Top 5 Parents GONE CRAZY OVER FORTNITE! (Hilarious Fortnite Fails & Rages)

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some parents are pretty strict because they don't understand the hit online sensation that is Viva Pinata sorry did I say Viva Pan yeah I meant for a fortnight but the least you can do is be understanding of your kids that play the game some parents are the type to rip the cord out before even trying to understand they're just like you don't and you know what sometimes you deserve to get the sauce from mom because you're being a little you-know-what and neglecting to be a somewhat decent human being and doing that thing that mom or dad asked you to do about 20 times welcome back to top 5 gaming everyone where today we break down the top 5 parents who hate fortnight with a passion oh my for tonight one thing we get asked a lot here on the channel is top 5 gaming how do you make so many videos well just like learning how to play for tonight you can also learn how to edit sick clips make youtube and twitch banners like ninjas by signing up to Skillshare want to learn how to do cool effects and transitions like this skills share is a community of professionals who will teach you how to do come on you know you want to show off your new skills tell your friends and be the next big youtuber all you have to do is click the link at the top of the description sign up and if you're one of the lucky first 500 people to click it you get to three months of courses huge thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video don't forget to check it out let's get this rolling with number five kid rages to troll and gets kicked off of four night by dad it's something we all see within a lot of team-based game modes on for tonight especially ones like 50 V 50 trolling attempt to build the sky base within these game modes and you'd be falling to your death because a teammate thought it would be funny to shoot you out maybe you've been knocked down and a friendly teammate decides to pick you up a troll could come along at any moment and do everything they can to prevent the revive from being successful destroying the floor throwing boogie bombs or shockwaves and just remember to try and keep your cool about these moments around your parents though one over-the-top reaction could give them permanent negative feelings towards the game which seems very likely for the dad in this clip if you do it again [Music] right I get it okay the kid was being trolled all he wants to do is have some fun with four at night no matter how good he may be but when you've got mr. tomato head here preventing you from being able to play the game it's kind of understandable why he got upset the only thing he needs to learn now is that event that frustration properly without it ending in dad telling him fortnight times over and to turn off the console altogether number four Jesus wants you to by fortnight skins something fortnight has done like no other game so far is managed to bring many parents around the world together in their collected hate for the game kids will try anything to get those new skins and accessories but when you attempt to use your family's religion as an excuse to get be bucks it's gonna leave most parents pretty frustrated whoever created fortnight whoever you are out there I need you to know what you're doing to parents across the globe okay because your game has completely taken over and our children have become total addicts this child is continuously coming to ask me for money to buy virtual products in your game virtual skins virtual jackets virtual dance moves that these things that are not tangible that nobody is actually going to get it's just some some made-up thing in a game and then he says to me well mom there's only 13 hours left or I'm not going to be able to buy this skin I have to do it now they're gonna take it away we'll be able to do it it's a one-time only sale I have to do it now and I said you need to stop we are done we are not having this conversation no no nothing you're not getting anything and he said looked at me and he says mom do you remember when we were in church last week and the man was asking for bread because he needed to be fed and Jesus said all you need to do is ask and you shall receive he is trying to use Bible verses to get me to buy him fortnight skins he has lost his ever-loving mind I would really like the people who created this fortnight to call me because we need to talk about what you need to do for his parents because this is making us crazy I am so done with fortnight this is one of the biggest and most short-sighted excuses from parents as to why spending money on in-game purchases is supposedly stupid it's not tangible basically meaning it's not a real item it's not like a t-shirt you could buy in the shop so therefore in her eyes it has no real value and it's waste of money that could be put to better use but this is all based on people's personal opinions we each value things differently and the best we can do is be empathetic to what other people value and not just what's important and yeah and yeah like the fact that this mom has an engagement ring the size of Texas yet what's private calls and deals made from Epic Games because her son asked for a few bucks for a game he enjoys yeah number three is getting scammed you've probably seen a whole bunch of videos on YouTube including some of our own about the different scams that can happen in four-night the fact is that for tonight is the biggest game on the planet right now let that sink in for a moment there are a bunch of aliens up there looking down on us all they would really see is a vast amount of us playing for tonight that's how Earth looks right now but a lot of not so nice people are using this to their advantage with scams they've been given the nickname scammers which doesn't sound too bad but just remember that some of these scammers are no different than a full-on con artist you find stealing credit cards and PIN numbers on the street and where there's big money there's potential for scams this 13 year old spent more than three hundred dollars of his own money on the game to buy his avatar cool clothes called skins and accessories but recently another gamer convinced the team to give him his username and password with the promise that the gamer would give him more skins email and password and they said don't login but I'm just giving proof that I'm not gonna scam you I never have to login again they'd switch my password and everything and since mom amy's credit card number was attached to the game the scammer had access to that too for purchases within the game and for an added insult the scammer killed off the teens character in which he had invested hundreds of dollars sorry Corinne but I also had told him it's a lesson learned the family is speaking out now to protect other families from these