Quick and Easy Tequila Lime Shrimp Recipe | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jesuit175 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was delicious! I made Tacos with it 😀

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sunshine_and_farts 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
I have three words for you tequila lime shrimp wait make that five words being awesome tequila lime shrimp how can there be anything bad we all love tequila okay unless you don't drink and then you look funny because I get I get questions every so often about I don't drink and I see you've used vermouth in the recipe what should I use and I'm like hmm you should use another recipe because I don't know what to suggest look there's this thing that alcohol ads that just brings things stand by part of me I'm expecting a delivery and this could be a moving on thank you they'll be here and by the way it'll be here in 27 minutes there's this thing that alcohol ads that you can't get any other way so you have to leave it out or you just move on to another recipe if you're not a drinker then lime shrimp with what we put in will still be good won't be the same as the tequila and let me say that that heated tequila inflamed and the torching and all that stuff gives a certain flavor that maybe not everybody likes I love this I can eat the [ __ ] out of this eat the hell out of this I've lost track tequila lime shrimp so yes tequila okay so we got the components here but but one of the things we're gonna add is a compound butter and a compound butter is just a butter that you add stuff to you mix it and then you can throw it in a ton of it and one of the things we'll throw it in today is this and once we show you this and once you have this in your fridge this can go in anything it could go on anything because it's good for everything you solid with that maxie good everybody good it's not hot today there's no ridiculous Sun feeling good about ourselves we're like a month and a half away from going to Tokyo to shoot we're excited about that so if you're in Tokyo cuz you live there or you're gonna be there between the the 23rd and the 26th is that we're gonna be there yeah then we're going to Osaka reach out and tell us we want to hang web shots together you'd have okonomiyaki together which we will show you one of the greatest things on the planet we're also going to show you the egg salad from well a convenience store it's gonna be great I just completely got lost in my mind about us going to Tokyo and shooting there cannot for King waits no I don't know oh yeah compound butter let me show you the compound butter because you're gonna like this it's this will become a utility player in your home I promise you I'm start with a bowl and then we add a half a cup of butter come on it have to land like that two cloves of garlic squished in oh boy that went like eight feet no you can't even see it it's behind the leg of that chair there you go there you go one ah good garlic press and two next is gonna be one large chipotle pepper minced can you appreciate how gorgeous that is do you see the sheen on that that's just it's a large smoked jalapeno ladies and gentlemen there's one of the greatest things ever created but you can't put it in like that because look at you get can't so we chop it up just hit squishing and what this is gonna do this is gonna add a gorgeous level of heat nothing crazy but more importantly some really desirable smoky flavors well now put this in like this and by the way if you're opposed to the heat when you buy these chipotle peppers and there's a little one this sauce that comes in with it it's called adobo sauce I always say not the same as the Filipino adobo sauce but it doesn't have the seeds and the stuff so it's not quite as hot but it still has that nice smoke to it let me just wipe this quickly clean as you go you always got a second start again nice and clean then we'll add the juice of half a lime wipe again a couple tablespoons of cilantro minced it looks like this and try and make this pretty fine this goes in nice little bits and then a big pinch of salt and pepper and we mix yes my butter could be a little softer but fine and when it's mixed nicely where you want it and looking well combined you have a couple options that is just a beautiful thing to behold and buy a couple options son of a [ __ ] here's what they are say you grill some corn can you imagine how outstanding it would be with this brushed on how about you make some garlic bread well this is already made so now you just grill some bread slather a bunch of this on top then wing it under the broiler for a second or two they'll blow the top of your head right off you're making eggs one morning scrambled eggs uh you've got some onions in a pan some mushrooms you're softening throw a little bit of this in tablespoon of this then add the beaten eggs in are you kidding me how about this you cook a steak perfectly a ribeye maybe the way we've done here on the smoker the reverse here all the ways we've talked about it comes off of the stove it comes out of the oven it comes off the smoker off the grill and it needs to rest for 10 minutes while its resting you take a big-ass tablespoon of this slather over the top and you you tent it loosely with foil do you have any idea what that is gonna do to that state about the butter burger the butter burger you tell them that compound butter in the burger grill we made a burger you take the beef you put this nonsense in you grill it imagine as it's cooking that just drips out but it adds and it flares up come on this is one of my greatest gifts to you and my counter now apparently we could have just done this today called it a day gone home you would have been happy of course people would have said compound butter that's not exciting why should I click on that because you need to listen what's just standing here for my health should be eating more yogurt doing yoga for my health but I'm not much to my wife's doesn't matter this by itself make this so now look now you take it and we're gonna use it like this but but wait don't stop there because let me show you how to save it you get a piece of this is called wax paper thank you you get a piece of oh boy look what I've done you see this like something someone has got it some of it there's got to be a better mousetrap there we go no it's not there yes there we go look how much I had to waste this to get to where I want it to be so you get yourself a nice clean piece of wax paper cut it now you take some of this you splurge it right in the middle okay gross sorry we're gonna roll this like a big giant joint you know I used to say cigar I don't say cigar anymore because there's 2019 and legal here and now these guys you twist twist twist twist twist twist see what you've got you've got this beautiful little cylinder