The Musical Theater Episode!

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Today I learned Um, Actually has its own channel on Youtube. I thought it was long dead.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/saveable 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh FUCK yes

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Amekyras 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

that was a fun watch

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GoodMuseEveryone 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
- From "Mama Rose" to "Mamma Mia", theater nerds like a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people. This is "Um, Actually." (upbeat music) And joining us today we have Grant O'Brien. - I'm excited to be here. - [Mike] Siobhan Thompson. - I just got my teeth cleaned, and I'm ready to win. - [Mike] And Rachel Bloom. - My back is weird, so I'll be sitting like a child. - This is our second themed episode. These will all be questions about musical theater. What wonderful contestants we have. Thank you all for being here. Siobhan you've done this before, - Yeah. - [Mike] but Grant and Rachel you haven't done this. - No. - But the game is very simple. These are incorrect statements about things you know and love, in this case, musical theater. - Can I tell a story? - Sure. - There was a day when I was roasting you for hosting a show for virgins, like this is. - [Mike] Sure. - And I said, "Listen, when I'm on 'Um, Actually', I'm gonna come on there and really throw some elbows." - [Mike] Yeah. - And you said, "I'm gonna stop you right there. You will never be on 'Um, Actually'." - That's true. I did say that, and here you are. I was wrong. We did change the show significantly for you to be on, but here you are. (Rachel laughing) - And let me say, thank you. - [Mike] Oh, you're very welcome. - I appreciate it. I would not have been able to play otherwise. - And to prove he's not a virgin he came in fucking. - Yeah. I did. I did. - It was really bad, like you- - HR is down here right now behind these cameras. - Someone was here, and he just came in. - It's really nice of HR to wait until I'm done with the episode. - [Mike] Yeah. - That I appreciate. - [Mike] So yes, these are incorrect statements about musical theater. - Oh, I'm so excited. - [Mike] It's up to you to find the thing that's wrong and buzz in and correct me. All your corrections must be proceeded with the phrase, 'Um, actually'. If you don't do that, I won't give you the point and you can interrupt me whenever you want. - Those are the only two rules. - God, I'm so excited. - It's pretty simple. - Musical theater is like other aspects of nerd culture and the people are like, "Um, actually, that is the off-Broadway production, and when it went to Broadway, they changed the song slightly and I don't think it's as good." - [Mike] Yeah. - So yeah, people get very anal retentive about. - Yeah, when you don't have a lot of friends. (Both Mike and Siobhan laughing) You have a lot of time to listen to "Gypsy", the original and all the revivals. And I'm glad that I'm putting that to good use today. - This a show that will exist for like all the time you spend doing things like that. - [Rachel] Thank, God. - When I lived in New York before Siobhan or I had this job, Siobhan was my upstairs neighbor, actually, my apartment building, and I remember one night- - You heard her tap dancing. (Siobhan laughing) - Well, Siobhan came down one night and we just sang through the score of "Ragtime" - Yeah, and like - and just adjusted my apartment. - two in the morning, our neighbors must've been very happy. - Sang all the black parts (Siobhan laughing) - You can do it if you're on your own. You can do it if you're on your own. - That is the nerdiest thing that's ever been said on this show. - No. (Mike laughing) - The amount of white girls auditioning for musical theater at colleges that have butchered "Your Daddy's Son". - Oh, no. I mean it's a beautiful song but just, there are so many other white- - You could fill purgatory - [Siobhan] Surely. (Mike laughing) - with all of those girls - Sutton Foster has enough songs that you can sing. You don't have to steal Audra McDonald's. (Rachel laughing) - Now, that just, I've almost started singing it and I realized we probably can't get the rights to anything. If I start singing, - You can do an off-brand parody. - [Siobhan] Oh, yeah. - I could make up a parody. - ♪ Your father went do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ ♪ On a piano ♪ - Okay, we will jump in then with our first