Ender's Game, Good Omens, Secret Wars

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from buckbeak to buck rogers nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that's correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have lily doo hi i'm nervous to be here oh we have amy dallin uh same but you all seem really nice and i assume you are as well good good i'm glad we're i'm glad we're projecting uh yeah an aura of comfort uh and uh returning we have emma five yes i am also here not nervous that would be weird if i was because i've done this show several times yes uh emma you've played before soon um uh lily and amy you're new to the game um but it's very simple uh these are a stack of incorrect statements but the things that you know and love at least that one at least one of you knows them um it's up to you to find the thing that's wrong uh buzz in and correct me all your corrections must be preceded with the phrase um actually if you don't do that i won't give you the point and i'll feel very bad about it yeah so please don't show it to me and you can interrupt me whenever you want how's everyone feeling still a little nervous maybe still no i've gone from nervous to incredibly confident okay um well then we'll we'll jump right into it buzzers in hand and we'll ask our first question here which is about marvel comics marvel comics first company-wide crossover series was secret wars in it the cosmic being beyond her teleports heroes and villains to earth 1 or earth prime to combat one another characters like wolverine captain marvel ultron and molecule man fight each other yes they go to battle world they go to battle world [Applause] [Laughter] would be very supportive she's like no hey hey he's cut throat okay that was the shakespeare's stealing of an answer that was literally just said hurts hey it happens games have been won by it i guess i'm gonna give it to emma but uh i'm okay with it because you're friends and i feel like your friendship can survive our friendship i think i think we'll come through okay well um yeah uh you're correct the world is battle world it's not uh didn't even finish the question not earth prime uh a a world that does what it says uh uh yeah perfectly listen i really like how straightforward it is battle world yeah you know you know exactly what you're signing up for when you go to battle royale yeah like sometimes you go to a place and you're like this name does not convey what it's gonna be like greenland greenland yeah green light classic not battle world scenario yeah yeah greenland was originally called battle world and then the vikings are there i feel like we can't rule that out yeah well that point will go to emma don't feel good about them that's how the game is played next question is about dungeons and dragons in dungeons and dragons the demon princes of the abyss are some of the most formidable foes in the universe fraz erblue is the prince of deception and illusions who appears as a massive gargoyle grogar is the prince of cruelty who appears as a demonic goat wearing a bell and rules the realm of tambellon and graz is the dark prince of pleasure who appears as a beautiful but demonic humanoid and takes advantage of others through manipulation and charm lily um actually fras gord glue is too stupid of a name um it's fres er blue thank you very much and that is just stupid enough that is that is a real name dark prince of the abyss um actually uh frazz herb blue yeah that was his name that was his name is he's the one that's a gargoyle uh that's right he's not a girl he is a guy i like the way you're saying that because it's it's almost reminded me like someone at a party be like uh fres er blue right it was is that the name fresh are you are you in med school we have met several times i'm sorry france um actually the realm isn't tamboland grogar is in tambalan yeah krogar i'll go ahead and call it seems like oh now that i honestly lost track of the questions yeah the answer we're looking for here is uh grogar is actually the villain of the original my little pony series but it is true that grill guard it was an evil ghost sorcerer from tambalan who wanted to conquer pony land but yeah he's he like he wouldn't look out of place as being like a prince of hell he's sort of this like um sort of like i think it's like a kind of goat centaur kind of no demon prince of cruelty is what you're saying we made up we also would have given the point if anyone said grogar is not the prince of cruelty because we straight up made that up are you sure that my little pony didn't take grogar from judges they don't exist in the same world yeah that's what my little pony is it's just somebody's homebrew [Laughter] well no points for that one this next one is about sailor moon luna and artemis are cats who advise the sailor senshi in the manga they even go so far as to temporarily transform into humans to directly help in a crisis however in the anime only luna ever transforms which happens when she wishes to become a human because she's in love with a human man um actually they're not originally cats they were huge or i'm thinking of sabrina the teenage way damn a lot of magic cats out there i've actually seen this show i know i'm wrong as i answer