The Rise Of GradeAUnderA - Ascent Of An Internet Hero | TRO

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gracetempest 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
I am the right grade a under a grading under a grade a under a Freddie under a rain a under a so a lot of newcomers to the website who may stumble across great Channel great a under a may not even realize why grade was so important in the first place [Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen our welcome to the right pinion the home of a two amp with too much free time and today we talk about someone who I've had a lot of requests to cover but never really quite got around to well today my friends is the time I finally address it now in keeping with the old routine we'll begin this video with a nice little story because I love a good story like anyone else when I was growing up I wasn't really the type of person who used Twitter or any of the social media sites that I used today I was at school and back then the only app that was really considered fashionable was Facebook now this is before Facebook was taken over by mums and their minion memes but just take my word at some point Facebook was cool I promise guys please don't reject me at the time it was cool to follow ridiculous numbers of Facebook pages and before they were taken over by cash farm sponsorships they had the capacity to be pretty funny to my juvenile brain at least however it was one day that I clicked on one of the videos I highly doubt I could find it now but I remember being this page called uni lads and it was this post with this guy and he had this really strange accent Toria manly drinks versus girly drinks basically mocking the gender stereotypes behind alcoholic beverages why is there such a thing as girly drinks and manly drinks girly drinks too sweet fruity tasty drinks that actually taste nice manly drinks are just drinks that taste like lighter fluid and to be honest I didn't really know what to think it was alright enough and I did agree with the sentiment I personally take cocktails overbear any day either way I didn't really think too much about it my life had very little to do with YouTube back then however that man in the video was grade a under a or great for short he is a commentator with a very distinct style and I'll talk about the stars that he was inspired by in a bit but as you can see from that clip it bathes in the rather amateurish charm currently grade sits on just shy of three and a half million subscribers and is very prolific in the commentary community for both positive and not so positive reasons but I didn't know that back then I was just another plep fast forward a couple years and I was much more engaged in the commentary community all this drama with the leafy was transpiring I wasn't really an avid view of him but I was thoroughly involved in the whole feud with keemstar and I remember really rallying hein leafy I think I even sent him an email in supports which was incredibly sad not just a sentiment of it but the fact that I used email unlike Benjamin Button because I used to be boomer and now I'm an epic woke man and then I dubs his content dropped and I had my perception completely 180 to everything I thought was true was not and idubbbz did a decent job of destroying leafy who then mashed to destroy himself with his own response video proving he was well out of his depth but that my friends is a story for another time grade was dragged into all of this because he'd made videos on the situation and jumped on the keemstar hate train in fact he'd been quite involved in the drama until the content cop in which he kind of just slid out the back door I wonder why and after a few more months of videos he was gone he would just kind of moved on there were a few thought pieces asking wait gone how he'd fallen from grace how he'd lost his groove and so on Erin Connor knew he'd returned and at the turn of 2019 he did for a bits how long he'll be around I don't know honestly he's probably left already but at the same time his return did complete an arc that I felt necessary to make this video I always felt there was more to his story because my two experiences with his content were radically different covering themes that could have been related to a different channel my perception going into this is that of a person who became something else that he initially set out to be from that person on my Facebook feed it never felt like he was setting himself up to become another channel caught up in the drama so today and probably next week as well if you're not familiar with the tale of Grady under a I want this to be a learning experience not just for you but also for me we're going to understand his rise his peak and even his full but we're not just going to be documenting how it happened we'll be asking why it happened and maybe providing some opinions on the whole situation along the way let's just hope they're the right ones are you ready good let's go Grady under 8 starts his channel in January 2013 back in the days before any real commentary community was particularly well defined at the time a Lord the largest craters were comedians a lot of these were skits and sketches people like nigahiga steve cardinal you know that guided songs in real life and chatroulette versions of song there were probably in copyright claims a [ __ ] jennamarbles bad lip reading smosh rhett and Link and plenty plenty more the