Glock17 Everything you need to know.

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hey guys this is max headspace nine-millimeter and I got my gen 3 Glock 17 here for you to look over now this is one of the most reviewed firearms on all of YouTube what could I say about this that hasn't already been said well I think I've got a few things if you stay tuned and are patient you'll hear some things you've probably never heard it before for me but I was thinking about this gun and empty and the thing about this that is so interesting to me almost more so than the gun itself is the culture of this firearm you know people come to love these guns for a very specific reason almost everybody starts out hating Glocks in the beginning you know you go to a big gun store and you look at the pistols that are in the glass case you know and you've got the gun store worker leaning over the case wanting to help you and you're looking at all the different options and this is probably to the newcomer to firearms one of the least attractive guns in the case it's not fancy it doesn't have all kinds of fancy polish and bells and whistles and gadgets and gizmos it's just a very smooth simple almost ugly simplistic gun easily overlooked by the beginner but these are the firearms that a lot of people in gun culture who have had a lot of experience with firearms eventually are drawn to why is that well that's what I want to talk about today and that's what a lot of people don't mention in reviews of these things so just for a little bit of point of reference I have here I have my generation 1 this is a generation 1 this is a Hogue rubber grip see back in the day when generation 1 came out and it was this legendary gun that Bruce Willis said was made out of ceramic and couldn't be metal detected in airports you know it had this sort of mystique to it you know it was a cop gun it was a you know spy gun it was a gun sir for Special Forces and to the rest of us in the in the gun community civilians it was looked at as just this ugly plastic gun I mean who wants a gun that is made mostly out of plastic that just seems like a step that most people don't want to cross over especially back when primarily most people's association with firearms and handguns was revolvers at the time back in the days when this came out and was issued to police officers revolvers were very very popular and they probably were the dominant handgun of the day the way that Glock got these into the hands of police officers it made a lot of sense and eventually after a while of police carrying these and people seeing them on the hip of police officers relating to them as a reliable firearm with very high capacity they began to change their opinion about what a plastic pistol could be well back in the day hoog as it is usually capable of doing came up with a very nice solution and that is this rubber grip the gin one is I will tell you you know when I got this it didn't have this on it this is a very slippery grip if you're sweaty or anything at all a few shots and this thing starts to require you to get a better grip on it well the whole grip solves that problem it's a ten dollar fix it makes a gen one feel as good or better than a Gen three the Gen 2 also did not have finger groups but they did increase the amount of texturing on the grip and then when Gen 3 came out like this one here one of the most common complaints that people had and and I see it even today when I go shooting with friends and I let them shoot my gen 3 I'm used to hearing it about maybe 30 or 40 percent of the time oh it doesn't fit my hand well I jokingly say you need to get better hands but the truth of the matter is this these finger grooves and this grip doesn't fit everybody's hand some people like a single stack and if that's you great go to it I absolutely require high-capacity and all my firearms so for me a double stack high-capacity and this was at one time a very high capacity gun it I learned to a custom my grip to this pistol when I first fired a friend's Glock 40 caliber version of this 22 Glock 22 I didn't like the way the grip felt it felt like I was holding a 2x4 but after a while I realized you know I just better get used to this because you know that's what is required it's not so much that the finger grooves aren't where I want them it's just wide that's all and it feels kind of square in the hand but if you lock your thumb onto this little ribs that they provide and push down somehow the grip feels a lot better to me so this one has night sights they're brand new treaty of night sights and their Glock they have the Glock logo on them got this a Glock store and for the most part this is a pretty standard setup everything is in a really good shape because I don't put a ton of use on this it's interesting how they itch this little stamp in here that's a new thing I've noticed I guess that's a serial number code in there but for the most part these haven't changed too much most of the modifications they've done to the design have been very subtle so you can use the same parts generation after generation for the most part and I think the gen 3 is my favorite personally I really like it I'll show you comes apart very easy and I think the strength of the Glock is simplicity and capacity you know I have a lot of fun with my son competing to see who can field strip this firearm the fastest and then reassemble it and dry fire it we do that with no ammunition anywhere within arm's reach we check and recheck to make sure that this is unloaded but it is a really neat exercise to get you familiar with speed stripping this gun now this is one of those firearms that you have to drive fire in order to break it down you just have to get used to that and it's not a big deal once you realize this trigger I really like this trigger a lot so if you notice the trigger is back it's all the way back that's a visual cue that the striker is not under string pressure if you [ __ ] it and also this is flat the the extractor is actually flat it's actually inside it's inside of the slide so watch the trigger the trigger moved forward that is the indicator that's all you need to indicate that this the striker is under spring tension right now and you can tell this hasn't pushed out at all so there is no bullet in here but if it were sticking out so that you could actually feel it sticking out beyond the slide I would realize there is around in the chamber so that's how you know these are really subtle things but people who use Glocks are aware of these things that you read okay what is the strong point of this gun this has been carried by militaries and police all around the world is proven itself as reliable the strong point of the Glock 17 and pretty much any generation of Glock is concealed carry you can carry this in an outside the waistband holster there's no problem with that whatsoever but for the civilian that wants to put this inside the waistband this is a dream come true a lot of firearms that look a lot flashy er under glass in the counter at a gun store they have you know things that stick out on them they break down lever the slide release the mag release maybe a safety all these different things on most firearms are much more pronounced and that looks really good and it makes it easier to manipulate those things under pressure but the truth of the matter is all those things that poke out you feel them when you're carrying this gun close to your your side I can tuck this gun inside the waistband easily and carry it more comfortably than guns that are much smaller like my springfield XDS those are guns