Glock Handgun Safety Tips Review for Beginners

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so guys it's Ryan and you're watching Ryan Vision if you haven't already make sure you like the video and subscribe for more what I wanted to do today is I've already got a really in-depth review of this gun but it's over like 20 minutes I want to say it's close to half an hour long and I've been getting a lot of comments on it so I went back through and watched it and there were a couple things I didn't like about that video one of them was I had some really important safety points later in the video that I'm afraid not everybody got to the other is because I was in a strange position working around a camera tripod I really didn't like the way I handled the gun showing you how to tear it down so I just want to make a quick summarized version showing you a couple safety points on the Glock 22 which are also good for either Glock and even other semi-automatic handguns so first thing I wanted to show you is just how to make a weapon safe basically right here by my thumb you have the magazine release right now I can tell you this weapon has loaded magazine in it it does not have a round in the chamber and it is not talked but that's only because this is my weapon I know how I store it so if this is not your weapon you came across and you want to make it safe first thing you want to do is use the thumb lever here to release the magazine quick push will drop that out sure enough it's a loaded magazine will set that out of the way now still you wouldn't know for sure unless you were experienced by looking at this trigger you can tell that the weapons D cocked I can tell by the trigger position and also by the position of the small trigger within the trigger now a lot of people will tell you Oh Glocks have safeties they have three different safeties well they're absolutely 100% correct but none of those safeties will prevent this weapon I'm talking about a Glock specifically from firing if there is a round in the chamber the weapon is cocked and your finger or something else goes in here and pulls the trigger there is no honor switch on the Glock to prevent the round from firing if all those things happen okay so yeah there's Safety's you know like a drop safety things like that but you need to be aware there's no off switch protecting you from pulling on this trigger when there's a round in the chamber the weapon is cocked it will fire the round so be aware of that okay so now the magazines out and the reason we do the magazine first is if I pull the slide back to check if there's something in the chamber and then kind of change my position here if I pull the slide back and I look in there and see how there's nothing in the chamber okay good we're clear but if I do that when there's a loaded magazine in the gun when I first pull it back it's going to look clear but when I lift the slide go forward again because it's spring-loaded it's going to pull the round from the magazine into the chamber so if you check it the first time and it's empty but there's a load of magazine and when that slide goes forward guess what now the gun is cocked and now there's a live round in the chamber so be very aware of that now we'll check this again just to be on the safe side chamber is clear no magazine and the gun now you can see by looking at that trigger it is cocked you can see the trigger position has changed it's more forward now ready for my finger to pull it and also the trigger in the trigger which is one of the safety features is sticking out more you can see it now since we know there's no round in the chamber we know there's no magazine in the gun I'll go ahead and pull on this and now the weapon is D cocked and you can see how the trigger position change and how the trigger and the trigger looks a bit different now okay the other thing I want to show you is again it's a simple weapon there's your magazine release this is your slide lock and slide release and what I mean by slide lock and slide release is if you slide the slide back while you push up on this slide lock you can see that it locks it back and the slide releases if you've got it locked back like that you push down and it's going to go forward once again now we're cocked we know there's no round in the chamber nothing in the magazine so we'll go ahead and pull back and now it's decocked the other thing you have is right here is a teardown and it's on both sides there and this is what I didn't like about the other video I was doing real weird stuff you know fingers toward the gun and that's how I want to do it even right now because the way I am with the camera you guys would have to see me to understand but the proper way to do it is slide your hand up the rear of the gun until your thumb hits this stop right here and then bring your fingers around against the sights here on the rear and what you want to do is just ever so slightly pull back you can hear that and you can see it you don't want to go back so far that you [ __ ] it but just a little bit and what this enables you to do is since you can do that one-handed now you can take your other hand without getting you know in front of the barrel even though we know it's safe you can take your other hand and pull down on both of these tear downs and then you can just very easily slide forward and now the slide will come forward all the way off the lower part of the gun this is very lightweight it's made of