The Best Homemade Egg McMuffin | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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dear McDonald's while it's true that most everyone loves your Egg McMuffin we couldn't help but wonder is there a better way we think there is and that better way starts is making your own English muffins now wait are they a little bit of work yeah do you need to be a master baker No are they worth that little bit of work oh hell yes just follow along my friends I'll take you to English muffin heaven that sounds too severe I'll take you to English muffin glory or deliciousness or whatever we start by blooming our yeast so yeast comes little packs like this there's regular active dry and then there's rapid I think it's fast-acting you don't want the fast-acting you want just this old-school one right here so this is a quarter of an ounce of yeast and to make it alive you put the little yeast grains in here we're gonna add a cup of warm water and the yeast people will tell you that yeast is a living thing and you'll kill it if the water is too hot so they suggest your water be somewhere between 100 and 110 degrees we put it in and we leave it we're gonna leave it for 10 minutes and you'll see at the end of 10 minutes it'll start to get foamy and bubbly on the top while we're waiting for that we need to melt some shortening this ladies and gentlemen this shortening after four brands it's this white would you even call it white what's it look like wax looks like wax does it look like wax I don't know I can't I can't look at shortening it's it's it's why can't I describe this anyway it's fat it is fat so here we have to do we have to melt it so I'm gonna use my warm evo and just get this out and let it start to melt while we're waiting for the yeast to finish turn the Sun a little bit this is a cup of milk that I warmed up you can maybe still see a little steam that I've dissolved two tablespoons of sugar in this will go in the yeast will go in the shortening will go in once it's melted and then we need some flour so into our stand mixer if you don't have a stand mixer they're a good thing to have if I was getting married I would definitely want one it would be in the you know the the the blender the processor kitchen electric category we'll put a link this is KitchenAid this is about as good as they come they're the workhorse of many kitchens I don't do a tremendous amount of baking but when I do I'm glad I've got a good one so so we're gonna start with three cups of flour in here so you're fine to level it off like that it's one I'm sure the real bakers will say no you've got to get a completely level flat and pack it down but again I'm not a real Baker I'm a pretend Baker 3 ok fats melted just waiting another couple minutes for the yeast to finish doing its thing but can you put the camera right on top cuz you'll see what I mean when I say it's living and you'll see it kind of tremble a bit this is the yeast kind of growing of course no it's not gonna happen it just come on yeah but was doing it better like it was burping before I can see ah there you go gosh see the yeast is it's alive but you do want to give it a full 10 minutes okay there you go now we're talking so this is there come on that's quite everything in here and start this beating away okay so to this three cups of flour we're gonna add our milk that has sugar dissolved in it we're gonna add our yeast our bloomed yeast we're gonna add our paddle and we're gonna start to mix slowly yes I know that I've got this shortening over here also use this opportunity to add teaspoon of salt where's that salt so and now we can add our shortening we're good now once it starts to mix nicely as its doing we're gonna add two more cups of flour and that's gonna look like this trust me if you dump it all at once it'll just kick right back at ya and make a dust cloud this is boring perhaps max will place a little music while we watch the English muffin dough mix turn it up and we're good so at this point I'm gonna just grease a big bowl with a little oil take the dough out put it in the bowl cover it let it start to rise so it lives in a relatively warm spot in your home corner of the kitchen you could put it in the oven with no heat on just because it's kind of nice in there anyway not in a drafty spot for a hour and a half to two hours until it essentially doubles in size so I'll go put this away and then we'll see what it looks like when it has and after close to two hours we can unveil unveil it and after close to two hours we lift the towel and we see that the dough has risen by this much look at it it's beautiful and spongy now you do what is known in the business as punching it down which I like to use two fingers and a go like this boom boom boom and it starts to shrink in a little bit so here we go now we can collect this up we're gonna put it right here with some flour lovely lovely isn't she see this is a female I don't know why I don't know that anybody would know just weird in my head and now we want to roll this out to approximately approximately half an inch so using your trusty rolling pin know the few times I bring it out is for stuff like this look I'm sure if I was Martha Stewart I would have this in a perfect rectangle but I'm not I may not roll out my dough like Martha Stewart but I certainly looked like Marcus I may not roll out my dough like Martha Stewart but I certainly look like Martha Stewart or at least I did when I was her for a Halloween episode for my nail long gone television show we play a