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All this time wondering if we could, no one bothered to ask if we should. Getting tired of these bs internet trend videos.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/abnormally-cliche 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Absolute garbage. Max's stoner tiktok recipe bullshit

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/shotnote 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

April fools anyone?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SassdardlyCoward 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought they weren't terrible. I had some leftover maui kettle chips and did this. Tasted fine, nothing amazing but not bad. I'd recommend crushing up the chips first.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Delitefulcookie 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I appreciate weird videos like this, never going to make this, but appreciate the video.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/la727 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

While watching that I can only think how salty AF those mashed potatoes would be.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/beerisgoodforu 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Feels like there hasn’t been a good video in a while. Tired of the tik tok bullshit

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Toddwurdd 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sorry I was late getting this posted...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hahaha. Loved it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Job_Shopper_TN 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
there are moments in life when happy mistakes turn into glorious results and this is one of them it's the craziest thing so there i was the other day i'm cleaning out a few things in the pantry you know you got to look at the dates ladies and gentlemen if you haven't checked dates on cans and and bottles and things that are in your pantry you must do it so as i'm looking at some things i come across a bag of instant mashed potatoes now why would i have these i know how to make mashed potatoes in fact i think my mashed potatoes are some of the best ones ever but maybe i had these for like a breading on the outside of something it's common for that maybe in past cookbook shoots i've needed mashed potatoes just for a quick shot and this was an easy way to get them doesn't really matter while they're there i'm not really a fan of these anymore but while i was checking dates i come across this date and this is best used by 2019. so clearly they've been sitting there a while so i take it and i go like this throw it out and then the light bell hits does the light belt hit or does it go off yes i meant the light bulb then the light that's why it didn't sound right then the light bulb went off like this right there above my head and what the light bulb said to me was hey sammy boy if that's just dried potatoes that you add moisture to to turn into mashed potatoes wouldn't this do the same thing hell yeah with a little bit more work so i get here early the other day before a shoot i make a batch of it max chance and deb start wandering in and i've got it made and i go here try this and tell me what you think they try it i didn't say what it was max assumed right away it was very delicious cauliflower mash and the other two sheep just went along with him yes delicious cauliflower mash goes nuts it's made from potato chips and that's what we're doing except not just with these because we got different flavors to try too i'm telling you how easy this is crazy so pay attention and as long as you got one of these in your house and a little i don't know milk product you're eating large with delicious mashed potatoes that nobody will know in fact that's the fun part don't tell them the people you cook for just make them let them say oh my god these are so good all right we begin with a scale look i know it's ridiculous to be using a scale to weigh potato chips for mashed potatoes but there's a bit of a science to it so we'll put our container on we'll zero it out we want three ounces of potato chips to go with one cup of water so two point oh look this is too small can i do this yeah i could have used something bigger couldn't i no i had to do this i had to be difficult nothing need comes easy here 2.99 and that should do it nope it didn't do it this should do it nope it didn't do it how's this not adding up this should do it nope that didn't there we go oh now it's over it's okay we're gonna be fine all right we got our chips now to the evo and we begin with one cup aka eight ounces of water all right now you got to get the water hot it doesn't have to boil but you want it almost to the point where it is it will just help soften up these chips in a much much more efficient way honestly the prep for this could be more ridiculous weigh out three ounces of chips simmer some water and you're basically there and to make it really easy you could buy that variety pack of 20 bags of one ounces each and just grab three of them who knows a combination might be great but when it looks like that here we go look i could have put them in a bag and crush them up first but that's a whole extra step that i think is a waste of your time so you drop them in and then with a big spoon push everybody under the key i think in a ridiculous