How did the cool kid transition to absolute outcast?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet Reddit what did the popular kid that your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast he got drunk and killed a family of four in a car accident that's so dark I know this sounds bad but in scenarios like this I'm glad all four died imagine knowing that you've now left a seven-year-old with no immediate family or a parent with no partner or children that in my opinion is even worse than all of em dying killed an infant in a car accident completely shut down during senior year wouldn't talk to anybody anymore I had a cousin who died as a very small child because she walked out from behind two parked cars into the street out front of a church a young man was driving to church and accidentally killed her he never drove again ruined his whole life poor guy my college roommate knew a guy that did the exact same thing accidentally hit a small child that came out between parked cars and I think he may have even served jail time because it was I believe on the main road of a very small pa town inter he was going like five ten miles per hour over the speed limit I can't really recall because it was like six plus years ago she also said it ruined him so very sad for all parties also my condolences very sorry to hear this kind of thing happens all over edit I suck today I learned young kids really do walk out from in between cars I always you met was kind of an overstated myth because in my life [ __ ] driving I have only seen teenagers do it a lot while looking at their cell phone sometimes in groups as big as 10 teenagers all at once without any of them looking I was a PA juror in someone's car when 10 teenagers 15 18 ish all decided to cross the street at once without looking the driver had to lock our brakes instantly with zero reaction time to spare and stopped only 2 feet away from the group it was a 60 kph speed limit Road with raised sidewalk and she was doing the speed limit I can't imagine how bad you would feel for hitting an entire group of kids like that crack he and his couple friends started smoking crack senior year of high school they got quarantined to themselves ran into one of them a couple weeks ago he kept trying to get me back to their apartments to do meth well at least he's off the crack he upgrades to crack plus the I crack s plus most popular kid in my middles school was this big Samoan dude looked like he was 13 going on 25 years old I remember he gained a lot of popularity when he serenaded this girl and cl2 ask her to the dance he had music playing on his iPhone and he started belting out love songs while on bended knee later on that year he went from hero to zero when we found out he'd been molesting his sister 0-100 we luck in quick Oh God hope he chokes on a straw he is not a total drugs you're the cool kid in ninth grade if you're smoking weed all the time you're not the cool kid in 12th grade if you're addicted to heroin wait stoners are cool now vastly different from my HS years in the 90s me and my friends were the potheads and we would definitely look down upon the entire five years of high school about half the people at my high school smoked weed and this was in the late 2000s there used to actually be a market for clean urine samples due to most of the athletes doing drugs I'd have thought in Vancouver in the 90s in a school of 3,000 some odd students that there would be more but nope just me and my group were the ones funny enough we didn't even smoke weed at school just in our off hours sent his girlfriends naked pics to the whole school row what a scumbag the worst part of it was the excuse he gave I'm so sorry I didn't mean to send it to everyone just a couple guys from the basketball team he ended up switching schools yes to illegal dung accidentally left a video of himself sticking stuff up his on a phone that he sold to another student I never saw him again after that plot twist he was just trying to hook a brother up and it backfired like quarter toothbrush Legault or like remote cucumber dildo one is for the audacity the other for oddity he was popular because he was a rebel that talked back to teachers and insulted then openly he became an outcast because he made the teacher everyone laughed cry I had a guy in my CL do this recently nobody really talks to him anymore rule one of school don't tuck with the cool teachers edit and don't be a douche to the not so cool ones most teachers are cool were cool at some point at some point that he made that teacher not so cool killed two university students while drunk driving and then complained because she wouldn't be able to go to the bar and get drunk on her 18th birthday how shallow and narcissistic do you have to be to fold this [ __ ] [ __ ] hell there's someone further up who killed a kid entirely by accident and went into self-imposed isolation because of the guilt pretty irking shallow and narcissistic unfortunately I know a girl from high school who hit a stroller while plastered she had two walking miracles happen to her that year one the child wasn't in the stroller the mom had fooled them out while talking to a friend and two somehow the judge didn't hit her with the book and agreed to let her keep her license and skip jail with the condition of probation no drinking and mandatory AAA she posted on Facebook probation starts tomorrow who wants to get plastered before I can't anymore she didn't even make it one day row he hooked up with two of his friends girlfriends they ditched him after that edit people are asking why the girls went along with it this was high school and there was a lot of partying and alcohol no excuses but for a lot of people it was their first