question. In the second act of the 11-time-Tony-Award-winning musical, "Hamilton," many actors from act one are double-cast in entirely new roles. The actor playing John Laurens becomes Philip Hamilton, Marquis de Lafayette becomes Thomas Jefferson, Hercules Mulligan becomes John Adams, and Peggy Schuyler becomes the Maria Reynolds. - Oh, fuck. (bell dings) - [Mike] Siobhan. - Um, actually, Hercules Mulligan becomes Madison. - That's correct. - Wow. - Wow. Oh, you really gotta pay attention. - I started previews- - You gotta pay attention. - Previews at the Public, baby. No extra songs when I saw it. - I guess you're extra cool. (laughs) - Fuck. - John Adams, not even in the production, James Madison- - He was in the previews of the public. - Hey, shut up. - There's a whole rap. (Mike laughs) - ♪ How does a dastardly ♪ (Mike, Siobhan and Rachel laughs) - Yeah, you're legally cleared version of the "Hamilton". (everybody laughs) You just run through with the stories and to replace every word with something that sounds as- - Hamilton comma Alexander. (Mike laughs) - Well, I can't wait for high school productions to split up all those double casseroles to be able to fill the entire- - Oh, yeah. - Also, have them all be women because nobody is a boy who does musical theater in high school. - [Grant] Yeah. - It's a very male production. - I will have you know I played the dentist, - (laughs) Of course, you did. - I played the Miles Gloriosus, - Of course, you did. - I played the Wiz. - Yeah. Of course, you did. - You played the Wiz? - I mean the problem is you're gonna get a lot of high schools where you're just gonna have to quadruple cast the King George role. - Yes. - 'Cause that's all that those kids could play. - I was just telling someone about this. I was like, "Oh, I think it would be really funny if we just went to the UCB and we got every person who was like so many schools do "Guys and Dolls" and it's just like, "Hey, are you a UCB performer who was in 'Guys and Dolls' in high school? We're going to put it on right now. Everyone is gonna play whatever role they played then, and we're just going to go from memory." - That's a great idea. - [Mike] Have like, - 18 different Adelaides. - [Mike] 12 Nathan Detroit. Yeah, 18 Adelaides and just like... But if you get enough people it's like, "Oh yeah, you can kind of remember what's going on." - Oh, that's so funny. - I played Father Arvide Abernathy. (everybody laughs) - I was Nathan Detroit. - Our Arvide were Arvidas. (everybody laughs) - All right. That was the point for Siobhan. - Great. Great. I feel good. - [Rachel Whispers] Fuck. Dammit. - I feel confident. - Well, Siobhan's played before. - It's the British invasion! (Siobhan laughs) - It may not have won the Tony for Best Musical, but original Broadway hit "Grease" was loaded with catchy songs, "Summer Nights", "Grease", and "Hopelessly Devoted to You" all became top-10 Billboard Hits. And "You're the One That I Want" is one of the top 10 best selling singles of all time. (bell dings) - [Mike] Rachel. - "Hopelessly Devoted to You" is not in the Broadway, original Broadway production of "Grease". - Rachel. You did not say "Um, actually". - Fuck you! - [Mike] But I'm not- (laughs) - No! - I'm not gonna say whether you're right or wrong. - Oh, shit. - [Mike] But I'm gonna say you did not say "Um, actually". - Um, actually, "Hopelessly Devoted to You" was not the original Broadway production of "Grease". - That is correct. - Fuck! No! - [Mike] But there is also a more correct answer. - Oh. - So I'll give it to you unless someone can come up with the more correct answer. (buzzer dings) - [Mike] Yeah, go for it. - Um, actually, "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and "You're the One That I Want" were not on the original Broadway production of "Grease". - That's correct. - Yes! - There is also a more correct answer but I don't know how many, how about- - Um, actually, none of those songs were in the original production of "Grease", except for "Summer Nights". - That is correct. (laughs) - Wow. - Wow. - Fuck. - I thought you would cut it off there. Yes. Every song that I just said, "Summer Nights", "Grease", "Hopelessly Devoted to You" - Of course, "Grease". Of course, it wasn't in the fuck. - Were not in the Broadway musical. - The song "Grease" sucks. (Rachel laughs) - [Siobhan] It's bad. - The song "Grease" is garbage. - But at least it's a really long credits. (Mike and Grant laughs) - We waddled our way through that one where everyone has sort of taken a little piece of it. - [Rachel] Yeah. - Yeah, I don't feel good about