The Fall Of GradeAUnderA - End Of An Internet Giant | TRO

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Damn 40 minutes and it’s at least the 2nd part of a series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/krakah293 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fall? GradeA is great youtuber, shame we don't have more like him instead it's all re re re re hashed rereeeee ... damnit. His points about many things are spot on. I'm glad that he's back in 2019 i honestly thought he won't release any videos, but damnit it's great to see him back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DevSSHnull πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He hasn't fallen whatsoever and I think "TheRightOpinion" Made zero correct points

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrinkSomeBleach2552 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You gae

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/An_absurd_existence πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so whatever happened to the grading under a fella if you piss off grade a under a he's gonna do whatever he can to ruin you great like all of us as an eye on this different standard for you I wouldn't be the first time you've lied we've basically you've lied a lot Thomas might and there's a different standard for grade a under a and he will ruin you [Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and today we continue the story of gray day under a if you haven't watched part one I would highly recommend doing so because many of the narratives that we discussed today are rooted in the previous video however to aid continuities sake we join our story less than a year after Gray's channel was resuscitated through a reddit post he had turned his content into some of the most unique and Marvel work on YouTube and was approaching the peak of his career he was stepping effortlessly between his drama and non drama content and gaining support and an unassailable rapes the sudden interest in an actual genre that could generate its own content while simultaneously being able to comment on it definitely had its appeals and being a person of strong unmitigated sentiments great that found his rhythm his content picked up to an unbelievable pace at around mid January of 2016 just after the release of his second Nicole Arbour video in which he breaks down other side of her abuse story against Matthew Santoro and exposes some rather glaring inconsistencies within her testimony but equally as quick as he took off he was to encounter his fair share of drama the tables were about to turn his first warning there should have come with a very small youtuber by the name of reactor reactor is a satire channel who parodied a lot of larger reaction channels now reactor had barely 30 subscribers and therefore basically posed no threat but he decided that given grades rather outspoken position on reaction channels he'd mental a little on grades own channel now this is where we harken back to grades begin games video because in the vegan gains video what grade did was remix vegan gains as words and turn it into this wacky hilarious parody reactor did much of the same but did it more convincingly because grade doesn't show his face and therefore if you weren't paying attention the difference in tone may have gone over your head despite what they say this is [ __ ] genius you video do show your reactions but this [ __ ] genius that was genius man thousand really nice touch to the video literally over 95% genius it's still pretty obvious but maybe some of the younger audience failed to detect the contrast in tone and audio quality so reaktor uploaded this and then paid a few hundred to have the video shown as an ad before grades videos basically fooling a few naive people into thinking that grade had given Reaktor a shout-out he then gave this video extra publicity and even more ironically by using the reddit system to promote the documentation of his little projects it was a pretty genius prank unfortunately grey didn't find it too funny not just leaving multiple rather vexed comments on ReactOS video but then subsequently bringing it up in a future video when discussing the situation I've also had some guy use my copyrighted material to put together a fake advert for himself which deceived and fooled a bunch of people into subscribing to it and although this certainly didn't lead to much at the time it should have been foreshadowing that grade wasn't quite the critic that he had sculpted that's what about attitude doesn't really wash with a channel that's a fraction of his size and clearly taking the piss and make no mistake it was blatant baits but so was braids video on vegan gains the difference with reactors video is if grey takes the bait he proves reactors points I think I get it now you [ __ ] with other YouTube channels to create controversy and then when people start [ __ ] with you you cry for sympathy now I don't entirely agree with the point the gray/blue up solely of drama it's clear he had some very interesting components to his character beyond that but by being angry at someone over something that many people would agree isn't a big deal and then fasting behaviours that he'd previously overlooked and even indulged in himself so my name's Richard ended it for about seven years now I didn't go over what kind of difficulties I had with erectile dysfunction on an almost daily basis because I'm still not done breastfeeding yet it showed him up as lacking some self-awareness and self-awareness is one of the essentials to delivering criticism this wasn't a big deal but it was a warning a warning that was not heeded and for now as the year progressed we started to see more drama and this led to bearish traitors weighing in specific situations while the most significant movements was the larger youtuber movement against drama made by people such as markiplier PewDiePie and Matthew Santoro basically criticizing the drama that had been going on within the community because it was fairly recognizable at that point gray was a fairly staunch