The Dramatic Decay Of DanPlan - End Of An Animated Era | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen our welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and you too drama comes in many different forms in the last few months a lot of my videos have focused on these situations that have spanned over years and although a drum may reach his peak in a way that catches people off guard if you look at the history normally you'll see a pattern of conflict and attention from other commentators that is contributed to a climax of sorts however drama can often be even more shocking when it happens out of nowhere when people think that actually a certain channel may be the last place to end up spiraling so dramatically and that's what appeared to be the case with today's subjects the channel named Dan plan eat him the tea cuz obviously he spiked it so you okay that works too I don't like key your agent you have to like to you I'm now when a lot of people reached out to me about this situation I will admit I was not familiar with Dan plan and in spite of their approximately two million strong fan base many my friends were not familiar with their content either so I sat down and watched a lot of Dan plan and tried to immerse myself in their content no I think I have a decent grasp I will briefly summarize their origins and style so people have a grip on how they created such a significant following Dan plan as a channel was established in July 2014 by their titular creators Daniel and his friend Xhosa with the first upload coming soon after delightfully named by the way moral of the pooping robber this was the first installment of that by the way series in this video consisted of a rather crudely drawn character discussing a story told by his youth pastor in which this pastor encountered a series of burglaries conducted by a robber who defecated following each incident now the audio could be a and better and this video only appears to include Dan's commentary but you can definitely see the origins of a great channel in the making a lot of houses creative illustrations enhanced dance stories on a comedic basis and Dan's outgoing nature makes him an effective storyteller there was definitely potential here however this series wouldn't receive much attention following its initial upload animation was in a bit of a lull at that point Daniel and Xhosa were busy people and thus it was probably not worth putting too many eggs in that basket after this Dan plan spent just under a couple years dedicated to gaming content which was much more popular at the time these gaming videos weren't the most unique though they were often presented more like highlight reels and used character heads to represent different people talking and try and give it a unique energy down was the consistent host of these videos gaming with a varying roster of guests such as Anna Billy J and of course Xhosa however there was one more character to introduce to the story that person goes by the name of Steven really hurts you know what really hurts your stupidity hurts me good x squared 3 I can't tell Steven was introduced on the 5th of September 2015 in the upload yamete Titan senpai in which he and of course Dan and Xhosa play the attack on Titan tribute game white cosa and many of their other friends they were acquainted through school and college and for these comrades this was just a regular gaming session which happened to be uploaded onto YouTube Steven was not one of the original members but he quickly became a recurring guest on the channel as other individuals began to appear less however these gaming videos although enjoyable for those who participated didn't set the channel on fire gaining down plan only 50 subscribers so come May 2016 B by the way series was resumed but this time with a slightly different format let me tell you a story about the time in my final exams ended in this video Daniel tries to tell a story but is occasionally interrupted by his friends initially requesting justification for the change in direction and then reacting to his outlandish story regarding the time he discovered a variety of condoms under a person's bet it was a rough idea of what he had planned for these videos and over the next few uploads he would continue to refine this brand in his by the way would you rather he incorporates his friends providing them with a more prominent role in this instance the friends were poster and Jay another person who regularly appeared on the channel by the next video however the person appearing alongside Dan and host was Steven and he became the principal third contributor to this content now as any creator knows these videos will not take off immediately at least most videos won't however within the year they had their first hit by the way are you a psychopath now it's quite easy to work out why this video did well it's a punchy title it's a popular topic and it's a striking thumbnail and they probably had some pretty impressive watch time too at this point animation videos had began to pick up significant traction so there was really no better time to blow up and over the months and years following they would do just that explains that all right Steven OSA if you press this button someone somewhere on this earth will die I press it is like puff video a lot of their content integrated anecdotal style games which would often present a challenge and ask the participants to make a decision which would then lead to various consequences and banter alike is engaging to watch and often quite interactive I would find myself pausing the videos to see if I could work out these questions or mysteries myself and as their channel grew their chemistry seemed to develop as well I don't see anything then when he turned back there is this disfigured face right in front of you punched him in the face yeah okay he's not show up without making knocking or turning all the way she deserves to get punched in the face yeah the old man is double disfigured from the punch unless they establish their brand Daniel Xhosa and Steven by the way but more importantly dan Plante their content had mass appeal the topics were timeless with great rewatch value and there was a legitimate chemistry that was rooted in a transcendent bond thanks organic friendships the one cannot simply cultivate for mere business purposes what could possibly go wrong well a lot hey guys sorry but there won't be a stream this week but I did want to give you guys an explanation about me and Dan plan and just the future of this channel so as the title of the video says I've quit Dan plan join me today as we analyzed and plan what exactly went down what exactly people said what exactly went wrong and if there's any way to write it and maybe if I'm feeling a bit chat we'll I'll garnish this spicy dish with a few right opinions here and there I want to also clarify that due to the chronological order this drama I'll be going over one side before the other so if it looks unfavorable towards an individual sit tight we'll get there without further ado I suggest we dive right in [Music] as said three people central to the dam plan channel with Daniel Xhosa and Steven over the years they established a reputation that was essential to the brand they were creating as a collective and as individuals by the way became a primary brand and often became interchangeable with the dam plan channel for many audience members within dam plan these characters have their appeal down as the strong anchor for the content and direction of discussion posts as the precious spirit of innocence and Steven as the slightly darker more twisted geezer okay just leave the country no leaving the country that's too easy think I'd go to school well I mean schools too with this in mind even though the channel was owned by Dan and Xhosa it gave many viewers the impression it was a mutual venture there are a couple videos which deviated from the by the way style and those were probably more restricted to Dan and poster but as many people tended to conflate Lee by the way series with the dam plan Chow it would be easy to receive the impression that they all had a somewhat similar stake 2019 was incredibly successful year for the dam plan squad they hit 1 million subscribers they hit 2 million subscribers there is a ton of merch launched a discord server there was a lot to celebrate but come 2020 it would all change on January the 4th Dan plan released a video called by the way can you become a superhero the video is fairly routine Steven you've seen to the Future persons about to get hit by the bus 3 the tires of the bus hits the bus rolls like 20 people inside objective saving the elderly unsuspecting Dan fans he didn't notice much however the video is honestly labeled final episode and judging by the shock of many people in light of what happened next gives me the impression that people assume the subtitle didn't mean the end of damn plans series but more the end of the two parts which they are titled in such a way before however less than five hours later Stephen a third of by the way formally announced in a video that he was going to be departing damn plan now that's obviously shocking for many reasons but people leave shows people leave groups people move on that's what you expect what people didn't expect was the explanation normally you have some quaintly written letter thanking people for the good times and the memories and I'm not doubting that Stephen didn't have some of his own but they were not the focus of this video he had a greater issue to discuss this isn't gonna be a Daniel exposed video but I did want you all to know about how this all started Daniel himself let's break the video down announcing that he had formally left in mid-december Stephen takes us back to the start and breaks down his role on the channel I've already explained a fair bit of this for Stephen emphasizes that he was not part of the channel at first and he only became involved when hoster proposed a third member which became particularly integral when Dan planned transition from gaming to more character-driven animation videos our unique theme and on-camera personalities mesh so well and that's probably why we got so popular so fast the three of us and our dynamic was just remarkable and the way we flowed off of each other is still something that amazes me looking back then he talks about their success and how their dynamic concept and delivery all contributed to it he talks about the scale the success and his own reaction nonetheless he has never considered it more than a hobby him establishing a role in the success and how he has perceived it sets up his next point which will be the treatment and credit that he has received it's no secret that I've never thought of YouTube as anything other than a hobby even now with actually Stephen I still don't consider it a job but Daniel did which brings me to this year and why friends and business don't mix this is where the first issue comes in as a main voice on the channel and someone who was involved in the presentation he fell fortunately he deserved more than he was receiving from Dan plan he accepts that he's not quite as involved but in the month where he states the chal was making five figures he had only received a total of 225 dollars we can assume this occurred around early 2019 as he stated the upcoming instant jutsu this happened around nine months prior to him quitting in December now to receive such a meager wage in return felt insulting to him however for many a problem like this between friends wouldn't be publicized unless he had attempted to find a compromise himself unfortunately at this attempted resolution led to a very angry two day dispute between Daniel and Stephen in which Stephen requested a 20% share of the channel Daniel not only rejected this proposal but the dispute resulted in what many view as Daniels most objectionable statements so me and Daniel argued for hours over the course of two days but then I asked Daniel what could I do to increase my share in Dan plan and everything just imploded he said nothing you're just an employee you have no share and that statement has stuck with me ever since we fought and it hasn't gone away at this point Stephen proceeds to directly respond to this statement once again re-emphasizing his contribution and then contrasting it with Daniel's statement to highlight it's disrespectful nature he then proceeds to say at that point he planned on quitting but wanted to stay due to multiple reasons including Xhosas attempt to resolve the strain relationships the fact that Stephen enjoyed the fame intention but primarily because he wanted to prove himself worthy of having more to share more of a position on the channel however the more he bide for that approval the more he came to the realization that it was ultimately unattainable and so for the past nine months I tried God knows I tried every recording session I brought my humor my edge to the table but I fought a losing battle the more effort I put into developing my character developing Stephen I realized how little Daniel valued it formal mafia Stephen Huggies zombie apocalypse Stephen Moses Stephen Daniel didn't give me a script to do those character I made them up and I made my personalities enjoyable but to Daniel every recording session I was merely talking to friends to him I wasn't putting in any effort into the videos every recording session I wanted to swear at Daniel for real to yell at him so much that I had to stop talking sometimes roles I might say something I would regret the next day and that feeling only grew each session until the last recording in November that we did where I finally just zoned out and stopped trying it all nine months ago when we argued I asked Dan how many views on our videos were garnered by me he said he didn't have an answer a