that part. - I feel like you deserve that one, but I'm going to have to give it to Siobhan. - I'm not going to- - It's fine. It's fine. I'll get it back. - ♪ But oh, those autumn nights ♪ (Mike, Rachel and Siobhan laughs) - ♪ Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes ♪ - ♪ Oh bingo, bingo, bong ♪ - ♪ Winter days ♪ (Siobhan and Grant laughs) But you also have to take the melody and reverse that da, da, da. So you have to go ♪ Winter, winter days. ♪ (Siobhan and Grant laughs) It basically, when you actually start to do like a, a note by note parody, it makes the most terrible songs. There's a reason these songs are hits. - Music shouldn't go this way. - [Rachel] No. - [Mike] All right. A good musical can transport its audience to new worlds. While many of them take place in familiar locales like New York city or Chicago, other musicals take place in imaginary, fictional locations like the Land of Oz, River City Iowa Brigadoon, Camelot and Urinetown. (bell dings) - [Mike] Siobhan. - Um, actually, Brigadoon is not a place. - [Mike] Brigadoon is a place. - Oh. (bell dings) - [Mike] Grant. - Um, actually, River City is not an Iowa. - River City is in Iowa. (Grant grunts) (bell dings) - Rachel. - Um, actually, Camelot was theoretically real. It's based in history. - That's not what we're going for. (bell dings) - Oh! - Oh! Oh! Oh, no! - Um, actually, Urinetown is a mythical place because it's a, spoiler alert, it's a place where you go when you pee and you don't pay for it. - Siobhan, yes. - Fuck me! God dammit! - [Mike] So I almost said it, It never, nothing ever takes place in Urinetown because- - No, wait. Oh no, no. - [Mike] It isn't- - Hold on. - [Mike] Okay, all right. - I have to disagree with this. - Okay, please. - Because the last lyric, and you can blur this, - [Mike] Sure. - ♪ This is Urinetown ♪ ♪ This always has been Urinetown ♪ - That's the twist of Urinetown, is that sure Urinetown is a fictional place, but because Urinetown, they just toss you off a building. They were always in Urinetown. So I will disagree with this question. (Mike chuckles) - I'm gonna go to our judge, he's- - [Mike (Fact Checker)] That's accurate, but it's metaphorical, so I don't know. (Mike laughs) - That whole damn musical is metaphorical. - [Rachel] We're talking about Brechtian musical about a place where people have to pay to pee. And you're... I mean all I'm saying is if we're actually leaning into the thematic nature of Urinetown, - Sure. - It was Urinetown. It always had been Urinetown. - We are in Urinetown, despite the fact that we are- - I'll fucking lose, but I'm not happy about it. (Siobhan and Mike laughs) - ♪ This is poopy town ♪ - No, you're using the same melody - That's true. - You can't do that. - ♪ This is poopy town ♪ - Yeah, great. - That's so positive. - No, no, you have to go - I'm so happy to be in poopy town - ♪ This is poopsity poop ♪ There we go. - Gosh, you're making a very good argument, but I feel like I would be giving into largely because I am afraid rather than because I truly agree with the argument. - So nerd culture is just about being pedantic, huh? I see. - What do you think you're doing? - You're the most pedantic person I know. - Oh, that's interesting. - [Mike] You know most- - [Rachel] So Siobhan has all the points. - [Mike] Mostly true. - She's kicking our asses but we're gonna get it back. We're gonna get it back. - [Mike] All right. - It's fine. Don't worry about it. - [Mike] All right. Next question. "Wicked" takes place at Shiz University, headed by Madam Morrible, a witch with weather powers who creates the cyclone that kills the Wicked Witch of the East. Another faculty member is Doctor Dillamond, a goat-man or satyr, who teaches history and warns Elphaba that half-animals like him are somehow being transformed into unintelligent, regular animals. (bell dings) - [Mike] Grant. - Um, actually, Dr. Dillamond is a full-on goat, not a half goat. - That is correct. - [Rachel] Fuck it. - [Mike] You were half second behind. (bell dings) That's correct. He's just a goat and he's not a... Just a goat- - So you're feeling good about yourself now. (Grant laughs) You like this game now, Grant? - I am into this. - Feet on the couch. - This is exciting. - You're so proud of him. - I'm absolutely humiliated. This is awful. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - [Rachel] This is an awful day of my life. - [Mike] Normally, we just like hang out and chat - No, no. - [Mike] and there's a very intense energy that's coming this way. - Fuck no. Fuck that. I don't care. - So I guess, we're just- - I can talk to- - I... - I can talk to people at any time. (Siobhan and Mike laughs) - Fully turned away. - [Rachel] I can call any of these people on the phone and we can talk. This is not business. Come on. - [Mike] All right, well- - When I lived in New York, - Jesus Christ. (Siobhan and Mike laughs) - This is a great story. When I lived in New York, I live for a little bit on 43rd street and 11th Avenue. And so I'd get off the train - [Siobhan] It's in the river. - and I'd pass a bunch of- - You moved in the river. - No, it's across the street from a UPS packaging facility. - What is this 700 Sundays? Get to the point. (Grant and Siobhan laughs) - Good point. That's a great reference. And I would- - When I was a boy living off of 43rd and 11, my dad took me - What a crazy characters in my neighborhood. - to a Yankee game. - I'd pass all these Broadway theaters. And so I'd like it as I walked by just enter the lottery and I couldn't not win the "Wicked" lottery. (Siobhan and Rachel laughs) I saw "Wicked like six times just because like, "Fuck it. All right, sure. I'll go." - There's some sad little teenager who put in their name multiple times and just like watched you walk. - [Siobhan] Oh, I took the train and I'm here- - Yeah. Welcome to New York. (Mike laughs) - This city will eat you alive if you're not careful. Yeah, all right. Well, we will move on to the next question. (chimes ring) (upbeat music) Here's a very first Shiny Question. Shiny Question, these are worth the same number points. They're just formatted a little bit different and they're a little less common. These are playbills of the original runs of Broadway musicals. It's up to you to identify which musical is which from the playbill. Cool. Go ahead and flip these over. Let's take a look at these. (thrilling music) - Oh, which one is this? (Mike laughs) - My brain is blanking on this. - Who's this red-headed bitch? (Siobhan and Mike laughs) - You know it. You're gonna be sad about it. - That's the name of the show. (laughs) - [Both Siobhan And Mike] ♪ Who's this red-headed bitch - I actually might've gotten that wrong. We'll see. - So Grant, reveal your board. - Sure. - Show us, tell me what you got here and I'll tell you how many you got right here. - [Grant] So I have "Dream Girls". I have "Godspell". - [Mike] Okay. - [Grant] I have "The Music Man". I wrote down "Gypsy", but I think I'm wrong. - [Mike] Okay. - [Grant] I wrote "Hello, Dolly" just 'cause that's not what that is. - [Mike] Okay. - And I wrote "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." - All right. Siobhan, you wanna tell us what you got here. - Okay. I got "Dream Girls". I got "Godspell". I said "42nd Street" for this. - [Mike] Hmm-mm. - [Siobhan] "Mame". I said "Follies" for this but I actually think it's "Funny Girl", but it's too late now. And then "Sweeney Todd". - [Mike] All right. And Rachel. - I have "Dream Girls", - [Mike] Okay. - [Rachel] "Godspell", "Guys and Dolls", "La Cage aux Folles", "Mack and Mabel", "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." - All right. I think that's gonna go to Rachel but let's go ahead and show the answers up here. Here we go. - [Siobhan] Show Boat. - [Grant] Show Boat! That's the post- That's Show Boat? - [Siobhan] Show Boat. - [Rachel] That's a garbage poster. - [Siobhan] Wait, there's no white people in Show Boat. - [Rachel] That's fucking stupid. - That's wild. - That should be a fucking boat. - Hey, look, this is the first run. I don't know what to tell you. Everyone got "Dream Girls". Everyone got "Sweeney Todd" Everyone got "Godspell". Rachel, you identified "Guys and Dolls". You also identified "La Cage aux Folles". So you have one, two, three, four, five correct. - Whoa! - That point goes to Rachel. - That's impressive. - Yeah! - And there you go. - I did it! - That's great. (Mike laughs) - When I... - When I was a boy. (laughs) - I used to love going to Telsey 'cause this is like cool, like warehouse-y type space, and you could actually go into audition. And then I'd go into the Actors' Equity Building, and you don't have to bleep this legally 'cause this is fucking true. Before I was in the union, you could, you were allowed to go to the auditions but they wouldn't let you into the room. So you had to sit on the floor outside (Rachel chuckles) and go across the street to the Marriott to use the bathroom. So I'd sit there and you'd have to wait for a spot to open up. So I'd sit there for like seven, eight hours peeing at a McDonald's or a Marriott and not audition. (Mike chuckles) And then I moved to LA and I'm happier here. (Siobhan, Mike