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Just watched this, and holy s. I want some now. No ribeye in the house, unfortunately.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
two words and nothing else to say steak frites okay fine really delicious ones with an amazing butter drizzle damn it's steak frites steak you understand that frites fries in French steak frites is a a classic little French cafe combo they have it everywhere I've had it in France so we're doing a yeah we're doing a riff on that we're making a shareable version of steak frites all the hands can come in fact we should get that try get that as a picture all the hands coming into the end it's not just one steak per person and their own frites it's a bunch starts with fries we're making a little half fingerling guy's a steak we're gonna do in a different way make this really delicious fully infused roasted garlic rosemary parsley melted butter to drizzle on at the end and holy [ __ ] is this gonna be good let's just gonna say something really dirty and I absolutely pulled back at the last minute and I'm glad because they didn't need to go there and it didn't need to go in her ears not that I hold back much from you slap on but no no it's not happening it is not happy to get it yes never happening I'm not saying it I don't trust anything anymore now these are fingerling potatoes so named because they look like little fingers okay creepy little fingers really jacked-up little fingers keep matching a hand of this was their way to do that here hold on there hence the name fingerling potatoes so here's what I do I just like to clean them up a bit get these ends off suppose I could wash them suppose I should wash them see now I have to do the X I said it it's fine I'll give them a little rinse we can do that we're going the colander quick little rinse under running water a little rinse dry them off that's all quick little dry and then we'll cut them lengthwise put them in our Bowl so you take one lengthwise separate in the bowl one separate Bowl just finish them all off and what I like is that the outside colors obviously are different the insides some of them different the insides some of them look at that that I like the purple guys are cool these guys are light in color that's okay yellow ones light in color same thing that's okay get them all in the bowl and then we move on to step two [Music] here's what's next the potatoes get a little hit of avocado oil like that and then the following a giant whack of garlic ah it's a couple cloves like that we're making these a little spicy it's just the way they should be some red pepper flake a little chili powder a little bit not too much a little smoked paprika yeah that kosher salt and pepper one more we mix and what am I gonna use to mix max that's right thank you Jilly I'm actually beat you and then we go nice these really are the best things for this kind of mixing yes of course a spoon would work but it won't be the same now we take these the bowl comes out the baking sheet goes in we give it a spray and the potatoes go back on looking lovely but we want them face down so spread them out and then turn them over crispy is an important part of this color is an important part of this and we want this on the flat you're just going to flip everyone over onto the flat part to start and then at the halfway point we'll flip them back over look I could have used just like yellow fingerling potatoes they make them but the bag with the multicolored that's the way to go we don't eat with our eyes ladies and gentlemen but we definitely see with them and looking at this melange of colors when this whole dish is finished it's gonna be way more appealing to your eyes than just all one now off to the oven so the potatoes are should say so trying not to say so I say too much okay so okay so okay so so so okay so okay okay so so so so so okay so okay okay so okay so okay so okay so okay so okay so okay so okay so I know okay so okay so the potatoes are in so let's do it I shouldn't do that I have to I have to train myself the potatoes are in the oven at 450 degrees we're gonna give them about 15 minutes on that flat cut side down then we'll scope them and we'll turn them over and we'll look and see how they are and then they'll live another 15 20 minutes on their backs that would be their backs right yeah cut side down if you flip them over they'd be on their back how can you turn your dog over right there's scoopy this right now they're on their stomach right now they're on their stomach the potato a stupid conversation so we have to do two things our steak will do that in a second but this butter drizzle this super delicious butter drizzle it probably doesn't need to be anywhere near this except in our world we'll now make following things go in our little pot you're gonna like this because we start with a stick of butter or if this was France they stick of bill then we're gonna add finely chopped parsley some finely chopped green onion of course you knew that was coming some rosemary fresh that I've chopped stand by big pinch of salt and pepper and then my newest best friend roasted garlic and a little squeeze tube because it's so easy so let's go about a tablespoon of this right on top to make it look as gross as we can well maybe that's a tablespoon and a half I mean this goes on the heat and on we go and this will start to melt happen faster if we break this up not that we're in any rush but these flavors are gonna come together in a most Oh oh the potatoes are ready let's check them in a second but these flavors are gonna come together in the most gorgeous way so just let it do its thing we'll come back and check in a sec and after a couple of minutes look do you know what this is gonna be like any idea what this will be like drizzled on top of this amazing little wag you you don't even know how I'm gonna cook it yet do you secret oh sorry this well I could just never mind he might oh my god this smells so good I just want a baked potato to drizzle this over I want some shrimp to poach in here can you imagine I want to take a piece of like thick french bread and put this over the top and then stick it in the oven and make the most amazing roasted garlic parsley rosemary green onion bread ever alright enough of that check our potatoes and here they are said anybody know somebody tell me what that saying is a reference