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I was going to make a snarky comment about how you should only use salt and pepper. But then I realized it’s none of my business how other people enjoy their food.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hoodiemelo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
why don't you make a brisket yeah you should make a brisket we want you to make a brisket how come you haven't made a brisket aren't you gonna make a brisket you gotta smoke or make a brisket fine i'm making a brisket [ __ ] it's gonna take all freaking day all day you know this is not a simple proposition let me rephrase that it's not a quick proposition cooking a brisket is not complicated i've done it a bunch of times and sometimes they're outstanding and sometimes they're meh and honestly i do not know what causes an outstanding one versus a meh one we're going to follow the rules today there's five steps trim season smoke wrap and continue to smoke and then rest and each one is very important especially that resting one and when max and chansey are tired because it's now 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock at night they want to go home and i say we have to let it rest another hour and they go yeah come on let's just do and end this that we can go i'm gonna stick to my guns nobody's going anywhere they want a brisket they're getting a brisket so only one way to do it with some time and we're doing that we start by trimming it though because it's the first thing on the list of five it's nice this thing was walking on my hand and there we have it a 10.32 pound usda prime brisket and our first step is trimming so let's get this kid out of the bag what you don't want to do is cut into this at all because well i'll explain that in a minute here's our guy that's kind of beautiful isn't it i know there's plenty of people that could not get their head around this but so here's what we need we need to address the fat fat is good fat is clearly our friend but we don't want too much we had to clean this guy way up if we flip the guy over this way you can see what's here this is called the heel this we don't want so and what you don't want to do is you don't want to make holes where fat used to be because that's just going to be a spot that the seasoning can get trapped and it won't cook properly so my first step is usually getting rid of this guy so with my knife fairly flat to the brisket i'm going to come along like this let's just take off these extra little bits that we don't need this is basically silver skin and that fat is not going to render down and not do good things for anybody so this is kind of the easy side we've taken this guy down quite a lot we're getting rid of the little bits along here i'm okay with many of them but not all of them and now we have to start dealing with this and one of the things i like to do is i like to make a fairly important cut along here because once you do you're going to start to see how much fat is there and you're going to be able to give yourself a level on what you're going to keep look at this this is crazy right corners are not helping anything because they'll just start to burn so this up here is the decal when you look at a brisket there's two parts of it this is called the flat because it's flat and then you come up here to this mountain and this up here is called the decal and this is the point and there's this layer of fat that's going to run underneath this pointed part here that's going to add tons and tons and tons of flavor the flat is always uh less juicy than the point is i'll admit i cut too close there i didn't want to do that but but now that i have i have no choice but to live with it and admit it amateur total amateur hour and down here barbecue youtubers all over the world we're scouting out their eyes oh is our smoker ready smoker's up to temp 250. there it is okay i'm starting to feel pretty good about this look i don't trim like the competition guys do in fact i don't trim like a lot of people do and i'm sure there's somebody out there yelling at me right now for doing something for doing something wrong and i can hack it look i've cooked grape briskets and i've cooked okay ones and i never know quite what the difference has been i'm just trying to do all the right things today to get us some very delicious brisket to eat before we do anything else let's check out how much this guy weighs it was 10.32 pounds before it now weighs i don't know if i can do this it now weighs 7.9 pounds we took almost three pounds off so just know that be prepared for it don't be sad and buy it now we season all right so our guy's good and right now we're going to make a seasoning for him it's very important the central texas guys use only two things a kosher salt and pepper that's it i like a brisket to taste like brisket we'll make a a barbecue sauce for it for dipping in after but i kind of like it not to be too fancied up so we're only going to add one extra thing so in my shaker i'm going to put equal parts of coaster salt black pepper and garlic powder so again somebody is out there going dude you've already made a mistake you can't possibly be using garlic powder well guess what i am now we'll shake this up and then we will season liberally we're not gonna go crazy but we do want a nice coating of this all the way around you just use your hand to keep it from going off the edge we are going to do the edges of course you know like here for sure all these sides definitely get that fly gets any closer i'm flying my camera jesus flip him over salt pepper garlic really in my world this is all you need