the question um actually they used to be humanoid but they came in cat form uh incorrect um actually the transformation doesn't happen because luna is in love with a human man uh it does it does it definitely does close yeah um actually they're like they just look like cats they're not cats really they're like moon aliens that's correct yes they're not cats they're aliens from the planet now they're not cats they just happen to look exactly like cats in the same way that you know uh uh superman just have kryptonians just happen to look a lot like humans but they are aliens uh yeah they're mao is cat in chinese maybe it's cat and japanese too i don't know oh that's interesting well uh we will move on to our next question which is a fan question so one of one of our fans sent this in to us and this was sent to us by rue magic and it's about ender's game the government gives john paul and teresa wiggin rare permission to have a third child violating earth's strix to child per family policy they name the boy ender and the government hopes he'll combine the best traits of his brilliant older siblings valentine and peter yes um actually i feel like ender's a nickname it is a nickname that's right um do you know his real name i'll give you the point anyway but i do not remember i don't know that real name i can't remember no his real name is andrew and he's just called a cold ender um but yeah that's a point uh for amy um so that was a good clean point like i feel like all the points i get are dirty i mostly someone else forgets to say i'm actually someone else say i'm actually i mostly guess my way into right answers um well this will bring us to our first shiny question of the game shiny questions are like shiny pokemon and that they're worth the same amount of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer so we are gonna play a game here called in the beginning [Music] on the other side of this board there's gonna be eight different superheroes and eight descriptions of origin stories uh it'll be up to you to match the correct origin story with the correct superhero whoever gets the most right will get the point so you just have to do better than the other people on this couch in order to claim this point go ahead and flip those over [Music] [Music] so uh lily why don't you uh walk me through um walk you through your answers here the max i said engineered by an alien robot scientist on another planet spawn uh this one i didn't know where to put it so i don't think this is right homeless victim of a hit and run doesn't feel humanoid enough to be hit and run but that's okay one punch man looks dumb as hell so i said he did 100 push-ups it felt like the only obvious answer uh but i could be so wrong rocket have seen the movies completely forgot created by a couple of evil scientists a raven not from x-men sold their soul to a demon to return to life adam warlock great last name uh allows themselves to be possessed by a demon i feel like i've heard that backstory and it does not go with him but who knows devilman the offspring of a powerful demonic lord big barda a great name great outfit born to a powerful alien race all right um we'll we'll kind of run through these and then i'll sort of reveal how many are any of these correct uh some of them are yeah thank you um uh uh amy okay some some certainty some guessing and some last-minute switches uh i don't remember the max's deal at all so i'm hoping he's a homeless victim of a hit-and-run who accidentally discovered hoping he's a homeless victim of a hit and run jesus why would you wish for that i just look i mean he looks like he'll make the best of it uh devil man also haven't seen really hoping he allows himself to be possessed by a demon to gain its power and keeps the demon at bay with a pure heart all right one punch man does seem like he would do a hundred push-ups 100 100 squats and 10k running every single day uh spahn definitely comes back uh like definitely was betrayed definitely comes back to collect souls i'm not totally sure about the mechanics of him actually selling his soul but i know he wants to see his wife again so i'm going with still the soul to a demon to return to life after being murdered by a friend okay raven pretty sure the offspring of a powerful demonic overlord adam warlock pretty sure created by a couple of evil scientists before rebelling against them rocket pretty sure engineered by alien robot scientists on another planet and almost certain big bart are born to a powerful alien race and groomed to be a villain before deciding to be here very cool um uh emma how uh well well let's say this amy you got all of those correct uh so emma how uh i did not get all of them all right but boy oh boy i got saitama correct and i think i got acura correct too man allows themselves to be possessed by a demon to gain their power by keeping their their pure heart that is correct um how many of these other ones are the same as i got spawn sold their soul to a demon to return to life after being murdered by a friend and i think that's where it stops okay i got three uh we're looking rocket you made those origins sound real close together oh we were sneaky we were definitely trying to be sneaky here we were trying to change