few weeks ago I asked him the same question again and his answer didn't change so I know that no matter how hard I try no matter how many personalities I perfect Daniel will never consider me an equal on the channel so I quit Stephen ends with some rather somber messages stating that people should know their and work on the channel because Daniel won't recognize it otherwise and that ultimately he regrets being a part of Dan plan because he still believes he'd cool down a friend if he'd not involved himself with a channel in the first place sacked there are a lot of messages to break down within this video we can't say too much currently as there are still many more perspectives to analyze and conflicting points of view what I will say is that in light of this video a majority of people believed him but they weren't necessarily hostile Wars Daniel they more passed on the message that as it stood they were upset with them who would like to hear his side nonetheless however before that could happen there were a few more hammers to fall and we'll get into that right now [Music] approximately a week afters video Steven conducted a two-hour stream which obviously made me very happy as it was more material for me to sit through Thank You Steven but jokes aside there are some key details in even if you have to sift through a lot the casual discussion the way I'm going to be reserving some details for later discourse now at this point Daniel had not responded yet and had not replied to any of stephen's messages seeking resolution leading to a significant amount of frustration Steven felt uncertain as to Dan states are decided to proceed with this live stream where it talks more about the condition surrounding these situations let me preface this entire stream by saying I have reached out to Daniel I talked I tried to talk to him yesterday just so I can give him some time between gang like all this drama dropped on him and then like him actually wanting to talk to me so I tried to give him like at least some time and in that time I was hoping that he would post something or at least try to dispel the things I said in my video but it's just been total silence from him and I'm not sure what else to do at this point so I'll just give my side of the story and if it's somehow overlaps with his feel free to I guess disprove them Daniel there's a lot to digest here and I would obviously recommend watching it yourself if you're truly interested in what he said a lot of it is relating to feelings that he's had following the video of how he's coping what he's planning to do when down respond and so on and a few more personal questions such as whether he believed YouTube changed and of which you can probably guess Stephens answer however there I interested points here the first one was regarding pay according to Steven post as co-owner was originally being paid on a 50/50 split with Dan have at some point in 2017 the split was altered so that Dan received 85 percent to host his 15 quite the change I don't know if he wants me to say this but he did like during our argument I did find out that Xhosa was being paid 5050 until until sometime later when suddenly went down to 15% rather than 50 not 50 15% Daniel took the 85 and then just paid out whoever with the with like the hundred percent which is insane to me hoster probably has reason for it but like it was just insane that I heard that and then I asked him hey Xhosa how much have you been paid and he said twenty-eight thousand okay so let's assume that twenty eight thousand is fifteen percent of the total revenue not even just like gross like the total amount it's just the amount that Daniel has made so let's say okay so twenty eight thousand fifteen percent do some malt like multiplication and division you end up with about forty thousand dollars made in revenue which is exactly the same as the socialblade midpoint the more I dove into it the more I realized how many more people were being screwed this is not just a me problem anymore when I started digging I started asking the animators how much were you getting paid and the answers kept being the same about $450 per month for a month of work they get $450 and as all you've been consistent because sometimes it takes more than a month to make a video but you still get $450 now Stephen states in the description that this comment was actually incorrect and although he got the details right he got the maths wrong post actually made 42,000 Canadian dollars which mean by estimates of the share Dan would have comparatively made 280,000 he also calls out down for paying the animators who work for him $450 a month watham quote full-time hours in spite of the observed money he was making Stephen uses socialblade to back up his statements here we'll hold these thoughts until later like daniel has essentially trapped any animator who actually wants to make a living just by paying them like slave wages while still making them work full-time one more point relates to the individual by the name of Jay now Jay had appeared on down plans channel multiple times often alongside Steven in this video there is an air of uncertainty about Jays roles one thing that many have observed were the similarities between Jays and Stevens personalities leading many to theorize that Dan was planning on replacing Steven with Jay altogether Steven says he feels that after the confrontation in early 2019 Dan was looking to do just that as his mannerisms were very popular however Steven didn't feel that Jay was a specific replacement as he believes that no one could truly emulate his stun Steven also discloses that Jay was being paid nothing whatsoever which was surprising for many considering the numerous appearances that he had made on the channel as well although he watched as a guest I knew for a fact that Daniel was trying to replace me after the fight that we had back in March the more after the March incident and I think because of that it made me see like people around me as my replacements do I think Jay was a replacement no no one can emulate this greatness so yeah I don't think Jay was a replacement for anyone however these specifics were still shrouded in mystery one thing that seemed prevalent in this case was the lack of evidence a lot of what we'd heard up to this point was either party testimonies or third-party comments relayed through Steven this is also probably given they loved the anecdotes were based on verbal interactions and obviously one doesn't typically think to record calls it's not really considered kosher so many people weren't eagerly awaiting Dan's response and it was coming but enters stage left and unexpected guests Jay himself now Jay had been commenting on the situation from the sidelines however on the 17th of January days before Dan would release his own response Jay makes his video titled why I say I'm not a part of Dan plan now I'll add the disclaimer this video is currently private and we'll discuss that towards the end before we indulge in those details we should probably investigate what the video exactly says to summarize it basically does what it says on the tin with a bit more to boot he opens it up with the acknowledgement that he's not as invested in it as other parties but felt an inclination to confuse due to his position he talks background about his relationship with Dan why he was restricted in his calm stating that everything seemed fine until july 2019 a few months after Dan's confrontation with Stephen so surround this time I guess so july 2019 that i started to get a hunch or a feeling i had a hunch that something was off with dan plan channel internally so i decided to do a small investigation privately and when Dan found out about it that I was digging he adamantly tried to make me drop it he did not want me to dig around and that is when I learned several extremely dangerous issues in july 2019 j states that he began investigating some of the apparent internal issues of the channel when daniel found out he became quite agitated and determined to steer attention away from these problems however according to j this just led to more problems surfacing firstly that of pay j attest that when initially splitting the channel revenue dan split the revenue fifty-fifty with HOSA in a purposeful attempt to block out Stephen he states when asking about this downside to deflect this decision onto Barris reasoning which did not appear particularly water-types dan later reasoned that the reasons even was left out was that Stephen was very uncaring about the YouTube project the example Dan gave to me was that Stephen would be on his phone during the recording I actually confirmed that with Stephen that had only happened twice and both occurred during a very long recording session lasting four hours one with the hunger game and one with the Mafia and Stephen would also not do much in terms of his channel with editing etc but I'm pretty sure a lot of you Dan plan for us might know Stephen had an incredibly massive influence it points like he had a massive audience he also clears up the changing of these share stating HOSA didn't want any money and wanted to invest it back in the channel yet Daniel continued to pass on a share to host regardless what specifically told Dan that HOSA did not want the channel money he wanted wholesale wanted Dan to use the money to grow to channel but then later essentially pushed the money on to host for at least 50% so the damn clan revenue was split 85 to Dan 15 - oh so that's just a side note so Stephen and of course Stephen zero he goes on to talk about the instant West even finds out about the money that Dan's making from the channel and goes on to demand 20% he also says this which is curious just even approached Dan about it leader about the monetary issue and Stephen requested 20 percent of the channel share Dan might say that it's 33 percent that was not that was not that is not true Stephen himself requested 20 percent something to keep in mind so during these negotiations J states the Daniel ejected Stephens proposals wholly obviously referencing the employee quotes currently J isn't saying anything particularly revelational in its implications but 10 minutes in it becomes a bit more implicative I suggest we delve into that right now now I don't want to go through this video step by step because of some people who will be familiar with the video already that wouldn't be particularly helpful so what I'm going to talk about is how the video characterizes Dan and which situations Jay uses to back these claims up the first point the people in the situation thus far attested to is the notion of the lack of empathy on Dan's part which has led to hurtful things being said a Jay stay is pretty consistent on this basis he dives into how Daniel views the idea of shares on the basis of Dan's employee comments Jay decides to break down exactly why those comments were made and the disparity between Stephen and Daniel's perspectives on a person's position in a business Stevens not done and to be honest he's one of the probably the smarter people that I met he knows his self value he knows his worth the critical mistake that Dan makes at this point wasn't just rejecting the share proposal and then gutting it to zero as the implications behind that action Stephen ostrich ass because he recognized his own value on the channel however Daniel disagreed he had a very different unconventional definition for shares for Dan a share was something precious that the only the originals could get also like I just want to make a note that Dan's definition fluctuate greatly Dan's definition of share doesn't even revolve around money or business-wise it's just a special title under special law or are you an original no then you get nothing that was Dan's mindset so even if Stephen was there when Dan physically made the channel just spite a virtue of Stephen not doing enough in Dan's eyes Stephens original title was withdrawn without even Stephen knowing so when Dan told Stephen that he's getting 0% Dan implicitly pulled Stephen not only that is he worth 0 percent towards Dan plan that he's not even a percentage percentage worth forced and plan he pretty much also told him that he's not even viewed as an original Dan was telling an important asset to his company Dan plan who brings an enormous audience and had an immense potential regarding his charisma humor that he was just a member an employee Dan told Stephen that implicitly that he's a disposable unit easily replaceable one on the basis of these different perspectives it made Daniel's comments even more insulting even if they made sense to him at the time about the Stephen Butte shares as representative of contribution and Daniel telling Stephen that he was going to be receiving absolutely nothing engaged even the impression that Dan viewed his contribution as having no value whatsoever regardless of how much he was being paid J also outlines that if Stephen was there originally Dan's reasoning that Stephen didn't do enough meant that he wouldn't have been buried as a quote original either basically there were a plethora of excuses that Daniel could pulled to make sure other associates were locked down to the depository but why was he locking people out well the second attribute I would use to describe J's perspective of Dan is nihilistic indifferent and that obviously isn't going to be well-received in a community with an emotionally invested audience J claims that Dan doesn't pay his animate as well often paying full-time animators around 450 Canadian dollars a month which is around 320 American dollars not racist Anil for a full-time job it's a giant sweatshop originally there are three animators on when they start just started off post I included now they are at 12 without Howe so they get paid an inconsistent $450 Canadian per month at best and I have seen