again i'm not from texas i'm not a barbecue guy but i do feel confident that a simple little seasoning like this is pretty much all we need okay there it is a little pat a little love and we're ready for the smoker and we're on lovely i'm going to put the probe in so we can keep an eye on our temperature there we'll close it up the smoker's set to 250 degrees we're looking for an internal temperature when the brisket is finished of between 200 and 205 degrees the brisket professionals will say 203 is perfect hell if i can get it to 203 and it's perfect i'll be a very happy jesus can we go in i'm [ __ ] dying i can please directly on my back okay let's go in and talk there's a whole house with what's it called air conditioning air conditioning it's a thousand times better in here a thousand times all right so here's what i was saying smoker's at 250. we want the final internal temperature of the brisket to be we'll make it easy we'll just call it 200. so here's what's going to happen the temperature is going to rise it's going to rise it's going to rise we'll say this is where we are now i don't know i think came out of the fridge we'll call it 50 degrees here's 200 degrees somewhere around 150 to 165 mark there's something that happens while it's cooking that stalls the temperature you're watching the numbers just go up and up and up and then it just gets to that say 160 point and doesn't move there's two ways you can deal with that of course it's going to get hotter but things are happening inside that brisket that i'm not smart enough to understand that prevent it from going past that for a bit so you can either just power through knowing it will eventually get up to the 200 mark or you can do what i'm going to do wrap it in butcher paper and put it back on so the butcher paper is going to help it cook a little bit faster help maintain crust that's on the inside of it and help keep it super moist and tender we're all getting to the same spot at the same time you understand i'm gonna use this to help get us there which is a little bit better a little bit more moist a little juicier of a brisket in the end it's nice being inside isn't it we got gardeners uh there you can hear them and a guy cutting the palm trees right here we're gonna be okay this has now been on four hours and 45 minutes should we have a little look at it come on come on okay so now that he's stopped for a second we can take a look so a couple things you need to see one it's not nearly as dark yes it's not finished but non-pellet smokers stick wood where you put actual pieces of wood in deliver more smoke and that means more color on the outside of it i mean that's okay i'm going for flavor i'm not a competition brisket barbecue guy but if you look here this is a mortal sin to anybody in the business that just pooling juices while they look beautiful the problem is is that this bark the outside the exterior of a brisket is prized for its deep dark bark-like texture and when the juices pool it takes away all the seasoning you can see it's like a little bald spot that's okay we're going to be fine we're going to be fine remember what i said i'm going for flavor so let's get this guy off it's pretty hot but i can do it oh that was hot now step three the wrap so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get our butcher paper out first oh that's loud and a big piece of it and here's how this happens my kid goes on nice now it goes like this like this morning fellas and like this there we are a nice little package that now goes right back on the smoker and we're still fat side up that's important leave it like that we close our lid and we pray i didn't put the temperature probe in screw it because here's the thing that will just give us a guide at some point it's less about temperature but more about the tenderness of it so i'm going to start checking with my with this what's it called thermometer i'll start checking with this in a two and a half ish three hours always get a little idea of what's going on in there we want this to go in when it's like butter that's what we're looking for it's at temperature now i could eat this and not get sick but i'm telling you it's less about the temperature and more about the the the the the pliability you want it soft and jiggly and honestly briskets for me have been a crap shoot so we'll find out what's it's looking good we're tracking in the right direction the question is is can will it come off the way that we want and if it comes out to be a complete piece of [ __ ] and a horrible chunk of meat this episode will never see the light of day i'm decided i need to put the pro back in because because i'm flying blind here and you would not shut your eyes and fly plane i need some idea of when this is getting close and look the ultimate test will be taking this guy sticking it in and giving it a wiggle and if it goes in easy then then good but i still want to know what the temperature is because you two guys are gonna fall off again and i'm gonna have to call you and go oh it's getting close come back sorry that i'm here by myself manning the forts that's what she said shut up stupid i'm going right here do you want to get closer can i just do this by myself so we pick a side i mean who knows even this even that's freaking questionable i'm sure it went into brisket or there's a big clump of paper there maybe i need to live in texas for a few years all right time to make barbecue sauce for what we hope is an amazing brisket not to go on it to dip it into after we start with a little oil in our pot and some onions finely diced and yes it may not be traditional and yes people in central