quality was in the individuals videos and the value held within them rather than just the channel does not say these people didn't have a personality they did but it was charmed more into constructing a persona for certain purposes rather than necessarily feeling the authentic connection there was rumblings of some commentary in the formal political content but not everyone was really looking for that in fact if you wanted a connection to a crater on a more personal level then you'd have to look towards the gaming content and I'm not saying that gaming content typically had people learning that much about the person but at the end of it all a lot of gaming youtubers did tend to be pretty genuine in their reactions and that led to a law diversity in the actual delivery I discussed it briefly in my tobyturner video back then if you had something going on upstairs you could sit down and play a game and there would be an audience if you accompt it and that's why you would likely find a lot of modern commentary audiences probably watch gaming videos at one point I know I did do I sound like a huge epic gamer no well I am [ __ ] comment I wasn't really going to emerge until 2015 and yet grade is a very interesting case because he emerged before that how exactly did he do that well the only rules genre that had established itself at the time with a firm basis in opinions was the film and music criticism genre and asked had a long way to go but by 2013 there was a fairly nice assortment of critics in these circles and I want to take this and then apply to someone who I know as a dose of Buckley and what he did was typically a mix of criticism but also commentary with a comedic stinging tone to it he always described himself as a comedian primarily and I do have a lot to say about him as well but you can definitely see where these various roots were in greats content Gray was a real mix comedy commentary and also one more component which was story and I spoken about story time animators before but there is a distinct similarity in great early content to many of the animators that we see nowadays story china raters typically run a structure where they speak with a narrative they set the scene and then they reenact the scene dibbley in a comedic way that entertains the audience however with all that said gravestown to convince his viewers that his content was worth watching and that means not being absolute crap brady under a were the two characters that represents him on one side you have the gray day the smart successful side and on the other side is the under a the underachiever the scruffy lazy character and he wanted to present both of these sides in his channel when watching Gray's first video nine things I hate about the barbershop this star becomes quite clear he talks about what he doesn't like and it'll provide a demonstration however was with animators some of the appeal comes to bounce between the star and the persona grey tends to discard elaborate visuals from extremely simple style thus focusing a majority of the draw on his own delivery and although this video didn't initially grab traction like the videos we'll talk about soon we can actually witness some very successful comedy it's simple to the point and over-the-top in many ways Grey's channel was an amalgamation of various genres that were currently prevailing he was a comedian but he was also a storyteller who was conveying his own personal experiences our biet in an exaggerated manner tapping into the relatable frustrations of the daily life and applying a little bit of attitude to give him the edge and plenty of people have the exact same thoughts about him for example everyone goes to school what makes grades experiences or thoughts on it remotely exceptional well it's the energy he brings and the fact that people like hearing him talk about it and that's a genuine town's here's a clip from his first uploads so the guys stop cutting your hair and about halfway through it starts to look good I starts to look really really nice about the end of a lost dog [ __ ] what did you do I blinked I blinked to me and my hair went from amazing to [ __ ] how did you do that I'm more impressed than anything number four and after he's ruined you here he has the nerve to look you in the eye and ask you what do you think me and you tell me looks good every time number five and then you pay him for it and you pay him for [ __ ] your hair up why did I do that I should have told you know you know get my money your cut look what you're done give me your rig a lot of the best comedy comes down to rhetoric anyone can think of a funny punchline or a decent joke here and there what makes the greatest comedians great is the fact that they can take a story and they can tell it in a funny way you can as great do that part of it is the articulation great as a great technique of expression his skewed accent does help in a way but here what you're doing is he's setting up a story let me set the scene where it's slide for now we know the size before he's shown a few examples and then for slide four he changes the star he provides the set up and he's really satisfied with his haircut and he conveys that with his tone and it builds to the payoff because he sounds probably's but we all know he's gonna lose his [ __ ] and we're anticipating it and then he snaps how did you do that impressed and he does a good job of providing the viewers with that sense of comedic