The Deranged Cult Of Onision | TRO (ft. Pinely, j aubrey, Mista GG, Fainted, & Internet Historian)

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I’m glad it’s him. TRO presents stuff thoroughly and I really respect his opinions

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just figured I’d post this since TRO tends to put these things very eloquently. Also recommend checking out his video on Austin Jones about why it’s important that we don’t let this slide.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bennedemode πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m so glad TRO covered this. He puts so much into his videos, and his kind of coverage is what the Onision situation deserves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sks033740 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Went directly to this after have a seat stream shut down early

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bogoblin- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love TRO. I'm watching it rn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cpink1022 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've pretty much been burnt out on everybody and their mom making "I ANALYZE WHY ONISION IS SCUM!" videos for views nowadays, but TRO always has been one of my favorite commentators. His videos are very in-depth, well written, and he's one of the few people out there who tries their damnest to look at people/situations from different angles. This video was no different, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming coverage.

Also, it always tickles me to see Internet Historian randomly pop up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyingCapybaraBat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
life it's a thing that happens to pretty much everyone in some capacity from the day that life begins the day it ends it encompasses an experience unique to that individual how that individual may interrupt their own life is also something unique although there are overarching categories that we may relate such as happiness sadness or in my case boredom people's lies beyond one's own and their own interpretations of it have become much more intimate to audiences over the rise of YouTube we often see what a person may be going through but we also may see how they react to it and how they interpret it themselves how much of your life ends up on the Internet is principally your discretion though there are often exceptions today's topic oniisan is someone whose life on the surface seems like the pinnacle of YouTube melodrama and the eventful nature that surrounds it for over ten years he has projected his life into the public sphere he has made countless videos and posts regarding his past present and future he has been the center of numerous controversies and the subject of multiple expose is involving his friends enemies and so many more people that I cannot even begin to factor in when serious drama occurs these stress and additional repercussions will often drive many off online platforms oniisan is a clear exception to that rule in fact attention just seems to bring him back with even more aggression so I didn't want to make this video under the pretense that it wasn't going to play into his hands in fact even oniisan wants me to make this video on him though I'm not sure it will be exactly what he hoped for he did contact me stating the diff I'm interested he can offer evidence to exonerate him of certain claims however over the last couple months I have really grown in a version of such private interactions I'm not going to be a youtubers year when they have more than enough platform to defend themselves already anything Sam wants me to present in public they can present it themselves today's video is going to be a look at as much published and the attempt to understand what that says about the person in question and maybe a few laughs and jokes along the way but given the volume there is to look at it's hard to tell exactly where to start I guess the best place is a brief history of oniisan but trying to summarize exactly what has happened there is a task much easier said than done what we could really use is a historian for the internet you know an Internet historian of sorts what's that he's busy doing raid sponsorships well that's fine I didn't want him anyway I know someone better hey hello thanks for having me on that's really nice of you I'm very happy to be here actually I hope everyone's just having a fantastic day my name is fine we also have a youtube channel that you should really subscribe to and fun fact about me I'm actually a pretty massive and easy on fan I think he is just the best oh he's so swell how could you even not like this fine young man you know I remember how a few years ago I was watching him dancing around and and singing in that banana costume and at that moment I was thinking to myself down I guess this is it this is where comedy has truly reached its peak and since I'm such a massive fanboy of Greg I've actually made sure to keep track of everything this man has ever done since he was born so this is what we're gonna talk about today in pioneers corner Greg's various projects from before he started his youtube channel ready okay so back in 2002 when Greg was just a 17-year old boy he created this very cool website called hybrid I as you can see the design is really scary and orange now let's read the description shall we folks please feel free to browse all the links if done so you'll find many intriguing pieces of literature and graphics some areas of hybrid I will have a symbol like Oh basically stating that the words or images could be slightly disturbing to those under the age of 14 and sadly some in their 40s Greg will also decide to call himself odd on this website that was his name just so you guys can know that he's really weird he's not really your average Joe he makes really deep poems about religion the Stone Age and some other sensitive stuff that website lasted a whole year before eventually collapsing into itself and dying he later moved on to making quite a lot of gaming related websites with a friend of his called Jan they had one about Metal Gear Solid and a game review website called gamers shadow apparently there was some drama surrounding that one some evil people were making fun of poor old Greg so yeah he had to ban all of them 2003 was also a pretty busy year for him he may be at another gaming website with his friend called extreme gaming headquarters yeah you heard that right it's extreme you can see from the design of it just how extreme it really is the extreme gaming headquarters is an online gaming society made up of elite gaming fans and pros he also created like a billion different websites for a web hosting website promotion and website developing well that's kind of boring so I'm not gonna dwell on that more importantly made another website to show off all of his literature and and poems and whatnot it's exactly what's been missing from my life first off again a sick design looks real futuristic and what's really good about this website is that I was actually able to find some of the pieces that were on it so I hope you're ready to hear one of them cuz here we go what is a pointless fight well why do senseless conflicts happen who are the ones who fall victim to these battles over the past humanity has been damaged deeply by pathetic and disgraceful wars that happened both between politicians and among average peasants today smaller verbal battles occur all over our schools an individual calls another a foul name and immediately the victims think they have some sort of honour to defend and this resorts to a fight I find this very funny this is clearly a guy who really wants you the thing that he's so so smart when in reality that's not really too accurate average peasants Jesus Christ then we reach 2004 Greg graduated from high school and he can really tell that at this point he was all like oh well I'm not gonna see any of these people ever again you know what just show off my really really awful opinions because why the hell not and that's exactly what he did later that year so the first website he made in 2004 was definitely not as bad at the second one Gregg would just talk about some radio show he liked I don't really care later on around a year later he turned that side into a website all about him the Gregory Jay websites he also made this one really really really stupid website I think it also showcases what kind of person were really dealing with here the site was called rape prevention info yikes and here's the description of it my name is Gregory Jade Daniel I am a man of dignity integrity and today I look at our society and recognition of what mockery we have become due to lack of enforcement of rape crimes that occur every moment of every day not too long ago I was appalled by suggestions that women dress themselves up as if they were homeless or mentally handicapped just to avoid an attack this is terrible advice as hostels do not always choose based on attraction they do it off of who looks most vulnerable weakest today you will learn how to defend