little clip of it we put a link to it it's not our video it's the TV stations we can't play clip max no it's not no no it's not Martha Stewart copyright it's the TV station actually you know what the reason is because you you guys use like the real intros to the team no no I was just gonna play a clip just of me not of the intro or anything yeah so we hope you've enjoyed this conversation between Max and I so I hope you enjoy the flower you just put all over your face the flower my good now yeah okay so here's the deal if if if we play you a clip it will be now and Martha there's something about this time of year fall that makes me yearn crave comfort food so I did I did a Halloween show and I was different people one of them was Martha Stewart and I make a I'm gonna say it I think I make a damn fine-looking we're at the store I was also Rachel rain you think because of the dark hair on my head in Rachael Ray's head I'd make a better looking brunette somehow I make an attractive blonde I don't know why might have been the pearls or the little sweater doesn't really matter what matters is we got to nail cut these guys out okay so if we're at about a half an inch and I think we're we have to be close right max okay now we just cut them out I'm using a that is two and a half inches or something something like that so unlike the biscuits we did the other day you can twist these guys I think I made these too I think I need them to thin no we're gonna be fine two four six eight so you get twelve really comfortably and then you could re-roll this the extras in and get even more and here's the next step take a baking sheet either put wax paper on it or I'm again I'm using this the Silpat the permanent thing and then I'm gonna sprinkle some cornmeal you know cuz English muffins they have that little cornmeal touch to them so now we're gonna take these guys we're gonna put them one at a time right on here no Pat so that the cornmeal sticks okay and now a little more cornmeal over the top a little Pat this way these guys get covered up with a big towel they go back to that warm cozy spot that they were in when they were in the bowl and they get thirty minutes then we're making English muffins right there right there on the eve oh oh you're gonna like this so while we're waiting for the English muffins to rise for their second and last time I thought we'll make a little sausage patty because one of the options in the Egg McMuffin is a sausage patty am i right yes I'm right so I bought a part of a link it was one of those coils of homemade really delicious hot sausage that I'll just cut open take this little skin off and cram it in here to my ring mold press this guy down I could as level as I can sorry my fingers are gross with sausage on them and now we'll try and take them out now pop them right on the Eva beautiful and when you think it's about half way you're a little flip let it finish that's smells fantastic and this is done soaring this muffins let me get them and here they are risen slightly puffed up a bit more but now they're ready to go what's interesting is you don't bake these guys you do them on a big nonstick surface a a flat griddle a cast iron pan anything like that so we're gonna put a little oil around the edge not a lot give it a little bit of this then the muffins go on and on they go and because there's 12 and I'm anal I'll go at the 15-minute times around the clock and then start filling in the spaces so I don't have to move them there's no reason that I have to be this anal no reason at all except I am lost to go to I mean look how cool I didn't say cute here's the deal five and a half to six minutes aside to get them looking like a perfect English muffin and cooking like a perfect English muffin they still have to cook through but it's this flat surface that gives them that recognisable look you'll see when we turn our first one and we're ready here we go you're gonna like this well what's that look like an English muffin what's that look like letting this muffin Wow beautiful Wow beautiful Wow you won't be stopped or just keep going Wow beautiful look at them they're gorgeous and they look just like English muffins thank you for looking just like English muffins this last guy although handsome which is unusual because when it was dough form I thought that was a female and now it's five more minutes nice and we're ready to take him off come on come on come on I could check that out check those out that's some proper English muffins right there you just need to let them cool because they're gonna be hot so that's what we're gonna do so while they cool I'll give this a quick clean and then we have an egg to cook and some and some bacon to Canadian bacon there's stuff to get ready we're this close to eating these all right couple things to do very excited about this we've got to get the egg cooking and I have to get this okay let's do this first the proper way to open an English muffin is to fork it fork split is what they're called and just take the tines of a fork and you put them in like this just go all the way around and then when you go to open it just pull it apart and if you've been good it will open perfectly for you look check its regulation English muffin right there with perfect insides now the McDonald's ones come with a little color on them so we're gonna give this just a little bit of butter and it will go on the flattop when they goes in so come here max so here's my ring I want to oil it a bit so I'll just put some oil here let it run do you see it running around when it's