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I learned a lot from this episode.

Sorry for your loss, Sam, Max, and family.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jediofpool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oops - I copied the "Diego" part of San Diego into the post title. Sorry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devineassistance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Either he doesn’t know what reverse seer is or they just didn’t show the second part.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fatmike88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know the attachment he had for the blow torch? I know he’s used a searzall in the past.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/monkeyman80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where did he get that from shelf for the timberline 1300?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/franky-hills πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is a big day for us and for you because we're cooking six steaks six different ways by the end of today's episode if you can't cook a steak you either slept your way through it you left the room or you're just a straight dumb there you go thank you thrive market for sponsoring today's episode here's a question i get asked a lot what's your favorite way to cook a steak and i go well it depends and they go what's it depend on i go i guess where i am what my mood is how fast i want to eat that kind of thing my mind just went blank it just went blank so we're giving you the tools we're putting the tools in your hands okay not the equipment separate tools from equipment because we're not giving you anything to cook with or on or in but we're showing you what you can do you're gonna be you're gonna be very comfortable after today's episode on cooking estate six different ways today's episode is sponsored by thrive market and you're gonna like them like we like them so thrive market is an online membership based market on a mission their words on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone that's me and chance and max and especially you guys and how do they do that well here's what they do they have two different membership options 9.95 for a single month or a 12 month membership five bucks a month build at 59.95 and for that you get to peer in to the huge array of all kinds of products that the thrive market has when you scope them out online and i suggest you do that just to get comfortable with them first and by the way you sign up for the year membership option you get a free gift up to 22 dollars and nobody's not gonna want that everybody likes a little free right so they have guaranteed savings members average members average 32 dollars in savings per order they've committed to the highest quality healthy and sustainable products organic and essential groceries there's safe supplements there's non-toxic home stuff there's ethical meat sustainable seafood clean wine organic and essential groceries and everybody loves the shopping without a hassle option that has been very popular these days from the comfort of your own home computer on your lap at your desk you search the products there's more than 70 different diets set up for things like keto or paleo or gluten free or vegan non-gmo look if suddenly somebody in your family unit says oh it's keto for me for the next month thrive market is your place to go online comes to the door here's all you have to do hit the link below or go to sam the cooking guy find the membership level that you like and remember this 100 money back guarantee on your membership choose a membership use it for 30 days if you don't like it you'll get your membership fee fully refunded cool all right want to see we're using today because it came from them and you're going to like it and here we are scope this out thrive market sells the first light wagyu line i've had it before it's tremendous so look what we've got we've got two wagyu new york strips we've got two wagyu sirloins and we've got a rib eye and we've got a filet again i'll wag you shall we start yes let's get going and if i didn't say it and i don't think i did all of the steaks we're cooking today have been out of the fridge about 45 minutes we don't want to cook ice-cold steaks it's hard to get them where you want them inside and out when they're ice cold in the middle 30 minutes 45 minutes an hour remember right there don't cook a cold steak okay let me show you how we're going to cook these six steaks because you need to know sous-vide reverse sear in the oven smoker in a cast iron pan on a gas grill and straight on charcoals like right on top of the charcoals all right before we get going we need to make a little seasoning it's three parts and it goes like this so it's equal parts of kosher salt black pepper and garlic powder and using our finger we mix it's perfect keep this in a little jar on your counter you put this on everything sous-vide what is sous-vide max cooked in water essentially what we're doing is we're going to cook this in a constant temperature water bath if you've been watching for a while i've definitely used it before but here's the concept you put something in a ziploc bag or a vacuum seal bag a protein like we're going to with this sirloin it's going to come in here and then it's going to go into this pot behind me that has water circulating at 128 degrees the beautiful part of sous