defender though of the drama because it probably gave him views but likely because he was on good terms with two people leafy and keemstar people who benefited off drama greatly great always had a way of turning response videos even if they made valid points into exposed videos off their own and his response video to the drama was no different as at the end he inserted a little part exposing Matthew Santoro for allegedly plagiarizing content because I believe it will be very reasonable to say that from the evidence that I've seen and that I'm about to show you in a second YouTube's golden boy Matthew Santoro plagiarizes like a [ __ ] now it wasn't relevant to the points that he was making with regards to the video but grade wanted to survive and it served as a spicy side dish and really impact his santora's credibility to speak on matters again and like the cute little double team they are dramaalert reported it later on now for our final story today grade a under a uploaded video calling three youtubers pewdiepie markiplier and Matthew Santoro on their drama videos but towards the end of the video Matthew Santoro got it the worst as great a under a exposed him exposed him for plagiarism this is all enforcement information in a reddit Q&A on March the 3rd someone asked great for his opinion on keemstar great replied 30 liked him and that he's genuinely been nothing but nice to him from the start he has no reason to hate him at all great love drama so it was only natural that he was going to love someone who supported that cycle and keemstar probably loved him for the exact same reasons grey would appear on drama and regularly interact with topic team however as the year progressed you got the feeling that great involved him with drama for the sake of it being drama rather than the fact that he actually felt strongly about these things and when there were actual reputations of his associates at stake he had a habit of going a bit quiet such as the leafy rant keemstar reported on it offered h3 and leafy away to hash it out gray didn't trace a much other than pulling the plug on a planned podcast between him leafy and sky Williams after having a serious conversation which they would rather not talk about that situation was to become extremely messy in no time at all but leafy eventually emerged in just about one piece partly due to the unity inspired by the amount Haas situation but then barely two months later the table's turned once more when the man himself idubbbz released a fairly comprehensive content cop on keemstar making him practically indefensible and suddenly the drama came very close to home but there wasn't a rush of responses immediately no this was to come in June with videos from other craters like pyrocynical also garnering impressive amounts of views it's one of his most viewed to this day the leafy shark caught a scent of blood and decide to move in on his old pal and going into battle alongside him was the man himself grade a under a games dar seemed to be the easiest target on the platform he was bleeding subs and you would be very hard-pressed to find his fan base outside of his own comment section and there was a genuine expectation for his child who just collapse at any moment however at this moment the moment where everything seemed the easiest the drama would bring them far too close to the Sun [Music] now I obviously mentioned during my previous part what grades said in his reddit post about keemstar to summarize he's conducted some fairly questioned elections but at the end of it all he's been nothing but supportive of him and his work and helped expand his channel and stand up for his contents so with the sudden tidal wave of hatred going towards Kim with a child hemorrhaging subscribers what position would great tape [ __ ] him and [ __ ] anyone who supports him how can anyone sympathize with him even HeLa thinks this guy's an [ __ ] that's right grade he's an [ __ ] that doesn't sound so supportive now that clips from his second parts but the first part is no less brutal for context with his old pal leafy turning felling viciously on kiemce grade found himself back in the crossfire but a fairly one-sided crossfire at that with leafies video allegedly nailing kiemce down for his behavior the thing is that leafies video really pulls grade into it and ties him in that future position that he has to take this was probably done with some coordination they're in this together and this is important I want you to hold this point in your head for later and killer keemstar is pretty much the most hated man on the internet right now so many expose videos have been made on this guy right but they do nothing to him he's the cockroach of YouTube he keeps [ __ ] surviving when I said hopefully that'll end with this organized attack that's been going on over the past week or two basically the sensing of grades to videos was that he was hoping he could be part of this extremely organized campaign to remove keemstar from the platform altogether he had noticed that there have been a run of videos made on him and thought that he could finished him off a lot of his points throughout Keim's behavior claims such as dachshund false Peter Pan allegations hypocrisy exploitation the victim can't racism harassment and domestic abuse some of these were not like claims at all and would have serious repercussions great listed them off to prove appoints the keemstar is someone who should never be given any platform whatsoever as exposed videos go it's comprehensive for sure some claims were fairly well substantiated in convincing others a bit or risky and certainly should have been more thoroughly researched such as pedophile or domestic abuse allegations I'm not sure they would have passed in today's environments but who cared people would dunkey on keemstar left right and center and if there was a bit of collateral damage done well karma writes his child was on his way down anyway it wasn't like he was gonna come back from this at the end the video grade endorses Keim's number one competitor scarce saying that he's been killing it