your people upstairs those around that was my last minute oh wait there's there's also a lot of like devilman spawn there's a lot of like hell thing going on here was a homeless victim of a hit and rub the max was a homeless victim of a hit and run uh as just as amy hoped uh uh her dreams came true as you wish to befall him yeah uh that was all of them correct for amy uh three for emma two for lily so that uh means our point will go to amy hey we just keep on making mistakes we did something wrong in a previous episode and you caught him here are some of our favorite corrections from you at hawkswift95 says in the name that elf shiny question the art of sylvanas is after reanimation by arthas so she would be a banshee in that picture not a high elf i will give you one point for that at rauruspada4 says in the board game ticket to rod you don't actually build any railroads the game is instead about traveling the most along the north american railways and from our exclusive dropout discord roppongi 3k says um actually you imply that the namahagi is a christmas creature or some holiday equivalent but it's actually a new year's creature roppongi i imply no such thing this was a holiday episode which also includes new year's and we have new year's glasses on the set to prove it amy how many of these were you confident in when you were when you were going in i've read some spawn i was pretty confident on the three marbles and the dc and uh the rest was guessing one punch man you know i think everyone was everyone on board with like yeah that if there's a if there's a dude who just got powered to give you a give me yeah to see saitama you know represented granted his origin story pretty easy to get sure yeah if yeah we all do that every day we could be we also yeah we have no hair who has the time though that is actually a plotline is like because his power is privileged that he has the time to do it his superhero workout literally did make him like lose his hair though like in the beginning he has hair and he's just a like weak dude and then he's like i'm going to become a hero and so he starts doing this for all that muscle yeah exactly well our next question here is about harry potter reporters for wizarding news publications like the quibbler the new york ghost and the daily prophet yeah um actually is there a paper called the new york ghost seems awfully stupid doesn't it yeah it does i also thought that was fake but it's too dumb i was like yeah the new york ghost is the kind of pun that the new york post would make uh making fun of something else yeah well okay i'm ready to listen that's all right well after i recover a little bit okay god here it goes reporters for wizarding news publications like the quibbler the new york ghost and the daily prophet can be a real nuisance for instance a daily prophet reporter wrote an article questioning if arthur weasley was fit for his job at the ministry of magic although arthur wasn't reached for comment since molly threatened to stick her kitchen knives on the inquiring journalist yes did she offer to sick her garden gnomes on the journalist ooh you're extremely close you've hurt me um you're very close uh uh you've identified what's wrong so i'll give you the point unless someone can tell me uh what the complete correction so it wasn't that she threatened uh uh uh with kitchen knives um or garden domes but it was something else something else um actually she threatened to sick her troublesome twins fred and george they're real mischievous you won't like it the number of wizard wheezies they have will blow your mind um actually my other son has dragons yeah that's true i'd take him over those troublesome twins every day uh uh no that's incorrect um actually she threatens him with a legal action the most dreaded thing of all lawyers um lily we'll go ahead and give you the point uh molly threatened to stick her house ghoul on the journalist who is a uh which is kind of glossed over but what the [ __ ] you like you just casually have a house uh in the first book uh he has chains it's sort of like it's like what wow what is going on i feel like they omitted uh the house school from the films completely because i can't picture an officer version of it but i do love this sort of like look wizarding has a long history sometimes you got ghosts that's true it's just a thing that happens you get roaches sometimes you get ghouls yeah it feels like it has this sort of like flintstones kind of thing where it's like racial living like like the house school is there just to like i don't know like yeah that's my thing scraps or something is the house ghoul an undead like was this a person at some point that is now just a reanimated corpse sad that's so dark our house schools sentient like do they is this is this like this is a human not a human being yeah does it have its own like thoughts and wants and fear is it not leaving because it refuses to leave or because how cruel are the weasleys for having high school is what i'm really getting at what is going on yeah how do you go about employing a house school or does one just like they don't do are they tethered to your home you know what i mean i'd like to imagine that that a high school would be more like well