vide is when this steak hits degrees in that pot in that warm environment it can't go over because the temperature isn't going to go over if the temperature's at 128 your steak can't overcook it's a very simple way of doing this let's get it going then we'll talk more all right here's what we've done here's one of the sirloins in a ziploc bag you don't have to have a vacuum sealer this works perfectly you just slowly lower it and you'll see what happens is the pressure of the water starts to seal its way around the stake thereby forcing out the air and now using a binder clip you can do whatever you want i take this i put on here and it's done the steak will now cook beautifully in that we're going to need to finish it off after but we'll show you that part next a steak this thick probably will get to temperature in about an hour 15 minutes maybe an hour and a half but the beautiful part is if you leave it in for three hours if you can't get to it for four hours it's still going to be the same perfect temperature you set it to be and in our case at 128 degrees there's different types of sous-vide apparatus that you can get this is something called jewel i'm not sponsored by them we're not pimping them i happen to like it because it's small discreet can go in a drawer you set it with your phone the temperature you want i'm at 128 it's going to live here nicely i could use the timer if i wanted but i got it i know how long it needs to be in there and we're going to come back you're going to see this in a few seconds when it's done and at the end of its cooking time using the app on my phone i stopped the circulation of the water and this guy is done and ugly as sin but we're gonna fix that nice bag of meat and so you're gonna you're gonna see there's definitely especially with like the zip locked bags there's definitely a little moisture in there and it's okay but i'm telling yous this is steak that anybody wants to eat i don't think so of all of the slow cooking methods sous-vide really does require finishing it off giving it a sear so we're going to do that i'm going to use a torch to give it some beautiful color and that will look like this and the fat look here's a done side here's a not done side it needs it now you got something got pretty little crust on the outside it's sizzling it's gonna be tremendous and here we are look at the kid look at the kid tell me when i can cut shall we and see look once again sous vide comes through i don't always use sous vide for steak but when i do i'm surprised at how great it comes out i mean that's arguably about as perfect the looking steak as you could ask for and take this off right here oh my i mean it's just uh is it ridiculous that it's this perfect smells amazing too all right sirloin this one from thrive first light wag you sirloin insane in sane boys you're getting bites take a little fat off of max's because i know he doesn't like it the fat bite though by the way is so good how good is that insane how good is this damn gum but guess what there's still more with our cast iron pan hot and our ribeye oiled salt pepper and garlic powdered in we go that's what you want to hear the sizzle this is not that thick it's not going to take that long so don't go away stay close have your thermometer handy but look what i found while i was inside some herb compound butter and i know i said i wasn't going to add anything but i love to keep the stuff in my fridge let's just throw a little hunk in and see how we do like this oh fine and like that the point is when you make compound butter take the excess wrap it up put it in your fridge or your freezer and then at the last minute when you have an idea when you're making something stir-frying shrimp fries that come out of the oven you hit em with a little bit of this and your flavor profile just goes way the heck up it smells good it's gonna be delicious but this one is about cooking a steak in a cast iron pan one of my favorite things to do fact i'm my grandmother's nine inch cast iron pan right here and i was gonna say i have my grandmother's nine inch but i know what max would have said and that would have been disrespectful to his grandmother give it a little turn get him some pretty color on this and when this guy's done off she comes and we're down and if you want and you've got a little bit extra of the beautiful herby butter in the pan i say you just give it a little bit of this how could that be a bad thing boys couldn't couldn't couldn't couldn't and so let's part up here it's my favorite part just look at the whole look it the whole thing i mean it's just we've done a nice nice job here today fellas i know we're not over come on stop the presses this might be the one if you have my new book salmon cooking guy recipes with intentional leftovers there are three different compound butters in it i say you make them even if you don't use them today you will use them this kid's been in my freezer for i don't know a month and a half it's as good as the day was uh made damn um here's our pretty little filet it's gonna get the same treatment a little avocado oil i'm gonna season it well you're going to like the addition of the garlic in here it's really good and it's not like it's going to be super garlicky it's just going to be flavorful ready to go to the smoker all right we're set here here's our steak and just like inside i'm going to use a probe thermometer leaf to help us to help us make sure we don't go over on we