recently this was an attempt to make him irrelevant and having a new source on the website that covered drama and didn't instigate it this video won over a lot of people and it still wins over people to this day and I can understand why but with all the information that I had researched with the gasless I couldn't help it feel a bit uncomfortable when grade was going off about how anyone could support him when he'd been supporting him less than a few months before now what you could say is that he was ignorant to certain instance and the unearthing of these instance in the following months had shifted his position but it's hard to fully believe that perspective when certain examples arise such as his fall speedo allegation against the youtuber RS blurring gold that happened in around January 2016 now everyone knew about that but grade seems pretty harsh in how he frames it and even as a former friend it's hard to process the song would turn so brutally out of genuine sentiment to the point that they would normally run on very shaky abuse and pedophilia allegations it doesn't feel real and let me make it clear I've turned on people when I think that they haven't learned their lesson but many of these examples are years old and the logic imply through much of this is that the person that grade was supportive of is suddenly undermined by his old behavior and they're definitely claims that aren't undone by age but they're normally the ones with the least substantiation I find most of gray's claims as someone who is a former friend of keemstar to either fall into the category of things that gray definitely knew about and probably acknowledged things that were so old that they could be undone by present experience or things that are lacking evidence or necessary context there are expectations to this and Keane was deserving of a lot of criticism but it felt much like a bandwagon on their part and in a way the keemstar drama would be the escalation of the year and once you reach a climax you're only setting yourself up for disappointment and so that's what you saw a gradual tail off until September at which point of course idubbbz dropped his content cop on leafy and there was once again an immediate effect now I could talk about iw content cop frere there's a lot to say about it and it's probably better that I saved that but the real telling effect of it is that it hit grade two even though he only made one very brief appearance in it you couldn't just leave it there he had to say that it's cases killing him recently go subscribe to scares don't subscribe to scarce I know I'm months behind on this one but subscribe is scarce when his content gets better scares his over weights but more importantly than that scarce is born Grady day and late fee complete [ __ ] retards actual retards yo is this person [ __ ] [ __ ] yes yo is this person [ __ ] [ __ ] yes however I think the moment that broke both leafy and grades credibility was this part [ __ ] snake greasy slimy slippery [ __ ] and I say both leafy and grades credibility because as I mentioned earlier leafy and gray tied themselves together in that drama that personal experience with keemstar idubbbz quote calling leafy a snake is no less applicable to great both of them purposely distance themselves from someone who they knew much better than they let on and even if the criticisms were legitimate you turn it back on them and say well why did they associate themselves with him in the first place if they were aware of this idubbbz in a very short amount of time revealed leafy and great for the Fairweather friends that they were i dubs video also came out at a time where the hype around race channel was rather low there was a significant lack of drama occurring and items had the chance to really halt whatever momentum they had and he did great lost three and a half thousand subscribers on the day of the video and this wasn't going to ease up in the following weeks a lot of people wonder why i dub this video hit great and then particularly fee so much that it caused long-term damage well partly because their appeal was based on their credibility as craters and idubbbz fundamentally managed to undermine that equally idubbbz is a person with such a clearly defined moral compass regardless of whether you agree with him or not it makes it very hard to turn around to him and try and lecture him on anything grade once again found himself in the crossfire with the person he went into battle with now taking significant flak how could he respond well let's discuss that there was this expectation that given that he was called out by idubbbz he would respond alongside leafy and with the information given today and the way he is behaved it really shouldn't surprise us with that said even if you think your friend might have done some stupid [ __ ] if you were genuinely invested in their future you'd still probably make a case that they could learn from this and we should move forward but great chose not to no-one was entitled to defense and sometimes the best thing to do in these circumstances is just to say nothing at all but still that's not exactly what he did now after the first day a subscriber count' didn't necessarily bleed likely fees but it did stagnate and whether that was motivation for great to make a video on it or not is another question regardless of the question he did receive an answer so let's talk about the videos that prolonged his suffering the thing is the video that he made isn't actually to do with the drama it's more to do with how he's felt drained and uninspired and something that we all feel however I can understand why a lot of people interpreted this as a victim can't if you believe grade was rather calculated and cynical then this would be the best way to gain sympathy from an unsuspecting audience without necessarily responding to claims as we've all seen many people with legitimate reason thought it was in grace nature to not be the most honest in his videos with that said it wouldn't surprise me if gray did legitimately feel fed up of making videos the hype had died the