yourself when you are through you will find what true freedom is dress how you like live how you like and be ready for the worst for if you are no attacker will ever be able to walk away without day themselves being a victim I don't know what made him think this is a good call to make this website he's just so clearly full of himself you can just see that he thought that he's some sort of a savior for all women all around the world I know you might say Oh finally he was just trying to help people out why are you being like this man well I don't know if that's really something that could be said when some of the advice that he gave is stuff like I don't know act like you're possessed by a demon or mentally handicapped oh and who can forget about have a bowel movement and rub it in his face in 2005 he went on to make another website dedicated to documenting his time in the army and then a year later he found himself on YouTube and I think I'll let the right opinion continue from here thank you all for having me on this channel and hey make sure to subscribe to pine Li it would make me feel really good and happy Oh guys look it's it's the internet historian yay thank you thank you it's true here no I don't think so good why are you wearing a balaclava show man here that's right I'm even on other channels have you heard about Rayman legends it's a new game sweeping the nation like a deadly virus and now it's coming for you and your family play clip of large crowd of people talking about rate you haven't heard of red shadow legends ray cheddar legends is free RPG PvP look at those ratings people are going wild one that a little too wild here's a more measure to review it has over 15 million downloads in the last six months that's over three times the population of the Central African Republic and six months that's over three times the average life span Wow impressive in fact I'm so impressed I'm flying there right now please put your phone away sir we are about to take this [ __ ] off lady I'm customizing over 400 champions that I can collect in the game rage hello there sir please the plane is about to crash Wow what a spectacular view almost as spectacular as the 13 unique in-game true how much longer does this air go for speaking of dungeons make sure you participate in the weekly events to win extra prizes the prizes are off the charts I can barely contain my excitement they've even got a new road map who needs Google Maps when you have this baby play with me - please write someone and you should too click on the link and claim your epic new hero and 50,000 non-transferable pieces of silver on Shadid room I do sincerely hope you all feel enlightened because I know I shall do but this is the last non-dramatic phase that will be covering because oniisan believe it or not is quite a dramatic person now that was a rather neutral our biet humorous perspective on any sales background prior and during his ascent on this beautiful platform as noted he was a real veteran of the internet who had a vision of where he wanted to be before many people had even realized the potential of online stardom but he was much more a person who tended to fire whatever the wall with the hope that would stick and that formula would not deviate with YouTube or YouTube was created off the basis of weird wacky and typically quite annoying the obsession with the funny voice and the funny face is what bolstered only see on scurry R but there was something edgier to what he made though not always you see Oh Nizam was more than just a performative persona like many crates at a time if you were going off his main channel you probably would have the impression that he takes pride and maybe even catharsis in a slightly unstable character however it didn't stop there oniisan had created a more personal side to him this would mainly be projected on the only see on speak shell although it did sometimes spill over to the other sides of the Internet imagine if Fred started a channel where he scrapped the funny voice and began discussing abortion that was basically what only Xian speaks was - oh nice yawn but I think this quickly spelled out two things to a large majority of the audiences firstly that oneΓ­s yawns personal life was going to become a very public matter and secondly my godoh Nissan likes to talk about himself now narcissism is a trait found in a fair few creators and it's not always disruptive but with oniisan it was a different brand and many audiences played into that brand whether that attention was positive or negative one thing that I would say is that the design of the brand oniisan speaks initially being an outlet of oniisan rather than making it a more personal venture to him showed the proximity of the oniisan brand to our friend Greg here so he probably weren't going to receive the best dose of sanity a great example was his early crusade against meat-eaters Oh Nissan's main channel would put out some wacky video maybe with an underlying message but you wouldn't take it too seriously if you think that torturing living creatures is wrong and yet you yourself still consume animals don't even waste your breath no don't waste our time move you're just as bad as the people that slit our throats myth and oh nice yawn would come in and undercut that with a clarification about how this wacky message was actually very authentic and you should definitely listen to it vegans do what they do out of necessity they save animals by doing what they do they save themselves by doing what they do meat-eaters do what they do for whatever reason they do slowly killing themselves oniisan was online and alongside came a close-up documenting of his life and the next decade of relationships and drama that we will have the displeasure of covering over however long this takes in many ways it'd be convenient to create a linear timeline of venetians behavior but honestly I don't think that will be able to do that justice because that implies a simple rationalization or at least explanation that can be observed in a chronological way and let's face it oniisan isn't exactly known for his rational behavior so we're going to be doing a documenting of all of it all over the board and seeing what exactly it tells us let's start small and move on to greater things I'd also like to preface the fact that I've split this video into three rather meaty parts and apologise for any inconvenience that may cause I hope they will all be worth their time Onision has been rare to be successful given his stint on YouTube and success means you're doing something right I think for this part it's best we look at that before delving into the darker side now I say at the start that oniisan clearly enjoys attention and I do believe to an extent that motivation is the real bedrock of his content now so what a lot of people enjoy attention and even if the subject matters were a bit socially loaded you could take a lot of his earlier content a somewhat removed from the constraints of discourse even if they were bizarre as hell nonetheless the desire for attention manifests itself particularly when you as a curator have very little to offer and let's be honest here Onision isn't the most inherently talented person he couldn't really sing he couldn't really act he didn't really have any exceptionally insightful social commentary all he knew was about attention and as people's bar for comedy and other creative content was rising oniisan wasn't changing in spite of this there is a key to maintaining internet relevance and that's creating a relationship with your audience relationships can be created over different mediums but for many craters that relationship can be as simple as sharing experiences sometimes a creator will make more personal videos to do that sometimes that means breaking character with onision openness became a gimmick there was nothing off-limits when many craters opened up we see it as brave as it's often risking element to their persona with only Xian speaks every time he spoke about something it tackled sensitive topics and even if the views themselves weren't the greatest he was developing something of a cult persona it also allowed him to tackle more serious topics with a degree of clout he would upload videos on an incredibly regular basis and it provided a medium to create a closer relationship with Daddy over here I don't really know where I stand on a few issues if I am the villain or the hero if I am good or pure evil myself if by doing everything the right way the way that I thought was best was really even the right way at all because it seems that by doing the things that I feel makes this world better or doing the things that I feel make me a good person I am in fact contradicting everyone else and I wonder if wrong is right and I am wrong you have to remember that we're in 2010 a time when many of the largest craters wouldn't be considered celebrities so many of them would have a decent interaction with their audience Onision at that point was in the top 100 most subscribed creators as strange that is so having a channel which allow people to become closer with him was a strong foundation for a more dedicated fan base and the fact