go that's pretty isn't it that's pretty and we shut our lid so we're essentially using the traeger to do the reverse sear thing like we're doing with the steak in the oven if you have a smoker you can do that if you have an oven you can do that if you have a toaster oven you could do the exact same thing it's just all about the temperature i'm telling you right now you want to use a good probe thermometer in the oven here this one has one built in or a digital instant read one like we'll use for the other steaks that we cook let's just take the guesswork out of it forget the pushing feels like it's medium rare feels like it's medium i can't get that right every time and i don't know that people other than professional steak cooks that do it day in day out get that right so eliminate the guesswork get a good probe thermometer you'll be happy your stakes will be way better and we're here look at this guy put them down here let's get rid of that turn them off let's go finish it off and we're down they're a little fillet and we're cutting again you see that off the smoker at that lower temperature you guarantee yourself wall-to-wall end-to-end top to bottom and side to side gorgeousness and so one little bite here how beautiful does that look one little bite here max how would you not like that and of course it just pull apart tender because it's a fillet oh filet tender loin oh damn okay boys what a bite for the children max chancellor right but wait there's more next up a new york that's headed towards the grill i've said it before if you're new here i'll tell you this the oil you use when you're grilling and you're using any kind of high heat should be an oil that will not smoke easily avocado oil smokes at 500 degrees and that's the highest smoke point of any of the oils you would never want to use olive oil extra virgin olive oil vegetable oil i mean if you had it you were stuck it's okay but when oil smokes it starts to break down and it gives you a shitty flavor so don't do it use avocado oil and let's go to the grill and with our grill hot enough that i can't hold my hand this far from the grate for more than a couple seconds we give it a quick spray beautiful and on goes our steak just like that and with steaks on the grill i believe in the turning offense system when you're on direct heat i like to turn we're going to give this maybe a minute and a half or so then turn it 45 then give it a little bit more then flip it over then flip it over do the same thing on the other side and frankly this is not that thick of a stake so we don't have to worry about being here a long time and then we have one special thing to do at the end for just this one steak okay now it's time for a quick 45 degree turn just like that all right buddy let's flip you to the other side like it is there you go and because i'm flipping fairly frequently don't worry about these lines getting dark right off the bat fairly frequently and because i'm flipping fairly frequently don't worry about these lines getting i can't say it and because i'm flipping fairly frequently don't expect that these lines are going to get dark right away it's going to take a bit and another turn it's looking like that now we can check our temperature i think it's been about three or four minutes 90 degrees and we're on our way to about a hundred and a quarter so this steak is almost ready it's looking beautiful we're going to add something to it all the steaks aside from this one salt pepper garlic powder cook cut to eat this one's going to get the addition of one little combo two weeks ago my mom passed away max's grandmother she was an amazing woman joy zion lived to 96. don't feel bad i mean yes it's sad but at 96 she had an amazing life but the woman cooked the new york steak which by the way this is and was her favorite cooked a new york steak better than anybody i know and she had one little trick that i'm going to show you right now it's a combination of three things some barbecue sauce anybody's a little olive oil i don't know where she came up with this but she did and a little extra ground pepper and we mix it's like the sickest little custom steak sauce that's how she made it that's how she made it yeah and we go to the grill and paint and with the steak looking beautiful and by the way you would never brush on anything sweet until the last couple of minutes anyways like that because you can see it starts to smoke and it would burn if it was on there too long so we're just going to give it a little bit of this give it a chance to sort of just burn in a little bit on each side i love this you can smell it from here one more this guy's ready off she comes we'll let her rest for uh 5-10 minutes and after a brief rest there's our kid looking handsome as ever i think we should have a bite let's for sure just have a look at how it looks inside see that's the thing the thing is when you take your time and you turn that's what happens you get this beautiful inside that's perfect all the way across like that this is a beautiful piece all right let's have this bite would grandma be proud she'd be so proud she was so good she was such a master and it's not like a lot of barbecue sauce the the olive oil fully cuts it you get the hint of the sweetness but it's so damn good it's so damn good all right but we can't stop here there's more to do all right next up one of the new yorks and we're going to reverse sear this i'm going to give it a little avocado oil both