i live here so you can come if you want but we're going to work out yeah you have to like go in and impress the house school all right come on in yeah wow an above-ground ghoul yeah yeah i'm doing it well yes a point for lily you know food that's fast doesn't have to be fast food if even a meal prep kit is just a little too much for you maybe you should try freshly freshly offers quality meals without all the hard work of prepping cooking and cleaning you know that feeling when you remember that you have some delicious leftovers in your fridge and the only thing standing between you and a meal is just a couple minutes in the microwave well freshly gives you that feeling all week long with chef made nutrient packed delicious meals delivered fresh to your door ordering is easy go to freshly.com and choose from over 30 delicious satisfying better for you meals like steak peppercorn sausage baked penne or their chicken pesto bowl and freshly has plans and meals that work for you no matter your dietary needs or family size right now our listeners can try freshly for just six dollars and 16 cents per meal stop searching the internet for healthy 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we're going for here uh four dimensions which is most of the dimensions in slaughterhouse five kurt vonnegut introduced the trial famadorians fatalistic green aliens who look like upright toilet plungers the hand on top and a single eye in its palm trial famidorians perceive reality in four dimensions meaning they experience all past present and future moments simultaneously and thus they have seen how the universe is going to end um actually trial famindorians are not green oh they are cool um actually kurt vonnegut referenced them before he wrote slaughterhouse five so they weren't technically introduced in slaughterhouses that's correct yes do you know do you know where they were introduced no but they sound familiar and i haven't read that one so i'm working from that knowledge do you want to give a guess uh breakfast of champions uh they are not although they might appear in breakfast of champions no no no don't know what order the books were is it the book with ice nine in it is it the book with ice nine in it cradle that cat's cradle it is not cat's cradle that's fine i'll give you the point anyway uh um uh they are first introduced in the sirens of titan um but they are also referenced in uh hocus pocus and time quake were any of those the ones you were thinking i have no idea all right well that's honestly helpful that's the first time i've ever heard that word pronounced and not just read it say it again trial famadorians trial famidorian i mean i could be saying that wrong too lord knows i say a lot of things wrong on this show yeah we all do it and if you do it wrong because you read a book first i feel like there's i feel like there's a word for this that someone told me i'd be fascinated to know what that is because it's such a universal experience of like i don't know if this was right but i think it was being muzzled because it was based on someone saying that that's clever i like that i like it well that point will go to amy the watchman comic was originally going to feature a cast of existing dc characters night owl was blue beetle dr manhattan was captain adam silk spectre was huntress actually they're charlton characters dc had recently purchased them uh that may or may not count as a thing but they that's not what we were planning on um uh but uh uh did did dc own the rights only by the time the comic was they hadn't introduced them until crisis that is that is a good point he's like arguing with amy on contracts maybe keep going sorry you know what i mean they technically dc must have owned them because they wouldn't have been planning on doing it okay objection withdrawn execution was drawn very good the watchmen comic was originally going to feature a cast of existing dc characters night owl was blue beetle dr manhattan was captain adam silk spectre was huntress the comedian was peacemaker rorschach was the question and yes i'm actually so expect it wasn't huntress uh do you know what she was i'll give you the point but who is is it phantom lady or uh no um i'll i'll give you the point anyway unless someone is someone else no no uh okay uh well you found it yeah i found it and i didn't even finish so you feel that it was wrong silk spreader was nightshade i was gonna be nice they uh asked alan moore to create original characters when dc realized the storyline would make the characters unusable in the future which also sounds like a fake excuse you give someone because like comics are constantly doing things like comics constantly are just like well all that other stuff that happened to this person it's fine they're dead we'll bring them back like you know what i mean yeah this feels like the comics version of like ooh i'm really busy that night you know this is just my characters are sick yeah well you got that point i don't feel good about it i'm sorry this is like you shouldn't feel bad amy how dare you no things well this brings us to our second shiny question this is a game called what's wrong with this picture [Music] on the other side of the card you will see an image that