that he had that level of attention at all would mean that there would always be a certain amount of people who idolized him for that popularity alone however not necessarily satisfied with the simplicity of a regular fanbase oniisan always had a slightly different approach to developing his fanbase beyond you cannot choose who supports you however your actions and behavior can definitely shape your audience to a reasonable degree particularly if you know how to exclude a demographic this can be done for example by taking advantage of polarizing and sensitive topics now it's hard to say I know too many people who actively shape their audience it's something hard to do if you're just trying to make content for yourself but I am of the belief that oniisan definitely did I explain more soon but first I want to focus on his techniques and what this all clearly comes down to is if you are a pro circumcision then you are coping the rapist you cannot feel with something that does not exist and when you promote the removal of the foreskin not only are you making the penis less sensitive but you were also desensitizing it to pain a pain that is intended to naturally occur in the uncircumcised penis of a man who is attempting to destroy a woman both physically and psychologically one thing that only Theo knew was how to provoke he was never one to be afraid of confrontation and confrontation is sometimes a good way to really build norden's if you pick a point of view or a strong opinion you will find an audience who will respect your outspoken and competent demeanor even if you have no actual clue what you're speaking about only Shion was not qualified in any of the topics that he spoke about to my knowledge but he tackled them nonetheless obviously this sort of drama was documented with his meat-eaters content however over the years he would regularly have public fallings out with you ever he could manage sorry I'm just trying to get really sick of hearing about this [ __ ] starting a new drama and he can sit back and say oh he's learned his lesson and it's so hard having these opinions and we all know what you know they're three months and his news starts a pledge so again that he's gonna start some new [ __ ] from 2010 when he had a few Bechet Carl over Shay's decision to circumcise Assunta 2016 when he had a few was here because he voted for a third-party candidate in California these are these sorts of ideologically loaded topics that would obviously attract fans and critics alike he would regularly express controversial opinions on rape self-harm suicide and multiple other issues that would really draw people up he would also regularly go after multiple craters whose content and audience may even overlap into his such as his fuse with Shane Dawson a person who he collaborated with was friends with and even shared a romantic kiss with yet in spite of this him and Shane had a significant amount of drama particularly relating to how oniisan felt Shane had treated him as a friend which there may be some legitimate annoyance in however since then oniisan just made multiple videos on Shane Dawson mostly attempting to cool him out but often just trying to work out a way to bring problems back to how Shane had treated him Shane Dawson Oh God oh nice hands making another video but talking about him has a lot of advantages number one his name attracts video views number two on a regular basis people imply that it looked like him which gives me this immortal annoying association number three I really don't like him and ranting about him is therapeutic for me the one time the only stone did try and make a more serious call-out video is in the form of this 50 minute pseudo documentary in which he states that he believes Shane Dawson is a Peter bomb actually no that would be unfair he doesn't save too certain he's a Peter pal he just goes through talking about how Shane Dawson fulfills a large majority of the prerequisites to being a child predator wait Shane Dawson just said that he doesn't tell those jokes anymore so lying is obviously the number one tactic of predators as you can see at the top right here not telling the whole story that's what chained it by not addressing every single clip that he says was taken out of context but instead he only addressed one where a crude that was taken out of context he was jumping all over the place with mood swings by screaming and cussing and then being all normal and then getting kind of emotional to punishment again is the yelling and the cussing the denial is very clear thinning the truth trying to devalue everything that's said about him by saying it's all just jokes and that he was saying messed up jokes but never really again telling the whole story like him trying to justify people being a pedo we're in one podcast he said that he didn't view it as very different from people who have foot fetishes or the clip that I played you where he states he doesn't understand why people get arrested we're looking at children who are not clothed again that's minimalizing and then of course he went to play the victim you could say he targeted the victim ie people calling him out but the real victims are to be determined because so far all he said is that he googled actual children in that situation so I guess it would be all the children that he googled and described the results that he saw these were claims he reiterated for a significant amount of time and although he did apologize proximately five months ago it is undisputed that this feud likely alienated audiences who may have found oniisan through Shane's content something that only she on does acknowledge himself now to be frank I think the treatment of shame by oniisan has been rather poor given the number of videos made the tone of these videos and the message however you could at least make me rational argument that only see on bitter and upset about a friendship what would happen if we went one step further and visited a situation where there was no way of stating any coherent explanation together and yet as of right now is is probably one of the key examples to the next point in my video but maybe to illuminate this situation we should spin the wheel and see which commentator can help me out take it away my G well mum I finally made it I'm on the right opinion but I'm talking about on EC on I'm currently a bit under the weather but never as sick as my buddy Greg the man who obsessively harassed mocked and Exploited a fellow youtuber with an eating disorder for nearly three years I'm of course referring to Eugenia Cooney if anybody was in the dark about Eugenia Cooney and her controversial time on YouTube Shane Dawson swooped in and filled everybody in but if you're still out of the loop Eugenia Cooney was your average 2013 youtuber just a happy young girl doing q and A's participating in tags and showing off outfits fast forward three years where a man named Greg would make a video on her and unfortunately change your life and just you're aware the majority of these videos are a wall in the Shadow Realm because the leading evidence is always fun but thankfully they've all been documented believe it or not with the first video that oniisan made on Eugenia Cooney on May 9th 2016 was actually defending her I mean with a title like Eugenia Cooney is anorexic you wouldn't think so but Onishi on simply compared her body to a supermodels claiming they weren't that different four months later oh nice Ian's opinion quickly changed with the titled video please help Eugenia Cooney and a whopping ten Eugenia videos would follow in the next two months oniisan was clearly worried about paying rent or something because it became very apparent that Eugenia was more so a cash cow to an easy on than a charity case I suppose and cry for help became a target on Eugenia's back oniisan would urge his viewers to unsubscribe to Eugenia if she did not gain weight in a certain amount of time claiming that if you continued supporting her you would be helping her die now thankfully oniisan announced in early October of that year that he had no plans about making any more Eugenia videos in the future but tweets that's fair game eddo nice yawn give her a more I care about you but I'm not humiliating you approach tried that but Eugenia the obvious sociopath oh nice yon accused people of being a sociopath before it was cool continues to inspire young girls to starve themselves regardless I'd own a CI you think humiliating her is the way to fix it if someone is without any doubt killing themselves bringing attention to their condition is the least you could do anorexia is lethal greg has a funny way of responding to people yeah I'll take avoiding the question for 500 Alex shortly after a petition was made to get Eugenia off youtube bony scientist couldn't help himself and off the wagon he went this would quickly become a trend only cm would say he's resigning on the topic of Eugenia but then proceeded to talk about Eugenia because last time I checked when you resign from something you can take it up again if you choose and why even say that Greg the hell's the point just see the possibilities is always there or don't cap it off just just