texas may shed all over me for this but cooking is about what you like not what people say is right we don't really want these to have color but we do want them to definitely soften so give them a couple minutes and when they're nicely softened in go the rest of the ingredients first is a cup of ketchup which is often the base for barbecue sauce but instead of all ketchup i'm gonna use chili sauce this americanized version that i used in the chopped cheese and it was delicious and now we'll throw in some black pepper because it's perfect in this apple cider vinegar because all barbecue sausage should have some tang i like a little greeny mustard about a tablespoon i like some dark brown sugar for the sweetness and for the stickiness some honey nice two more things one is a pinch of salt and the last ingredient i'm cheating by using an already existing barbecue seasoning that has flavors like cumin and coriander and a little more brown sugar and some allspice in it and we mix and now we're just going to let this come to a boil and turn it down to a simmer and let it go for 10 or 15 minutes to help the flavors come together marry nicely and just generally get way freaking better and there you have it our internal end goal temperature of 201 oh it just went to 202 or it's back to 201 that's where we want it now it's time to take it off want to welcome everybody to night time at the house oh welcome to night time at the house what time is it it's dark it's uh 1105. uh this guy went on at 12 12. so you do that math it's been 11 hours look brisket takes a while absolutely takes a while fingers are crossed in my welding gloves that it will be delicious it smells delicious let's check shall we hey voila ah look we're cooking a bag but here we go yank that out let's just kill the smoker and we'll take our friend off so i'll tell you something you see this i don't know if you can get what's going on there's this flexibility thing that is what you want let's take it over let me show you step five potentially the most important step let me tell you why this is an important step if we unwrap the brisket right now and cut it it'll be tremendous it might even be amazing i don't know my fingers are crossed but one thing for sure is going to happen all the juice and the moisture that's there is going to run the hell out and any brisket you save for tomorrow is going to be dry and you don't want that you don't want to be forced to use like a sauce or a gravy or a whatever to to bring it back to life a barbecue sauce a barbecue sauce we'll be dipping in we won't be serving it with on on top of you know what i mean don't do this to me it's late okay so what we're gonna use to rest this in so it doesn't go cold too fast is ready a cooler ladies and gentlemen a regular everyday beach cooler and this is the thing that people don't know a cooler keeps things cold we all get that but because it's a insulated box it also keeps things hot so two things are gonna happen here it's a perfect place for us to rest this in but because brisket cooking can be all over the board it could be 12 hours today it could be 15 hours tomorrow you just don't know it depends on the brisket and the temperature what's going on and how you prepped it the whole thing let's say you have people coming over at five o'clock and your brisket is ready at 1 pm nobody freak out we put it in the cooler like i'm gonna show you and at five o'clock it'll still be perfect coolers keep things cold and hot it's just an insulated thermal box we all get that oh yeah all right so here's how we do this we open the lid i'm gonna put down a couple towels a couple beach towels will work or what are these kitchen towels hand towels i hope this hope this cooler is big enough actually so i put a double layer of these down and then because this is greasy and i don't want to kill my hand towels i'm going to put down a double piece of our butcher paper that it's wrapped in we grab up our brisket and we go like that one more piece of the paper on top a couple more towels and we're done let me tell you your resting time should be two hours it's gonna be fine please don't think it's gonna be cold sam it's gonna be cold i just explained it keeps things hot two hours give it a chance to do what it wants to do relax all the juices are out on the outsides they come back in everybody's happy in here if you got an hour you go an hour let's just say you've been drinking there's been extracurricular activities you cannot wait they want to eat now max what do you say to that it'll be warm chill i'm saying what if they're like really like beft up after a fun night and they want to eat now they don't want to wait go ahead no they can't max says you can't i'm telling you you can don't expect great brisket tomorrow but if you're really having fun you'll probably eat the whole thing anyways you're going to see us again in an hour and a half all right boys what is our ideal resting period for a brisket two hours two hours how long has it been since we put it in here ten minutes ten minutes why because we want it so bad we're hungry we can't wait we're dying look it's been since 11 this morning that we've been here it's now quarter to 12. i think we deserve a bite and but as my father would have said if he was still here don't do as i do do as i say i'm saying to you let it rest two hours what i'm about to do is bust it open after like 15 minutes shall we let's do it here we go there it is that's very anticlimactic isn't it a bunch of towels you expect to see something good you know well but the towels smell amazing and then we take that off and there is our fries so now i got to get this off