The dumbest reasons parents get mad - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is the dumbest thing your parents have ever gotten mad at you for refusing to clean my older brother's room I actually got thrown out of the house for the day which was great because I hung out with the dog and my dad sneaked me food overall a good day except for my mom being extremely angry at me for no reason why should you be held responsible for cleaning your brother's room maybe Opie is a she I know my mom growing up was expected to make her brother's beds every morning and do the women's work on weekends cleaning the living room bedrooms and hallway was her job her brother had to do men's work which was helping her dad with gardening for about six minutes and then watching football for the rest of the day I had a little mesh bag full of laundry scent booster crystal things in my sock drawer to keep my sock smelling fresh my mom went through all of my [ __ ] one day because she was pissed at me found it and accused me of smoking meth she didn't let me leave the house for a month despite me showing her the bottle of scent crystals that she bought sitting in our laundry room and offering numerous times to take a full drug panel she said I was lying low she knew she was wrong and didn't want to embarrass herself cruel this story pisses me off my mum complained I wore jeans too much and never wore nice pants so I started wearing nice pants since her complaining constantly isn't worth dealing with a week later she asked me why I never wore jeans and if they didn't fit she got really angry when I explained why what the dark I am just blown away by all the comments I have read thus far this one in particular made me stop and share my frustration the lack of logic and justice on these stories really piss me off I would be so mad if these kind of things had happened to me I mean my parents are not perfect and may sometimes overreact but come on some logic and common sense would be good lots of these are focused on parents contradicting themselves then getting upset when they get called out on it it's important to remember that anger is often a mask for other feelings like shame or embarrassment sleeping too much I had the flu while you really could have cleaned the house since you didn't go to school that day yes ugh my mom was like this I'd gotten sent home sick from work one day and stayed home the next and the day I stayed home she tried giving me a list of stuff she wanted me to do while she was at work I had to remind her I was staying home because I was sick for failing my Spanish class when I had a 97 in it Huck this one brings back a few sad memories 98% on a test highest grade in the class out of my desk for parent night well what are you do wrong why isn't that a 100% q-learning to never give actual grade numbers just a letter grade and now unironically my mom got mad at me for getting 18 stroked 20 on my first Chen quiz in college my dad beer had some fancy cheese that we both liked when he came to eat some he couldn't find it and blamed me it was found in the freezer a few days later where he put it and no apologies were given it rides me nuts when parents won't apologize to their children I hate how they think it'll undermine their authority if they apologize when really adjust breeds resentment and Rob's the kid of a lesson in accountability my South Asian mom was furious when she found me texting a boy from school she gave me this whole lecture about how this is against our values I'm not allowed to date etc the second I protest that this is just a friend and I'm not interested in him at all she immediately does a 180 and goes why not are you a gay that [ __ ] ducking gave me whiplash trying to keep up a couple of my friends and I still ask each other are you a gay when someone thinks some guy is hot but someone else doesn't my parents are really really devout Christians growing up my mom absolutely hated when I got close to girls she would constantly pester me about spending any amount of time with girls that I was friends with even in groups she was so paranoid about me having a girlfriend that I ended up not even trying to date at all during high school during my senior year she sat me down because she wanted to have a serious talk and proceeded to ask me if maybe I had feelings for other guys since I was 17 and hadn't had a girlfriend I was like for ducking real edit geez I didn't expect so many people to see this to answer the questions about how things ended up I replied to my mom's serious talk by expressing how ridiculous I thought the question was after how much [ __ ] she'd given me about liking girls things came to a head when I got into a fight with my parents because I wanted to go on a road trip with four friends two of which were girls I went anyway against my mom's wishes and after being away from them for a couple weeks realized how toxic the family was so I just didn't come home I moved in with my grandparents and stayed there for a couple years until I could move out on my own that was a really difficult time into my mom and I were really bitter towards each other more your [ __ ] of licking me and you need to stop I