leave it what regardless of what somebody is saying you should always look at their intent why are they doing this oh nice young could push his anti anorexia campaign all he wanted but as long as he kept uploading videos like this his intent was clear now sure some could say well his method of saving Eugenia is abrasive but it could prove effective I wouldn't be so sure this is essentially the equivalent of fat shaming which according to a professor of health psychology at the University of Surrey and a 20-19 article from BBC shaming is the wrong way to move forward even in the example of somebody claiming fat shaming led to them losing weight professor Jane Ogden says that experience is atypical at this point Greg's videos were garnering hundreds of thousands if not millions of views so it wasn't a surprise when the milkman kept chugging away I have nipples Greg could you milk me I don't even think he was hiding it at one point in one of his videos he was quoted saying hi there I haven't made a video on Eugenia Cooney's weight in months my videos on Eugenia Cooney always do very well as a person who's concerned about Eugenius health and a person who wants to make successful videos I'd like to take the opportunity to publicly check up on her now really what's wrong Greg onec on judges not like at Youssou probably the most pivotal piece of evidence is when youtube masty monetized videos about Eugenia Cooney and then oniisan re uploaded a video to another channel of his titled please help this youtuber he'll not doing this for money many more Eugenia reuploads later she announces on Twitter that she is taking a break from social media and privately working with a doctor please respect that you guys save Eugenia I may know who save Eugenia it wasn't me how Eugenia Kony will look after recovery but some things I need to say if you have anything positive you would like to say - Eugenia Cooney please post it to the page where she can go to see nothing but supportive / loving statements thanks to you in the awesome mods I'm happy we're making a safe place for her and others okay guys please go tell Eugenia that you support her on my websites forums that have banner ads it's to help her trust me as usual the rumors are not true I'm not making videos on Eugenia Cooney for money this is an important topic that needs to be discussed I have a patreon to help me when my videos do not get monetized I truly do care about her as usual I come with proof his proof is a screenshot of only four videos out of this 60 he made that wording for D monetization here's seven reasons why this tweet is horrible the number one thing you need to give an eating disorder is attention not making videos on eugenia for money and not making money on Eugenia videos are two very different things Greg I've made a lot of videos about you Tina Cooney it seems you requested a review for one of your videos and the only reason you would do that is in the attempt to monetize it you just outed me or self it's very possible after you tweet this you put in a review for the rest of the videos and maybe get them all monetized your argument is decimated I have a patreon to help me when my videos do not get monetized did you guys know I have a patreon I mean not anymore do I want your attention why even bring up patreon that hurts your claim if anything guys I'm not making these videos for money I get my money from patreon so doesn't matter being stupid means you lack intelligence or common sense I might be mistaken on this one but you should have a more recent video up that's not in this screenshot for some reason you just put it out there even more just a week after this tweet oh nice Jana listed 21 of his Eugenia videos because he didn't want is more negative videos still hanging over Eugenia's head as she dealt with her disorder privately at least that's what I would have said if Greg wasn't a scummy hypocrite he placed those 21 videos behind a pay wall on his patreon not doing this for the money it's extremely gross at this point Greg is literally taunting her with these reuploads and these money-grubbing shenanigans don't worry guys he took him off his patreon a month later after he already took everybody's money after everybody went in there took the videos and downloaded them and he knows that he knows that wasn't gonna last long he wanted the quick buck this saga ends with videos like Eugenia Cooney's beautiful emails to me where he basically emailed her saying I wish the best for you sorry about those jokes in the past all 600 of them I'm sorry about accusing you of quite literally murdering kids because of your disorder dick move on my part and Eugenia being the nicest person alive replies saying yeah you should have really approached all of that differently but thank you and Greg cashes in two videos off of that did you just want more content Greg or do you actually care now we may never know but what we do know is that the majority of oh nice yawns Eugenia vids were made pre-apocalypse so he has made I would assume tens of thousands of dollars off of her situation that is excluding the subscriber jumps that he most likely received from those videos which then trickled views into his other videos trickling money into his patreon trickling money into his merch if only see I'm making sixty plus videos on Eugenia Cooney was not for money then I guess the down payment on a mansion was just an unfortunate byproduct those videos that were made and ended to help Eugenia Cooney get to rehab and start to rehabilitate Eugenia Cooney has since gone to rehabilitation and is rehabilitating correlation does not imply causation but whatever helps you sleep at night Greg Thank You mr. JJ what a J [Music] so here we have a man who picks fights with half the YouTube community some of the most popular creators including many of his former friends only see or not mr. Gigi though he might do too oniisan is provocative offensive unpleasant and all-around completely contradictory you'd have a hard time pinpointing where his principles and beliefs often lie only the most loyal of fans would support him but maybe that's the point and I will elaborate many moons ago I found myself will the first and only time stumbling across a known easy on speaks video I can't really remember too much about it but it was regarding some social rights and on the whole I remember agreeing with it it seemed like a sincere appeal to humanity now I didn't know much about him back then but there are sprinkles of videos given the volume of them that will typically appeal to an audience only see on embeds himself with certain behavioral characteristics which were tailored towards people who may be vulnerable unidentified four techniques were very specific to what he created first his nature to speak directly to the view often alarmed craft narratives that felt personal it felt like he was speaking to you a lot at the time that can be really endearing you can still walk you can still move your arms you can still talk you're very capable you're emotionally damaged so what I am - but that doesn't mean we just end it that doesn't mean we just quit there's hope for you this allow him to create a more personal connection with the viewers he resonated with especially environments where people may not have felt cared about just having someone talking to you like that can really make a difference secondly is nage to use a lot of language that one might classes compassionate with a framing that may feel more rational it appeals to people's emotions while giving them a security in the reasoning that he presents I'm not saying this is a bad way of arguing we can appeal to principles of morality a lot of the time through this but it will definitely attract a certain type of audience because the relationship situation you find yourself and later on in life not necessarily define your [ __ ] sexuality as sexuality doesn't necessarily have a whole lot to do with appearances you're acting like just because I don't own a [ __ ] castle I'm not interested in owning a castle just because somebody isn't with a beautiful man or a beautiful woman doesn't mean they don't want to be with one or the other or both at the same time Dudley he would appeal to an authority which will thority well himself his experiences his life this would embolden him in the audience's mind now we all appealed to our experiences from time to time but he often did it in a very personal revealing way and he did it very often the best I can tell you is to use your best judgment when I deal with people who have she I tend to disassociate myself with them because they don't really have any reason to have done beyond their own perversions so please decide for yourself what is best and don't do what I have done in the past or you forgive them for cheating finally he wasn't perfect but he knew it and he knew his audience wasn't perfect either he'd appealed to the beauty in the imperfection being the outcast the other people he was your voice but the values of others so important that whenever you look in the mirror all you see is what they tell you you was the person you wish to be truly someone else you wants to decide your actions