one example of Dan Ashley guilt-tripping and haggling animators for their pricing Jay does observe that there are part-time animators but claims that Daniel doesn't really treat them differently or recognize the new ones he also states to win Sylvain said animators a large majority that being eight out of ten of them weren't happy with the work environment the morale is low there's no sense of community the list goes on but they say the same thing Dan is an insecure employer instead of polishing and motivating the current animator team all he does is just hire non-stop to replace those who leave the team because of this there is minimal difference between the full-time animators and the part-time animators another issue that I found within the animation team is not there are no longer community that they hope that was before when it was three animators maybe four maybe five even including Xhosa there were a community they talk to each other they play games with each other they enjoyed their time with each other now with 12 on the board and I think there was more before nos no longer the case they're essentially cubicle slaves they don't I don't see any activity within the server I don't see them talking to each other and as far as I can tell they are just living in their own corner in addition to this Jay talks about the time daniel asked him to replace Xhosa given that hoster is going away for a couple years Xhosa agreed to this willingly basically I was supposed to replace Xhosa on Xhosa has already left the Korea for his mount mandatory military service for the next two years so I decided to ask Dan implicitly if I would get shares the answer was no I would get nothing I was pretty much told the same thing as Steven even though I was still technically one of the originals I was there for I believe the second video and onward but i wasn't original enough for Dan Daniel once again presented no offer in return before stating that he could receive a hourly recording rate of $20 which once again considering the money that Jay and Steven stipulate Daniel is making is a rather laughable son how do you explain such behavior well Jay implies really that as the owner and main benefactor of the channel Dan recognizes that he has the power and that as the man with the decision-making power he can make decisions that are unfavourable to everyone else and they will have to decide whether they like it or leave it Jay stays the Daniel appears to treat the high turnover with a level of detachment stating that it's just the way it is and that people come and go so there's no real point in cultivating an overly friendly environment dan seems to embrace the consequences after all yes Shawn doesn't like the job they're doing they can just leave right that's how jobs work but during my investigation he says this to me and this is to quote Dan people will leave eventually no one plans on staying at one place forever and that was his excuse to do nothing about the animation nothing else if you want to leave Leave no I'm not telling you to stay here forever I'm not gonna do anything I mean on principle yes but Jai's issue extends to the fact that many people don't have much of an option they need to find work and Dan plan is such an established channel that people will work for it without question which leads to a race to the bottom regarding pay and it's not that Daniel can't offer more it's a question of whether he should but Dan doesn't really seem concern with that people come and go and if they don't like working for him then they don't need to it seems that sentiment it's tended to even cast members like Stephen I warned them about this exact thing happening five months ago on August 10th 2019 after talking with Stephen hosts and Dan when I was telling you about the investigation I predicted that Stephen would leave dan Plante and due to certain promises with Dan I gave Dan a hypothetical what will you do if someone leaves dan Plante let it be me host has Stephen or group of animators or just one single animator what will you do and this was as a response to quote Dan I don't care who leaves this is my channel and I will run it based on my belief if it sinks because of that it sinks that leads me to my next point Jay's implication that Dan is pretty arrogant it's not just the fact that he's trying to get away with paying people as little as possible because he is allegedly indifferent but he views himself as the lifeblood of the channel if he believes that people can come and go at any stage then he must believe in the power of his own talents with or without his friends everyone else was disposable but him and if the channel went down he went down with it which brings us to the next point determination Dan told me that he would support me if I made my own channel so that I can get started there but I wouldn't get anything from Dan plan and that I would get referenced in his channel basically publicity or exposure paint and to quote Dan again go make your own channel I will support you give you shadows help you get sponsors but you will never get a share friend Dan plan for those who might not fully understand what Dan just said dan told one of his potentially core members to go make his own company and earn money through that way and that I would get nothing from Dan plant and that I won't get anything that I seemingly deserved Daniel had a vision of what damn plan should be in the conflict for gardening pay J states that Dan justified this by comparing it to baños gaming a significantly popular crater who boast highlights of him playing games with his friends but J knows that this isn't really fair as the creators of banners all grew from the same position for those who may not know vanoss he is like 10 plus and I forgot his new sub count by like he is a giant in YouTube community who does a lot of collab with his online friends but the difference between vanoss and dan plant is not when Venice reached out to do collabs they everyone in that channel already had their own channel like they they were buddies because they were new and they work together what Dan was pretty much telling us was I know you have nothing go make your own thing and do it that way dan offered to pay Jay in bearish shout out if Jay set up his own channel but this wasn't what Jay was interested in and Jay found this suggestion insulting but that was Dan's idea he wanted his channel they could have theirs his vision would not be compromised Jays dates when he did do some investigating into the problems of the channel and raised the alarm dan told Jay to stop interfering because dan do what he was doing maybe that was our currents but it's framed as conscious enough to be assured this final gulf but his argument or rebuttal for a lot of things I said or that I brought up was that he knew what he was doing he knew what or he was in this a lot longer and he's aware of it and basically he's denied or swept a lot of the crucial bits and pieces of the problem right under and his reply to my investigation was to quote him to quote Dan again Jay from now on don't ever interfere or dig around in the inner workings of the channel it's my channel what he flied with that was basically he told me to [ __ ] off when I was trying to help him Jay's perspective added a rationale behind the allegations it gave Daniels behavior a sense of logic but not logic that was flattering in any sense at all afraid him as a person was aware of the relative power that he held often using it to very little other than his status using the concept of free will to absolve wrongdoing if you don't like it leave with the awareness that really no one wanted to upset the applecart so now we have the stories now we have an explanation however this was just another perspective and it wasn't dance but whether Dan was innocent or not he was the kind of guy to replied no boy did he [Music] by this point audience responses very skeptical towards Daniel these videos painted him treat in the channel with a level of nonchalant Darwinism which harm numerous friendships in the process J attest that he felt dan stop treating him as a friend and only messaged him for business purposes which seemingly upset him a lot I haven't heard Dan reach out to me just for the sake of saying hi whatever he did it was always for content let me ask you guys something tell me a job or an occupation where you have an hourly rate and is expected to be available upon call for your service or entertainment with erotic and inconsistent work hours and that once your service and entertainment value is done you are shooed away you're no longer contacted until your next service when your next called and you're just an outsider even after frequent use because I'll tell you what I felt like when being told like this well he was pretty much treating like a call girl a stripper or hooker that he can just call on dial and demand it's actually really hard to damage my pride I'm not the one to put heavy pride value on the physical being called J but kudos to Dan he managed to piss me off the degree to the point of hurting my pride these details did not merely harm Daniels personal image but they compromised the whole premise of the damn plan channel pushed by their by the way series which was his bunch of friends getting along and having a good time Dan plan was the sort of channel where people just wanted to imagine that they were supporting good people who were supporting each other and that was the shock and that's why who were upset videos were uploaded comments were left a lot of people had a lot of strong feelings and yet in spite of that a lot of these fans wanted to believe in Dan and they did not write him off which leads us to the 20th of January and Daniels own response video and he's gone full black screen full stop in the title ladies and gentlemen we were in for a ride did Daniel save himself well it's complicated let me explain the first 23 minutes were response to the initial video upload by Stephen and the next day - were a bit of a sporadic response to Stephen Street now each part has its flaws but not because I finished thinking it made Daniel a bad person actually I'd argue it humor his perspective much more but humanization doesn't necessarily mean justification there's some good stuff here there's some not-so-good stuff here and it's not gonna break itself down so I suggest we dissect while looking retrospectively at what the other videos presented against him said and seeing how they hold up as well I will try and get through everything there's gonna be a lot of discussion and a lot of opinions straight out the gate if Daniel wants some simple advice it would be that he should have combined the receipts on the second part with the structure of the first it would have made it a lot more effective and impactful that said it doesn't mean that we can't do that ourselves and see what it reveals for example Dan tends to present the notion the Stephen had a tendency to ambush him he can seize that he had outbursts even showing an apology that he sent to Stephen at the time of the dispute however frames it from the perspective the Stephen had provoked him into that reaction on February 26th of 2019 Stephen asked if I could get on a call with them to discuss about our VidCon and Disneyland trip which made sense to me so I said yes cause I had to buy him his tickets and I needed his passport information anyway so I got on the call but that was not what he wanted to talk about when I got on the call instead of talking about VidCon or Disneyland him and another associate of his was on the other line Stephen has said that he heard from hosted that we were making more money now so I said yes but then Stephen continued to say with his associate that if he doesn't get 33% of the company and the revenue that he is going to leave the channel at the time I felt betrayed that he held no remorse of leaving that he had no sympathy for our hard work and that he suddenly changed his mind about everything they used to say about YouTube now that we're making more money obviously I was happy to give him more money we were making more money so to pay him for his talents is fine but I was angry at his approach so he fought I didn't fight for one hour we didn't fight for a day we fought for a couple of days that was back-and-forth and we have said a lot of things to each other which I apologized immediately after I got off the phone and it wasn't pretty I don't remember a lot of things we said to each other because it was 11 months ago but the emotions are all still here in a way this makes sense receipts back up the Steven had baited down into a call in a way it makes sense that he may have made some cruel comments in the heat of the moment he doesn't seem like an inherently cruel person and even in this dream Steven made one comment that always stuck out to me he'll either try to go at my money statement or the employee statement that I made but I know for a fact that he said that and there's nothing that's gonna change my mind and I'm often less critical of streams because they're not scripted they're not organized you have to take what people say in the moment with a pinch of salt but the structure of this comment always said to me that he ignores that damn may have been behaving irrationally at that point regards to the fact that he said it and Daniel admits it it makes sense that maybe he'd be angry at that point this doesn't make the comment right with this situation it adds up I can see why that would upset Steven and I'm not imbalance for Dan justifies why he would be upset too we say cruel things sometimes however for a moment we need to remember that this dispute didn't start in the call dispute started before the call because there is a fundamental difference in how these two people view contribution and that disagreement is once