What do people think is a scam, but they just don't understand it? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet Reddit what do people think is a scam but they actually just don't understand it me in the Aldi parking lot trying to trade someone my quarter for their cart when I tell them they have a coupon for $50 off when they spend $100 and so far they spend $60 so they can pick something else out that'll basically be free there is a lot to be said for phrasing and delivery in customer service something I learned after many years in sales if no one is having the desired reaction when you are saying something just stop saying it and find another way to put it it isn't worth finding out who is stupid and who isn't they may be dumb for not understanding but there is also a bit of stupidity and continually trying something that doesn't work and expecting different results at Costco we sell certain bakery items in two packs but you have to grab two different packages Costco does this so you can mix and match varieties however at the register if you tell someone we only sell them in a two-pack they almost always say they don't want it anymore however if you tell them as BOGO they almost always go back and grab another one unemployment benefits there are many that I've worked with that didn't understand that unemployment payments and handouts from the government one employee who truly was let go for no reason other than downsizing just refused to take it no matter how much I tried to explain it to him it was sad because he really needed it and just couldn't understand that the employer pays into the unemployment fund specifically for this kind of thing it's the shame and stigma associated with unemployment I've had to convince people that it's money you put into a system for just this reason it's ridiculous I was on unemployment for last six months I also put a shitload of money into that system for the previous 11 years no shame here my dad thought steam was a shady company because $800 was taken off his credit card on a game he later found out my brother took his card and was the one who spent all that money my parents still think it's an illegitimate site no matter how many times I tell them that it basically has a complete monopoly on shopping for online gaming my parents think it's used for money laundering in that I buy buying games skins whatever help them reach their goal literally anything that requires a signature confirmation that they've seen their doctor's care plan and we've reviewed it with them refused to sign financial form that will get them free medications that normally cost more than $1,000 a month refused to sign form that allows us to provide them a nutritional supplement at no additional cost refused to sign refusing a flu vaccine that could prevent them and the rest of the clinic from dying over the winter and then also refusing to sign the form confirming that they've refused the vaccine I had a friend who refused to sign her credit card because if it gets stolen they'll be able to copy my signature I tried to convince her that if it's not signed they won't even have to try to copy it they can just use their own but she wouldn't believe me one time I was trying to pay something with a new card and I'd forgotten to sign it person tries to compare the signature to a form a just signed in front of them alerts me to the fact that there's actually no signature on the card I say oh sorry forgot and signed the card on the desk right in front of their nose they then compare the signature to the form I signed one minute before yup checks out payment approved what what kind of security measure is that some gas pumps only hold one dollar so you can effectively get a full tank of gas a day or two before payday on the other end of the spectrum I've hit truck stops on i-95 that do a 150 dollar authorization on my credit card when I begin to pump startled me the first time since the merchants name wasn't very descriptive I thought the card was compromised till I figured out what had happened my grandma thought buying anything online was a scam for years Amazon Xbox store ordering food etc she couldn't understand that you could actually buy stuff with your credit card without going to a physical place or saying it over the phone edit she's fine with it now the only thing she buys online is her medicine but she has let me buy things using her card a few times when I was younger this is the same as my Phil he boasts regularly that he doesn't have internet banking and has never bought anything online then complains regularly that the bank is only open after work hours on Thursdays I have friends and their mid-20s who still ask my how I can trust Amazon I own a business and I sell a lot of surplus inventory on Craigslist a fair up eBay I try to get as close as possible to what I paid for it so I can get my money back oftentimes people don't have the money for a particular item and I offer that they can leave me a deposit to hold it for them $25 50 depending on the item most items are $500 1000 range just so I don't waste my time holding it people always assume I'm trying to scan them even though I write a receipt for them take my ads down etc and I'm a reputable business they are the ones that put me in this position by not having the money edit just to clarify I am not asking anyone to leave a deposit before they see the item the way it typically works is someone comes out to look at an item they like it and ask me to hold it until they get paid or next date I offer to hold it if they leave a deposit and they freak out as though they don't trust me ask for larger deposit for some reason people are more skeptical of a smaller seemingly too-good-to-be-true deposit I ask for 50% I've heard an anecdote about an elite tourism operation in New Zealand that would take people on private helicopter flights to go hunting they couldn't work out why they had trouble getting business because it was a good offering compared to other operators in other countries eventually they doubled their prices without making any other changes and suddenly were selling out turns out rich people don't trust things if they're too cheap artists who want money for their work even for a friend relative doing a piece of art takes time talent and effort some people want to detail the piece of art that will take hours to complete and want it for free even if you're a friend or family member it's still a lot of time and work please pay artists for their work I'm begging you as a general rule if you've requested something from someone and they spend their time on it offer to compensate them generously especially if it's someone you know well and we'll continue interacting with frequently compensation doesn't always mean money but if they just carved you a life-size George Washington on a velociraptor out evoke you better do more than offer to bake them cookies or Babis it for them next Friday my mum thinks sites that accept credit card payments are a scam you know what ll