based on what you think others will think of or would you rather live your life the way that you wants when you discover who you truly are when you finally decide to take on your dream to live by what harms no one what feels right to you the ridicule and mockery you get from others becomes irrelevant once you have found who you are once you discover the truth within yourself no lies or corrupt persuasion can change who you are they can't change who you wish to be he could be confrontational but he also could be sincere soft well-spoken but his messages were clear he wanted you to be stronger he'd been there he had been to the darkest places in the world and came out on top his imperfections were your imperfections he was as tortured as you but you didn't have to let that hold you back an idol is meant to be someone we can aspire to but also some we relate to and a nice Eon was crafted himself as the idol to the vulnerable broken youth he'd have all these opinions but they need to have this deep fleshed out back story here was this walking current to study sitcom he would derive a lot of his opinions from his very serious experiences but because of all his contradictory destructive purple behavior you'd have to lack some capacity and critical thinking to give him a pass and yet some people did in fact in spite of this he had a lot of devoted superfans which is probably what he wanted while the tones that he has conveyed is a consistent distrust and authority even those who might be qualified and let me let you in on a secret or at least a personal observation that I'm making he wants to be the authority before an easy on YouTube venture hopefully mentioned by a good friend earlier he ran a site called Seska I think this represents eventually what oniisan wanted his channel to be since Eska was a religion that Greg started when he was seventeen although he stated he had subscribed to the doctrine since he was 11 I personally find that unlikely but hey-ho I think deciding the truth on such a statement would be a bit of a tangent Seska has a concept had all these bizarre ideas that one might expect from a new startup religion oniisan would regularly spend time in forests promoting the religion sometimes acting as a follower sometimes acting as a founder maybe he was testing a response or maybe he was just doing what he felt was the most socially beneficial he also posted some emails he thought were a value from the sites including ones where he credits his sociopathic traits as giving him some form of godlike qualities how very inspiring there are many other highlights but you can see it for yourself in a way it makes him a monster in a way it makes him a god now we may laugh at things like this but the truth is that all over the world cults like this are formed under the belief that the person at the helm is some sort of God Onision knew that and therefore trying to replicate the formula to create a cyber cult of sorts abuse of power within cult is often solicited when a person is roped in by an individual's charisma or sincerity or extensive wealth or any other values like that but once they're in and once they have be kind doctrine ated with this belief system they become often dependent on the cult leader often financially and emotionally this allows people in power to exploit that control crazy occult online has a few downsides one of the biggest issues is physical proximity when you're trying to escape a cult it's not just mental entrapment but physical even if it's not exactly a prison the feeling that you may be chased or face a consequence even worse if you get caught is scary if a cult leader has shown themselves to be capable of exploitation who knows what lengths they'll go to maintain that obviously although someone is not powerless over the internet the window between people often gives them more control to make decisions that may help them distance themselves from controlling individuals on top of this it's hard to chow assets like charisma and sincerity into text form so it made sense to actually own easy ons YouTube channel worked better as a medium so while you pro-lifers I have a question how many times do you need to be raped and impregnated before you figure out that having a choice may be a little bit more important than you originally thought when you originally look on his channel maybe you're met with one of the less atrocious takes maybe you're met with something you feel passionately about maybe you're in need of help and you're looking for a philosophy to latch on to oniisan ISM incredible but he can communicate those feelings to a competent degree and every now and then he'll say something that will resonate oniisan would talk about his personal life his background his time in the army the time he almost took his own life it's all very personal he would talk about these experiences as if they weathered him in a way and gave him some found wisdom in my mind the moment that gun was to my head I stopped being afraid I stopped caring I've changed as a person since that day because now I feel like no matter what happens to me I made it way further than I should have the thing is although I said there was no discernible explanation for his behavior many people have created there is over the years including Gregg himself for example one situation where he diagnosed himself with borderline personality disorder to explain his volatile moods in videos regarding a relationship with another person named Adrienne this explanation was actually initiated by one of Greg's viewers and this led to a saga itself where he discussed it in a video hi I just found out something great from an uneasy indictment member I have borderline personality disorder so now we know the problem although he would denounce this four years later in another video claiming to be ignorant it definitely represents these sort of fleeting explanations that many of his audience grapple at to justify and understand his behavior and maybe even explain it themselves in that situation many more critical viewers have believed he was attempting to manipulate Adrienne back into a relationship with his videos before then scapegoating mental illness to avoid accountability for his behavior but hey at least he had that elaborate backstory in trouble and pain that reeled in so many people who felt like they knew him ladies and gentlemen they really didn't as mentioned it was a guys to be woods feel some sort of semblance of sympathy for all the terrible things he did over the few years so before we go any further I suggest we document the lies of oh nice young but to do that I brought my friend once again J Aubrey take it away my friend it's been a good few months since I've gotten to speak my [ __ ] but it seems Greg is just the gift that keeps on giving what better way to ring in the New Year than by revisiting our good pal rights looks like it's time for round two when James asked me to cover the many lives of Oni Siana I really didn't think it was possible I mean with an online footprint as monumental as Greg's keeping track of every intricate fable he's spun over the past decade is like stapling jello to a tree but his rampant dishonesty does go on to further illustrate the type of creature we're dealing with and with the time line is clunky is this one I suppose it's only right we try and keep everything as concise as humanly possible why don't we start at the beginning I was brainwashed that's a child to think that America was just the greatest place on earth and the air force is not full of nothing but elites okay now before I continue I want you guys to know none of this is confidential information okay there are movies about how corrupt the military is it's not new news and we're here is oh nice Eon has used his veteran status to glorify his own image while simultaneously criticizing the US military according to Greg he signed up for the United States Air Force when he was 19 years old in January 2005 not graduating boot camp until May of that year he joined SC re school the following day but immediately dropped out after refusing to kill a rabbit before moving to San Antonio Texas to begin special training in August he was finally deployed to South Korea before his honorable discharge in 2008 only it wasn't as honorable as he'd like it to be Hey so isopleth has been a bit of debate over what my discharge was from the US Air Force somebody posted this to Twitter I thought that was interesting that someone actually went in digging to find out whatever documents are out there see Greg is tried to get discharged a couple of times apart from regularly uploading videos in uniform he also tried to convince medical professionals he was depressed along with stripping naked and his sergeants office to prove he was human and quote not a robot he got thrown in a Cell and received an article 15 for that little episode probably wouldn't warrant an honorable discharge for sure but Greg was adamant about this and proved his nobility by showing off some documents as evidence in a video sure enough honorable was checked of so everything seemed to add up at least until 2017 when it became public knowledge that he received a