again put under the microscope in Dan's video and in these parts he can come across as a bit elitist for the rest of that summer we put all our time and effort into making more videos in running the channel also was drying animations I was writing scripts I was editing and just overall just you know running the channel as a channel it was it was a good time Steven was just still coming on occasionally recording and then leaving for weeks or months at a time while we did it but that was okay too he said he's doing this for fun he's just doing this a hobby he didn't see it as a career and we were all okay with that as the channel grew we started making revenue actual money it was insane and when it happened it happened suddenly and it was something we never really expected when we started to make money I told Stephen that we want to pay him he declined but I insisted that he had these takes something for his time of recording with us so we mutually decided to pay him 25 dollars an hour for his recording times this is where the $225 came into play from September 22nd of 2018 to February 22nd of 2019 of that six months he worked a total of nine hours which was fine I thought that was compensating something for his time he was having fun with his friends and getting some cash out of it I didn't care if he didn't work a lot he wasn't taking YouTube seriously and of course I wanted to compensate him more so I was gonna take him to Disneyland and VidCon all expenses paid we're gonna have a lot of fun the fact that he valued his 30 to 40 minutes of recording the same with the amount of sacrifice and effort the whole cent I put onto the channel was insulting and it made me angry now in principle I can understand why Daniel would clearly view this input as somewhat limited and not to the degree that he has committed but everyone who's involved with the YouTube knows that firstly a creative job extends beyond recording and in Stephens video he vocally calls attention to the characters that year fleshed out and the effort that he put in he may have recorded for a certain amount of time but the impact and the thought of these characters exists beyond that formal mafia Stephen huggies zombie apocalypse Stephen Xhosa Stephen Daniel didn't give me a script to do those characters I made them up and I made my personalities enjoyable but to Daniel every recording session I was merely talking to friends to him I wasn't putting in any effort into the videos on top of this it's important to remember it's not just about the amount of work one does but their contribution to the branding and image of the channel if your face is on the merch if your advertised besides the brand's if people come for your quotes in the videos that's prospective income based on beauty and support it doesn't matter if that character was posted in five minutes or five years because a majority of financial income for these sorts of channels will come from the audience connection with the character a characterization that brings people entertainment or hope or anything of the sorts is not something you can base solely on the work behind the scenes even if it is significantly more difficult than the work in front of the camera or they might prefer the first abject disagreement we encounter though is regarding negotiation details Stephan states that in the call he requested a 20% share of income which is corroborated by Jay Daniel frames it much more harshly stating that Stephan demands a third of the income share or else he was going to walk Stephan continued to say with his associate than if he doesn't get 33% of the company and the revenue that he is going to leave the channel now this point was anticipated in Jays video that cliff I told you to keep in mind some people have used this as a means to invalidate Daniels point but anticipating what some will say does not necessarily mean it's invalid unless you have solid evidence for that assertion and all Jay stated was that Dan may be confused as someone else proposed it now this may be the mysterious figure that Daniel alluded to however there is very little detail regarding the identity of this additional person other than they would need to have been physically with Stephen at that point as we can see these 7 minute call was between two users due to Stephen streaming comments some people have said it was hosted but I think in Stephens video and streams he was implying the host had been negotiated following the call rather than in the pool and I made a host to get involved as well who'sa I really am sorry that I made you get involved in my fight but I'm also really grateful that you did what I do find strange is following these aggressive negotiations that they then settled on a still rather underwhelming a hundred dollars per video Stephen which if you consider the alleged income of the channel is still less than 1% they insisted that he had these takes something for his time of recording with us so we mutually decided to pay him 25 dollars an hour for his recording times Daniel signals that he insisted Stephen took 25 per hour of recording prior to these negotiations despite Stephens apparent refusal at the time and uses it like he's a generous guy but then decides not to insist Stephen have any more after his apparent aggressive dissatisfaction it doesn't add up here and that's not the only thing after the March incident we renegotiate my salary or rather the Kaede amount of pay I was getting and I remember him saying what do you want to get paid now I said a hundred dollars a hundred dollars per video I didn't say that but he's offered it I was like okay fine whatever and then afterwards he said okay I hope you know that a hundred dollars is a lot of money he says that I made him take the hundred dollars per video and that I guilt-tripped him into taking it and I forced him to take it these are untrue at the end of our fight when he decided to stay he then told me that he wants a hundred dollars per video he could have said more that wouldn't not I would have not mind that that wasn't point of the fight that was that point of the argument when I say I find these details strange I don't mean I find the strange in the census they incriminate Daniel but it equally doesn't make me think that this is a one-sided affair or that he's blasted these allegations away unless Stephen planned out how to throw the channel under the bus in a dramatic way ten months in advance which there is no evidence of I have trouble seeing this specific argument as anything else than a couple guys with vastly different perspectives clashing furiously over the realizing that it wasn't getting him anywhere and coming to some sort of reconciliation with the expectation that for both of their sides it could improve but it wasn't a real reconciliation because the initial problem that provoked it was still there both sides are just full of interpretations that view the other perspective in unequivocally bad faith Stephen says the Dan claiming some things a lot of money was manipulation when he might just be a stingy person dan states the Stephen was claiming that Daniel tricked him into taking less money but Stephen never claimed that because he knows that they'd already agreed on a figure as for who proposed it who knows as most the fans recognized it was like watching an embarrassing divorce Daniel's video can be equally as cynical Stephens they are highly cynical perspectives on each other actions for example Stephen viewed his request of asking what more he can do as a genuine play to try and earn placed on the channel and a greater share of the business and dance perspective didn't connect with me at all about this but when he saw that his initial strategy wasn't working during our argument he switched and said what can I do to get more percentage at that point I realized that he appreciation or more involvement wasn't what he was looking for but more profit that's why we fought what you say you considered him a friend at all points and then say something like that like you acknowledge it was a heat-of-the-moment argument but then make a point which would question his intent regardless in that moment and it's not like I think Dan is at liberty to give anyone any more of a management role in his channel from the perspective of management if that's what he wants to retain then that is bare dan wanted to control the channel I don't think he's completely arrogant as other videos have portrayed but I do think he likes to do things his way and he didn't want interference he wants to be the director and that's okay but I think Stephen genuinely wanted to justify and solidify his role but I don't think that Dan had anything to offer I know Dan's trying to completely shield his image but an explanation like this would make much more sense than the clumsy account that he provided I think the main problem here was that there was no real way to justify that someone's character was worth less than 1% of the channels worth and by not offering even a share of that it clearly left a bad taste in Stephens mouth in his original video Stephen states that he asked a very specific question twice asking how much his worth is nine months ago when we argued I asked Dan how many views on our videos were garnered by me he said he didn't have an answer a few weeks ago I asked him the same question again and his answer didn't change and although he left details out of Dan's reply in the DMS the political vague nature is highly unsatisfying simple as Stephen wanted to know his worth but I don't think Dan either knew or wanted to think about it this is also why he probably offered to help Stephen in the creation of his own channel this céntimos echoed in Jays video and although Dan didn't get the chance to respond to that one it was a similar mess he wanted to help grow his friends own channels and shout them out even mentioning vanossgaming I suggested an idea to Steven that we make him a channel channel of his own a company that he can run I did this for a couple of main reasons one so that he can have the freedom to create and the business decisions that he wants to make is his own - I wanted him to learn how much effort time and sacrifice it takes to run a channel and lastly I wanted us to have a partnership once I realized he wanted to take YouTube seriously I wanted him to make a channel of his own where we would promote it where we would try to help it grow where I would give him and suggest things that help a channel to grow faster and hopefully develop a relationship like you know fan ask aiming group or the david dobrik group but he declined once again it just seems like a fundamental disagreement of how they wanted to operate not everyone watched their own channel and it's a very strange philosophy that daniel has though i think he genuinely believes it he wants you to understand the sacrifice it's dark and of course Steven would have been able to understand the work if Daniel had given him a way to earn his share but Daniel didn't value his intent at that point if you didn't want someone to expect more from a channel that their faces featured on you shouldn't have let them on the channel on top of this the character dynamic in gaming videos like vanos is so unbelievably different to the by the way series that there's no real way to draw a parallel which justifies that point of view I would argue that with gaming channels there are many more other in-game factors that can influence the entertainment value of the content and its marketability and although there are other elements to consider with Dan plans animated content - the interplay between the cast is such a significant selling point it's not the same I do wonder if Daniel hadn't adjustment nostalgia for his gaming days and the creative control that it gave him in spite of all these points the way situation does go both ways dan stated that it was Stephen who offered be $100 rate that they switched it's the responsibility of that fact has to partly lie on him providing it's true but Stevens point aren't this argument wasn't that he wasn't satisfied with the money but that no matter how hard he tried he wasn't recognized he didn't feel like he was a friend he wanted to be noticed by Dan he wanted to be credited by Dan and he wasn't people Trae's himself as not being obsessed with the money in fact rather claiming down was I don't think he'll milk this I think he wants this to blow over as soon as possible and get back to business cuz that's how he makes money views on his videos get some money and that's really that's all he cared about when he started the channel like beyond a doubt because cuz if he didn't he wouldn't be taking such shady practices behind the scenes doing such shady practices behind the scenes Dan does rebut this at one point in response to the stream and when Steven quit damn plan he's told me that he still wants to be paid for all the videos that will be posted in the future which I said I would honor but then on the live stream he goes on to say I didn't want zero recognition because that's entirely what this was about honestly I didn't care about MIT I didn't care about the money I still don't care about the money which contradicts what he texted me but this is one of the weaker rebuttals again you don't have to care specifically about the money to still want it through the work you've done because it could be about what the money represents a recognition of one's work that they put in I don't care about sponsor money that much who I do the sponsor I still expect the payment my own personal pride to know that I'm worth it if you really cared about the money I find unlikely that he would have settle for such a proportionally low amount given how much the audience valued him regardless of Dan's perspective it's very easy to blow up this drama and it did blow up and everyone