time getting drunk and completely wasted edit to one guy dumped his girlfriend for cheating but the other one didn't I guess it was because she was his first love and childhood sweetheart so he forgave her this kid in middle school used to talk [ __ ] to everyone he had nice stuff his parents got him and everyone thought he was tough and could fight until one day he started on a special-needs kid nobody had ever actually seen the popular kid fight he just was excellent at intimidation now a lot of the special-needs kids in my area well just students who were mentally challenged but had overall learning disabilities many of those kids came from very tough homes and the special-needs kid who the popular kid messed with was an absolute savage he grew up in a pretty tough part of town but was really a gentle giant he could play football he was muscular he could do everything the regular students could do except speak properly a minor speech impediment the popular kid challenged him to a one-on-one fight and got his kicked by the special-needs kid I'm talking blood everywhere his clothes got ripped one of his sneakers landed like 10 feet away and to top it all off he even tried running away after the first few punches the special-needs kid grabbed him and pulled him back it was a Renee Kerr the popular kid not only lost all of his influence but didn't even have the guts to come back to school for like a week if I ever saw Instant Karma it would have had to have been on this day because he was quiet as a mouse the rest of the years through high school a lot of the special-needs kids in my elementary to high school were pretty regular they just had anger problems so everyone knew not to say anything to offhand my boyfriend in junior high school told one of the special-needs kids his breath was stale and he got his head busted open on the side of the building I was friends w one of the girls in special ed when she found out her BF was cheating she knocked the other girl out with one punch and kept going it was brutal she was beautiful and smart just easily provoked neither of them got suspended though Edit school administrator here in the US schools cannot suspend a child with an IEP individualized education plan without reconvening the entire IEP team teachers specialists Paras administrators nurse etc the team then would have to determine whether the behavior was a manifestation of the child's disability or not if it is a manifestation then interventions and other strategies to manage the behavior need to be tried to ensure that we're not unfairly punishing a child for something they cannot control if not a manifestation then the child can be suspended after a certain number of manifestation meetings then a child could potentially be out placed to a special school it's possible that manifestation meetings were held and you weren't aware of it edit schools can suspend kids up to a certain number of days before holding the manifestation meeting thank you you slashed into nails and a drag for the reminder most of the administrators I know personally really think long and hard before doing so anyway in the case of IEP students and try to go for less intense punishments first cutter give credit where it's due the dude had speech 100 she tried to manipulate all her friends and pit them against each other with a bunch of catty lies well that in combination with wearing her pageant sash and Crown to school for like a week all-girls school was your friend Iago by any chance the parrot from Aladdin lol no the bad dude from a fellow there was a guy that was pretty popular he got really drunk at a party and totally didn't know where he was he pulled down his pants squatted and totally started to poop he moved away immediately he was a senior and I was in eighth grade that was well over 25 years ago good well he friended me on Facebook a couple months ago and I kinda recognized him I racked my brain and it came to me the guy who pooped at the party poor guy I mean is nobody else going to say it no all right geez what a party pooper every party needs a pooper that's why we invited him sometimes when I'm pooping at home in my own bathroom I think what if I'm delusional and I'm really somewhere else what if I fell asleep at work and I'm dreaming and pooping in my chair what if I wake up and there's poop everywhere it haunts me join our community discord link in description he seduced a choir girl in school she was really soft-spoken but super nice to everyone basically everyone's little sister she was absolutely beloved by everyone in her year and he was a year older he was her first love and he hugged her once took her virginity and then essentially abandoned her she was devastated by it and it broke her for the rest of the time she was at school she went right into her shell and barely spoke to anyone when he started bragging about what he did everyone hated him he even got beat up a few times because people were so angry at what he did that really is messed up that it's so wholesome that your school came together to stand up for this girl people coming together for a common cause to beat is just because Wu Tang for the children there was a popular cheerleader at my school that was in a bad car wreck and she suffered severe brain damage the day she came back some of her friends aka the popular kids sat with her at lunch every day after that though they sat on the other side of the cafeteria in their normal spot and she was with the other special-needs students they would walk past her without saying a word as far as everyone knew her entire group of friends completely abandoned her I don't think she missed them though so silver lining she seemed to be very happy most of the time after the