used to have all these crazy rules I didn't have a cell phone cause my mom was worried I would text boys but whenever I was out with my friends I had to call by five o'clock no matter what and if I forgot or wasn't with a friend that had a cell phone I was screwed I started working at a smoothie place after school my sophomore and junior year of high school I decided to quit for my senior year to focus on graduating and hanging with my friends and my mom was furious at me my mom would pick me up from hanging out with my friends and for about six months she'd smell my fingers randomly to see if I was smoking weed or cigarettes and sometimes asked if I was pregnant she'd also checked my movie tickets and asked me about the movie I saw to make sure we weren't sneaking into different theaters she always said she was hard on me because I can get and now she asks for grandkids every other day so when are you gonna give me a few grandkids my uterus is terrified of you I was under the deck looking for our cat there was a dirt ramp that opened wide at the bottom and the car sprinted up there and I was trying to get him out he disappeared going too deep I come out from under the deck and my dad pulled in the driveway what were you doing looking for the cat that's stupid what were you really doing don't lie the cat just seriously if you don't tell me what you were doing you're going to be grounded the I cat grounded two weeks I mentioned this many many years later and he had no recollection whatsoever I was just playing with the cat damn it broke a window on the house with a wiffle ball dad came home and said why were you hitting rocks at the window I said I wasn't we were playing wiffle ball and it hit and broke the window he said you can't break a window with a wiffle ball he picked up the bat and the ball hit it at the window and broke it never wanted to laugh so hard in my life but was too scared too he just said I guess you can then walked away at least he admitted he was wrong kinda breaking my foot at like 12 - 13 my mom thought I was faking it to miss school and stomped on my broken foot and hit with a broom funny thing I heard my foot crack and called her right when it happened and from her tone I got scared and dragged my foot to school that afternoon it got swollen after two minutes so every step hurt and was worse on the trip back but you know turns out the x-ray showed I was right she also blames a friend of mine and says he pushed me at school for my foot to break that I called her five minutes after I left home when it happened still haven't heard a sorry edit wedding sorry my English isn't that great hey this happened to my little brother he broke his leg riding a bike but it didn't swell that much and he is a tough little guy so my dad thought it wasn't that bad and he made him try to walk it off doctor said little bro was the first kid he's had that smiled when he was told he had a broken leg I broke my foot in fifth grade teacher did not believe me had to stay the rest of the day dad did not believe me made me move alone mother just about killed both of them for spending my paper route money I wasn't the one who spent it my mom was but when the newspaper told him I didn't turn in their portion of the money my mom got mad after me and acted like I was the one who had done it then made me get another job to pay back the paper for the money she kept but he kept that money too that's how my parents were Oh while your mom was a piece of [ __ ] she sure is of course when you're a kid there's little you can do about it me and my dad were talking about something I can't remember what and for some reason the names of Obama's daughters came up I could remember one Sasha but not the other so when we'd finished chatting I looked it up next time the conversation went that way a day or so later I said Sasha and Malia and his face just dropped did you look that up he asked yeah why well he was outraged at the idea it was like II took personal offence at the idea that someone who didn't know something might go out of their way to learn it for no reason other than to know it his logic seems to be that only the stuff he already knows is important because if it was important and he didn't know it he'd have looked it up already so anything he doesn't know is obviously pointless and dumb he's not fun when it comes to Trivial Pursuit Steve you know I only read books I've already read my dad does this too though he's literally said before well if I haven't learned it by now it's obviously not that important dad the world is always changing and learning stuff like new routes to work advancements in science or even upgrading the skills you already have isn't an insult to what you've already learned it's just building on your already present knowledge I wonder if it's a generational thing I used to get in massive trouble for bringing negative energy with the look on my face I'm not frowning it's just my face imagine being so ugly you get hit for it [ __ ] man my childhood in a nutshell gated look off your face what look confused smack my stepmother was fond of the don't talk back to me when I tried to defend myself of something she accused me of that I