catharsis and if you can build up to something and set up some sentiment of nerve in that audience then you'll make the payoff funnier comedy is not just about contrast but it's about audience investment in that contrast the other thing I find interesting is he leaves these pauses in the build-up which leave the sort of dead air with the audience which you know if I did it in my videos it wouldn't make sense but in his works it plays off the tension like that in a horror movie tension makes the scare scarier just as it makes the jokes funnier but that's not all at play here I recall a very good video by the nerd right which spoke about Louis CK's tant at the delivery of jokes and while the overarching themes is that no word is wasted and that's like I described as perfectly prevalent in great early comedy oblique to me and not a single one is wasted they're used either in meaning or in rhythm to contribute to the overall effect in effect that lets us see the world from a different angle and more importantly makes us laugh is those details which add value to grades work makes it more entertaining and does give him an edge over the contemporaries at the time combine that with the rather cheap and simple style which doesn't distract from his delivery and can often allay snark visual gaggle so it's simple but effective and I want to make this point the no one reaches the size of grade without some kind of unique feature great initial appeal was a mix of features which crafted this very distinctive persona and although I'm sure many of his critics and advocates would argue whether he's actually funny it's hard to dispute that he was successful and success has its reasons but as many will say success isn't just about being good at what you're doing you have to be good at selling it as well and this is where we go into the very weird second stage of grades career grade second video was uploaded in April 2013 and was cool girly drinks versus manly drinks a now infamous video in which grade rants about how social norms pressure him to avoid consuming drinks that taste nice and push him to Wars drinks like beer and bitter which affirmed his status as a man it's hyperbolic and ridiculous but it's ironically decent social comedy with a good dash of humor and so he released this video and it didn't do much at all actually it was his second video YouTube hadn't really paid much attention to his channel they're probably pushing the newest Rihanna song or something what was Rihanna doing in 2013 stay God do I feel old so there is this cycle ready I don't know any of you've heard of it but for anyone who generally doesn't follow it's basically a site that serves as a collective of forums or what they call sub reddits or people to find others who might share interests and then to post in them and maybe comment on them and this can be basically anything at all within the guidelines of course from homosexuality to Mean Girls and I'm really not a regular of Reddit but I know that much summer is the focus of this part is our slash videos which is a forum where people can post content that they like it is a fairly well-organized subreddit with users galore and various tabs that can basically arrange the post how you would like them however the very important tamp here is obviously what was caught in 2014 the hot tamp now graves video isn't doing too much it had been a year and a half since release and yet a user by the quaint name of boner boy lovely posted his video to the art / video subreddit with the title as the caption now fortunately I do not have a screenshot of it during the rounds because there weren't any that I could find but there is one of the post itself very briefly after it was posted and you can see that it quickly picked up steam receiving appraisal from many of the users who enjoyed his crude style in reading comments it harkens back to my earlier comparisons with regards to animators - with many people suggesting that content would have fit very aptly into the new ground site a website renowned for the animators it hosted and that's what this video hit home with great seem like a throwback crater with a twist thrown in and the masses had spoken they decide that this is the content they want it but grade was gone and he had legitimately forgot he even made a YouTube account I mean hell he didn't even have an avatar yandere side was clearly taking over in fact grade was on face but when he saw his video being shared and realized that suddenly he hadn't audience and an audience to answer to and as acknowledged in a tweet he'd make a year later it kicked his channel so if boner boy hadn't made that post on that reddit grade probably would have never uploaded another YouTube video and yet here we are with the success of his content grade made a video committing to more uploads and unlike 90% of the creator's who commit to more uploads before disappearing off the face of the earth he actually stayed true to his word for now and we witnessed some spicy content his video following this was known as the Paralympics and this is where grade begins to really cement that persona I suppose about how his content can be funny but being good and being popular are not the same and having mass appeal can often mean you might sacrifice niche qualities that you may take preference to the gray was very consistent he took a perspective of great ignorance now that might sound like a criticism it would be if I went to