Medical conditions too insane to be true - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar etic my planet reddit what's a medical condition that sounds too insane to be true hemispatial neglect makes no sense short version the brain only recognizes usually only the right side of your body of things etc the left side is neglected if asked to draw a circle patients will draw half a circle and end it with a straight line up the middle and they are completely unaware of their distorted perception I learned about this in speech pathology for whatever reason give a patient a plate of food they will eat exactly one half cut down the middle very weird mental illness couldn't really believe it until I saw video of it my aunt had a stroke a few years ago and I think she suffered from something similar to this if asked a number o'clock she would crowd all the number on the right side if she set the table she would only set half of it there were other examples but these are the ones I recall right now I'd like to add that she's doing much better now fatal familial insomnia guaranteed death through the inability to sleep and lots of Horrors along the way that says hallucinations and madness my doctor thought I was developing this in college when I was in my early 20s brain scans bloodwork and a multitude of tests later it turned out to be some type of random amazing hormone imbalance nothing would put me under not barbash weights not sedatives I was awake for nine days straight I don't have the disease but it did provide some insight into the effects of sleep deprivation I can tell you this the disease is worse for those outside lab the person suffering from it after maybe five days you aren't really aware of what's happening around you it doesn't actually hurt anymore and you no longer feel confused or frustrated you'll lose the ability to understand exactly how jumbled your perception is and how confused your responses are granted you're probably speaking nonsense in a normal voice and answering questions that were not asked but you just feel light-headed and tired and slightly wrong to everyone else around you however you are a ramblin mess lacking any normal reaction or self-preservation shrug row this is really interesting I'm really sorry about your experience though which hormone s was we're out of balance what did the doctors do to even the balance out can you tell me more about how people were perceiving you more details of how you felt throughout the process when did you realize you had to seek medical attention sorry that I'm being nosy I just find this extremely interesting and to stumble over someone who has these experiences as gold to me alien hand syndrome pus is a rare neurological disorder that causes hand movement without a person being aware of what is happening or having control over the action the afflicted person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so even to the point of having to use a healthy hand to restrain the alien hand source midterms commlink like idle hands or dr. Strangelove Witsel such twitch is characterized by making bad jokes and puns which one then laughs at continuously so dads I think my dad as this the one that turns your body to burn I couldn't imagine having my muscles slowly solidify sorry for mobile link nn Wikipedia link I saw a documentary about this it's so scary when the doctors notice that it's happening to you they'll recommend you get into comfortable position usually sitting because your body will slowly be locked in that position for the rest of your life I'd kill myself while my arms still worked edited for grammar Ondine's curse or congenital central hyperventilation syndrome basically in the most severe cases a genetic defect makes it so that you are born not capable of sensing when you need to breathe have to spend your whole follow ventilator wither track else to me although some progress is being made with da Fram pacing I dated a guy with this syndrome he only needed a ventilator when he slept but he had to get a pacemaker when he was 21 due to his heart over compensating for the oxygen he was struggling to get it was scary sometimes when we were together and he would start to fall asleep oh my I've never heard of this so those with this syndrome have to always breathe manually Poliquin ichthyosis what happens if your skin was rock-hard and scale like instead of soft and supple nightmares edit to everyone who google searched it I told you I T was nightmares warning do not look this up on Google Image Search had a friend look this up last night he clicked on Google Images saw what it was then immediately dropped his phone as if it bit him with a horrified expression on his face allergic to water and Wikipedia old link I have chronic idiopathic urticaria so there's no real cause I just get hives all the time for no reason it's been going on since April and seriously any kind of urticaria blows sometimes hot water makes my hives better sometimes it makes them way worse pressure almost always makes them worse so no massages no bathtubs or hot tubs with jets and sometimes I get a lovely ring of hives around my waist if my jeans are a little tight it's a terrible condition how do they like not be Hibbert Eilers Danlos syndrome specifically type 3 hypermobility its genetic and caused by collage and deficiencies it makes you super flexible to the point where your muscles can't keep your joints in place this is the reason I can lick my elbow I just slip my shoulder slightly out of place a one point I stopped shutting the door of my bedroom because I couldn't grip the doorknob due to my fingers slipping out of place I kept getting stuck in my room it can be very painful and also has other disorders diseases associated with it usually people with this tend to have a lot of dislocations and subluxations edit the Wikipedia page for anyone that's curious edit at it for anyone struggling with this or who wants to know more there is our slash allure stainless if I spelled it right I just found out about EDS and it's mild a custom benign joint hypermobility because of the link to anxiety disorders very interesting how some completely unrelated seeming things may have the same underlying cause cross a pack nausea the inability to recognize his faces I think I might have this I should figure that out I normally recognize people I don't know well by their hair and if I see them outside of where I met them I very rarely recognize them I can't remember what people I do recognize look like until I see them like right now I have no clue what my boyfriend looks like and I can only explain what my mom and other family members