and set it down on here oh hi uh so before i open this guy up just let me say one thing i'm a cook i'm not a barbecue guy this is out of my general wheelhouse my wheelhouse is like burritos and burgers and sandwiches and steaks and stuff like that is a whole other thing i've had huge amounts of anxiety the entire day and this is the moment right now this is like i'm about to get my my my s.a.t results back and my s.a.t results were not great so i'm hoping to turn things around right now but i just don't know nothing i can do max just said to me i'll tell you one thing i thought he was going to get emotional with me and he went let me tell you one thing it's done you can't change it it is what it is you hope for a little bit more than that from your children but all right [ __ ] it let's go i gotta own this moment and i will all right so the looks aren't everything i mean look at me jokes okay but this that what just happened there let me try and do this the jiggle oh i gotta get this off in one two three oh it's hot but it's quite pretty isn't it [ __ ] beautiful man wow so let's just see if it so there's more jiggle here than i've ever experienced so i think that's a good thing so now here's the problem that we have ladies and gentlemen this is the flat and this is the point and the direction of the grain runs sort of this way and then this way so we need to make a decision on how we cut this and a serrated knife is really the great way to go and while i don't have a cooking guy serrated knife in my hand quite yet there's a chance there could be one we gotta figure this kid out so somewhere around here we'll be good at separating point from flat so let's just go about here oh so that was a very very happy feeling cut and let's look so a little smoking around here not a ton but enough that i'm okay with it now just remember a pellet smoker does not deliver the same amount of smoke as a stick smoker when you put like actual pieces of wood in oh my god the juices look at what's happening here okay can you just super close up on that or something oh yeah but let me show you what a good sign is oh my god holy s we're all eating big tomorrow boys that's crazy all right so now i got to cut this kid hold on we got a couple pieces out of the flat first right so let's just take a piece right from here oh do you see it's just pouring out one more one perfect one here and then i'm gonna show you something that we'll see if it can do this so here's a here's an important test does it flop like that that i don't know the technical term but that's the flop test and you want it to flop you want it to to relax down on the sides and you also want this to happen now i've already started to f it up you don't want it to fall and break apart under its own weight but you want to do this and then have that happen that means there's enough texture to it without it being too too soft which is a sin in the barbecue world i need a bite before i get anywhere else in this all right here's the plan all three of us are having bites at the same time it's like it's like we're like cheersing max just freaked at a a nighttime moth hold on let me put these on here i gave you each a paper towel chansey take one thank you there you go big boy okay hold on i got it hold on i got mine ready one two three go oh my god wow melt in your [ __ ] mouth holy [ __ ] oh my god that is ridiculous so worth the 12 hours oh my god wait the barbecue sauce remember the barbecue sauce oh yeah i made it it's cool now honestly the flavor of this is so magnificent you don't really need that but uh who's uh who's to say that a little of this isn't gonna be damn good and i know that the little chunky bits that i like in this are not that common but the tartness of the apple cider vinegar in that absolutely marries perfectly with the fatty richness of the brisket you cut this thing down to like a quarter of an inch of fat on the top you don't need more than that trust me this is mental okay so one more thing look this is the oh my god the fat here is just like insane this is the flat part this is the thinner part this is the part that would dry out quicker but when you can do this and see the juice running out of the flat part by itself that's very special this part here the point you assume is going to be juicy you don't always get that with the flat but with the point watch how little pressure this needs it's like it's a rainy day in uh palm springs i don't even know what that means but oh my god i'm gonna cut a few pieces we're gonna have a few bites we're gonna say goodbye all right let's just recap what we've learned today a a brisket can be an absolute pain in the ass expect more time than less expect about an hour per pound in cooking time pre-trim weight this was 10.3 pounds and it took us uh 10.3 11 hours to cook so but and if it's the first time you're gonna do this you're probably gonna mess up so start way earlier than you need to knowing that a cooler can be your best friend for holding and maintaining the temperature and the integrity of your brisket for as long as you need it to which is easy four or five hours it's late we're tired but this was our reward and this could be your reward oh my god the fat in here ridiculous honestly ridiculous the whole thing you
Views: 819,866
Rating: 4.9122739 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, brisket, texas brisket, sam the cooking guy brisket, brisket at home, smoked brisket, sam the cooking guy smoked brisket, smoked, sam the cooking guy smoked, texas smoked brisket
Id: odtbfCu58mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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