Gray's channel looking for insightful commentary or some bold truth teller but you don't you go for crude jokes from a judgemental tracks and the thing about ignorance is that for many people it is relatable most people don't know much about a lot doesn't mean they're stupid they'll have a few subjects in which they specialize in due to career reasons or specific interests but ignorance is relatable in a way and so you have videos that may not be completely accurate but you get the impression that they're quite aware they're not because he's putting on a stupid voice he's allowed to be stupid at the same time he's playing with the cynical judgmental thoughts that cross many people's minds like - horse jockeys even do anything surely it's the horse that needs to be disabled - dogmas thing on earth Paralympic horse riding the reason it's so dumb is that it's not the horse that has to be disabled it's the rider you don't do anything Rider you just sit there so for example these two fine chaps they can't be in the Paralympics but this Lloyds TSB majestic stallion could cuz his ride is missing a finger or an eyebrow or something now I'm sure with a bit of research he'd find out otherwise but you wouldn't care it's easier to think about it simply and get a laugh out of someone's rants he's the comedian who says the stupid stuff and gets the laugh because it's somewhat based in the assumptions that people make themselves it is relatable in its ignorance during the last few months of 2014 in the wake of his son's success grade would upload multiple videos in the same format just talking about stuff in this style this was cement him as a crater and lead to significant and consistent growth throughout the coming few months he would rant about tinder toilets interviews basically anything that bothered him he become more and more creative with these gags make of content but still hold on to many of the rather simplistic aspects of his videos balancing that feeling of progression with the notion of familiarity like upgrading a car rather than purchasing a new model you still need to make people feel like they're watching a gray day under a video when the video that we're discussing today Kay around Rae was sat on a respectable twenty nine thousand subscribers his growth have been solid and steady with occasional spikes aided by the algorithm his videos to release a past his subscribe account and he was being aided by various support on other websites obviously I mentioned my encounter with the Facebook post however we're entering 2015 and know what that means well the start of a little genre called commentary Levy who is someone I'm sure we'll talk about eventually sat mid February on around 23,000 subscribers fairly respectable that's only because most of them came from a minecraft PvP channel however under a month later grade would get his first taste of drama with someone known as ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson was while the largest craters on the platform and although he wasn't anywhere near his peak at this time he was still pulling respectable numbers on his videos the sort of numbers that I would dream about getting on a constant basis yeah a lot of successful ventures so calling mount was a pretty big deal because you're going to be dealing with his still sizable fanbase this guy on over 10 million subscribers so what happens I'm late all the time I am probably gonna be late for work every day weakness of yours oh my god where to stop what would you say is your greatest weakness where do I start where do you see yourself in five years time hopefully not still in this [ __ ] where do you see yourself in five years well [ __ ] [Applause] to understand the situation we go back to the video before it why I hate interviews in which gray goes on one of his typical rants interspersed with his comedy that we've previously discussed at some point in this video he mocks up an interview and responds to it in a fairly candid fashion eleven days later raywilliamjohnson uploads the video how to ace job interviews a sarcastic title for a run of sketches in which the applicant provides the worst answers possible however some of these responses more specifically three of them had a strange resemblance to grades answers and you know what that's certainly not something to be ignored especially when it's 1d sites largest creators stealing from a significantly smaller crater but what's great gonna do about it now where March 2015 commentaries mm at worst yet but we're definitely in the rumblings of it and I want to talk about drama for a brief moment for that reason drama always existed especially when you're dealing with genres that involve personalities rather than just personas which is why the gaming community is white they're relatively avoid an attitude to drama did have their instance commentary in the last few years however has taken over the drama scene because for many commentators it is highly beneficial for their channel that they talk about drama and it's like the media when they report some incidents often it's not just the drama itself that guards the attention but the people who actually cover it you're always looking for the hot take from that one person you want to hear talk with that said braid didn't have the same approach that many commentators do today if I thought someone had ripped me off unfortunately I wouldn't be able to turn around to make a 30-minute video as fun as