pardon but you can't lose sight of what inspired it the fact that a person just didn't feel like he was part of a family that the audience perceived as existing that's what you had to combat and the way Dan did combat that but he kind of misses the point again if I really thought of him nothing more than an employee I would have never taken to VidCon or Disneyland if I was not friends with him I wouldn't be friends with him if I thought that I didn't think of him as a friend I wouldn't invite him to camp go camping with me I wouldn't introduce him to my girlfriend or my family I wouldn't take him to camping I wouldn't try to go watch movies with him I wouldn't invite him to the parties I would only invite my friends over - there are no real receipts provided for this I'll provide benefit of the doubt that they probably happened because it doesn't change the point the point was that whatever happened outside of YouTube it was an insult to Stephen how he has treated on the channel he felt like an employee he felt perceived as one and I believe that I struggled to imagine doing a collaborative channel with a legitimate friend and not having a shares based agreement but simply put I don't think Daniel viewed it as collaborative I think that no matter what happened in their discussion about how angry they got the fact that they never came to the agreement there was a way to share income was the most indicative factor in the failure of their friendship because a share is not just worth it is trust and there was no trust here it's claimed the Dan doesn't even share income details with closer but that is not mentioned damn references the trips to Disneyland and big combat Stephen himself in the stream the dam responded to said that he felt the intent wasn't there when we went to Disneyland is pretty much when I thought it was getting better but then I saw Daniel pull out a camera and then I knew for a fact that he just wanted me to dance so I danced and I knew for a fact that things weren't gonna get better in the Disneyland video itself uploaded to dam plan Steven makes a pretty snide quip that was left in or you think sickly to trap that assigned because dam was quite possessive regarding what he viewed as his own channel Steven interpreted it as a sense of work and greater trust maybe it was to an extent I don't know but I don't think it was necessarily malice on Dan's behalf I think it was ignorance and I think that ignorance was willful to an extent I forgot to mention at the end of the video because I got a little emotional but for transparency sake I want to say that I have heard whispers of Steven planning to do something along the lines of making a video after he left so it wasn't a hundred percent surprise when it happened nevertheless it the content was still upsetting and that's why it was still very shocking I wanted to end the video there I didn't want to say anything more does that was just my side of the story I don't think dam was that shot I think the strains must have been clear and Dan didn't do enough to avert it because he probably never considered the consequences and when he did it was probably too late but that's not necessarily a one-way street [Music] a lot of public drama on this scale happens because one party decides that actually they don't want to talk it out privately they want to go nuclear they want to cause someone else now Stevens video isn't your typical call outpost it doesn't seem tailor-made to be a channel ending video but I think it's impacts both volumes to how people viewed him as a part of the channel however with the whole future of the channel in jeopardy was it worth it and wasn't the right thing to do it Daniels response video he postpones between himself and Steven be relevant conversations showed the aftermath of Steven's private departure from the channel Daniel is very attentive after Steven lists out his personal issues suggesting twice they meet up which is something that Daniel himself references in his response video so first things first before he released that video I already wanted to talk to him in person in regards to him leaving I asked him once after he left to meet up he said he wants to do in a call but we never got in a call and then later he texted me again and I said let's please meet up let's have some coffee but he declined again Daniel knew there was an issue he wanted to resolve it privately however sometimes things shouldn't just be talked about MyPlate sometimes we do need to go public with our grievances to make sure that a person is held to account there are plenty of situations where such a promotion can help other people come forward with their own problems and plenty of times a private conversation with the coercive person can help suppress possible consequences facing down a person and postpone the ultimate confrontation and maybe make this person's abuse of power even worse sometimes it can be an intimidation tactic but it's hard to tell with a lot of people was going public relevant here especially in the way that Steven did let's talk about it well firstly I think what we have discussed is why on earth Steven decided not to talk it out in private in fact why he never indicated at all that he planned to make a video while still talking to Dan at that time to many people such behaviour would seem pretty Sinicki and to be honest they're not inherently wrong if we discount the idea that he had mal-intent why would he do this I think the one quote that explains it is here so do I think there is any way to avoid the situation No a heavy hand is only moved by a heavier hand he viewed it as imperative but he do this so many would argue going off Stephen and Daniel's videos that this conflict was clearly avoidable however in the streams there are some details which I found quite important such as this after a fight Xhosa was still talking to Dan about getting money out to other people to the animators to me to everyone else but annuals so stubborn and he thinks that his wages are okay they clearly aren't I will I will get into the wage issue after but it was just not and HOSA and me were not passive in this now Daniel doesn't respond to every stream point and he doesn't have to but I am surprised he didn't respond to this one as to me it's an important detail that could decide whether a situation is avoidable or not also I want to briefly mention about Xhosa because Stephan talks about Xhosa due to the possible legal implications that may come out affecting Xhosa negatively I'm not going to talk about the transactions in terms we have come to an agreement - it's something that we both have come to an agreement with that's all I will say him and I are still good business-wise it's something that had to happen and it's something that really can't be talked about online it's a private matter and that's it he cites legal ramifications in decline and talk about certain details regarding pay and Xhosa but I don't think the idea that Xhosa was negotiating on behalf of his friends would fall under that now for argument's sake I'm going to assume that Steven's perspective is the case and the Xhosa was indeed attempting to negotiate with Dan and the Dan rebuff these negotiations and showed no intention to alter pay essentially at the end of these failed negotiations steam receives the impression that there is nothing you can say or do to receive a little more respect Xhosa was fighting for more pay that did not occur they exhausted every option privately so that's the first half of whether a situation is worth going public about for what about these second well I think this is the key one and it may explain why he lied about jumping into a call regarding Disneyland why he didn't bring anything up prior to the video and that is manipulation I know what Daniel is like in real life and as a business person and his business sense is makes me very hesitant to actually talk to him again because I know for a fact that if I put down my defenses he's gonna try to screw me over again and I don't want that so unfortunately I don't think I can be friends with him anymore Stephen clearly had the expectation that if he had brought it up with Dan dan would be able to talk Stephen out of it this is a problem of perspective because in Dan's mind he would have had the opportunity to persuade Stephen with his numerous facts and logic and in Stephens mind Dan would manipulate him into a position where he doesn't speak up and his story isn't told which perspective is true well it really depends on what happened specifically behind the scenes details that haven't really been admitted or conceded by either side Stephen speculated and Daniel dodged neither of which are conclusive I guess it made sense in Stephens head what he was doing and like Daniel he probably didn't consider all the consequences of not confronting it and diving headfirst in the video and it's hard to say of what's happened to Daniel specifically and down plan is completely justified after Daniel posts his video I want to sit down with him and actually talk things out I do truly want to resolve this because there are still people working on Dan plan who are being mistreated and I don't want that to happen to them so yeah I want to resolve this not for my sake because I honestly don't want his money any more he does seem quite torn on his own feelings regarding Daniel and he may well have been questioning whether he did the right thing it's a good question was undermining the image of a friend and his channel wants to even help build a justified response to the perception of an injustice perpetrated by colleague one that did not seem like it was going to resolve itself other one it's maybe not but what would the middle ground of in I think that's the question for discussion today it's just a shame that Stephen did have such a cynical perception of Dan to believe that every message with a smiley face every strip posted on to YouTube had some ulterior motive this wasn't help when Jay said in his video that he felt like Dan only messaged him when he had something to gain it brings into question all the niceties being nice doesn't make you a good person and some people can be awfully friendly or twisting the knife in other aspects and that's how Steven saw Daniel a shining smile with teeth of daggers and Steven decide to take it down by doing this Steven also broke a defective agreement that he made with Dan which was to wait out his position until hoser had left the channel this was detailed in Daniel's video again nevertheless I still compensate Steven for each video that he's in and that was the agreement that we made my side of the agreement was that we try and get past this on top of that because Xhosa is leaving for military and we both knew at the time I wanted the channel and the community to be still the same when he came back so I wanted Steven to stay at least until then we can figure something out from there on even the day when he left the channel December 15 or 16 I supported him I told him that it was upsetting that he was leaving and then even though he is breaking his end of the deal I won't break my end of the deal and that I want us to transition through this smoothly and I want him to succeed in his own pursuits and in his chapter and in his channel now I must say I find it strange that moving Ponce's argument would be included in ideal feelings like that cannot really be defined by the fabric of such I feel that Dan wanted to move on so badly and he just didn't know what else to do but put it in a pact I can understand why Steven not following through on this may be cause for critique however more on the side that he made the deal in the first place after such a volatile augment one that both sides frame was extremely involved now I would also add that in the DM shown by Daniel himself Steven seems to contest that this deal was ever made which gives me the impression that it wasn't particularly formal but let's entertain the idea that this deal is a thing for argument's sake binding deals are a bad idea unless you both have a similar level of influence in that deal or else one's always gonna feel at risk of being taken advantage of No you might make a deal like that as a friend but as Steven no longer butan as a friend when he broke the deal he therefore had no reason to commit to it deals like those are to be made between equals and Steven no longer felt like an equal so he had no reason to honor it why he made the deal in the first place I don't know maybe he felt bad maybe it was for Xhosa they clearly have a close bond but whatever it was it was buried six feet deep by January and even during the first video which was carefully written and planned and edited now just with the leaving video I spent literally a month on it because okay so my first early draft of my script okay so it was scripted he doesn't mention anything about not attacking me but then post a community tab later saying oh yeah don't attack Daniel consequences were more severe than most would have anticipated and his mixed feelings did lead to him often swinging back and forth about how he feels regarding the outcome Daniel picks tease out and criticizes him quite harshly he mentions at the beginning of his livestream don't attack Dan I appreciate that I honestly do but the statement that he makes isn't consistent with what he goes on to say where he says he's using you guys as a weapon even though he doesn't want to because Dan didn't give me recognition for one mil so I'm gonna take away his two mil and I find that pretty hilarious of course I am using you guys as a weapon then so I if you want to unsubscribe by all means go ahead if you want to keep being subscribed by all means go ahead or to unsubscribe if you if they feel like it however Daniel's clip of the stream does omit Stevens then sudden pivot back to reason