drum alongside it it was a sad time for his content it was so in a way his own doing he contributed to that culture and I'm sure he was aware of that when you lose your excitement and your enthusiasm for making videos you don't feel that urge to go that extra mile to make the video go from just good to amazing and it ends up just being me instead you know Naveen and because of that the video start to suffer and what struck me about this video is the on reflection over the spell of 2016 particularly in the three or four months in reference the videos became significantly less comedic in their delivery and this is where we bring back my first part of this very lengthy saga where I spoke about what made his videos quite entertaining no longer was there that attention to detail those comedic pauses that feeling of build-up but more just a continuous flow of rants and because that it kind of killed any sort of tension that may lead to LA and as I mentioned a joke is much more than just his punch line and I feel the grade loss that's and although it wasn't like he didn't have good jokes it was as they didn't land as well especially my last video arrived I wasn't happy with that video at all but I still felt like I had to upload it why did they skip FAMAS be 8 10 and 11 and fox skipping those numbers that wouldn't even be an issue in the first place how'd you not call him or vmon me especially when there are empty slots for women's f through j it sometimes felt like he'd lost awareness of how he had set his character up in that semi satirical fashion of the judgmental prick his more modern content seemed to lack that irony and maybe this was due to the drama which led great to making much more serious videos that are lied on conveying credibility up until this situation we constantly let poverty get in the way of actual points a great example would have been the PewDiePie markiplier Santa response video there were a ton of ad homonyms there and we always just completely overlooked them because they were part of greats character but both of those sides were becoming dangerously integrated in his latest video is great overreacting to drama as a joke is it the same grade who ranted about interviews as a gag or is it a new grade who wants us to take his words seriously while still keeping up the same tone and and how can you just go from one persona like that to the other h3 is an example of people who can do that or did that because they knew how to differentiate their star between their regular humorous content and their serious videos which called out youtube and youtubers are like great didn't do that and maybe because he couldn't see the vast difference between his drama related content and his more casual videos maybe it didn't occur to him but there was a difference and it was pulling him into a position that he couldn't afford to maintain because drama doesn't last your character does and if you build a persona off drama or you let it be influenced by it then when the drama dies your shortcomings will be exposed as a crater and that was the problem with Grey's drama videos it was all created on the basis of its content and not really the person talking who really wasn't that reasonable as a persona drama drained grades personality and then when he try to reapply to his regular content it didn't feel the same grades first video mainly caused a loss and subscribers because it felt like it was a very indirect way to respond to the content caught and I can't look into grades mind and see what he was thinking but I do see it as a bit too good to be a coincidence that he would release such a video in the circumstances however he wasn't finished throughout the weeks following the content cop there was significant backlash from a few craters such as sin Oh Quinton reviews and Tommy see these craters brought a variety of different points to the table some more balanced than others and for the first time grade was staring down serious criticism and serious allegations how would he respond listen some of these allegations are [ __ ] crazy so I didn't see any reason to address them right but as it turns out some people are actually believing them seriously though YouTube's not decide that it used to be it has gone from this to this people are desperate for drama so I need to quickly address all the allegations in this video before they start getting outta hand and I'm being accused of planning 9/11 and being in the [ __ ] alumini right with all the context now of this video you can't even begin to comprehend the irony of this a person who was more than happy to make weak claims against someone else is now outraged that other people are making weak claims against him once again summer ballad some are not but then he has the audacity to pull this YouTube isn't the same anymore card despite being a torchbearer for drama the video comprises of him responding to a few claims most of them straw man in a way that made it easier for him to respond to them because that's what you can do when you're the person acting as your own critic and yes sometimes it can be entertaining or funny but it should be acknowledged as a comedic measure not an actual argumentation strategy well you know what I heard I heard growed is a pedophile and this video is where I think the wheels really started to come off the Great Train let's explain why I've always said being able to respond to drama is an essential aspect of participating in drama Grey's response may have worked at the time with his fan base but in retrospect it does not hold up at all not in my opinion at least especially with the context considering he said some insanely racist [ __ ] against minorities and I'm a minority myself and people say it's a business decision these are words that came from his mouth and his mouth alone so if I don't stick by my race his friend and tickle his balls while he makes racist statements about a group of people that I myself belong to that's bad that's bad Simon is here I'm sorry as racist as what kiemce said was it Muses me to think the grade had only just found this year's