sides season well with my mixture and that will look like this don't forget the edges they're important and it's a decently thick steak so you know you can be pretty aggressive with the seasoning now reverse sear means cooking something in an oven at a lower temperature allowing it to cook all the way through beautifully without getting gray edges we're going to cook this at 275 i'm going to put a probe thermometer in this to keep an eye on the temp and i want to go to the middle of this i take my fingers on the probe i decide i want the tip in the middle which is here so i put my fingers here i know when i push in i will stop when they get right there that's funny that's what she said that's so dumb all right 275 degrees until it gets there and i think it's going to take me about 45 minutes here we are here's our 275 oven reverse sear and now you'll notice you'll notice that there's decent color to it let's check this kid out and this guy looks like this it's perfect once again the low temperature all but guarantees perfection goodness gracious i know there will be people looking at this going no underdone under done under done and too bad your steak you cook it the way you want my steak i'm 130 degree guy i mean it needs nothing salt pepper garlic powder perfection it really is keep this combo with you at all times i know people that travel on airplanes when travel was normal and you'd get food that would take their own salt and pepper just to jazz up the blandness because in the airline business they're shooting for the middle of the room in terms of taste it might taste good probably not very often it might taste okay but it certainly won't be seasoned very well it's like a low tolerance it's like they're cooking for hospital patients but wait don't stop there there's more right so this one you're gonna like we're gonna cook the steak directly on hot coals directly so let's drop these in here into the caliber i've already got a few on the bottom just to keep this guy going well and three two one when they're in nice and hot now you want to spread them out and give yourself a flat surface so try and organize so your steak cooks flat and this looks pretty good to me here's how this craziness works it's up it's in and it's cooking and now ladies and gentlemen we're just gonna leave it let it do its thing for a minute or two we're gonna turn it just like we do any other way and yes some of the charcoal might stick but it will knock off and you'll be just fine but imagine if you don't have a smoker this is going to give you that charcoal wood taste and flavor that's going to be hard for you to get any other way okay let's have a quick look look look how beautiful that is it's freaking gorgeous man and on we go so i want to check the temperature it's been about four minutes let's have a quick look shall we just so we have a sense of how we're doing and yeah 90 90 degrees seems about right it's cooking beautifully and back we go certainly beautiful there's no question about that how beautiful is that bam should we check it 122. 123. 28. all right this gets another minute or so so i think we're ready and out we come i love this and here's our friend you gotta love this char ink i mean how could you not right let's cut and see what we've got here and once again we've maintained the consistent beautifulness all the way through if you think it's under done then that's fine if you think it's overdone that's fine if you agree like i do that it's beautiful and perfectly cooked all the way through then well we're on the same team wow but i'm not sure how you can argue with that piece i don't think you can perfect it's gorgeous and the char on this this little crust is going to be an amazing bite also the sirloin but the smoke from the charcoal is in this in a really beautiful way and what wait it cooked like what eight eight nine minutes maybe eight minutes that's fantastic boys a little bite yeah he's little sorry oh my god it's so good in that crust on it am i right it just adds that textural component that that's just hard to get any other way so what have we learned today we've learned how to cook six steaks six different ways an instant wreath thermometer is important to everything we've we've proven that not cooking the steaks right out of the fridge having them out for 45 minutes to an hour before is very important and season simply salt pepper garlic powder make that keep it use it even in eggs or salads anything it's it's perfect and that's pretty much it for me thank you thrive market for sponsoring today's episode with your beautiful meat that's what she said and uh go forth don't multiply unless you really want to but go forth and cook steaks and if you don't think you can cook a steak it's because you haven't done it enough to start doing it now thanks see ya send us your pictures of your made food we'd love to see you next time we'll pick somebody next time you
Views: 547,339
Rating: 4.9190135 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam cooking steak, sam the cooking guy steaks, sam the cooking guy steak, 6 steaks 6 ways, different steaks, cooking different steaks, sam cooking different steaks, sam the cooking guy different steaks, steak, cooking steak, cooking steaks, steaks, steak video, ultimate steak video, sam the cooking guy ultimate, sam the cooking guy ultimate steak
Id: dkIateg1T9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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