ability and recognition that this would be a bad idea if you want to unsubscribe by all means go ahead if you want to keep being subscribed by all means go ahead I don't want to use you guys as a weapon that's so cowardly on my part so I would never say do or don't do something as said streaming brings out a spontaneity of people that can be fun mentally emotional and bitter and this is clearly an emotional topic you have to take that into consideration when making your arguments but unfortunately both these people didn't see the intent on the other side this was a personal battle that Stephen fought but by the stream and Jai's video he became a greater question about another oppressed minority and I'm not talking about gamers who was it then [Music] to an extent both parties could have been more proactive does the guy in charge the channel Daniel did make a real mistake by treating someone who is part of the brand as a part-time rep financially or personally now this doesn't mean I'm not frugal I grew up for I am a cheap person just because of the way I was raised I am NOT insensitive to finances just because I'm now dealing with larger sum of money each transaction I'm very careful with and I am very cautious in making those transactions now in his response video Daniel does admit he has a tendency to be cheap and I think that's fine it's good that he's being open about it some openness will hopefully have improvement in the future however he does dedicate a significant proportion video to the animators the animators and just crew in general I feel super bad for dragging them into this because in my head one of the scenarios that could play out is literally him just burning the entire channel to the ground letting it die and then leaving all the animators and like crew in general to do nothing because this is a job for them first and foremost I've already apologized them privately but I want to apologize again I am sorry that all of you are caught up in this it's not your problem that's Steven then I had a spat and it's not your problem that we are taking this out and publicly you should not be involved in this I know it's not just stress for me but for you all as well and I am so so so sorry that you're involved in this now the animators I pretty sacred talking point there this mystical third party who neither side can necessarily lay claim to so each faction definitely pandas the narrative that works best for them or leaving out a few relevant details now animators are not at the forefront of the channel but they do provide a significant contribution and it is accepted that they would be paid for such a contribution after Stevens video there were run about the status of animators and if they'd experienced a similar side of Daniels behavior be that his treatment of them or his payment the more I dove into it the more I realized how many more people were being screwed this is not just a me problem anymore when I started digging I started asking the animators how much of were you getting paid and the answers kept being the same about $450 per month for a month of work they get $450 and not even consistent because sometimes it takes more than a month to make a video but you still get $450 $450 let's say $450 just be generous for a month's work that is insane if my boss was paying me $450 for working full-time I'd quit the job the word full-time was thrown around a lot part time was mentioned too but the main allegations came from how he treated his quotes of full-time animators what it means to work for a company full time is that you were implying that I will work for you for this amount of set of hours consistently and I am trusting this company to give me financial stability of my work so basically I will ensure that I give you my full time of work and in return I wanted consistent safe monetary risk like reciprocation I give you work you give me money that is not the case there is very very very little difference between part-time animators and full-time animators the full-time maybe get paid a little bit more who knows but as a as far as I can tell it's still inconsistent it's still grossly underpaid and there's almost no benefits Daniel has essentially trapped any animator who actually wants to make a living just by paying them like slave wages while still making them work full-time now full-time is quite a loaded word in Western society it generally refers to a person who works a set amount of hours and obtains their primary source of income from that job the figure that was also thrown around was $450 a month although they state that payment was inconsistent as a bull pot figure for a full-time job anyone will tell you that is unacceptable and if dam plan was doing that then he should be called out however he contests this immediately and shows receipts to back it up i don'ts I make them sign anything and if I were to have hire them full-time let's make them sign something where they can't get out and then not pay them properly that's the legal first of all they don't sign anything it's a verbal agreement and it's second of all not a full-time employment no one has mentioned this and I don't know why they are what it's called subcontractors they are contractors that is what the type of job that they have they do a contracted job for a project in this case it's a video and it's completely different from a wage based job they do their own work as their own entity and on the project that we request we both agree on a price when when we mutually agree on the price they then work on the video itself people keep on bringing up full-time or part-time or whatever just doesn't make any sense and that is not the type of agreement that I have with the animators if I were to hire somebody in a different manner that would be a different story but this isn't that case when I interview them I always ask how much they want to be paid per video and Steven says that they come into this job without knowing anything now subcontract your work is completely different because you're paying for the completion of a job you don't know how many hours they're working or how consistently they're working if you have a job you have a deadline and you hope it's done in time I must admit I find it strange that as a person providing a recurrent job on a regular basis he doesn't have a set price in his head and asks animators what they want to be paid Daniel is an established crate with a lot of influence and an animator who will want to be hired for future jobs Mahler there prizes for competitiveness if it was a one-off job or a field that he was in experienced in it would make more and I thought that if they weren't happy with it they could always talk to me because I was approachable to them it doesn't excuse the fact that I am in the position that I'm in which means that since I am the boss or a youtuber that because of who I am and the relationship that I have with them in the business point of view that it is harder to approach me no matter what I do and if that is what the audience felt and it is that if that's what the animators felt I sincerely apologize I am sorry now Dan does admit that he made a mistake by not being more proactive in the video I do appreciate that and there are many subcontractors who do have their own pre-established prices however it's hard to apply that without a clear amount of work for a video established nonetheless it is just a side point and I will digress does this mean he was paying good price not really I'm not an animated myself I did briefly speak to an animator in brogues who felt that given the work per frame and the consideration that the animator storyboarded the videos to this payment was not sufficient in comparison to the other work they have been doing since Tamplin it also depends on the amount of negotiation that occurred prior as went over earlier were not really receiving a clear narrative on that front on top of this in Jays video he also references Xhosa who is an animator himself and his opinion on how much the animators should be paid this is coming from hoser directly in his opinion in Xhosas opinion the videos created by the animators are worth at least $1,500 Canadian per video now this is not coming from host directly but host hasn't challenged it either and has since worked with Jay that doesn't exactly prove he said it but it's another relevant nugget of information to consider regardless unfortunately in this situation the receipts were rather low some question where the animators could have gone on strike but unfortunately if they viewed their roles expendable given the high turnover stopped then Dan could have just sacked them if they weren't really that much of a community then it would have been even harder to organize of course this place the question of why this was not raised when Xhosa was supposedly negotiating or J investigating well prolly cuz no party wanted to initiate civil war with the hope that it would improve the problem seldom disappear without confrontation or us the person will be ignorant and although I think Dow was willfully ignorant to an extent I think the animator issue here was probably a collateral outcome of the drama which could have been avoided in hindsight there are also claims after Daniels video that he had cherry picked examples that supported his case and this may be somewhat true but unfortunately there's not too much that can be done at this point you'd need evidence of the contrary simple arts it's not fair to the animators that are coming on with zero knowledge and essentially being put into an assembly assembly line factory again how would he know he hasn't joined in a single interview what I do during the interview Stephen has never been part of so firm to just assume that they don't know anything when they come in is a lie I explain in full detail what they will be doing I tell them that this isn't an easy job I tell them that it may take a long time I tell them that the type of employment is a subcontractor work which means I pay them poor for the video not for the amount of time contract your job is a real thing and anyone that knows business would know what I'm talking about I obviously don't know a lot of different size of different businesses but it's one of the things that you're allowed to do when you want to hire somebody for a job now the pay also depends on the length of the video the amount of videos that we have some contracted out too and the quality of the project because afterwards I try to tip them more than what we pre agreed on if they weren't happy with the pay they can talk to me because there has been times were you know we would discuss me and an animator hey do you think this is good enough and they tell me I don't know do you think it's good enough and we come to an agreement and if they aren't happy with it we can meet somewhere in the middle although Daniel claimed that there was no way that Steven would know such details listed in the livestream as incriminating as we know J on the other hand claims to have sat in interviews regarding prospective animators with dan and made some pretty strong claims himself likely the ones that may have been repeated in Stephen streets Stephens comments are likely a case of fired up individuals and Chinese whispers I think it probably is an exaggerated image but that's what happens when you try and tackle a subject that you feel strongly about on stream based on other people's comments again I can't show texts or messages but trust me when I say that I have tried always my best to be considerate to the animators I've always tried to be kind and gentle and compassionate about their personal lives and not only that could be understanding if they're delayed doesn't mean I was never frustrated anyone who works with anyone are sometimes frustrated but I tried my best to care for them first before I care about this business or posting a video when I asked them and they ignore me I even continued to say and worried about their well-being before the video itself I asked them how they're doing first before I continue and ask about how the videos are coming along the only time I would have a conversation about if they're too delayed or if there's something wrong is if there is something seriously wrong or they're months and months late and I have to have a conversation just to see if everything's okay and even then it's not an aggressive call I just ask how they're doing and that I understand that personal lives do interfere with finishing on deadlines this is not because I'm like a great person it's because I just know what it's like to be on the other side of a relationship when it comes to like a boss figure I guess and I didn't want to be one of those people that yelled or intimidated their co-workers or their the people they worked with I at least think to the best of my knowledge try to be kind and gentle with the animators there are two dramatically different perspectives here for the knock lately incompatible although they are somewhat damn may have been a lovely person to talk to may have checked in with people about how they were doing may have been accepting when they were late that doesn't mean he pays them well nor does it mean they weren't afraid to speak out due to the possibility of their pay being affected admittedly now the channel has been declared deceased by various people there isn't really much at stake so that point is kind of moot but for the animators who did speak up what did they actually say well once again it becomes quite complicated there was a youtuber named snazzle it was quite a vocal critic of daniel calling mount left right and centre of his behavior what are you doing dan what are you doing man this is disgusting please please come out and say something please apologize please let people know you can change at least a little please there has to