old content out that was well known throughout the community and at that point after everything decided to break off a friendship in which he had described keemstar as nothing but supportive of him rather than confronting him about his transgressions by comparing him to a member of the KKK it just shows how redundant these arguments are and completely dismissive of all context it's quite funny how some people only care about racism when they can use it to prove a point I mean you could literally have a logical Farsi day out here he starts off with a straw man you and Luffy backstab kiemce and only made the videos against him as a business decision then he makes a false equivalence before gaslighting as critics implying they've been manipulated YouTube really that easily manipulated [ __ ] me man I'll guess this thing works better than that for I should invest him on myself he then responds to the allegation that he inspired a million-dollar lawsuit against Matthew Santoro which should be an easy thing to respond to I mean no one has any evidence of that just say it's not true and that that didn't happen and the burden of proof is on your critics be take sit down this very bizarre roots I'm an online cartoonist who can barely draw yet despite this I apparently encouraged a large company to file a million darlin or two against someone guys he's an online cartoonist who can barely draw he has no inference bar the three million subscribers of course but don't mention them like why would you say that I'm a guy who speaks into his microphone and lives in a one-room flat what influence do I have guys don't listen to me now I don't necessarily believe the claim but to respond to the claim saying that you don't have influence is a weird way to respond he then basically spends the next part the video working out how to disassociate him from the narrative the group Tim and leafy together [ __ ] you and listen like I said right I am NOT leafy I honestly kind of [ __ ] him believe that I'm having to explain this right but this guy is not this guy an arm game dragged into drama that has nothing to do with me because of this love for example right during the idubbbz and leafyishere drama despite me being neither of these two youtubers so people expected me to get involved in this drama for some reason essentially trying to untie the anchor from his ankle despite the fact that he was boasting in his original video game this was very clearly an organized attack and joking about the actual vocal Association in other videos when I said hopefully that'll end with this organized attack that's been going on over the past week or two first power cynical then leafy and now I'm making a video on keemstar listen I don't want to make a big deal out of this right but this many youtubers of this size making videos calling our keemstar realistically will not happen again right if you hate keemstar this is your one chance to get rid of him so make it count you can't pretend that never happened what is there to say I could go on and on about this response video but in my opinion it is fairly terrible and although it still received moderate support at the time he was digging his own grave where this video came another hit two subs the Sharks were circling he was called out publicly for some meltdowns that happened in the months prior someone read its some on stream that's a modern my [ __ ] subreddit to link you to what I said to the me go to the telling key it's not bad at all but why why was this happening this person who had literally forgot his chalak sista dat one point who clued didn't consider YouTube a big deal was now being perceived as this megalomania and not without evidence well I guess it's just the rabbit hold that sometimes people fall down and in a way we all fell down it with him because he was one of the original guys who went after these craters and exposed them vegan gains Nicole Arbour even raywilliamjohnson but at the same time they weren't the hardest people to go after they were targets for whom we didn't really care how they were treated just that they were sorted out for one reason or another we wanted them gone and now grade has serious criticism facing him down his responses just won't work because he's going against people who haven't established enough of a reputation to be hated promise when we support people who argue in the way that great did even to people we actually hates even to people we view as terrible human beings we risk them turning around and turning their hordes on the wrong person on a person who might just be a victim of mob mentality with the same approach that we endorsed there are plenty of positions that I hate there are people that I dislike but at the end the day as cathartic and as tempting as it is just go after someone's credibility it's a risky measure long term you risk influencing people to adopt that philosophy of discounting someone on trivial basis and even if you can wield that power properly and work out when someone should get it or when someone shouldn't you're working with people who themselves are not as careful on top of this you're promoting a market in which it's successful to behave that way which will create clones who are less nuanced than yourself now what make it very clear we are allowed to make fun of each other we are allowed to make fun of other commentators even if the joke is lined in a level of cynicism but mockery of so much credibility is not a sufficient substitute for a point maybe complementary in some instances but not as a substitute grade was successful because his persona often disguised how some of his videos did tend to lack validity not now necessarily to what he was saying but to the discussion that was trying to be had look at the matthew santoro video and when he didn't have the arguments he'd substitute them for more fallacies with a tone that implied authority but never really earned it so with this all in mind grades sort of Empire was coming to an end to instance to sub drops and a third time he would have been a fool to make the same mistake so I guess for him it