recipe like this is to just get them moistened first because once they get wet they'll start to break down and that's what you want so now just let them sit there for a second try not to splash yourself with hot freaking water you can see the process is happening right okay i know you're looking at this and you're thinking right sam just looks like wet potato chips to me that doesn't look like anything yet and i say well hold on there sparky give it a second i didn't say it was a two second recipe i just said it was an easy recipe but it's happening oh baby it's happening and the more time you give it and the more you moosh it around like this the more mashed potato like it gets okay so now after a couple of minutes you can see look i mean that that looks ish like mashed potatoes but we want it a little creamier so i've got a quarter cup of half and half half cream half milk if you're gonna make it yourself and we're just gonna let this do its thing now now we're talking dang look it all right we don't need to salt it because the chips were salted but let's give it some pepper a couple nice grinds of black pepper is always a good thing and i ladies and gentlemen i'm ready to plate this ridiculous little concoction let's go so using one of these little cast iron pots i keep my salt and pepper in we're going to make this beautiful and i'm gonna try not to mess the edges okay max okay let's go one more oh i love it and the smell the boys just commented it's sort of like an enhanced potato chip smell now i'm gonna finish it with just two things just a little bit of really good extra virgin olive oil and some beautiful little perfectly cut chives look at this who knew you could do that i love them boys you love them thank you chance max can't contribute today i love them but creamy mashed potatoes is there any difference really oh yeah they're like a thousand times easier to make and a little drizzle of good olive oil is a very welcome thing i mean it just adds to the gorgeousness the richness of the whole thing but i mean come on you go from nothing to mashed potatoes in what eight minutes i i think that's pretty damn good your boiled potatoes are not even close to being ready in that time but now the all-important taste test [Music] still a little more a little more a little more a little more if you hadn't told me that someone made these out of a bag of potato chips i would have been like oh do you have any more mashed potatoes these are really good the boys are right it is like an enhanced potato chip flavor but you wouldn't recognize it as potato chips in this just as deliciously enhanced potato flavor and so here's the thinking if it works with plain chips these other ones over here well let's just find out shall we i'm ready for cheddar jalapeno oh do you have a choice sour cream and onion i think i'm sour cream and onion too we'll do that first max you got overruled finally i took a win on my side from chance i should go to the races today i'm feeling lucky sour cream and onion begin like all the others with three ounces of chips going into eight ounces of simmering water we mix them in pushing down so they get moistened and start turning yes mushy and when you're pretty happy with the results add one quarter cup of half and half cream stir until smooth and then plate or in this case bowl and we'll add some extra virgin olive oil a few grinds of pepper and green onions to keep in our theme next up cheesy jalapeno and the steps are the same of course we mix we mush we add the cream we stir and stir until smooth and creamy and then plate damn i meant bowl and this time adding a little cheddar blend on top dill one of my favorite chips by the way and i wish they were actually green in any case i don't think i need to tell you any more about what to do other than we added some chopped dill pickles to the top and finally barbecue it goes through the same steps smelling amazing the whole time by the way and they get a few crushed chips on top just to make them pretty people are waiting first up this sour cream and onion gorgeous gorgeous definitely fave contender but we got the other ones too you'll see how they come out my turn cheddar jalapeno yum oh snap little little heat on the back end wow finally dill pickle i thought this is going to be horrible this is not horrible in the least wow i'm impressed last but not least barbecue barbecue potato chip mashed freaking potatoes smelled the best while they were making wow this is the silliest but most delicious thing ever mashed potatoes are hard no they're not anymore don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell all right as the first sam said not the best looking sam but the first sam hit the notification bell subscribe leave us a little uh note we love you see ya you gotta make this thank you sam good idea i don't care which version just do it you
Views: 516,417
Rating: 4.9023771 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, mashed potatoes, sam the cooking guy potatoes, sam the cooking guy mashed potatoes, sam cooking mashed, sam cooking mashed potatoes, potato chips, mashed potato chips, sam the cooking guy chips, chips, greatest cooking, greatest potato chips, sam the cooking guy greatest, greatest cooking hack, cooking hack, potato chip cooking hack, sam the cooking guy hack, cooking guy hack, latest cooking hack
Id: E7OJ8PtWdo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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