we have manipulated in some way to make it incorrect whoever can spot the thing that's wrong with it first will get the point got it okay and flip it [Music] uh amy um actually is usually wearing pants instead of this skirt uh no uh well gosh you're trying to think they like skater shorts because most final fantasy characters are wearing super 90s gear you've you've spotted the area that's wrong um yeah i'm trying to think if uh uh how much the count it's you you spotted the area but it's not that he should be wearing shorts specifically okay um there's a more correct way to correct this um everyone stare at that area yeah this guy yeah jessica gets right in on that area the crotch [Music] actually there should be like a single pant leg pre you know what i uh there's a lot of i'm gonna count that okay well i'll show you what it's supposed to look like and you'll see where the computer is yeah let's see that's what it should look like that skirt should be uneven it should be that is sir you have to go home from school and change like that is not appropriate from your fingertips make it to the end of yourself if zip off hiking pants shorts weren't a cool enough look for you try just zipping off one of them yeah and see how that feels and it's not even the fact that his hoodie is open just showing his chest under the overalls no that's normal yes it's like we let titus dress himself this morning like the people who designed this are just like more is more yeah have you played those games more is more yeah well great we'll go ahead and collect these uh well i probably made a couple of mistakes there if you noticed something that i [ __ ] up just tell me about it already tweet at um actually show or go to our exclusive dropout discord and correct me there if we like what you have to say we might feature it in a future episode and maybe even give you a little point very good here's our next statement good omens the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter witch by terry pratchett and neil gaiman features an angel a zeraphal and a demon crowley working together to prevent the end of the world among the novel's antagonists are the four horse persons of the apocalypse war famine pestilence and death who ride motorcycles instead of horses now i'm actually uh alice nutter has a different occupation than a witch uh no incorrect incorrect um actually not all of them ride motorcycles at least one does uh they all ride motorcycles yeah it's a sort of so it's a biker gang kind of thing um um actually is one of their names incorrect uh that's very broad i'm going to have to you said we could try again you could absolutely guess but you can't guess hey i'm actually something's wrong with what you said like yes that's the game here you gotta you gotta get a little more specific do you wanna get a little more specific the last one of the four names what was it death death edit the sound don't use this don't use it i don't know okay fair enough um you're on the right track pestilence is is no longer one of the horse persons of the apocalypse he retired after the invention of penicillin one of the four horse persons is now pollution instead of course sure yeah right yeah yeah i think it's a great book yeah that makes perfect sense we love terry pratchett writes yeah exactly it's like yeah you've got to throw in some of those like i could not have known that this vaccine thing was going to happen so they reasonably thought that's true yeah that pestilence but guess what there's measles in l.a yeah well uh this we'll bring on to our next statement here it's about lord of the rings there were 20 rings of power crafted in total the one ring was crafted by sauron himself the other 19 were forged by the elf kelebrimbor although the rings were all corrupted by sauron's magic kelebrimbor had other notable works too he worked with the dwarven architect narvi to create the doors of durian now everyone is going through the poem encounter um actually uh narvey was not the architect who created the stars of durant narvey narvey is the architect he is the architect um actually they were all made by the same person it's just they didn't know about the one made in secret uh incorrect correct um actually not all the rings were corrupted that's correct uh only 16 of the 19 other rings were corrupted the three rings given to the elves uh engagement rings yeah the the the engagement rings were not corrupted because love is pure and true uh uh no the um uh the the three elven rings were not corrupted by sauron's magic that point will go to lily and what can you see all the cool [ __ ] that happens when elves and dwarves work together making cool doors like you don't always have to be fighting you know work together make some cool [ __ ] that's what i'm saying like how much do you think the elves like lauded it over the dwarves that their rings didn't get corrupted it still goes on the ring finger oh it's a pretty cool ring it's like yeah yours uh you're just all [ __ ] busted and evil now yeah well anyways it must be really unfortunate yeah and you're you're notable for your craftsmanship is that right interesting interesting all right cool interesting interesting still got corrupted but then again the dwarves could