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Did he ever mention if the smoker box added any distinguishable smoke flavor?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cranshinibon 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
so you only thought you could cook short ribs in a big pot on the stove or in the oven well guess what today we grill them [ __ ] and you're gonna love them these are beef ribs they're gorgeous they're beautiful and it is true most people tend to cook them in a braising situation that's like in a big pot on the stove with some liquid cooked slowly they steam they get tender they get great but you can also grill them and that's what we're gonna do are they gonna be good but before they go on the grill we're gonna make them a lovely little onion marinade it's gonna be good so of course we're gonna start with an onion but to get the most out of it we're gonna grate the little sucker just like this and yes you're gonna get the onion like shredded up beautifully but there's a ton of moisture in here and we want that so do your thing and when you're suddenly at risk of losing pieces of your fingers which I've done before add the rest and that would be some minced garlic a couple of them minced ginger fresh of course it's amazing some long red Holland peppers will chop up and I'm okay with the seats here these guys are not that hot so we're gonna be okay they smell fantastic some chopped green onion of course I don't know how I could have a recipe that doesn't have green onion in it it goes in try to get that can fly the next when he comes around quarter cup of brown sugar okay juice of about half a lime good squeeze of oil a quarter cup a couple tablespoons of soy sauce about a teaspoon of sesame oil and of course big pinch kosher salt and the fresh ground pepper and we mix yeah doesn't know this onion I'm telling you this onion is really what helps make this thing as my mother-in-law would say deluxe mmm okay gorgeous right all right let's prep the ribs so here's what we're dealing with this is what four pounds of beef short ribs look like and clearly this is the beef side and here's the rib side there's four they're about a pound apiece even though there's extra here and some extra here so here's what we want to do we're gonna cut them and trim them up a bit so just find your middle point and down you go and by middle point I mean the spot between the bones like here here's a good example bone bone right there I think we'd all get that right so find your middle point and cut and there you go nice and one more that's guy so see do you see this the fat in here that's called marbling and that's gonna melt what we're cooking and that's gonna bring the flavor that's what you want but there's a little bit too much fat on these guys so starting with this kid right here let's see what we've got like this kind of stuff like it almost just pulls right off I don't really need that that's not really gonna be my friend when we're cooking these things this little bit here depending on how deep it is yeah we can take that off I don't want to eliminate every bit of fat because we know that fat brings flavor and we like the flavor if you're worried about beef and fat and stuff like that you should have some carrots I think is probably my best suggestion so here again this in here is not too bad it can take a little bit of it's over but just take your time this is you know look you've got a sharp knife hopefully in front of you and by rushing you're only gonna do one thing that I've done a million times before you're gonna hurt yourself we don't want anybody to get hurt so don't so let's take your time I'm okay with that guy this guy now you see this look there's two different types of fat here I'm glad you're on that side max this is just your basic run-of-the-mill everyday fat that comes off almost by pulling if I had a paper towel it would come off a lot easier but this underneath it this is called silver skin that is not gonna do anything good for anybody and we'll just screw this whole thing up so we've done this before it's easier if I have a paper towel so why don't I do then you pull up the a little end of it and then you use your knife as close to the skin that silver skin as you can here and then you just pull away and there that's what you've got you've got this terrible thing taken off that you don't want there we go here's a little bit more silver skin here we can try and get this off too I'm telling you it really is the scourge of any any animal product just get rid of the [ __ ] it's just impossible to eat you're going to go to all the work to season these flavor the marinate them cook them beautifully on the grill and then somebody's gonna get a piece of that [ __ ] in their mouth and game over and then just finish up the other two and the last one look basically all effing silver skin across the top so knife goes carefully underneath Oh then you grab a new piece of paper towel you hold it and you go on you got a big giant ass piece of this horseshit okay there we go look before we stick these in the marinade let's steal a little marinade for after you go perfect okay let's put our