accident not so much before this was in the mid late 80s and every teen movie with a bunch of shitty preppies pretty much accurately depicts the popular kids in my HS exact same happened in my CL she had a shitty boyfriend who she wanted to break up with because he was mean to her but he died in the accident so all she remembered was how great he was because of her mental issues after the accident edit it's been 35 years after telling my kids about this I remember that though she had some small memory coordination issues she was on the chess squad senior year my CL had some jackass but this girl wasn't treated poorly pulled out a knife and slashed another student kid with the knife went to outcast status kid that got slashed became super cool and had a scar everyone wanted to see it I can link to an article about the stabbing if anyone's interested edit telegraph co uk link so your school had a knife incident and their response was to ban firms the phones who had the evidence were to blame but not the knife or the lack of security in school sounds like school got hit by a train everyone cared about him until he got out of the hospital and wasn't the same mentally from head trauma all the other popular kids mock him and have him blocked on social media to this day that's messed up something similar happened in my high school kid got drunk and dove headfirst into a pool that was drained off water nearly died came out of the hospital a totally different dude he received mostly nothing but support and encouragement from the whole school although some were apathetic due to the nature of the situation that led to the injury that's so sad Robbie was a big huge ucking bully I used to play football with him watched a coach go full arcing psycho on him literally kicking him in the older way off the field because he spit on a player and the god damned goal other just sent the coach into a rocking rage and Robbie mocked him the whole way off the field but when that kid hit you it was like [ __ ] freight train he was always very dumb and angry and arcing rabbit he teased everyone for everything yet somehow remained pretty popular in the upper echelon because he hit like a beast and won football games but then one day it was so aking weird he came to school in a sweater with an unironed button-down underneath he usually came to school and torn shirts and basketball shorts and was generally a disheveled mess he had an older brother Ronnie who never looked like any of that so we knew he wasn't poor he was just being Robbie so this was a big deal and it was busy and when people asked him what was up with it he would just say I'm gay now it was so aking strange he did not lose any intensity but he kept say like I'm gay now I like bombs okay and I want a boyfriend you want to go out I saw him get genuinely upset with people laughing at him he'd just scream I t's not a joke I'm a can guess nobody wanted to touch that Hawking weirdness with a ten-foot pole we figured best-case scenario the dude had lost her bet but then he did it the next day and the next four months he kept dressing a Robby version of crappy and proclaiming his gayness pretty sure he got an earring at some point if I remember correctly he later recanted all of this and screamed down anyone that brought it up maybe it was a legit attempt to come out but he just robbed heed the whole thing up until it was unpalatable he's in prison now edit this got pretty big gonna change a name to mask it a bit more of all the stories this one raises the most questions by far it raises the least questions and is probably one of the saddest Rabi bullied people because he probably felt thats how people would treat him if they knew who he was he got sick of that came out and people didn't accept him and he was devastated and his life kept spiraling edit except for except few armchair psych comments I do have a psych degree but I am currently in bed and not giving a real analysis just giving gas off little info I have there are other scenarios that in theory could match his sort description the behavior also matches someone who has been altered by AFSA cowntess kid sounds like he fit the definition of aggressively gay she dated me we were in Speech and Debate together both did impromptu you and we would give each other random quotes and stupid cartoons to practice with spent a lot of time together because of it we dated for about two days before people mocked her for it and she bailed on me hard to keep her social status she never socially recovered from the sin of liking one of the Nerds thing is though she then lost all her nerd friends too that's a hard F yup sucked to be me in high school I remember in middle school the popular kid asked out the most unpopular girl and then em buried her in front of everybody by breaking up with her and laughing in her face about how she could think it was real it was really sad and I remember her being really into high school TV shows and I think she really wanted to be popular like she hoped life would be like a Disney show or something idk what happened to him but I remember everyone kind of being like dude and he moved a bit later in high school the popular kids weren't necessarily bullies they weren't super welcoming into their circle to invite everyone to parties and stuff but they weren't total bullies at least that I know of they were just good at sports and attractive pretty much that happened in our school too except the popular guy kept being popular I haunted him after that incident and I felt so bad for the girl like everyone felt bad for the girl but I was one of maybe five people who then felt angry towards the guy everyone else just let it go as if he wasn't the reason we all felt bad for the