was time to move on and he did what do you move on to exactly well let's find out so with all this behind him gray decided to turn back to the light-hearted genre of politics yes now remember this is towards the back end of 2016 and that means it was the presidential election time Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were battling it out for the White House gray decides to cover hit this topic more meticulously than any of his previous situations releasing a total of five videos initiating with a critique of kc9 stance following interviews of both the main presidential candidates analysis of the American voting system and concluding with a review of the reaction to spoiler alerts Donald Trump's victory the videos themselves were fine enough I guess he did go a bit more in-depth on Clinton mind you though I guess it made sense because he likes to make expose videos and there's more for you to actually expose with Hillary because Trump just continuously exposed himself makes his job less fun and he does in the end lend support to Sanders and Stein so he certainly wasn't necessarily being sympathetic either of the main candidates beyond that the videos aren't particularly bad in their points though it was certainly interesting to see someone like grade talking about politics not without their jokes in the delivery of course but the points were all fairly serious now after this he had his last really well performing video on people who hate video games really well for him for his size of course I mean a lot of people dream of his consistent view counts after that however the views were fairly standard he then returned to his more comedic style and actually I think he was being fairly funny again his arguments were more based in common sense than previous and his tone had become a lot more uniform just that one very angry guy but he had some good jokes that would play off the rage fairly well and did have some flow I know I made a video a little while ago defending video games right but despite how much I [ __ ] loved him right there are some things I'll do find kind of annoying about him nothing big though just a few small complaints now make me want to throw my [ __ ] controller through the TV maybe the drama dragged him down and now he's out of it he felt a bit more liberated but at the same time it also meant he lost a lot of support that came from the more drama oriented fans who'd moved on to craters more associated with trending topics by 2017 none of the new videos really cracked the ceiling of 2 million views after video game upload however on the other hand his drama videos were unlikely to do as well as they previously did because the drama kind of died and he had distanced himself from it in fact following the political videos the only time he really covered drama again was in the PewDiePie vs. wall street journal' video which was extremely late to the party later than me in a way he'd split his audience down the middle and there was no longer that guaranteed interest in what he spoke about there were better comedy channels taking on the drama topics but at least the honest more casual rant topics rights world 2016 was the year of the storytime animators who really began taking on the qualms of daily life and other topics in a similar field providing grade with real competition and squeezing his markets people had noticed the fertile grounds and started farming and gray didn't really change it up and in a way could he he still did fine for himself but I guess even when you're doing well it can feel like you're going nowhere if it doesn't feel like progress grade was never a celebrity he never had droves of people following him around every time he left his house and that was his choice but many reasons I think are likely sensible and justified the one thing that I've noticed is that when you're not public your life seems fairly ordinary even with whatever success you're experiencing you're not witnessing the real-world repercussions of the content you make because you're still behind a screen this can often alienate you from the impact your content and even its success being a youtuber really hasn't been much of a rush for me because I haven't really changed my life at all mainly because I want to finish my education and so my lifestyle hasn't really altered beyond the fact that I spend most of my free time on YouTube driving myself insane I have a hunch that even with his success great never really experienced it because he kept himself away from that world I don't think that's a bad thing but I do think it can lead to someone taking by aters because it doesn't give them any satisfaction in return and after peuta 5 vs Wall Street Journal video in March 2017 grade did just that he fell off the map until a few months later in May 2017 when grade uploaded another video implying that he was coming back his hand coming from the grave and announcing that there would be more YouTube videos and twitch streams with the audience's heart in his hands this led to absolutely nothing for another two months until when great announced his return in a much more elaborate video and announcing that this would be the start of season 2 no one knew what stalled out season 2 stuff about our first of all I've been gone for a while so it just seems failed for a start right and secondly not gonna lie I do want to tweak my videos and make him a lot simpler Lord there used to be before in his video he announces how he plans to go back to his more grassroots comedy as it used to be how he realized that pleasing the algorithms and merely appealing to trending topics just leads you to hating your general experience and as a youtuber and why he was not going to conform to it he also rants about how Jay Paul is ruining the site and driving all creativity down with it he says he's been working on videos since the week before his uploads so understandably many people were excited to see what he was going to bring to his next video if we ever received a next video which we didn't for a long long time I don't think raid was trolling when he