and Grant laughs) I think this is a nice place. - ♪ Well we made a few mistakes in a previous episode ♪ ♪ These are our favorite ones from you ♪ ♪ Cha, cha, cha ♪ @ismobilia says, "You were only half right about the origins Doctor Doom's scarred face. While the exploding machine did scar his face, the worst of the damage came from him putting on his iconic mask before it had properly cooled." I guess Doctor Doom is a hipster because he liked his mask before it was cool. @JosephFrankovi2 says, "Um, Actually canonically, Ash is currently 11 as of the Sun and Moon series. In order to take on the Alola league, all trainers must be at least 11 years old." Crazy that they have an age restriction and that it's only 11. One point for you. @CompuSciDave says, "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is not a robot. None of the other examples have pilots, and are therefore robots. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has multiple, making him a mech or Mecha." This is extremely nitpicky which is just the thing we like. One point for you, CompuSciDave. (chimes ding) All right. Well, we move on to our next question. Here we go. Based on the autobiographical graphic novel by Alison Bechdel, yes, the same one for "The Bechdel Test", "Fun Home" won the Tony for Best Musical, and Jeanine Tesori and Lisa Kron were the first female writing team to win the Tony for Best Original Score. Sydney Lucas, who played the younger of the two versions of Alison we meet in the show, also became the youngest recipient ever of an Obie award for her performance. (bell dings) - Um, actually, ooh, I'm gonna say that they didn't win for score. - No, no. (bell dings) - Um, actually, she plays the older version of Sydney. - No. The show- (bell dings) - Oh, um, actually there are three versions of Alison Bechdel in "Fun Home". - That's correct. - [Grant And Rachel] Oh! (Siobhan and Mike laughs) - Oh my God. That's amazing. - [Grant] That's right. - Oh! (Mike laughs) - Oh, it was hidden around awards and shit. - [Siobhan] So sneaky. - It's just a little thing. - [Rachel] Wow! - We got there. Yes. Point for Siobhan. There are three versions of Alison in the show. - Wow! - [Mike] The adult narrator, small 10-year-old Alison and a medium college-aged Alison. - Fuck! - Medium Alison. - [Siobhan Laughs] That was it. - I don't know that that's how the credit is listed. - Over-easy Alison. - [Mike] Over, yeah. (Rachel and Mike laughs) Give me a rare Alison. (laughs) - All right, our next question here is about "Book of Mormon". In "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream", Elder Price's guilt over abandoning Elder Cunningham, manifests as a vivid nightmare about what awaits him in Hell. Waiting to terrorize him for eternity are Satan, Hitler and array of skeletons, Jeffrey Dahmer, Saddam Hussein, Johnnie Cochran, Genghis Kahn, a giant Starbucks cup, and Jesus, who calls him a dick. (bell dings) - [Mike] Rachel. - Saddam Hussein is not in "Spooky Mormon". Um, actually, - [Mike] Thank you. Thank God. - Saddam Hussein is not in "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream". - That is correct. So I was saying, though he appears in "South Park", "Bigger, Longer and Uncut", and other Matt Stone and Trey Parker musical jams. He's not in Hell in "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream". That point goes to Rachel. - Yes. (Siobhan and Mike laughs) Yes! - I'm so glad you said "Um, actually", 'cause it was like, I cannot take this away from you (Grant laughs) for a technicality again. - I would have thrown a hot coffee on your face. - She doesn't even have any hot coffee. She would have had to go and make some hot coffee. - Yeah, I would've got some and willingly gone to jail. - [Mike] Yep. That I- - That would've been most like on-brand felony for me. - [Siobhan] Yeah, absolutely. (Rachel and Mike laughs) - Injured someone in a musical theater trivia. - Hey, you know, your mom has dealt with your shit for years. So why not get her a gift that'll deal with hers. That's right. Get her a brand new day bidet from Hello Tushy. Bring your mama into the future with the Hello Tushy 3.0 Modern Bidet attachment. It's stylish. It's eco-friendly. It's easy to install and it'll help her stop flushing her retirement down the toilet and toilet paper costs. Don't let big TP take your mother's retirement. Hello Tushy 3.0 cleans butts like a champ but it doesn't stop there. It also cleans itself. It's got a smart spray nozzle, cleans everything. So you don't have to worry about all that shit. It's so easy to install, even your parents can do