of Chipotle garlic lime cilantro compound butter it's beautiful now this goes in your fridge and when you need some you cut a little piece out if you're not gonna use it for a while you want to throw in your freezer throw it in your freezer it's gonna be fine this is my gift to you but we're not stopping here we're making something badass shrimp we have four things to cut up that will go into our shrimp here we go first is jalapeno pick up this seedy membrane part cuz that's the super hot part you still get flavor you still get some heat but not as much leave it if you want I like to take it out and then we'll just cut these guys up into a little dice and then this way and then they go next red jalapeno cut up the same way we cut next a little more cilantro oh of course I'm making and the final component some diced roma tomato and you know often I'm not good with the the seeds the pulp and the inside of these things in this case I'm all about it bring it on only thing left to do now let's cook our little strip I turn around to the grill to get everything ready to cook the shrimp and I realize of my four little bowls I didn't want more cut cilantro I already had a little bit extra for the top what I wanted was some diced green onion some cut-up freaking green onion the light green and white parts so pretend that this is what I cut not this okay this not this this not this now we cook okay so look I'm using my grill as a stove top so the pan is on here but what that means is you put the pan on you turn the heat up high you shut the lid and you leave it and you need it really hot for this because it's gonna make everything better and here's how you tell if something's really hot with nothing in the pan you splatter a little water in there and if it beads up super fast like this go badass that is you got a hot enough pan now we can cook now here's the thing you want everything at the ready because it happens very quickly so here's what we're gonna do we add some oil and then we add our shrimp we add some of the red jalapeno [Music] some of the green jalapeno some of the green onion and we mix amazing look how fast right so these are 1620 shrimp that means there's between 16 and 20 a pound and that's a pretty decent size I'm using a cast iron pan as the gardeners start up a couple yards away the smell here is outrageous ladies and gentlemen this is really about heat so I'd say the shrimp are basically halfway there and now we're gonna add our tequila and now we're gonna add our tequila and that's going to look like this we're gonna take it off the heat just lift it up we're gonna add about a quarter of a cup and then we're going to hit it with a torch to flame it if I was doing this inside the stove flame would have handled it by itself but because I'm on the grill and speaking louder because there's a gardener about 20 feet from me now look okay it doesn't flame like that when it's outside on the grill but the shrimp are gorgeous honestly he said raising his voice the only other thing that this really needs is some of this absolutely amazing compound butter they will add right here and as it just starts to melt in goes the tomatoes and now everything gets mixed tomatoes last minute because we don't want them soggy butter last minute because we want to bring the whole thing together and as this is finishing it gets a little salt and pepper all the way around and that my friends is tequila lime shrimp in the most delicious way possible we should have a bite come on and here we are Wow look look just take some of the extra tomato stuff it's good oh this smell this smell from here and that little bit of extra cut cilantro okay so you want to just take a little bit of the tomato stuff and put it on top yes you do yes you do look coming come on you what this needs there's only one thing that's missing me eating this max enough with the pictures can we just actually get a bite come on come on the smell is insane I mean honestly insane can you get a good shot of that hold it too deep it will fall off everything in this is exquisite carefully placed gonna be outstanding you know what's interesting is that Jilly made an observation she said it's probably one of her healthier recipes and it is plenty it's tequila lime shrimp and I'm losing weight which I suppose if you only ever ate cheeseburgers would be true may I take a bite I can take a bite so you noticed or maybe you haven't now pointed out now we've used shrimp with the tail one peeled deveined but with the tail lon and that lets you have this as a little handle and that means that this bite this bite I pick up easily and then I go like this one of the best shrimp of everything I'm not exaggerating think about it you've got jalapenos two kinds you've got green onions in here we've added the tomatoes the shrimp went in which by itself would be okay but then we added that garlic Chipotle compound butter with some lime juice in it and what makes it amazing is that then you get this you get all that gorgeousness on top you hear the texture mmm look super hot pack this whole thing cooked in about two minutes two freaking minutes do it inside do it outside if you do it outside get the thing hot all right just and then and then forget the effing shrimp and just have a bite of that just this do you know if we put this on rice how amazing it would be on pasta how amazing it would be on top of a steak how amazing it would be this is the winner ladies and gentlemen look we like the food that we make I would never go on and on about something if I didn't think it was really as good as I'm saying it is and I'm telling you this and in 1620 shrimp that's important between 16 and 20 and a pound and that gives you a shrimp that size little tiny shrimp for a little tiny shrimp oops I dropped some stuff well there we have it so thank you like subscribe and when you subscribe hit the notification bell so you know exactly when we post these new videos you can already be a subscriber and then go back and hit the notification bell because you might not have maybe you didn't know that and then make this [ __ ] thing because this is nuts and by the way as I've heard on other cooking shows the alcohol burns off use it for the flavor because it's so freakin good
Views: 1,024,911
Rating: 4.9233756 out of 5
Keywords: tequila, tequila shrimp, tequila lime shrimp, lime shrimp, shrimp, quick shrimp, easy shrimp, tequila lime, sam the cooking guy, shrimp recipe, tequila lime shrimp recipe, quick shrimp recipe, easy shrimp recipe, compound butter, lime, how to make, how to make tequila lime shrimp, lime shrimp recipe, shrimp recipes, recipe with shrimp, recipe for shrimp, how to cook shrimp, cooking shrimp, best shrimp, best shrimp recipe, quick and easy recipe
Id: pbcMptj4LUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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