look like because I would spend time analyzing their faces things like she has a long nose with a bump in it it's not that rare most people with mild forms just learn to compensate it and won't get diagnosed I totally know what you described it can get really awkward in everyday situations auto-brewery syndrome acha Saccharomyces cerevisiae basically carbs are turned into alcohol and your intestinal tract and you get drunk from eating them sounds good at first but imagine never being able to eat carbs before going to work driving your car etc it also isn't as good as it sounds instead of being perpetually drunk it's more like feeling perpetually hungover yay that wouldn't be pleasant at all cold urticaria my son is this basically he's allergic to cold in fact any rapid temperature change causes him to go into anaphylactic shock for instance we first discovered this when he was an infant if his face was exposed to cold air like in the winter his whole face turned into a leathery old man like consistency as it swelled up and became wrinkled it faded when we got him in warm air after about half an hour one bad episode left burst blood vessels in his face for weeks when he was a little kid no one believed us they gave us that snar me knowing grinev first parents and made-up disease everyone is allergic to cold silly when he was six one of our relatives let him play with the hose one cold morning and he exploded with red hives he looked like he'd been splattered with hot grease when he was 8 a kid threw a snowball in his face and his face swelled up so bad the kid who was 11 was detained by police and social workers because there's no way a snowball could do that kind of damage they called the hospital and an ambulance came because my son couldn't breathe parent versus parent fun ensued when my son's face got back to normal indoors and the parents accused us of making our kid dramatic but the EMTs swore that the EP pen saved him when he was a teenager he spent too much time in the hot tub and then delve into a swimming pool and went into anaphylactic shock he was temporarily blind and had to be in the ambulance for a while before they let him go it's better now that he's an adult but when people don't believe him he just puts an ice cube on his skin to make the magic happen basically any early carrier sucks because no matter how you try to explain it you end up sounding stupid hey man you should come play basketball with us no I'm good thanks though man come on we're only playing to 20 points it'll be fun uh-huh I'm good really and right about here is where I have to describe cholan educator carrier which is being allergic to your own sweat it's awkward and mildly painful and I really don't feel like being active and sweaty and bumpy and bright-red sorry for being weird ciguatera is a neurotoxin found in some fish that eat toxic algae blooms you can get it if you cut yourself cleaning fish edit or if a fish containing the toxin isn't cooked properly there is no way to remove the toxins or know if a fish has it avoiding predatory reef fish is your best option one of the symptoms as your sense of temperature is reversed like you could drink a glass of ice water and it would feel like you poured boiling water in your mouth or touch a hot stove and feel like you are touching dry ice good thing I don't like fish what if you touch lukewarm water Capgras delusion a disorder which causes the sufferer to believe that someone they know has been replaced by an identical copy my dad treated a woman who had this she thought her entire family was replaced and they were spies it's not as funny as it sounds it was quite heartbreaking she wouldn't speak to or acknowledge her children except to scream curses at them what a horrible situation for those around her yeah that would really interfere with their espionage trimethylaminuria fish odor syndrome Williams syndrome it's a neurodevelopmental disease caused by a chromosomal abnormality that causes a person to have Al's like facial features think Santa's elves not Legolas but more importantly they have highly developed language skills and cheerful demeanors nn Wikipedia org link isn't there a theory that the usual depiction of an elf is because of Williams syndrome it came first in the face personality consistency got noticed I've met a couple such people and having done so I'm not sure I'd classify this a disease so much as a Trey well maybe maybe not just remember the shortened lifespan but those folks were as cheerful as anyone I've ever met and had the souls of poets there was a guy who didn't ask me anything a while back who was allergic to his own semen no he didn't drink it if he exact elated at all he went through several weeks of pain the ultimate nofap ah that poor soul exploding head syndrome is my favorite I have this it's ducking weird I actually discovered I had this by reading a similar thread on aspirin it a long time ago I had asked a couple of friends about it before and they all looked at me like I was ducking crazy after reading it I was thrilled that I wasn't going mad and this is actually some weird condition also it says most people that have it are 50-plus but I've had it ever since I can remember I've had the weirdest sounds exploding in my head usually it's just a bang but I've had water droplets going from left to right I've had cars trains airplanes cymbals punts claps although I don't mind the condition too much and it only happens like once every two weeks it can be ducking annoying when I've been struggling for hours to fall asleep only to be on the verge of sleep and getting woken up by some insanely loud noise in my head I have this as well just discovered in this thread it's a syndrome it doesn't happen as often as yours seems to be related to being extremely tired and going into a deep sleep very fast for me the sound hasn't changed much a bomb or explosion seeing sounds as colors hah I have full spectrum synesthesia meaning every one of my senses crosses over into every other one I taste colors see sounds here physical sensations and so on there are even a few that I can't easily explain but that typically involve words like orientation time or balance one of the things that I've noticed in having the condition is that quite a few people claim to be the same way many of them are even telling the truth to some extent allegedly as many as one in two thousand people associate letters or numbers with specific colors on the other hand there are also those folks who will look at you like you're crazy I really like this source I might say but I feel like the ending notes are a bit sharp Oh like to sour the response