throw it back at them like well of course because you elves crafted these rings in the first place yeah the offerings would never have been corrupted doors by themselves that works out yeah great well that great point goes to lily243 pretty tight game uh and this will bring us to our last shiny question this is a game we're gonna play called a book by its cover [Music] we've played it before with uh with just you know books sci-fi books fantasy books um we're doing the same sort of thing where we've taken uh we've taken the cover we've removed the title and anything and like authors anything that would be too too much of a scripted giveaway uh this particular edition is going to be comic specific um now we're not looking for like an issue number we're looking for uh like title of the series uh go ahead and flip this over and let's see what we have here [Music] we'll go down the line and we'll i'll try to keep track of how many uh you just got right so uh lily wow this guy that's superman wow knew that don't know what series this i could tell there were asian people and dragons and i wrote the ancient one question mark a colonial fantasia of asian characters but i meant caricature you know yeah i ran out of time i wrote comic books okay also technically true this i said space juice are you my daddy this one i'm pretty sure it's not but i did see it said neil gaiman so i said sandman okay uh cool uh uh amy let's let's run that what do you have um i've got uh is it action comics league of extraordinary gentlemen akiro watchmen saga and sandman well amy i would normally go all the way down here but once again you've gotten these all correct so i got like four right though okay so emma let's listen let's take a look superman the league of extraordinary gentlemen that was the one that i took a closer look and was like wait it's also invisible probably supposed to be like some allen quartering kind of type people uh and then acura uh yeah space wizard that's nicely into the universe's space juice yeah demon baby napping uh and sandman uh cool um so yeah uh emma you've got uh three correct lily you got one correct uh and amy you got these all correct uh that's why um even yeah we we're trying to throw people a little bit off with the watchman one because it's not necessarily cover that people's nostalgia by bite yeah i was like i have read some of these and i do not know these covers um yep here are the answers uh that point will go to amy i had a different cover for watchmen oh i mean this these are the issues it's one of the issues yeah so we yeah we specifically didn't pick the like the real iconic stuff hey you know what you shine yes we suck sneaky yes we're very sneaky and we do suck uh i do apologize for that um that's part of the game a car this will bring us to our last question of the game um which as always concerns real life skills if you're traveling internationally you'll want to make sure you have some cash in the proper foreign currency whether it's kenyan shillings danish kroner or yugoslav dinars you can potentially order currency through a local bank branch if you think ahead alternatively yes um actually dinars are not yugoslavian they are yeah alternatively your bank may have branches abroad or a partnership with a bank at your destination in which case you can use the atm there to get cash as well the most expensive option is to use airport kiosk exchange actually you should be able to just use your atm card at like any ncr produced atm machine overseas um that's not what we're going for um uh uh we we do so you can use the atm to get cash but yeah uh but that's the unknown okay the most expensive option is to use airport kiosk exchanges which tend to charge high fees and give bad exchange rates um actually airport kiosks are not the most expensive because it's even more expensive if you want to exchange your currency in a theme park the first thing i do when i get to a country is i get to the local theme park you find a disney please change my dollars to disney box and then change it into euro um uh that is not the answer we're going for um actually it's much more expensive to just literally throw money away also true we wouldn't help you use the the local currency i'll go ahead and call it i'll say that the the first guest was was a little close but the issue is not that that um that dinars are not the currency of yugoslavia the issue is that yugoslavia has not been a country since 1992. my god [Laughter] um which uh of course again is extremely mean and tricky of us um but that is not a practical lifestyle well it would be you wouldn't want to you wouldn't want to try to book a flight to yugoslavia uh we're all upset everyone's melting into the couch uh our final score is two five three making amy our winner for this episode um but thank you to all three of you for playing this was very fun uh and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually [Music]
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 226,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: um actually, um actually full episode, emma fyffe, mike trapp, mike trapp um actually
Id: 7lI4xD53DRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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