that I definitely do not feel as comfortable carrying inside the waistband and even significantly smaller guns are more uncomfortable than the Glock so all that smoothness all that stuff that just doesn't stick out beyond the the sides of the firearm it's really designed that way because it makes the gun more carry about yeah it looks kind of cheap but there's a method to the madness there's a purpose behind all that and when you fire this a lot and you practice with it quite a bit you begin to realize all these things are just what they need to be there a bit minimal but you can definitely operate everything everything works everything does what it's supposed to it's just it's just perfect it just requires a little bit of training and getting used to that's all it's a really great gun and it rose on you and that's what it's done to a lot of people a lot of people are much more excited about this gun after they've fired a lot of other guns and they begin to realize the unique advantages to this firearm like for instance really high-capacity magazines this is 33 reps why do anybody need that I don't know it's just more ease but that's the mindset doesn't mean somebody's a killer or they're a mass murderer because they don't want to reload as often but this is a very carry of all magazine very reliable - I've never had a single issue with any of these Glock brand 33 round magazines I have never bought any other brand I know they exist but I'm not interested in tempting fate I buy only Glock magazines and that's all I can recommend to you now this is a gun that I do carry in the wintertime inside the waistband I have a holster for outside the waistband if I'm going to a shooting range or something or if I'm out in the woods I can put this on and carry it outside the waistband and it's fantastic but in the winter time if I want to carry this and I can I can put it in a minimal holster like this outside the waistband and it's quite comfortable and simple also if for instance the weather is not quite so permitting of carrying a full size gun like this because this does require more layers of shirts or sweaters or jackets to cover up you know say it's t-shirt weather what if it's summertime well this is my summertime gun and I have a pocket holster that I use much of the time to see there's my my ammo is in there but it is unloaded so this gun is a lot smaller than that 17 this is a Glock 26 I skipped right over the Glock 19 with both of these there's not much need for me to get a 19 great gun but I've never needed a mid step between these two so what's the difference between these two well plenty actually a lot of the same parts are interchangeable between the two but it looks like as you can tell for the most part Glock simply cut an inch off of the barrel and an inch off of the grip and that makes this gun much more concealable I can carry this in my pocket all day long with comfort no problem at all also you might notice the front of the gun has these chamfers and that does make a difference you know it just doesn't poke out as much as this square front end you know there's more more to the corners on this it just seems to be a little bit more you know of a sidearm rather than a pocket carry gun but all the holsters that work for the 17 also work for the 26 and yes I do carry this in this holster sometimes too because this one has all the capacity of that one I can put my Glock 17 magazine in this one I can put my Glock 18 machine gun magazine in this one it is completely the most perfect little firearm that I've ever found because it's completely adaptable it'll do everything that this one will do so why would anybody carry this at all well that's a good question about the only advantage that this has over this is a slight difference in sight radius about an inch further apart is the slot the the sights and you get a rail on here which was not present in the gen one that's something that they added so the rail is kind of nice if you have lights or lasers or anything like that which I do but other than that there really isn't any difference for the most part it's the same exact gun just smaller and more concealable so if you have to get just one if you can't afford to get two for for summer and winter I would recommend just the Glock 26 you know it is it'll do almost everything that this will do just as well as far as accuracy and capacity and everything it's just about as good you lose probably about 50 feet per second because of the shorter bearer but that's really a pretty small loss you you won't even really notice it in almost every circumstance so that is pretty much what I have to say about the Glock 26 and 17 primarily the 17 they're fantastic guns they hold their value they last really well they're easy to clean they're easy to upgrade they are not the cheapest but they are by far far from the most expensive handgun that you can buy and they are probably the most adaptable of all of the firearms now I am NOT really really fond of the textures that they're putting on the guns now I have an FN 45 that has a really aggressive texture but that is clearly not an inside the waistband gun any gun that I'm gonna carry inside the waistband this is the texture that I can live with a really aggressive texture is just uncomfortable and one of the things I'm gonna say in closing is it is my opinion for myself and I would recommend this to new people considering concealed carry having an exposed safety is not a good idea for most people considering concealed carry now why is that well if a safety protrudes enough that you can use it quickly in an emergency situation it's also going to protrude enough to accidentally be disengaged when you're carrying it close to your body like inside the waistband for that reason I don't think having a safety on a concealed carry pistol is a good idea if it is one of those safeties that's really flush designed you know to be minimal so that you can do that it's also going to be harder to activate I've had guns like that and I've gotten rid of them because they are too difficult to engage or they disengage too easily so I can't be absolutely positive of the condition of my firearm at all times because the the safety Z they're too difficult or too easy I've never found one that worked perfectly it just adds one layer of complexity and unknown to your concealed-carry regimen so I would rather have a gun with no safety at all and be aware of its condition that way than to have one extra element that confuses things so that's just a little food for thought and it is my personal opinion you decide for yourself because ultimately it is up to you every bullet that leaves the firearm that is your responsibility and we all have to take that responsibility seriously this is max headspace nine-millimeter have a good one if you liked this video go ahead and consider hitting a like button if it's your first time watching go ahead and subscribe and if you want to support me in my channel go check out my patreon the link is in the description
Channel: Max Headspace9mm
Views: 446,837
Rating: 4.8477559 out of 5
Keywords: pistol, glock, glock17, gun, review, 9mm, defensive pistol, military firearm, machiene gun, instructional, high capacity, magazine, holster, shooting, concealed carry, ccw, glock drum, glock 33 round stick mag, police, movie guns, bruce willis, diehard, glock26, glock19, glock17L, tritium night sights, hogue rubber grip, trigger, semiauto, slide, barrel, sear, trump, gun rights, gunlaws
Id: pvjsZtH9kTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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