Homemade Fish and Chips Recipe | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/saucebald 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

You told me to come here.

I have arrived.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/DropTopEWop 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

That fish deserves to be drowned in malt vinegar. Holy shit it looks good

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Snakes_have_legs 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Weirdly enough I’ll be making fish and chips tonight. I’m a Brit in London so I’m watching the video right now as I’m interested to see your take on it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kemide22 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why are there not 200k subscribers here yet?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/craysins_NSFS 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

You are supposed to salt the fries within seconds of coming out of the fryer because it's the oil that causes the salt to stick.

Glad to see this recipe, I need a bit of help with my fish batter! Thanks!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KingOfJohnTodd 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is this the right subreddit with the Sam, who always talk with his son about some deep philosophical questions?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/long_story_shortless 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Those fries my gawd drool. I love how Sam gets almost pissed off at how delicious his food is.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PuppityTpup 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Englander91 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
boy will may complete in fish-and-chips you're gonna [ __ ] love it if you haven't watched our 10 top things to eat in London England you should and clearly fish and chips is one of them and since we shot that people have been saying so you gonna hear the birds people are saying so you're gonna show us how to make fish and chips the birds are so fantastic I love it and so we will show you how to make fish and chips Oh mate you want some fish and chips here it's fries I know we say fish and chips but you would never order a burger with a side of chips here in America I know there's other people watching but in America you'd never call them chips you would call them fries which is weird we say let's have fish and chips but then you'd have a burger and fries because if you said in a restaurant I want a burger and chips you probably get potato chips am i right am i right yes I'm right okay but before we get going do well do we want to look at my toe no then I hey easy I dropped a tank I weighed it it's that cast-iron flat griddle ridged on one side smooth on the other which is amazing to have weighs 10 pounds I dropped it on my toe and oh boy did it hurt and oh boy it ain't so good-looking right now but enough of that let's make some fries and when I said we were gonna do this in Mack said what kind of fries are gonna make and I go Bob like goes why don't you make the bigger ones it okay max I can do that for you here we go so we start with a peeled potato obviously and I peel them in advance which is fine but now they're just sitting in this water and the water keeps them from turning brown right do it early so you don't have to do it the last minute then just dry off the potato a little bit and then cut it and we're gonna cut these into what I will call planks they look like this hey hey nice we're just making them wider than ah normal so like this right we want these to be decent size fries slashed you know whatever you call these things nice these are big boys ladies and gentlemen nice big boys nice big boy that's kind of creepy I do assume it has wide not have a gender thing to do when our new subreddit by the way what does that even mean you know about our sub you're so old I'm not that old I do know reddit okay right Sam the cooking guys subreddit page go check it out is that what you say yeah there's some special terminology used to tell people that now that works yeah I'm just gonna go inside and watch a VHS for a few minutes and then I'll come back I I'm not that freaking old let's cook these so we're using a neutral oil could be peanut could be avocado oil could be vegetable oil the key though is we're gonna cook these twice because they're better that way so this is right now the oil for the first cook is about 325 degrees and we're going to give it two three minutes just to start to get them going then we'll take them out then we'll trim up the oil and after about three or four minutes they're not gonna look golden brown like fries and that's all cakes are doing it twice so we'll just take them out and put them on a baking sheet with a rack we've talked about how important Iraq is we'll put a link it will definitely help your food world look at that kid perched up there on the edge his last one and if you have more fries put them in let them do this first cooking and then we'll continue and while these finish their first frying we make a little tartar sauce because it's fish and chips folks you got to have some kind of tartar sauce with it and it looks like this so we start with this that is what Mac's sour cream no it's nonfat Greek yogurt because you'll get to the same place but it will be healthier for you because I care about everyone's health and then we add a little Wurster Shire one of my favorites a little lemon juice a little salt some fresh dill and if you didn't have fresh dill you could absolutely use dried and some pickle so let me just get these fries out before we continue because they're ready telling you after these guys go through their next frying you're gonna be very happy but I mean Oh after these go through their next frying you're gonna be very happy with them I mean I'm gonna be very happy with them you will if you make them okay so they're all out so for this guy they've had their first frying at 325 degrees for about four five minutes each set of them now we turn the heat up to 375 and that's when they get the crispy outside the golden color the deliciousness but until it gets hot enough we continue with our tartar sauce that needs one more thing the pickle so this is about one thing cutting this pickle into a little tiny fine dice yum pickle who didn't like that but we want it pretty fine so give it a good chop and when we're there we add it to the yogurt and everything else and we mix look at this that's some freaking amazing gonna be delicious tartar sauce oh my god my oil is now at 375 we'll put the fries slash chips in for their second frying period then we'll make our stuff for the fish because today really is about the fish this is kind of an afterthought but you can't have fish without chips and we go and this second frying is the one that gives them the Chris penis and the gorgeous color on the outside you should never overfill never too much will just bring down the temperature and make everything miserable so do about half and look they're already getting there lovely well those are finishing we have two things to do with flour one is the seasoning flour and