be some humanity in you this can't happen you have to see now that this is wrong there has to be some fundamental click going on in your mind that says hey this is wrong I'm doing something wrong everyone's telling me I'm doing something wrong but I'm not seeing it why am I not seeing it why can't I not see it where's that act Dan where's the click I don't get it from you none of this makes any sense how could you be at this right now how could this level of incompetency happen how could you be so impudent as to not pay for your staff to get what they need those people care so much about your channel obviously more than you do and you take all the credit all the money that is in shame after Stephen streamed and Jay spoke about this narrative the animated point became more prominent and snazzle became more involved he posted this on discord claiming to have spoken to the animators and it had moved him to the point of Tears sobering stuff so what did he do well tousle conducted a charity livestream raising over $4,000 for these animators a couple of these a lemaitre's were involved themselves though I don't think they spoke about these specific drama I feel that they did the clips would have been used elsewhere even though the stream is no longer accessible regardless this was an extraordinary success for the animators and their advocates but there was more to come and when I say that I mean well daniel's video dan obviously disputed these claims showed corresponding evidence and although he didn't directly respond to the claims made by snazzle and Jay his store generally contradicted the image that his treatment of the animators would bring it here to once I so some became quite confused and asked questions about the original claims against Daniel what would the responses well as much as I want to explain the situation to people as much as I know how much you know how much people want the information the information that I have I just can't do it I can't sit here and and justify giving out that when I know how many people will be hurt just just because I do that this was frustrating and it left a lot of people with unanswered questions [Music] Dan's response wasn't the best there were clear logical flaws statements that conveyed a rather self-righteous sentiment imets that were too irrelevant and details left out but after the video there were very few responses to and those that were uploaded were very inconclusive lest it be reminded Dan was the only person to provide actual evidence and that evidence may not have definitively disproved all the Nash's against him but it was enough in certain terms I know so many things that after watching Dan's response video that I could claim I know for a fact that I could dispute everything or most everything he says it especially the the the last bit of the end with the animators after having spoken to all the animators for the charity event I know everything that happened with the situation I know everything from from the from the accounts of the eight animators I spoke to I know what the truth is but that's what makes this so hard for me after some ran such a strong narrative on the basis of the animators and raising thousands of dollars for them people wanted to feel like this narrative was actually justified and the fact that people designed to hold back was understandably frustrating I'm sorry that that's the case because there's a lot here there's so much here that it's just insane but whether or not Dan's lying whether or not Stephens lying no matter who's lying or what's the circumstance it's a bad situation for everyone involved and I I want to walk away with what I had some people compared this response to Jeffrey's stunt and I understand why it was the sudden decision to end the drama immediately after a conflicting viewpoint and evidence came out and framing it is the right thing to do people never like that it seems disingenuous they also don't like being told when it's time to stop the discussion they'll decide when to stop being interested in it thank you very much snazzle did state he was doing it for the animators and I do not doubt but many of them probably did want the drama to end but it's likely worth considering that a bit earlier on the situation when your dogmatically preaching over your microphone I also don't want to dispute that there's a real moralistic case for the disclosure of more information and just of the money raised off people who assume the premise to be true and the handling is definitely subpar but it is what it is they raised a lot of money following the end of by the way and they did say they would be working with the animators to find the new work not that the animators need that however I'd be lying if I said the situation didn't leave a bitter taste in my mouth given these strengths and passion pride I just hope some people take it as a learning experience going forward daniel has essentially trapped any animator who actually wants to make a living just by paying them like slave wages while still making them work full-time if this was true I need to be sued this is not true and the fact that he said this is a defamation towards not just me but the company now Daniel does sound a bit silly when he talks about defamation against the company briefly these strong sentiments are why people have probably interpreted it with a bit more of an open mind if Daniel was straight-up lying about details it seems possible to audience members that someone probably would have at least provided factual evidence to the contrary now you can 100% believe the idea that there may be some reasons these people don't want the drama these people are not the same as Jeffery star and the likes who thrive off it in the words of Stephen do I plan on posting another reply video afterwards no I know that Daniel has seen my stuff I want him I want to talk to him privately we're not gonna do that like avocado person what do I think I think it's fair to say the main individuals involved probably didn't want this huge conflict Stephen wanted to be recognized Daniel had a reason to reply both felt inclined to make public statements for what they believe was just and although as noted certain comments were properly overkill it's what cynicism does to people what about other people's motives well I'm not so sure Jay was another character who had a right to comment in what definitely formed a case against Daniel and the animator issue was one of the blind spots where Daniel didn't provide any screenshots other than regarding pay as I noted earlier the fact that he had no DMS to show whatsoever was pretty unconvincing on top of this Jay claimed he and DMS of his own to release as he felt his credibility was challenged again these DMS never saw the light of day where the animators urged him not to as he says in DMS or of the DM never existed is something you'll have to decide but both sides I personally feel that because it was the case for both sides probably meant there was an element of animator reservation and sometimes silence can be equally as telling as speaking up people were probably conflicted about their feelings regarding Daniel was he nice to the right reasons or was he just massaging the product was he intimidating or were they intimidated I doubt you'd see Dan going around spontaneously abusing people so I assume the evidence was a bit more subtle and maybe people had cold feet about that as mentioned I had also spoken to an animator involved and that was the impression that I received to a lot of conflicted feelings in spite of Critias Stephen stuck by his guns following the video though also sticking by his word that he doesn't seek to make another he's posted a few more statements here and there that have been pretty consistent many about the point regarding animators and obviously why he wanted to speak about it it seems that any of Stephens conflicted feelings prior to Dan's video have gone out the window which I think has disappointed fans further but in a situation like this there's no point in faking something that doesn't exist J's video was since removed and Jay has since deleted his presence from the Internet presumably because of certain allegations surrounding various inappropriate sexual behavior including grooming which I just want to escape at this point he did post a response denying these barely bare mantley though as most the screenshots and the document that held them are now gone it's hard for me to really provide a balanced opinion as a minor caveat I did find one of the documents I'm still kind of confused Jays been up to some camaraderie I'm not sure if it's as incriminating as implied regardless I'll leave them in the reference document in case anyone wants to try and make sense of them I won't add too much more other than his exit doesn't appear to have been motivated by the dam plan situation specifically does this compromise his credibility not necessarily unless you feel there's an element of deceits or similar traits in his behavior which may be transferable as such it's hard to comment Jace I was just perspective and although it was important and there are other more important points to take away when we reflect on down plan there is a significant lack of evidence that answers people's questions on other questions about people's characters and so on especially the accusations for example is danny manipulative maybe these DMS that he posted in his own video do seem strangely worded amongst other things statemented always stuck out to me said I treated you so much better this one always rub them in the wrong way because who the hell says that if they're not trying to manipulate you of course that's not an argument of positivity he may just hold himself in high regard and it would be kind to transparent and thus it's not conclusive but it's a really weird thing to say to someone even someone whom you have treated well a lot of other comments I can see why they would be manipulative but I can also see why they may not be you have to ask yourself could a rational person reply this way for a lordly comments my answer was yes so you can't jump to the conclusion that someone is malicious just because they say something that could be manipulative it's true that Daniel could just say certain things in an attempt to butter others up to stop me from speaking out if he knows they might make a video but it's also something he might say if he genuinely wants to remain friends is about how you know Daniel and I don't know him well enough to make that judgment though I will provide my opinion very soon other questions about contradictions such as Stephen saying there's a long negotiation phase and Daniel framing it's as if he just came back in a step to the hundred dollars per video seeming conclusive some DM showed that Dan was nice to Stephen at points but what that niceness represents we cannot be sure with Stephens video the only option with other people's treatment at stake and was it worth it the truth is you can't really answer these questions with what we've been given but I do think there are some things you can take from the situation [Music] while the more unfair statements the Daniel made in his video was this one Stephen says that he's worried that they'll be jobless from this if he really thought this he would not have made that video when he did because when he quit we had a conversation and in the conversation I told him that there's a lot of videos in progress that he is in and there were in the progress of making them so I will be announcing that he is leaving after those videos are posted this was for the sake of the animators that are working hard to make these videos complete and he understood that it might take a while but regardless he made a video two weeks after he quit and so now we can't post the videos that he is in they were all still working in progress and now they will never see the light of day because of the actions that he took of course I'll be paying the animators full amount that we pre agreed on even if they didn't finish the video it's not their fault we can't post these videos and I still want to compensate them with your green amount that we made and I'll ask them if the amount is ok again and if they're not then we'll meet somewhere but that's not the important part the important part is that what they made will never see the light of day because Stephen decided to make the video so quickly even though he knew we were still in progress of making many videos that he was in now this is pretty unreasonable considering Stephen stated that he doesn't mind any videos with him in being published after his exit although I understand why you may not want to release previous videos with someone you have bad blood with that is ultimately your decision as much as his was to release the video it's a shared responsibility Daniel also does a fair bit of paraphrasing here and if you look at the DMS all it really shows is Stephen saying once the video is out as soon as possible rather than having them spaced out even though he also says he's okay with them being published I think Stephen made his point pretty clear in the messages and Daniel's interpretation is rather uncharted a tonot stunnin is pretty incendiary and it seems like he's looking an excuse to end the series there this didn't have to be the series ending video Dan chose to make this video series ending it wouldn't have been difficult to make a video saying I'm sorry I got some things wrong I probably did underestimate the efforts of those around me but I do feel that people have got my intent wrong and I'm gonna do better to prove it the damn plan audience would have been more than happy with a video like that they wanted this situation to heal Dan chose to camicazi it by making an equal amount of character and dieting statements against Stephen does that