really blow her mind assuming you live in the u.s. at restaurants you hand your server your credit card they disappear and do god knows what with your card information then returned five minutes later as a Canadian this was the most duct thing I ever experienced paying at the restaurant in the US for the first time in Canada the waiter will just bring you the card machine to the table and he do it yourself I had no idea what the duck was going on when she brought me the cheque embarrassing law when you're making a new account somewhere and it tell you to enter the email and a password for your account some people think they're asking for the password to your email holy sh t I never expected to even get more than 100 up votes on a comment thanks everyone I'm not remembering two passwords hello we've been trying to reach you about an important safety recall notice for your vehicle edit oh my god read it gold and silver okay ah okay all right guys serious [ __ ] here go get your recalls fixed quit ducking around it's dangerous business call the dealership ask if there are any recalls get them done I mean it thanks for gold and silver who knew half acid joke based on the constant incessant nagging of my local Honda dealership would earn me Awards edit moreover I'm glad I've helped educate some people in the seriousness of this topic best part of this is that potentially I've helped some people not die from the tar Carter Claymore style airbag train wreck I'm happy to have helped you out redditors something I learned will cost shopping years ago if you're worried there's been a recall on your vehicle call your local dealership they'll ask you for the VIN number they'll be able to tell you right away if there's been a recall had a shifty salesman try to sell me a car with multiple recalls he swore up and down that everything had been taken care of and nothing needed to be replaced I called my dad to ask since we had a ten week old infant that would be riding in the car he gave me the above advice as it turned out the car had three major recalls that hadn't been taken care of Edit since some people are getting unreasonably angry with me for not buying the car I'll clarify recalls are free to fix and I wouldn't have had a problem doing it but when I directly asked there's been recalls with this is everything taken care of and I get the answer that yes everything is taken care of and yes they're sure only to find out I'm being lied to why would I buy from them it was a used car place they weren't a dealership we decided to go to a dealership instead you can also go to new saga of link if you're in the u.s. at least four your car manufacturers website to check for open recalls just Google car manufacturer recalls should be within the first couple results when the mechanic tells you that your brake pads are completely gone and says it's just bare metal to metal my brake pad wear indicators were causing some squeezing recently took it to Nissen and they said I needed my brakes changed if they left it at that I probably would have told them to do it but than they listed off at my fan belt and transmission fluid also needed changing my car has 30,000 kilometers on it so I became suspicious I went home and checked the brake pads myself and they were over 50% fan belt was fine rotors were smooth the issue is that some mechanics will genuinely try to scam you brake pad gone better change the rear ones as well looks like the rotors area worn out to have to change them oh no your tires don't match the new brakes it'll be much safer if you change them and now the suspension needs realigning to compensate for all those changes when people know nothing about cars it's far too easy for mechanics to make [ __ ] up generic store brand versions of Tylenol Aleve etc it's the same stuff probably made in the same factory just with a different label on it yes so many I know refused to buy the generic store brand because it costs less it can't work as well not only those but many generic foods are made on the same lines as name brands breakfast cereals are a big example I also can't for the life of me figure out why people by name brands of common staples eggs salt sugar etc cereal is one thing I buy name-brand I find that name brand Captain Crunch doesn't get as soggy as quickly as the generic also name-brand Cinnamon Toast Crunch I don't know man you shouldn't mess with a person cereal people being paid for their time and knowledge I hear if you loved animals more and once so greedy you would do this for free every day at my job would love to enter their office and demand their services for free just ask them if they want to pay your bills expenses and feed you and your family if you have one I'm going to botch this but I love the story about the company who had a major piece of equipment break on them completely incapacitating operations they for the life of them couldn't figure out how to fix it after spending days and days on it losing their shirts in lost revenue they called a specialist who was the only person who knew the insides and outs of the machine management told him what was was going on with the machine the GAR listened intently he walked over to the Machine inspected at four minutes pulled out his hammer and hit a specific part of the machine a couple of times the Machine roared back to life to good working order he walked back over to management and handed them an invoice for $1000 they were infuriated he'd only spent one minute on it so management asked him to provide an itemized invoice he took the original invoice and wrote two lines on it labor charge five minutes five dollars knowing where to hit with a hammer nine hundred and ninety five dollars knowledge is valuable my friends you can DIY but sometimes you just gotta shell out for someone who just knows it saves you money edit someone down the chain shared a link to the actual story Smithsonian Mack comlink headed to grammar apparently the visual of loosing the shut is different from the losing of the shirt getting a raise that gets you to a higher tax bracket seriously people don't even use Google to verify it when you get to raise only the portion of the salary that goes above the bracket is getting the higher taxes and you absolutely cannot convince them otherwise they won't hear it about a decade ago I worked as an auto detailer when I was trying to get my foot in the door and a shock paid a flag rate that meant that a job paid a fixed amount of hours no matter how long it took you to do it thus rewarding expertise and efficiency like a detailed job on a car could pay a flag rate of three point two hours but if you were efficient and lucky it might only take two hours drawback is sometimes it takes four and still only pays three point two so better than average mechanics and Detailers could easily get 1214 hours in them 810 hours day it wasn't uncommon to see 140 hours paychecks for 80-100 hours of work but I still knew people who would never go above 80 100 hours flagged because if I get more hours