yeah ok it does a little bit honestly why'd they do it me personally I think it's because that's what the requirement was for the army it's simply that simple but this is a hot seller now the military loves it law enforcement loves it civilian loves it me and my buddies we love the 19 X this gun is sweet so but it's was made for the military right what about all of us civilians we like this thing too got great news I can't release this video until after late September but Glock will they're going to come out with it there's going to be a civilian version all black of the 19 X it's going to be called a G what do you think I'll give you three guesses can we call the G 45 that's right folks the G 45 is a 9-millimeter Austrians only they could come up with something like that and we sorts a nice little pistol all right you one of my favorite things though about the Gen 5 is everybody's biggest gripe about the clocks I'll call you like the Glocks because they're reliable but the sights suck if you bought a new Glock and it had the white window square on the back with the white dot on the front sight we'd literally as soon as it came out a box you take your magic marker and you'd black out that white square on the back they had another option that had the tritium sights tritium inserts in the back and in the front all right that was basic for decades that was your only option you had the white plot of white dots with the white front dot with the white square and you had the three tritium sights that those were your only options now me immediately as soon as I bought them and I can pick any of mine here and I was running the Trijicon h DS if you want to know why I go watch my video on Glock sights but basically it has a big bright bright orange front sight to help me acquire that sight picture faster get that drive that front sight on the target but then it's if low-light situation it has tritium inserts in the rear and in the front line up those three dots put it on the target and you're good to go they're very tough sights they're flat on the front so if I had bought one handed I could rack it on the side of the door racket on the rocket on the guy's eye socket whatever it is you could rack by using that rear sight so anyways I put them on all my guns even my backup pistol you'll notice I've got Trijicon hd's on them Glock listen guys big push for you can actually get these sights believe they're made by Amerigo but it is an additional option from Glock now on the GEMA 5s it's called the bold option and anyways it's just like these bright orange dot up front and then tritium inserts on all of them so anyways guys that's all I change on my clocks and one other part I take out the crappy connector I don't get me wrong it's good quality but it's just not smooth I take out that heavy the heavy connector and I put in a nice smooth three and a half pound connector not making it insanely light but I'm making the trigger pull very very smooth and that's all I would change I don't like to change a lot of the parts inside of a Glock because you start throwing off the Zen do I really need a titanium firing pin in a pistol to cut down my lock time you know 110 thousandths of a second I mean seriously really you don't need it you start changing all those extra parts inside because you're a gear do and you think that oh it's gonna make it better in competition all you're gonna do is you're taking the Zen you're taking the Glock out of the Glock and you see guys in competition competing with all these pretty Glock pistols and end up jamming if you're running stock parts in your Glock this thing will not Jam if you have any issues at all it's gonna be because you're because your ammo or maybe you're using a Korean magazine instead of using a actual high quality Glock magazine or some of the good Magpul ones but if you're just running stock parts this puppy will run reliably 2% of the time now so and that's all I change now there are guys out there that like this pistol is made by tactical edge now you go to a lot of these competitions and you'll see a lot of Glocks they're all chopped up they change all kinds of parts on them and these are the guns that fail in competition they might shoot faster than me but when they're gun shoots the bed on stage 3 I'm making up all that time on them I end up going on the prize table before they do now real-life concealed carry situation I don't want is this come in last place in a competition that's last place in a gunfight my gun in a home defense or concealed carry situation has to go bang every time so I don't change nothing now tactical edge they say that they change very little on the inside of their guns this is actually a their own slide and they change the front of the trigger bar but they have assured me that everything else is basically stock on the inside it's a beautiful gun they've run reliably out on the range when these guys came out so if you're looking for reliable Glock parts and and that's part of why people like clocks is there like Legos there are tons of aftermarket parts for for these guns tons of them there's lots that you can do with the Glock firearm they're very very reliable and they're easy to teach with for me that's a big deal being able to teach new shooters there's no D [ __ ] lover there's no external safety put the mag in rack the slide it goes bang if it jams tap the mag rec the slide it goes bang alright to unload it drop the magazine rack the slide see what I mean there's very easy to teach on but for me first foremost most important is it has to be reliable and anyways that's what it boils down to there may not be the prettiest things people call them a block or a G lock I don't care what this right is right here is this is a reliable firearm I'll put my name behind so anyways if you're good with your cigs your Smith & Wesson's fine so be it but don't bash me for carrying a Glock because they work for me anyways that's my take on the the Glock the Glock pistol you got any questions you know the deal put them below I read all your comments if you're interested in helping us out check out our patreon page it's hard putting out some of these videos and I need your help to do that so check us out on patreon and that's all I got gents y'all take care shoot straight if you liked this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 573,530
Rating: 4.9010344 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, glock, pistol, handgun, best, worst, which, buy, should, 17, 19, 45, 21, caliber, ammo, ammunition, soldier, army, navy, seal, marine
Id: EN-75u6bZZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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