general discharge you guys imply that it wasn't discharged how I said it was I wasn't discharged honorably in any way and then you release a document that says I was discharged how I described and then I was discharged under honorable conditions and you know what that's fine if I was discharged generally under honorable conditions that is still literally honorable by the title it says honorable receiving a general discharge under honorable conditions is not the same as an honorable discharge but you know that you still don't care with a discrepancy this minut is there anything you won't lie about started really at 17 Volta Seska you know if I had to guess if I want to play this little religious game I would I would go with the following theories I'm going to express over the next few days since the young age of eleven greg has denounced the teachings of the Christian Church turning away from the Bible and embracing a unique belief system of his own dubbed sucess Coe but after being exposed for trying to turn it into a religion in 2006 Greg denied his affiliation with the ideology deleting the website and a frivolous attempt to sweep the incident under the rug though unfortunately for you Greg you can't hide from me according to the archived site the lore behind sucess K goes as follows the earth creates all energy humans come from the earth humans are to protect the earth and our bodies are used as shells to feed our spirits yeah it's a rare glimpse into the mind of an 11 year old onion right there the website originally stated that sucess qey found its way into millions of homes across the globe until Greg later bumped that number down 2,000 fault that we can assume were growth over exaggerations meant to feed an already inflated sense of self-importance Greg's at religion would never meet its full potential not only do - it's insane principles but also his ridiculously ego driven attempts at recruitments outlined quite vividly in a 2005 female or he depicts himself as a sociopathic god-like figure in search of a loyal following so Seska would make a reappearance however under the religion tab of the Uni C on website in 2008 writing so Seska takes various beliefs from various religions that seem most logical and compresses them within one understanding that understanding is that there are unseen elements at work in the universe yet and success can untie to change the course of one's future in sucess care alliances on self is essential though this description barely lasted a year disappearing from the website again before 2009 it was later revealed through public court records the Greg had filed to have his name legally changed to sucess Co one point perfectly demonstrating his mental follies and further illustrating the man's twisted perception of himself a god who's on nipa Tain's knows no bounds though in 2013 his mastery was challenged after being called out for another infamous controversy widely known as turtle Gate I just looked up tortoise what exact kind of tortoise I have it's a Russian tortoise not a desert tortoise but guess what that means it means that the basking temperature of a tortoise that I had looking up look up Russian tortoise and you'll see a turtle that looked like the the tortoise I'd sorry I just keep saying turtle is just easy anyway Gregg announced on Instagram the death of his Russian tourists Reptar with a photo of a plastic bin laying upside down in his backyard according to Gregg Reptar his death was not the result of heat or a lack of oxygen but rather a panic attack like we induced by noisy neighbors claiming it could not have overheated because he bought the tortoise under a heat lamp disputing and he claims the vic nerds by playing victim and labeling his critics as hypocrites since most of them probably eat meat anyway you guys owe me a [ __ ] apology you do all y'all all y'all Smurfs you don't deserve names your Smurfs okay your Smurfs you owe me you owe an easy on an apology I did not kill my tortoise you want to know why because basking temperature for a tortoise is 95 [ __ ] degrees but in case you think his consistent incompetence is anything other than purposeful maybe you haven't heard about the wetlands CEO neesee owns property in washington is actually sitting on some pretty sizable wetlands only he isn't allowed to do much with them the law specifically prohibits him from damaging any of the land surrounding these bodies of water which is why questions began to arise after his neighbor's shot some footage of what looked like our friend doing just that this wasn't confirmed of course until greg literally filmed himself cutting down trees in his backyard after being explicitly told to stop landing himself in some deep trouble with the love and if you talk to your neighbors and the housing organization then guess what you wouldn't have gotten any fees and you would have been perfectly fine they would have said yes clear these out it is totally ok but no what you did was ignore the county coming to you and telling you that you can't do it and then you've rented a [ __ ] Bobcat you're on video doing it that's what they showed in court literally a clip of you and a bobcat mowing down a tree seeing as the man isn't exactly the upstanding citizen he may claim to be and he later emphasized that he did nothing wrong during his process of you know breaking the law but I guess it's all well and good because he still forced his audience to pay for it so I can't what what else is new long story short to all my haters I know you're useless and irrelevant but wish you could be my boyfriend dance and I know that's why you hate me so instead of [ __ ] me you'll just have to settle with my parting advice you should [ __ ] yourself you should [ __ ] yourself and [ __ ] me so go [ __ ] yourself I am a god and you are peasants scum so get a broomstick and plug your own bum oh nice Aeon may not be the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to wetlands but he sure could teach a master class in manipulation there's not one thing that falls out of this cretins mouth that you can take it face value with this rampant deceit dating back literal decades I'd sooner trust James to pay me and we all know that's a stretch but as one of YouTube's most prolific and notorious sociopaths it'd be ridiculous of us to expect anything less than unbridled deception in overt immorality I didn't bake my turtle okay that just was not it's not possible to be hot enough unless of course putting them in a plastic tub outside a large plastic table that has air coming into it and it has you're coming up to it and if you wanted out you could just dig you know cuz he's in he's in dirt and and grass he could just cuz they're digging Turtles those turtles dig anyway oh you didn't know that about the turtle either you didn't know he's a dating turtle you guys don't you need to do your research to quote you you need to do your research I was [ __ ] right you were [ __ ] wrong huh he's probably still think you're a good person you Joan there somewhere there's a phrase that money does not buy happiness the thing is with all these lies accounted for too many people they weren't lies even if there was evidence to prove otherwise that's the point of a cult people leave their reasoning at the door and once he had that grip over a dedicated fan base he could move in and take what he needed oniisan is like one of those badly worded spam emails but in this instance it's badly worded by design so that only people who can't notice its insidious nature will be interested enough to fall for it and once they've taken the bait Jonah's yawn moves in like a crocodile this can be observed over a number of methods the first one of course is using his power to ask pans for favorites one of the most common in this regard especially in the YouTube regard is money now I don't know how much money only son has made but he has three channels that have all approximately amassed two million subscribers each with a lot of views until very recently he had a patreon he has his own website with ads he sells books songs even an album now I highly doubt that too much of his YouTube content is now monetized and to be frank for good reason however in a lesson Soros time I'm sure he was making more than enough this is a guy who uploaded a lot and I mean a lot if you consider that at the peak he was uploading on to all three of his channels in very short time periods this was something he was heavily committed to and then you have to count all the videos he's deleted as well so it may come as a shock to many when in 2017 oniisan announced that actually he was in a serious amount of depth only see ons initial response like all craters under stress was to place his main channel behind a paywall after this was met with annoyance from many fans he once again flipped making an angry video telling people that their reluctance to support such content was because he was worthless to them a classic guilt trip he goes off on this massive diatribe about people stifling his dreams he has truly lost his marbles and I've gone from the oldest is not only am I not worth 49 cents to a lot of you guys but I never really had a real connection