almost there my finger cuz you don't want your perfect egg to stick all right so now this will go in the pan that has butter in it is on the heat you crack our egg into it and we don't have to break it because it broke which is exactly what you want now we put a little bit of water around the outside and that's gonna help it steam that goes on 2 minutes of medium heat all right let's get the muffin on here's our muffin give the muffin a little color and a piece of what they use is Canadian bacon I have a little gorgeous piece of smoked bacon here just trying to up the flavors a little bit check this kid nice this one nice give this guy a little flip now let's check our egg quickly and we're good to go let's get them out so just around loosen the sides and pick up the ring there is now I'll turn off the heat and let's build alright so here we go first the bottom then the cheese quickly quickly the cheese quickly cheese goes on then the egg perfect round egg a little salt and pepper I don't think McDonald's does that but I have to as we listen to the sound of freedom above us and then the smoked Canadian bacon oh and then the top English muffin and there you go how does it look you look like any muffin does it look like an egg muffin I think it does doesn't it okay let's have a bite oh it's starting to melt I like this see I wondered about the melting here now it's happening you know I don't need a whole lot during the day it's it's almost four o'clock here in San Diego and I've had one scrambled egg this morning with some peppers and onions and stuff in it I just like every time I get to this point I go to take a bite I don't there's no comparison I'm telling you well this smoked Canadian bacon is really what's winning this one like really winning mmm taste it smell the smokiness I always say if you have a choice between two ingredients using one that that's got extra in it you can have Canadian bacon you can have smoked Canadian bacon we're going with the smoked Canadian bacon every time and as good as this is I've got an idea for a couple more slightly different versions you didn't think we're just gonna make one did you know we have to make more starting with bacon proper bacon this one English muffin cheese give it some bacon lovely bacon the egg comes next and then our top bun we're gonna take and put just a little Japanese mayonnaise on because we can and because it'll be delicious hello handsome there's wine get rid of this one this guy looks like this bought a muffin little Deshawn mustard for some kick the cheese little sausage patty spicy sausage patty yes hello there our top bun that'd be your classic sausage Egg McMuffin right this one well the English muffin we have the cheese we have big-ass pile of black forest ham ah it's not cooperating at all maybe I should have used less maybe you should shut up Sam an egg and her lid again the black forest ham is all about flavor it just takes it to a different level and makes it so much darn better all right that's one you're gonna like I have in front of me a little ziploc bag I'm gonna drop into it this beautiful little pork loin medallion it's lovely watch we're gonna do a little squeeze of oil zip the kid up and then using my trusty hydro flask we're gonna beat it flat this guy will now get a little salt and pepper both sides and with a little oil go right on the flattop just like this this will cook quickly and be a delicious little addition at the same time I've been cooking some shiitake mushrooms that we're gonna let finish and we'll add one thing - gonna be amazing let's give this a flip Wow the shiitakes will push up here and while that pork loin is finishing we're gonna add a little teriyaki sauce to the shiitakes a little come on come out here we go beautiful mushrooms are ready we'll take them off and this one goes like this start with a little Japanese Mayo but we also add a little teriyaki because that combination is irresistible to me then our cheese in our little pork loin goodness gracious it's in these incredibly gorgeous caramelized teriyaki shitake mushrooms then the egg and the top bun hello and that's it so let's revisit that's the teriyaki pork this is the black forest ham this is your classic sausage McMuffin and Spacey's up very well here's move over everybody here's bacon because why not I miss my half-eaten classic Egg McMuffin with Canadian bacon and I believe the United States Air Force is traveling overhead because the smell is so fantastic right from here and there you have it I think we did pretty good the very least if there's no other takeaway from this it's make your own English muffins because they're that good all right well I've got a little eating to do as does max and Jilly so for now I will bid you farewell thank you for hanging out with us liking subscribing and commenting and by the way this shirt is available below this video so go get one [Music] [Music]
Views: 2,338,256
Rating: 4.901722 out of 5
Keywords: egg mcmuffin, mcmuffin, mcdonalds, sausage mcmuffin, egg mcmuffin recipe, egg mcmuffin breakfast, mcmuffins, mcdonalds mcmuffin recipe, homemade mcdonalds, homemade egg mcmuffin, how to make egg mcmuffin, how to make an egg mcmuffin, how to make a egg mcmuffin, best egg mcmuffin, best egg mcmuffin recipe, mcdonalds recipe, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy breakfast, sam the cooking guy mcmuffin, cooking mcdonalds, cooking mcdonalds at home, cooking egg mcmuffin
Id: e8LrctI3mng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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