it. Yes. I know. Even your parents. There's no electricity. There's no extra plumbing. There's no last minute FaceTime tech support calls where they're asking you lots of questions but they're not really listening to anything you're saying. Don't worry about that. Okay. And it will cut toilet paper usage by 80%. So this thing will pay for itself in a matter of months. Plus every Hello Tushy Bidet Attachment comes with a 60-day risk-free guarantee and a 12-month warranty. So get shitting people. Give the gift that everyone wants. Give the gift of a clean butt. Go to, and you'll get 10% off order plus free shipping. This is a special offer just for our viewers. That's, and you'll get 10% off. 10% off with free shipping at Now, let's get on with this shit. Here we go. Next question. Beginning its Broadway run at the Public Theater, "A Chorus Line" became at one point- (bell dings) - Um, actually, the Public Theater is not a Broadway Theater. - That's correct, Siobhan. Yes, yes, yes. - Smart. - [Mike] I had 80 more words to say, - I'm sorry. - But yeah, you caught us. - [Siobhan] Say the question. - No, no. I'm glad you caught it that quickly. I was hoping we would trip people up in all the words that came after, but you're right. The Public Theater, while legendary, is an off-Broadway venue. That's not a Broadway venue. Now, you'll never know what I was gonna say about "A Chorus Line". (chime dings) (upbeat music) We're going to go to our second Shiny Question of the game. - [Grant] Ooh. - In this is a little game that we're calling, "Once More Without Feeling". I am going to read the lyrics with as little rhythm melody or affect as I can. It's up to you to buzz in and identify the show that these songs are from. All right. Well, we'll jump into this. There'll be six different songs here. Whoever can get the most will get the one point. - Great - Cool. Okay. - Cool. (clears throat) - "Hold on, hun, we're going to bunny hug. I bought-" (bell dings) - Yes. - "Chicago". - That's correct. Grant, fast on that buzzer. Here's the next one. "Oh no! Oh no! If his eyes get dull and fishy when you book for glints and gleams," (bells dings) Rachel. - "South Pacific". - That is correct. - Ugh! - Oh! - Okay. Here's our next one. "Now the gods grew quite scared of our strength and-" (bells dings) Yes. Grant. - "Hedwig and the Angry Inch". - That's correct. All right. Here's our next one. "Oh, that noble feeling. Feels-" (bells ding) Grant! Jesus. - "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". - That's correct. - [Siobhan] Wow! - [Rachel] Fuck me! - [Siobhan] Jesus Christ. - All right. Here's our next one. "Food beyond compare-" (bells ding) Yes. Rachel. - "Oliver". - No, but you fell into our trap. - Fuck you! (everybody laughs) - "Food beyond compare, food beyond belief." - [Grant] Oh! Oh! Oh! - "Mix it in a mincer." (bells ding) - Rachel. - "Sweeney Todd". - [Mike] That's "Sweeney Todd". (bell dings) - No, it's not. - Yes, it is. - "Food beyond compare." That's "Les Miserables"! - Sorry. Sorry. Yes, yes, yes, yes. You're right. Sorry. God, I'm- - Wait, oh. - ♪ Food beyond compare ♪ ♪ Foo beyond belief ♪ - Oh! - So he just got that. - Oh, I just got. Oh, trap. - Yes. - There was a flash of something. If you go look back, you'll see a real flash of- - Oh, no, no, no. - Okay. - Well, Grant, I think- - That will work out in the end. - At last, we found him. The musical theater murderer. You mistook a musical and he kills you. That's his M.O. - He probably has too many for anyone else to win, but let me see if we can give it final check. - We've only got one more left. - [Rachel] Oh, great. - So we'll do this one. All right. "Look, I didn't want to have to tell you, but I may be coming down with Hepatitis." (Grant laughs) (bell dings) (Grant and Mike laughs) - "Company". - That's "Company". Yeah, it's "Company". - Oh, man. That's funny. (everybody laughs) - Will you do more? Will you do more, just for me? - Grant still wondering. - These are so fun to do. It's so silly to say these. It's just like, "Hey listen, come on. We're gonna bunny hug." (everybody laughs) - "Look" is such a funny way to start that sentence. Look, ah. - Well, that is two for Rachel, four for Grant. - Fuck! - So that point goes to Mr. Grant O'Brien. (bell dings) - Yeah! You all said I'd never be on the show and now I'm on the show. - You didn't wanna be on the show. You have utter contempt for this show. - I'm not interested, but this is great. (Mike laughs) (upbeat music) - Well, it's intermission time here. So why don't you stretch your legs and get a big old sippy cup of