with a lot of you it was always about you getting something out of watching me and never about actually having a real bond with the person you're watching it's frustrating that there's such a huge amount of entitlement on this site and no realization or recognization for the person who's actually behind the camera who's actually trying to follow their dreams rather than just fall in line with everyone else so when you look at the monetary aspect five dollars and fifty cents a year or the forty-nine cents a month it's not just money this is you establishing that you're different than everyone else and that you can shell out have is it a third of the candy bar is that a third of a candy bar that you would be shelling out but you could shell out that small fraction just to actually help somebody you care about when you say you care about survive the huge financial wall that's about to crush them obviously this was a terrible way to respond and people who hit ly picked up on that and he had to change his tune so he came back a month later seeing a different key and explaining the situation in a bit more depth hey guys I talked to the IRS today and representative tax audit comm and I got some really bad news and the bad news is is that there's certain tax laws that I did not know about and one of these tax laws is telling you that you cannot deduct more than one 29th of a business property acquisition each year now initially I didn't see anything threatening about this video he opens up about his issue takes responsibility and appears to just be asking be able to support if they can which could be genuinely needed money he could ask and although I think anyone would be justified in telling him that this is his fault and he doesn't need any more money if you actively enjoyed his content then Who am I to tell you what not supports in that moment at least this is my screw-up I screw up hard I wasn't educated on these taxes and I use TurboTax and I hope that they would educate me on those but TurboTax didn't have a pop-up dialog that said hey when you claim this property you can only do one 29th of it never got a pop-up dialog saying that so it's a tough one I do have a patreon Niecy on you guys are keeping me going especially now that we know I have at least $150,000 in debt however not too long after he decides to go off on another diet try blaming an app called TurboTax for telling him that it was unlikely he'd be audited before complaining about the society he does indeed living as for chances of me getting audited every single year it was in the green Turbo Tax told me that it was a very low chance of me getting audited so never trusting TurboTax again and surviving this is going to be rough it's going to be heartbreaking but this is the country we live in and this is the government we're dealing with honestly although I said people can criticize the system while accepting personal responsibility it's a necessary part of providing perspective I just find his tone and structure rather unsettling it gives me the impression that he's attempting to manipulate an audience into having the perception that a one hand he's remorseful and yet it's over something that's not his fault it's society's it's like he's trying to manipulate people into thinking he's wrongfully remorseful and that he should receive support he also released this weird video on his main channel which seems semi ironic but then have these baryonic statements directed at some of his exes which I think confused the audience as much as me I'm now making you know what normal people make and I basically am feeling suicidal because of that I recently went through a breakup I've dumped somebody and they didn't work me after I don't know why I think I have an STD I didn't cheat on Lanie I just somehow got an STD even though Lanie doesn't have STDs still paying alimony literally that sucks we divorced like six years ago but you know me right my riding lawnmowers broken donate today now though that's my opinion on that set of videos I'm willing to provide benefit of the doubt to a degree that people respond to distressing situations in an often irrational way however Alicia wasn't finished with his crusade and another situation which demonstrated this more clearly came in to clutch this relating to her niece yawns wetlands Onision moved into another house in the last year and decided that he wanted to clean out some unwanted content from these wetlands now the wetlands were a protected area so nice John was not allowed to make too many changes to the surrounding environments in a legal document it's reported that only co wanted to clear the area for the purpose of having a clean view of the lake but even after being warned he persisted and eventually concerned neighbors caught him on video so category two wetlands here's a hundred foot buffer from the edge of the wetland for development permit at the very least mitigation for clearing now there is no doubt after watching this that oniisan acted recklessly and has four responsibilities the documents show he had been warned at pointed penalty and he persisted what exactly was the outcome well we can't exactly be sure we know the fines of up to ten thousand dollars for threatened however in the final legal settlement we do know that oniisan was requested to replant all the damaged and removed items so after being cooled out by many people clearly annoyed at his behavior what does he do well he obviously miss frames the situation for bits but then in response to all this criticism he starts a GoFundMe I know you care and I know you want to contribute and so I wanted to give you this opportunity to truly put your money where your mouth is please help support this campaign by showing how genuine you are and contributing whatever is financially comfortable for you please don't stress yourself over this this wetland is gonna be so incredible after you guys truly show that you mean what you say when you have such great concern for the wetlands of our world so I want to thank you guys because even if only one out of every ten people who have been made aware of this cause contribute we are still going be fully funded that's only a dollar per person if only one out of every ten people who have clicked on videos associated with this cause contribute this go fund me also see pretty immediate backlash and then in response Onision turned into a bait and switch claiming that he was baiting people into showing that they didn't actually care about the environment because they weren't actually concerned about his wetlands and they didn't want to give him money to show them that they wanted it replanted that is some a star grade logic there I didn't think anyone would donate I was actually doing that whole thing just to make a point and my point was kind of destroyed when some people started donating I did get the joke but I also feel the methodology was flawed if he started to go fund me to prove that no one actually cared or could put their money where their mouth is surely he'd have made it a more serious video to actually test people and even then it fails as a concept anyone with basic reasoning skills would say that donating to the untrustworthy man's crowdfunding project to restore the garden he destroyed would not be a good idea although masqueraded as a vague point it was once again a desperate attempt to raise money because he does not like losing it he has more than enough money no doubt about it but he hates losing money and around a similar time it appeared he also started another GoFundMe which is for a new only shield forum but that one is long gone it's like a broken record running round and round and round the real campaign is a message board I have a message board that I want to fund I really love forums and so forth and I want to fund that oniisan doesn't want money because he needs it oniisan wants money as a statement of power and he wants to see how loyal people are to him he never wants to lose it's a test of who really cares about him not the wetlands oniisan has and have multiple videos up where he is lamented the little money he makes and yet continues to live a life of reasonable wealth despite all this despite this overwhelming debt that I cannot pay I don't I don't see how I could because I don't I don't see how any bank is gonna give you $400,000 as a loan or anything if he cared about money as much as he claims to he wouldn't behave so recklessly but like a child it's all about how much he can get away with with the audience and see how they will excuse it it's a power trip to him and he's flying first class with a crowdfunded ticket but this plane is about to take one deep dive so only Shaun's pity party for favors is certainly a part of how he plays with his audience's emotions and dependence on him however why would he stop there there are multiple examples they've been documented in other people's videos for how he levies this control but there are points that many have argued this is pushed into rather perverse territory oniisan is a person who doesn't hide much and when i say that amount oniisan i mean it in the most troublesome sense when i was working on a video for jay