the government will just take more taxes out oh yeah dumb bus but you'll also be taking home a duck load more money at $16 HR and you absolutely cannot convince them otherwise they won't hear it dude I worked payroll for a while and people kept filing in for the last paycheck of the year to change their withholding to single so they'd get more money back they would then comment for the first paycheck of the year and change they're withholding status to married and add their children in they swore up and down that if they did this they'd get Ohio tax return three years people did this and I could not explain it to some of them and I have no clue who put the idea in their heads I've been around money strapped people most my life and never heard of this tax returns are based on the actual amount where they'll not the status on your w-4 so if you change your status to single and leave it that way more money as with else from your check and your return is bigger but that's because you didn't take the pay home to begin with edit half of you guys aren't getting it they weren't actually withholding their pay they would change it for a single pay period and then think they would get the money as though they'd withhold for the full year the air in bag of chips it is nitrogen and it serves a dual purpose first to protect the chips and second to prevent them going stale you want your chips to be crispy you got to have the nitrogen in there the thing that pisses me off is how everyone who complains acts like they are the first to have found this brilliant piece of social commentary holiday vacation insurance having previously traveled to USA if anything went wrong where I needed medical assistance I would be absolutely ducked without the insurance some old people still think stocks is a scam or any financial investment for that matter yes I know an older person who is very proud to have pulled all her money out of mutual funds at a time when the market went down she seems to have this idea that it all went down and never came back up not just investing a large portion of poor inner-city communities in America don't have a bank account and refused to trust any banks with their money there's a reason you see so many check cashing stores in these areas people get paid with a physical check and cash it out ass and of course the check cashing places are a total scam they take a pretty large cut of your paycheck whereas depositing it in a savings account will actually gradually help you accrue interest but there is so much mistrust of financial institutions that many people still won't open an account there's also the matter that a lot of banks require you to keep a minimum balance which many people in poor communities literally cannot afford and they often get hit with all sorts of fees like overdrafts and the like that people who aren't living paycheck to paycheck never have to deal with I totally understand why people in these communities would be mistrustful of banks but I can't imagine how much it would suck to have some shady corner store take 10 - 20 % of my paycheck every week edit take those rates with a grain of salt apparently many places are for lower rates than that internet connection speeds they get 100 MB per second speeds and think it's 100 megabytes per second not realizing it's only 12 point 5 megabytes per second then they claim they have slows speeds because they can't downloads this game in four seconds turns out I was one of the ones who never really understood how it worked Thank You M B stands for megabits n V stands for mega dives a bit is one stroke eighth of a byte so a megabit is one stroke eighth of a megabyte preventive dental maintenance I've lost count of the people who have proudly told me over the years of having your teeth cleaned by a hygienist as a scam and that plaque is not really a thing I've also had a surprisingly large number of seemingly rational people tell me that dentists create holes in your teeth so they can scam you with fillings the fact that I have had at least two dentists tell me I had cavities that follow-ups with other dentists couldn't find and that one tried to upsell me on braces that I don't need makes me pretty wary too maybe I just have teeth that heal between visits but I doubt it the talent is of course but I've had some bad ones I had a dentist that was awesome for so many years he was great honest and did really good work for fair prices then one day he moved offices which I thought wasn't a big deal my next visit with him was totally different he suddenly told me I was grinding my teeth that's night and needed to have the tops of all of my teeth bonded to protect them that he'd max out my insurance for the year and then proceed once the new calendar year started I've had a chip in a tooth bonded before and it has fallen out twice overtime it's normal bonding doesn't last and sure as hell won't last long when it is on the biting surface he also said he really thought I needed to have a few whitening treatments along with it they wanted an ungodly amount of money for this procedure and it just didn't feel right when I left the office they asked when I wanted to make an appointment for that work and I declined to which the receptionist wanted me to sign a copy of the chart showing I declined work to protect them from legal action I might take from the negative health effects of declining important dental work I declined left and some weeks later they mailed me a copy of the chart like some kind of weird threat none of it made any sense try to dig around and find a dentist that is still independent it makes a huge difference the ones that are part of these new owned groups will push services harden will make diagnoses that are often [ __ ] so they can rake in the cash unclaimed property what I am referring to is most all US states have a website you can visit and enter your name and it will search through a government database for any assets usually money that is owed to you for example let's say you were on the budget plan for your electric bill and one day you cancel it and move away your remaining money sitting in that account was probably mailed to your old address then return to the sender now they give it to this government unclaimed property division where it sits in this database for something like 10 years after which time of it's not claimed the government keeps it so yeah sometimes I search my friends names and let them know if there is unclaimed property that they can claim usually such messages are ignored or they try telling me my account was hacked due to suspicious messages they've received from me thanks for this I found two unclaimed refunds in my name totaling two hundred and ninety four dollars the state's controllers office is sending me a form for paying thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: JVlEK4_wCPo
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Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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