girl it's been nearly 20 years since that happened and that's still what I think about when I see him I was a super super awkward freshman who had just transferred from private christian school to public high school hey that was a shock a guy who was definitely trying too hard to be popular asked me out as a joke on a dare i glared at him and told him no but people were definitely laughing at me and talking about it the rest of the day I felt like absolute crap two years later both of us joined theater and though we never became friends we were at least friendly and just acted like it didn't happen freshmen are idiots this happened to me and the same kids were part of the yearbook hogs so they actually put the incident on my yearbook splash page my bullies are still bullies only rich are more successful bullies that use it to flaunt over ppl lower than then we are in our 30s for Christ sakes my CL mates literally tried to pull her Kari stunts on me I recently left our alumni forum because OHS ppl never grew up they had affected my life for so long took me a mortality check to remove them in my social media I feel tons better about it but sadly can't take back those years I was treated I own ated and affected my self esteem in an almost permanent degree semi popular kinda preppy kid tried to kill his parents by pouring vodka around their bed at night and setting it on fire because they took his CDs away tried is the keyword here liquor doesn't burn that well a few months ago I would be tried to set himself on fire in France by dousing himself in white wine it did not work edit as pointed by someone else it was ro say my memory is getting spotty from all the wine our star football player lost his full-ride football scholarship to LSU after beating his girlfriend into a coma it's been like 80 years but if memory serves correctly he didn't end up going to prison or juvie because they lacked sufficient evidence he eventually got expelled from our school because it had a zero-tolerance policy for fighting and one of his girlfriend's friends called him out for beating her while in the hallway he didn't like being confronted and tried to beat the [ __ ] out of the guy calling him out Eddie dos [ __ ] this sort of blew up finally remembered the guy's name there weren't any news articles directly about the incident in question according to everything I could find he got a lawyer very quickly and got the charges reduced he got picked up by another major school not a winning one it's certainly a big one he under performed his freshman year in the new recruit way outperformed him his sophomore year so he transferred to a much smaller school as far as I can tell he did not come anywhere close to going pro oh also I couldn't find out what happened to his girlfriend I'm sorry stop calling me a violent abuser or I'll kick your graduated high school he turned into that thirty year old dude that still hasn't gotten over high school we had a friend who was like that we all realized we grew apart when he tries to sack everyone at the barbecue and still trying to do the party boy gimmick from Jack to clarify with some comments about this dude we haven't gotten together in like seven or so years after high school so this was the first thing he started doing when he arrived with the rest of the gang no warming up or anything just a straight tap on the sack and laughing maniacally best answer to this happens between elementary and middle school our elementary was small and we fed into a middle school with a much bigger school think 20% us and 80% then most popular kids showed up on the first day after only knowing what it's like to be the coolest kid in the small school and tried to start [ __ ] with some random kid who was with 11 of his friends to show how cool and top dog he was to everyone I guess yep those 12 guys beat him up and then made fun of him figures he wasn't cool anymore just that fast by high school nobody cared anymore but he was never really popular again this sounds like how every inside prison documentary goes down guy got accused of rape at a party and nobody believed the girl and people spread vicious rumors about her and sided with him the whole thing seemed like everyone viewed him as a victim and he played himself up that way until a few months later another girl said she had been raped by him at a party and multiple other people at the party saw her hysterically crying and bruised afterwards there were not so many people supporting him after that I got away with it once I'm sure I can do it again hope the girls are okay that's horrible to hear wholesome for once I guess all popular kids in my school were completely heads that bully lovers this fella king of the hill starts dating a girl from another school that was friends with one of the bullied kids the kid told the girl watter boyfriend doesn't EHT school so the girl threatened to break up with him if he didn't change his ways he stoped socializing with the cool folks and started getting bullied by them and none of the other kids wanted to warm up to him he was a loner at school but he made his GF happy and he was happy thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, How did the cool kid transition to absolute outcast?, personality trait, cool kid to outcast, what is the cool kid doing now, planet reddit, cool kid, cool kid club, kool kid, what happened to the cool kid?, popular kid, popular kid stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, askreddit, reddit best, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny askreddit
Id: esOpRzLTDlY
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Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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