polymer it's easy to clean it's easy to lubricate it doesn't require a lot of lubrication there's not much to the upper portion the slide here all you've got is a spring here and this spring is what causes basically you know when the when you pull it back for one it causes it to want to go forward when you do the side release but also you know works with the recoil to keep cycling rounds through this pulls out very easily just like that there's a cone-shaped in on one side that's always the one that goes toward the front there's a flat and shape on the back that always goes toward the back the barrel very easily just falls out on its own and it only goes in one way because this flat side goes on the top so you can just very easily put that back in and then just make sure it's situated in there this is what's catching right here you can see that okay and then we'll take this the cone in toward the front and that enables you to push on the spring a little bit to compress it just enough that it goes down into the rounded hopefully and get this to focus the rounded channel so that there's a little bit of gap you don't want to be on the very top of this year a lot of beginners will try to stick it on the top there there's actually a rounded channel just if you leave a little bit of a gap there there's a rounded channel that you can tell is made for this rounded in to fit down in so that's it once you put that back in you're good to go then you can take the lower and you always come in from the front just check where your barrel is and then come in from the front and you can take your time don't rush you'll see a lot of guys that been around these guns a lot they'll rush this part but as a beginner you want to take your time because you want to line up this set right here and also this set right here because if you go too fast when you're a beginner you may get misaligned on this back one it's probably not going to hurt anything or damage anything but it's going to feel real nasty when it happens and then it kind of wants to fight you when you want to pull back forward so just take your time there's no rush and then once it's aligned like this once it's aligned and you know you're on both sets there just pull back again now it's cocked any time we go back all the way it's cocked again so I'll go ahead and check it make sure it's clear there's nothing in the chamber I'll check it again just to be safe it's clear there's nothing in the magazine well there we got no load of magazine in it it's cocked I'll pull the trigger and decock it okay another very major thing and again now we're in 8 minutes I wish it would have done this sooner because this is the most important part semi-automatic handguns okay let's say you're just shooting this you had a fully loaded magazine you fired all the rounds out if your magazine and your weapons working correctly this is what's going to look like at the end so you jack the eject the magazine okay so magazines out and the weapons off back like this you grab another loaded magazine because you want to shoot some more be very aware that when you go in with a new magazine and you feed it in hard enough just like that right now there is a live round in the chamber and the weapon is already cocked it's live it's hot it's ready to go if I put my finger in there right now which I'm not going to do and I pull back this weapon is going to fire right now okay so be very aware this is the most important thing in fact I might even edit the video and put this at the very beginning and leave it in the natural spot too because this is the most important thing for a beginner you know I would hate for somebody to stick their finger in there and and have it go off even if it doesn't hit anyone so again step number one eject the magazine thumb lever right here your jet the loaded magazine and don't know where near that trigger now what we're going to do hopefully you can see this on camera okay there's the live round in the chamber that's out now but we're not safe yet we want to check the chamber we look in there it's clear check it again it's clear no magazine cocked now we're D cocked so just want to make this real quick make sure you're safe when you're handling these weapons don't be afraid of it if you're a beginner you need to get experienced and the only way you're going to get experienced is by you know doing what I'm doing right now you need to handle the weapon get comfortable with the weapon know what you're doing no one it's live no one it's hot no one there's a round in the chamber know how to get it out and know how to handle the weapon correctly so again make sure you like the video make sure you subscribe for more and I'll see you next time
Views: 2,240,401
Rating: 4.9083953 out of 5
Keywords: yt:crop=16:9, glock, glock22, 22, .40, .357, 9mm, handgun, gun, weapon, police, military, trusted, home, defense, self, hollow, point, fmj, 180gr, 180, grain, jacketed, full, metal, jacket, ammo, ammunition, safety, magazine, slide, tear, down, assemble, disassemble, reassemble, field, army, navy, seals, marines, how, to, gen3, gen4, gen1, gen2, gen, polymer, steel, aluminum, blazer, winchester, s&w, smith, wesson, Range, caliber, Action, Weapons, Force, firearm, semiauto, semi, auto, automatic, sheriff, department, lone, wolf, barrel, lonewolf, conversion, obama, ban
Id: DetROu9hTSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 11 2014
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