aubrey covering the relationship history of oniisan i realized that he projected a fair amount of fetches onto his own channel coming for you come to me almost there wait what that's right baby the lips taste like cherry oh my god no it's feel so right without whiskers no more sandpaper except down there girl this one is from when he was having a width three-way relationship with two people who we'll cover in the next video in a way this is presented as a funny comedy video but it's not it's a cuck fantasy and this is just the tip of the iceberg when we get down to it there's a lot to talk about but we'll start with the Tama stuff which isn't saying much so Nissan has a third channel a commentary channel uh-oh bro such a nice name not satisfied with two channels he started this little project in around 2012 centering around commentary however this channel was very strange it posted on some instances very childish content but also a lot less savory stuff now obviously we have the wonderful initial forums the wholesome oasis in the barren internet desert and uh-oh bro has a channel where people send him pictures of themselves and he decides to rate them this was also the same channel in which he took a test to find out if he was a pedo excellent optics I must add suggested I take a pedophile quiz and I know a lot of you probably thought I would never take a pedophile quiz but I think that idea is freaking hilarious so I'm gonna do it in fact this channel is quite unpredictable in the tome with many criticizing him for placing child oriented content alongside much more mature uploads now if a person has a range of interests then they are more than welcome to express it but I don't think those were his motives so let's talk about this delightful rating system in an easy ons forum he had a place where people could post pictures of themselves and asked to be rated now I admittedly find the concept alone rather strange I understand why people send pictures to be roasted or complemented maybe but to be rated by oniisan well strikes me as a bit of irony Seon has a habit of making everything strangely personal as always if my ex wife is mad at that well she should have thought about that before she lied on her divorce and pushed me into a corner where I find myself paying alimony for six years of my life despite the fact that our marriage didn't even last that long and even unsettling meanwhile this girl's like eight out of ten yeah solid eight correct why not she's 15 years old well last time I checked we're allowed to have opinions about people it's not a perverted thing it's honesty okay on as a minor caveat that those clips were from a video on his only see on speak Channel although he has done videos on both channels with similar tones the Commons from that video in particular were just a personal favorites I mean if you gave it a passing glance you may not see anything dangerous about it on principle it's just with the context of his other work considered he probably shouldn't be rating people and with the latest clip he's made a hunch sent clear he has no issue if they're underage I'll be honest I'm not exactly sure what barometer he's rating these people on I'm sure many of us have told other people they look good or they look nice as a good compliment as a way to maybe encourage them or provide them with confidence but the sort of dynamic he's operating is slightly strange he's a large crater he knows his power he knows he's gonna have a load of young fan girls who want to appear in these videos because he's popular that was probably the major complaint relating to this content this extended to individual cases including a woman who claimed to be the sister of an 11 year old child who posted a picture in the forum to be rated only see on States the likes to keep his children off the internet due to these communities and yet actively engages them when they're not his own despite knowing the risk and the amount of creeps online who will take advantage of this sort of content I just like the whole dynamic I think it's unhealthy and I think given the context we're aware of once again it was a power trip that any CEO likes to feel control over his fan base the idea that he can provide his personal approval to people and they can be recognized by him I mean of course oh nice yawn put out a condescending response video they stated that the fact that he placed disclaimer in the forum stating that was 18 class was of course reasonable precautions excluding his other comments that make it look very flimsy people were not buying it at all and people didn't think that oniisan really had the protection of children at the center of his hops first off I want to stablish at the forum specifically State 18 plus only so if you submitted a photo and you're not 18 plus you either weren't paying attention or you're a liar either way shame on you it's not just a simple thing it's only she on taking what he can get and as we know from his history he doesn't have many limits and he has curated an audience who will consent to him doing anything and supporting him through multiple controversies and the fact that this sort of thing happened for years without anyone being able to take him down a notch was a testament to the commitment of many of his most dedicated audiences uh-oh bro seemed cultivated towards reeling children in with seemingly childish videos and then involving them in his much more mature rating game and other videos of the sorts it was a trap and easy on sexual desires paired with the immaturity of his tone on many of his videos is a concerning combination for many apparent it was spider-man and Elsa but more subtle however the notion of subtlety had warmth in by 2019 as his twitter became something else altogether [Music] hello everyone my name is fainted and today the right opinion has kindly requested that I use my professional tweet reading skills to narrate some oniisan tweets and it's about to get pretty graphic just a warning I don't care if you hate yourself after you masturbate to me I just want you to be satisfied just woke up with an erection will you take care of it for me we'll make you breakfast while you recover bro give up on lesbians they will never be into you if they are they're not lesbians I need more cute British accents in my life well this may be the video for you my friend we've got the right opinion we got fainted what more could you want I love the look in your eyes when you realize my baby is growing inside you you know I'm kind of over denying how incredible I am your screams of pleasure say it all I wouldn't [ __ ] you if I didn't think you were beautiful I wouldn't come inside you if I didn't think it belonged in you you were made to be [ __ ] by me of us may hate you but they don't win unless you hate them hmm in other news want to give me a [ __ ] they say when you have sex with someone a piece of them follows you for life I'm cool with that everyone has something beautiful about them my best moments are spent unloading inside of you oh wow I really hope my parents weren't listening when I was recording that the true colors were showing and people were starting to pay much more attention to his reckless behavior but there was a lots of digging to do over the years whether it was the lies contradiction infidelity animal abuse many people stood by him but even worse people went to him I wish we were near the end but we are not and that's why you should join me in part 2 where we talk about the individual cases and the mentality of the man behind them so yes that was the video I want to thank all my collaborators who've done such a fantastic job your contributions are greatly appreciated and I'm sending my love to all of you I don't really have too much else to add to this video I said stay tuned want to get a big shout out to my editors my patreon editors and patreon together imagine that that would be wild but yeah my editors check them all out patreon on the screen right now I've got a few individual thanks to give I want to give a big shout-out to my $50 patreon some hullabaloo Nico Deschamps and Caroline and a very special thanks to my hundred dog patreon Brandon and Stanton stands in the new guy thank you again Brandon's a a classical og thank you too if you want to reach me my twitter is at the right pinion Facebook the right opinion official discord in the pinned comment Instagram as well as said I don't really have too much else to add I'm gonna go die now so I hope you guys stay tuned for when I really hopefully not too long in the future because I want to keep everything on a relatively tight schedule thank you so until then on the right spin yin and I will see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,258,401
Rating: 4.9385471 out of 5
Keywords: tro, onision tro, onision, onision opinion, onision response, onision j aubrey, j aubrey, pinely, mista gg, onision meltdown, internet historian, the right opinion j aubrey, the demented world of onision, onision exposed
Id: ocXD7do4WVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 50sec (4310 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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