it might be in fact many commentators wouldn't want to make a video on someone who might have copied their joke because it would be seen as petty or going overboard this is where we bring in great style great comedy was found with him being excessive his videos could also be very short and not really have much meaning so he made this video questioning where the Ray had quote plagiarized him he opened with the corresponding clips in question before doing this listen listen just to address anyone who might think that Ray copied MA very similar uploaded suspiciously closely tomorrow video to let you know that he clearly did it could not listen I'm not gonna say that raywilliamjohnson copy more video I'm new to YouTube so don't know jack-shit about what I can and cannot claim on our videos without I don't know lawsuits and stuff so i'mma tell you that raywilliamjohnson clearly did not copy my video they are very different it won't funny won't know now this isn't the last time he would use this Amina what he's doing is he's using comedy at a masquerade to push quite genuine accusations grades videos felt tongue-in-cheek enough to not necessarily take seriously in that tone they were too self-aware and comedic to frame him negatively but their arguments too well presented to completely ignore in their points if we're speaking formally you can't really prove that Ray was plagiarizing because as concepts they're a bit too general to be claimed but it is very plausible the rape did take the jokes it does seem a bit too similar to be a coincidence Gray's video on this quickly gained the traction and hit over 200,000 views in a few days I mean calling anyone out is always good for a quick rush abuse and although at first it wasn't universally well-received even see the like dislike ratio is still strongly in his favor compare this to a recent drama for example coffee breaks video which I do plan on discussing in the future and because he mainly framed his problems very seriously many people have now responded and began to call him petit which is a fact in many people's feeling about the whole drama as grade goes he's done pretty well this was his first taste of drama but not really much came beyond of it there was an article written on the daily dose and a bit of buzz at the time but Johnson never really responded because grade was such a small youtuber at the time he would have been punching down fairly hard and he'd probably didn't want to Streisand it unless he had a concrete response which would have been hard so life went on great did alright from the situation and signed to go back to the sort of content that people at that time knew him for however this was about to change again because now we're in June and a little known youtuber by the name of leafy was beginning to gather significant momentum grade in a similar position decide once again to make a different kind of video this time calling out a youtuber by the name of Richard Burgess aka vegan gains basically a blatant bait video because being gains is known to respond to every he's video alleged that being Gaines was fairly dishonest in his content unbelievably biased towards anyone on a vegan diet and promotes a lot of misinformation that people should definitely take with a grain of salt however at the end of the video gray takes a slightly different approach he done good as well but the ones now they're just garbage now hopefully I don't have to make any more videos about you I've already made two other videos that are ready to be uploaded in our seconds no his right one of the videos that are have is one of his worst of the YouTube fitness industry videos that art stole when our hacked into vegan gains computer cuz I'm a hacker mera and it's one he didn't upload for very good reason it's not one he would want you seeing trust me and as if that wasn't saucy enough the other video that I've got is a personal video message to vegan games from a very [ __ ] surprising source now this is where grates very ambiguous tone comes into play it's quite clear that he isn't a hacker it is still possible he's managed to get his hands on to some sort of an incriminating file vegan gains is a volatile character and it's not impossible to suggest that maybe there are a few deleted videos of him floating around the web that have him doing some pretty strong things way presents him with the quote ultimatum respond or is going to make another video where he uploads everything listen this is just me being a this is just playful banter yeah but listen vegan gains if you don't reply to this video and explain yourself and address all the points I bought up in this video and explain your lives right I will take it as a personal insult and I will post both from right one listen I like you me well your bit annoying here and there but overall I do like you me don't make me post those videos bad so vegan gains decide to respond by well not responding this clearly caught grade off because being gains was renowned for going after people and yet like Donald Trump not responding to mmm the one time where you'd expect him to respond he didn't so when vegan gains didn't respond grade uploaded the update video that threatened to release the three very important unseen videos providing a specific due date that being Saturday the fourth of July 2015 once again having this sort of due date makes great seem more serious presents this to be in games to encourage that response