mean he's guilty not at all he may just be defending his pride but pride comes at a cost and Dan decided to pay the price and he'll he can probably afford it the amount of money that an audience friendly animation channel will make from ad revenue alone is monumental and then you consider merch and sponsorships it'll be ridiculous on the other hand YouTube can be unpredictable and having all your eggs in that basket would probably make you a bit more frugal than some careers would I understand that and I wanted to empathize with him on the basis of the fact that running a team costing and being consistent can be a challenge but at the same time his self superior asked you towards it as if it's some monumental undertaking this suddenly entitles him to such a mammoth share of the channel is something that I couldn't personally connect with it doesn't help the one the other allegations was that he paid some of the manual work a surprisingly low amount it was contradictory logic to many people it's not true ever since the company was made at the beginning of last year I have taken zero dollars from the company this doesn't mean I haven't taken money from past before the company was made doesn't mean I won't take money out from the company in the future but I was more invested in reinvesting into the channel and the community and I was more focused on putting the money there but clearly it is seems like now that I just take all the money and run away with it besides that rather pointless nature of that statement it doesn't change the fact that how much he paid himself wasn't the problem he could donate it all to charity and it wouldn't change the point it's proportionately how much was made and how much other people who contributed a significant amount to the channel brand saw now regardless of how ridiculous I would consider it I mean $100 a video for someone in that position is unbelievable if both parties agree to it boss aside most people will say that's a responsibility taken on by both sides so obviously there is the question regarding how much negotiation took place and there's very little evidence shown but regardless of the claims it makes sense to me that Stephen probably ended up settling for Less due to a motive outside about which is financial Daniel is very careful in each of his statements I don't doubt that he probably has negotiated with artists from time to time and come to an agreement but it doesn't seem implausible that Posner may have argued generally with Daniel regarding payments and wages - and I find the use of legality as a reason not to discuss such to be rather unconvincing I do receive the impression that Daniel is quite headstrong and I think the fact that he never really recognized these sheer imbalance in that pay is a testament to it if you consider someone more than an employee then pay them like one he was essentially a contracted guest and that gave him no loyalty Daniel was motivated to keep the channel structured as it wants I think he did have a bias towards people he viewed as quote originals especially if he gave hoster a cut against the dudes own will he was stubborn and I wouldn't doubt the when confronted he used the power of his authority to appeal to his sense of business and knowing what's best which is where this shout-out panel style idea came from maybe from the good old gaming days I don't think Dan uses these ideas to insult people as J felt I received the impression it was likely a legitimate passion that he had tunnel vision about I don't think Dan had menacing intentions he just thought he knew what was best because he was the channel owner and the channel was his but he failed to realize that he by the way series brought Stephen into the picture and no amount of Psy's videos almost all of which underperformed could really change that Stephen isn't business minded I think he just wanted some more credit in whatever form now there are nuances to this dispute given it was rooted in a confrontation of both sides frame quite differently and we know it was a volatile argument and we can say things in the heat of the moment Daniel did apologize for his rage very shortly after it's but the resolution was clearly not the end no deal can help you move past something like that Daniel may have viewed his outburst as a moment of frustration but Stephen saw it as the slipping of a long war Aska rate comments that remain stuck in his head for months to come by the time he left the channel he had grown bitter to the extent that he wanted to make Daniel pay he wanted to be heard and he clearly didn't think he could be heard from the inside should you brought up with Daniel prior maybe if he cared about Daniel knowing but that point he didn't Stephen wanted first blunt and he got it do I think me and Dan will be friends do I have any tensions on being friends again no I've burned this bridge and I don't tend to rebuild it now this point Stephen can really put on the I reached out to Daniel now too because he can't expect to be treated any differently to how he treated Daniel there's no honor amongst thieves but before we could even have that discussion J's video left a further dent in the already tarnished reputation if it in thematically with Stephens narrative and provided even more detail so which would be confirmed by Dan's own video a few days later some of which would be contradicted Dan's video may have originally been an emotional tell-all of one side but by the time the second stream came out it became a case of who was going to scorch the most earth Daniel's video may rationalized his perspective there was little closure even with the evidence and screenshots you receive the impression that these two Cowboys were riding on different wavelengths and you may find yourself on either if you are more of a classical liberal you may well have sided with Dan to some people I'm sure Dan Steel's worth just business whether he was a dick to people or not people consented and he was part of the market even if the market was flawed yet you could be the most Machiavellian mortal in existence and still acknowledge that Dan ultimately failed because he torpedoed his own flagship series in the name of pride the image of Dan plan was based on something inherently antithetical to how the drama portrayed it a channel always will have some underlying business elements but if fraternity is a selling point then these videos were just not compatible with it down recently revamped the child to pursue a new direction one that I think he is more comfortable with and will probably reflect his interests a little more I wish them the best with that and maybe he did truly see opportunity within the destruction but as many other creators have found it is often hard to rebrand with an audience who have come to expect something so I would manage expectations over the come months and focus on making content that you enjoy regardless of what other people say don't go out of your way to justify yourself I met a state graph to explain myself wanting to charity because I'm so worried that people just gonna be like Oh anything he does now he's just doing it no I've been doing charity before this drama happened and I will continue to do charity after this drama happen I don't care what you think of me all right this doesn't fix anything if I was a bad person and I am a bad person if I was a good person I am a good person doing a charity is only good because you're doing a charity everybody should be doing charity if you can't afford it don't donate okay you should protect yourself first obviously but if you can afford it help each other two sides hell-bent on burning each other down what we left it well the neutral parties and they told their own story - we already spoke about the animators who are mostly silent and reticent about releasing any DMS which support either course but what about the friends the amigos what if they said well one of the original members by the name Anna released a stream stating her perspective I'd say it leans toward dance side and of course there is a limit within that perspective she definitely sized towards his corner if my video doesn't satisfy on its own I'd recommend checking hers out it was a little flawed his intentions weren't bad at all like I don't think Daniels intentions were to like oh yeah I'm just gonna give money to everybody else and like not to like my own friends or whatever like I think his intentions were a bit good but I think he had to see the overall picture and what was going on and what about Xhosa the fellow founding member of damn plant who'd been there through the highs and lows what did he say well he hasn't made any official statements any videos released any DMS he has been streaming a fair bit was Steven and even sought to make this comment back in high school Daniel was like a really good guy I respected him he was great he knew like what how to get along with people but now he has someone changed okay right yeah okay we'll change and depending on the circumstances and the factors I could not perceive it like people change what that means exactly I'll let you decide another one my friends dar Pina also made a video on the topic that will be linked in the pinned comment below which integrates interviews with some fresh perspective I definitely recommend checking his take out if you have the chance in the end both sides have said their part and we shouldn't expect more but we can always do our best to understand it does seem like a divorce with the channel being torn between two rather determined figures and although some people may take a strong side a lot of people just seem confused and forlorn with many coming back to these videos to pay their respects like a Youtube gravestone it's sad that some people are just waiting for damn plan to turn around and say it was a huge prank because that's the degree that their perception was shattered it's phenomenal I'd say this topic reminded me of my spill video in a way when I spoke about the corporatization of YouTube in that upload I noted that once you give the voice of a channel a personality people become connected to that as a brand and that voice has much more power in the future of the channel as the owner today's situation although not identical was a test of that a regardless of who you side with audience sentiment was clear Stephan established his character and once you began to associate the characteristics with the name the Association reversed and people came back not just for jokes or the banter but for Steven as much as they came back for poster or Daniel and that sentiment echoed throughout the drama he wasn't just a member was the member and the scale of this drama is a testament to that Dan plan was a channel which was the passion project of its titular crater's a channel that brought joy unto many people and found great success thanks to its dynamic concepts and energetic interplay between its hosts it's by the way series in a way became synonymous with Dan plan it by the way went down Dan plan was going to face a real challenge in its continuation and with this new era it seems Dan is attempting to reinvent the brand but with the legacy of by the way engraved in its identity one thing is for certain Dan plan will never be the same I'd first of all like to give a thanks to a crater who I really have come to like by the name of Antoine I caught one of his videos on Dan plan and I reached out to him and he was really helpful and provided me with a resource though I wouldn't have been able to use otherwise to make this video so a massive thank you to Antoine go check out his channel he's not making too many videos right now but go and send him some love and appreciation I think he's got a really good head on his shoulders and very nice technical style I have to not I have nothing too much else to say about it just go and check him out send some love send him some appreciation thank you man so that was the video for what a video but I feel really good and I hope that came across I hope this video sees the light of day eventually might take a while but hell yeah what a video and I'm glad I'm glad and I hope you guys enjoyed it too I got to give big thanks to my editors once again they'd really be out here on the front line working the grind much respect to them keep up the great work I would also like to thank my patreon zmei $10 patreon plus will be up on the screen right now I want to give a big thanks to my $50 patreon zwi have Amanda we have Caroline we have hypercube and we have some hullabaloo thank you so much for your support it means a lot and we also have to give a big thanks to my hundred dollar patrons and that is brand and junk Christopher Cross and Yesenia Ramirez thank you so much for your support guys it means the world to me if you want to reach me Twitter but I been quite busy recently and obviously you can draw my discord I must give you a warning I've been using my Facebook recently so there's my warning I don't really have too much else to add hang in there guys I'm sending my love keep up the hustle my friends [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 5,474,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danplan, danplan vlog, danplan back, danplan quit, danplan is back, danplan disney, danplan comeback, hosuh from danplan, dan plan, daniel, ann, disneyland vlog, danplan stephen, stephen, stephen from danplan, danplan vs stephen, danplan drama, danplan reaction stephen, stephen quitting danplan, danplan vs actually stephen, actually i quit danplan stephen, update to danplan and stephen, actually stephen quit danplan, actually stephen, danplan moments, danplan opinion
Id: BDGVbiaiJ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 40sec (6700 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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