might be I try to explain no not sour exactly sharp it's just slightly out of tune you're not making any sense okay I'd continue well when you first take a bite you get that initial swell of baritone and tenor and harmony like the smell of cedar it's good but then it gets too thin and that greenish yellow color starts to glow around it it needs a dark smooth red with a snap to balance it out sigh add some cinnamon trust me I would love to have this for a day I just don't know if I could put up with it my whole life I knew a doctor who had constant unrelenting hiccups every sentence I ever heard herim it was punctuated by hiccups she hick sounded completely hick miserable eventually the constant pressure from the hiccups caused bleeds in her eyes and she started going blind after that they tried to install some kind of pacemaker in her brain to manage the hiccups but it didn't work I'm not sure what happened to her in the end but she became so disabled she could no longer work I think it may have ended up killing her Tourette's syndrome with coprolalia a few asks a ten-year-old boy to come up with a disease it would be this the uncontrollable urge taught or obscene words or socially inappropriate remarks my sister has Tourette's but without the swears inappropriate remarks on one hand I'm sure things are much easier that way on the other she used to get super pissed that people only knew it as the swearing disease and felt embarrassed because she just made noises she has a minor case and medication gets rid of it thankfully my mom's best friend's son has this he's like a little brother to me his doc says it's the worst case that he has ever seen the kid takes it really well has a good sense of humor about it sometimes it can be really stressful for him though Alice in Wonderland syndrome nn Wikipedia org link I had this really frequently when I was a kid I told my mom and she told me I was imagining it I was really glad to read it's an actual thing because it still happens to me very mildly once every few years as an adult it was super cool though I remember closing my eyes and hoping it had happened because it looked like I was in a dollhouse I'd always stick my hand out in the air because it looked so far away I have this as well and I've had the same experience with it much more intense as a kid than as an adult I wonder if that's how it works cluster headaches This Is It this is the most pain a human is capable of experiencing women who've had children say childbirth is a walk in the park compared to this soldiers who've had limbs blown off would rather step on another landmine than have another episode but this is pain turned up to 11 and then snap the knob off what causes it nobody ducking knows of course it can happen to anybody at any time for no apparent reason oh yeah and there's no treatment you just have to sit there and take it scream it is so named the Kazi attacks come in clusters were several happening on an almost daily basis for weeks on end and then nothing for a while maybe a few months just enough to give you hope back this nightmare might be over and then BAM it's back full intensity no mercy no hope for a cure did I mention that this condition has a nickname of suicide headaches because it does fun fact psilocybin Accomack mushrooms seem to stop these headaches and some sufferers have taken to doing shrooms every few months to prevent attacks some sufferers actually take small doses daily as a preventative measure when I say small dose keep in mind I mean small ducking dose where psychedelic effects would be reached at say 1.5 grams people who have cluster headaches will take 10 - 20 milligrams 0.01 to 0.02 grams Cottard delusion a mental illness where you are completely sure that you are dead in sight if we include mental illnesses I have always found prayer entrusting the thought that there is a conspiracy existing to benefit you rather than being out to get you as awesome rinoa psychology and Wikipedia org link psychology my mom had a brain tumor that messed with her hormones and made her skin tan it was from Cushing's disease but I don't know how exactly it made her skin tan it was likely a pitcher whitter a tumor that secreted ACTH which aside from releasing cortisol proliferates melanocytes in the skin causing it to get turn locked-in syndrome this sounds like one I ate pot food for the first time I was completely lucid and I was thinking normally but I couldn't move anything but my eyes I was lying on the couch when it just hit me it was almost as if I didn't know where my muscles were or I forgot how to move them it seemed to last about 30 minutes but looking back I'm sure it was a lot less like five minutes I finally regained mobility being overcome by nausea I then ran downstairs and projectile vomited into the toilet I made those brownies way too strong hyperthymesia a.k.a highly superior autobiographical memory hsam I found out about this fascinating phenomenon from a pair of segments of 60 minutes they can be watched online here the gift of endless memory memory Wizards the gist is that these people are able to remember every moment of their lives they can instantly recall past events and relive them as if they are doing it again like being a time traveler within their own lifespan for them a date isn't just a number it's a trigger for a full range of emotions and a clear chapter into their past they'll remember the day of the week the weather and what they did that day there's already a TV show about this concept called unforgettable about a police detective with this ability haven't watched it but there's all kinds of creative things you can do with this power would come in handy to be able to perfectly remember crime scenes clues interviews with suspects etc - spoiler nearly all of the people with this ability are single there is one woman who was married but she's on her third marriage I think it's a telling detail that many people with this ability don't seem to get into long-term relationships which is sad on a light-hearted note somewhere they joked is it hard to be in a relationship where you remember everything your partner has done wrong laughter ensued and the subjects talked about learning patience to be even more positive research into this phenomenon could lead to cures for things like Alzheimer's if we could figure out what helps these people to remember we could help people with failing memories too thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: lnoRxL9Rwbg
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Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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