he hype sit up and says we all need to tweet it at the vegan gains nemesis and obtain their attention everyone's on the edge of his seats what's great going to reveal well not much in fact gray was just bluffing the third video was released and the alleged clips were presented were not as expected if you expected anything at all that is one of them was a cut up compilation where you know the one where you remix someone's speech to change the message the second video a special message from someone was another meme and the rest the video was spent going through vegan gains his old channel and just digging up various comments from one perspective it could be seen as rather desperate from grade two basically threatened someone into giving you their attention and he makes it no secret that's kind of what he was trying to do I said that if vegan games didn't reply to my previous video that I would then release these other two right which was a complete lie alive regardless of what he did I'm still gonna upload him right and yet coming out of it he received very little criticism and appeared with a big W to his name why is that well firstly being Gaines isn't really popular and people can't really feel bad for him regardless of whether he was right or not to respond and a lot of grades criticisms in his first video were fairly valid but the second reason this little stunt work was because of his persona grade-a under a in his comedy videos you don't really see that contrast too much but in these more drama oriented videos on one hand you have the grade a side that can deliver criticism and yet the uneven delivery in the messy tone in the comedy pulls towards the under a side and this meant that as long as he acknowledged his intentions with enough self-awareness he typically receive a pass this is interesting because while he emerged in a time where comedy dominated YouTube clearly reflected in his style we were entering a more dramatic phase the times were changing and great had to change with them as well but do that we have to understand drama the thing about drama is that there are various routes you can take you can take the route of being the moralist being the person who dictates how you should act down to the small details what were she should and shouldn't use etcetera etcetera etcetera if you want to deal criticism like that you need to set an example of how to deal it on the other hand you have people who don't give a [ __ ] about 90% of things when they're criticizing others and although this might seem less pure in many of their characteristics it makes them harder to criticize a great example of this is idubbbz another significant player later on the story some people may criticize him for his fairly nonchalant approach to the use of certain words as shown in the tar naman show content copy mate but he turns this around and says well I don't think that defines my morality so take it or leave it you can criticize him but you can't really end him or cancel him because what he did was proxy to a much greater point against the target and regardless of how much Twitter would like to paint it as a black-and-white issue you'll experience very different attitudes with vegan gains grade isn't necessarily behaving morally in fact he comes across as a bit of a pest but he doesn't need to behave morally because he kind of acknowledges it and integrates it into his persona often and laundering the fact that you're not perfect can humanize yourself in the eyes of your viewers while being able to deliver some sort of criticism in the incidents of vegan gains that he is a liar and being a liar is an easy criticism because it implies a logical falsehood it's typically rather simple unless you can appeal to a greater good like a white line with the success of this drama in spite of the disappointing lack of response grey would begin to start doing these sorts of videos a bit more break early and thing is I don't think a lot of people really notice much difference in the videos mainly because great had such a grip on his style his character encompassed all those topics and he definitely takes this going forward his next targets with jinx and CJ so cool - fairly unpopular reaction channels we're not tourists for basically playing videos and reacting to them in a way that provided no level of transformation whatsoever Gray's video on them was a lot tighter in its points and use pretty affirmative evidence to convey his sentiments not listen to this right it's like a 17 minute 16 second video right of which literally 45 seconds is not pea-sized video so CJ's video is literally over 95% ksi right which is ridiculous obviously they're gonna get popularity if they're stealing of some of the biggest youtubers content right that's so hard isn't it I walk muster particularly please gray in this situation was that jinx actually responded and he responded with all the grace that you'd expect from a reaction channel now first thing I want to say before I even start going down this list is the fact that this guy hates me because I'm popular because I'm YouTube popular that is the one reason that it all boils down to he could say he's not a derp you could say all of that but let's just be honest and when you make a well-formed kulap video going off to chance who clearly think they are much better than they are it feels good for the audience to be a part of that the main reason it felt so good for mayor Gray's fans was