didn't do for example what have you done with my car keys my I didn't touch them they're right there don't talk back to any smack not getting out of the house and for going out too much oh I love the paradoxical ones those are the best don't play so many video games if you sit in front of that screen too long your eyes will go square if you bored come watch TV with me and your dad instead my monitor is usually set to some 15% of the TV in my parents house going from a cozy monitor with efflux to a sheer ungodly Ark of the Covenant i flare of blue light is so uncomfortable I have to sometimes look away from the pain but I still got square eyes yo my dad thought me and my friends were spraying Pepsi on the roof of the bathroom I was like 14 and seriously dumbfounded by how stupid he thought I was turns out the shitty contractor he hired it and put a sealant on when he painted the roof idk man one of my roommates in college managed to get wine stains on the ceiling where the things have happened wine stains on the ceiling isn't that hard and this is exactly how it goes move into new place get everything unpacked and settle in for your first night grab a bottle of wine can't find a corkscrew grab a screwdriver to punch the cork into the bottle wine erupts like a geyser this has happened to three different people that I know myself included responding to them asking a question and then getting yelled for talking back my favorite lesson was that responding while showing any emotion was copping an attitude and responding while remaining con was acting superior you might think keeping one's mouth shut would be the favored alternative but nope sigh all when you happen to disagree with a parent on something in their yell at you for contradicting them mom do the dishes me okay start doing dishes mom five minutes later vacu in the living room me I will as soon as I'm done with the dishes mum angry no you will do it now when I tell you to do something I expect you to do it as soon as I tell you me call me yes mom leaves dishes to go vacuum mom ten minutes later why aren't these dishes done yet when I tell you to do something you better finish it before you go do something else grounds me me screams not me but a friend of mine was at home alone for the day and needed clean clothes so he washed and dried his clothes when his mom got home and found out she flipped her lid and grounded him for a week sounds like someone is trying to make sure their children need them forever my kid is too and I haven't helped me do laundry so she can learn he moved out before even graduating high school and doesn't see her anymore sadly I don't think he has done anything productive with his life since I was grounded when I was 16 because I was mistaken for being a robber in my ex-boyfriends neighborhood some old person tipped them off saying they thought they saw me leap a ten-foot wall I'm five feet two inches so this is highly improbable before I knew it there were six cop cars following me and when they stopped to investigate my car they asked me did you happen to jump a ten-foot wall and steal some stuff from this house do you have any weapons TVs couches whatever in your car all I had was a bunch of paintings and art supplies in my back seat dummest night of my life like what the dark I was once sent to my room for poking your tongue out at your mother I was looking sold off my lips we'd just finished eating fish and chips or dinner my dad got mad at me for not putting up with his alcoholic rants man my dad was the same way when I was a kid but instead of getting yelled for not putting up with it I got yelled at because mom would yell at him to stop yelling at me and it was my fault somehow mom called me a son of a [ __ ] during an argument and I agreed son of a I was talking about your father me too high-five freeze-frame dad crying in the corner roll credits went out drinking one night son decided I was too drunk to drive so I called a sober friend to take my truck home for me sober friend ended up getting hit by a drunk driver and my truck got totaled I got yelled at for being irresponsible was your friend okay he got kind of banged up from it but was generally okay after it could have been so much worse though and came very close to being a lot worse but my parents didn't even ask once if everyone was okay or not back in the early days of Facebook when I was about 15 I left my profile up on the family computer one night the next morning my mom who was still wary on the whole social media thing opened the computer and sees my profile when I finally wake up a while later I come downstairs to her pissed as hell and saying that I had a picture of myself drinking beer with a friend as my profile picture along with the whole you'll never get a job because of this thing I calmly point out to her that the picture is of my friend and I drinking hot chocolate at the ski lodge from our vacation last year and that she was the one who took that picture parents and Facebook are a goddamned nightmare I posted the link to Leviathan a song along with some lyrics once into my aunt's swords made a huge deal about me being depressed in to bully online song was hijacked box bTW so my