wine. And while you're at it tell us the things that we got wrong. You can correct us by tweeting @UmActuallyShow or by going to the exclusive dropout discord, and telling us what we got wrong there. If we like it, we might feature it on the show. Well, what is our score line looking at right now? Two, five, two. That was a- - [Grant] Ooh. - Yeah. She's kicking our ass. - All right. Here's our next question. - [Rachel] Okay. - Legendary performer Tim Curry created the role of Dr. Frank N. Furter, the sexually deviant mad scientist from the planet of Transylvania, in the original 1973 London production of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", before reprising his role on screen in the 1975 cult-classic film. (bell dings) - Um, actually, the film came first. - Incorrect. (bell dings) - Well. - Siobhan. - Um, actually, it originated in Bristol? - Incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, Transylvania isn't a planet. - That's correct. Can you be more specific? (bell dings) - Um, actually, Transylvania is a country not a planet. - Wait, I have a second "Um, actually". - [Mike] Oh, Go ahead. - The play is not called "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". - Ooh. - The play is called "The Rocky Horror Show". - Ooh - Ooh. - We're gonna have our fact checker looking at that, 'cause that would make sense for it to be that- - ♪ Just a sweet transvestite from... ♪ - Transexual, Transylvania. - [Mike] Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh. - Wow. - Yep. Okay, that's not what we're going for but I'll give it to you. (bell dings) Grant, what were you about to say? - Um, actually, he's from Transexual, Transylvania. - He is from Transexual, Transylvania. What we're aiming for here is we said he was from the planet of Transylvania. He's from the planet Transexual - Yes. - in the galaxy of Transylvania. - Sure. - Great. (Mike laughs) - Which is extremely nitpicky. You found something else in here, (Grant laughs) but, so we'll give you a point for that. Very convenient that Transylvania happens to be a region on earth, and also - A galaxy. - [Mike] A galaxy. - They don't come up with the names, that's just- - Yeah, that's just what it's called. - Science. - [Mike] Science. - Now, this isn't a good story. - That hasn't stopped you before. (Mike, Rachel and Siobhan laughs) - Oh, no. Well, this is, the first blowjob I ever gave was that - All right. - I was screening the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". - Oh my God, really digging. - That's actually, that's actually... - That's better than a lot of my stories. (everybody laughs) - That's the best story I've heard so far rather than you almost auditioning for something. (everybody laughs) That's actually something that you actually did. - Yeah, I actually did. - Involving musical theater. Yeah, I like that story. - All right. Here's a question about "Rent". - Oh, gross (bell dings) - You should pay it. - "Rent" has five different songs titled "Voice Mail #1-5", each portraying one of five different voicemail messages. Four of these voicemails are performed by the parents of a lead character, but there is also a voicemail left by Alexi Darling, a celebrity-name-dropping producer of a sleazy news show called Buzzline. (bell dings) - [Mike] Grant. - Um, actually, her name is Lexi Darling. - No. (bell dings) - Um, actually, one of the voice mails is left by two parents. - That's not what we're going for. (bell dings) - [Mike] Yeah. - Um, actually, there were six voicemails. - You're wrong, but you're close. (bell dings) - I might give it to you unless you can be- - Um, actually, there are three voicemails. - No. (Mike, Siobhan and Rachel laughs) You are less correct than Rachel was. You found the thing that's wrong at least so I'm gonna, I'm inclined to give it to you unless someone can tell me. - Clearly, neither have this specific. - So while there are five songs titled "Voice Mail # 1-5", there are actually nine total voicemails left. - Wow. What a good show. - Because in two of the voicemail numbers, multiple voicemails are left - Right, - by different characters. - 'cause it's Mimi's mom. (chime rings) (upbeat music) - All right. \Well, this will bring us to our last Shiny Question of the game. - [Siobhan] Okay. - So this is a game we're gonna call, "We'll Just Have to Adapt". So on the other side of this, there's going to be a series of properties. All of these have been adapted into musicals except for one. - Ooh. - [Mike] Broadway musicals specifically. Yes. - Oh. - Okay. - So all of these had been adapted into Broadway musicals. The