to that expression I keep saying it and and in the young max and chance both said what does that mean when I say and here they are that's the newlywed game from way back Bob Eubanks was the host couples would come and he'd ask them questions you'd have to Susan what will your husband Bob say was the stranger you know I don't what is that kind of stuff it's a great it was a great old game you know what [ __ ] everybody for being so young what have you got today what game show do you have today you a Yas Queen that's all you got yeah as Queen but we have our own game show coming up soon to be win a chance with chance wait win a chance win a chance to date no it will be win a chance your chance to date chance wait win a chance to win a date with chance that's it win a chance to win a date with chance and his dreamy eyes should we look oh nice oh oh God that's it okay Wow okay they're gonna get more color but that's what you want Oh everybody gets turned over oh [ __ ] okay so you get the idea right all the potatoes get turned over now on their backs they were on their stomachs as max pointed out this little color here this is you want where we're headed folks we're headed for potato wedge or potato half or fingerling half deliciousness you know I wish I had with me I don't my favorite spoon Oh my favorite spoon would be perfect in this application Wow really would okay you get them all done oh happy accept that guy everybody good they were actually in for about 18 19 minutes a little bit past the 15 you know when you get that color you saw me flip them you saw that gorgeous brown and that's what you want crispy beautiful looking here's the thing I have to do the steak it's literally gonna take me three minutes to cook so when those potatoes are five minutes from being ready I will prep the steak I will cut the steak I will cook the steak the potatoes will be done they'll come out the steak will be done they'll go on and then we use that amazing nonsense butter thing to finish the whole thing off for right now though I got now there we go it's a little wag you little Wagyu ribeye that's gonna become our friend and well it's our friend now but really more of our friends so look I'm good with that this I'm fine what if he doesn't even want to do this there that's all I can do I can't take any more off because I love it so here's how this goes down yeah I said so they say so I don't know if I did I'm gonna do this into threes and then into chunks this way oh my god I know how this is gonna taste already without having ever made this before the components of this are gonna be so freakin bomb I'm gonna be so freakin happy here we go we got these bites pretty good let's separate them gonna give them a couple of things the little bit of love tiny bit of avocado oil of course this will help everything stick and everything is gonna be just two more things course your salt and pepper and a little garlic powder a little turn and we repeat I love the way the coarse salt and pepper bounce off okay and I want these guys coming right off the grill going right on the potatoes potatoes are done I'm gonna go get them put them in my dish and we start and now that we're here we just want these in here okay I might make them prettier once they all go in but good lord that's basically the idea right there cool now the state and here's what we're cooking on one of my favorite grill items a grill pan with holes in it so the heat gets through the flames get through lets you cook like you're cooking on the grates but it keeps everything contained and we'll just check and see if this is hot enough do you hear that oh yeah I can't ready 1 2 today's on that little piece of fat why not the goal is simple just like that wash fantastic it's like a wok pan but with holes and because this is because this is wag you we don't want to overcook it all we want is the beautiful color all the way around keep it a little rare in the middle and everybody's gonna be happy well I'm gonna be happy all right we're there and gorgeous let's get ready put them on the potatoes and here they are can I overuse that cuz I think I can oh my so what you want apart from eating one of these right ethic now is to just post them all up and I really look come on guys come you operate with me a little piece of fat and now what is the most unnecessary but maybe the most delicious thing ever this is fully infused roasted garlic rosemary parsley green onion butter [Music] [Applause] so a little more haha I mean look you want it on the on the on the fingerlings right so don't forget the the fingerlings right get it on there because this is all what makes sense and now and now you just try to take a fork out of your back pocket poke around a bit we have a potato first let's go potato let's go this guy's waiting for me look at the trippy butter oh my god it's gorgeous it's crispy on the top beautiful color on the bottom it's this rich delicious butter roasted garlic nonsense it's like a little canoe of pleasure you tell me that doesn't look like a freakin canoe of pleasure it does and this little canoes gonna right in my mouth a little snap to it oh my god the butter hmm the garlic and now the obvious a gorgeous little bite of this beautiful Wagyu ribeye on there now it's a half a canoe of pleasure or whatever the hell that was and that bite glistening with the butter and the herbs and the amazingness is going right in my Yap Jesus take me now and I'm Jewish oh my god to everybody that thinks I exaggerate nope to everybody that thinks I over exaggerate exaggerate to everybody that thinks I over exaggerate graduate wascally wabbit to everybody that thinks I over exaggerate this there is no over exaggeration here these bites these bites this is just pure this is just pure steak frite heaven in a shareable uber delicious way I'm not gonna say anything else I'm not gonna ask you to subscribe it's like but none of that stuff buyer merch nothing just gonna take a bite and we'll end quietly well happens in my mouth that I can't even believe
Views: 999,166
Rating: 4.915401 out of 5
Keywords: steak frites, steak, steak and fries, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, best steak frites, best steak, best steak and fries, wagyu steak, wagyu steak frites, wagyu beef, best wagyu beef
Id: EtImhRShqUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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