ribs in just Nestle it oh you want all the sides covered look this back part is not that important because it's just bone and unlike those boneless ribs that we did a while back that we pulled off this membrane we're not eating back here so I don't really give a [ __ ] about that you you want to take that off by all means be my guest have a party but the goal for this second and the next couple hours in the fridge is exactly what you're seeing here get these guys covered well make sure everybody's happy and how could you not be happy with this gorgeous amazing smelling marinade on you will cover them up don't stick them in the fridge before we put the short ribs on the on the grill I got an email the other day from somebody that said hey we just watched the episode where you smoked a big tomahawk on the smoker remember that oh yeah so good so what what options are there for people that don't have smokers and I thought about it in short of being a dick and saying your lights out max it wasn't the line of standby but you've got no plug and before I am a dick and say just get a smoker because it's not a good answer I thought about it a bit and I thought you know they make those those things that you fill with woodchips and you put on your grill and there's holes then it imparts smoke so that would be cool maybe I could suggest that and then I thought once that better I'll buy one and try it we'll run the experiment if it works this is a great option if it doesn't work then it's a piece of s and then you don't have to worry about spending your money on it we're nice guys right like other people who are doing this okay so here's what it looks like stainless steel clearly holes all over it because the flames have got to get to the underside so what you do is you take the this type of wood chip not the giant I mean I guess suppose technically these are wood chips [ __ ] flies man I'm gonna shoot somebody so this kind of wood chip not big pieces they got to be small so they actually you know you can get to get burned up on the on this thing so we don't want all the water in this so watch a little bit put this guy here and then we'll let most of the water come out and we'll just drop them in and I don't know how much I'm sure too much can't be a problem I'm sure too much clear for your portable I can't do it and that looks about fine to me make sure you can shut it they're gone that's it once your grill is hot on it goes so we'll throw it back here in the middle well shut her and we'll let it start to get a little smoky before we put the ribs on and speaking of the ribs I just took them out of the fridge because we don't want to cook them ice-cold so give him the bite at least a half an hour out in the open away from the Flies so they can warm up a bit and then I can do it look at smoking like I'm crazy I gotta leave it up for a second oh oh and here we go and look ah it's smoking like a son of a [ __ ] which is great but bad for my eyes okay this took about a half an hour to get smoking like that that's great this side is on sort of medium-high I've turned this side it down to low because we're gonna finish over there but we're gonna take our gorgeous beef ribs ah here are you ready max and get sort of as much of this off as you can Wow no I just made a noise I've never heard before because I'm so excited no but the goal is we got to get this thing on these guys on him shut ah holy crap the smoke but the key is to keep the smoke in so max I gotta shut it my eyes are recovering the thing works we'll see if it imparts a flavor because smoke without flavor is just a pain in the ass here's the thing we want to let them start to sear and get some decent color before we turn them on their sides and so we'll let that happen but we're gonna try and keep the lay down as much as we can so there's gonna be a lot of this max quick lift the lid turn turn shut max again come it's gonna be that kind of stuff so just hang with us then we'll once they're good 10 12 ish 15 minutes all the way around we'll move them to the the low side to let them finish through and just let me say little personal public service announcement for myself I was reached out to by a Jason Hawkins a Jason you will know why and I don't have any way to get in touch with you that's all I'll say so will you like direct message me through Instagram or something like that okay didn't slide into my DMS he doesn't even know is that what you kids say these days no idea what yeah dude slide into my day never mind don't say that and we'll do some crack and what is slide basically trying to hook up with you so never mind in a sexual way yeah oh I don't want that I mean I don't think I want that pretty sure Kelly doesn't want me to have that lets check but wait stay there look at that you see the smoke look it that's none of a bitch's working it keep it shut come on over we'll turn them hello sweetness just turn these guys this way look at this big boy hello hello subs these are some meaty [ __ ] ribs boy look look at home et that is do you know how do you have any idea do you you don't do you know nobody has any ideas okay maybe that will put it out if you starve it from the oxygen