scammers I think it's an eye-opener you know when it happens to you you just want other parents to be aware in all fairness the mother and son seemed to have handled the situation fairly well but you can just imagine the worry the mom must have had when her son tells her he's been scammed and the account has all of her bank details on it he not only has a four-night account worth $300 but also the ability to purchase all the v bucks in the world with that added bank details this is one of the many examples as to why fortnight tell you never to share your personal account details number two or night has become such an ingrained part of some people's lives to the point that talk shows are constantly bringing them up in terms of morals and how it's affecting the younger generations and on this particular show you have the questioning presenter and the forensic scientist attorney and co-founder of the technology and wellness Institute Melissa Western Dorf generally talking about how addictive four-night is I didn't get it at first but the multiple platform what you're saying is people can play it on their PC but it's also available on Xbox if your kids have the access to that type of system as well as PlayStation correct so and on their phones and now mobile yes now it's mobile so you really can't play with any of your friends at this point and you know they built in all this you know these characteristics that make it more obsessive I guess for the kids you know you have skins you can buy so that they look different I've been recently learning about dances you can buy when you're before you take the battleship to the island to battle it out you can buy dances and dance moves and that's the thing I want to get to is why is it though that parents should be worried about this game well because this game has built-in things that make it obsess that makes you want to do it again you are going to parents are going to I haven't met a single person who hasn't had a problem with getting their kid off the device as much as I can understand her point the fact that is obsessive factor fortnight have put into the game is something nearly every single company of any kind in the entire world do those societies nowadays are based on materialism and consumerism every company wants you to buy their product every company wants to be obsessed with their product no matter how new or functional it may actually be take a look at cards we have all the variety we could need but they keep producing more even if they have no real new functionality it just makes a money the same with designer clothes the only difference is that most adults don't have much empathy or understanding of how successful the gaming industry actually is honorable mention the rage monster so every now and then you might be playing with a random or a friend who isn't particularly good at the game and it can sometimes result in you getting killed or some it will cause you to rage maybe you just really want that victory royale or perhaps you're in full trihard mode but getting killed - a stupid mistake can either leave you fuming or in some cases laughing at what just happened a lot of streamers and full-time gamers actually have their own boxing bag or device they can freely punch to release some of that tension for this kid though it's at a level that just isn't really acceptable you guys are for work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know record you the whole time what am i alright I get it kid you're pretty mad but the fact is that no one should really have to be spoken to like that and in most cases the parents will have to step in and use some form of punishment to teach the child maybe you got grounded had your console taken away or given extra chores the fact is we all probably stepped over the line at some point and got some form of punishment and as much as we hated it it definitely taught us all valuable lessons number one is parents left concussed so for a lot of cases that involved four at night addiction it usually stems from something past fortnight it's just that formula it's so popular that it becomes the face for the gaming addiction discussion in general a common article that popped up quite frequently awhile back by mirror was about a fortnight an addicted fourteen-year-old that head-butted his mother and left her with a concussion I thought he was feeling sick because he was saying mom I've got a headache the kids who don't leave their rooms because they can't stop playing video games I mean it's two years since he's been to school there I have been hit by the head concussion it sounds like you're frightened of them yeah now we know yeah what's really happening inside their young minds and brain dead Economist's having white friends online experts say it's a new irreversible brain change in Psychological terms this is an emergency and important health warning for all parents those brain cells can't be got the effect is it too late to save them the child you've lost as you've described do you believe you'll find him again hope Sunday the mother has stated that he has ADHD anxiety issues and that since he bought the console two years ago he's more or less stopped going to school all together and stays at home gaming where he will frequently have aggressive episodes which have had to leave the parents calling the police on occasion and she said that we can't get him to school and he doesn't leave the house he comes out and eats and goes back to his room we've tried everything we've tried doctors and my concern is that he's in year eight now and he hasn't had any formal education for two years so what's gonna happen later on in life for him as the article says this has been going on for two years and when this article was written for tonight Battle Royale hadn't even been out for a year so for tonight was just the face of this a specific thing they could blame when the reality is that this is a deeper problem that I hope eventually the family can sort out together so that has been our list of the top five parents who hate for tonight listen parents if you're watching this video try to resolve it with your kid try not to be so uptight about it try to understand the situation from their perspective but you guys try to understand it from their perspective too seriously so always remember smash like subscribe donate and don't hate and keep it here on top five gaming brofist
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 12,794,113
Rating: 4.7815013 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite top 5, top 5 parents who hate fortnite, top 5 fortnite parents, parents fortnite, parents who hate fortnite, top 5 fortnite, parent fortnite, parents, parent hates fortnite, parent rage, fort, nite, battle royale, new, video
Id: fDiqlz4AncA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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