one is the flour with the batter seasoning flour first and it goes like this so some flour goes in this is the seasoning flour you don't need that much maybe a cup or so and we add to this kosher salt cayenne pepper garlic powder and some dried dill there's that dill again it's gonna make it amazing and we mix now we make our batter with flour but first let's get rid of our fries because they're ready to come off and you tell me who's beautiful because if I'm not mistaken these plank fries which is what I will call them now are freakin gorgeous so out they come Wow I'm trying to be so careful because I don't want any hot oil on me by the way if you're looking at this and you go out Sam I don't have one of those racks is it okay just to put the fries on paper towels I'm gonna tell you it's actually not you'd be better to go on like a paper bag ripped open and spread out paper towels just kind of hold in the oil and it lives right beside these gorgeous fries and you don't want that now we go back in with the ones that aren't second fried yet and these guys now get a little salt it's best to salt them while they're warm because they kind of hang on to it a little bit better oh you know what that means that means I have to eat this one five-second rule oh my god crispy perfect outside light fluffy inside fry them twice ladies and gentlemen M for the person that bitched me out for using a was that thing like the deep fryer sometime back I don't have a deep fryer what am I supposed to do do this I feel like I said it then give me grief because I use the deep fryer because some people have a deep fryer and maybe they don't use it I'm just saying oh my god best fries ever and God help us if we called this episode best fries ever but best fries ever okay whenever ones come out they're gonna go on here then they go in the oven while the fish cooks back to our batter we start with flour just your regular everyday basic flour Guy Fieri would call it AP flour cuz he's got fury we had a little cornstarch this helps with crispness then we had two liquids the first is some beer and I'm using a lightish Mexican beer and from San Diego after all and I'll show you how I want this beautiful see that that's what I want I don't want it too thick but I did promise two liquids and the last liquid is but a quarter of a cup of pickle juice hey Shh there was a seed just went in there quarter a cup of pickle juice lovely that's just gonna intensify that delicious briny flavor fries are ready we take them out we cut the fish and we're eating and we cook it and we're frying fish that's what I meant so gorgeous okay honestly these are unbelievably fabulous hello perfect fries you are my friend oh gosh okay this new batch gets salted oh oh oh oh crap crap a little more flows guys and they go in the oven fish time look my favorite fish and chips is cod I love cod except when I went to the store today didn't have any clot could have gone further afield yes did I leave it to the last minute yes can I turn this into a lesson yes absolutely sometimes ladies and gentlemen you have to punt sometimes folks you got to deal with something you didn't plan on that's the mark of a professional in the kitchen sort of what I mean BAM yes so what I have is another firm white fish it's not Cod its rockfish it's gonna be amazing nobody would know okay some crazy fishmonger like my friend Tommy you might be like hey [ __ ] what the hell did you use cuz that wasn't my Cod I'm like no it wasn't your Cod because you're too far away and I couldn't get there I left it to the last minute I had to get some Mouse would you get oh I got the rockfish why'd you use that did you taste it no I didn't taste it you should have tasted because it's delicious will be delicious for our purposes today if you want to imagine that as Cod it's Cod but it's not and that's okay that's what I'm telling you it's okay to do things differently look if I give you a recipe and there's five ingredients in it you don't have three of them put other stuff in as long as you're cooking that's all that matters I'm getting all worked up again namaste I'm gonna be alright need to get back to yoga or meditation or something but let's make this so we'll make each of these Flay's into two pieces like that like that and then we flour so the fish goes like this it goes in our seasoned flour and this is gonna help this batter beside me stick so we take it out we shake off the excess and then we go lovely lovely lovely give it a turn everybody gets covered pick it up we shake shake shake and we go straight into our 350 degree ish oil and we repeat with the other pieces and with Gardiner's knocking at our side neighbor's backyard we put another piece in alright so after about three four minutes on each side takes oh my we turn them and look at this Wow gorgeous absolutely gorgeous to get another three ish minutes four minutes on this side and then we take them out let's take them out Wow there we go unbelievable look at that check gorgeous or what that's some fine-looking fish you know how we say and we mix now and we so we've got our fries he's plank fries that are freaking gorgeous and super hot just make a few of those right there hello guys we'll take a piece of our fish put it here and we'll put some of our tartar sauce and who eats like this is caveman style one last thing some lemons come on first things first a plank fry which by the way I don't know is the term and if it's not I just made it up mmm fluffy inside look there's a reason you double fry them crispy fluffy the whole thing but with all this tartar sauce sitting here how do you not even try that ridiculous the fish come check this out and have a look here it's hot it's late oh the steam look how moist oh come on now that's crazy I need I need some tartar sauce on here and now I must make this a bite okay crispy superlight but look how thin the batter is right sometimes you have it and it's like an inch thick no it's light the fishes the fishes you can see its moist its delicate it's fantastic and the tartar sauce with the dill and the lemon and the little Wurster Shire Oh mmm okay here's what I'm gonna tell you you just got to make it I have the lemon I forgot the lemon and that tartar sauce you got to make it because this is seriously some freaking crazy delicious fish mmm the dill all right thanks for hanging out thanks for being here thanks for watching thanks for liking and thanks for commenting thanks for thank you thank you thank you I can't say it enough thank you the fries the fish it's insane it's insane here I don't know why I'm not 2,000 pounds might be I might be soon if I keep going like this yeah
Views: 1,695,054
Rating: 4.9018707 out of 5
Keywords: fish and chips, fish, homemade fish and chips, fish and chips recipe, homemade fries, beer battered, tartar sauce, sam the cooking guy, recipe fish and chips, recipe for fish and chips, how to make fish and chips, beer battered fish and chips, beer battered fish recipe, best fish and chips, best fish and chips recipe, healthy tartar sauce, healthy tartar sauce recipe, fried fish and chips, english fish and chips
Id: z7EBv6LMhN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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