doesn't that nope it's still going okay I don't know if that's good let's just do this oh and just come on come on man work with me I guess it's okay shut my mouth shut cha cha cha cha let's get these guys on their sides and start - oh so we're going alternate Lee for 130 degrees inside guys and we're gonna know it's there because we're gonna use a thermometer a good instant-read digital thermometer we're not gonna guess poor max every time he's got a nice shot going I shut the lid so if you're wondering if the smoke box works just see this this almost works - well now I thought it started to run out a little bit so I put some more of the chips in here and got them wet and dump the water and just laid them on top but it's all good but now we want to move these guys ah Sh ah you know how you're gonna camp fire and the smoke follows you that's what it's so look at this it's unbelievable that really is I'm very impressed but again it's about flavor give it here's what we want to do now look at this guy Wow so our goal now now that their beautifully browned all the way around I mean absolutely looking superb our golden ale is to take them and put them on the not hot side so I've turned this side down let's take our little smoking guys put them over here now the ribs are coming here to finish I'm gonna set him on the bone ah attack at the smoke now they're sitting on the bone and now we want them to finish slowly get gorgeously tender but before we shut the lid let's give them let's do the [ __ ] thing works too well but before we shut the lid let's give them a little base with that reserved sauce that's what we want we want that gorgeousness on there [Laughter] Oh can you smell that max is that just insane and you see I'll check this out pay attention one sec ready report from this guy falling over don't fall over don't fall over do you see what's happening the meat pulling away from the bone you know what that means means the meats pulling away from the bone no means it's cooking it's getting tender it's a shrinking its tenderizing it's getting gorgeous and let's check a temperature while we're here 117 on that guy 114 on that guy so we roll in the same range we're gonna nother 15 degrees or so to go so a little more of this can there ever be too much basting I don't think so and then we'll shut it we'll just let it live quietly by itself like that when they're ready off they come look at this look what's happening here man this is insane stand it for me okay get a load of this guy we're all right around 130 degrees you see this to see what that you what that means these are gonna be freakin insane you just say the word max and I will take one and I will cut it and I will eat the [ __ ] out of it so here's our test guy now remember what we've got got bone down here so we can just simply cut him off look at that color okay this is Oh pot that's what it is it's unbelievable and then to take a piece right here out of the middle like that well the fat is melted it's juicy it's I say unctuous I don't know that that means what I think it means but that's going to my mouth right now there's a little bit of sweet from the brown sugar that soy of course gives it that kind of umami ish thing ginger-garlic everything that I love everything and here's the thing you braised short ribs and they get fall apart tender you could take a piece in your fingers and go like this and just completely shred it so there's more firmness to this but in the most delicious beefy sort of way I mean sliced super thin which is which is sort of hard to do when this fresh off the grill but but pieces like this like in a sandwich or we're in a quesadilla or just thrown on a plate beside like some amazing potato salad or grilled corn or a grilled half a romaine we had last night for dinner just bacon and God was it good but this this is beef beef that this is what's for dinner stop mmm you can cook short ribs on a grill ladies and gentlemen there's proof right there proof right there so what do we always say make these make everything don't make the same thing all the time thanks for hanging out with us we really appreciate it we love that you're here we love that you like and and and and and comment and and share our stuff can't tell you how many people say they got turned on to us because a friend told them about us and we thank you for that we're good some girl I could turn this into anything now but I'm just gonna stand here and eat all the pieces by myself and that kid ain't getting nothing yeah okay by the way if you want the recipe just slide into my DMS and we'll take it from there
Views: 1,274,204
Rating: 4.850668 out of 5
Keywords: grilled short ribs, short ribs, best short ribs, beef short ribs, beef ribs, short ribs recipe, short ribs bbq, short ribs grill, ribs recipe, ribs recipe grill, short beef ribs, short beef ribs on the grill, beef short ribs recipe, beef short ribs grill, beef ribs recipe, short rib recipe, how to make short ribs, how to make beef short ribs, sam the cooking guy ribs, sam the cooking guy, perfect short ribs
Id: 4KPJmmwHT5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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