mom without even talking to me about first deleted my accounts and had a massive freakout over it she did this like four times with my Facebook accounts because she had randomly get a stick up the ass about me sharing music movie quotes or pictures playing video games somehow watching TV for three hours was okay but playing a game for the same amount of time was a horrible addiction I'm 30 now and thinking back on this still makes me angry not to mention they ignored the hell I went through as a teenager and said everything wrong with me was from video games yes I had a literally brick thrown at me from a car and was also treated like garbage by so many people for no reason at all was not why I was so upset it was video games their logic made no sense what's even weirder is that they were the same people who brought me video games my parents were like that with magic magic was evil any computer game or card game that involved magic was forbidden in my house they destroyed so many of my games along with two boxes worth of Magic the Gathering cards things as a little kid my mom would always read me the magic faraway tree series and my dad encouraged me to read The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings my dad asked me to repeat what my mom had said in a heated argument when I was young so I repeated verbatim exactly what she said which included the word art old man popped me so hard in the mouth I fell off the dining room chair I'm still confused about the logic there 15 years later why was he asking you to repeat what she said I'm guessing so he'd have someone to pop in the mouth that wouldn't fight back or call the cops on him I remember getting yelled at a lot for not being hungry why the heck was it such a bad thing around age 8-10 to have a small appetite oh and my father would get furious whenever I got sick this one I understand a little more is 90% of his emotions were expressed via anger I was an accident and was pretty much the cause of my family becoming broken due to financial instability and divorce when I was seven so pretty much anything they can make an excuse for no they chose to have you then ducked up their own financials they were idiots and shifted the blame on you when they were in the wrong for their own duck ups my dad got all kissy when I asked to see a therapist for depression like it was a personal failing and I chose to have it that was fun I had a teacher in high school who in retrospect saw that I was depressed and tried to get me help but even I didn't know I was depressed so when I talked to my counselor we were both like sue why are we talking I figured it out when I was out of the house and on my own insurance so luckily I didn't have to ask my dad to see a therapist I imagine I would have gotten the same response from him that you got when I mentioned as an adult my depression he said what do you have to be depressed about my dad brought up my depression randomly on the way to the store because I guess my mom told him about it his wise words why don't you think about all the people who have it worse than you thanks dad now I have depression and I feel guilty my mom once got insanely mad that I wasn't home without telling her I was around 18 at a time she got so mad she repeatedly called me and texted angry messages and went on a rampage around the house I was upstairs in my room sleeping the entire time and didn't wake up until a few hours later - her messages and my stuff all tossed around kinda hard to explain I was upstairs the entire time and didn't hear anything oh oh I have a fun one I lived in a dorm my freshman year roughly an hour away from my parents I visited home one weekend and drove home Sunday afternoon around 2:00 p.m. I texted my mom that I had arrived she responded like any college student my sleep schedule was duct and I decided to have a bit of a catch-up so I laid down for a nap I had said hi to a few friends in the dorm before this well apparently 15 minutes after my mother confirmed that I had parked in a lot not 50 yards from my dorm in broad daylight on our safest College campus she texted me to see if I had made it into the building I didn't respond because I had plugged my phone in and gone to sleep che absolute ducking freak out by the time I woke up three hours later I had over 100 text messages 25 missed calls three voicemails the last text just said we are coming yes she and my enabler sister were in the car barreling down the interstate to find me after messaging multiple friends and at least one of them saying yeah I saw her coming she said she was going to nap that wasn't enough I must be dead I must be raped kidnapped murdered that was the only option she was soo mad at me screaming hysterically sobbing how could I have worried her so much and that's how I stopped for responding to my mother's texts she lost the ability to reason so I cut the cord thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit and chill, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, reddit on tap
Id: Z-xLjgg4CK4
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Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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