because great had intertwined it very delicately with his comedy his comedy being rooted in that relatability of the judgmental nature we've all seen some very successful youtubers and thoughts what the hell do they do that special they're rubbish ray took these thoughts and turn them into videos and combine them with more concise points and evidence convince people of his case so even when he was being fairly blunt it felt natural because his persona allowed him to do that that's annoying the new a response from jinkx even like that trying to be as indirect as possible is more attention because someone's going to ask what the video is someone's going to know and they're going to redirect it especially if you're going after a larger youtuber who is an idiot jinkx had no personality so trying to show any sort of anger felt like arrogance because it could only be correlated with his size not his persona through this however great did create a fan base that were involved in the more dramatic side upgrades were and following this he went after more easy targets Nicole Arbour prank channels Nicole Arbour again chance again prank channels again and although these videos were fairly decent and they load their criticism with a fair amount of evidence when you spend so much time dishing out copious amounts of criticism in the sort of tone that graded it became inevitable that he was going to growl at a channel much more drama oriented now looking back in retrospect it becomes clear that a lot of his more story time oriented content has outperformed his drum videos however at the same time his drawn videos were some of the most popular on the site in the moment this was main because commentary was emerging with people we've already discussed and we were entering the stage where people felt comfortable calling others out with the rise of three pretty pivotal channels we could see the tone of criticism evolving identify these three channels as h3i dubs and obviously our main man here grade-a under age all of these child became porch bearers in calling out who they deemed to be [ __ ] this then brought a secondary way for channels who typically focus their content on other topics would often drop by on commentary issues such as I hate everything pyrocynical leafy boogie and so on it was something fun to involve yourself in and on top of this it created more attention to the topics that people were discussing this was catalyzed by the newest instance at the turn of 2016 alongside the launch of I dub TSA's series content cop which basically set commentary on fire particularly the jinx episode which of course almost led to the infamous boxing match don't get it twisted grey was one of the first on the scene to make these sorts of videos with already established audience that identified the style and therefore benefited of this development greatly equally in a perverted way the drawn videos worked in the vein that his comedy videos did judgemental tracks and relatability we have those feelings towards those craters that's why he went off on popular people because many people already hated them when you're targeting other people you have to be prepared to become a target and 2016 was a new year for many reasons main reasons that we'll find out in the next video because this script is going to be very long and I've learned that it's probably not best to exhaust your audience to that extent there are other videos definitely have had me try so that was the video I really hope you guys enjoyed it I want to give a big shout-out to my editors who've once again done a fantastic beautiful job I love them very much make sure you check them out I also need to give a shout out to my patreon the current patrons listed on the screen right now and I also have to give special shoutouts to my $50.00 patreon corner some hullabaloo and evening steel all three of you thank you so much it does genuinely make a difference especially with YouTube's slightly unpredictable behavior recently hundred dollars - I have to give the mentioned Brandon and Ryan truly incredible people and eternally grateful for their support thank you guys makes a big difference otherwise if you want to you can hit me up on Twitter discord I even checked paid for sometimes most of platforms and I do my best to be responsive otherwise I don't really have too much else to say I hope you enjoyed the video we'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section opinions are always welcome until then on the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one so whatever happened to the grading under a fella if you piss off grading under a he's gonna do whatever he can to ruin you great and like all of us as in lie on this different standard for you that wouldn't be the first time you've lied basically you've lied law Chavez might and there's a different standard for granted under a and he will ruin you if he can [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,055,298
Rating: 4.9136705 out of 5
Keywords: gradeaundera, where is gradeaundera, where is gradeaundera 2018, gradeaundera quits, what happened to gradeaundera, grade a under a, gradebunderb, gradea, where is gradeaundera now, gradeaundera face, ray william johnson, ray william johnson gradeaundera, grade a, gradeaundera school, gradeaundera opinion, tro, gradeaundera tro
Id: -zNELcp-zuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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