uploaded his return videos it would be a pretty funny troll but I think it was very probable that he did have trouble being in the mood to record his content and finding that recipe the work for him all the times before drama is a rush when you're involved in it and you have the power to end careers it's like you're Thanos with the Infinity stones then it's gone and you can't recapture that and sometimes when people can't do that they just lose faith normal content is a rhythm and to find that you have to have a grip on what you're creating a rush will disrupt that rhythm grade did eventually return at the start of this year we all have the sinking feeling that he wouldn't stick around because although the hype for him was here it was more an anticipation about his return rather than actually investing in his content his return video performed excellently the videos following it not so much do I think grade regrets the drama maybe he does at the time I can see why it's so enticing to get involved but looking back on it his content that had the most longevity are the videos that aren't want drama the content that is just about everyone's daily lives because people's lives aren't going to be changing soon at least I don't think they are and therefore when you make content about that it's always relevant no matter their demographic all the time that they're watching the video but when this screenshot was taken at the start to 2017 you can see that the difference between these two videos is around a hundred thousand views and yet returning to his channel we can now see that difference is approximately two point 1 million there's a reason for that and I think I've explained it braid never really abruptly lost any of his momentum because many people adored his style to the point where he could probably just spend a whole video farting and it would crack a million views but from his perspective it probably drained him also the new copyright system hasn't helped his videos with many of them being claimed retrospectively due to his use of music in transitions all in all I can see these instants being fairly demotivating for a crater who fed off excitements grade is just another casualty of the drama regard to whether he was right or wrong none of the creator's who were really there in the midst of that 2016 mess are really doing it with the same passion h3 is taken hiatus on his channel spoke about being drained we all know what happened to leafy and although idubbbz has arguably become the kingmaker of commentary he hasn't made a Content cop in a while and he doesn't read talk about it and there are rumors that he doesn't really enjoy its legacy I mean I wouldn't either that's a huge wait to deliver some world destroying criticism the only person who really came out happy was keemstar and that's because he's insane and lives off drama and creates it when there isn't any grade burned everyone in his part and then stood in the ashes and asked what happened and that's why I don't ever think he'll fully stick around because grade is a person who became reliant on the environment to power his content from read it to drummer alerts and now he's just another guy making videos even if they poor views he's gonna have trouble building a community because many craters don't trust him and he probably doesn't trust them either the days of old commentary are over and great just doesn't belong and that's a shame because his content did have value with retrospect to my previous video I think it's fair to say that there are many elements that caused the rise of Grady enduring but ultimately it was the drama that caused the fall I don't know if he'll ever get that back with that said I don't think there is an animosity to reflect upon his content with I think he didn't always handle things with the right demeanor and he was definitely sucked into an addiction that ultimately left him worse for wear but he still had a great cultural impact on the site and his content is still important to this day for many many reasons and you can't take that away from him so as much as this is a discussion a discourse critique it's also a tribute because there is no one quite like Grady under a and I don't think there ever will be so that was the video rounding off the two parts series I really hope you guys enjoyed it definitely some of the longer stuff again being the fact I had to split it into two parts I would love to hear any thoughts in the comment section below really interesting discussion from what seemed a big shout out to my editors who've done a fantastic job I'm going to leave their links in the pinned comment please go and check them out they do stellar work and I'm sure this is going to be a marvel to behold I really hope it is at least I also want to give a big shout out to my patreon all up on stream right now be shout out to the $50 patreon you can't ignore them evening steel on $50 Connor on $50 alongside some hullabaloo and $100 is Brandon and Ryan big thanks to you Lance thank you so much you're making a great difference I really appreciate it if you want to contact me you can reach me on twitter at the right opinion facebook discord links to in the pinned comments all gonna be there and if anyone else needs me for any other purposes that's where you can find me i don't really have too much else to say so I'll just leave it here and say thanks again for all the supports on the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,012,986
Rating: 4.8020692 out of 5
Keywords: keemstar, gradeaundera, keemstar exposed, gradeaundera vs keemstar, keemstar vs gradeaundera, leafyishere, dramaalert, grade a under a keemstar, grade a under a vs keemstar, keemstar reacts to gradeaundera, drama, gradeaundera liar, gradeaundera streaming, gradeaundera rage, gradeaundera live, gradeaundera exposed, grade keemstare, gradea, reaction gradeaundera, gradeaundera tro, content cop, leafy, gradeaundera leafy, gradeaundera opinion, what happened to gradeaundera
Id: 9t_dk1Xopgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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