first person who can identify the one that has not been adapted into a Broadway musical will get the point. And when I say so you can flip. Everyone ready and flip. (thrilling music) (bell dings) - Siobhan. - "Sweet Home Alabama" has not been adapted. - That is correct. - Wow. - Sneaking in there just a half second before everyone else. Well, Grant had his buzzer. - Yes. - I wasn't gonna get there. - "Sweet Home Alabama" has not been adopted into a Broadway musical. All the rest of these have. - [Siobhan] Yep. - I saw "Catch Me If You Can" and it was great. - "Groundhog Day" is also fantastic. - "Groundhog Day" is really good. - I heard it's really good. - It really is good and it made me cry a lot, like an embarrassing snotty amount. (upbeat techno music) - That brings us to our last question, - [Siobhan] Great. - which as always on this show, concerns real life skills. So it has nothing to do with the things that you've been obsessing about your whole lives. These are just things that might be valuable for you to know in the world, general, general facts. You may know all the roles in the Broadway show you just watched, but what about the roles in the U.S. government? (Rachel and Siobhan laughs) - All right. Cool. - The Cabinet's role is to advise the president on subjects related to each member's area of expertise. Established in Article II of the Constitution, this group includes positions such as the Secretary of Energy, the Trade Representative, the Secretary of Communications, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of the Interior. (bell dings) Grant. - Um, actually, the Trade Representative is not a Cabinet level position. - Incorrect. - Okay. (bell dings) - [Mike] Siobhan. - Um, actually, the Secretary of Communications is not a Cabinet level. - That is correct. There's no Secretary of Communications. - Oh. - Unlike in other countries, where there is one. - We just have Sarah Huckabee Sanders. - Yeah, basically. Yeah. You have the Press Secretary. But that's not a Cabinet level position. All the other ones are. And the Secretary of the Interior has a much different role from like the Ministry of the Interior in other countries, which is more of a, sort of like a Homeland defense kind of thing. A Secretary of Interiors is largely related to land use and things like that. - Now, the trade representative feels like to me, it should come under Department of Commerce. - Well, it does sound fake. - [Mike] It does sound fake. - That was why I was gonna guess- - I auditioned once to be a Trade Secretary. (everybody laughs) And they made me, - [Mike] How did it go? - And they made me shit in the Marriott. - That's right. (Mike laughs) - Did you get it? - No, I had to wait outside with my oxen. - [Mike] God. - [Grant] That's terrible. - [Mike] That's really bad. That's really something. - There's gotta be better system. - 'Cause you gotta wait outside. It's really bad for your voice. - Well, hat is our final score looking like? Three, eight, three. - Yeah, she killed us. - [Mike] Yowza. What? - Is there any chance to make up those points? There's no sort of tiebreaker to get six points at once? - There's no sort of tiebreaker. I don't know. We could look up some more. - [Rachel] She just won. - She just straight up won. - [Mike] Yeah. - Look, I don't feel great about it. I feel good about it. Do I feel great about it? - You should feel great about it. You really wipe the floor with us. - That was- - Well, what I'll say is you're the one who's played the game and we haven't. - [Mike And Siobhan] That is true. Yeah. - You knew what to listen for. - Yes. - I would just say like- - You played to the test. - [Rachel] Yeah! - Like, you've done the test before. You've had your PSAT. - She knows her shit but like also she knows how to play the test. - My dad got me a tutor, - [Rachel] Yes. - And they said that I was on the rowing team so that I could do this musical theater quiz. - [Mike] Siobhan did pay us several thousand dollars- (bell dings) - Um, actually, it's called the crew. It's not the rowing team. It's the crew team. - There's nothing I love more than you saying something zoning silence. (laughs) Thank you so much everyone for playing with us. Thank you for watching. Join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on "Um, Actually". - ♪ Um, Actually ♪ (upbeat music)
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 233,778
Rating: 4.9518228 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: 98HzbcRmmHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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